
Dragon age 2 requires a special species ability. Dragon Age - Origins - Forming a Universal Party

The majestic arches of Kirkwall shine under the bright sun. Rich people of the Upper City, high estates, casemates, stone sculptures, templars, magicians, slave traders, power, money...

There is a huge world ahead, full of friends and enemies, treasures and horrors, tragedies and glorious deeds. We are obliged to make our hero worthy of a great life, but this requires not only a sense of adventure, but also knowledge. Yes, the very knowledge that, as you know, is power!

Do you have a plan, Mr. Hawk?

To raise Hawk well, we need to know what to expect. By the end of the game you can reach level 21-25 if you complete all the main and side quests. That's 20-24 skill points and 60-72 stat points to distribute. In addition, the game provides us with a chance to “earn extra money” for our development. In the original game, three books were found that provide additional skills. How to get them?

    We look into Hubert's shop in the Upper Town in the first chapter.

    After returning from the Deep Paths, we visit the Dalish elf merchant.

    We ask the demon in the Shadow for knowledge in the second chapter.

Now an increase in characteristics.

    We buy the book at the trinket store in the Lower Town in the second chapter (+2 stat points).

    We solve the puzzle with the book and barrels in the Shadow in the second chapter (+3).

    We read the first of the “evil books” found in the second chapter (+2).

    We ask for power from the demon in the Shadow in the second chapter (+6).

    We buy the book in “Blades of Corval” in the third chapter (+2).

Unfortunately, the demon will not be able to beg both knowledge and power at once, so you will have to choose: 1 skill or 6 stat points. The third option (magic) gives us a protective rune.

The total is 22-27 talents and 69-87 stat points. We will rely on these numbers when planning the development of our character.

This is interesting: In the very first days after the game’s release, the developers released the “Black Shop” add-on, in which you can purchase several interesting items. Among them there are things that give additional skill points and characteristics, as well as a whistle calling for help fighting dog mabari.

All skills in Dragon Age 2 are clearly divided into three types - activated, switched and passive. Activated ones give a one-time effect that costs a fixed amount of stamina or mana. The included ones give a permanent effect, but require us to “reserve” part of our mana or stamina reserves. Passive abilities do not require any cost, and their benefits begin immediately upon acquisition.

The concept of “interclass interaction” has been introduced into the game. It works like this. Warriors can stun enemies, robbers disorientate, and magicians - to do fragile. The other two classes have abilities that deal additional damage to enemies in one of these states. Thus, the developers are pushing us to use all three specialties - maintaining, for example, a warrior and three magicians will be unprofitable.

For a complete list of skills, see the table. In the meantime, we'll talk about classes, their abilities and specializations.

Interclass interaction


The warrior begins:


Repeated concussion

The Ripper begins:


The robber continues:

Merciless Strike

The duelist continues:

Family feud

The magician continues:

Paralyzing Dungeon

Chain reaction

The magician of power continues:

Creator's Hammer

The blood mage continues:



The robber begins:

Disorienting Shot

Sweltering Fog

The shadow begins:

Critically disorientated
tipping blow

The warrior continues:


The Ripper continues:


The magician continues:

Golem Fist

Spiritual Strike

walking bomb


The magician begins:

Winter blast

Deep freezing


The warrior continues:

Crushing blow


The robber continues:

Crushing Arrow

Piercing Arrow

The killer continues:



Weapon and shield. One of two basic options for developing a warrior. Defensive skills predominate. Good ability shield defense, Immunity to critical hits is also interesting. It makes sense to take attacking abilities only together with improvements.

Two-handed weapon. Almost the entire branch is strong. If you develop a warrior with a two-handed weapon, then you should not save skill points here. I would especially like to note the combination vortex(with improvement tornado) and passive split.

Vanguard. Various attack skills. Useful for a warrior with a two-handed weapon. We'll definitely take it dissection With claymore(necessary for inter-class interaction) and passive exterminator(reduces enemy damage resistance).

Intercessor. More suitable for a warrior with a shield. The skills here are not so impressive unless you play on the maximum difficulty level. And in a “nightmare” they will also be useful elemental shield(certainly with improvement), and stronghold, And steadfastness.

Warmonger. Two activated abilities, useful for a warrior who likes to attack (and also for cross-class interaction), and two skills for a regular "tank". Moreover mockery- a very important skill for a warrior with a shield at high difficulty levels.

Combat master. An interesting branch aimed at restoring the group’s stamina and mana. Goes well with any development option. Coherence in battle- A required skill for a group defender. Support recharges very quickly - with its help you can completely restore your stamina. Encouragement will quickly restore stamina and mana for the entire group.

Templar. At first glance, this is not the strongest specialization. Magic fighters receive +10% damage against spellcasters and creatures of the Shadow. Also in the arsenal are dispelling magic and silence, which not only prohibits the use of magic, but also prevents enemy robbers from becoming invisible. Of the passive skills, it is noteworthy liquidation, granting 50% magic resistance.

Berserk. As you might guess, these skills are aimed at increasing damage. Furious warriors receive bonuses to stamina recovery, but this does not help much, since the berserker abilities require a very high cost. They help out death blow(but you can’t get it before level 15) and skills support And second wind from the Combat Master branch.

The Ripper. Warriors of this specialization spare neither themselves nor their enemies. The first ability bloody frenzy hints at what to do healthy image harmful to life. Nice and passive fervor, but you can’t get it before level 13. Voracity And gluttony participate in interclass combinations. Also, for specialization, 5% damage is added to all attacks.

Furious Ripper

Specializations: berserker at level 7, ripper at level 14.

Specifications: strength up to 41, endurance up to 31, willpower - the rest.

Furious Ripper
Mighty blow Adrenalin
Giant's Limit Endless Berserker's Rage
Strength Reckless Squall
Control Berserker's Wild Rage
Scythe Bloody Frenzy
Dissection Deadly Strike
Destroyer Slaughterhouse
Split Devouring
Berserker's Rage Sacrificial Fury
Dam Aura of pain
Claymore Fervor

The flying dead are a common sight around Kirkwall.

Yes, with such a handsome man there is no point in using fire!

This is important: here and in subsequent tablets italics Improvements to previously taken abilities will be highlighted.

A furious warrior is created to do good, that is, to inflict maximum damage in a minimum time. All skills are matched to this idea. Mode berserker uses up stamina very quickly, so you should think about taking skills supports And second wind. The main advantages of the ripper are: bloody frenzy And fervor. Don't forget to use dam in the midst of a difficult battle. Do not undergo treatment unless absolutely necessary. Remember - your damage is higher, the less health you have.

But you can develop a little differently. For example, abandon the second specialization and invest skill points in improvements two-handed weapons.


Specializations: ripper at level 7, templar at level 14.

Specifications: strength and endurance as 2:1.

Crushing blow Reaper
Giant's Limit Support
Control Second wind
Scythe Killer Strike
Strength Slaughterhouse
Dissection Cleansing
Vortex Silence
Bloody Frenzy Long cleansing
Destroyer Righteous Strike
Claymore Liquidation
Split Wave of cleansing

Simple strikes from a warrior with a two-handed weapon damage multiple enemies.

What does the main character think about when we're not looking at him?

A good warrior, “sharpened” for fighting magicians and robbers. He interacts well with other team members; in addition to the narrow-profile skills of a templar, he has a set of crushing blows. Mighty blow, reaper, split, claymore— try to use all this only for its intended purpose, that is, against fragile targets or to stun. Support recharges very quickly, use it during short breaks in battle. Considering second wind and potions, you shouldn't have problems with stamina.

It doesn’t matter in what order to take the specializations - from the branch the ripper we only need one skill. You can become templar at the seventh level and earlier get cleansing And silence or postpone this opportunity and develop two-handed weapon And avant-garde.


Specializations: Templar at level 7.

Specifications: strength and endurance.

