
The course of treatment with wax moth. Instructions for use of tincture of wax moth larvae

Traditional medicine can work real miracles. Today she uses different approaches to treatment with herbs, flowers, roots or honey. For more than one century, they have been healing from diseases and helping to maintain the health of many people. One of the amazing and effective drugs from many ailments is tincture wax moth, the main component of which are insect larvae.

Insect features

The wax moth is an unremarkable gray butterfly small size, which is considered a real thunderstorm for beekeeping. This winged pest of honey bees is familiar to every beekeeper. The insect has a smell very similar to honey aroma. It is for this reason that the bees take the wax moth as "their own", which gives it the opportunity to access honey.

By itself, a plain-looking butterfly does not pose a danger to bees. She only lays her eggs on the honeycombs, from which harmful larvae appear after a while. On the initial stage they feed on honey and bee bread, in the process of development - wax combs mixed with the remains of a cocoon.

By eating wax, gluttonous caterpillars damage the honeycombs, covering the trajectory of their movement with silk. In addition, they eat honey and brood, and also spoil the frames and insulation for the hives. With a large accumulation of insects, caterpillars are able to eat even their own kind. Such destruction affects bee colonies, as a result of which many die or leave their homes. But the caterpillars, because of their voracity, transform into very useful medical point insect vision.

On a note

Has been used since ancient times. About amazing healing properties our ancestors knew this insect in the 17th century. Tincture of wax moth larvae was then used by healers to treat heart diseases.

The secrets of preparing a tincture of wax moth larvae

Tincture of wax moth (moth) is prepared from those that have not yet reincarnated into pupae. The uniqueness of the organism of these creatures lies in the production of cerrase, a special enzyme, due to which beeswax is broken down and absorbed. That is why the wax moth uses the waste products of bees as food.

On a note!

According to many beekeepers, it is better to use larger larvae for making tincture, as they contain more useful substances. The recipe for making wax moth tincture is quite simple, which allows you to make it at home. To obtain 10%, you need 10 g of larvae per 100 ml of alcohol. The recipe for 20% tincture is distinguished by a 2-fold increase in the number of caterpillars.

The recipe for making wax moth tincture is quite simple, which allows you to make it at home. To obtain a 10% extract, you need 10 g of larvae per 100 ml of alcohol. The recipe for 20% tincture is distinguished by a 2-fold increase in the number of caterpillars.

It is not difficult to prepare the tincture: these components must be placed in a glass container and infused for a month in a cool and dark place. A light brown tint, the medicine has a delicate honey-protein aroma. Before use, the tincture must be filtered. The shelf life of such a medicine is up to 3 years.

The medicinal properties possessed by the tincture of wax moth larvae are explained by the chemical composition of the remedy. It contains:

  • Vitamins and amino acids;
  • Enzymes and lipids;
  • Bioflavonoids and peptides;
  • High molecular weight proteins and serotonin-like substances;
  • Hypoxanthin;
  • Nucleotides and steroid hormones;
  • Fatty acids and minerals.

The use of wax moth tincture has wide range actions thanks to such a rich chemical composition alcohol extract.

Indications for use

And this is not all the indications that wax moth tincture treats. It is also used in gynecology and surgery. The extract is also used in oncology, as it reduces the spread rate malignant formations. The presence of psychotropic substances in the preparation helps to restore the nervous system: relieve fatigue, stress, tension, improve mood and memory.

Wax moth tincture is also actively used by athletes during preparation for competitions, which provide for great physical exertion. The drug has also found application in hematology. It is prescribed for anemia and other blood diseases. Wax moth extract promotes wound healing and protects against fungal infections.

"During the off-season and during viral diseases we take wax moth tincture with the whole family. The result of which is the absence sick leave and absenteeism from school. Recommend."

Svetlana, Astrakhan

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that traditional medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of tincture of wax moth larvae, so the drug should be used with caution. It is advisable to consult a doctor and do not replace the medications prescribed by him on his own with a tincture.

“As a doctor practicing for more than 10 years, I cannot confirm the miraculous properties of wax moth tincture. Moreover, the replacement strong drugs prescribed by the physician serious illnesses fraught with deterioration of the patient's condition. I do not recommend it to my patients instead of officially registered drugs that have been tested and confirmed their effect on the body. I attribute the positive reviews about the tincture to the placebo effect. Need to trust traditional medicine, not healers or beekeepers!”

Alexander Petrovich, St. Petersburg

Contraindications for use

Like any other medicine, in addition to the benefits, wax moth larvae tincture can be harmful to human health. With special care, it should be taken by children, as the body small child very sensitive. Contraindications to the use of wax moth tincture are as follows:

  • Individual intolerance to bee products, which can manifest itself in the form allergic reaction, headache, weakness;
  • Acute hepatitis;
  • Allergy to bee products;
  • Gastric ulcer (period of exacerbation);
  • Chronic pancreatitis.

Mode of application

It is necessary to know how to take the wax moth tincture, as the dosage may vary. Instructions for use indicate how to drink, and how many days to take the drug for a specific disease. During the treatment period, it is not recommended to take alcohol and products containing preservatives.

The course of treatment should be at least 3 months. This duration of therapy is explained by the need to accumulate useful substances, after which their potential is already used.

Universal application

In most cases, wax moth-based tincture is used in 15-20 drops of 10% extract (at the rate of 3 drops per 10 kg of human weight). The medicine is diluted with water or other liquid. 20% solution is recommended to drink 7-10 drops 2 times a day. AT preventive purposes this dose is taken once a day.

The duration of the course of treatment depending on the disease may vary. To avoid doubtful moments, before using the drug, it is necessary to consult and prescribe a doctor.

