
Sunflower flowers medicinal properties and contraindications. Sunflower annual healing properties of sunflower seeds and oil

Sunflower or sunflower is known to everyone, because its seeds are widely used in cooking for cooking vegetable oil, baking and confectionery. But the benefits of sunflower are not limited to this, medicinal properties have leaves, flowers, sprouts, roasted grains and root.

Description of oilseed sunflower

Sunflower is an annual herbaceous plant that can reach a height of 3 meters. It has a tap root with many branches, a thick stem with a spongy core, and large, heart-shaped leaves that are rough to the touch. Numerous small sunflower flowers are collected in a basket inflorescence, its diameter ranges from 15 to 35 cm. This plant got its name for heliotropism - the ability to turn the inflorescence, following the movement of the sun during the day.

Oil sunflower blooms from July to August. Then, in place of the flowers, fruits are formed - oblong and slightly flattened seeds containing a lot of oil. The color of the seeds depends on the variety - the seed can be white, gray, black or striped. The wide distribution of sunflower has made it accessible to almost everyone, this plant can be easily grown on its own to prepare marginal flowers, leaves, seed kernels, stem, root and vegetable oils.

Useful properties of sunflower

To understand the benefits of this plant for the human body, you should study it. chemical composition. Root, leaves and flowers are sources of the following substances:

  • flavonoids (quercimerythrin);
  • glycosides (scopolin);
  • saponins;
  • sterols (sitosterolin);
  • anthocyanins;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • carotenoids (beta-carotene).

The use of flavonoids lies in their ability to strengthen blood vessels, thin the blood, improve the permeability of red blood cells through the capillaries, and also prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Due to the presence of glycosides, medicines, for the manufacture of which the root or other part of the sunflower is used, have a positive effect on metabolic processes organism. Saponins, which are rich in sunflower root, stimulate the secretory activity of all glands, promote liquefaction and excretion of sputum, produce a slight laxative effect, normalize cholesterol levels and remove excess fluid from the body. Phytosterols are beneficial because of their ability to reduce cholesterol absorption and prevent cancer. The healing properties of anthocyanins are to improve vision, neutralize free radicals, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. Phenolcarboxylic acids are useful due to their diuretic and antimutagenic effects.

Of particular value are the kernels of sunflower seeds. Their usefulness is also due to a variety of chemical composition. Seeds contain the following substances:

  • oils;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • sterols;
  • phospholipids;
  • carotenoids;
  • vitamin E;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The healing properties of sunflower seeds are explained by their ability to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and increase the concentration of "good" lipoproteins. In addition, the fats that the seed contains is a building material for cell membranes. It is worth noting that fried seeds are no less useful than fresh ones. However, remember that with prolonged heat treatment, some useful material are destroyed, so fried kernels contain fewer vitamins.

Sunflower sprouts or germinated seeds are even more useful than ordinary ones. When the growth process begins in the nucleus, the nutrients undergo chemical changes. In this regard, their bioavailability increases. Sprouted sunflower seeds are useful due to the presence of a large amount of tocopherol, B vitamins, as well as minerals (iron, lithium, chromium). Using sprouts, a person will receive compounds that are practically not found in roots, leaves or flowers.

The benefits of sunflower in diseases

The medicinal properties of the plant are extremely diverse, so its roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, as well as seedlings will be useful in the following conditions:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cold;
  • gastritis and ulcer;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • anorexia.

The benefits of sunflower-based products are invaluable for healthy people. The medicinal properties of such drugs are explained by the fact that they improve metabolism, have a general strengthening effect and increase the body's resistance to adverse factors. As a preventive measure, you can eat sprouts, sunflower seeds, infusions and decoctions, for the preparation of which roots, leaves or flowers, as well as oils were used.