Shield Bash Series
Shield defense Scattering
Blade retraction Shield Wall
Storm Protection from the elements
Elemental Shield Unity
Diffusion Fearless Coherence
Stone wall Heroic Coherence
Stronghold Support
Encouragement Second wind
Coherence in battle Vigilance
Cleansing Security
push The last push

One of possible options"tank". The defender is immune to flank attacks and critical hits. Encouragement will help spread elemental shield on party members and restore mana or stamina reserves. Use the mode coherence in battle in combination with gravity ring magician, and you will be securely covered in any battles.

For a robber, a defender will be a best friend. His shield stuns enemies and diffusion And storm can cause serious damage to disoriented targets. After chaos or sweltering fog better to apply scattering, because it hits several targets, but at the same time series hits harder.


Elements. Fire skills, unfortunately, are not very useful in Dragon Age 2. Slavers are vulnerable to fire, but qunari, street gangs, mabari, some demons and all dragons are resistant. With cold, the situation is the opposite: mabari, qunari, templars, street gangs, dragons, demons, golems are vulnerable, while slave traders, mercenaries and city guards are resistant. Besides, winter explosion And deep freezing can make the enemy fragile. True, without mastery of the elements the chance is very small. If you have two magicians in your party, then it is advisable for one of them to develop this branch completely.

Spontaneous. Here, unlike the previous thread, we are dealing with earth and lightning. Creatures of darkness, qunari, mercenaries and some demons are vulnerable to natural skills; spiders, Dalish elves, golems and the dead are resistant. With electricity it’s the other way around, only the Qunari have stability. Golem Fist, Wither And chain reaction participate in interclass combinations. Storm- one of two spells of mass destruction that do not affect team members even at the “nightmare” level. Overall, a very strong thread.

Entropy. School of weaknesses and curses. good torture room And removing spoilage: The first allows your rogue to perform critical hits unhindered, while the second protects against powerful enemies. Horror stuns and does good damage, use it regularly. Entropic cloud gives a good effect, but for the last skill of the branch it is rather weak.

Spirit. A set of assorted spells. Spiritual Strike It's cheap and recharges quickly, use it for cross-class interaction. Dispel Magic can help out in some situations. But the most interesting spell is walking bomb. With certain skill, it can cause enormous damage, but at the maximum difficulty level it is of little use - there is a high chance of killing your own group.

Sorcery. Protective magic predominates here. Magic shield It works less well than stated in the description. Barrier lasts only six seconds, and you are unlikely to be able to turn the tide of the battle. Not the best useful school, but you can also benefit from it. Effects elemental weapons from different magicians stack, and theoretically group members can hit with several types of elemental magic. Crushing Dungeon(with improvement) - the most powerful spell that deals damage to a single target, in addition, stunned enemies receive additional damage from it.

Creation. This name combines buffs, health restoration, and runes. Rune of Paralysis It works well, but for a very short time, even with improvement. Heroic Aura And acceleration can seriously increase your team's combat effectiveness. Well, at least one magician must have treatment.

Mage of strength. A new class that was not in Dragon Age: Origins. Good choice for any magician. Fist of the Maker recharges quickly and combines with Military Daze. Passive steadfastness will protect the magician from troubles with interrupting spells. Gravity ring— the best ability in the branch, an excellent defensive spell; use it in combination with acceleration.

Spiritual healer. Classic first aid kit. When playing on high difficulty, you will need a healer. Of the characters being added, only Anders is vying for this role, so the specialization under discussion will be popular among players. The first aid kit contains a standard set: healing aura, group healing, revival. Viability - a passive skill that may be of interest to all magicians.

Blood Mage. The general concept of “forbidden” magic has not changed since the first part. Life force- a mode in which it is not mana that is spent on casting spells, but health. Sacrifice And grave desecration provide an opportunity for treatment. Bleeding - a very powerful skill that deals enormous damage to stunned enemies and does not affect group members (an extremely valuable property on the “nightmare” difficulty level). This is perhaps the best “bloody” magic.

Power Sorcerer

Specializations: strength mage at 7th level.

Specifications: magic and willpower are like 2:1.

Power Sorcerer
Icy grip Mastering the Elements
Fireball Creator's Hammer
cone of cold Spiritual Strike
Firestorm Spiritual Strike (upgrade)
Winter blast walking bomb
Elemental weapons Corrosive walking bomb
Crushing Dungeon The pull of the abyss
Deep freezing Edge of the Abyss
Fist of the Maker Paralyzing Dungeon
Telekinetic Eruption Infectious walking bomb
Gravity ring Steadfastness
Apocalyptic Firestorm

The cone of cold perfectly scatters advancing enemies.

Many enemies in the game are vulnerable to cold. Use it!

Fire support for the team. The sorcerer interacts well with both the warrior and the robber. Mastering the Elements gives us good chances make enemies fragile using our “ice” skills. Spiritual Strike Deals additional damage to disoriented targets. A few words about the walking bomb: at the "nightmare" level, you should abandon the improvement that makes the effect contagious. And you may have to not use this spell at all if you cannot provide high resistance to one of your allies. How can this be done? A templar with liquidation and appropriate equipment. Or any other fighter with improved elemental shield. IN the latter case encouragement will spread the effect of stability to other squad members.

Why was the force mage chosen? He controls the battlefield perfectly. Gravity ring is capable of protecting the entire group in melee combat, and immediately after the effect ends we will apply telekinetic eruption. The pull of the abyss will help deal with arrows, and you can safely use firestorm. Steadfastness helps in use cone of cold.

Blood Mage

Specializations: strength mage at level 7, blood mage at level 14.

Specifications: magic and willpower (for items), the remainder is stamina.

Blood Mage
Chain Lightning Torture whipping
Stone armor Stone fist
Treatment Turn to stone
Horror Withering
Chain reaction Despair
Fist of the Maker Life force
Steadfastness Sacrifice
The pull of the abyss A terrible victim
Gravity ring Bleeding
Barrier Paralyzing bleeding

If enemies get too close, you should not run away. Get your team together and use the gravity ring.

The mage summons a firestorm, which has a great effect on ghosts. Yes, and it looks impressive!

Blood mages have the unique ability to cast spells at the cost of their health. All magic becomes 50% cheaper for us, but this is not the limit! Taking improvement vitality, we bring the ratio to 1 to 3. In addition, you can find items that give an even greater effect. In the original game, you can increase the ratio to 7 mana per 1 point of vitality - which means a virtually endless supply of energy. This is perhaps the main advantage of forbidden witchcraft.

A nice bonus will be the release of 50% of your mana reserve (the other half is spent on blood magic). This energy can be spent on activated abilities - magic shield, stone armor, elemental weapons etc. Should not be discounted and bleeding- a very powerful spell. The downside is the notorious impossibility of treatment. Due to the special vulnerability of blood mages, it is worth considering defensive skills like barrier.

The presented development option cannot be classified as “clean”. The emphasis is on using blood magic mainly in the second half of the game, when our hero’s reserve of abilities will correspond to “infinite” mana.


Specializations: spiritual healer at 7th level.

Specifications: magic and willpower.

Treatment Group healing
Heroic Aura Heroic Aura (upgrade)
Spiritual Strike Renaissance
Big treatment Great Acceleration
Elemental weapons Unity
Dispel Magic Second chance
Conversion Viability
Acceleration Update
Healing aura Refusal

The classic version of a full-time doctor. Useful in any game, required at high difficulty levels. The priest will heal, strengthen, and speed up, and can even dispel enemy magic. True, to maintain heroic aura, elemental weapons And healing aura At the same time, 60% of your mana reserve will be required. Therefore, the healer ability should be activated only for use group healing or revival, the passive effect of the mode is not so important in battle.

With such development, you will have a few skill points left, and they can be used at your discretion. I would try to take spells that involve cross-class interaction.


A weapon in each hand. Twin blades are one of the robber's development options. Explosive Strike can cause huge damage if used at the right time. Stab in the back not only hits hard, but also allows you to move instantly. Double fangs- the third and best attack skill in this branch. On the downside, not a single robber’s ability with daggers provides a disorientation effect.