Outdoor use

Wax moth extract is often used for external application, as it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, wound healing properties. Therefore, it is widely used for the treatment skin diseases, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, thrombophlebitis. In addition, a cream or ointment based on an extract of wax moth larvae helps to eliminate pressure sores, bruises, sprains, as well as wounds of various origins. Effective tincture for furunculosis, trophic ulcers, herpes.

“I have been familiar with wax moth tincture for more than 10 years, since I cook it myself and am an experienced beekeeper. This is an excellent remedy, I save myself from migraines, chest pains and colds. ”

Ivan Ilyich, Uralsk

“I’ve heard about the healing properties of moth for a long time. But you need to know how to take the tincture correctly. Already after the first dose, red spots appeared on the body. I don’t know, maybe the remedy is simply not suitable for my body. ”

Lilia Ivanovna, Tambov

“I learned about the many properties of wax moth tincture from a friend. Decided to try it out first. With the help of a moth, I got rid of a terrible scar (4 cm in diameter). The surface of the skin in that place evened out, became softer and noticeably whitened.

Elena, Chelyabinsk

According to reviews, wax moth tincture has helped many patients get rid of migraines, gout, as well as many of the above diseases. However, in some patients, after discontinuation of the drug, unpleasant symptoms return again. There are also patients in whom taking the extract did not bring positive results, and even called side effects in the form of allergies and headaches. AT similar cases it is recommended to stop taking the drug.

Where can I buy

Wax will tincture is not manufactured or sold by any licensed pharmaceutical company. Its preparation is carried out by beekeepers themselves or small private companies that specialize in the sale of beekeeping products.

Therefore, in order to avoid deception and not harm your health, it is better to purchase the drug from familiar beekeepers. You can also use the Internet and order the drug on the website of an economy that is interested in customers and takes care of its reputation. It is better to refuse purchases in online stores selling a variety of goods.

“For a long time I could not find a tincture based on it anywhere. I searched all the pharmacies until a neighbor recommended a friend of the beekeeper. I ordered from him."

Some firms involved in the production of tinctures do not provide instructions for use. Taking such drugs is a concern, since the dosage depends on the concentration of the solution. This is another nuance that you need to focus on when buying wax moth tincture.

The topic of today's article is wax moth tincture: use in traditional medicine, wax moth tincture recipes.

The main value of the wax moth lies in the ability to produce cerraza- a special enzyme that promotes the processing of wax.

Mentions of the medicinal properties of the moth are found in the records of ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian healers who used the extract to treat consumption, infertility and dysfunction of the female reproductive system.

Useful properties were known in Japan, China and Kenya, dishes with wax will larvae were sold at that time in restaurants.

Official recognition was received only in the 19th century after numerous studies, Ilya Mechnikov outlined scientific evidence for the medicinal properties of the insect extract.

Extract has excellent antibacterial and antioxidant properties, in general, created on the basis of the substance of the drug have a general strengthening effect on the body, as a result of its application immunity is strengthened, physical and mental capacity patient.

The substance contains a large number of amino acids that useful for intoxication of the body and radiation.

Wax moth is widely used in the treatment various diseases, among which:

  • disease respiratory tract , under the influence of the substance, the drainage properties of the bronchi are improved;
  • epidemics influenza;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • problems with cardiovascular system, myocardial infarctions- as a result of smoothing scars, there is an acceleration of the resumption of the functioning of cardiomyocytes;
  • prevention of coronary disease;
  • pathologies associated with violation metabolic processes ;
  • diabetes - the substance helps to stabilize the level of sugar in the blood;
  • diseases of the reproductive system high efficiency seen during treatment prostate adenomas.

Substance also has psychotropic properties, its use improves mood and memory.

Preparations based on wax moth extract are recommended for the treatment of children, they help to reduce temperature and normalize blood characteristics, help fight cough.

Larva based tincture used in gynecology, as well as in the treatment of skin diseases, diseases of the liver, pancreas and many other diseases. Tincture slows down the aging process, gerontologists recommend taking it to improve the condition of the skin, the remedy is considered an excellent prevention of senile diseases.

Contraindications minimized, direct contraindications to preparations based on the extract are considered ulcers of the stomach and esophagus. From the cure recommended to avoid during pregnancy, on the later dates the use of a solution to eliminate toxicosis is allowed. Contraindications may also include hepatitis, allergies.

In sports

Wax moth extract has a positive effect on muscles, as a result of the interaction of the components, the recovery period after heavy loads is reduced.

The elements that make up the substance affect endurance, help accelerate growth muscle mass, its use activates the production of hemoglobin and the rate of absorption of calcium. Preparations created on its basis are indispensable for the recovery of athletes after an injury or surgery.

According to the results of the study medical preparation is an excellent alternative to dangerous anabolics, negatively affecting the central nervous system. It can be used not only to build muscle, but also to remove the body from the state in which it comes under the influence of steroids.


Tuberculosis is considered one of the most common causes of death in the adult population compared to others. infectious diseases. The reason for the relevance of this disease is the adaptation of tubercle bacillus to antibiotics.

The enzymes of the wax moth extract are able to break down the wax membrane of the Koch stick, after which antibiotic therapy shows a higher efficiency.

In addition, the substance has a stimulating effect, extract promotes the growth and development of healthy cells.

Wax moth extract helps with various forms of tuberculosis, which also occurs in the intestines, kidneys, joints, and lungs. The drug prevents the spread of infection to other tissues, increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.


A cure for cancer has not yet been found, but the use of wax moth extract can significantly alleviate the course of diseases. Its application contributes to the elimination of pain syndrome, as well as decrease side effects from taking antibiotics.

