
If the left hemisphere is working. Basic functions of the right hemisphere of the brain and exercises for its development

Hello, dear blog readers! Our brain requires training no less than our muscles to keep our body in good shape. But it consists of two halves, each of which performs completely different tasks. And in order for us to know exactly what exercises we need and what needs to be developed in ourselves, we will first look at what the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for, and in the next article we will move on to the right.


The left hemisphere is ours logical thinking, it is responsible for processing and analyzing incoming information.

He doesn’t like jokes at all, because he takes words literally. Recognizes numbers and various mathematical symbols. It is more developed in those people who are good at remembering names, facts and dates. Responsible for language abilities, that is, it controls your speech so that it is literate and helps in learning foreign languages. Thanks to it, we can build correct sentences, write letters and read.

An amazing feature is that it controls the movements of the right half of the body. That is, when your right arm or leg rises, it means that the signal came from the opposite part of the brain. In general, with its help we establish cause-and-effect relationships, come to some conclusions and find ways to solve complex life problems.

Ideally, the work of both halves should be in harmony, but still there is a predominance of one of them, so I can safely say that successful business people are mainly guided by this half of the brain. They are purposeful, due to the fact that they are guided more by reason than by feelings, which means they do not stop themselves with fear and doubt. They love clarity and order, they are punctual and organized.

If you remember the article , then you know who introverts and extroverts are. So, those who have this half dominant are considered more closed, inwardly oriented, and this indicates a predominance of introversion in their character.

Damage results

As a result various situations, in particular, head injuries, the left hemisphere may cease to perform its functions , and this will lead to the fact that a person:

  • Will become unable to find a logical connection between actions and words, and even more so, to generalize the information received;
  • Will lose reading and writing skills, and in severe cases, speech;
  • He will not be able to navigate in space or time. Sometimes there are disturbances in the perception of oneself and one’s body; for example, one begins to choose larger clothes.
  • Accordingly, there can be no talk of any achievement of the goal, as well as the construction of tasks and plans for the future.

How to check?

If, based on the description of your character, you do not find similarities with yourself, then you can conduct the following experiments:

  • Clap your hands and depending on which hand is on top, you will be able to determine the leading part. If the left one is on top - then right part the head is more developed and vice versa.
  • Now quickly cross your arms, making a lock. Which finger is on top?
  • Quickly, without thinking, touch your ear. Checking the results according to the previous scheme.


  1. You already understand what functions the left hemisphere is responsible for, so stock up on chess, checkers and solve puzzles. More methods The article will reveal it to you.
  2. Control your speech, and if you notice that you do not have enough words to form a beautiful sentence, or you have begun to forget them, start reading books, preferably fiction, classical literature. This way, you will keep your thinking in good shape and unconsciously remember how words are spelled correctly.
  3. For development mental abilities walking has a positive effect on fresh air, as well as sports. Oxygen saturation of every cell has a positive effect on the body, which begins to work more productively.
  4. Start studying foreign language, it will never be superfluous. If you don’t have any time or extra money for classes, you can try to study on your own, I just have ready-made ideas on where exactly you should start.
  5. Start changing your routine and habitual way of life. Why? Yes, because you are already automatically performing some actions, your head ceases to take part in this process. As soon as you notice that you “fell out” and did not track how you did something, immediately begin to create changes. For example, reading a book upside down, taking a completely different route to work, or reading signs in the opposite direction.
  6. If your job does not require activity planning or you are not used to making a plan for yourself, then the time has come to do it. If it’s difficult at first, then at least start with a diary where you will write down your thoughts and desires. And then be sure to start setting goals for yourself and deadlines for their completion. You can see how this is done using an example.
  7. It is ideal for a person to develop both halves at the same time, so that there is coherence in work and all resources are used. You can practice by holding a pen in both hands and first trying to draw the same shapes at the same time, and then draw different ones with each hand. It will be difficult at first, but with persistent training you can achieve your goal.


I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of my blog! As promised in the previous article, today we will look at what the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for. I also want to suggest A complex approach to develop both halves. Then you will be successful in any activity, and also learn how to masterfully control your hands, and, moreover, perform various functions simultaneously.


The right hemisphere is responsible for our creative part, that is, the ability to fantasize, process information that comes in the form of images and symbols.