Archery. An alternative to daggers is bows. Explosive Arrow And pinning shot useful in inter-class interaction . Shower of Arrows does little damage, is good at the beginning of the game or can be improved due to its slowdown. Archer's Spear- An extremely powerful skill. Standard combination: the magician gathers opponents on himself, uses a cone of cold, and the shooter runs in from the flank and kills the unfortunate ones with one shot.

Scoundrel. The skills from this branch are moderately useful, but there is nothing from the “mandatory program”. Weak point Grants a potential damage increase on a critical hit. Instigator can be good if you think in advance about what to use it for. Develop the branch to the end if you expect to use it in battle a harsh chain.

Sabotage. Two of the three ways a robber can disorient an enemy are: chaos And sweltering fog- are among the sabotage skills. This is already a serious reason not to ignore this thread. Other abilities include: jerk - This is a rare opportunity to damage multiple enemies and is useful in the early and mid game.

Specialist. A unique section of skills, almost entirely consisting of switchable abilities. At first glance, the mode accuracy- the best option, but by the middle of the game speed might be more useful. Especially if you have the ability to carry out critical hits with impunity (for example, using merciless blows killers). In such a situation, +15% attack speed and rapid talent recovery will be a powerful argument.

Trick. Typical thieves' skills, a strong branch. Stealth used to deal critical hits and can help survive in difficult situations. WITH residual veil You can perform two critical hits in a row. The remaining skills allow the robber to break away from the attacking enemies and do the main job - causing damage.

Shadow.Shadow Veil in combination with residual veil allows you to regularly perform two critical hits from invisibility. Accurate strike And predator sharply increase damage, and critical disorienting blow works in cross-class interaction. Overall, a very strong branch, useful for both archers and melee fighters. Pairs well with killer.

Duelist. The main feature is the ability blood feud. Fast movement and a strong blow are what any robber needs. However, you should know that family feud not always better than the original. In combination with marked for death an improved option would apply less damage. The thing is that the assassin's skill provides additional damage, and the duelist's strike ignores all resistance or vulnerability modifiers. It's another matter if you have a warrior and want to beat stunned enemies...

Murderer. The most powerful option. All abilities without exception are worthy of attention. Death Mark, targeted strikes, indirect harm make the robber a real killing machine, and assassination attempt- the most powerful blow in the game!


Specializations: assassin at level 7, duelist at level 14.

Specifications: dexterity and cunning.

Evasion Stealthy running
Stealth Disguise
Speed Indirect harm
Tactical retreat Indelible mark
Death Mark Doom Mark
Bloodlust Excess
Aimed Strikes Destruction
Assassination Merciless blows
Challenge to a duel Exciting speed
Parry Lightning speed
Blood feud

Hawk wanted to shout something about Sparta, but then he remembered that this was Kirkwall.

The robbers are coming to the rescue! Hawke and Varrick compete in critical hit rates.

Please note that when developing a sniper, not a single skill was taken from the branch archery. This doesn't mean that the archer's abilities are useless, it's just that the development system in Dragon Age 2 is quite flexible, and in this case we rely on stealth skills and mode speed. From a killer we need almost all the skills, and from a duelist only blood feud, which no need improve. The main striking combination will be the following sequence: merciless blows, death mark, assassination attempt, blood feud, stealth. This way we can deal huge damage to a single target and remain elusive.

If you plan to reliably protect your shooter and think that he does not need precautionary measures, then we are at your service and explosive arrow, And pinning shot, And archer spear. The interclass interaction of the archer is better developed than that of the robber with daggers.

The strongest blow

An interesting competition has emerged between fans of Dragon Age 2. Players are wondering who is capable of inflicting the most damage on a single target? The maximum values ​​are constantly updated, but at the time of writing, the palm belongs to the robber with a bow. At the end of the game, he managed to inflict just over 217 thousand points of damage in one hit. The unfortunate victim was the Archmage Orsino.

Archmage Orsino should have thought carefully about his behavior, but he didn’t know what awaited him!

How is this possible, you ask? Fenris had his mode activated muscle strength and he used encouragement, thereby giving your group +25% critical damage. A new character from the downloadable content, the archer Sebastian, was also featured. The Exiled Prince has an ability like harsh chain and a finishing shot that will give about 45% vulnerability to damage. In addition, the party magician applied to the victim torture whipping and with the help of a winter explosion made a target fragile.

Hawk himself developed as much as possible cunning, drank a potion +10% damage, used on Orsino death mark(with improvements) and delivered the most powerful blow - assassination attempt(also fully developed). But the most important thing: the main character was equipped with a bow that deals fire damage. There are enough things in the game that increase the damage done, but if physical damage increases by 3-6%, then fire damage can be increased by 12-15% with items of the same level. That is, elemental weapons are potentially more powerful than physical ones. In general... you wouldn't want to be in Orsino's shoes at that very moment!

Shadow Assassin

Specializations: assassin at level 7, shadow at level 14.

Specifications: dexterity and cunning.

Shadow Assassin
Stab in the back Destruction
Harsh chain Recapture
Explosive Strike Indirect harm
Evasion Doom Mark
Breath of the Chameleon Merciless blows
Insidiousness Accurate injection
Punching Excess
Double fangs Critically
disorienting blow
Death Mark Predator
Bloodlust Inconspicuousness
Aimed Strikes Bait
Assassination Shadow Veil

Isabella thrusts her blades not only up close, but also from a distance. A real pirate!

This icon above the magician means
that he is fragile. Think,
the hint is clear.

Sniper with daggers - these are precise and extremely painful blows. Each dagger individually does less damage than a bow; an attack with two daggers combined does more damage. Fully developed skills killers— there’s simply nothing to refuse.

Use the same attack sequence as an archer, except blood feud. We won't have dueling skills, but we will shadows there are other advantages. We disorientate enemies with attacks from cover, score critical hits by attacking from the flanks, get a bonus to damage, and create a double when we need to create a distraction. Best option robber with daggers.


Specializations: duelist at 7th level, shadow at 14th level.

Specifications: dexterity and cunning.

Stab in the back Harmony
Harsh chain Sure Strikes
Back to back Tricky maneuvers
Explosive Strike Accurate injection
Speed Family feud
Accuracy Until the end
Double fangs Invisible friend
Merciless Strike Recapture
Challenge to a duel Stunning Power
Weak point Bleeding Power
Parry Strike back
Blood feud Silent defense

Don't miss the opportunity to take photos -
Rafe as a souvenir with one of the two peace-loving golems in the game.

A warrior's best friend. Fight on the front lines using a harsh chain And explosive blow. Merciless Strike And family feud deal additional damage to stunned targets, and the team fighter, in turn, helps the rogue deal additional damage with weak point. Back to back will quickly move you to your partner, after which you can strike from behind. The duelist's specialization allows him to strengthen his defense, which is useful for a hero with poor health.

We briefly went over the variety of options for Hawk's development. The game provides ample opportunities for creating characters, despite the fact that you can no longer play as either a gnome or an elf. How effective your champion will be depends only on your imagination!

Since our warrior is so harsh that he kills everyone indiscriminately, using someone else in close combat will sooner bring you to the grave than imaginary enemies. The only effective tactic is Hawk + 3 mage/archer. But Dragon Age 2 is still a role-playing game, so I will briefly describe how to develop all the companions.


Two-handed warrior 1.03

Two-handed warrior 1.03

The only full-fledged companion tank in the game. Although you can do just fine without a tank. We put stat points into physique, but we shouldn’t forget about strength in order to keep up with the demands of better equipment. Of the abilities, we develop the branches of intercessor, defender, weapon and shield.


Two-handed warrior 1.03

Two-handed warrior 1.03

The only full-fledged healer companion in the game. Therefore, the mana supply is our priority. We invest 2 points in willpower and 1 in magic. We teach personal branch and Creation. It wouldn't hurt to learn stone armor, mind blast, and barrier. The repulsion rune will also help protect the healer.


Two-handed warrior 1.03

Two-handed warrior 1.03

Available from the very beginning of the game, but after deep paths it leaves us. Since Bethany is a combat mage, we give 2 points for magic and 1 for willpower. We teach the elemental branch to the end (fire first). We give Parlatan's staff, runes and jewelry also for fire, and at the beginning of the game we have a death machine. It also makes sense to learn healing.