The components included in the composition of the substance have a strong anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect. Taking the drug for lung cancer is accompanied by the restoration of lung cells, metabolic processes in the body increase, and the rate of spread of malignant formation decreases.

Decreased in bowel cancer pain syndrome, immunity is strengthened, general well-being improves.


Regardless of the concentration of iodine in the body, wax moth extract is recommended for use in case of problems with thyroid gland, it should be taken simultaneously with the dead bee.

Pharmacy tinctures

Pharmacies sell a large number of tinctures based on wax moth extract, the main difference is the concentration (10, 20, 25%).

In its manufacture, the method of cold extraction of wax moth larvae on ethanol is used, the resulting solution is infused in a dark place at 20 degrees.

Such medications characterized by a long shelf life, during which the composition does not change. average price in pharmacies, wax moth tinctures vary between 450-900 rubles.

Wax moth tincture: instructions for use

Treatment requires compliance with certain rules, the drug is recommended to be taken half an hour before or one hour after a meal. This method provides better absorption of the substance. Dosage depends on weight for every 10 kg of weight, you need to take 3 drops of medicine.

How to take the tincture? If the body is not familiar with the drug, treatment is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • the first day - in the morning 1/4 dose;
  • second day - 1/2 dose;
  • third day - 3/4 dose.

If at all stages there are no discomfort, intolerance, you can proceed to receive a full dose. After a few days, the drug can be taken twice a day.

The average duration of therapy is three months, since the body first accumulates useful substances, and only after that their potential is used.

Some manufacturers do not give instructions for use, which is not very good, since the dosage also depends on the concentration of the solution. When buying, you should pay special attention to this fact.

Tincture of bee moth, how to cook with your own hands?

Officially wax moth tincture pharmaceutical companies not manufactured because it is believed to have a placebo effect.

The production of tincture is carried out exclusively by beekeepers or beekeeping companies. You can also buy directly from them.

You can prepare the tincture yourself, for this caterpillars of large sizes of the penultimate age will be needed. The latter factor does not play a big role in this, only adult individuals ready for pupation are not suitable for these purposes.

When using large larvae, their number is correspondingly reduced. Recipe:

  1. Selected fill the larvae with alcohol / vodka in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:4, in the first case, a 10% concentration will be obtained, in the second, a 25% concentration.
  2. A hermetically sealed container with a solution must be put in a dark, cool room for 12 days, shaking daily.
  3. The daily dosage is 1/2 tsp. in 45 min. before meals in the morning and evening.
  4. The course involves gradual increase to 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  5. With no effect between courses it is recommended to take a break of 2 weeks.

Other release forms

Substance may be included in capsules, which are used to treat many diseases, during such therapy it is not recommended to eat alcohol and foods with preservatives. The standard dosage is 1 capsule daily with meals 2 times a day.

Pure tincture can also be used externally for the treatment of wounds, boils, herpes, bedsores.

For external use, mix 2 tsp. extract with a 33% solution of dimexide.

If symptoms of irritation occur, the compress should be removed immediately, the drug should be washed off. The substance can also be used for external use, ointments are made from the extract.

The effectiveness of wax moth extract is widely known, it is mainly produced by beekeepers. The tool helps in the treatment of a large number of diseases, including oncology, tuberculosis, diabetes, infertility, varicose veins and many others.

Tincture can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently, it has practically no contraindications and side effects. Wax moth extract is used for external use, the substance is also part of the capsules that are prescribed for treatment various diseases, ointments are also prepared from it.

So, we talked about the healing properties of wax moth: tincture, purpose, treatment. They answered the questions: what is a wax moth and how is it useful? How to make a tincture with your own hands? How to take it correctly?

Useful materials

  • Find out how there are other types of moths: clothing, food and others. How to deal with them?
  • Where does this pest come from in the apartment and the features of the fight against the food variety.
  • What are the chemical and folk remedies from the moth?

Useful video

A real story from a working herbalist about this product, based on years of experience:

AT medicinal purposes, as a rule, medium-sized larvae (up to 2 cm long) are used, which are distinguished by a light yellow color, a sedentary lifestyle and excessive voracity.

Medicinal properties and chemical composition

Products obtained from wax moth larvae are rich in biologically active compounds, which is associated with the diet of insects, which includes various bee products. The extract includes enzymes, through which the larvae absorb wax and its derivatives - cerrase and lipase, as well as a list of vital trace elements (cobalt, zinc, potassium, chromium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, molybdenum, magnesium, copper, manganese), essential and non-essential amino acids (including aspartic, glutamic, proline).

The extract is characterized by the presence of the following medicinal properties:

  • anabolic;
  • protective;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • healing;
  • stimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bronchodilator;
  • cardioprotective;
  • absorbable;
  • restorative;
  • antioxidant;
  • hypocholesterolemic;
  • antiandrogenic;
  • immunoprotective;
  • anti-tuberculosis.

Indications for use of the product

Tincture of wax moth larvae can cure various ailments:

  • various types and forms of tuberculosis (lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, musculoskeletal, urogenital systems, meninges, CNS);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (including pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis ( chronic form), pleurisy, colds, asthma);
  • pathology circulatory system(arrhythmia, chronic coronary insufficiency, hemorrhoids, myocardial infarction, heart disease, thrombophlebitis, angina pectoris, ischemic disease, myocarditis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, Iron-deficiency anemia, atherosclerosis, tachycardia, hypertension);
  • manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • weak the immune system, immunodeficiency states;
  • organ diseases digestive system including the liver (cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, colitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, various forms gastritis);
  • pathology reproductive system(prostate adenoma, miscarriage, low potency and libido, toxicosis during pregnancy, low rate sperm motility, infertility, menopause);
  • Availability depressive states, headaches;
  • oncological diseases.