Helps to recognize a person's non-verbal expressions, which, as you know, are very important in the communication process, since body signals are true and truthful. It is thanks to this part of the brain that we can consider a situation from different angles, give an objective assessment and, in general, capture many nuances at the same time, managing to process and systematize them.

A person who has more developed logic does not understand jokes and takes everything literally. On the contrary, a creative person in this regard is very plastic, thinking using metaphors. She is able to write poetry, music, draw and understand people well, because she is intuitive and sensitive. He knows the terrain well, again thanks to the ability to take an unconventional approach to solving problems, putting puzzles together into one picture in his imagination.

Of course, if you raise left hand or leg up, this means that the opposite hemisphere has started working, since left-hand side your body obeys it. It is generally accepted that the orientation of a person with a dominant right half is directed towards environment, that is, outward and is called extraversion.

He is more sociable, subject to emotions and momentary impulses. It does not act according to a clear plan, but based on the situation, adapting to changing conditions. To find out which half is more developed for you, you can experiment by completing the tasks set out about the left hemisphere of the brain.


  1. So, in order to improve your creative side, you should visit exhibitions, museums, art galleries, and, of course, try yourself in writing poems, stories, practice drawing, even if it’s abstract and understandable only to you. Dancing helps coordinate movements, which also has a beneficial effect on development.
  2. Start practicing visualization techniques that will help you achieve your goals faster and also help you develop your ability to fantasize and daydream. This is easy to do, just study it first, where I talk in detail about all the nuances of the practice.
  3. Meditation is not easy for people who have well-developed logical thinking, but it is very effective for them. And not only to expand the boundaries of consciousness, the ability to move away from a clear structure and think three-dimensionally, but also to improve the quality of life and health. Start with a very simple meditation focused on breathing and concentration. Detailed instructions you will find .
  4. Massage yours left ear, this will help activate the right side of the brain. Suitable in cases where you need to take a creative approach to solving any issue and rely on your intuition.
  5. Creativity is not limited to drawing and poetry, read jokes and watch humorous programs, laughter will not only activate the brain, but also improve well-being, preventing the onset of depression. In addition, you are aware that people who use humor and sarcasm in their speech have high level intelligence?
  6. When listening to music, try to listen to your feelings and breathing. Let images, associations and pictures circle freely in your head, do not control them, trying to get rid of them. Just watch them, like an unwitting spectator of a performance organized by your consciousness and subconscious.

An integrated approach to the development of both halves of the brain

As I already said, it is important to coordinate the work of both halves in order to expand their capabilities and functions for which they are responsible. Then you will be provided with a creative approach to solving even the most complex problems, and the speed and efficiency of information processing will also increase.

  1. Sit comfortably with a straight back, choose a point in front of you, you will have to concentrate on it. After about a minute, try using your peripheral vision, without taking your eyes off the selected point, to see what is to your left, and then to your right.
  2. With one hand, stroke your stomach, and with the other, perform tapping movements on your head. Slowly at first to adjust, building up the pace over time.
  3. Also, the development of both hemispheres will provide you with the following task: place the finger of one hand on the tip of your nose, and with the other hand grab the ear opposite to it. For example, the right hand should take the left ear. As soon as you take it, clap your hands and do the same, changing the position of your hands. That is, the fingers of a completely different hand touch the nose, exactly the same pattern with the ears.
  4. Stretch your arms in front of you, draw a square in the air with one of them, for example, and a circle with the other. When you feel that you have made progress, come up with new figures to master.


Do the exercises, and over time you will notice how easier it has become to make decisions and do your usual work, communicate with people, and so on. You can periodically check your intelligence level to see how much it increases and changes. You can learn more about this from the article

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

The brain is the most important organ organism, consisting of. To understand the characteristics of a particular person, it is important to know what the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for and what the left hemisphere is responsible for.

A person has sense organs with which he is connected with the outside world:

  • hearing;
  • vision;
  • sense of smell;
  • taste and tactile sensations through which he receives information.

And all this processing is done by the brain. In addition, it can be used to:

  • planning action;
  • making decisions;
  • coordination of movements;
  • recognition of emotions, dividing them into positive and negative;
  • development of attention and memory;
  • thinking (highest function).

The hemispheres of the brain are not separate structures that work in isolation. Between them there is a gap with corpus callosum. This helps both hemispheres function in a coordinated manner.

