
And with manic disorders associated. Manic disorder

This mental illness known to the general public different names. We are talking about manic depression, which is Lately is becoming more common.

Under the frequently used term " manic depression“understand bipolar affective disorder and manic-depressive states, accompanied by a complex of symptoms with clearly defined, alternating phases of mania and depression.

This condition is accompanied by increased emotional lability(unstable mood).

Manic depression. What it is?

This is an endogenous (based on hereditary predisposition) mental illness that manifests itself in the following phases (states):

  1. Manic.
  2. Depressed.
  3. Mixed.

With this disease, the patient experiences a sharp change in phases. The mixed state is characterized by a combination different symptoms of this disorder. There are a wide variety of different variants such a phase.

Manic depressive disorder often takes on severe and pronounced forms. It requires mandatory professional therapy or correction.

Who suffers

To this day there is no such thing in psychiatry. common understanding boundaries and definitions of this type of mental disorder. This is due to its pathogenic, clinical, nosological heterogeneity (heterogeneity).

Challenges in accurately estimating the prevalence of manic depression stem from the diversity of its criteria. So, according to one estimate, the proportion of sick people is about 7%. With a more conservative approach, the figures are 0.5-0.8%, which is 5-8 patients per 1000.

The first signs of such conditions are typical for young people. At the age of 25-44, about 46% of patients suffer from this disease. After 55 years, bipolar disorder occurs in 20% of cases.

This disease is more common in women. At the same time, they are more prone to depressive forms.

Very often, MD patients (about 75% of cases) also suffer from other mental disorders. This disease is clearly differentiated (distinguished) from schizophrenia. Unlike the latter, manic depression of any severity practically does not lead to personality degradation.

Man suffering from bipolar disorder, most often, he himself realizes that something is happening to him and consults a doctor.

Bipolar disorder in children

This disease in childhood It is much less common than, for example, schizophrenia. In this case, most often all manifestations that form a typical picture of manic and depressive attacks are absent.

Manic depression in children over 10 years of age is quite common. It is of the most pronounced nature. In practice, typical cases have been observed even in children 3-4 years of age.

One of the main features of bipolar disorder in children is that they have more frequent attacks than in adults. They are reactive in nature. Experts note that what smaller child, the higher the likelihood of bipolar disorder being manic rather than depressive.


Manic depression is a disease in which a person experiences depression and anxiety. Most often, the feeling of anxiety has no basis.

This disease can be easily distinguished from melancholy. Patients withdraw into themselves, speak little, and are extremely reluctant to talk to a doctor. Person with symptom anxiety state cannot tolerate long pauses.

Patients also show various disorders health. They manifest themselves as lack of appetite, bradycardia, constipation, weight loss, and chronic insomnia. Such people often generate crazy ideas and express suicidal thoughts.

The patient is identified by his shifting gaze and constantly moving hands. At the same time, he is constantly correcting or fiddling with something. His pose changes often.

Severe cases manifest themselves in 2 stages:

  1. Losing control.
  2. Numb.

In these cases you need to call ambulance and hospitalize the patient in a special medical institution. In this state, a person is capable of terrible acts.


In bipolar disorder, affective states, called phases, change periodically. There are also “light” periods between them. mental health. They are called intermissions. At this time, even after a long illness and many different phases mental functions of a person practically do not decrease.

During the period of intermission, a person’s personal qualities and psyche completely restore normal functioning.

The manic phase of bipolar disorder is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • being in an overly excited mood;
  • talkativeness;
  • high self-esteem;
  • state of euphoria;
  • motor excitement;
  • irritability, aggression.

The manic phase is replaced by a depressive phase, which is characterized by:

  • a state of melancholy, sadness, apathy;
  • anxiety, restlessness;
  • feeling of hopelessness, emptiness;
  • loss of interest in favorite activities;
  • guilt;
  • lack of concentration and energy;
  • intellectual and physical inhibition.

If you identify several signs of a manic-depressive symptom complex in a person, you should immediately contact a psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. Without the necessary drug treatment and psychocorrections in the patient may develop severe forms of this disease.


In case of bipolar disorder, treatment of the patient is mandatory. It should be carried out by an experienced specialist, since cases of remission are not uncommon of this disease.