Preparation of tincture (extract) based on wax moth larvae

To create the product you need insect larvae and 100 ml. 70% alcohol solution. To obtain a tincture of 10% concentration for a given volume of alcohol, 10 g of larvae are needed, to prepare a 20% concentration - 20 g of animal raw materials, for a 25% concentration - 25 g of insects.

Wax moth cooked at home

It is also possible to prepare an extract of larvae in another way: 200 g (1 glass) of wax moth larvae are added to a container with vodka (1 l). The resulting composition is aged for 2 weeks, subject to daily shaking, after which it is filtered (animal raw materials should also be squeezed out). 0.5 l of water should be added to the finished product.

Important! For the treatment of tuberculosis caused by Koch's bacillus, only non-pupated caterpillars, the size of which does not exceed 1.0–1.5 cm, can be used as raw materials.

Methods of application and dosage

Wax moth tincture is recommended not only for the treatment of many ailments, but also for the purpose of prevention: the remedy is prescribed on an empty stomach according to the calculation of 3 drops for every 10 kg of body weight once a day. It is allowed to drink the medicine with any liquid (up to 70 ml). For treatment, a similar scheme is used, but the frequency of administration per day reaches 3 times.

The duration of therapy is 3 months, followed by a one-month break. For children (under 14 years of age), the individual dosage is calculated based on age: the number of drops is equal to the full years of the child. Duration of use - 3 weeks followed by a 3-week break. Minimum exchange rate is 3 months excluding breaks.

  • Instructions for the use of wax moth in case of any type of tuberculosis: it is recommended to take a 20% tincture of larvae three times a day on an empty stomach at a dose of 3-4 k. for every 10 kg of body weight, for a 10% solution - 5-8 k., for tincture - 6-10 k. quality preventive measure should be carried out by all family members living with the patient. For children under the age of 14, it is allowed to use a 10% extract (2 k. for each year of life) or 20% (1 k. for each year). The use of tincture is not allowed. For the treatment of tuberculosis it is recommended to use an extract of 20% concentration, since it is characterized by high compatibility with other drugs due to more low content alcohol in it.
  • If you have bronchitis is prescribed up to 20 k., diluted in any liquid (30 ml) on an empty stomach twice a day. Children under the age of 14 are given 1 tsp for every 12 kg of the child's body weight, diluted with a drink (30 ml) with the same intake frequency. Duration medical therapy- up to 1.5 months.
  • Treatment of diseases genital area provides for the use of the drug in a dose of 2 k. (for an extract of 20% concentration), 3 - 4 k. (for a 10% solution), up to 5 k. (for tincture of larvae). Note: Data are based on 10 kg of body weight.
  • Instructions for use of wax moth if available pathologies of the circulatory system implies taking the drug at a dose of 5 - 8 k. for every 10 kg of body weight (for tincture), 4 - 6 k. (for a 10% extract), 2 - 3 k. (for a 10% solution concentration). Children are treated as follows: 2 k. for each year of life for a 10% extract, 1 k. for a 20% extract, the use of tincture is not allowed.
  • During rehabilitation following after a stroke or heart attack, a drug from wax moth larvae is prescribed according to the scheme: 5 - 9 k. for every 10 kg of body weight for tincture, 4 - 8 k. - for a 10% extract, 2 - 4 k. - for an extract prepared in concentration 20%. With the forced use of other medicines, the use of a 20% solution is recommended.
  • In the presence of diseases respiratory system for adults, the drug is taken

    Wax moth for the heart

    in the form of tincture (4 - 7 k. for every 10 kg of body weight), 10% solution (3 - 5 k.) or 20% extract (1 - 3 k.). Children are shown taking a solution of 10% concentration (for each year of life, 2 drops) or 20% (1 for each year of life), the use of tincture is not recommended.

  • In the case of andrological or gynecological diseases individual dosages are as follows: 4 - 7 k. for every 10 kg of body weight (for tincture), 3 - 6 k. (for a 10% solution) or 2 - 3 k. (for a 20% extract).
  • To restore the functions of the immune system in postoperative period a remedy based on wax moth larvae should be taken 4–5 k. for every 10 kg of body weight of tincture, 3–4 k. extract of 10% concentration or 1–2 k. 20% solution. For children under 14 years of age, a 10% extract is prescribed 2 k. for each year of life, 20% - 1 k. for each year, the use of tincture is not allowed.
  • Oncology treatment provides for the use of tincture of 6 - 11 k. for every 10 kg of body weight, 10% extract - 5 - 10 k. or 20% - 2 - 5 k. Children under 14 years of age are recommended to use 20 % extract (1 k. for each year of life) or 10% (2 k. for each year), the use of tincture is not recommended. In case of implementation complex therapy, including a list of other medications, a 20% solution is recommended for use.

Product contraindications

Tincture (extract) of wax moth larvae is forbidden to be taken in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children younger age(reception is possible if there are certain indications and after a preliminary internal medical consultation);
  • individual intolerance to the product, its components.

Important! Compliance with the indicated dosages does not exclude the possibility of developing allergic manifestations.

The wax moth is a small butterfly that looks like a moth. The insect causes serious damage to beekeepers, but they have long learned to benefit from this pest. Wax moth preparations have therapeutic effect which allows them to be used in traditional medicine.


Small butterflies (bee moths) have undeveloped mouth organs and are active at night. Eggs are laid on honeycombs, which allows caterpillars at the beginning of their development to eat healthy food - honey and bee bread. In the process of development, they switch to feeding on wax combs mixed with the remains of bee cocoons, gnaw through passages, and damage bee pupae. Along the way, they cover the passages with silk. Predatory caterpillars damage bee brood, honey, bee bread. All this has a negative effect on bee colonies up to their death, at best, the bees can leave the hive.