Two-handed warrior 1.03

Two-handed warrior 1.03

An archer, or rather a crossbowman. We focus on cunning to open locks, but we shouldn’t forget about dexterity either. First of all, we learn the personal branch, and improve the accuracy of the specialist branch to the maximum. Now you can work on the Bianca branch.


Two-handed warrior 1.03

Two-handed warrior 1.03

If you plan to run only with Isabella among the robbers, focus on cunning to open locks. Otherwise, agility is more important. We learn the personal branch and the weapon branch in each hand. It will be useful to learn invisibility.


Two-handed warrior 1.03

Two-handed warrior 1.03

The only companion of the battle mage after Bethany left. We distribute the characteristics in the same way as the younger sister. We learn elemental branches and sorcery. Since the magic shield in version 1.03 only gives the group 5% elemental resistance, there is no point in rushing to improve it.

Interclass combination- this is an attack using several improved companions used during battle in a certain sequence. The result of coordinated actions is increased damage inflicted by the squad on selected targets. Both ordinary enemies and “bosses” are subject to inter-class attacks, only on the former they act with greater efficiency, and on the latter - with less efficiency. The more often inter-class combinations are used in battle, the higher the chance of quickly completing the battle and saving various . A mixed squad benefits from each class's special abilities, allowing for cross-class combinations. Absolute resistance of enemies to all inter-class attacks in the game has not been observed; they are all vulnerable. Much depends on the combination chosen. If the enemy is resistant to the selected ability that is responsible for the start of the combination, then it will not be possible to successfully complete the chain of actions. In this case, there are other combinations to choose from.

Each class has a special status effect ( stunned, disorientation And fragility), with which you can start cross-class combinations: a character of one class applies this effect to an enemy through a skill or spell, and then a character of another class takes advantage of the weakened state of the enemy using another skill or spell. The resulting attack is very powerful and effective. Each of the status effects used in cross-class combos also imposes a penalty on the victim. If a cross-class combo is successful, the effect and its penalty ends, but the significant damage dealt by the combo more than makes up for the loss. In each individual case, an interclass combination can be performed only once. Any spell or skill that deals extra damage to dazed, disoriented, or fragile targets breaks the effect. The attack does not have to end with the second attacker; you can safely introduce a third companion with suitable abilities into the battle.

The text was first published at the beginning of 2012 on the website After the merger of the sites in 2014, all rights belong to Fakusha. Using text on other sites is plagiarism and theft.

Interclass combinations of a warrior in conjunction with a mage and a rogue in Dragon Age 2:

Warriors can stun enemies using several improved skills from the Vanguard and Warmonger schools, as a result of which the attack and defense of enemies are weakened. Magicians benefit from improved attacks against stunned enemies from the Combat Magic and Elemental Magic schools, and robbers benefit from improved skills from the Dual Weapons school. Penalties imposed on a stunned target - enemy attack: −25%; enemy defense: −25%. All improved basic abilities on the left side of the table are compatible with all those on the right side.
An example of an inter-class attack: a warrior with a two-handed weapon begins an attack with the “Split” technique, if it is successful, then the rogue immediately uses the “Coolback + Rollback Master” technique on the same enemy, receiving a bonus to physical strength of 800%, also together with As a rogue, you can use a mage, for example, with the technique “Crushing Dungeon + Paralyzing Dungeon”; if successful, the enemy will be dealt increased damage of 200%.

ClassSchoolCombination startClassSchoolEnd of combination
Warrior Robber

Stagger Chance: 100% against targets; 40% against ordinary enemies.Damage Over Time Chance: 100% against Stunned targets.

Stun Chance: 20% against normal enemies on a critical hit. impactPhysical Strength: 800% against staggered targets.


Stagger Chance: 10% against normal enemies.Physical Damage: 300% against Stunned targets.

Stagger Chance: 100% against stunned targets.Electric Damage: 300% vs. Stunned targets; Elemental Power: 200% against stunned targets.

Stun Chance: 30% against normal enemies.Physical Damage: 200% against Stunned targets. Chance of paralysis: 100% against stunned targets.

Stagger and Stun Chance: 100% against normal enemies.Physical Damage: 600% against Stunned targets.

Physical Damage: 500% against staggered targets.

Interclass combinations of a rogue in conjunction with a warrior and a mage in Dragon Age 2:

Rogues can disorient their enemies using several improved skills from the Wrecker, Scoundrel, and Marksmanship schools, resulting in the latter's defense being significantly reduced. Warriors benefit from improved attacks against disoriented enemies from the “Weapons and Shield” school, and magicians benefit from improved spells from the “Spiritual School.” Penalties imposed on a disoriented target - enemy defense: −50%. All improved basic abilities on the left side of the table are compatible with all those on the right side.
ClassSchoolCombination startClassSchoolEnd of combination
Robber Warrior
Physical Damage: 300% against disoriented targets.

Confusion Chance: 100% against immobilized enemies.Physical Damage: 400% against disoriented targets on final hit.

Confusion Chance: 100% against normal enemies.Physical damage and health regeneration: 300% against/from disoriented targets.

Confusion Chance: 100% against Confused enemies.Physical Damage and Physical Strength: 200% against disoriented targets.

Confusion Chance: 100% for critical hits from cover. Cover: Smoke Arrow, Chameleon's Breath, Impenetrable Mist, Shadow Veil.Spirit Damage: 300% against disoriented targets. Elemental Power: 200% against disoriented targets.

Spirit Damage: 200% against disoriented targets. Physical Strength: 200% against nearby targets upon explosion if the victim is disoriented.

Interclass combinations of a mage in conjunction with a warrior and a robber in Dragon Age 2:

Mages can make enemies fragile using several improved spells from the elemental schools of magic, causing them to become more vulnerable to damage. Improved skills from the “Two-Handed Weapons” school give warriors an advantageous attack against fragile enemies, and improved skills from the “Shooting” school give robbers an advantageous attack against fragile enemies. The advantage a unit gains against a fragile target is critical damage: +50%. All improved basic abilities on the left side of the table are compatible with all those on the right side.
ClassSchoolCombination startClassSchoolEnd of combination
Mage Warrior
Physical Damage: 300% against fragile targets. Physical Strength: 200% against fragile targets.

Chance of fragility: 40% against frozen targets. Freeze Chance: 100% against regular enemies.Physical Damage: 200% against fragile targets. Physical Strength: 200% against fragile targets.

Chance of fragility: 20% against frozen targets. Chance of freezing: 60% against normal enemies.Stun Chance: 100% against fragile targets.

Chance of Fragility: 100% against frozen targets.Fire Damage: 600% against fragile targets. Elemental Power: 400% against fragile targets.

Chance of fragility: 100% against normal enemies.Physical Damage: 600% to all fragile targets along the flight path. Physical Strength: 400% against all fragile targets along the flight path.

Physical Damage: 200% against fragile targets.

Dragon Age: Origins is a party game, despite the fact that you have to play alone. In general, I can’t stand fights like this, but here they are executed somehow more or less clearly and are not so annoying. Moreover, on increased complexity the fights become quite interesting.

As it should be in most similar games, our group should have 4 comrades, and the most effective composition will be: Tank, Healer, Damager and Controller. Who are they?

Tank- a character who distracts enemies towards himself and blocks most of this damage into the shield.

Doctor- the main goal of the healer is to stand behind and heal, ideally the tank, but basically everyone, so as not to die, sometimes adding slightly damage to the target.

Damager— stands behind if you are an archer or a magician, but unlike a healer, he constantly hits enemies. Well, or next to the tank he chops with a two-handed sword. The main thing here is maximum damage in the shortest possible time.

Controller- paralyzes, stuns or blinds and does minor mischief, temporarily disabling enemies and preventing them from attacking.


The best candidate here is either Wynn or the main character. In Dragon Age: Origins there will be missions where the hero will have to run alone, and the easiest way to do this is with a magician who can heal. The only problem is that we won’t meet Winn right away. Healing magic is a situational thing, and although it doesn’t consume mana very much, in the end you will have to use it often, so you will need a lot of Willpower.


