
Daily prayer for forgiveness. Prayer for forgiveness of sins

In the Orthodox world there is miraculous icon Our Lady of “Softening” evil hearts” (otherwise - “Seven-shot”). Since ancient times, in front of this icon, Christian believers have asked for forgiveness of sinful acts and reconciliation of warring parties.

Among Orthodox believers, 3 prayers for forgiveness of sins are common:

Prayer of repentance and forgiveness

“In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and words, my deeds and all my movements of body and soul. My entry and exit, my faith and life, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breathing, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But You, O Most Merciful God, invincible to the sins of the whole world, Goodness, Gentle Lord, accept me, more than all sinners, in the hand of Your protection and deliver me from all evil, cleanse my many iniquities, grant correction to my evil and cursed life and from those to come. Always delight me in the fall of cruel sins, and in no way, when I anger Your love for mankind, cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people. Forbid the enemy, visible and invisible, guiding me along the saved path, bring me to You, my refuge and my desire. Grant me a Christian death, unashamed, peaceful, keep me from the airy spirits of malice, at Your Last Judgment be merciful to Your servant and number me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them I will glorify You, my Creator forever. Amen".

Prayer for forgiveness of grievances

“Lord, You see my weakness, grant me correction and make me worthy to love you with all my soul and thoughts, and grant me Your grace, grant me the zeal to perform services, offer my unworthy prayer and thank You for everything.”

Forgiveness from God

“Lord my God, You know what is saving for me, help me; and do not allow me to sin before You and perish in my sins, for I am sinful and weak; do not betray me to my enemies, for I have come running to You, deliver me, O Lord, for You are my strength and my hope, and to You be glory and thanksgiving forever. Amen".

The power of turning to the Almighty

A person’s ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness is the ability of a strong and merciful person, because the Lord God performed a majestic act of forgiveness, He not only forgave all people who sinned, but was also crucified for human sins on the cross.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins to the Lord can help a person achieve the long-awaited liberation from sin. Its strength lies in the fact that the person asking the Almighty already sincerely repents and wants to atone for his guilt. While praying for the forgiveness of his sins, he realized:

  • that he committed a sin
  • was able to admit his guilt,
  • I realized that I did wrong
  • and decided not to repeat it again.

Must read: Prayer to Paisius the Holy Mountain

The asking person's faith in His mercy can lead to forgiveness.

Based on this, spiritual prayer about sinful forgiveness is the sinner’s repentance for his deed, since one who cannot understand the gravity of his deed will not turn to the Almighty in prayer.

Having paid attention to his mistakes and then turned to the Son of God, the sinner is obliged to show his sincere repentance by committing good deeds. In this case, “he who serves God will certainly be accepted, and his prayer will reach the very clouds” (Sir.35:16).

God's forgiveness for sins

Over the course of human existence, prayer has become necessary to receive divine grace, after which a person’s character completely changes: he becomes rich in soul, mentally strong, persistent, courageous, and sinful thoughts leave his head forever.

When changes occur in a person’s inner world, he can: become better for those around him,

  • can do kinder people that surround him,
  • show what it means to do reasonable things,
  • tell about the hidden nature of the origin of evil and good,
  • prevent another from committing a sinful act.

The Mother of God, Theotokos, also helps in the atonement of sins - he hears all the prayers addressed to her and conveys them to the Lord, thereby begging forgiveness together with the one asking.

You can turn to the saints of God and the great martyrs with a prayer for forgiveness. You don’t just need to ask for forgiveness of sins, you need to beg for it long time: the more serious the sin, the longer it will take. But rest assured, your time will not be wasted. After all, the descent of God’s grace onto a person is the greatest gift from God.

