
Where are the animals on the plane? How to transport animals

It's no secret that any trip, especially a flight, can be quite a stressful event. Considering the fact that this is true for people, and in animals all feelings are expressed more clearly than in us, pressure drops and the roar of powerful engines during takeoff and landing can even shock your pets.

Therefore, if you decide to take your pet on the plane with you, you need to take maximum care of its comfort, not forgetting that the correct planning and execution of transportation will be equally important.

Rules for transporting animals on an airplane

Transporting animals by plane is a rather complicated procedure. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to comply with certain conditions that are established not only by air carriers, but also by other services responsible for such transportation: customs service, veterinary service.

Distinguish two ways to transport animals by plane.

  • You are allowed to take pets into the salon.
  • Pets are placed in special containers in the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

Not all animals are allowed to be transported by plane. Each airline has its own list of animals allowed for transportation. In order for a pet to be transported in the cabin of an aircraft, the following requirements must be met:

  • The weight of the container with the pet inside should be no more than 8 kg.
  • Such a pet can be either a cat or a dog.
  • No more than 5 animals are allowed to be transported in the aircraft cabin.
  • The container must be of such a size that the animal is comfortable in it; it must be able to stand up to its full height and turn around.
  • The dimensions of the container should be no more than 115 cm, summing up the length, height and width.

Features of transporting animals in luggage compartment Airplane: Most airlines do not allow pets to be transported in the aircraft cabin at all, regardless of the type or size of the pet being transported, then all that remains is the cargo compartment.

Only pets are allowed for transportation by plane, either in the cabin or along with luggage. In order to transfer any exotic or wild animal, insects, rodents, birds or snakes, specific airline requirements must be met. Such animals may not be allowed on board the aircraft at all or may be allowed to be transported as cargo.

Features of purchasing a ticket for traveling with a pet:

It is very important to inform about the presence of an animal among your luggage at the time of purchasing an air ticket. This can have a huge impact on the route taken and the choice of air carrier.

Of course, flying with a pet can be quite a hassle, but each airline has the appropriate specialists who will help you choose the most suitable route, taking into account all the required restrictions.

You should not count on the fact that a small animal can be transported free of charge as hand luggage. Pets are included in the list of additional baggage and there are corresponding rules regarding fees for their transportation. Its price includes weight pet and the weight of the container, and each carrier has its own fixed rates for payment.

In order to arrange transportation of a pet by plane, you must send a corresponding request to the aviation company. If the request is submitted at least 72 hours before departure, it must be confirmed. Transportation of animals must be booked separately, as it is an additional service.

To make such a request, you will need to provide all the necessary information about the animal being transported, namely its type, dimensions and weight of the container along with the pet.

If the animal is transported in the cargo hold, then confirmation of its transportation can be obtained after purchasing the ticket, but if the pet is transported in the cabin, confirmation of the airline must be obtained before purchasing the air transportation. Decor necessary documents in an Aeroport

Compliance with the appropriate formalities regarding the transport of an animal at the departure airport can take quite a long time, so it is better to arrive a few hours before departure.

First, before check-in, you will need to contact the Airport Veterinary Control Service, where your pet must undergo the necessary veterinary examination. If you are transporting an animal within Russia or the CIS countries, then the veterinary service will need to present a veterinary passport and a certificate for your pet.

After passing the inspection, you will be given the appropriate boarding pass for the transportation of your animal, and will also be stamped on the veterinary certificate. During registration you will need to present the issued coupon.

If you are transporting an animal to other countries, then if you have a veterinary certificate, you will need to obtain a veterinary certificate. Such a certificate is issued for a short time from one to three days. During such transportation, it is also important to take into account the requirements for the transportation of animals at Russian customs. A passenger with a pet must provide a certificate confirming the lack of breeding value of the transported pet.

If a passenger is visually impaired and is flying with a guide dog, then in this case, it is allowed to carry the dog with you in the cabin. However, there are a number of restrictions:

All these vaccinations and procedures must be completed at least 30 days before departure (maximum one year).