Creation branch. Here we take Heroic aura and defense.

Heroic Aura- protects against long-range attacks, can be used on a tank if there are a large number of archers, often simply irreplaceable.

Heroic Defense- protection from melee attacks. Also needed in many places.

Treatment branch. Where would we be without her, she is the one who makes a doctor out of us

We absolutely need the entire thread.

Branch of runes. It imposes even more effects on the group, which will not be unnecessary.

Rune of Paralysis- if you have enough mana, you can use it.

Protective Rune— gives bonuses to mental stability, defense and repelling ranged attacks. A little bit at a time, but all at once.

Rune of repulsion- can be useful to prevent enemies from reaching. It can be useful.

Rune of Neutralization— put under other magicians, sometimes can be used as a dispel. It can’t always be used, but it’s better to take it.

Spirit branch. Here we will need to take dispel and anti-magic barrier.

The 1st spell is useless, but diffusion is a very important spell.
Anti-magic barrier— places a shield on the target that completely blocks all non-physical damage. Also blocks the casting of targeted spells.

Specializations: Spiritual healer.

The only spell that is not very necessary is the last one, because usually not everyone needs to be healed, but only the tank, there is Group Healing for everyone, it usually copes with the task.


The best choice would be Morrigan and, again, ourselves. What does this same controller actually do? In our case, the magician simply prevents the enemy from moving, attacking, or casting bad spells. In addition, no one prevents the controller from applying debuffs (damages that reduce attack, defense, movement speed). And again we put everything into the Power of Magic, and a little bit into Willpower.


Fire elemental branch. We take it for Fireball.

Fireball. What normal magician can do without a fireball these days? In addition to damage, the fireball even knocks down some Bosses. Add a small cost and cooldown and you get the perfect spell.

Earth elemental branch

We take our fist, nothing else is needed.

Elemental branch of ice. The first 3 spells will come in handy.

Icy grip - very useful and irreplaceable.

Ice weapon- telekinetic is better, but this opens up access to the Cone of Ice.

Cone of Ice- like Fireball, this is one of the main spells of a magician. He rarely gains stability, works stably for Bosses, even dragons. Having caught many enemies that you don’t care about now, you can keep them in place for as long as you have mana. The only negative is the attack radius, the archers will simply shoot us.

Spirit Branch - Mana Drain.

Mana Burn— in theory it burns out all the mana, but in practice the enemies manage to be healed. But they can’t hit so hard anymore.

Magic power- quite a useful thing.

Mana Clash- great damage to magicians, because equal to all mana burned. Some bosses, however, are resistant to this.

Spirit Branch - Necromancy

Walking bomb - requires skillful use, but the power is significant and makes clearing groups of enemies much easier.

funnel of death— after switching on, a funnel appears around the character. Once per second, decomposes one corpse, giving mana in the radius of the crater. Controversial aura.

Infectious walking bomb- the same bomb, only easier to use. It’s better to throw at a target that is near death.

Summon Skeleton- an extra, even a dead character is always useful.

Spirit Branch - Mind

Mind Explosion- a useful spell, sometimes it saves you from death.

Force Field- definitely needed. Completely disables the target from the battle, although making it completely invulnerable.

Telekenetic weapons- Better weapon enchantment. There should be one per batch.

Entropy Branch - Paralysis

Weakness- a standard debuff, like Loss of Orientation.

Paralysis- very necessary for safety net.

Toxic fumes- doubtful, but sometimes necessary

Mass paralysis— mass control, which allows you to kick targets.

Entropy Branch - Curse

Damaging vulnerability throwing at a strong target combined with Siphon Life is a very powerful combination.

Contagious corruption you need to throw it at a white target (so that it doesn’t resist) and one that you won’t touch for a long time.

Diverting damage- essentially a debuff, only strong. When successfully applied to a target, its critical hits become normal hits, and normal hits become misses. If he gets through to the boss, then the boss (applies only to melee units) remains helpless.

Fatal damage - makes all hits on the target critical, which is good for bosses - needed by all damage dealers.

Entropy Branch - Dream

Loss of orientation- a good debuff to use on a strong target. Taken for more important spells

Horror- excellent control. Shuts you out of combat for a long time (the stronger the target, the less time). Definitely take it.

Dream- the main spell of the controller, because it has almost no stability, except for orange ones, but it works well on them too. Allows you to perform the same sequence - the one you woke up, the one you kicked. Has a huge AoE. And most importantly - Sleep + Horror - there are several spell combinations in the game, but most are dull (for example, smash frozen), and this has a really huge practical purpose.

A waking nightmare- despite the fact that it appears after sleep, it is a stripped-down version of it in everything - not reliable, less AoE, more rollback. Better take it.

Entropy Branch - Life Siphon

Life Drain useful when the main character plays the role of controller.

Specializations - There is no ideal controller specialization in the game, but Blood Magic is a good option.


Whatever one may say, it’s simply not possible to do without a normal tank - the group will simply be carried out. The best candidate is Alistair/Lohain and The Wall. You can make a main character if you really want to, in principle...

The main characteristic of a tank is, of course, Constitution, but strength is also required for armor and skills, and agility for the shield. We dress for protection and HP. However, that's not all - main task not just withstand blows, but also to distract enemies from allies, and for this you will need provocation skills.

Tank skills

Shield skill line - two stances

First we are given useful shield defense, its improvement, and then blind defense. The last ability, which gives a large bonus to defense, and when Silent Defense is turned on, immunity to being knocked down, is needed. Everything is needed here.

Shield skill line - shield cover

Shield Cover itself works well, but Shield Wall is better, and you can only have one stance at a time. And the whole branch requires an increase in dexterity, so the maximum is worth taking. Shield preparation.

Shield skill branch - shield strike

The best sang is the second one, which stuns pretty consistently.

Specializations. None of them are completely suitable for a tank, but the Vityaz is the closest to this: we reduce the attack of enemies (we live longer), raise the defense and attack of our allies and ourselves, knock over enemies, which gives us a break. You can also experiment with the Ripper - we suck life out of corpses (survivability), cause damage to everyone around and hit the harder the less health remains. But the end result will be a semi-attacking Persian who requires more careful handling. Berserk is not an option. Well, the Templar has the ability to stun everyone and has great mental stability so as not to get up in dreams and paralysis. For a classic tank, we take the Templar + Knight combination.


In addition to the tank, which can withstand the blow, the healer, who mends this tank, and the controller, who prevents enemies from bludgeoning the tank too often, someone else is needed who will give out change for such suffering. Here we simply have a huge choice: A warrior with a two-handed sword, a mage, a battle mage, a warrior with dual weapons, an archer, a robber with daggers. How many options to choose from. One is more beautiful than the other, let’s take a closer look at who is who.

Warrior with a two-handed sword

This type of damage dealer is very popular among beginners because of the highest numbers. Sten, Ogren and the main character will fit here. We put everything into our strength and don’t sweat it. You can add a little more dexterity if you wish. We are looking for clothes that are suitable for damage; protection is not so important here.

Skills and abilities

In addition to standard military skills, we have one of our branches, it has three lines. But first, any damage dealer must take Exit from the battle, because it is important that they hit the tank and not us. It is also advisable to take the last skills from both lines of the warrior - restoring a little stamina is very important, and it’s generally excellent to remove mistakes for a while. And the increase in the chance of a crit in a crowd is pleasing.

Two-Handed Weapon Branch - Stun

We take it all. Hitting with the hilt - additional control. Invincibility - if aggro is broken, or the boss can stun everyone, not just the tank. Chance to stun - can also work on the boss. Healthy. Adjustable crit is also important.

Armor Breaks

The first spell is a debuff. Armor Break - removes the armor of enemies.

Mighty blows

And although including powerful blows is a rather controversial decision, due to penalties to the attack, getting to the only multi-targeted blow is worth it at any cost. Especially considering the nominal damage from a two-handed weapon.