To get sprouts, you need to wash the grains and leave them moist at room temperature. Do this procedure daily, and when the sprouts reach a length of 3 - 5 cm, free each seed from the husk. Sprouts can be added to any dish or eaten separately. Sunflower root is used to make tea. Crushed roots in the amount of 1 cup should be poured with 3 liters of water, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes. You need to drink this tea 1 - 2 glasses a day. To prepare a new portion of tea, the same roots should be boiled for 5 minutes in the same amount of water. To prepare the infusion, you need to take the root and core of the plant in the same proportions, 2.5 tbsp. l. of this mixture, pour 250 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 2 minutes. Strain the finished broth and drink during the day. The duration of treatment is 30 days.

Possible harm sunflower

It must be remembered that products based on this plant have not only medicinal properties, for some, their use is not only beneficial, but also harmful. This applies, first of all, to people who have a tendency to develop allergic reactions. Follow the use of sunflower oil should be in diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Fried seeds can harm the enamel of the teeth, as well as the figure, because due to the oil content, some have a high calorie content. Sunflower roots and leaves should also be used with caution, as the substances they contain in high concentrations acquire toxic properties and harm the liver.

Due to the presence of gluten, sprouts can be harmful to people with an intolerance to this protein. As powerful sunflower roots absorb a large number of moisture with all substances dissolved in it, seedlings may contain toxic components. Therefore, sprouts are best made from grains obtained by self-growing. Sometimes sunflower medicines, its roasted seeds and sprouts are harmful to people with gastritis and peptic ulcer. In addition, the sprouts stimulate the excretion of kidney sand and stones, which is often accompanied by pain. To prevent harm, people with kidney stones should use them carefully.

Harm from the use of products for the preparation of which leaves, roots, flowers, oils or seedlings were used is very rare. At correct reception these drugs are invaluable benefits - the only thing that a person receives.

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Family: Asteraceae Botanical name: Helianthus annuus Generic name: Helianthus Folk names: Annual sunflower, oilseed sunflower, sunflower, Sun grass, Peruvian sun flower.

Description: Helianthus annuus is an annual herbaceous plant of the Compositae family up to 2.5 m high. The stem is dense, erect, unbranched, with a spongy core. Root taproot, branched. The leaves are alternate, large, heart-shaped, rough, located on long petioles. The flowers are yellow, apical, collected in a large drooping basket up to 25 cm in diameter, which turns towards the sun. The outer flowers are large, yellow, lingual, sterile; internal - tubular, smaller, yellow-brown, bisexual, located along the entire inner surface of the basket.
The fruit is an oblong ovoid achene, striped or black. Blossoms in July-August, ripens in August-September. At the opening stage, the baskets all the time turn towards the sun, but, having completely opened, the flower freezes, its basket looks only to the east and does not move any more.

Places of growth: The homeland of sunflower is Mexico and Peru, from there it was brought to Europe in the 16th century, under Peter the Great came to Russia. Now it grows in many countries with a warm climate. On good fertilized soils with intense sunlight, sunflower develops powerful roots and leaves, the stem can reach up to 5 m, the plant produces a generous crop of seeds.

Used parts: All parts of the plant are used. Sunflower seeds are used in cooking, as light snacks, sunflower oil is squeezed out of them. They are useful food for birds. Sunflower oil is used for cooking, as an industrial oil and for the production of biodiesel. Leaves and cake left over from oil production are fed to livestock. From the flowers you can extract yellow paint, from the husk - black. The stems of the plant contain fibers from which paper is successfully made. Sunflower gives latex and may in the future become a source of hypoallergenic rubber.
For medicinal purposes, marginal flowers, leaves and mature achenes are used.
In cooking, oil, seeds, leaf cuttings, young unblown heads are used.
Sunflower is also a beautiful ornamental plant, some of its undersized and medium-sized varieties are grown for decoration or for bouquets.

Collection and preparation: Sunflower leaves are harvested in the initial flowering period, plucked from the plant on the vine. In this case, only intact leaves without a petiole or with a small remainder of it are taken. You can dry the leaves outdoors or in the attic in case of adverse weather. Dried leaves should be rough, with sharply prominent veins, strongly pubescent. The color of the leaves is dark green, there is no smell, the taste is bitter.
The flowers of the plant are also collected during the flowering period. And for this purpose, only bright yellow marginal reed flowers are used. You need to cut them off carefully so as not to damage the baskets. The collected flowers are dried immediately in a well-ventilated dark place, so that they retain their natural color. The smell of dried flowers when soaked should be faint, honey, the taste is slightly bitter with a feeling of slimy. Flowers and leaves are stored in cloth bags for 2 years.