As a rule, therapy for MD is carried out in stages. In this case the following is carried out:

  1. Drug treatment special drugs, selected individually. In case of inhibition, drugs are prescribed that stimulate activity, and in case of excitement, drugs that calm the nervous system are prescribed.
  2. Electroconvulsive therapy in combination with special diets and therapeutic fasting.
  3. Mental correction.


Provided that the patient has only manic-depressive syndrome without concomitant diseases, the patient responds well to therapy. After a short time, he can return to his normal life.

Treatment is most effective when a person contacts a specialist after identifying the first signs of bipolar disorder.

Advanced forms of this disease can lead to irreversible personality changes. In this case, therapy will be very long and often ineffective.

Manic depression is not a “sentence” for a person. Timely treatment can return the patient to normal life in the vast majority of cases.

Video: How to identify depression

Manic disorder refers to affective syndromes- conditions manifested in mood and behavior disorders.

Manic episode or manic disorder – this term refers to the symptomatology (condition), not the disease itself. This mental condition is part of a type of bipolar disorder. But, to simplify understanding, we will use the simplest concepts and expressions here.

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Characteristics of manic disorder

A manic disorder (episode) is characterized by a period of at least one week in which there is increased expansiveness or unusual irritability, and particularly persistent goal-directed activity.
During periods of exacerbation of the disease, mood disturbances associated with manic symptoms, and they are visible to others (for example, friends, relatives, co-workers, etc.). People are in a heightened mood that is not typical for their usual state, which is manifested in the changed behavior of the individual.

Symptoms of manic disorder

Sick people are characterized by: unusual cheerfulness, increased distractibility, attention is significantly reduced, judgments are superficial, the attitude towards their future and present is not critical, not objective and often extremely optimistic. The person is in an excellent mood, they feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength, they do not feel tired.
Their desire for vigorous activity manifests itself in different ways:

Intellectual excitement manifests itself in:

  • acceleration of thinking,
  • a change in attention is expressed
  • hypermnesia (memory exacerbation).

Patients with mania are extremely verbose - they talk incessantly, sing, read poetry, and preach.
There are often “jumps of ideas” - thoughts and ideas constantly replace each other, but there is not a single completed thought or idea. Characterized by confusion, inconsistency in thinking and actions, often reaching incoherence.
The intonations are usually pretentious, theatrical, and pretentious. Everything that happens, important or insignificant little things, is valued equally, above and beyond to a significant extent, but attention does not stay on anything for long (hypermetamorphosis syndrome).
Patients with mania tend to overestimate their abilities and capabilities:

  • they discover extraordinary abilities in themselves,
  • talk about the need to change professions,
  • they want to become famous as a brilliant scientist, engineer, artist, writer, and often simply begin to pretend to be such.

As a rule, these are not persistent, overvalued ideas and delusions of grandeur. Patients often look younger, have an excellent appetite, and the need for rest and sleep is significantly reduced. Often, sleep may be completely absent, and sexual activity increases sharply. In manic disorders, there is an increase in heart rate, increased salivation and/or sweating, disturbances of the autonomic system occur.
These symptoms are quite serious and cause difficulty or disruption in a person’s professional, social, educational or life activities. The symptoms of manic disorder, although similar, cannot be the result of the use of psychoactive substances or their abuse (for example, alcohol, drugs, medications) and are not related to the somatic state of the body.

Diagnosis of mania

Three or more of the following symptoms must be present:

  • Hyper-estimation of one’s own personality, persistent overvalued ideas of greatness.
  • Decreased need for sleep.
  • Increased talkativeness, talkativeness.
  • The presence of over-ideas, the presence of “leaps of ideas.”
  • Attention easily shifts to unimportant or non-existent moments.
  • Increased “efficiency”, over-activity in various fields activity (social, at work or at school, sexual need), psychomotor agitation.
  • Excessive involvement in other people's affairs or questionable activities (such as engaging in wild carousing, mindless shopping, sexual deviance, or foolish business investments)

Types of manic disorder

There are several types of manic disorders (episodes).