  • 2. Certificate of chipping.
  • 3. Veterinary certificate No. 1-vet. The pet owner must obtain such a certificate from the appropriate institution (GosVetStation) if he has the correct veterinary passport. Most likely, in order to receive such a certificate, you will need to take the animal with you. It’s better to clarify this.
  • For international transportation, in addition to the above list, additional documents will be required:

    • 1. Veterinary certificate of international type. Such a certificate is registered with the veterinary service at the border control point and is issued if there is a veterinary certificate.
    • 2. A certificate containing information about the breeding value of the transported animal.
    • 3. Permission issued by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Protection environment(if necessary transportation certain types animals).

    Each country may have additional requirements and restrictions regarding the transport of animals. Therefore, before importing an animal into the territory of a third state, it is necessary to obtain the relevant information from its embassy.

    You need to know about this in order to avoid possible problems at the border and at airports. For example, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Spain do not allow fighting dogs to be imported into their countries.

    Australia makes a very strict restrictions for the import of animals of any kind. And pets that owners take with them to Iceland or Britain are required to spend six months in quarantine.

    Considering the fact that a pet is allowed to be transported abroad only after 30 days after receiving all necessary vaccinations, The European Union has established restrictions on the transportation of puppies and kittens under the age of 4 months. This is due to the fact that vaccination is usually carried out at the age of 2-3 months, and the refugee vaccination is carried out several weeks after vaccination.

    Updated: 09/16/2019

    Knowledge rules for transporting animals on an airplane will be useful to all those who are forced to urgently leave hometown and country and cannot leave their pet at home. The transportation of animals and birds on an airplane is regulated by a number of rules that are described in this article. I advise you to read these rules carefully and remember them, because only this guarantees that you will be able to avoid serious problems during check-in for a flight and when passing all other types of control at airports of departure and arrival.

    THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (you can click on the link for a quick transition)

    Information on the rules for transporting animals on an airplane

    If there is a need to transport an animal or bird on an airplane, your first action should be to contact the selected airline (by phone or email) and check with them about this possibility. Currently, most airlines allow pets for an additional fee, but each airline's requirements may vary slightly.

    This concerns not only the possibility of taking an animal on a plane and the cost of such a service, but also the conditions that must be met (size and weight of the animal, documentation, place of transportation (in the cabin or in the luggage compartment), etc. It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the import of animals and birds in the country to which you are going to fly (if the flight is international). To do this, you can contact the nearest consulate of the state you are interested in in your country.

    Documents for transporting animals on an airplane

    Transportation of all animals and birds on an airplane on flights within the country is not permitted without a uniform veterinary certificate issued no more than three days ago (form No. 1). This certificate can only be issued by a state veterinary hospital that monitors the spread of various infectious diseases animals in a particular region. Veterinary Certificate No. 1 is issued no earlier than three days before the flight and is valid only during the designated three days. The basis for issuing a certificate, which even indicates the route, is the international veterinary passport and the information it contains about the animal’s vaccinations, the name of the vaccines, etc.

    If your pet is to be transported by plane abroad, in addition to the specified certificate, citizens of the CIS countries must provide an international veterinary passport, which will need to be presented to the border control veterinary service employee. Thus, citizens of the CIS are forced to prove twice that their animal does not pose a danger, while in European countries it is enough just to have an international veterinary passport for each animal being transported.

    If the dog does not have a pedigree, i.e. The animal is officially outbred, it will be necessary to deliver it to an organization that evaluates dogs. An attempt to export a dog from the country without the appropriate license may not be successful: all customs offices have samples of export license forms, signatures and seals. On the other hand, the specified forms with the necessary signatures and seals can be purchased at large Poultry markets (you understand, at your own peril and risk).

    The situation with the export of cats outside the CIS is somewhat simpler: to do this, it is enough to obtain a license from the regular felinological club closest to your place of residence. If during customs veterinary control an employee has no complaints about the correct execution of the above documents (licenses, certificates and animal passports), but demands something else, he just wants to get a bribe and hopes that you are unaware of the laws and that you simply have nowhere to go at the airport with an animal.