Application in medicine: Sunflower preparations relax smooth muscles internal organs, lower body temperature, stimulate appetite, have an expectorant effect. Alcohol tincture yellow marginal flowers of flower baskets and sunflower leaves stimulates appetite, enhances the activity of the stomach and intestines and has an antimalarial effect.
A tincture of flowers and leaves is used as drops as a substitute for quinine in malaria.
Leaf tea is astringent, diuretic and expectorant. Crushed leaves are used to make poultices on wounds, tumors, they treat bites of snakes and spiders.
The roots are boiled for a long time in water, and then the decoction is used to treat rheumatic pains.

Active substances: Sunflower leaves contain carotene, resinous substances, flavonoids, saponins, organic acids, choline, in flowers - flavone glycoside, anthocyanins, choline, betaine, bitterness, phenolcarboxylic acids and alcohols, in seeds - fatty oil (35-40%), protein, carbohydrates, phytin, tannins, carotenoids, phospholipids, citric and tartaric acids . Sunflower oil rich in vitamin E, it contains unsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, tocopherol, carotenoids.

Application in folk medicine: In folk medicine, a decoction of reed flowers is drunk with jaundice, heart disease, bronchial spasms and gastrointestinal colic, with malaria, influenza, upper catarrh respiratory tract. Alcoholic tincture of reed flowers (and sometimes leaves) is effective for fever and neuralgia. Instead of tincture, you can use a decoction, useful as a diuretic, as well as a remedy for diarrhea. The oil obtained from sunflower has high nutritional qualities and energy value. It is widely used as a basis for the preparation of oil solutions, plasters and ointments, used as a laxative and cholagogue during treatment inflammatory diseases intestines and cholelithiasis and for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Assign it to 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. Locally boiled sunflower oil is recommended as a healing agent for fresh wounds and burns in the form of oil dressings. Flowers, leaves, fruits and sunflower oil are used in diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Flowers and leaves are used as an anti-febrile agent, an alcoholic tincture of them is drunk for malaria, influenza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Fresh seeds help with allergies (urticaria, etc.).

In folk medicine of the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region, a decoction of dried young flower baskets is taken for nettle fever, and a tincture of reed flowers for nervous diseases.

In German folk medicine, for urticaria, malaria, bronchitis and convulsions, it is recommended to take fresh sunflower seeds daily for 2 months.

The seeds have a diuretic and expectorant effect and can be successfully used to treat bronchial, larynx and lung diseases, coughs, especially wet ones, and colds. Ointment of leaves and flowers in combination with balsamic essential oils can be used for rubbing in bronchitis.

Seed tincture fried in a frying pan Brown, is exceptionally useful in relieving choking coughs.

An ointment prepared from seeds mixed with wine is used for fever and malaria instead of quinine. This medicine does not cause side effects, which are often found with an overdose of quinine and arsenic, so it has become widespread in Turkey.

In the Caucasus, for the treatment of malaria, the following was done: sunflower leaves are laid out on a sheet, moistened with warm milk, the patient is wrapped in a sheet, covered and allowed to sweat for 2-3 hours. Do this every day until recovery.