All movements on one side of the body are controlled by the opposite part of the brain. So, if a person makes a movement right hand, which means she received an impulse from the left hemisphere. In people who have had a stroke (a circulatory disorder in the brain), the side of the body that is opposite to the affected area is paralyzed.

The brain consists of two components - gray and white matter. , under its control is all human activity, and white is nerve fibers, performing many functions that guide the coordinated work of both hemispheres. Gray matter is formed in humans before the age of 6 years.

Functions of the left half

Due to the fact that the brain consists of two hemispheres, each of them is involved to a greater or lesser extent and performs its own functions. This discovery was made less than a century ago by American neurosurgeons Bogen, Vogel and neuropsychologist Sperry.

The left hemisphere is responsible for a person's ability to use language as a means of communication. It controls:

  • speech process (construction of phrases, vocabulary);
  • the ability to decipher information received through the organs of vision;
  • use of graphic signs when writing;
  • important information.

Man differs from the entire animal world in that he is the only one who has developed the ability to think, for which the left hemisphere is also responsible.

This side of the brain is capable of not only perceiving information, but also processing it. It is the left hemisphere that recognizes numbers and symbols because it can decipher them.

Since thanks to the left hemisphere a person is able to think logically, it is this part of the brain for a long time was considered leading (dominant). But this is only true when the functions are executed:

  • speech;
  • letter;
  • solving mathematical problems;
  • movement of the right half of the body.

Usually different types activities require activation of a certain part of the brain.

Right half tasks

A person’s ability to think exists not only thanks to the work of the left half of the brain, but also the right hemisphere. But for a long time, scientists did not see any particular benefit from the right hemisphere, and surgeons, if damaged, could remove it, considering it the same vestigial organ as the appendix.

It got to the point that a child who was learning to write and took a pen in his left hand was retrained and forced to work with his right hand.

Since intuition and specific imaginative thinking are the merit of the right lobe, these functions were not considered important. And intuition was generally ridiculed, and its existence was questioned. It has been proven that this is nothing more than a myth.

Today, those people who can think outside the box are especially valuable, and their creativity is a striking feature of a creative personality. Psychologists believe that for a long time, raising children was left-brained. Therefore, in bookstores you can find collections of exercises with which you can learn to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain.

Based on this, the question arises: if a scientist has developed logical thinking, for which the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible, then why does he need the right one? Maybe he doesn't need it?

Over time, scientists have come to the conclusion that the functions of the right hemisphere are important for the rest of the brain. It turned out that most mathematicians simultaneously use the style of thinking characteristic of the opposite lobe. Ordinary people think with words, but during scientific activity Imagery is often connected to this. Therefore, this ability of both parts to synchronize results in non-standard solutions, inventions, innovations in different areas life.

Albert Einstein began speaking and writing late as a child. This means that his right hemisphere was actively developing during this period. Thanks to him, he created his own signs of inner speech, and then used them in scientific activities. This world-famous scientist was not good at school sciences, except mathematics. But nevertheless he became educated person and created the physical theory of relativity, the quantum theory of heat capacity.

Analysis of his brain showed that the left and right hemispheres of the brain are more connected than ordinary people, and some areas are enlarged. This feature allowed the world-famous scientist to give useful inventions to humanity.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for processing non-verbal information, which is presented in the form of pictures, signs, symbols, diagrams. In addition, a person who has developed right lobe, differs in that it:

  • navigates space, collects puzzles;
  • has an ear for music and a talent for music;
  • understands the subtext of what is said;
  • capable of dreaming and fantasizing, inventing, composing;
  • has the ability to create, in particular, to draw;
  • processes information in parallel from several sources.

These abilities make people interesting, extraordinary, and creative.

Development of the hemispheres

A child's brain works differently than an adult's. These differences are due to the fact that in a baby everything develops in stages, while in an adult it is an already formed organ.

Scientists have proven that the most important periods influencing the development of emotions, cognitive processes and adaptation in society are years from 1 to 4. The rate of formation of new neurons in a child is 700 per second. In an adult, the number of connections gradually decreases (hence forgetfulness, inattention, and slow reactions in older people).

First, the child actively develops the areas responsible for perception - vision and hearing. Then the area responsible for speech is activated. Then the process of cognition is formed.