    Rules for transporting animals in the cabin

    The internal policies of various airlines around the world completely prohibit the transportation of animals in the cabin or allow it with some restrictions. In cases where it is still possible to transport a pet in the cabin, its weight together with the cage or container should not exceed 5 kg (less often - 8 kg). In this case, the animal must remain on board the aircraft all the time inside a container, which has certain requirements, i.e. the cage or container must comply with standards approved by the International Air Transport Association.

    The size of the container or cage must be selected in such a way that the animal can breathe freely, stand on its paws and turn around 360 degrees inside without any problems. In this case, the total length, height and width of the container should not exceed 115 cm, and its bottom should have a waterproof bottom and, preferably, a coating of absorbent material that absorbs moisture and odors. The door of the container (cage) must have a reliable latch (lock), and when transporting birds in a cage, it is necessary to use dense fabric that allows air to pass through, but does not allow light to pass through.

    It is allowed to transport small animals in special soft baskets and travel bags, adapted for the transport of animals. If we're talking about When transporting dogs, they must be muzzled. Containers and bags for animals must be equipped with handles for safe and convenient carrying, and during the flight, containers for animals must be either in the hands of the owner or on the floor at his feet: do not place the container on an adjacent aircraft seat, even if it is empty allowed.

    Keep in mind that not all airlines allow the transportation of animals in the aircraft cabin and only when flying in economy class (in business class and first class you will not be allowed to take an animal even for a lot of money). There is also a limit on the number of animals that one passenger can transport - usually from 1 to 4 animals. You should also remember that there is a list of animals that will not be allowed on board the plane at all. As a rule, these are animals from the rodent order: hamsters, rats, mice, Guinea pigs etc.

    Cost of transporting animals on an airplane

    The most important point for many is the cost of transporting certain animals on an airplane and the procedure for calculating it. Let me immediately note that animals are not transported in the cabin on charter flights. Those. In case you know (or another country) using low-cost charters, the animal will have to be transported exclusively in the passenger compartment. Wherein -charter provides the following prices (a slight adjustment of the cost is possible depending on the airline).

    Thus, transportation of one animal one way on a flight lasting up to 5 hours will cost 100 euros; from 5 to 8 hours – 160 euros, over 8 hours – 200 euros. Agree, it’s quite expensive, but you’ll have to pay the same amount for the return flight. Therefore, it can be more profitable to choose not a charter, but a regular flight of an airline that allows the carriage of animals in the cabin or luggage compartment for less money. Moreover, using the air ticket search form below, you can find air tickets at prices that are not much higher than the price of charters (and sometimes cheaper than the latter).

    Despite the fact that the requirements for the size of containers for animals are identical to the requirements for the size of hand luggage, the rules for transporting which are described in detail in the article , animals cannot be classified as the latter, so their transportation in the aircraft cabin is paid for as excess baggage, even if you do not have carry-on luggage at all. Those. the weight of the container with the animal is multiplied by the cost of transporting 1 kg of excess baggage (the latter can always be found on the airline’s website or by making a corresponding request to the support service, but usually it is from $5 to $15 per 1 kg). If animals are transported on an airplane not in the cabin, but in the cargo compartment, then the cost is calculated according to cargo rates, again taking into account the weight of the animal and its cage.

    An exception is made for people using guide dogs, who, if the person has a document confirming the need to use such a dog, can fly with the owner in the cabin for free. True, if the dog’s weight is over 40 kg, then you will need to purchase a separate air ticket for it and next to you. At the same time, the process of transporting guide dogs also has simple requirements: the animal must remain muzzled under the owner’s seat the entire way, and feeding such a dog on board the aircraft is prohibited.

    Rules for transporting animals on an airplane to certain countries

    It is no coincidence that at the beginning of the article I advised you to carefully read the rules for importing animals in the country where you plan to fly. Some countries, especially European ones, impose particularly stringent requirements on animals imported into their territory, which it is advisable to find out about in advance by contacting the relevant consulate. It is quite possible that there is no point in taking your pet on a short trip at all and it is better to leave it in a special hotel or with friends who have agreed to look after your pet for free or for an agreed amount.