  • Angry mania - irritability, pickiness, anger, and aggression predominate. Patients are angry towards others and themselves, they are not satisfied with the actions and behavior of others.
  • Unproductive mania - elevated mood comes to the fore, but there is no desire for activity with a slight acceleration of the associative process.
  • Confused mania - extreme acceleration of the associative process comes to the fore ( thought processes associated with associations created by the brain; their violation is a violation of associations in the process of thinking).
    Association is a connection that arises in the process of thinking between elements of the psyche, as a result of which the appearance of one element, under certain conditions, evokes the image of another associated with it.
  • Complex mania - a combination of various affective disorders with symptoms of other psychopathological syndromes. In the context of such manic disorders, phenomena such as staging, fantasy, which the patient himself perceives as reality, oneiroid ( qualitative violation consciousness), catatonic states. Various hallucinations and mental automatisms often develop. In some cases, in the context of manic syndromes, symptoms appear that at first glance are incompatible with the picture of the condition, such as senestopathy, hypochondriacal delusions, and suicidal tendencies.

Manic states can develop with manic-depressive syndrome, cyclothymia, schizophrenia, epilepsy, various types psychoses, as well as with various organic brain lesions.
In patients with manic disorders, criticism of the disease is sharply reduced; as a rule, it is completely absent; such patients are quite difficult to motivate for treatment.
Most manic states are reversible. Treatment of patients with manic disorders must be carried out in a hospital setting, where they will be under 24-hour medical supervision.

Manic disorders are associated with a person’s affective state and inappropriate behavior. This is not a disease, but an episode. Namely, the human condition associated with

Psychical deviations

This human condition can last different time. It can last for one day, or maybe a whole week. For a better understanding, it should be said that manic disorders have the opposite characteristics of depression. With the latter, a person cannot force himself to carry out any activity, may not get out of bed, etc. And manic disorders are characterized by activity and focus on something. The patient experiences outbursts of anger, aggression and even rage. There are also cases when a person develops manic-depressive disorder with obsessive thoughts. For example, some people feel that someone is watching them or is inventing some kind of atrocity against them.

Therefore, the behavior of patients becomes cautious, they look for a trick everywhere. They can also find confirmation of their suspicions in random coincidences. It is impossible to explain to people like this that they are mistaken. Since they are confident that they are right and can find irrefutable, from their point of view, evidence that they are being watched or persecuted.

Obsession is a condition that borders on mental disorder

The reason for this behavior may be the person’s character or his reaction to unpleasant situations. It happens that a person is ready to implement his plans at any cost, despite the fact that there are certain circumstances that prevent their implementation. The goals may be different, for example, religion, politics, rare art, or simply activity related to social activities. A person has thoughts that dominate all others. This behavior seems funny if the target is small. But it is worth saying that major scientific discoveries or great achievements in other fields of activity were carried out by precisely this type of people.

Obsession with any goal is borderline mental disorder, but it is not. A person’s thoughts and actions are aimed at achieving a certain result. At the same time, they are clear and understandable. Focus on results occupies all a person’s thoughts, and to achieve or implement it, he will do everything possible and impossible. When a person begins to dream about something, all his thoughts are focused on what he wants. It is in such states that people are able to achieve great results.

And manic means that a person has psychical deviations. His train of thoughts is chaotic, absurd, he himself does not know what he wants. People around him do not understand such a person; his behavior is aggressive.

Mental disorders. Symptoms

What symptoms indicate manic (mental) disorder?

  1. The person is in an excited state. That is, he doesn’t just have an elevated good mood, and he is overexcited.
  2. Overly optimistic attitude towards any situation.
  3. Extreme speed of thought process.
  4. Hyperactivity.
  5. A person becomes wasteful.
  6. Does not control his actions, actions, words.

The main difficulty is that a person cannot admit the fact that he is sick and needs professional medical help. He himself believes that everything is fine with him and refuses to see a specialist. Convincing him to start treatment is almost impossible.

Main signs of the disorder

What actions does a person take that indicate they are experiencing manic bipolar personality disorder?