A growing sunflower effectively fights harmful fumes in swampy areas. The danger of getting a fever is much less where sunflowers grow near the house. Infusion. 1st option from fresh sunflower flowers Take 2 tablespoons of fresh marginal sunflower flowers, pour cups of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. The decoction is useful as a diuretic, as well as a remedy for diarrhea. 2nd option, from dry raw materials. 20 g of dry raw materials are poured into 1 cup of boiling water and infused for half an hour, then filtered and drunk 3 tablespoons 15-20 minutes before meals. Take an infusion for neuralgia of the front of the head and coronary disease heart, as well as to stimulate appetite, with colic in the intestines, spastic colitis, chronic hepatitis and diarrhea. It is also useful for increased nervous excitability. Tincture of dry stem on vodka. Take 1 part of the stems for 8 parts of vodka, leave for 9 days. Drink 3 tablespoons on an empty stomach for 3 days - for malaria, tincture of the core of the stem - for fever. medicinal tea from sunflower seeds. Take 1-2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds, pour them into a glass and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew, sweeten with some syrup, sugar or honey. Honey is the best. Drink morning and evening for constipation. Tincture. Cut the petals and lower leaves of the plant, fill the jar a quarter, pour vodka to the top, close tightly and leave for 2 weeks, strain. Used a teaspoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals as an antipyretic, to stimulate appetite, relieve heart pain, pain of neurological origin, gastric colic, treatment of rheumatism, sciatica, influenza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, furunculosis, malaria, jaundice, hypertension . Infusion of sunflower leaves and dried rosemary flowers. Mix in a 1:1 ratio, 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain, drink 1/3 cup 20-30 minutes before meals. The infusion was used to reduce blood pressure, in case of pain in the stomach. Potion for removing salts from the body. A mixture of the core and root of the plant (1: 1). Take 5 tbsp. l. mixture, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil in a water bath, boil for 2 minutes, insist until cool, strain. This daily dose consumed 4-5 times half an hour before meals. If necessary, after 3-4 weeks of treatment, take a break for 10-14 days, repeat the course (the urine will first darken, which indicates the removal of toxins). It is also used in case of urinary problems.

I think that many will agree with me, calling the sunflower a solar doctor. This wonderful plant is very useful in the treatment of many ailments, if used wisely. In a sunflower, everything is healing, from the flower to the roots.


For treatment genitourinary system and kidneys thyroid gland use a sunflower stem. When the hats have already been cut, the stem must also be cut (it should be no more than 1 cm in diameter). Cut it into lengths of 2 cm and dry well. Keep dry raw materials in a paper or cloth bag.

Pour two handfuls of raw materials into a three-liter jar, pour cold water collected on Christmas, Epiphany or on St. Nicholas Day - December 19. Especially valuable is the water collected on January 31 and December 31. And also water can be collected on the 31st day of each month.

Having filled the jar, let it brew a little, then drain the water, boil it and pour it into the jar with raw materials again. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and leave overnight. Drink half a glass three times a day. You need to drink for a month, a break for a week. During the winter, do 3-4 courses.

It must be strictly remembered that the infusion of the sunflower stem is a strong diuretic. There may be pain in all joints, which means that the joint bags are being cleansed of deposits and toxins. There will be profuse sweating.

Those who suffer from rheumatism should dip their feet in a hot salt solution twice a week. Three handfuls of salt per two liters healing water. While taking foot baths, headaches, heaviness throughout the body, and skin soreness may appear. This means that the entire body is being cleansed of toxins.


An infusion of yellow sunflower petals is used externally. They can treat pemphigus vulgaris and chronic ulcers with diabetes. Pour a handful of petals with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drain the water, and apply the petals to ulcers, wounds, sore spots. Do this during the day or at night, securing with a bandage.

Alcohol tincture of yellow petals is used in the treatment of psoriasis. Fill any jar by 2/3 with flowers and pour moonshine to the neck. Infuse for two weeks, then wipe the affected areas.

Fold yellow petals from sunflower baskets tightly into a glass jar, tamp, pour 70% alcohol, roll up with an iron lid and put in a dark, warm place. It will be ready when the liquid is dark brown and oily. This is a unique medicine for the treatment and prevention colds. Adults take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 20 minutes before meals. Children can take from five years (5-14 years) one dessert spoon twice a day 10 minutes before meals. It must be remembered that the tincture is potent, so the course of treatment is only three days. You can't use more.


