
Spruce resin medicinal properties. Pine resin: medicinal properties Resin from a tree folk tips useful properties

Pine resin can be collected at any time of the year, however, it should be borne in mind that it will be very difficult to do this in the winter months, so it would be much more rational to collect it from May to August, when the most intensive metabolism in plants is observed. Collect in places remote from the roadway. What is most interesting is that it is possible to collect resin in Ukraine only in some areas.

Larch also contains resin - a powerful and safe component of therapy various diseases, but it can only be used if collected in the summer and in a dry year. Cedar turpentine, which is specially extracted, must also be obtained only from such a resin. It is not recommended to receive it at other times, this principle has been observed for more than one century. However, it will still be easier to buy ready-made resin in a pharmacy or in bulk, its price is not high.

The liquid on a pine tree that appears near a broken branch due to a crack from frost, damage to the bark with a knife, is called pine resin. It resembles a viscous substance, the color is transparent or yellowish.

For the plant, this juice is of great importance - it performs healing functions. After the resin is released from the wood, it hardens. The wound is covered with a film. Thanks to it, pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi - do not penetrate into the wood.

Gum is present not only in pine, but also in other coniferous trees: spruce, larch, fir, and cedar are also distinguished. IN traditional medicine all substances are used, but pine resin is used more often than others.

The product contains:

  • vitamins A, C, E, D, K, PP, group B;
  • minerals: manganese, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, cobalt, calcium, potassium, iron, vanadium, iodine, molybdenum, nickel;
  • resinols;
  • fatty acids;
  • essential oils;
  • succinic acid.

Approximately 75% of the total product is resin acids. They are usually hard. But the resin turns out to be liquid due to the presence of terpenes. There are more than 15% of them in the composition of the product. Terpenes are good solvents, so resin can be transported through wood.

Gum can be harvested at any time of the year, but it is best from late spring to early autumn: it is at this time that the metabolic processes of plants are most intense. It is supposed to collect the product in places that are remote from roads, factories. The ideal option is ecologically clean areas.

In the forest, you need to choose any pine tree and make cuts on the trunk. Attach a basin to the tree where the substance will fall. From one tree you can get up to 1.5 kg of resin. You can not bring the plant to death. Just a couple of cuts are enough to get 1 liter of a healing product. In the future, the tree is not recommended to be touched for the next couple of years.

Experts advise to lubricate the awl or knife with which it is planned to make an incision with oil. Then the resin will not stick to their surface. Resin can also be cut from trees that were previously injured naturally. The cost of 1 kg of the product is on average 1,000 rubles.

The most useful is the resin in liquid form. If the resin has hardened, it is recommended to warm it up in a steam bath before use. The temperature should not exceed 600 C.

Varieties of resin

All types of resin have healing properties, they are used to treat various diseases.

What does turpentine treat

The resin of all coniferous trees, including pines, is the strongest antiseptic that can cope with most pathogens and bacteria. Gum also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic effect. In addition, it is a powerful immunostimulant.

Gum promotes and getting rid of such unpleasant diseases as hemorrhoids, vaginitis and cystitis. It is also useful in case of impotence.

Resin can also help women suffering from mastopathy and benign formations in the mammary glands. In addition, pine resin has a beneficial effect in the event of varicose veins.

It will not be superfluous to use this valuable natural medicine for osteoparosis, as well as for poorly healing fractures.

When used externally, pine resin treats sciatica and myositis, open and purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, herpes, skin fungus, boils and burns of varying degrees.

In dentistry, gum also found useful application. With its help, you can get rid of periodontal disease, stomatitis, and in addition, slow down or prevent the development of caries. Pine resin also removes toothache and cures fluxes. It also freshens the breath.

Pine resin has proven itself as a remedy for colds and sore throats. It increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, relieves pain and inflammation in the throat, and also removes phlegm. With angina, resin stops purulent process and speeds up recovery. It will not be superfluous to use pine resin with the flu, when the body is experiencing severe intoxication and there is a high probability of developing inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Pine resin is present in many medicinal and cosmetic preparations.

What is pine resin? This is not only glue or a candle, it is also a healing agent.

A long time ago they knew the properties of pine resin, indispensable for those who lived among the pines in the forest area. Pine resin helped with skin diseases, saved from burns, and healed blisters.

Possibilities of Pine Resin

Pine resin is the first aid with its irreplaceable healing properties.

Due to the healing properties of pine resin, it is included in the composition of the following products:

  1. Mazey - "Zhivitsa", "Zhivitsa". It is used to treat burns, rheumatism and injuries.
  2. Balms and oils - "Zhivitsa plus". Used for the treatment of the digestive tract, respiratory system and colds.
  3. Kremov - "Two Lines", "Sap", "Taiga Shield". Fights rashes, acne and dry skin.
  4. Syrup "Zhivitsa". It is used to treat diseases of the nervous system and colds.

Experts do not recommend preparing turpentine products on their own, as it contains various acids and substances. It is necessary to accurately determine their ratio, because if you make a mistake, you will get a completely different composition.

Pine resin is used in two ways: externally and internally. And for this and for another application, there are recipes that have passed the test of time and have proven their maximum effectiveness. The easiest way to use pine resin internally is to suck on a piece of resin instead of a candy.

Ointment for trophic ulcers and purulent wounds

To make such a medicine for intractable trophic ulcers and festering wounds everyone can. The main thing here is to have the desire to accurately maintain proportions.

At the first sign of varicose veins

Varicose veins not only disfigure the legs, but also cause great discomfort during prolonged walking, and in a neglected form leads to the formation of trophic ulcers. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, pine resin balm should be used.

To prepare it, you need to take pine resin and high-quality vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. After mixing both ingredients, they should be brought to a boil and cook for about two minutes. After the mixture has cooled, the vein balm is ready. It is applied to problem area in the evening before going to bed. Treatment is continued until the restoration of the veins.

From boils

In order to cope with these extremely unpleasant and painful purulent formations, you should use pure pine resin in the form of an application at night. Gum is applied to a bandage and glued to the boil with a medical plaster. Treatment lasts from 2 to 4 days. This leads to complete resorption of the boil without the formation of any scars.

From sciatica

In order to get rid of sciatica, tincture of pine resin is used. It requires: resin, good olive oil and vodka - in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. All components of the drug are combined in a glass container that is securely closed and placed in the dark for a week. After this period, the infusion is completely ready. A medicine is used to rub the area of ​​sciatica.

For burns

In the treatment of burns, resin is used in the form of an ointment. For its preparation are taken: pine resin, sea buckthorn oil and lard - in a ratio of 1:1:1. All ingredients are mixed until completely homogeneous and then applied to the burned area under a bandage for an hour. Such dressings are made three times a day until the process of active overgrowth of the burn begins.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

To improve the condition of patients with lesions gastrointestinal tract and removing their pain, you just need to dissolve the resin. The duration and intensity of treatment depend on the patient's condition.