Must read: Prayer for the detention of Elder Pansophius of Athos from all evil

How to get forgiveness:

  1. Regularly visit an Orthodox church;
  2. Take part in Divine Services;
  3. Address prayer to the Lord at home;
  4. Live with righteous views and pure thoughts;
  5. Do not commit sinful acts in the future.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins, a kind of assistant, an irreplaceable ally of every person. A forgiving, generous person is truly happy. After all, when there is peace in the soul, then the reality around us is transformed for the better.

May the Lord protect you!

Listen to the daily prayer for forgiveness of sin on YouTube, subscribe to the channel:


Prayer for the forgiveness of sins is a daily appeal to the Lord God, which helps a person cleanse his soul.
The sinful grievances that we spew on those next to us, over time, come back in the form of illnesses.
To earn God's grace and heal spiritually, it is necessary to read prayers for forgiveness as often as possible.
Such prayers can be addressed not only to the Lord God, but also to other holy images.
Before you begin reading the suggested prayers, you should visit Orthodox Temple and ask for forgiveness mentally before God.

Orthodox prayer to the Lord God for forgiveness of sins:

1. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I sincerely repent before you and pray for forgiveness of sins. With caustic words and slippery deeds, I undeservedly belittled people. Not on purpose and out of evil, I sinned unbridled and did not ask for forgiveness from good people. Have mercy, O God, and forgive me all my known sins, voluntary and involuntary, as well as those not mentioned due to oblivion. So be it. Amen."

2. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I turn to you in prayer and ask you for help in redemption. Forgive all sins committed out of oblivion. Guide me on the path of Orthodoxy, past sinful vanity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit. Amen."

Orthodox prayer to the Lord God for forgiveness of grievances:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I fall at your feet and pray for your generous forgiveness. He offended and did not apologize, humiliated and did not repent. With hurtful words he hurt close people and strangers. Have mercy on my sinful soul and forgive me for my evil deeds. So be it. Amen."

If you are a woman, then the Prayer to the Lord for forgiveness should be read on behalf of the weaker sex.
To earn forgiveness from sins and grievances, it is necessary to say these prayers as often as possible in calm solitude.

Prayer of repentance to Jesus Christ for remission of sins:

Living in this world, we sin tirelessly, sometimes forgetting that we have offended someone.
In order for the Lord to forgive your sins, you must periodically say a prayer of repentance.
Just don’t forget that any prayer is not empty words, but a promise to God in the form of actions.

Before you begin to read the prayer of repentance to Jesus Christ, make sure that nothing interferes with you. Lock yourself in a cozy room and light church candles. Place it next to it orthodox icons. This is the image of Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God and Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I sincerely repent to you and ask for your generous forgiveness. Forgive me all my sins through oblivion, swearing, abuse, insults to my neighbor and cleanse my soul from sinful thoughts. Protect me from unrighteous deeds and do not torment me with too difficult trials. May your will be done now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Wait until all the candles have completely gone out. Having baptized yourself diligently, go in peace and try to sin as little as possible.

Prayer for everything to be fine:

Before you begin to read this prayer to the Lord God, you need to visit the Orthodox Church and put 3 candles each to the icon of Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.
Zealously crossing yourself and looking at the bright flame, say simple prayer lines to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Let everything be fine both in the soul and in the mortal body. So be it. Amen."

You slowly leave the Temple, purchasing three additional candles and the Orthodox icons listed above, but only if they are out of stock.

Come home and retire to your room. Light the candles.
Look closely at the bright flame and imagine that everything will be fine. Each person who prays has his own understanding of prosperity, but you should not ask the Lord God for a sinful benefit.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Let him reject everything bad and everything will be fine from strong faith in his soul. Give me good, bright thoughts and deliver me from sinful acts. In the father's house and the government's, on a slippery road, night and day, with loved ones, let everything be fine. May all good endeavors end well. So be it. Amen."

The Orthodox prayer that everything will be fine can be addressed not only to the Lord God, but also to his holy helpers to preserve faith in the soul.

When begging God for forgiveness for sins, observe fasts, read the Prayer Book and the Bible, partake of the holy gifts, and confess to Father. Connect with a spiritual guide.