    Such countries primarily include Great Britain, Ireland, Cyprus, Malta, New Zealand and some other states. And not only is it that animals can only be transported to most of these countries in the luggage compartment, but also that your pet will be quarantined for six months! Many other countries have their own national requirements for the rules for transporting animals on an airplane and documents guaranteeing veterinary safety.

    For example, when importing a dog to Germany, you need to have a certificate of vaccinations for your pet, issued by German, as well as an international anti-rabies certificate. When importing animals to Spain and Italy, in addition to a certificate of vaccination against rabies, they require a certificate of the animal’s health status. And at the Tunis airport you will be asked not only for a certificate of vaccinations issued six months to a month ago, but also for a certificate of vaccination of your pet against Carré's disease.

    Finally, a few words about how best to transport an animal on an airplane. Due to the fact that animals of different breeds, sizes, ages and conditions (pregnant, after surgery, etc.) have varying degrees tolerance to air travel, it is better to clarify this issue with experts who specialize in breeding the breed of cats, dogs or birds whose transportation you are interested in. The only general point: it is better not to feed the animal before the flight and not to give it a sedative, because this can cause the pet’s blood pressure to drop during the flight, which can lead to complications in the heart and lungs.

    Described above rules for transporting animals on an airplane and your timely preparation for this event will allow you to avoid surprises and troubles at the airport and in the country of destination, and will also save you, your pet and surrounding passengers from the hassle. I wish you pleasant flights and always soft landings!

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    When you're thinking about traveling with a pet, it's worth weighing your decision several times. On the one hand, leaving this wonderful wet nose at home is very difficult. On the other hand, it is worth doing what would be more comfortable for the pet.

    For example, if you don't have enough time to spend with your dog while traveling, he will probably be happier on his own bed than in a small carrier. As for cats, they are almost always better off in their own home.

    But if you decide that your pet needs to share the love of travel, follow our advice.

    General conditions for transporting animals on an airplane

    • Start researching the details and conditions for transporting animals on an airplane in advance.
    • Check the airline's website. It must contain the conditions for transporting the animal. Animals on an airplane can travel in the cabin or in a special compartment.
    • The rules for transporting animals on an airplane mean that the animal will be in a carrier or muzzled on a leash. Those airlines that allow birds in the cabin always note that the bird must fly in a covered cage. Each airline determines the acceptable size of cages and carriers.
    • The rules for transporting animals on an airplane suggest that a pet can only fly if it has the necessary documents.

    Documents for transporting pets on an airplane

    • Veterinary passport of international standard.
    • Certificate of health (form No. 4 for Moscow, form No. 1 for the rest of the Russian Federation). The certificate contains information about vaccinations and age. The last rabies vaccination must be done no earlier than a year and no later than a month before travel.
    • Also, the rules for transporting animals on an airplane indicate that dogs require a certificate of breeding value. True, hardly anyone will ask her.

    Flight of animals in the cabin

    Most airlines will allow you to bring a cat or small dog into the cabin for an additional fee, but you should call the company to confirm details in advance.

    During the conversation, be sure to get clear answers to these questions:

    1. Will the airline allow you to take your cat or small dog with you?
    2. Are there any specific animal health and vaccination requirements for a specific airline?
    3. If you can't take your pet in the cabin, do the airlines have any restrictions on carrying your pet in the cargo hold?

    Weigh the risks when deciding to transport your pet by air. Air travel can be especially dangerous for animals with “flattened” faces, such as bulldogs, pugs and Persian cats.