For internal use for colds and to strengthen immunity

Pine resin: application in practice

The resin of a coniferous plant is a unique mixture of useful substances. The main component of pine resin is resin acids, their amount is approximately 70%, the remaining 30% is turpentine. What is especially interesting is that pine resin does not contain any vitamins or minerals.

The healing properties possessed by pine resin have been known since ancient times. It has been proven that lambertianic acid, which is found in large quantities in the resin of coniferous plants, has nootropic activity - it can improve cerebral circulation.

As noted above, pine resin contains a large amount of turpentine, which has pronounced bactericidal properties and is able to stimulate blood flow. Pine resin does not lose its healing properties for many years.

That is, the main healing property that pine resin possesses is the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and microscopic fungi. These features of the impact formed the basis of therapeutic techniques - pine resin is actively used to treat boils, purulent wounds, cuts, burns.

When ingested, pine resin acts similarly. antibacterial drugs, with the difference that it does not destroy the beneficial microflora ( safe treatment). That is, it is clear that the main indication for the use of pine resin is the presence of any pathological process inflammation in the human body.


Considering that pine resin is an exclusively natural composition, the only contraindications to its use will be:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy at any time;
  • Various pathologies of the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis disease).

Pine resin has been used by man for a very long time. Due to its properties, it has become one of the most commonly used medicines for skin diseases (especially furunculosis), allergic diseases, eczema. Inside, pine resin is used for stomatitis, gingivitis, various colds, viral and bacterial etiology, as well as in the treatment of diseases caused by fungi.

The benefits of pine resin for the stomach

The main benefit that pine resin brings to the stomach is that it destroys the pathogenic microbe Helicobacter pylori, which contributes to the development of stomach ulcers. Due to the ability to speed up the metabolism, pine resin will help a person get rid of excess weight. The healing effect on the joints is explained by the fact that pine resin is able to stop the inflammatory process.

How to prepare a healthy tincture?

One of the dosage forms in which pine resin is used is an alcohol tincture. It is very simple to prepare it - 100 ml of ethyl alcohol is taken and 20-30 g of pine resin is poured into it. Resin-based alcohol is infused for three weeks and after that it can be used for both internal and external use.

Pine resin ointment

Gum ointment based on pine resin preparation instructions:

  • It will be necessary to take 50 grams of pine resin, 100 grams of beeswax and 100 grams of pork internal fat.
  • All this mix and heat in the oven;
  • After the ointment (cream) becomes slightly warm, it can be applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, previously treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Application in cosmetology

Pine resin has gained wide application in cosmetology due to its ability to eliminate skin defects. You can use ointment or alcohol tincture, the recipe for which is indicated above.

For removing toxins

Given that the body modern man is exposed to a lot of toxins, it would be very good to use pine resin for detoxification purposes. For this, a mixture is ideal - pine resin and natural honey in equal proportions. An ancient well-known recipe, the power of which is known to many. Use three times a day for a tablespoon for a month - the result is guaranteed, the reviews confirm this.

By the way, if you prepare this, at first glance, the most ordinary collection, then you can sell it - such an effective remedy is always in demand (this composition is also called coniferous oil).

In the treatment of diseases different nature resin can be used in the form of ointment, rubbing, tincture, decoction, compress. On insect bites, a gauze bandage moistened with fresh pine resin should be applied. Has antibacterial action natural component disinfects and relieves inflammation, disinfects the affected area.

The sap of coniferous trees can be diluted with medical alcohol, and the resulting emulsion rub the joints, lower back with aches, aching pains. To prepare a healing balm, cedar oil is often added to pine resin. Such an elixir is widely used in folk medicine for many diseases associated with the joints, upper respiratory tract, and kidneys.

With a toothache, simply chewing on a frozen piece of resin is enough to relieve pain. Residents of Siberia and the Caucasus are made on the basis of pine sap special ointment with the addition of medicinal herbs, which should be rubbed into the gums with periodontal disease, tartar.

Despite the invaluable benefits of using natural pine juice, it should be taken with caution, as there are contraindications. Like any medical preparation, resin can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using ointments, rubbing, tinctures and other derivatives of coniferous resin, a small test should be carried out.

It is undesirable to take healing material for pregnant women and children under the age of 12 years. To exclude any degree of risk before treatment, it is better to consult a specialist.

The use of pine resin in traditional and folk medicine is due to its medicinal properties. In industry, on the basis of such a product, ointment, rosin and turpentine are produced. The latter variant in its purified form is actively used in medicine as one of the components of a number of ointments, especially for diseases of the joints and spine.

Baths with the addition of gum turpentine are popular. Inhalation procedures with such a substance will benefit from colds and other respiratory diseases. But we must remember that turpentine is considered a toxic substance, so it is better to be careful with it and be sure to consult your doctor before using it.

The resin is also processed into powder. To do this, you first need to hold it in the freezer and dry it. Store the powder in a glass jar. It is used for the preparation of ointments and tinctures, including for oral administration. Such means strengthen the immune system, treat colds, inflammation of the gums. Single dose of powder - incomplete 1 tsp. Take 3 times a day.





Helps with joint and muscle pain. Therapeutic action resin is enhanced by combining the product with vegetable oil. In this form, the human body absorbs the drug better. Active ingredients quickly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin

  1. 1. Take 50 g of gum resin and the same amount of vegetable base oil (olive).
  2. 2. Add 50 ml of vodka to the mixture.
  3. 3. Composition to insist a week. Keep all this time in the refrigerator.
  4. 4. Strain the resulting solution.
  5. 5. Store in a closed container.

Take orally 15-30 drops three times a day


Designed for outdoor use. Helps in the treatment of skin diseases

  1. 1. Mix 100 g of melted lard and beeswax.
  2. 2. Add 50 g of pine resin.
  3. 3. Mix and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  4. 4. Smear problem areas

The medicine is used for insect bites, skin diseases, pain in the joints and muscles.

  1. 1. Grind 30 g of pine resin into powder and pour 10 ml of alcohol.
  2. 2. Infuse the product for 3 weeks.
  3. 3. Wipe problem areas or add 5 drops to a small piece of sugar, and then dissolve.

Take three times a day for joint pain



Strengthening immunity

Take resin powder 0.5 tsp. twice a day

Hold a small piece of resin in your mouth. Gradually, the pain attack will pass

Place a third of a teaspoon of resin under the tongue and dissolve


Inhale the smell of resin


Make compresses with gum oil. Keep them on the affected area for half an hour. The composition can be rubbed into the chest

Burns and wounds

Soak a bandage in an ointment or tincture of resin and apply to the damaged area for half an hour. Then remove the compress and treat it with an antiseptic

At home, the resin of coniferous trees is used not only inside. This natural medicine is also suitable for external use.

Resin is used in the treatment of many diseases.