May the Lord God hear your groans!
I wish you bright and joyful days! God bless you!

In Orthodox doctrine, as well as in the Christian consciousness in general, a very important place is given to such practices as repentance. Despite the established stereotypes, this is a rather deep concept, and its importance is difficult to overestimate. However, the daily legalistic religious practice and the superficial attitude of the Orthodox towards their own theological and philosophical heritage have significantly leveled the original concept to the level of a marginal account of their misdeeds before God. From here we can talk about two types of repentance. Let's call them everyday and ideal types.

Everyday repentance

Let's start with this type of repentance. According to the way of thinking that underlies this attitude towards faith, repentance consists only of remembering those sins and violations of church charter that were committed by a person. To avoid some kind of divine punishment for these offenses, various kinds of prayers are read for the forgiveness of sins. Over one and a half thousand years of Orthodoxy, almost all canonical prayers gradually took on this apologetic character.

Perfect Repentance

The second type of repentance is much deeper, and goes back to the heights of the original pathos of Christianity, which, alas, remained unattainable and not accepted by the majority of followers of Jesus Christ. Its meaning will be easier to understand if we turn to the Greek word that denotes this term - “metanoia”, which means “change”.

Indeed, compared to the modern church, where the believer is expected to confess monthly (at a minimum), in the first centuries of Christian history, converts confessed only once, thus indicating a change in their sinful lifestyle and submission to the commandments of God. After this, having become Christians, they could no longer sin. If they seriously stumbled again, they were simply expelled from the community of the faithful, where they could return to best case scenario one more time through severe penance.

Those who sinned a second time were never expected or accepted again. Gradually, this maximalism faded away, and today every person has the opportunity to sin, and after Sunday confession, being “forgiven,” proceed to communion.

But the original idea of ​​repentance does not presuppose an account of one’s sins, but a change in consciousness, values, priorities, tastes, and in general all components of personality and life in such a way as not to violate the commandments at all. According to this idea, a person should live in such a way that he simply does not have a reason or reason to go to confession. And so, when such a change occurred, this was considered a completed repentance.

As it turned out in practice, for most people such a task is beyond their capabilities. Therefore, the Gospel had to be “adjusted” to the weaknesses of human nature. To help with this, prayers for the forgiveness of sins were invented. Some of them are read every day in the temple, others require daily recitation at home. There are also specific texts intended only for special occasions or dedicated to important days, for example, the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.

The meaning of daily repentance

To understand why the church orders its adherents to repent daily, you need to remember just one thing. Namely the fact that people also sin every day.

The only way out is to read prayers for the forgiveness of the sins of the family, fast and hope for the mercy of the Almighty at the Last Judgment. Here is the text of one of them: “Remember, O Lord, in Your Kingdom my entire family - everyone born from the forefather Adam, the deceased ancestors, all the forefathers, fathers and mothers and each of my relatives who have passed away to this day, of whom You yourself, God my, you know by name. Leave, forgive, have mercy and forgive them all the sins that they committed, voluntarily or unwittingly, and grant them life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

Orthodox personal confession

It is worth touching on a special text that Orthodox believers are prescribed to read every evening before going to bed. This daily prayer about the forgiveness of sins, the so-called everyday Confession of sins. It is a form of confession to God one on one (that is, without the mediation of a priest) for the forgiveness of all sins committed during the day, and at the same time throughout life. This practice has its own positive aspects and significant potential for personal development. To what extent this potential is realized is another question. For now, we are interested in the tradition itself, which dates back to pre-Christian times.

Traditions of daily repentance

Probably similar practices existed in Judaism and many other religious systems. But it is most clearly represented in the Pythagorean Union, which, being a closed philosophical school, at the same time represented a specific pagan religious group of the Greek-Hellenic origin.