  1. A person begins to spend a lot of money. He can drain all his savings.
  2. Signs unfavorable contracts, does not think about the consequences of transactions.
  3. Creates provocative situations with surrounding people, which lead to conflicts and quarrels.
  4. People with manic disorders begin to have problems drinking alcohol.
  5. May violate the law.
  6. Typically, people with this disease have a large number of sexual relations.
  7. Suspicious people appear in your social circle.
  8. Often a selfish attitude towards others appears, allocates a special place for oneself in society, and

A person has the feeling that he is omnipotent. Therefore, he spends a lot of money, does not think about the future and believes that at any moment money will come to him in the amount that is needed. He is convinced of his higher purpose.

Manic disorder: symptoms and types

Manic states can be divided into several types. For example, it often occurs: A person feels like he is being watched and chased. Sometimes he knows his enemies and is convinced that they want to harm him or cause some kind of damage. Such stalkers may be relatives or friends, as well as strangers. Sometimes a person feels like they want to kill him, beat him or injure him in some way.

There is a mania of higher destiny, when a person believes that he was sent to earth with a certain mission and must perform some significant act. For example, create a new religion or save everyone from the end of the world and so on.

These conditions are accompanied by the fact that the patient thinks that he is the most beautiful or the richest, etc. There are different possible manifestations of the fact that a person suffers from a disease such as bipolar affective disorder. not always associated with greatness and omnipotence. There are also cases when a person, on the contrary, thinks that he is to blame for everything. Or, for example, he must serve everyone and so on.

There is a mania of jealousy. As a rule, it occurs in people who abuse alcohol. It is interesting that a manic disorder can include several manias, and sometimes a person is susceptible to only one idea.

There are cases when a sick person can convince relatives and close people that he is right. This happens because he explains his manias very logically and finds evidence for them. Therefore, close people can fall under the influence of the patient and mislead themselves. As a rule, a break in communication with such a person allows you to quickly escape from under his influence.

Sometimes people who know that they have mental disorders begin to hide them from others.

Manic disorder. Treatment

What treatment should be given to a person with manic disorder? The main sign that a person is unhealthy is insomnia. And the sickest one this fact doesn't bother me. Because he is in a state of excitement. Such a person exhausts his relatives with his behavior. Therefore, it is better if the treatment is inpatient.

Moreover, the sooner medical assistance is provided, the better. Loved ones should not expect that manic disorder will go away on its own.


If noticed, you need to contact a specialist. You should be aware that physical force may be required to admit a manic person to the hospital. Because he won’t want to go to the hospital on his own. But you shouldn’t worry about it, because after recovery the person realizes that he needed medical help. It is also worth knowing that increased excitability can relate not only to manic disorder, but also be a sign of other diseases. For example, this condition is observed in alcoholics and dementia. Also the use of some medicines causes increased excitability. Schizophrenia can present with similar symptoms. In order to accurately determine what a person is sick with, it is necessary to conduct a special examination.

Talking won't help!

You should know that inappropriate behavior of loved ones requires medical care. You should not try to solve the problem yourself through conversations and persuasion. Sometimes you can harm the patient by attempting treatment on your own.

As a rule, loved ones always hope for the best. This makes it difficult for them to believe that their loved one has a mental disorder. Therefore, they do not dare to resort to forcibly hospitalizing him until the last minute, and try through negotiations to convince him to see a specialist. But as practice shows, conversations with people who are not mentally healthy do not have a positive effect. On the contrary, they can cause irritation and aggression in the patient. And such a state will only worsen the situation. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid, but you should seek the help of professionals. Since in the end this will play a positive role in curing a person from this illness.


Now you know how manic disorders manifest themselves, and you also understand what needs to be done in this situation. We hope that the information was useful to you.

Manic-depressive psychosis (bipolar personality disorder, bipolar affective disorder) is a mental illness manifested by recurrent depressive and manic attacks.

In the intervals between the phases of the disease, regardless of the severity and number of attacks suffered, there are no symptoms.

Manic-depressive psychosis is not characterized by the development of pronounced personality changes or, as in schizophrenia. A person may suffer from this disorder for years, but during the interictal period there will be no symptoms of the disease, which allows him to lead a normal life.

Reasons for development

To finally find out why this occurs emotional disorder, has not yet succeeded.