    • Under no circumstances should you let your pet out of the carrier during the flight.
    • Talk to the animal in a low and calm voice. And more " good girls“and “good boys” - the furry one will be pleased to hear praise from you.
    • The pet carrier must be stowed under the seat in front of you during takeoff and landing. This is important for safety.
    • Veterinarians do not recommend feeding your animal to the fullest before a flight (no matter how much you want to make amends with treats). Therefore, you can treat your pet with his favorite treat 1-2 times - this way you will reduce his stress and dissatisfaction with what is happening.
    • Place your worn T-shirt in the carrier. Your smell and pleasant knitwear should calm your pet.
    • Try to prepare for the trip and get your animal used to being carried in advance. This way you can avoid unpleasant surprises on board.

    Transporting dogs and cats in a special compartment of the aircraft

    Of course, I would like to write that every journey of an animal in the cargo compartment is safe and pleasant. But let's be honest: excessively hot or cold temperatures and possible problems with ventilation can lead to sad consequences.

    Follow these tips if your pet must fly in the cargo hold

    • Never place brachycephalic animals (Pekingese, Bulldogs, Persian cats) in cargo holds.
    • Fly direct flights. This way your pet will definitely not get lost in your luggage.
    • Almost every person tries to be careful when dealing with an animal. But just in case, ask the airline if you can watch your pet loading and unloading.
    • When boarding a plane, inform the captain or flight attendant that your pet is traveling in the cargo hold. If the captain knows that there are pets on board, he may take special measures precautions.
    • In summer, it is best to fly early in the morning or late in the evening. In winter, it is worth choosing day flights.
    • Write your name, phone numbers and address on the pet's collar and stickers on outside carrying
    • Make sure your pet's nails are trimmed to protect them from getting caught in doors, holes, and other cracks.
    • Introduce the animal to the carrier in advance. This will minimize stress while traveling.
    • Do not give your pet tranquilizers unless prescribed by your veterinarian.
    • Place ice cubes in a water cup attached to the inside of the carrier. A full bowl of water will spill and cause discomfort.
    • Avoid flying with pets during major holidays and vacations. Due to the fuss of luggage and the heavy workload of the staff, your pet may not be treated as carefully as you would like.

    We understand that all these tips lead to gloomy thoughts that are simply contraindicated before traveling. Here is a video from Swiss Airlines about how a cute dog travels on a plane and everything is fine with it:

    Flying with animals: particulars and exceptions

    1. The rules for transporting animals on an airplane mean that owners of exotic species always check with the airline itself for details. You will also need to notify the company in advance about the unusual passenger.
    2. Service animals always fly free of charge and with their owner if they have a certificate of proper training.
    3. The remaining animals will need to be weighed on the day of departure and receive a ticket at the airline's fare. For example, pets on an airplane are considered non-standard baggage, and you will pay for your pet's ticket as an additional piece of baggage.
    4. Arrive at the airport early. Better than three hours. Transporting pets on an airplane is impossible without prior veterinary control, and during the high season many animals travel with their owners. It is there that your passport will be translated into English and an international certificate will be issued.
    5. If your pet will be transported on an airplane in a carrier, check its dimensions on the airline’s website. The airline specifies that for a 4-kilogram animal, the carrier should measure 60 x 45 x 40.
    6. The carrier must be firm, with sufficient air access.

    Now you know everything about flying with animals and you can safely hit the road with your four-legged one. But we recommend that you think again about whether you want to arrange this whole carousel with veterinarians, vaccinations, carrying and pressure changes.

    Pets become our best friends and often become involved in the cycle of events in our lives. When there is no one to leave your dog or cat with during your departure or travel, you have to take the animal with you.

    Most often, as a means of transport, we choose airplanes. It takes less time and the cost is not much different from traveling by train or car.

    Transporting animals on an airplane has many nuances, the omission of each of which can lead to the fact that your four-legged friend may not be taken on board. Each airline has its own rules and requirements for the transportation of animals.

    To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the main features of transporting cats and dogs in the air. So, is it possible to transport animals on a plane?

    Animals are transported differently on an airplane depending on their size, breed, species, choice of airline, duration of the flight, and the purpose of their transportation. How to transport a dog on a plane?

    Before you start booking a plane ticket for yourself, be sure to call the airline and warn their employee that an animal will fly with you.