Specializations: - Berserk. For 4 points we get plus damage without penalties and one very strong blow. 2nd - any, if there are points left for development. The Knight will improve things with hits and strengthen the position of the second tank. The Templar is always useful, but not more than 1 in a party, the Ripper is more of a tank, a damage dealer should not take it and spend 4 points on just one useful but dangerous spell - high damage with low health.

Damage Mage

It's best for them to be the main character. We increase the power of magic and a little willpower. We take armor with a bonus to Elemental damage (all kinds of gloves and rings + 20% fire damage, etc.) and magic power. Sometimes you can gain additional reserves or mana regeneration in battle.


We take everything listed in Treatment and Controller only when we have extra points.

Elemental Branch - Fireball. Cone of Lightning + Cone of Cold.

Lightning Stitch. Chain lightning is interesting here.

Branch of Creation - Nature

Magic light— enhances our magical power (i.e. increases damage). It is useful to turn it on when you have already spent 50% of your mana.

Magic Flower– increases the regeneration of mana, which will be in short supply.

Wasp swarm- large damage to one target, take it.

Take the Walking Bomb (Spirit Branch, Necromancy line), if there is not one on the team yet. The rest is control.

Specializations - Blood magic. For 4 points we have an alternative resource for using spells, replenishing it (it is advisable then to take two spells from the Siphon Life line, Entropy branch), Good AoE damage + control and a strong single disable + damage. The last spell-unit-control on bosses in the Maleficar branch will work in best case scenario as damage, because the game will not always allow you to take control of Orange.

Battle Mage

Naturally available only to a magician. Candidates - any magician. A magician who wears light clothes casts all the spells in battle, and when the mana runs out, he reaches into his bag, puts on Heavy Armor, turns on all auras and passives, and goes to beat the mobs in hand-to-hand combat. Lazy magicians immediately wear heavy armor and don’t care about 30-40% fatigue. In this regard, we take the heaviest armor, because fatigue will eventually turn into a bonus to attack. As practice shows, the damage per second with a two-handed, one-handed or dagger is the same, only the dagger penetrates armor even better.


Line of battle magic

Battle magic— allows you to require Magic Power from equipment instead of power. We can immediately carry anything

The second passive skill (when enabled) changes the hit calculation formula from “Strength + Dexterity” to “Magic power + Dexterity”. We don’t have the second one, but we have plenty of the first one. Changes the formula for calculating weapon damage from Strength to Magic Power, which changes increased fatigue to a bonus to attack. When turned on, it takes 50 mana (although this is not said) and immediately gives 50% fatigue instead of 5%. So much, because fatigue is our hit on the enemy. So, in the end, we got the “coolest” armor and weapons (with the exception of bows and daggers). Next we take a passable but useful improvement in attack and defense in the battle mage stance and take...

Shimmering Shield. Gives resistance to all types of magical damage - 75%. Example - In one place, the entire party will receive constant damage from spirit magic. Everyone (including the tank) receives 11-13, the battle mage receives 2 damage. Feel the difference. Gives 100 psych. and physical sustainability. No one, except for the harmful, arrogant and generally uncultured Ogres, can knock down or stun a battle mage. It also gives a serious bonus to armor, not like the solid defense of a tank. You take another 50 energy from your reserve and slowly eats up your mana. This is not a joke or a mistake by the developers - after turning on seconds, after 10 mana you will have 0.

The last spell makes it possible to dodge an attack without an attack-defense check (Dodge, judging by other games with attack-defense, the dodge check comes before the attack-defense check, which is very useful) and mana regeneration, which is nonsense, because the flickering shield it will gobble it up from you anyway. The only thing is that if you are not tanking the boss, then you can not turn on the flickering shield and during the battle magic it will eat away your mana.

But still, let's return to close combat. We also take the previously mentioned Magic Defense and Stone Armor. The first gives protection depending on the Strength of the magician, and the second gives armor. Don't forget to include telekenetic weapons in the party. What do we get when all this is included? And we get a cool character who two minutes ago was running around in a robe, and now receives (at a certain stage of the game) instead of 30-40 damage that the tank received, only 20 from the boss. Hit with 1 sword as if with a two-handed sword (though without the included stances of a two-handed sword), spits on stuns, paralyzes and other people's nukers. Are we all running to download the Battle Mage? Not really. One problem remains - the attack. She's still missing. Even with 100% fatigue. We hang a Heroic Attack on ourselves, remove the enemy’s defense by all means - we can still live this way. But what really literally kills a battle mage is other people’s attack debuffs (Weakness, Curse, other people’s knights) - you can forget about hits. Because to dispel someone else’s debuff is to remove ALL buffs from yourself, don’t forget. And we have from 5 to 8 of them. And then how long will you stand to turn it all on again (and the flickering shield also has a brutal CD)?

Dual wielding warrior

Why warrior? Because the robber is designed for something else. You can, of course, make a rogue-mili-warrior-with-dual-wield, but it will be under-warrior. The candidates are the protagonist and the warriors. Characteristics - strength and dexterity in half. A little more agility for abilities. If you have big problems with men-at-arms, try looking for armor-piercing items. And so everything is simple - maximum damage, armor is looked at by bonuses, not by weight. Although if you are wearing massive armor, you won’t be much different from a tank on bosses. By the way, this is a trait of both damage dealers. They are more reliable than others, tenacious, and less demanding of constant supervision. Abilities - Like a two-hander, native branches all the way are desirable. The only thing with hitting is better here due to greater dexterity.

Weapon branch in each hand

We teach it all the way, without this the penalties for weapons in each hand will be serious and the damage will be small

Debuff line

Double Strike. In fact, with the same attack speed, you begin to hit the target twice as hard (tested, attack speed is not lost). It’s also a plus for damage per hit. The price is the impossibility of regular crits. But for a warrior, crits are not so frequent. Taken in any case for the next spell.

Strike back- Crit + Stun.

Crippling Strike— Crit + removal of defense (and also attack and running speed) from the enemy.

Punisher- optional.

AoE damage

The very first ability, swinging with two weapons, is a godsend. Not only does it deal damage to everyone who is placed somewhere 150 degrees in front of the warrior, but also with increased damage! The two-hander has been pushing through God knows how long before this, and his damage there is normal.

Triple strike - not worth the stamina spent on it.

Rush. E stamina is not a joke, so turn it on when this same stamina is already 0. Increases attack speed very decently. Great ability.

Vortex- makes a blow to everyone around, and for such a price, and even with regular damage. We are not a tank to be surrounded. The swing is much better.

Specializations - Everything is the same as with a two-handed weapon.


Candidates – The main character is a robber or Leliana. Why is a robber better than a warrior? The robber will be able to pick locks. Warrior specs - Berserker is suitable, but the rest are unsuitable, but Rogue has two useful ones. Yes, and the robber will receive a third more crafts - and pump up poisons, and combat training, and if necessary, Persuasion. Crafts - not demanding, poison is welcome, mainly because of grenades, and it will help in close combat, since it is much more reliable to pull out two daggers than to shoot at point-blank range (more on that later). There are no traps, we are standing far away. Characteristics: Agility. We don’t need the ability to replace strength with cunning when calculating an attack, since the bow has its own formula - exclusively dexterity. We download it, it’s a little tricky if we break the locks. Clothes - dexterity. Only dexterity.


From standard robbers, we only need lockpicking if there is no one else in the party, but we can take the line of lethality (replacement in the damage formula, not attack, so the damage will increase, and as a gift for 3 points there are 2 pleasant debuffs, in addition to changing the formula).

Archery branch

Precision shooting useful, we reduce the attack speed, but we get all sorts of tasty treats, although the decrease in attack speed is felt strongly.

String of Special Shots

Shackling Shot It seems like a good control, always useful, but it rarely works.

Cripple Shot- reduces the target’s attack and defense - useful, we hit more often.

Critical Shot pump, good damage.

Arrow killer does very high damage, much more than a critical shot, although there is nothing in the description about this. So download.

Explosive Shot String

Breaking Shot— armor debuff, useful. It also knocks the target down. Unexpected and pleasant.