From the depths of this tradition, the Golden Verses have come down to us, in which Pythagoras (or someone on his behalf) gives instructions to end each day with a report on “What have you done wrong? What could you do? What didn’t you do?” Next, it was supposed to draw conclusions in order to learn what to strive for, and on this basis make a plan for the next day. It was not just about the routine of affairs, but about the dynamics of spiritual development.

In fact, this same methodology underlies the Orthodox practice of daily evening confession, when prayers are read for the forgiveness of sins. Ideally, having realized today's sins, the next day a person should try to avoid repeating them.

Orthodox prayer for forgiveness of sins for every day

Here, with some abbreviations, it is appropriate to quote the text of the daily confession. The prayer for forgiveness of sins begins with the following words: “I confess to You, the Lord God... all my sins that I have committed all the days of my life...” What follows is a list of sins, it is standard. It is followed by the following request for mercy: “... with tears, I humbly pray to You, forgive me my past sins, by Your mercy, and forgive me from all of them, for You are good and philanthropic. Amen!"

Catholic prayer to God for forgiveness of sins

For comparison, let us present another text from the Western tradition. This is also a prayer to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins, but no longer from evening rule, but from the mass.

“I confess before Almighty God... that I have sinned greatly in thought, word, deed and failure to fulfill my duty... My guilt.” The last two words are repeated three times while hitting yourself in the chest. Next comes a request for intercession: “Therefore, I beg the Virgin Mary, all the angels, the saints and you, brothers and sisters, that you pray for me to the Lord our God.”

The only significant difference from its Orthodox counterpart is the absence of a list of sins. In this case, Catholics are given the opportunity to fill out the content independently.

Benefits of Evening Confession

As has already been said, Orthodox prayer, as in this case with the Catholic one, there is a powerful potential for a beneficial effect on the individual and his moral improvement. This is achieved by analyzing your behavior, as well as words and thoughts over the past day. Prayer is a kind of work on mistakes, which allows you to behave more correctly and meaningfully the next time in a similar situation.

Regular practice of evening confession also makes it possible to identify moments with which a person special problems and difficulties. Working with them requires more attention and diligence.

Thus, a person has the opportunity to gradually develop, approaching a given ideal. In Orthodoxy he is represented by the image of the Gospel Christ.

Controversial issues

The disadvantages of the Orthodox version of confession lie on the surface and lie in the standardized list of sins. This prayer for the forgiveness of sins is printed in all publications with the same list of religious crimes. At the same time, everyone is charged with reading it in this form. mandatory, even if the person did not commit a single sin from this list during the day.

This kind of nominal confession of imperfect sins makes the very practice of confession a simple proofreading of the text, nothing more. After all, if these are imperfect sins, then the text is not capable of leading a person to real regret about them, and therefore there is no analysis and no will to change for the better. As a result, there is no progress, there is only daily reading of the same text of misdeeds that have nothing to do with a person’s real spiritual life.

Thank you Very timely, may God protect you!

All peoples who live on Earth have secret words that are necessarily passed on from the older generation to the younger, and thanks to which a person turns to higher powers, to the Lord God. Such words are called prayer. The main appeal is a prayer to the Lord for forgiveness - atonement for sin before another person, cultivating the power of forgiveness.

To atone for your sins, it is important to visit the temple of the Lord. Attend Divine Services. But, the most important thing is to really want to receive the condescension of grace from the Almighty in the form of forgiveness of sins. The Lord God forgives everyone and absolves them of their sins, but only to those who show him their unshakable desire to receive forgiveness, all-consuming faith and the absence of evil thoughts.

Prayer for forgiveness of sins

During his stay on planet Earth, every day a person commits large number sins based on various circumstances and reasons, the main of which are weakness, inability to subordinate our willpower in order to resist the many temptations that surround us.

Everyone knows the teaching of Jesus Christ: “From the heart come evil plans and defile a person.” It is in this way that sinful thoughts are born in a person’s subconscious, which flow into sinful actions. We should not forget that every sin originates only from “evil thoughts.”