The use of pine resin is as follows:

  1. Inflammation and suppuration. Acts as a substitute for iodine and relieves festering wounds.
  2. Burns and skin diseases. Restores the skin and promotes rapid healing. Used as a dressing for open wounds and ulcers.
  3. Inflammation of the airways. Kills microbes and bacteria, restores lung tissue.
  4. Diseases oral cavity and gums. Relieves inflammation and reduces pain.
  5. Radiculitis and inflammation of the joints. Reduces pain.
  6. Colds and viral diseases. Helps to reduce the symptoms of pathology.
  7. Pathologies of the digestive tract. Removes pain, renews the microflora and heals internal wounds.
  8. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Soothes and reduces pain.
  9. Disorder of the nervous system. Improves memory, attention and speech.
  10. Diseases of the genital organs. When used as a tampon, it eliminates pain and discharge.

Recipes for medicines from pine resin

On the basis of pine resin, a medicine is prepared in the form of an ointment or oil, which is rubbed into skin or consumed internally to treat various diseases.

Indications for use Recipe Instructions for use
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  1. 1. Take a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  2. 2. Mix with natural resin until viscous

Rub the prepared product into the skin in the region of the heart.

For prevention, you can use a natural liquid inside in a diluted form (to an acceptable consistency).

Treatment is carried out for a month

Stomach ulcer, duodenum and heartburn
  1. 1. Take a piece of bread.
  2. 2. Drop a few drops of resin-based tincture


Radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis

Mix turmeric and olive oil until semi-liquid

Rub into the affected area with light massaging movements

Inflammation of the lungs and bronchitis
  1. 1. Mix honey and butter in equal proportions.
  2. 2. Add tincture based on pine resin (to a liquid state).
  3. 3. Shuffle

Take several times a day for a teaspoon


Mix resin and vegetable oil (2:1).

Use the resulting medicine for compresses

Ulcers, wounds and fractures

Soak the bandage with tincture

Apply to the sore spot.

For severe cuts and numbness, resin is used in the amount of one dessert spoon.

Gum is poured into the palm of the hand and rubbed into the painful area of ​​the body.

Treatment should be carried out until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

Colds and upper respiratory infections

Drop a few drops of gum on the sugar

Consume 2-3 times a day

reduced immunity, colds, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the gums
  1. 1. Take 1 part of resin and 4 parts of vegetable oil.
  2. 2. Stir and leave for a day

Use raw materials 0.5 teaspoon several times a day.

  1. 1. Collect the resin, freeze it.
  2. 2. Grind to powder.
  3. 3. Dry and store in a dry jar at room temperature

Dissolve a small piece of resin.

Heartburn pain disappears within 5 minutes

Colds, festering wounds
  1. 1. Mix resin (several grams), a spoonful of beeswax and 100 g of any fat.
  2. 2. Warm up in a water bath

For colds, lubricate the chest and neck.

Warm ointment is also used for purulent wounds.

Before applying the ointment, you need to treat the desired area with peroxide.

Procedures are best performed in the evening.

Pain in joints and muscles
  1. 1. Combine the components in equal proportions (pine resin, vodka and vegetable oil).
  2. 2. Leave the prepared oil in the refrigerator for a week

Means rub a painful place.

It is quickly absorbed into the skin quickly and is well absorbed in the body.

Varicose veins on the legs
  • Take 10 parts of vegetable oil and 1 part of resin.
  • Mix ingredients and bring to a boil.
Cool medicine is applied to problem areas of the veins
Colds Combine 1 part powdered resin and 2 parts vegetable oil heated to 50 ° C.

Take 5-6 drops twice daily by mouth. The tool can be used externally - rubbed into the sternum.

Currently, scientists have proven that pine resin helps to alleviate the condition with oncological diseases. After using a natural medicinal product, people feel better.

Most often, resin is used for therapy in three versions: in the form of tincture, oil and ointment. The tool is effective for painful sensations in joints and muscles. Pine resin oil is prepared in this way:

  1. Take in equal proportions resin, vodka and sunflower oil.
  2. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for a week.
  3. Strain and store in a dark place.

Due to the healing properties of pine resin, a rapid therapeutic effect occurs. Pine resin is perfectly absorbed by the skin.

For the treatment of varicose veins, the remedy is prepared in this way: mix sunflower oil and resin in a ratio of 10: 1. Put on low heat and boil for 2 minutes. After cooling, smear the diseased veins, best at night.

For the treatment of burns, the following remedy is prepared: sea buckthorn oil, lard and pine resin are mixed in equal proportions. Put the resulting mixture on the burnt place for 1 hour. Change dressings 3 times a day until epithelialization of the burn surface.

It is best to store it in the refrigerator.

The ointment is suitable for skin diseases, back pain and in the form of lotions on open wounds and ulcers.

To prepare a tincture of 20-30 g of dry resin, pour 100 g of vodka and insist for 3 weeks. It can be used internally in a tablespoon three times a day or externally for sciatica, arthritis, sprains.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

To whom turpentine is contraindicated


Before applying everything transferred funds, be sure to consult with your doctor. Not always resin will benefit.

Before use, you need to consider contraindications:

  • renal disease in a pronounced form;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • individual poor tolerance of the product, which can provoke an allergic reaction when using pine resin.

Resin-based preparations can only be harmful if a person greatly exceeds the dosage indicated by the doctor. In this case, side effects appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash.

Despite the fact that resin is good for health, there are some contraindications to its use. It is not recommended to use coniferous resin for children under 12 years old, as well as for pregnant women and people who are allergic to needles.

Before using gum for therapeutic purposes, you should consult with your doctor.

Before use, check the drug for possible allergic reactions. To do this, apply the resin on the forearm, rub it into the skin and wait 10 minutes. The drug can be used if there is no redness and swelling.

Cedar resin, like pine resin, has almost no contraindications. It can harm the human body in case of individual intolerance. To make sure that there are no allergic reactions, a small amount of resin should be rubbed into the inner surface of the forearm and wait a few minutes. In the absence of redness and swelling, resin can be used internally or externally.

Ointments that include resin in their composition are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 10 years of age.

In case of kidney pathology, the use of resin is also prohibited.

Particular attention should be paid to children under 7 years of age and pregnant women who should not be allowed to take resin at all.

Pine gum (resin) is a special substance that coniferous plants secrete during normal metabolism, and in addition - in case of damage to the bark. After the resin reacts with oxygen, it oxidizes and becomes resistant to mechanical stress. Gum, which contains pine and cedar (a tree of Siberia) is a healing component of many tinctures and decoctions that are actively used by traditional medicine.

Despite the fact that resin is a valuable natural drug, absolutely everyone cannot use it. In addition, it is unacceptable to use pine resin and preparations containing it without individual recommendations from a doctor.

First of all, contraindications for its use are an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to any of the components of pine resin. Do not use it for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of 10 years.

For everyone else, the use of resin (subject to the dosage and duration of the course of treatment) will only bring benefits, relieve many diseases and add health.