    As a rule, a certain number of either dogs or cats can fly in the cabin on one plane. If the quotas have already been filled, you will have to find another flight.

    By general rule indoor cats and dogs can be transported in the aircraft cabin, the weight of which, when carried, does not exceed 8 kg. Accordingly, if the weight is more than 8 kg, then the animal will have to be placed in the luggage compartment.

    Birds and exotic animals are not accepted for transportation by all airlines. Aquarium fish It is prohibited to transport both in the cabin and in the luggage compartment.

    The following animals are prohibited from being carried on an airplane:

    For any flight, accompanying documents for the dog or cat are required.. Depending on whether the flight is international or Russian airlines, the package of documents will differ.

    Most often, people fly with animals within the same country and usually ask the question: how to transport a cat or dog on a plane across Russia?

    In 2020, when transporting dogs and cats across Russia without changing their owner and not related to entrepreneurial activity registration of veterinary accompanying documents is no longer required.

    Unfortunately, some airlines may still ask you for a certificate from a veterinarian stating that the animal is healthy.

    In a dispute, try referring to clause 16 “ Veterinary regulations organization of work on registration of veterinary accompanying documents”, which were approved by the Ministry Agriculture Russia dated December 27, 2016 No. 589.

    If you are transporting an animal across Russia to exhibition events, you will need to provide a veterinary certificate, Form No. 1, issued no earlier than three days before the flight.

    But they will still require some documents from you. This is an international dog or cat passport. This document contains information about the dog, in particular, the name, brand, vaccinations and all kinds of marks on treatment for ticks and fleas.

    If you are a responsible dog owner, then you know that once a year your dog needs two vaccinations: against rabies and viral infections.

    So, it is these vaccination marks that will be of interest to veterinary control employees at the airports of departure and arrival.

    The period of vaccination against rabies should be no more than a year and no less than one month.

    Transporting an animal by air from one country to another is certainly a more complex process than transporting it within Russia.

    When traveling on an international flight, you need to contact the embassy or consulate of the country you are leaving and entering to clarify the rules for transporting animals.

    As a rule, foreign airlines require the installation of a special chip on an animal, especially before rabies vaccination. European countries have particularly stringent requirements for the import of animals.

    For example, in Germany you will be required to provide a vaccination certificate in German and an international rabies certificate. And in hot Tunisia, a mandatory requirement is to have a vaccination against Carré disease.

    What other documents are needed to transport an animal abroad? Sometimes airlines require a license to transport animals abroad.

    If the animal has a pedigree, its provision replaces an export license. This rule applies to CIS countries.

    Owners, of course, want their shaggy friend to fly next to them. However, if the dimensions of the animal are impressive or the dog is a fighting breed, no matter how much you would like, you will have to check it in as baggage.

    When traveling with a pet, you need to take into account the fact that not every airplane passenger loves dogs and cats.

    Thus, small children may be afraid of being around a dog or even suffer severe allergies on animal fur. Therefore, you should prepare for the fact that your pet may not be welcome on board.

    Transportation of an animal in the aircraft cabin is permitted only in a special carrier.

    The total dimensions of the carrier should not exceed 125 cm, and the weight together with the animal should not exceed 8 kg.

    The dimensions are determined on the basis that the dog or cat in the carrier will be under the aircraft seat in front, the height of which should allow the bag to fit under it without much difficulty.

    So, if you transport an animal in a soft carrying bag, and not in a hard container, then a slight excess of dimensions is allowed. In this case, you need to be able to press the roof of the carrier when installing it under the chair.

    It is prohibited to remove the animal from the carrier during the flight.. The bottom of the carrier must be lined with absorbent napkins or diapers to avoid unpleasant situations on board.

    In general, throughout the flight you are entirely responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the aircraft and ensuring normal condition animal.

    In some cases, a dog muzzle may be required.. This applies to noisy and aggressive animals.

    Animals in the luggage compartment

    Large dogs travel in the luggage compartment. To do this, they are placed in special cages or containers. You must purchase them yourself, as airlines do not provide shipping containers for animals.