The benefits of wax moth

With all the villainous lifestyle, wax moth larvae have extensive beneficial properties. In folk medicine medicines from the wax moth is used to treat many diseases. However official medicine do not recognize positive impact on the human body of this drug.

At the end of the 19th century, academician I.I. Mechnikov discovered the ability of an extract of the larvae of a large wax moth to treat tuberculosis. His students Professor Melnikov and microbiologist Zolotarev confirmed the discovery. S.A. Mukhin cured himself of tuberculosis with Vita balm based on an extract made from wax moth larvae and infusion medicinal herbs which he created. Many scientists have studied the composition and medicinal properties wax moth larvae. Professor A.K. Rachkov created "Dr. Rachkov's Balm".

Extract Properties

Preparations based on wax moth are taken for prophylactic and therapeutic effect in many diseases. The drug is non-toxic, it can be taken together with other drugs. Shelf life up to 5 years.

The extract and tincture of the wax moth has anti-tuberculosis, cardioprotective, antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial effects.

It is a biostimulating, restorative, anabolic, anti-stress, geroprotective agent.

Application for treatment

After discovering the beneficial properties of the larvae, they were used mainly in the treatment of tuberculosis. Over time, the list of ailments that can be treated when taking the drug from moth larvae has expanded.

The drug is successfully used for the treatment of tuberculosis. The use of the drug promotes the resorption of tuberculous foci, the healing of cavities.

In folk medicine, preparations based on wax moth are used to treat other diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs.

The use of a healing drug contributes to:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • increased physical activity;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • reduction of scars and scars;
  • resorption of postoperative adhesions;
  • memory improvement;
  • sperm activity;
  • increased sexual desire.

How to use

Wax moth extract is used internally and externally.

Internal use

Shake the contents of the vial thoroughly, add 15 drops of the product to 100 g of water and drink for 30 minutes. before meals. The result is achieved when the extract is used for at least three months. The break between courses is from 14 to 30 days.

Outdoor use

Wax moth extract is used to treat inflammatory diseases and anesthesia. Alcohol tincture of moth helps with neuritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, bruises, sprains, herpes, postoperative scars. How to apply externally, read below.

The composition of the tincture

The product contains 20 amino acids, calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron, zinc, molybdenum, amino acids, tyrosine, peptides, xanthine, glycine, leucine, arginine, lipids, alanine, vitamins A and B, higher fatty acids.

The concentration of all listed substances in the product is very high. A drug containing so many useful substances is able to block many diseases, speed up the healing process, and restore strength in the body after illnesses.

tincture recipe

Moth extract is prepared from crushed and thoroughly dried raw materials, combined with alcohol or vodka, oil.

The tincture is obtained from unprepared raw materials.

For tincture, non-pupated larvae of a large wax moth are used. Freshly harvested larvae insist on 40% alcohol solution in the ratio of 1 part of the larvae + 10 parts of alcohol for 10 days in a dark place in a tightly closed container. The finished liquid acquires a light brown color, protein-honey aroma. In tincture, natural precipitation is permissible. Before use, shake the tincture.

How to take wax moth tincture

15 drops alcohol tincture add to 100g of water. Take the remedy 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

For medicinal purposes, the tincture is taken for 3 months, a break of 30 days is taken and the course is repeated.

Examples of using tincture

  • Treatment of diseases of the digestive system

Mix 1 part of the tincture with 3 parts of melted butter. Take the product 1 p. a day for 20 min. before meals for 7 days.

  • Treatment of body pathologies

Mix 1 part tincture with 4 parts water. Take the remedy in the morning and evening for 30 minutes. before meals. Treatment is carried out in combination with drug treatment.

  • Joint treatment

Dilute dimexide with water (1 tsp dimexide + 3 teaspoons of water), add 7 drops of wax moth tincture to the resulting mixture. Moisten the bandage in the resulting mixture, apply to the affected area, cover with a dry cloth on top. Leave for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated 2-3 p. per day until improvement.

How to buy a quality tincture

It is best to buy a healing agent from trusted beekeepers who specialize in growing wax moth larvae. When buying a tincture, check for the presence of whole larvae in it. The product should be in a dark glass bottle. Without larvae, you can buy tincture only from a trusted seller.

Quality tincture is not cheap. The average price is about 700 rubles per bottle.


Wax moth extract should not be taken with allergies to bee products, during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is not given to children under 14 years of age.

Wax moth tincture is used in folk medicine to treat diseases of various groups.

The composition of this drug is unique in its effect on the human body. You can cook it yourself at home.

The use of the drug implies some nuances and contraindications. Before the implementation of the course of treatment or prevention, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for using the tincture.

What it is?

Wax moth (moth) is a small butterfly that visually resembles a moth. The insect is one of the pests that cause serious damage to beekeepers. The butterfly feeds exclusively on beeswax, which is impregnated with honeycombs.

For the manufacture of healing tincture the larvae of this insect are used. Therapeutic effect due primarily to the peculiarity of the diet of moths. The wax contains a record number of useful components, which, after being processed by the body of the moth, enhance their effect.

Beneficial features

Firefly and its larvae are the only creatures that can digest wax. This happens due to the content in their organisms of a special substance called the cerrase enzyme. By its nature, the tubercle bacillus has many similarities with the wax that the honeycomb is impregnated with.

This factor has led to the use of wax moth tincture for the treatment of tuberculosis. Gradually, experts have identified other beneficial features this product.