Gum for prevention

The resin can be used externally or internally. It is best to use ready-made dosage forms containing this substance.

Why does a damaged pine "cry"? So the tree heals itself: fragrant pine resin makes the wounds heal - and the tree comes to life. That is why the healing resin is popularly called "sap" - it has the same root as the word "live". It is not in vain that people like the specific ethereal smell of pine resin - its viscous, sticky mass has long been used for medicinal purposes and has a beneficial effect on human body.

What is pine resin?

If you cut the pine bark, then a pronounced smell of needles will immediately appear, and a transparent yellowish elixir will stand out from the crack. As soon as it meets the air, pine resin begins to solidify, and its color darkens. This is conceived by nature so that any organisms, fungi, and pests do not get into the woody "insides" through a crack in the bark. The sap frozen in this way is unofficially called "gray", although to the well-known chemical element pine resin does not apply.

Also, due to the emitted resin, the tree will be protected from destruction. It can already be assumed that resin can also heal the human body, protect it with its unique healing properties. For example, during the Great Patriotic War resin treated severe wounds, and very soon the soldiers were on the mend. And in ancient Russia people chewed resin to protect their teeth and gums and freshen their breath.

The composition of the life-giving resin depends on the type of wood, and the quality depends on the area where the pine grew. Compared with its counterparts - cedar, fir and spruce - pine has the highest antiseptic properties, which is why its resin is so popular in folk medicine. Pine resin in its composition:

  • three-quarters consists of resin acids, and these components in the normal state are solid;
  • has 18% of special substances - terpenes - which just dissolve resin acids and allow resin to move freely through pine woody labyrinths.

The unimagined benefits of pine resin

The most valuable substances in the resin composition are divided into two main groups.


  • resin acids;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides.


  • monoterpene and diterpene carbohydrates;
  • diterpenic acids.

Pine resin has a pronounced antibacterial effect, and also perfectly heals wounds and resolves boils. It is used externally in the following cases:

  • various skin problems and injuries: injuries, wounds, eczema, scabies, insect bites, severe acne, psoriasis;
  • diseases musculoskeletal system, neuralgia, joint pain, myositis, rheumatism;
  • ENT diseases;
  • gynecological and proctological ailments: hemorrhoids, colpitis, vaginitis, candidiasis.

Gum can also be chewed and taken orally - it is an edible substance, which is often only good for the body. When chewing the resin, there is an increased secretion of saliva, which has a beneficial effect on cleansing the oral cavity and strengthening the teeth and gums. Resin heals tooth enamel, kills carious bacteria and in some cases even saves from toothache. The internal use of pine medicine is necessary in the following situations:

  • colds, problems with the lungs and stomach, severe cough;
  • VSD and unstable arterial pressure, which the resin normalizes due to its ability to thin the blood;
  • thrombosis, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, heart problems;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • ailments in the urogenital area, impotence;
  • bad environment, frequent stress and physical activity;
  • obesity.

Recipe Chest

The effectiveness of the medicinal properties attributed to pine resin has been proven for many centuries. The resin can be used both separately and as part of other natural remedies.

Non-healing boils

It is necessary to take a gauze cloth and soak it with pine resin. Next - attach to the sore spot, cover with special paper for compresses on top and wrap with a bandage. It is recommended to keep such a compress for about half an hour. If boils are only at the beginning of their development, then the only procedure can destroy them in the bud.

Trophic ulcers

Similar to the previous recipe, you need to soak the bandage with resin and place it on the surface of the ulcer. With a deep non-healing ulcer, you can insert a piece of a folded bandage soaked in resin into it. Repeat the treatment until recovery occurs.


Required in equal proportions (50 g):

  • sap;
  • vodka;
  • olive oil.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 7 days so that the product gains strength and strength. After that, you can rub the sore areas with a drug.

stomach ulcer

4-5 drops of resin placed on a piece of bread to be eaten before the main meal will help overcome the ailment.

Pulmonary diseases

Required in equal quantities (50 g):

  • sap;
  • unsalted butter;

The ingredients must be mixed well and insisted for 4 days, then taken orally at any time of the day, 3 teaspoons.


Would need:

  • vegetable oil (100 g);
  • resin (20 g).
  • enameled container for heating.

Mix the ingredients and put to bask on water bath. When the temperature is warm enough, you can build a compress.

periodontal disease

  • resin (1.5 teaspoons);
  • fine salt (3.5 teaspoons);
  • olive oil (by eye)

You should get a liquid that resembles thick sour cream in consistency. It will need to be rubbed into sore gums three times a day.


Ointment from resin is easy to prepare. First you need to melt the lard, then mix it with sea buckthorn oil and resin - in equal amounts. Place the resulting ointment on gauze and apply to damaged areas. You need to do this three times a day, waiting for an hour while the compress is in effect. Then carefully remove the remaining fluid from the affected area.


Gum lotions will help cure fungal infections, they need to be kept for half an hour twice a day. Treatment should continue up to 10 days.


Pour 2 teaspoons of any vegetable oil into a glass and add 5-6 drops of pine resin to it. Mix the ingredients and then rub them into the chest in the area of ​​the heart. If you repeat this procedure daily, supplementing the course with the intake of resin inside (5-6 drops will be enough), you can avoid heart attacks and rhythm disturbances. If there is a reason not to swallow gum, it can simply be placed under the tongue and held for 10 minutes.


Both for the prevention and for the treatment of an existing cold (tonsillitis), resorption of resin will be useful. You need to do this every day at least once a day. Angina may recede after a couple of days of such treatment.

Strengthening immunity

Pine gum must be placed in glassware and combined with water in a ratio of 1:5, then placed in bright sun and insisted for 10 days. It should be borne in mind that the funds will be needed for at least a month, and it will need to be taken three times a day for several tablespoons (even half a glass is possible). Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on the drug for the entire course. With bronchitis and cough, such a remedy has a good effect.

How to get valuable resin yourself

Gum and preparations with its content can be purchased at any pharmacy. But if there is a strong desire to get this natural medicine on your own, you need to arm yourself with the following equipment:

  • container with a lid;
  • cord 1.5 meters;
  • a napkin soaked in vegetable oil;

When you find a tree covered with cracks and damage, you can collect resin - usually its frozen accumulations abundantly cover wood wounds. So that the resin does not stick to the knife, it must be treated with an oiled cloth. Collecting resin is simple - you just need to cut off the influx and put it in a container. You need to cut the resin in small pieces - this will eliminate problems with ductility. In hot weather, it is better not to collect, the resin from the sun is especially sticky, and such work will quickly tire. But in inclement and cold weather, the amount of resin is usually scarce. Therefore, the best option would be to go to the collection in warm, dry weather.

Another way to collect resin without hassle is to choose a young tree and tie a prepared container to it with a cord. First you need to make a crack with a knife at the base of a thick branch - it will be necessary to tie up the container under the incision. The resin will naturally begin to flow into it.