    The crate for transportation must match the size of the dog and have ventilation grilles or compartments to provide them with air. When transporting an animal unaccompanied, it is placed in the luggage compartment.

    The following documents are provided:

    • veterinary health certificate;
    • shipper's certificate;
    • for international transport, permission from import, export or transit countries.

    Despite the fact that all the comprehensive information about transporting animals of various airlines is contained on their official websites, you will still have to call and clarify the special rules for transporting dogs on an airplane.

    On average, you need to notify the airline at least two days in advance that you are flying with an animal.. If you do not do this, you will be refused permission to transport your dog or cat at the airport.

    The main thing that managers warn about over the phone is the cost of a ticket for a dog.. Travelers, however, are also most interested in how much a plane ticket for a dog or cat costs.

    The animal is considered excess baggage and is not included in the free baggage allowance. Prices for transporting “our little brothers” in airlines vary greatly.

    You will have to pay for the ticket for your dog at the airport before departure. You will not be able to book it in advance on the Internet. Therefore, airlines recommend arriving at the airport with your pet in advance.

    Aeroflot is the oldest and most reliable airline in Russia. Compared to other airlines, Aeroflot charges a more impressive amount for transporting an animal.

    Thus, on domestic flights when transporting one animal in the cabin or luggage compartment, you must pay an amount of 3,750 rubles. On international flights, the cost is pegged to the dollar exchange rate and is approximately 5,500 rubles.

    Despite the recently introduced rules requiring only a veterinary passport for a dog to be provided, Aeroflot managers still require a veterinary certificate, Form No. 1.


    UTair is more pet-friendly on board. Thus, the main requirement of the airline is only a timely vaccination against rabies.

    The tariff schedule for the transportation of dogs and cats in Russia is presented as follows:

    • in the cabin weighing up to 10 kg – 2500 rubles;
    • in the luggage compartment weighing up to 23 kg – 2500 rubles;
    • in the luggage compartment weighing from 23 to 32 kg – 5,000 rubles;
    • in the luggage compartment weighing from 32 to 50 kg - 7500 rubles.

    When traveling internationally, the airline charges between 50 and 150 euros for transporting an animal, depending on its size.


    An interesting feature in the rules of transportation of S7 Airlines is the ban on the carriage of puppies and kittens under the age of 8 weeks by aircraft due to possible dehydration animals.

    In Russia, the cost of transporting an animal with this airline will cost 2,000 rubles if the animal weighs less than 8 kg in the cabin or from 8 to 23 kg in the luggage compartment.

    Transporting the same animal from Russia to Europe will cost you 70 euros, and to the CIS countries – 50 euros.

    Either way, traveling by air will be a dangerous and frightening experience for your dog or cat. In order for your dog or cat to easily endure the flight and not cause problems for other passengers, you need to prepare it for the flight.

    In fact, traveling with a dog or cat on an airplane is not such a difficult or dangerous process.. The most important thing for an animal is that its owner is next to it.

    Carefully comply with all airline requirements for transporting animals, and your trip will become an exciting adventure for you and your four-legged friend.

    Video: How to transport cats and dogs on a plane?

    Pets often accompany owners when traveling. In order to transport your pet, you need to order not a separate ticket for it, but a special service called transportation of the animal in the cabin or in the luggage compartment of the plane. Airplanes have all the capabilities for this, provided that the animals are kept in a special container or cage.

    The possibility of transporting an animal on an airplane depends on the weight of the pet, the rules of the airline and the rules for importing animals into the country of destination (for international flights).
    In all cases, the service of transporting animals in the aircraft cabin or in the luggage compartment is paid; usually, payment for excess baggage allowance is made at the airport.

    There are a number of pre-flight formalities and requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary types of control provided for by law Russian Federation that the passenger must fulfill at the transfer airport for further transportation along the route, as well as the requirements government agencies at transfer points during international transportation. You can familiarize yourself with these requirements on the websites of official departments, as well as on the official website of the carrier airline.