Useful properties of wax moth tincture are the following factors:

  • psychotropic effect;
  • antiviral action;
  • normalization of the immune system;
  • mucolic effect;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body;
  • detrimental effect on bacteria and microbes;
  • normalization of blood composition;
  • bronchodilatory effect;
  • elimination of hormonal failure;
  • beneficial effect on the lymphatic system;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • elimination of deviations in the work of the bronchi and lungs;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • increase in vitality;
  • improvement of physical and mental performance;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduced risk of blood clots;
  • antifungal action.

Chemical composition

The composition of wax moth tincture is complex and varied. The product contains many unique components vital for normal development human body. Science knows 28 free amino acids, 20 of which are part of the tincture. Some of them the body is not able to replenish on its own, and in food or vitamin complexes they contain the minimum number.

The composition of the wax moth tincture includes the following components:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • molybdenum;
  • zinc;
  • amino acids;
  • peptides;
  • xanthine;
  • tyrosine;
  • arginine;
  • glycine;
  • leucine;
  • alanine;
  • lipids;
  • vitamins of various groups;
  • higher fatty acids.

Wax moth tincture contains several varieties of higher fatty acids, which include palmitic, linolenic, stearic, oleic, arachidonic and their other varieties.

The concentration of all components in the product reaches maximum levels.

Thanks to this composition, the drug is able to restore the natural processes in the body, block the development of many diseases and accelerate the healing process.

Indications for use

Among the indications for the use of wax moth tincture are numerous diseases associated with impaired performance of the internal systems of the human body. Thanks to unique composition the drug is able to accelerate the healing process with such serious pathologies like tuberculosis, fungal diseases lung or infertility. The tincture contains components that have a complex effect on the body and a powerful healing effect.

Indications for the use of wax moth tincture are the following conditions:

  • tuberculosis;
  • fungal diseases of the lungs;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • level violations blood pressure(hypertension, hypotension);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • consequences of strokes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • regular headaches;
  • oncological diseases;
  • various forms of infertility;
  • BPH;
  • impotence;
  • violations of sexual desire;
  • viral diseases.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

Wax moth tincture is one of the means that are not capable of harming the human body, even with prolonged use.

Children are an exception. The child's body may react negatively to individual components, which will lead to an allergic reaction, food intolerance or other manifestations side effects. The list of contraindications for taking tincture includes only a few conditions.

Contraindications for taking tincture are the following conditions:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age up to 14 years;
  • pregnancy at any time;
  • lactation period.

Recipes for cooking at home

To prepare the tincture of moth, you will need moth larvae large size. The main nuance is the implementation of the nutrition process by them.

When the last stage of development is reached, digestion stops, which leads to sharp decline produced enzymes. As a raw material for tincture, such caterpillars will be useless. The process of preparing a healing agent is not difficult.

Recipe #1:

  1. Pour live moth larvae with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. It is necessary to insist the workpiece in a dark and cool place for at least one month.
  3. After infusion, the product is ready for use.

Recipe #2:

  1. 20 g of larvae pour 100 ml of alcohol.
  2. It is necessary to insist the workpiece for at least one month in a cool and fairly dark place.
  3. As a result of this procedure, the 20th tincture will be obtained.

Recipe #3:

  1. Pour a glass of moth larvae with a liter of vodka.
  2. Infuse the preparation for two weeks, shaking the contents of the jar daily.
  3. Strain the product and add another 500 ml of vodka.
  4. The tincture is ready to use.

How to take it correctly?

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for using wax moth tincture. This technique is suitable for the treatment of almost any disease, but use it as a independent means therapy is not worth it.

Consultation with a specialist must be carried out necessarily. Opinions of doctors about the effectiveness of the tincture differ. When side effects occur home treatment needs to be stopped.

Examples of the use of tincture in traditional medicine:

  • drug for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system(mix the tincture with melted butter in a ratio of 1:3, take the remedy once a day forty minutes before eating, the course of treatment is at least seven days);
  • for the prevention of deviations in the performance of internal systems(take the tincture once a day for two weeks, the solution must be mixed with any liquid in a ratio of 1:4);
  • for the treatment of existing pathologies(mix the tincture with any liquid in a ratio of 1:4, take the remedy twice a day forty minutes before meals, the course of treatment depends on the degree of development of the disease, in some cases simultaneous reception medicines must be carried out necessarily);
  • to restore the body after a heart attack or stroke(it is necessary to start the course of treatment on the tenth day after the attack, it is necessary to take the tincture half a teaspoon once a day before meals);
  • for arthritis and arthrosis(dilute dimexide with water in a ratio of 1: 3, add a few drops of wax moth tincture to the workpiece, moisten a bandage or gauze in the resulting solution, make a bandage on the affected area, after 20 minutes remove the bandage, repeat the procedure regularly).

Firewood tincture can be taken pure or diluted. traditional healers it is recommended to start a course of treatment in the second way, gradually moving to an increase in concentration and dosage. The number of doses per day should not exceed three times, and a single serving is a maximum of 25 drops (or half a teaspoon).

(bee or wax moth, moth, moth, klochen) is a widespread insect pest, belonging to the number of species of nocturnal gray butterflies, parasitizing in bee hives. An adult individual does not cause significant damage, however, its larvae can become a serious problem, since they actively feed on: honey, wax, spoil the frames, hive walls, insulation, damage honeycombs and brood, and are able to destroy bee larvae.

For medicinal purposes, as a rule, medium-sized larvae (up to 2 cm long) are used, which are distinguished by a light yellow color, a sedentary lifestyle and excessive voracity.