Resin should be stored under a tightly closed lid, as it hardens quickly in the open air. But we'll fix it. Before using resin for medical procedures, you just need to warm the jar in a water bath, and the resin will become liquid again.

On the places of cuts or damage to the pine bark, you can see transparent resinous drops. This is pine resin, the medicinal properties of which have been known since antiquity, especially in regions where coniferous forests grow. "Resinous tears" contain all the benefits of pine and, when used correctly, help maintain good health.

Resin is nothing more than a resinous liquid, or the sap of a coniferous tree. It appears in places of damage to the tree bark. Wounds are dangerous for the pine, in this way it heals them. The resin solidifies, forming a protective layer. It prevents fungal spores, insects and other microorganisms from getting inside the tree.

The chemical composition of the resinous substance consists of three-quarters of retinols (resin esters) and various fatty acids. It contains vitamins A, group B, C, E, D, K, PP and others. The resin contains rare trace elements: cobalt, barium, iodine, iron, zinc, chromium, copper. Pine tree sap has a viscous structure, but it easily moves through the inside of the wood due to the content of turpentines - special solvents. which is considered no less in demand in traditional medicine, has a similar property.

Since ancient times, the resinous substance served as a healing agent for hunters who went into the taiga for several days. It also helped fight colds. Dried tar was chewed by many in childhood, it has a pleasant coniferous flavor. The spectrum of action of the substance is very extensive. Its main healing properties:

Pine resin is used to treat the following diseases:

Pine resin is useful for eliminating or preventing the above diseases, for maintaining the immune system and saturating the body with useful substances. Used as a chewing gum, it will freshen your breath, improve your oral health and help slow down the development of cavities.

Useful properties of coniferous resin, as well as essential, cedar, juniper, are recognized official medicine. It is actively used to create warming ointments that help with pain in the joints and spine. Turpentine oil is extracted from the product, which is a drug against cholelithiasis.

How to collect resin yourself?

The collection of raw materials for the creation of medicines is carried out far from the roads and settlements, at least at a distance of 30 km. The most valuable raw material is extracted from young trees, the trunk thickness of which does not exceed 30 cm. The tree must grow in a dry area, in which case it will have a greater resin content than those growing in wet conditions. The active movement of juice resumes in summer and lasts until late autumn. Most healing raw materials can be collected in hot weather. The higher the temperature, the thinner it is.

Pine tapping used to collect resin

You can collect resin from a coniferous tree yourself, guided by several rules:

  • the collection container is tied around the trunk with a cord;
  • visually, the trunk is divided by a vertical line, on the sides of which cuts are made with an inclination of 45 ° (about 20);
  • notches are mirrored so that they are directed down to the center;
  • the resinous composition will drain into the funnel;
  • do not collect more than 2 kg at a time so that the tree does not suffer;
  • at the end of the collection, the sections are smeared with garden pitch.

The collection of coniferous juice is carried out mainly in forests left for felling. Dried trees emit much less resin after felling. Cured resin can be collected all year round, but during the cold season it is less sticky, which means it is easier to separate. In the forest, trees are found with natural cracks, on which tar has frozen. To separate it, the knife is wiped with an oiled cloth, otherwise it will stick. The substance is cut in small layers, since large pieces are more difficult to separate due to their malleability. If it is not possible to independently go to the forest for raw materials, then you can buy it in specialized stores or pharmacies.

External use of healing resin

For external use, an ointment or oil is suitable. In the ointment, pine resin acts as a warming, wound healing and analgesic agent. If you wish, you can cook it at home:

The prepared composition will cure trophic ulcers and other skin inflammations.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes when a natural coniferous preparation is mixed with an oily base (butter or vegetable oil, animal fat, petroleum jelly). One of them is an ointment for healing burns:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil is mixed with lard and harvested coniferous mass in equal proportions.
  2. A bandage with ointment is applied to the burn and kept for 1 hour. 3 compresses a day are enough to start improving.

We treat varicose veins, joints, insomnia

Women prefer to make a balm to cure varicose veins at an early stage:

  • Coniferous sticky mass is mixed with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and keep on low heat for 3 minutes.
  • The mass is cooled, the veins are lubricated (it is possible at night).

Gum pine oil is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Mix vodka, harvested raw materials and vegetable oil in equal parts.
  2. The resulting composition is sent for a week in the refrigerator, then filtered.

The oil is used for joint pain. They rub painful areas, it is well absorbed.

Video about different ways use of coniferous collection.

Gum is also used in its pure form. Recipe for boils:

  1. Attach a piece of soft resin to the boil.
  2. Glue the patch on top.
  3. Leave overnight, by morning the inflammation will disappear.

With this treatment, pain relief occurs almost immediately, after a couple of days the boil resolves without leaving the slightest trace on the skin.

If you are worried about insomnia, permanent nervous tension, then acceptance will help hot bath with sap. After the procedure, there is a feeling of lightness and peace. Sleep becomes more restful and deep.

The use of resin inside

Due to the healing effect, the use of pine resin inside is also possible. The simplest way- chew a sticky piece. It heals the oral cavity and freshens breath, relieves toothache, and heals gums. With gastritis, the pain subsides after 5-10 minutes, if you dissolve a piece like candy. Liquid resin (5 g) can be spread on bread and eaten.

Recipe for eliminating stomach ulcers in the initial stage:

  1. Grind 50 g of the solidified substance into a fine powder. For this, a grater or mortar is used. To make it easier to get the powder, the raw materials are sent to the freezer for 1 hour, and then quickly rubbed.
  2. Pour vodka and seal the container for a week.
  3. Drink once a day for 2 tbsp. l. one hour before meals.

If there is no allergy to bee products, then the use of honey with resin will be effective. This mixture has an indescribable aroma. Each component is endowed with a unique composition, and their combination is a complex of health benefits. Honey with resin is used as an immunomodulatory agent. It is used both internally and externally for the treatment of inflammation, wounds, bites.

Infusion treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Recipe:

  1. Place 100 g of coniferous raw materials in a glass jar and pour 0.5 of water.
  2. Infuse in bright light for a week.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.

Possible contraindications

Basically, products prepared on the basis of coniferous juice have no contraindications. The substance is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for children under 9 years of age. Contraindications are any kidney diseases, which include pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, etc. Resinous substances are difficult to excrete from the body.

The product may cause an allergic reaction. To check if there is an individual intolerance, you need to apply a small amount of coniferous mass on the inner surface of the forearm and rub it in. If after a few minutes there is no redness, swelling or itching, then the resin will not harm the body, and it can be used both externally and ingested.

Coniferous collection for treatment

The advantages of using a folk remedy:

  1. In ointments based on pine resin, there are analgesic components. The tool quickly relieves pain, which is important for burns.
  2. Completely natural composition.
  3. Can be applied for a long time.
  1. Caution must be used when elevated temperature body.
  2. May cause an allergic reaction.