    How to fly with animals

    Transporting animals on an airplane is permitted under most airline regulations, but transportation requirements may vary. In addition, a limited number of animals can be carried on the plane. Therefore, try to contact the airline you are flying as early as possible to find out their conditions and book your seat in time.

    Find out in advance from the veterinary service of the airport of departure what documents are needed to transport animals and birds.

    You are allowed to carry a dog, cat or feathered friend on the plane. A dog or cat on an airplane must be in a container designed for this; birds can be transported in a special cage. Other animals cannot travel with their owners or in luggage, but they can be transported on a cargo plane.

    To transport an animal, the passenger must provide a container or cage of sufficient size with access to air. Without a cage/container - transportation is strictly prohibited. The bottom of the container (cage) must be waterproof and covered with absorbent material. The animal must be able to stand up to its full height and turn around its axis. The lock must be secure.

    The cost of transporting an animal depends on its weight. As a rule, pets travel in the luggage compartment of an airplane. It is allowed to transport animals in the aircraft cabin, the weight of which together with the container (cage) does not exceed 5-8 kg, and the dimensions in the sum of three dimensions do not exceed 115 centimeters. Animals are accepted for transportation only if accompanied by adult passengers with the prior consent of the airline.

    Transporting large dogs

    Shipping large dogs(heavier than 5-8 kilograms) is carried out in the luggage compartment of the aircraft according to the same rules, but only the cage for the animal in this case must be more reliable and strong.

    Please note that some airlines prohibit the carriage of large dogs.

    On trips around Russia and the CIS

    For traveling with animals within Russia, a veterinary certificate (form No. 1) is usually sufficient, which is issued 3 days before the trip and is valid during these days. The certificate contains the owner’s name and travel route, information about the animal, vaccinations and tests it has undergone.

    To obtain a certificate, contact any state veterinary service with your animal and its veterinary passport.

    Before checking in for a flight, animals undergo mandatory control at the airport. For this you need a veterinary passport and certificate (form No. 1). After checking the documents, a stamp is placed on the certificate authorizing travel, which the passenger shows when checking in for the flight at the counter. An airport employee weighs the animal and directs the passenger to pay for transportation at the ticket office. Only after completing all these procedures is the passenger issued a boarding pass.

    How to transport a dog on a plane - find out more on the website of the airline you are flying with or contact the support service. To apply for this service, please leave a request more than 72 hours before departure, which must indicate total weight animal along with its cage, cage size length*width*height, animal breed:

    By phone 8-495-587-43-05 (be prepared to provide your reservation, order number or phone number specified when placing your order);

    Sending a letter by email [email protected] or indicating the reservation number, order number or telephone number specified when placing the order.

    The airline will need 24 hours to respond. We will definitely inform you about confirmation or refusal of this service.

    You need to find out whether the airline allows you to transport animals before purchasing a ticket.

    When traveling abroad

    To transport a dog, cat or bird abroad by plane, you need to prepare in advance and collect a huge number of documents. The animal will have to undergo research and examination, undergo tests and receive vaccinations.

    In addition, many countries establish special rules for the import of animals. For example, the import of fighting dogs is prohibited in some European countries. Island states often completely prohibit the import of animals (Malta, Great Britain) or place them in quarantine. To avoid trouble, find out in advance about the laws of the country you are traveling to.

    Preparing your pet for flight

    Stock up drinking water— dehydration occurs faster on an airplane than on the ground.

    ▪ Two hours before departure, feed your pet light food.

    ▪ Don't forget to walk your pet before departure.

    ▪ Make sure that your pet does not suffer from lack of air in its container or cage.

    ▪ Do not try to calm the animal with drugs.

    Transportation of guide dogs

    Carrying a guide dog also requires special confirmation from the airline. A dog with a special training certificate can accompany its owner free of charge. During the flight, the dog on the plane must be muzzled and tied to the owner's seat at his feet.

    To go through all the formalities without haste, arrive at the airport a few hours before departure.