Prayer for forgiveness of sins is a very powerful prayer

One of the common ways to atone for sins is to give alms and donations to those who need it more than you. It is through this act that a person can express his compassion for the poor and mercy for his neighbor.

Another way that will help free the soul from sin is a prayer for the remission of sins, which comes from the heart itself, about sincere repentance, about forgiveness of committed sins: “And the prayer of faith will heal the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven and atonement for him” (James 5:15).

In the Orthodox world there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” (otherwise known as “Seven Arrows”). Since ancient times, in front of this icon, Christian believers have asked for forgiveness of sinful acts and reconciliation of warring parties.

Among Orthodox believers, 3 prayers for forgiveness of sins are common:

Prayer of repentance and forgiveness

“In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and words, my deeds and all my movements of body and soul. My entry and exit, my faith and life, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breathing, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But You, O Most Merciful God, invincible to the sins of the whole world, Goodness, Gentle Lord, accept me, more than all sinners, in the hand of Your protection and deliver me from all evil, cleanse my many iniquities, grant correction to my evil and cursed life and from those to come. Always delight me in the fall of cruel sins, and in no way, when I anger Your love for mankind, cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people. Forbid the enemy, visible and invisible, guiding me along the saved path, bring me to You, my refuge and my desire. Grant me a Christian death, unashamed, peaceful, keep me from the airy spirits of malice, at Your Last Judgment be merciful to Your servant and number me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them I will glorify You, my Creator forever. Amen".

Prayer for forgiveness of grievances

“Lord, You see my weakness, grant me correction and make me worthy to love you with all my soul and thoughts, and grant me Your grace, grant me the zeal to perform services, offer my unworthy prayer and thank You for everything.”

Forgiveness from God

“Lord my God, You know what is saving for me, help me; and do not allow me to sin before You and perish in my sins, for I am sinful and weak; do not betray me to my enemies, for I have come running to You, deliver me, O Lord, for You are my strength and my hope, and to You be glory and thanksgiving forever. Amen".

The power of turning to the Almighty

A person’s ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness is the ability of a strong and merciful person, because the Lord God performed a majestic act of forgiveness, He not only forgave all people who sinned, but was also crucified for human sins on the cross.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins to the Lord can help a person achieve the long-awaited liberation from sin. Its strength lies in the fact that the person asking the Almighty already sincerely repents and wants to atone for his guilt. While praying for the forgiveness of his sins, he realized:

  • that he committed a sin
  • was able to admit his guilt,
  • I realized that I did wrong
  • and decided not to repeat it again.
  • The faith of the asking person in His mercy can lead to forgiveness. Based on this, spiritual prayer for sinful forgiveness is the sinner’s repentance of his deed, since one who cannot understand the gravity of what he has done will not turn to the Almighty with prayer.

    By paying attention to his mistakes and then turning to the Son of God, the sinner is obliged to show his sincere repentance through good deeds. In this case, “he who serves God will certainly be accepted, and his prayer will reach the very clouds” (Sir.35:16).

  • God's forgiveness for sins

    Over the course of human existence, prayer has become necessary to receive divine grace, after which a person’s character completely changes: he becomes rich in soul, mentally strong, persistent, courageous, and sinful thoughts leave his head forever.

    When changes occur in a person’s inner world, he can: become better for those around him,

    • can make the people around him kinder,
    • show what it means to do reasonable things,
    • tell about the hidden nature of the origin of evil and good,
    • prevent another from committing a sinful act.

    The Mother of God, Theotokos, also helps in the atonement of sins - he hears all the prayers addressed to her and conveys them to the Lord, thereby begging forgiveness together with the one asking.

    You can turn to the saints of God and the great martyrs with a prayer for forgiveness. Forgiveness of sins must not only be asked for, it must be prayed for for a long time: the more serious the sin, the more time it will take. But rest assured, your time will not be wasted. After all, the descent of God’s grace onto a person is the greatest gift from God.