In folk medicine, pine resin is famous as a multifunctional remedy. It helps to heal hundreds of ailments without harm to health. Do not refuse such a tool in your first aid kit.

Pine resin - a product obtained from coniferous trees; Simply put, resin. It is also called sulfur, and the hardened substance is called barras. It is easily extracted and widely used for medicinal purposes, both in official and folk medicine. What is good about this substance and how to use it, we will learn further.

Chemical composition

A third of resin is resin acids. They are usually hard, but fresh resin has a soft, stretchy texture. This is justified by the presence of terpenes, which make up almost 18% by weight.

Among the useful elements, vitamins A, D, K, E, representatives of group B (P, PP) can be distinguished. There are many micro and macro elements in the resin - these are iron, cobalt, manganese, calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc. It also contains iodine and carotene.

Benefit: medicinal properties

Gum is used as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent. It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is especially good to use it on festering wounds - the resin will disinfect the affected area and draw out everything bad, while healing will be faster.

Resin has a calming property - baths with the addition of pine resin help to relax and fall asleep sooner, cure insomnia. Hardened grains, when taken orally, can relieve coughing.

Important! Turpentine (resin derivative) is poisonous. Therefore, any treatment with his participation should be under the supervision of a physician.

Coniferous liquid is able to strengthen the immune system and restore strength to the body after long and serious illnesses.

Application in medicine: indications for use

Pine resin is used in the treatment of diseases of many organs and tissues.

Skin diseases

Indications for use:

  • furunculosis;
  • eczema;
  • allergic reactions;
  • psoriasis;
  • herpes;
  • streptoderma;
  • trophic ulcers.

  • disinfects the skin;
  • draws out pus (for example, with furunculosis);
  • anesthetizes;
  • soothes;
  • promotes rapid healing.

Diseases of the teeth and gums

Resin is an ingredient in many toothpastes and rinses that can help prevent gum disease and cavities.

Indications for use:

  • stomatitis;
  • bleeding gums;
  • ulcers on the tongue and mouth;
  • toothache;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease 1 and 2 degrees.

Taken in the form of chewable mixtures in combination with medicinal herbs, as separate chewable cakes (serku), in the form of healing balms inside and topically.

How it works:

  • kills microbes;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • relieves pain;
  • helps ulcers heal faster.

Joints and connective tissues

  • polyarthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • myositis;
  • plexite;
  • constant back pain from overwork and exertion.

How does it work:

  • when rubbed into places of pain, the balm is able to stop the development of the disease and weaken the severity of its course;
  • adding baths and lotions to ointments allows you to relieve tension, relax muscles and joints;
  • Resin-based oil massages help to warm up the focus of pain and relieve pressure in the joints and muscles.

Respiratory diseases

Helps with:

  • chronic diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

How it works:

  • helps mucus dissolve;
  • promotes vasodilation and expectoration;
  • kills microbes and bacteria;
  • helps regenerate lung tissues.

Diseases of the digestive system

Indications for use:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • heartburn;
  • gastritis;
  • cholecystitis.

Assign drops in small doses, which:

  • remove pain;
  • renew the microflora;
  • remove dysbacteriosis as a consequence of the disease;
  • help the healing of internal organs;
  • improve the processes of the digestive tract.

Did you know? In the old days, it was believed that the resin of an ancient pine tree could attract wealth.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

It will help to cure such diseases:

  • angina;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • vascular dystonia;
  • endarteritis.

How does it work:

  • when rubbed into the sternum and back, it gets inside and acts in places of illness;
  • soothes and relieves pain;
  • helps to normalize processes in the heart and improve the condition of blood vessels.

Diseases of the excretory system

Helps with:

  • kidney stones;
  • prostatitis;
  • adenoma;
  • hemorrhoids.

Here, enemas with a solution of resin are used, which are absorbed and begin to act locally. Still useful are baths based on a medicinal substance, as well as a balm that is taken orally.

Diseases of the reproductive organs

Zhivitsa heals:

  • thrush;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • cystitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • also helps with PMS.

It is advised to use microclysters or inject the solution with a swab. Gum balm is also prescribed.

How does it work:

  • eliminates pain and unpleasant discharge;
  • relieves the disease and promotes its rapid treatment.

Eye diseases

Assign for treatment:

  • cataracts;
  • walleye;
  • barley.

It works locally when the eyes are instilled with a solution of turpentine balm 5%.

Diseases of the central nervous system

Resumes processes in the central nervous system:

  • with atherosclerosis;
  • after injuries that led to a deterioration in memory, coordination, attention, speech;
  • with senile dementia;
  • in Alzheimer's disease.

Fights viral or microplasma infection; it is also prescribed for brain hypoxia. In general, resin stimulates and resumes all processes.

Diseases of the endocrine system

Pine resin helps with inflammation thyroid gland. Thanks to succinic acids in the composition, the level of sugar in the blood decreases and the condition of diabetics improves.

Obesity, overweight

Excess weight can be removed by rubbing resin oil in a steam room or bath - it activates fat burning. Slags and toxins are removed, and the person begins to feel much better. You can also use baths. Together, these procedures will help you lose more than 5 kg in a month.

Bites of blood-sucking insects

Resin-based balms help prevent insect bites and relieve symptoms after them. They stop itching, burning and irritation. Used for tick bites:

After a bite, you need to drink a balm for several days to prevent infection with encephalitis.

Application in cosmetology

To improve the condition of the skin of the face, neck and chest, it is advised to do massages with oil based on pine resin. It helps smooth wrinkles, eliminate skin imperfections, makes the skin supple and fresh.

Resin is also used for massages of the back, legs and arms - it helps to relax muscles, warm up joints, expand blood vessels and relieve pain, and is also used for varicose veins of the legs. Helps to regenerate the skin, remove fatigue and increase efficiency.
Aromatherapy helps to remove a runny nose and acute respiratory infections, free the lungs from sputum and improve breathing. A drop of oil can be added to a humidifier with the necessary function, or to an aroma lamp.

Harm and side effects

Harm can cause the use of medicines in large doses than prescribed by the doctor. As for side effects, overdose can cause rashes, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.


An allergy to a medicinal substance is possible, therefore, before use, it is better to check your reaction on your wrist by holding the ointment or balm there for 10 minutes. It is also better to refrain from using the product for pregnant women and children under 10 years of age.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

We choose any pine tree we like in the forest and make an incision on the tree. You immediately need to connect a container to it, where the resin will merge. One tree can produce up to 1.5 kg of resin. Most of the "harvest" will be harvested from May to August.

Important! You should not bring the tree to death - just make a couple of cuts to collect a liter capacity of resin. For the next two years, the tree cannot be touched.

Collection Tips:

  • if you wipe a knife or awl with an oiled cloth, then the resin will not stick to it;
  • choose trees away from roads, construction sites and factories;
  • resin can be cut from already naturally wounded trees;
  • resin accumulates under the bark, where there are tubercles.