Raw seeds help normalize blood pressure, prevent sclerotic changes in blood vessels, and soothe nervous system. Here is the recipe: pour 0.5 l of a jar of raw seeds into an enamel pan and pour 2 l cold water, bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for two hours. This decoction should be drunk during the day. Two weeks to drink, five days off. The term of admission is not limited. For every day, prepare a fresh broth.

flowers and leaves

An infusion of flowers and sunflower leaves helps with fever, migraine, neuralgia, urticaria. Also, an aqueous infusion of flowers is used as a means to relieve spasms in gastrointestinal colic and bronchial asthma.

In Russia, since the time of Ivan the Terrible, a tincture of young sunflower flower heads has been known. This tincture has a stimulating and restorative property and surpasses even ginseng. Pour 20 g of flower heads with 100 ml of alcohol and insist in a warm, dark place for 10 days. Take 30-40 drops three times a day. Guys, try this recipe, you won't regret it!

The sunflower hat is curative for diseases of the liver, stomach, duodenum, intestines, pancreas. As soon as the seeds have formed (the seeds are smeared when squeezed with fingers), cut off the hat, tear off all the petals from it and pass the hat itself through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with sugar 1: 1 and arrange in glass jars. Cover with clean paper and tie. Do not use any covers! Take 1 tbsp. l. a glass of tea or coffee three times a day. For treatment, they drink a month, for prevention - a week.

Harvest sunflower leaves when they have grown by 5-7 cm. They treat the diseased spleen, spinal cord and brain, and also clean the vessels from lime deposits, especially the vessels of the brain and heart. The leaves must be dried and ground into a powder. Add to tea, soup or coffee once a day 0.5 tbsp. l. powder. Before use, be sure to read "Our Father", cross yourself three times, say "Lord, help me", cross yourself again and drink tea, coffee or eat soup. Take a week, a week break. Such courses should be done four times a year throughout life. Don't miss a single day. Keep the powder in a tightly closed glass jar.

Fill a three-liter jar more than half with the inside of sunflower baskets (cotton wool), insist on moonshine for 10 days and rub sore joints.


The roots are used as a tea. It is useful for dissolving and removing salts from the body. Its infusion for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis helps to get rid of stones and sand in the kidneys, gallbladder. Here is the recipe: for three liters of water - a glass of roots, boil for two minutes. Drink it all in three days (one liter per day). Then boil the same roots in 3 liters of water for five minutes, and also drink it all in three days. For the third time, boil the same roots for 15 minutes in three liters of water. Drink a decoction for three days. Then the roots must be boiled new. This tea should be drunk for a month, and maybe for someone longer, until the urine is clear. Salts will begin to leave the body after two weeks of continuous use. While taking this tea, you can not eat spicy, salty, fatty, smoked!

Previously, I met a lot of recipes using sunflower roots, but no one writes anywhere that the roots for treatment need to be pulled out of the ground from September 15 to 20 from 17 to 19 hours. At this time, they have healing properties. Otherwise, the healing effect will be insignificant.

And yet, no sunflower parts can be harvested from the 5th to the 8th of each month. Maybe I gave away the secret that the healers keep, then I'm sorry.

Remember! All treatment should be done strictly according to prescriptions. Don't hurt yourself.

Kamyshan Tatyana Ivanovna,

Helianthus annuus L.

Sunflower annual refers to the type of annual herbaceous plants from the genus Sunflower of the family Asteraceae (compositae).

Annual sunflower is grown as a "growth", oilseed and ornamental plant. Non-oily, gnawing form, mainly used for food and bird feed - these are dark gray, gray or white seeds with dark stripes.

The oilseed form of sunflower is grown mainly for sunflower oil. Decorative varieties of sunflower have been bred and are very popular, they are low, about 60 cm tall with double bright yellow and orange inflorescences and simple inflorescences of various colors - from yellow, lemon to dark red, burgundy and others.

Annual sunflower is a powerful plant up to 3 - 4 meters high, with a straight stem and a tap root system that goes deep into the soil, with a large yellow single basket inflorescence at the top with a diameter of up to 30 - 40 cm, and sometimes with several small baskets on the branches.