They are rich in biologically active compounds, which is associated with the diet of insects, which includes various bee products. The extract includes enzymes, through which the larvae absorb wax and its derivatives - cerrase and lipase, as well as a list of vital trace elements (cobalt, zinc, potassium, chromium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, molybdenum, magnesium, copper, manganese), essential and non-essential amino acids (including aspartic, glutamic, proline).

The extract is characterized by the presence of the following medicinal properties:

Indications for use of the product

Tincture of wax moth larvae can cure various ailments:

  • various types and forms of tuberculosis (lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, musculoskeletal, urogenital systems, meninges, central nervous system);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (including pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis (chronic form), pleurisy, colds, asthma);
  • pathologies of the circulatory system (arrhythmia, chronic coronary insufficiency, hemorrhoids, myocardial infarction, heart disease, thrombophlebitis, angina pectoris, ischemic disease, myocarditis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, iron deficiency anemia, atherosclerosis, tachycardia, hypertension);
  • manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • weak immune system, immunodeficiency states;
  • diseases of the digestive system, including the liver (cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, colitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, various forms of gastritis);
  • pathologies of the reproductive system (prostate adenoma, miscarriage, low potency and libido, toxicosis during pregnancy, low sperm motility, infertility, menopause);
  • the presence of depression, headaches;
  • oncological diseases.

Preparation of tincture (extract) based on wax moth larvae

To create the product you need insect larvae and 100 ml. 70% alcohol solution. To obtain a tincture of 10% concentration for a given volume of alcohol, 10 g of larvae are needed, to prepare a 20% concentration - 20 g of animal raw materials, for a 25% concentration - 25 g of insects.

Wax moth cooked at home

It is also possible to prepare an extract of larvae in another way: 200 g (1 glass) of wax moth larvae are added to a container with vodka (1 l). The resulting composition is aged for 2 weeks, subject to daily shaking, after which it is filtered (animal raw materials should also be squeezed out). 0.5 l of water should be added to the finished product.

Important! For the treatment of tuberculosis caused by Koch's bacillus, only non-pupated caterpillars, the size of which does not exceed 1.0–1.5 cm, can be used as raw materials.

Methods of application and dosage

Wax moth tincture not only for the treatment of many ailments, but also for the purpose of prevention: the remedy is prescribed on an empty stomach according to the calculation of 3 drops for every 10 kg of body weight once a day. It is allowed to drink the medicine with any liquid (up to 70 ml). For treatment, a similar scheme is used, but the frequency of administration per day reaches 3 times.

The duration of therapy is 3 months, followed by a one-month break. For children (under 14 years of age), the individual dosage is calculated based on age: the number of drops is equal to the full years of the child. Duration of use - 3 weeks followed by a 3-week break. The minimum course is 3 months, excluding breaks.

Tincture (extract) of wax moth larvae is forbidden to be taken in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • young children (admission is possible if there are certain indications and after a preliminary internal medical consultation);
  • individual intolerance to the product, its components.

Important! Compliance with the indicated dosages does not exclude the possibility of developing allergic manifestations.

) is the worst pest in the apiary, but at the same time, the bee moth is a rather significant product in beekeeping, the wax moth is used to make many medicines and tinctures. The long-livers of Japan and the priests of ancient Egypt knew about the healing and healing properties of the bee moth larvae - with the help of it they prolonged their youth and strengthened their immunity.

But the medicinal properties of this pest are that caterpillars only eat bee products and not any other food. During the use of wax by a bee moth, it becomes chemically completely inactive. This indicates that on Earth it is simply impossible to find such a large number of compounds and substances of natural origin that can break down and process wax.

It is hard to imagine how these small insects produce such active and effective biochemical elements. In almost one month of development, one larva can cause damage by eating more than 5 grams of wax, which will ruin about 700 comb cells.

Wax or bee moth is silver moth, which belongs to the fire class. In the wingspan of the male can reach 18-24 mm, the female - 19-33 mm. Insects can destroy whole bee families, laying eggs on their combs, from which a caterpillar appears a week later. At first, she eats bee bread, pollen, honey. Then it destroys the wax and the remains of cocoons, braiding the exits with cobwebs, destroying honeycombs and dryness. Growing to a size of 18-24 mm, the caterpillars complete their feeding and pupate.

Healing and beneficial properties of wax moth

Every beekeeper knows that the bee moth is the main pest of honeycombs in bees, but this moth also has positive properties. The moth is propagated for the manufacture of a medicinal product - bee moth extract. In these unique insects, nature hides an amazing power, the ability to human body restore a huge number of processes.

Many specialists traditional medicine use the most amazing substances for their own purposes, including those that at first glance cannot bring any visible benefit to a person. Among the amazing natural medicines are various living organisms, for example, wax moth larvae.

Wax moth (aka bee moth) from the family of moths is one of the dangerous pests of bees. The entire period of development from the laying of eggs by the parental moth and ending with the pupation of the moth is in the hive. Food for her are: honeycombs,.

Feeding, the larvae consume nutrients for 25-30 days. Thanks to the composition accumulated from food, the larvae are so useful. Based on them, an amazing extract is prepared, which, according to the healers, has truly healing qualities.

Let's talk about what a wax moth tincture is, use, consider reviews about it, treat with this remedy, indications for the use of such a drug, and in addition, we will analyze in detail the recipe for preparing this tincture. And does the tincture of moth fire have contraindications.

Wax moth tincture is prepared from freshly harvested larvae. The raw materials for it are caterpillars, which have very little left before the formation of a butterfly. Such organisms are known to beekeepers as a dangerous and fairly common pest of bee hives. It is believed that large larvae contain especially many useful substances, which is explained by the natural preparation for pupation.