Recipe: how to take

Most often, resin is used for treatment in three variations - balm (tincture), oil and ointment. Another option for using a medicinal substance is to simply suck and eat a piece of resin.


Need equal portions of resin, olive oil and vodka. Mix the ingredients and leave in a tightly closed container in a dark place for a week. After that, you can drink with radiculitis, back pain, headaches, with diseases of the central nervous system, excretory system and with cardiovascular diseases.


Oil is prepared from identical portions of resin, sea buckthorn oil and lard. In the finished mixture, gauze or cotton pads can be soaked and applied to the site of burns, wounds, scratches, cracks, ulcers. Lotions change every couple of hours.


For cooking, we take a portion of resin, two portions of lard and a portion of beeswax. We mix all these substances until a homogeneous mass is formed. The ointment is ready for use immediately. It is better to store it in the refrigerator in a jar.
It is suitable for skin diseases, back pain, for lotions on open wounds and ulcers. Apply until the skin heals and the pain goes away.

Did you know? In ancient Egypt, pine resin was used in embalming fluids to mummify the dead.

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Hello, dear readers, in this article we will tell you about cedar resin, its beneficial features, as well as areas of application.

What is it: composition

Resin cedar is a popular name cedar resin. This name was given to the resin in ancient times, due to its wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. In medicine, cedar resin has a different name - turpentine.

In addition, people believe that cedar resin combines the energy of the sun and the earth, thanks to which it helps to restore the health of the patient. traditional healers they also believe that resin can heal not only the body, but also the soul.

Cedar resin is a viscous substance of a transparent color, which is contained in the resinous passages of cedar. The composition includes more than 50 useful compounds, thanks to which cedar resin is used in medicine and cosmetology.

The composition of pine oleoresin includes many essential, organic, fatty and complex compounds and acids. In addition to acids, the resin contains vitamins E, P, group B, micro and macro elements.

Medicinal properties of cedar resin

Due to its rich natural composition, resin is actively used in medicine and cosmetology:

  • helps to relieve inflammation;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • soothes irritation;
  • relieves itching;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • prevents the development of pathological microorganisms or completely destroys them.

Therefore, the composition of many ointments, creams, rubbing, drops and other medicines includes cedar resin.

What manufacturers offer

Today, a wide selection of cedar resin is presented in a pharmacy and specialized stores:

  1. Cedar resin in cedar oil, with linseed oil, sea buckthorn and other oils. The concentration of such an oil balm is from 5% to 25%.
  2. Cedar resin with meadowsweet and cedar oil.
  3. Gum with mummy on cedar oil.
  4. Cedar resin for the eyes in the form of drops.
  5. Gum with badger fat.
  6. Cedar balm with cinquefoil.
  7. Lozenges with cedar resin for sore throats.

Turpentine balm

Special attention should be paid to the turpentine balm, which includes resin in cedar oil. Thanks to this combination, all the useful substances contained in cedar are concentrated in the balm to the maximum.

Manufacturers offer resin with cedar oil of various concentrations. Therefore, carefully choose a turpentine balm, depending on your needs:

  1. For oral administration, give preference to 5% balm.
  2. For external use, 20% resin is suitable.
  3. For baths, we recommend using a balm with a 30% resin concentration.
  4. For inhalation, choose gum balm with a concentration of cedar resin no more than 5%.
  5. For external compresses for treatment dermatological diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, buy 10% turpentine balm.

Cedar resin at home: collection and harvesting

If you do not trust gum balm manufacturers, you can assemble your own cedar resin and prepare turpentine balm at home.

The harvesting process is best done in the cool season. For assembly, take a knife with you. This will help separate the resin from the cedar bark without damaging its integrity. Collect the resin in a container with a tight lid. With free access to air, the resin hardens quickly. For the preparation of medicines at home, we also recommend collecting pine nuts, buds and needles, which also contain many beneficial vitamins and elements for your health.

  1. If the resin has hardened, grind it with a hammer with light taps. This will allow the gum to dissolve faster in the oil.
  2. Take the necessary oil in which you want to dissolve the cedar resin: cedar, linen, olive or any other. When choosing an oil, proceed from your preferences and the purpose of using the balm.
  3. Mix cedar resin with oil (100 ml) to obtain a balm of various concentrations in the ratio:
    - 50%: - 100 g of resin;
    - 25% - 50 g of resin;
    - 10% - 20 g of cedar resin;
    - 5% - 10 g of cedar resin.
  1. Place a container with cedar resin and oil in a water bath over low heat and stir constantly.
  2. After complete dissolution, filter the resulting mass through cheesecloth or bandage into a jar in which the balm will be stored.
  3. Store pine oleoresin in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. Shelf life up to 3 years, subject to storage standards.

The benefits of cedar resin

Thanks to a wide therapeutic effect gum has been widely used in medicine and is used to treat and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, endocrine, urogenital systems, is also actively used for the treatment of ENT diseases, traumatology and dermatology.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Thanks to its natural rich origin, cedar resin helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, restore damaged mucous membranes and intestinal microflora. Therefore, cedar resin is used for the treatment and prevention of:

  • ulcers of various localization;
  • gastritis;
  • stagnation of bile, a decrease in the efficiency of the gallbladder and neoplasms in it;
  • dysbiosis;
  • intoxication of the body as a result of poisoning with toxic compounds.

For the cardiovascular system

The use of cedar resin for the treatment of pathologies of cardio-vascular system due to its beneficial effect on the circulatory system. Due to the regular intake of turpentine balm, normal blood circulation is restored, and general clinical indicators of gemma are improved. The use of cedar resin is indicated for:

  • angina;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • arrhythmias;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the cardiac and vascular tissues.

For ENT organs

Cedar resin is widely used for the treatment of respiratory diseases. The composition of the resin helps to cleanse the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract from allergens, toxic compounds, bacteria, infections and fungal microorganisms. In this connection, cedar resin is used for the treatment and prevention of:

  • inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory organs of various etiologies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute respiratory and viral diseases;
  • tuberculosis of the ENT organs.

For the endocrine system

Resins, essential oils, vitamins and minerals that are part of the cedar resin have a beneficial effect on the organs endocrine system. Regular intake of the balm helps to restore the working capacity of the organs of the endocrine system, which allows you to normalize the composition of the blood. For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the endocrine system, use gum balm with cinquefoil, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

For eyes

Low concentration cedar oleoresin or special oleoresin eye drops are actively used to treat ophthalmic problems. Healers say that there is not a single eye disease, from which turpentine balm will not help to get rid of. Therefore, resin is used:

For the musculoskeletal system

Due to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and warming effect, cedar resin has also been used for the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis.

Cedar resin helps restore youth and elasticity to the articular apparatus, relieves inflammation, pain, improves blood flow to damaged areas.