There are several established patterns in the development of the disease:

  • Heredity is of great importance in the development of this disease;
  • this pathology occurs more often in women, it is assumed that there is a link between the genes responsible for the development of this disease and the X chromosome. Thus, manic-depressive psychosis can be attributed to changes in the human body itself.

Main features

The first symptoms of manic-depressive psychosis can appear at any age, but most often the disease occurs in young (after 20 years) and adulthood. Sometimes, with a late onset of the disease, patients can talk about 1-2 erased attacks of depression or mania, which passed on their own, without seeing a doctor.

In most cases, the appearance of the first attack of the disease is preceded by psychotrauma, and subsequent episodes can develop independently, the connection with psychotrauma is lost.

The main signs of manic-depressive psychosis are depressive and manic syndromes. The frequency, severity and duration of each phase differ.

A typical depressive episode lasts from 2 to 6 months; manic episodes are usually shorter.

Manic-depressive psychosis is characterized by a connection with human biorhythms. Many patients note that exacerbation of the disease, the occurrence of depressive or manic episodes, occurs in the spring or autumn.

In women, it is often possible to establish a connection between attacks and a certain phase of the monthly cycle.

For depressive symptoms characteristic fluctuations in the severity of symptoms depending on the time of day: in the morning, immediately after waking up, the maximum severity of symptoms of depression is noted, in evening time patients experience some relief. This is why most suicide attempts occur in the early morning.

But in the sequence of changes in the various phases of the disease, no stable patterns are found. Mania may develop following a depressive episode, may precede the onset of depression, or occur independently of periods of depression. In some patients depressive symptoms are the only manifestation of the disease, and mania does not occur during life. This is characteristic of the monopolar type of disease.

The light intervals between individual attacks can last for several years, or they can be very short.

After the attack stops, mental well-being is almost completely restored. Even multiple attacks do not lead to noticeable personality changes or the development of any defect.

As a rule, attacks of bipolar personality disorder manifest themselves as mania, but there are also erased variants of attacks, when obsessions and complaints of work impairment predominate internal organs. IN transition period between depression and mania, mixed states may be briefly observed (manic stupor, angry mania, agitated depression).

Signs of depression

A typical depressive attack is characterized by melancholy and speech retardation. All drives are suppressed (libido, maternal instinct, food). Patients persistently express ideas of self-blame, and pessimism and a sense of hopelessness often contribute to the commission of suicidal acts.

In adulthood and old age, a depressive episode often occurs atypically; its main manifestations are anxiety, motor restlessness, a feeling of the end of the world or, conversely, callousness and indifference to loved ones, a painful feeling of indifference.

Often, a depressive attack occurs according to the following type: patients do not focus their attention on a decrease in mood, but complaints of pain in various parts of the body (heart, head, joints), sleep disturbances, increased blood pressure, constipation and others. Attacks of depression accompanied by uncontrollable drinking have been described.

Symptoms of mania

Manic episodes occur less frequently than depressive episodes and are shorter in duration.

Typical signs of mania: activity, initiative, interest in everything, fast racing thinking. Patients in this phase are characterized by increased distractibility and a desire to help others.

All basic drives are intensified:

  • appetite increases;
  • hypersexuality is noted;
  • patients are overly sociable;
  • the need for sleep decreases.

During a manic attack, patients may spend money thoughtlessly, engage in casual sexual relationships, abuse alcohol, suddenly quit their job, leave home, or bring home strangers. The behavior of manic patients attracts the attention of people around them, although the patients themselves are rarely aware of the absurdity of their actions: they consider themselves absolutely healthy and experience a surge of strength.

With excessively expressed manic syndrome the speech of patients becomes incomprehensible, they fervently express their ideas to their interlocutors, and unstable ideas of greatness may sound in their statements. As a rule, in a state of mania, patients are favorably disposed towards others, although short-term mixed states are possible, in which increased activity is combined with irritability, aggressiveness, and explosiveness (angry mania).

Course of the disease

If the disease involves both depressive and manic episodes, then we're talking about about the bipolar type of manic-depressive psychosis.

If only depressive episodes are present, the disease is classified as the unipolar type.

Episodes of mania without depressive attacks do not occur independently.