Many parents want their child to develop according to his intended goal. And if the child does not live up to their expectations, they try to “repurpose” the children’s brains and end up with an artist or mathematician.

Every person owns a tool for developing the brain - these are his fingers. To Small child spoke faster, they do exercises with him fine motor skills. To get active work of the left and right hemispheres, they try to do non-standard actions during the day. For example, those who like to draw try to do it in a mirror image.

Another exercise is “Ring”. They make it from big and index finger hands Then one by one thumb connected to the middle, ring and little fingers. This needs to be done as quickly as possible. First with one hand, and then with both at the same time.

During normal exercises, you need to often connect opposite limbs: the left hand with the right leg and vice versa. You can reach your right ear with your left hand, then do exactly the opposite. It is useful to do daily tasks with an inactive hand:

  • fasten buttons on clothes;
  • write on paper;
  • sweep;
  • wipe off dust;
  • use cutlery.

As a result, productivity different parts brain

Those who want to study the exact sciences do not need to specialize only in logical problems. By developing imaginative thinking, you can achieve significant results even in physics and mathematics.

American neurosurgeons Joseph Bogen And Philip Vogel, and neuropsychologist Roger Sperry in the middle of the twentieth century it was established that the right and left hemisphere brain perform different cognitive functions. However, the results of their research were misunderstood by many, which led to the belief that in all people one of the brain hemispheres predominates: the right is responsible for logic and prudence, and the left is responsible for imaginative thinking and creativity.

In fact, all people use both the right and left hemispheres of the brain to the same extent. Each of them provides different principles perception of reality, speech organization and color recognition.

Perception of reality

The left hemisphere provides the perception of reality sequentially, step by step, building chains, algorithms, operating with a fact, detail, symbol, sign. It is responsible for the abstract-logical component in thinking, which makes it possible to remember individual facts, names, dates and their spelling. Numbers and mathematical symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

Organization of speech

The left hemisphere of the brain provides general abilities for language, analysis, detail, and abstraction. It is responsible for the grammatical design of the statement and the characteristics of the properties of objects. This hemisphere perceives only the literal meaning of words, therefore it reproduces exact, literally perceived designations, “words-concepts”.


The left hemisphere provides verbal coding of colors using relatively rare names in the language, created on the basis of comparison with objects. These are color names such as terracotta, cherry, sea green, etc.

How does the left hemisphere of the brain work in left-handed people?

According to sociologists, from 5 to 15% of the world's inhabitants are left-handed. Scientists have found that their use of their left hand as a leading hand is associated with the peculiarity of the functioning of their brain. It is believed that the left hemisphere of the brain of these people is responsible for those tasks that the right hemisphere of right-handers copes with, and vice versa. This is true, but only partly. For example, the localization of general speech functions in the left hemisphere is characteristic of 95% of right-handers, and their functioning in the right in left-handers is observed only in 30% of cases.

Rather, the peculiarity of the functioning of the brain hemispheres of left-handers reflects the specifics of their interaction. For example, when moving the dominant hand, the brain of right-handers is activated locally in the left hemisphere, while in left-handers it is activated in both. In a state of quiet wakefulness, the brain hemispheres of right-handers work more synchronously than those of left-handers. But during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, the picture changes: in right-handed people, the synchronicity in the work of the hemispheres is disrupted, and in left-handed people it changes slightly.

As scientists have long proven, the hemisphere on the left side is responsible for verbal. Everything related to our speech, perception of letters, writing and much more. Without this opportunity, we would not be able to remember anything, not a single date would be able to be recorded in memory.

When asking yourself the question of what the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for, you can easily answer - all information given to the human brain is processed, analyzed, and put in order with its help. The brain is the hardest part human body, which people study to this day. And most importantly, almost always, its new capabilities are revealed. For centuries, scientists various areas will study what the left hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for, and there are always some new discoveries.

Is it true that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic?

The left hemisphere is actually responsible for logical thinking. Many famous personalities Those whose left side is a little more developed are very erudite and achieve great success in life. Although, in fact, statistics indicate that in most people this side of the brain is developed in to a greater extent. But each person has an individual level of brain development.

Speech skills also depend on it, because the left hemisphere is also responsible for. People with a poorly developed left hemisphere are considered underdeveloped, they have practically zero memory and are sometimes assigned some mental retardation diseases. The most important advantage of the human brain is that it can be constantly developed.