In dermatology and traumatology

The use of cedar resin in these areas is due to the antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing and soothing effect. The use of turpentine balm allows you to cope with:

  • acne, furunculosis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • skin dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • pediculosis;
  • skin and nail fungus;
  • wounds, cuts and abrasions;
  • bruises;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • sprains.

For the organs of the genitourinary system

The use of cedar resin for the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system and the genital area will help relieve itching, inflammation, prevent the reproduction of viral and fungal microorganisms, and also help increase female and male libido. Cedar resin is effective against the following pathological conditions:

  • inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower organs of the urinary system and genital organs;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms urinary and genital organs;
  • fungal diseases of male and female genital organs;
  • erectile dysfunction in men;
  • PMS and menopause in women.

For immunity and metabolism

In addition to these properties, resin will help improve overall innate and acquired immunity. It helps the body to better resist aggressive impact infectious agents. Also strong immunity help to quickly cope with existing pathologies.

Still cedar resin is an excellent tool for improving metabolic processes in organism. Regular use of pine oleoresin improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the organs of the endocrine system, and also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which together will help to cope with excess weight, look younger and more attractive.


Despite the natural origin, cedar resin can still harm the body:

  1. Increased acidity of the digestive system.
  2. Pathologies of the kidneys associated with a decrease in their filtration capacity.
  3. The presence of allergic reactions to one of the components of the resin.
  4. Children's age - up to 7 years. It is not recommended at this age to ingest a solution of cedar resin.

How to take - instructions

Depending on the diseases that a person has encountered, there are various recommendations regarding the use of cedar resin for treatment and prevention.

With ENT pathologies

  • If you are experiencing angina , moisten a cotton swab in an oil solution with cedar resin and lubricate the tonsils 3-4 times a day. This procedure will help reduce inflammation and cope with infectious cause sore throats.
  • For acute respiratory diseases drip your nose with gum balm with cedar, linseed, other oils or with propolis. Perform this procedure 4 times a day. If you are faced with sinusitis, additionally rub cedar resin into the wings of the nose and the area around the nose with massage movements.
  • For ear infections , soak cotton swabs in an oil solution with resin and put in your ears overnight. Carry out treatment until complete recovery.

In ophthalmology

Resin for the eyes is effective if used for a month. For treatment ophthalmic diseases instill 1 drop of oil or a drop of resin at night. Do not be afraid to use cedar resin, as this effective remedy is absolutely safe for the mucous membranes of the eyes. In addition, cedar resin will help nourish the mucous membrane of the eyes with vitamins and minerals, which are often not enough to feed them.

For respiratory diseases

  • With bronchitis , inflammation of the lungs and to improve sputum discharge, lubricate the back with resin in the lower respiratory tract and chest at night. And supplement the treatment with gum balm with propolis, which is applied 2 drops in the morning and evening.
  • With tuberculosis prepare the following medicine: mix equal proportions of cedar resin, badger, bear and marmot fat with honey. Take 5 g of this remedy three times a day.
  • With excruciating shortness of breath , to alleviate the condition, take the medicine according to the following recipe: mix honey, resin and vodka in equal proportions. Take 10 g of this drug after each meal.

In dentistry

  • If you or someone in your family is experiencing stomatitis , treat the wounds twice a day with cedar balm until they disappear completely.
  • With periodontal disease we recommend treating the gums in the morning and evening with a solution of cedar resin. The course of treatment is 6 or more months. For prevention, add a drop of turpentine balm to toothbrush while brushing your teeth.
  • If you are faced with toothache of various origins , a compress with cedar resin will help you cope with it. Soak a cotton swab or gauze in the oil solution and apply to the affected area for 20-30 minutes.

For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

  • With disturbed intestinal microflora take pine oleoresin every morning on an empty stomach, 10 drops.
  • For ulcers and gastritis drink 6 drops of cedar balm with propolis or honey before meals every morning.
  • With pancreatitis take 3 drops of cedar resin with cedar or linseed oil and honey. In the absence of adverse reactions, a single dose can be gradually increased to 10 drops.

In dermatology

If you are faced with dermatological problems, including allergies, psoriasis, eczema, inflammatory skin pathologies, take 5-10 drops of pine oleoresin solution every morning.

At the same time, make compresses and lotions with cedar resin on the affected areas until the signs of the problem disappear completely. Compresses are also effective for viral and fungal diseases, burns and frostbite. Also complement the treatment of dermatological diseases wax ointment with cedar resin.

For men's and women's problems

  • With erectile dysfunction, as well as inflammatory diseases of the male and female genital organs , take an oil solution of pine oleoresin, 10 drops every morning before meals.
  • With mastitis , apply a compress to sore areas: moisten a napkin, gauze or cotton pad in gum balm. During the day, we recommend repeating the procedure three times, the duration of which is 20-40 minutes.
  • If you have appeared cracked nipples , you will also be helped by cedar balm, with a solution of which lubricate the affected areas two to three times a day.

Application in cosmetology

Cedar gum has been widely used in cosmetology due to its rich composition of natural origin. In cosmetology, as a rule, cedar gum balm is used with cedar, linen, burdock oil. In cosmetology, balm is used for:

  • smoothing mimic wrinkles;
  • relieve inflammation, itching and redness;
  • elimination of age spots;
  • treatment acne, acne;
  • restoration of hair strength;
  • treatment and prevention of brittle nails;
  • to nourish, moisturize and soften the skin.

To restore youth and freshness to the skin , apply a few drops of balm to cleansed face and massage with massage movements until completely absorbed. You can also add a few drops of gum balm to the face and body cream and use as needed.

To cleanse the skin of the face and body prepare a mask according to the following recipe: mix honey, chopped pine nuts and gum balm in equal proportions. Apply to face and body in circular massage movements for 5-10 minutes.

For scalp care before each shampooing, carry out a light head massage with the application of gum balm with linseed oil. To restore freshness, shine and strength to your hair without much effort, add a few drops of gum balm with cedar, linseed or burdock oil to your shampoo.

Cedar resin with honey

If you want to achieve a quick result in the treatment of any disease, you just need to combine honey with cedar resin. These two products have a rich vitamin composition, which allows them to be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of various etiologies.

Honey with cedar resin helps to cope with iron deficiency anemia, is used for sleep disorders and stress, for hypertension, for the treatment of respiratory diseases and endocrine pathologies.

To prepare honey balm with resin, mix these two components in equal proportions and get an effective medicine from most ailments. Apply as needed as directed above. As a prophylactic, eat 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach. honey with cedar resin for a month.

Cleaning with cedar resin

To cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful compounds, to get rid of extra pounds and increase the overall vitality, use cedar resin. Cleaning is designed for 79 days. Starting from the first day, take 1 drop of turpentine balm, increasing the dosage by one drop daily. Starting from day 41 and until the end of the course, reduce the daily amount of balm consumed by one drop.

The price of the product varies and is approximately 200 rubles.