Suppressive fire— improves the life of the tank by reducing the enemy’s attack. It can be useful on the boss, especially if it works together with aimed shooting if you decide to turn it on.

Explosive Shot— He rarely gains stability; he works over a gigantic area. The only adequate control with a large AoE outside the mage, although conditionally it is multi-target, like a chain monster. Go to him and take it right away.

Specializations — Assassin and Duelist, of course, for close combat. There are two left - Bard and Pathfinder. We take them.

Bard— you only need a third song, which gives advantages to attack, defense and crit. chance. Considering the targeted shooting, there should be no problems with hitting. The only thing is that if you don’t download the trick for picking locks, then your song will be weaker than those of those who download it. But there is more dexterity.

Pathfinder— allows you to summon a Wolf or a Bear or a Spider and improves all three with the last spell.

Wolf has the health of a tank, the same nominal damage, and also reduces the enemy’s armor.

Bear He’s fat, he hits well, he can knock him down, but he’s not like a tank.

We fire any shot in battle for 50 energy, call the wolf. If he was killed, we call the bear. In general, the Pathfinder is a huge support for the squad with new fighters.

Improved Beast- animals get an extra ability, but there are no special differences in stats (damage for a wolf, health for a wolf and a bear). If you have a lot of points, you can spend it. If you only use a wolf, there is little point in spending 3 points.

Robber with daggers

Daggerman. The candidate is only a robber. The Rogue is a unique damage dealer. First of all, it’s worth mentioning the backstab - it always works when stabbing an enemy in the back. Characteristics - Dexterity and cunning. Daggers, unlike bows, require dexterity + strength, and we can replace strength with cunning. And cunning is more necessary for the robber’s other abilities. Crafts - poisons are very, very necessary. It is enough to take combat training to 3, I will explain why. The rest is optional. Clothes - due to the low amount of strength, we will carry the lightest things. Weapons - daggers, with any bonuses, the main thing is that the damage is high. Even with one medium rune of paralysis in 1 dagger, paralysis happens quite often, which is very nice, because as soon as your enemies wake up from control, you will not have backstabs, and your DPS drops.

Capabilities – Firstly, out of the 4 lines of relatives, you will need a little bit from everyone.

Rogue Line - Backstab Line

Dirty fight - control is always nice.

Movement in battle- a great thing, it expands the backstab area from a quarter to a half. Backstabs have become much easier.

Feigned death- better aggro reset. If there is a problem with this, download the Mercy Strike.

Stitch Stitch Tricks

Kick The defense and attack debuff is nice

Deathstroke- armor debuff, also useful.

Third skill Changes the damage formula, so that after taking this ability, the damage will approximately double (in the back for sure). Unfortunately, it does not change the hit formula (strength + agility), but greater agility and permanents from dual weapons should smooth out this disadvantage.. Evasion is again for open combat. It won't add DPS. .

Lock stitch

It is not necessary to take level 4 castles. Locks only enhance the robber's natural ability to break chests and doors, which depends on cunning. Downloading is optional, depending on how often you see it locked.

Invisibility line

There are two options: either take everything, or take two. Option 1 allows you to go stealth right in battle, but if you don’t take level 4, you’ll be constantly noticed. The 2nd option allows you to save points, but from stealth you are only starting the battle; during the battle only Feigned Death will help you drop aggro. Yes, and in the 2nd option you will be noticed often

Dual Wield branch

Everything is a little different here than with a dual-wielding warrior.

Line of Debuffs

Strike back- control is always useful.

Crippling Strike- duplicated as a kick, but useful.

Line 4 permanent

All are needed except the last one, because he gives you swords to carry. The dagger requires dexterity, penetrates armor better, and hits faster. The sword will require strength, penetrates armor less well, and hits more slowly. You can hit with a backstab with a sword, only the formula for calculating damage includes dexterity only for piercing weapons - bows and arrows. For a sword, a ton of dexterity is almost useless. True, mastery of a sword also reduces the cost of use... is it just for the sake of it that you need to level up the 4th level of combat training? The rogue constantly hits with crits (backstab is a type of crit). He doesn’t need songs from the bard for crit, or a diverting damage from the controller.


Murderer. Not discussed. Strengthens backstabs, restores stamina after a kill (like a warrior) and increases all physical strength. damage to target. We don't need the bard - his only useful song is not needed, we don't need any crits or attacks. It would seem obvious - grab the duelist and don’t think about it. Only here's the thing. Essentially, what a duelist gives is: a plus to attack/defense (we have a lot of both), a blow to reduce walking speed/defense (we already have two of these) and all hits = crits for a while. Wait. Backstabs are already critical. So the duelist will give almost nothing to the secretive robber. Therefore, there is a final option - Pathfinder. What does a ranger give for 1 invested point: a pet with the same HP as a tank. Damage from a tank. Reducing the target's defense (same as that of the duelist). Just one point. That is, a little animal that can tank on occasion, and essentially an increase in damage that you won’t find anywhere for 1 point. And you can also call a bear when the wolf dies. Assassin + Duelist is the obvious option. Assassin + Pathfinder seems dubious, but in practice it works well.

Dragon Age - Origins - Forming a universal group was last modified: July 29, 2015 by admin

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In this topic, you can share your skills and give advice on how best to level up this or that character class, how to create the most combat-ready or tenacious group, how to best pump up your allies, how to make the most attacking or the most protected character, etc... Actually, what It’s better to upgrade specializations and invest skill points in them, especially since you can do multiclasses.

(for example, I heard that in the game you can reach level 25 - is this true or not? I completed the main campaign and only gained lvl 20, despite the fact that I completed almost all the tasks - there were only a couple of quests left from the board in the Denerim tavern.. .But where else can you fill 5 levels?).

When leveling up a mage, be sure to take the time to read my article in the Dragon Age FAQ section about Spell Combinations, believe me, this gives serious advantages to the mage.

If we talk about a warrior, then pump up your strength and physique, if your warrior is a shield warrior, then pump up your agility to at least 26, otherwise you will not be a shield master.

About party members: Upgrade Liliana's agility and archer skills, the rest can be neglected, in tactics give her Ranged and Archer. She will be very effective in this. Morrigan, never download this Werewolf for her, which is her default, this is garbage, not a specialization for a companion. Download elemental magics from her, except earth. And the paralysis branch in Entropy, you can also develop the last branch of spirit magic. And don't forget about combos. Alistair is very weak, I don’t even know why, but the developers didn’t do something with him, I raised his physique almost to Sheila’s level, but they still killed him pretty quickly. He is a typical shield warrior, upgrade his shield and warrior skills, as well as his strength, and most importantly his physique. I won’t say anything about the rest, because I almost didn’t take them into the party.
Yes, you can, even up to level 100. When you save or destroy the urn with ashes, when you leave the room with the urn, you are given 750 experience points. Walk back and forth, in the door and back, and swing.

Correctly noted)) The specialization is dead-end to the point of horror. It is better for Morigan to develop to the end the branch of Death, Ice, Kenetics (Where the Crushing Dungeon and the force field are) and Lightning, you can also pump out the earth to the “Fist”, but “petrification” is a terrible spell, much worse than the “Cone of Ice” and then it simply incomparable. She creates three areal effects around herself: Storm, Blizzard, Death Storm, Death Aura, throwing it all with ice cones and she can be played alone without the rest of the party. The rest of me are all brutal warriors, trained purely on bloody fighting styles like the Devourer and Berserker, immeasurable damage, coupled with the restoration of all health with one wave of the hand. Just Argh! It’s just a pity that the walls only ever catch one special girl...

No, because strength and dexterity affect damage to an early extent. I'll just invest a little more in my physique to take the punch. Although I don’t really know yet, here again there’s an ambush with armor, but in armor you won’t be dancing with two blades. You may have to invest a lot in dexterity in order to dodge better. But I’ll still play as a robber, one way or another, just definitely not as an archer; by the way, I’ve already discovered all the specializations of this class. The duelist for two blades is especially good, and getting it is quite interesting, you can win at cards, you can fight, but I trained differently...