The leaves are alternate, large, heart-shaped, serrated up to 30 cm long, with long petioles. The stem with leaves is rough, covered with stiff short hairs.

The outer marginal flowers in the basket are bright yellow, reed; inner middle - tubular, yellow-brown. Sunflower blooms in July-August, fruits ripen in August-September. Fruits - large oblong achenes 8 - 12 mm long, 4 - 8 mm wide with a leathery pericarp - gray, white, striped or black seeds.

For medicinal purposes, marginal reed flowers, leaves and young shoots, sunflower oil and sunflower roots are used.

Leaves and flowers contain flavonoids, saponins, sterols, carotenoids, phenolcarboxylic acids: chlorogenic, neochlorogenic, coffee; bitterness, anthocyanins.

What are the benefits of sunflower seeds?

Sunflower seeds chemical composition . The seeds contain fatty oil from 40 to 60%, proteins - up to 25%, carbohydrates, sterols, carotenoids, phospholipids, minerals. The seeds contain vitamins PP and E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic.

Leaves and flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering by hand. The leaves are plucked without petioles, the flowers are intact, unfaded. Collected in early summer, young non-flowering shoots.

Sunflower roots are harvested after sunflower ripening in autumn, washed thoroughly in running water, and dried.

The raw materials are dried in the open air in the shade, or in a shaded, well-ventilated area, laying out a thin layer on paper or burlap. Dried raw materials can be stored for 2 years.

Threshed sunflower baskets are used to obtain pectin, which serves as the basis for preparations intended for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

From the seeds, valuable sunflower oil is obtained, which is used for food, medicinal and technical purposes.

Homeland of annual sunflower North America; it, as a food crop, was grown by the Indians more than 2000 years ago, as evidenced by archaeological excavations.

The first seeds of the plant were brought by the Spaniards from an expedition to New Mexico and in 1510 were planted in the Botanical Garden in Madrid.

Sunflower came to Russia under Peter I, who, seeing this marvelous huge flower in Holland, ordered to send its seeds to Russia.

By the middle of the 19th century, in many regions of the Voronezh and Saratov provinces, sunflower occupied 30-40% of the sown area. The industrial production of oil was established, which became very popular in Russia - sunflower oil is also called vegetable oil, and its use was not prohibited during the days of Great Lent.

In Russia, the selection of high-oil varieties was immediately started; how the oilseed sunflower culture was formed in Russia. And at the end of the 19th century, the culture of sunflower and sunflower oil production was brought by emigrants from Russia to the USA and Canada.

At present, the cultivation of sunflower and the production of sunflower oil is spread all over the world. The largest areas of crops in Spain, Turkey, Romania, USA, Argentina.

Russia is one of the main producers of sunflower oil. Sunflower is grown mainly in the Volga region, the Krasnodar Territory, the North Caucasus, and Altai. In more northern areas, it is grown as a silage crop.

The scientific name Helianthus comes from the Greek words helios meaning sun and anthos meaning flower. The word annuus is translated as annual, meaning the specific name of the plant. The name sunflower, sunflower in Russian is given to the plant because of large sizes and his appearance resembling a bright radiant sun.

Contraindications Sunflower seeds benefits and harms:

1. Individual intolerance for any reason.

2. Sunflower seeds are highly palatable, nutritious, but high in calories: 100 g of sunflower seeds contain 500-650 kcal. Therefore, sunflower seeds should not be consumed often, it is necessary to observe the measure in everything.

Sunflower medicinal properties

1. Use of sunflower leaves and flowers

To normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite:

Tincture of leaves and flowers of sunflower:

50 g (5 tablespoons) of crushed dry leaves and marginal flowers pour 250 ml of 40 ° vodka, leave for two weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Then strain, squeeze.

Drink 1 tsp, diluted in 1/4 glass of water, 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. Tincture acts as bitterness, enhances excretion gastric juice and stimulates the appetite.