  • How to get forgiveness:
    1. Regularly visit an Orthodox church;
    2. Take part in Divine Services;
    3. Address prayer to the Lord at home;
    4. Live with righteous views and pure thoughts;
    5. Do not commit sinful acts in the future.

    Prayer for the forgiveness of sins, a kind of assistant, an irreplaceable ally of every person. A forgiving, generous person is truly happy. After all, when there is peace in the soul, then the reality around us is transformed for the better.

    May the Lord protect you!

    Listen to the daily prayer for forgiveness of sin on YouTube, subscribe to the channel:

The prayer to the Lord for forgiveness of the family is a very important sacred text. The main idea of ​​prayer is that you communicate with the Lord one-on-one, and its main goal is the salvation of the human soul. Do you think a dirty soul can be saved? Of course not. Only a crystal clear soul has the right to be forgiven. We are all people with sins, we all do not do very well. So, in order to get rid of all this, so that there is no burden, it is very important to talk to the Lord and ask for salvation.

Basic rules of prayer for forgiveness of the family

This text should be regarded as a spiritual request, as a serious dialogue with the Almighty. One of the most important rules This reading is the sincerity of the believer during prayer. The basic rules of the sacred text are:

  • before reading, it is important to think through everything that you once did in the past, realize that you were wrong and apologize to the Lord for what you once did;
  • even if the act was insignificant, petty, but unkind, it is also worth mentioning if you pray;
  • it is necessary to contact the Lord God with maximum sincerity, with an open soul, freeing your soul from all the sins that were once near you;
  • It won’t be amiss if you definitely go to church and ask for forgiveness from Father, forgive all your sins;
  • You can also pray both for yourself and for people close to you.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins of a kind - text in Russian

Lord, Merciful and Righteous Judge, punishing children for the unrepentant sins of their parents up to the third and fourth generation!
Have mercy and forgive me, my family, my living and already deceased relatives and my entire deceased family for the great and grave sins of apostasy, for the crime and trampling of the Council oath and the kiss of the cross of the Russian people for allegiance to God's chosen Royal Family, for treason and betrayal to the death of the Anointed of God – Holy Tsar Nicholas Alexandrovich and his entire Holy Family, for the renunciation of God and the Orthodox Faith, for the persecution of the Holy Faith and the Church, for the destruction and desecration of the Temples of God, shrines and their Orthodox Fatherland, for idolatry and veneration of godless holidays, rituals, idols , symbols and ideals of the satanic religion of the atheists, for all suicides, murders, witchcraft, fornication, debauchery, swearing, blasphemy and all abortions committed in my family, and for all other grave sins, blasphemy, blasphemy, defilement and lawlessness of my family committed since the beginning , about them you weigh all, Lord.
Do not leave us to perish in our sins until the end, but weaken, leave, have mercy and forgive me, my family, my parents, my living and deceased relatives, my entire deceased family. Resolve the bonds of sin and untruth, tear apart the oath by which we are bound for our iniquities, remove the curse for these terrible sins from me and from all my family. Amen.

How does a person feel after remission of sins and forgiveness?

After reading the sacred text, each person feels his own grace. Some people feel completely at ease, others constantly want to smile, and others literally feel like a weight has been lifted from their shoulders. You yourself will understand when the prayer for forgiveness of the family begins to work. If we compare the forgiven state with what it was before the prayer was read, then there is a significant difference. At first you were a shy, unscrupulous person with negative thoughts in your head. And then, you became a kind, open, light and radiant person.

Remember that the prayer for forgiveness of the family is a very effective text. After all, absolutely all sins are forgiven and grievances are forgotten. The person stops feeling in a bad mood. Isn't this the true happiness of every inhabitant of the planet? Isn't this the dream of every believer?

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins of a kind was last modified: July 7th, 2017 by Bogolub

Great article 0