Yes, everything is really simple. The main thing is to choose the right tactics. For example, this option:
2 tank warriors, 1 mage, 1 robber.
Warriors have a two-handed sword or a sword + shield, a mage has a staff, freezing and other useful skills, a robber has 2 blades.
The rogue and mage are corpses in melee, even on medium difficulty. It’s pointless to build up their stamina... it’s pointless, because without heavy loads. armor will be wasted skill points. But the damage of the robber and mage is decent. So, we need to make sure that the magician and the robber are not touched, but at the same time they attack the opponents. This is exactly why we need 2 tank warriors. They should definitely be clad in the heaviest armor you can find, because their task is to hold the line. Warriors have special provocation skill. While this skill is active, opponents try to attack only them. And this is exactly what will partially protect our magician and robber. As a result, what we have:
2 tanks take the entire blow and fight back as best they can. And the robber and the magician help them with this. If anything happens, the magician will heal them, and the robber from the flank will help them with all sorts of crippling blows. This is the tactic. I used it the first time I played.

P.S. Sorry for being offtopic, I'll delete the post later.

Re: Weapons

Well, you give me tactics)))
Well, firstly, the player himself will be the tank, because Alistair is given to us with crooked parameters, and making Stan a tank is generally ridiculous. Actually, the tank only needs strength to pull on the armor, but not to attack. He doesn’t need to pump up either endurance or physique (although you can throw a couple of points on the latter if you have extra). Strength needs to be increased to 35-42 in order to wear good heavy armor - and all the remaining points should be thrown into agility. Since agility affects the defense parameter, and this is important first of all, and not physical stability. The higher this indicator, the more often enemies will miss the tank; with an indicator above 100-150, all attacks will practically lose their meaning - at the same time, hang it with all sorts of resists that increase defense and resistance to the elements. The Knight or the Templar are just suitable for this. Alistair has poor dexterity, and therefore cannot save him high rate physique - every enemy blow lands on him, causing the poor templar to lose all HP in a cluster of opponents in a matter of seconds.
Next, you don’t need a mage who deals damage, but a cleric at a minimum. Wynn is the best, although Morigan can also be promoted. The magician will stand at a long distance and constantly heal the tank, giving him both health and all sorts of bonuses to defense. Moreover, for complete happiness, you can throw a Force Field on the tank - he will generally become immune to damage, when using intimidation and ridicule, all the enemies will come running towards him, and the second magician (if there is one) will deal area damage. And the robber will be able to act more efficiently...

As for Stan, he is not thought out, and when learning skills, just go to the tactics menu and manually turn off modes like intimidation, ridicule, etc. for him so that he does not attract enemies to himself.

If you yourself prefer to play as a tank, then you don’t have to take Alistair into the group at all, since one well-dressed tank is just right for the party. As an option - Wynn, who heals, and Morigan hits the area with spells, and Stan, if the case is with the bosses. In another case, if you are a magician, then you can only upgrade Alistair for the tank and no one else.

It seems to me that these last few posts, from the moment we switched from weapons to discussing combat tactics, companions, can be moved to the topic Tips for leveling up, fighting, etc.

And a little more: if you don’t take healer mages, then you can try the Ripper skill for a tank, taking one skill there - restoring health from the corpses of enemies. In this case, this will give the tank additional HP, but in battle it will then require very good damage dealers, magicians and duelists who can very quickly kill all the evil spirits so that the tank has time to heal from corpses and poultices

Re: Weapons

Is this so much dexterity?))

Re: Weapons

Is this so much dexterity?))
Actually, I can’t understand how STen or Alsiter can’t be thought through if we can upgrade their skills ourselves?

And the point here is that you either upgrade your strength for good armor, or your agility for dodging. If you pump up both this and that for one Persian, you will not achieve anything, because the points are not infinite. So here we need to make a distinction, as it were.

no no no, you don't understand
In the character screen window on the left there is such a drawn shield - these are general protection indicators. In heavy armor they reach approximately 60-90, I don’t know if it’s possible to raise it higher without potions and spells... That is, with 42 strength, putting on good armor and a good shield, you will provide yourself with a protection parameter of at least 80 - the rest can be taken with potions, increased with skills or so that the magician throws it. This is what it means to dodge - and if this defense reaches 120-150, then almost none of the enemies will hit the character with their attacks... Also, this parameter increases with agility.

Stan and Alistair are not thought out in the sense that the automatic tactics that are assigned to them imply Stan is intimidation and ridicule for some reason)) Yes, Stan doesn’t have to pump up this skill, but closer to the 15th level he has nowhere to put the points will...

Many people are interested in the question of how to unlock the achievement for critical damage, somewhere here advice was given for a warrior, and I will write for a magician. First, upgrade your Magic skill and only that, without spending too many points on Willpower or anything else. Also try to find all sorts of amulets, staves or armor that give bonuses to magical power. Entropy spells such as sleep, terror, weakness, vulnerability hex, and contagious hex should be learned. Try to ensure that none of your companions touch the victim you have chosen (and that you are not touched too much) - a suitable place is the Mages Tower, where 1-2 Garlocks/Genlocks run out at the hero in the Shadow - they are best suited. So, first cast Sleep on him - then weakness and possible damage - then use Horror (the combination of the sleep and horror spells gives enormous damage, and since we have significantly weakened the target, it receives the most severe damage) - I hit Garlock (or Genlock, I don’t remember) about 300 units of damage

magicians and warriors fly out the window as soon as a robber with two swords enters the battle. This can be said to be simply a murderous thing that blows everyone and everything away in all directions.
We improve agility with this thing, and no one can hit it in melee - with the exception of magic or the breath of a dragon, then the thing can blow away in 5 seconds (it was so funny when I fought with a robber in the Brecilian forest against 4 maleficars alone, since I didn’t take the party))))).

So it’s like this - we add cunning and strength there, but more dexterity. Next, we look for good swords, daggers or hatchets into which runes can be inserted, take good runes at +5 (and what a delight if the weapon was already enchanted with something)
It’s also convenient for this thing to pump up the skill to hold two one-handed swords, and not just a sword and a dagger.
After which we teach the remaining skills so that the fines are removed. You can forget about a robber’s skills, I only taught stealth and picking locks, and it’s advisable to learn how to set traps (when in Lothering I set traps for a group of peasants, and there were about 20 of them there, they all just stupidly exploded and no one got to me)))) )).
This thing can be launched into battle in splendid isolation to use stealth. Further - the higher the dexterity, the closer happiness is - you need, while running among a crowd of enemies, to gather as many as possible into a pile - they will miss with their pathetic swords. Let's turn on the skills Gust and strike with two weapons, and then do UuuuhhHH! - this is such a technique in rotation - and we take out everyone and everything who surrounded us - at least 12 stupid soldiers huddled in a heap, I put them in cabbage instantly

But that's not all - nothing compares to twin blades. Two-handed swords go as far as possible through the forest, all their strength is bullshit, at 15.00 damage, we set ourselves 2 swords for 11.00 damage and already have a total of 22. When the skill is turned on, we hit with two swords at once, thereby causing the highest damage, and if we also have the weapon itself enchanted and even with runes - buhhh! about 150 should be removed for each blow. And the robber strikes every second! Despite the fact that it takes at least 3-4 seconds for a two-handed warrior to swing the same club. Do we feel the difference? I got about 60+70 from the blow itself for hitting a monster, +20 from magic damage, and also +1 +1 from spells. The fact that a warrior with his two-handed weapon removes 80-100 hit points per blow, which takes him 5 seconds, a robber will remove in 1-2 seconds, and in 5 - he will already exceed three times all the damage that a warrior would inflict with one blow .

And so-called fatalities occur more often for a robber, because this class makes crits more often than others - in the end, only severed heads and massive combos fly in all directions. here I can even boast about my robber, I made a crit 5 times in a row, blowing off the heads of enemies - this is in the temple of Andraste, there were 2 magicians and 2 warriors and 1 archer, so everyone got a crit on the last blow and got their head blown off - of course this is pure luck , but still there is something to be proud of)))