Tincture of flowers in folk medicine is used in the treatment of malaria, fever - as a substitute for quinine.

In the treatment of malaria, fever, jaundice, to increase appetite:

Sunflower infusion:

One st. l. brew marginal flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, like tea in a thermos or wrapped. Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Also, an infusion of marginal flowers is used as an antipyretic, relieves dry cough, and is used for spasms of the stomach and intestines.

You can make a cold infusion:

Pour two tablespoons of marginal flowers or crushed shoot heads with a glass of cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

2. Benefits of sunflower seeds

Seeds are a source of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. The use of seeds has a laxative effect, contributes to the normalization of lipid metabolism, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

The use of sunflower seeds normalizes metabolism, strengthens the nervous system, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

3. Sunflower root medicinal properties

With diseases of the kidneys and bladder, with urolithiasis:

Sunflower Root Infusion:

Two st. l. dry crushed roots pour a glass of boiling water, heat in a boiling water bath for 20 minutes, after cooling, strain, squeeze. Drink 1/3 cup (3 tablespoons) 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

The infusion is used to remove stones from the kidneys and Bladder. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to a diet, not to eat salty, spicy food.

I suggest you watch a short video Healing sunflower about useful properties sunflower and contraindications:

4. Sunflower oil benefits and harms

Sunflower oil, obtained from sunflower seeds, is used externally for rubbing diseased joints, used internally as a mild and mild laxative, it is recommended to be used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis - it contains unsaturated fatty acids that have anti-sclerotic effects, lowers blood cholesterol levels. Oil enhances the secretion of bile.

Sterile sunflower oil is used to treat burns - bandages are applied. Refined sunflower oil is used as a base for oil solutions, plasters, ointments, face masks.

Like any other fatty high-calorie food products, oil should be taken as needed, nothing more.

The use of sunflower oil in cosmetology

For facial skin care, you can prepare wonderful nourishing masks using ingredients of natural origin.

Face masks containing sunflower oil are very beneficial for dry skin. Here are some useful nourishing face masks for dry skin.

Mustard mask:

Dilute one tablespoon of dry mustard with water, add 2 tsp. sunflower oil, mix. Apply the mask on the face for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with water, you can apply the cream. The mask nourishes and tones the skin.

Honey oil mask:

  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil

Mix the yolk with butter and honey, beat, slightly warm. Apply the mixture on the face 3 times every 5 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove with a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of lime blossom or warm water.

Oil mask:

Warm up 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Then soak in it thin layer cotton wool or gauze folded in several layers, put on the face, cover with parchment paper and a towel on top for 15 minutes. Wipe your face with a dry cotton swab. The skin of the face becomes soft, elastic, elastic.

Much more useful tips and recipes for dry skin care

About masks for normal skin in detail in

Annual sunflower is grown and widely used in the food industry - sunflower seeds are added during production various kinds bread, confectionery, candy fillings, sunflower kozinaki are made.

In the production of halva, ground sunflower seeds and cake after the production of sunflower oil are used.

Sunflower oil is the main fat for the food industry in many countries.

Sunflower in places of growth is the most important honey crop. Honey from sunflower nectar is golden yellow with a greenish tint, with a tart taste and a slight aroma. From 13 to 40 kg of honey is collected from a hectare of crops.

The green mass of sunflower plants is used for silage and haylage, threshed sunflower baskets are also used for animal feed.

Paper and fiber are obtained from the stems. When the stems are burned from the ashes, potash is obtained, which is used in soap making, in the production of refractory glass and crystal, as a potash fertilizer.

The sunflower is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant.

Sunflower is easy to grow in your summer cottage garden from seeds that can be planted in the month of May directly into the ground. In sunny weather and abundant watering, solar baskets of sunflower flowers will appear at the end of July, the plot will be painted with sunny colors, and at the end of summer it will be possible to harvest.

In the article Sunflower seeds benefits and harms Sunflower oil we considered not only pleasant taste, but also useful medicinal properties Sunflower annual.

Sunflower, sunflower - a symbol of the sun, joy and optimism!