Wax moth tincture - recipe

For the preparation of such a tincture, forty percent alcohol is used. For ten grams of wax moth larvae, one hundred milliliters of alcohol must be prepared. The medicine is prepared for one to two months in a rather dark and at the same time in a cool place. So you get a ten percent extract. To prepare a twenty percent medicine, the number of larvae must be doubled - up to twenty grams for the same one hundred milliliters of alcohol.

Wax moth tincture - indications and contraindications

Indications for use

Initially, wax moth tincture was advised to use. Traditional medicine experts claim that this extract is able to destroy the tubercle bacillus.

Over time, data appeared on the broader properties of wax moth tincture. Such a product perfectly prevents diseases, and increasing physical activity. Tincture of wax pain larvae is used for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy and pulmonary tuberculosis. Known indications for its use also include angina pectoris and.

Tincture of wax moth larvae has a powerful antioxidant effect, which makes it useful for the treatment of coronary artery disease and for its prevention. Such a drug is based on proteolytic enzymes that help activate the resorption of scars and adhesions formed after surgery and various inflammations. Due to the presence of amino acids, such an extract helps protect a person from the aggression of ionizing radiation, as well as intoxication.

There is evidence that a tincture of wax moth larvae can help treat BPH. Such a substance also increases endurance and the rate of muscle regeneration after serious physical activity. Its reception activates the growth and restoration of tissues, improves the regeneration of bone tissues, increases the level of energy supply. human body and enhances hemoglobin production.

Wax moth tincture is characterized by good psychotropic qualities. Such a substance perfectly improves memory and mood.

When used in children, this extract helps to reduce fever, cure cough and normalize blood characteristics.

Tincture based on wax moth larvae can be used to treat various gynecological disorders. It is advised to take different types infertility, as well as with andexitis.

This product also treats well many skin diseases. The extract is advised to be used for the treatment of diseases of the liver and pancreas.

A tincture of wax moth larvae can be used to treat many other ailments. It is believed that it is perfectly stored, cannot harm and cause side effects.

Does wax moth tincture have contraindications for use?

Tincture of wax moth larvae cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to such a substance. Besides this medicine not shown to children under the age of fourteen, women bearing a child, as well as nursing mothers.

Wax moth tincture - instructions for use

Wax moth tincture - external treatment

This medicine is great for external application. In this case, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, is characterized by antiseptic, trophic and wound healing qualities. The tincture can be used to treat osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, myalgia, neuritis, thrombophlebitis, psoriasis. She treats furunculosis, trophic ulcers and herpes. Also, the extract of wax moth larvae perfectly eliminates bedsores, sprains, bruises, wounds of various origins and postoperative scars.

Universal application

In most cases, the tincture of wax moth larvae is advised to take fifteen to twenty drops. This amount of medicine is diluted in any liquid and taken three times a day. This recommendation is relevant for a ten percent extract. If you are taking a twenty percent solution, you should drink seven to ten drops twice or thrice a day. After one month of daily intake, you need to take a break for a month.

Wax moth tincture reviews

There are a lot of reviews on the use of tincture of wax pain larvae - both positive and neutral and negative.

For some patients, the tincture has helped to forget about chest pains and migraines forever. Meet positive reviews about its use for the treatment of almost all of the above diseases. At the same time, some patients say that unpleasant symptoms are restored after cessation of consumption. There are also reviews that taking a tincture of wax moth larvae does not change the unpleasant symptoms in any way and can even cause side effects, for example, severe headache. Usually they disappear after the termination of such "treatment".

A tincture of wax moth larvae cannot be purchased at a pharmacy, it useful qualities not proven by any scientific research. Such a tool can only be ordered from beekeepers and specialized online stores. It should be taken only after consultation with a qualified doctor. Self-medication can cause serious harm to health.

Alternative treatment pulmonary tuberculosis in adults folk remedies

As we found out, initially wax moth tincture was used for the treatment of tuberculosis. This is quite common and at the same time dangerous disease. And other folk remedies can be used to correct it.

Eggs, cognac, aloe, honey, lemon - a prescription for tuberculosis. So a very popular and at the same time simple cure for tuberculosis is the following tincture. To prepare it, prepare a dozen chicken eggs, wash them well and lay them whole and raw on the bottom of a glass container (you can use a regular three-liter jar). Also take twenty large lemons. Grate them on a grater and put the resulting mass on top of the eggs. Leave the product for two days to infuse in a fairly warm place.

In a separate container, mix half a liter of cognac, two hundred grams of juice from aloe leaves and a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder. Also add one kilogram and two hundred grams of quality honey to these components. Warm this mixture a little (preferably in a water bath) and pour into a jar of eggs and lemons. But you should not mix the medicine. It should be infused for two weeks in a rather dark and at the same time warm place.

After that, carefully remove the eggs, strain the rest of the product, and squeeze the raw material. Take the finished medicine in a tablespoon three times a day. It is best to take it half an hour before a meal. This product should be stored in the refrigerator.

Birch buds, tuberculosis vodka. Traditional medicine experts strongly recommend treating tuberculosis using an infusion based on birch buds. Combine a tablespoon of such raw materials with two glasses of vodka. Insist until the medicine acquires a pleasant cognac color. Take a tablespoon three times a day immediately before a meal.

Knotweed from tuberculosis. Even for the treatment of tuberculosis, healers recommend using a decoction of knotweed. Such a medicine is prepared very simply: brew a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for five to ten minutes. Strained medicine take a tablespoon three to four times a day.

Wax moth tincture is an amazing remedy that is often used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis and other serious diseases. Other drugs can be used to treat tuberculosis, including formulations based on medicinal plants and improvised means.