
Interesting competitions for teachers on Teacher's Day. New table role-playing tale for Teacher's Day

Selivanova L.L., teacher of Lyceum No. 6, Dubna, Moscow region

The scene is the school assembly hall.
The assembly hall is designed in the form of a School of Training Magic:
- from maple leaves,
- balloons,
- posters with aphorisms on the benefits of studying,
- fun educational holiday “aids”,
- naughty, large-sized cheat sheets;
- teacher’s work props (such as “pointers”), etc.

A soundtrack of songs and melodies about school and on a school theme sounds.

Upon entering the hall, each teacher receives a “badge” in the form of a maple leaf, on one side of which there is a sincere congratulations on Teacher’s Day, on the other - a number, the purpose of which everyone is warned that at the end of the evening everyone will receive a lottery.
The numbers in the “badges” are periodically repeated.
All leaves with the same number are the same color.

Teachers take their places in the hall.

Musical calls are heard.
Coming out Presenters(the number of presenters is at the discretion of the production director).

- Dear teachers! Today we have prepared a gift for you.
- There is a surprise in this beautiful box. Want to know which one?
- To do this, let's remember what you tell your students when it's time for exams. Do you remember?
They are specifically addressing teachers.
- What is your favorite (key) phrase that you say to students before an exam?
Teachers are interviewed in a humorous and relaxed manner.

And you?
Listen to the answers.
- What else are you saying?

After a short but meaningful pause, they speak in a very significant tone.
- And you also say that you need to go to the exam...
That's it (in unison). Like a holiday!
- So we decided to give you a real holiday today - ... (very joyfully).
- Exam!
- And in this box, as you already guessed, are exam papers.
- Whoever passes the exam today with “excellent” marks will go to work at the very best super-school tomorrow!
- And whoever does not pass the exam will not be allowed to work tomorrow!
- Agreed with the director!
- And first we need to go on an excursion to this very super-school.
- Get your legs and arms ready and follow us!

The game “Excursion” is played.

- We are coming to a super school!
(They hit their thighs with their palms).
Let's go up the steps!
(Movement with fingers down - on “heels”).
We boldly open the doors!
(Move your hand to the right and left - open the curtains).
We enter the foyer - wow!
(Arms open wide in amazement).
There are such offices -
(We take our hands to our heads and shake our heads.)
In the first one, everyone sings and dances!
(We show humorous folk dance movements).
In the second they sit and draw!
(We depict applying strokes to the canvas).
In the third - they write essays!
(Pretend writing an essay)
And in the fourth they put on an experiment!
(Pretend explosions).
- And then the school principal appears and shouts in a loud voice: “What are you doing here?”
And out of fear we run away in reverse order.
We do the movements in reverse order.

Well, how did you like it at the super school?
The audience responds.

Then let's go there again, just quietly, otherwise the director is painfully strict!
The game is repeated in a whisper.

And then the school principal appears and shouts in a loud voice: “What are you doing here?”
And we answer: “We came to visit you!” And he answered: “Welcome,
Just pass the exam first!” - and you and I begin to prepare for the exam.
- First, let’s think: do we know our children?
- Let's try to get to know them again!
- We will start sentences about what our children usually do, and you will answer only “girls” or “boys.”

The game “Girls or Boys” is being played
Dandelion wreaths in spring
Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket...

Skates on the ice drew arrows
We played hockey all day...

We chatted for an hour without a break
In colorful dresses...

Test your strength in front of everyone
Of course, they only love...

Cowards are afraid of the dark
All as one...
Game over.

Presenters. Wonderful. You are ready to answer questions about children.
- What if I have to sing and dance during the exam?
- The school is unusual - and anything can await us in the exam! Let's practice!

The game “Ball” is being played
To the tune of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” we sing the following text:
The ball flies and flies across the sky.
The ball flies across the sky.
And we know that this ball
It will reach the sky.
With each subsequent repetition of the song, we replace one word in it with movement and sound:
Ball - “Wow!” - and draw the outlines of a huge balloon in the air.
Sky - “Ss!” - imitate whistling and point fingers at the sky
Flies - “Whoa, whoa!” - we wave our arms like wings.
Game over.

Presenters. Amazing! You did great and are completely ready to take the super school exam!
- And we invite the lucky person(s) who drew ticket No. 1 to the stage.
- The first exam is a test of your professional skills.
- What is the most common thing any teacher has to do?
- Of course, talk. Sometimes it takes so long and is so difficult that your tongue begins to get stuck.
- Let's see how our teachers can cope with complex texts.

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
1. Konstantin noted the incident with the intendant and the precedent with the applicant.
2. The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.
3. The sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain.
4. Popcorn bag.

Fabulous! The first exam has been passed.

“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional aptitude exam to work at a super-school with “excellent” marks, while demonstrating remarkable professional skills. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”

Presenters. And we invite ticket holders No. 2 to the stage.
- They will have to pass an understanding test.

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
The couple must finish the word in unison. For example, the leader says: “Samo...” If both players playing in chorus say the same ending of the word, for example, “... years,” then they get a point. If one says “... years”, and the other, for example, “... dumped”, then they don’t get it.
Snake... (catching)

Fantastic! Second exam passed.
- And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

The graduation ceremony is held.
“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional suitability exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks, while demonstrating full mutual understanding with colleagues. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”
A bravura musical beat sounds.

And we invite ticket holders No. 3 to the stage.
- In a super school you need not only mutual understanding, but also mutual support.
- Will you be able to support your colleagues in Hard time, suggest what is the best thing to do when it seems that all the landmarks have been lost and it is not clear where to go?
- Now we will check it!

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
In a pair, one is “blind” (we blindfold him), the other is a “guide”. The “blind” person must complete a simple task with the help of the guide’s prompts (for example, water the flowers in the office on the top shelf or write the formula of water on the board).

Wonderful! The third exam has been passed.
- And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

The graduation ceremony is held.
“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional suitability exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks, while demonstrating the ability to support a colleague in difficult times. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”
A bravura musical beat sounds.

And we invite ticket holders No. 4 to the stage.
- In the super-school, both children and adults live interesting and fun lives and do not let each other get bored.
- During the warm-up, we sang and danced a lot of fun, so you will pass the next exam without much difficulty.

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
In the famous song about a grasshopper, we replace all the verbs with “la-la.” We sing only the 1st and last verse.
We get something like:
In the grass la-la grasshopper
In the grass la-la grasshopper
Just like a cucumber
He's green!
Just like a cucumber.
He's green!

But la-la frog... etc.

Incomparable! The fourth exam has been passed.
- And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

The graduation ceremony is held.
“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional aptitude exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks, while demonstrating extraordinary singing abilities and intelligence. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”
A bravura musical beat sounds.

And we invite ticket holders No. 5 to the stage.
- To teach at a super school, you will have to master a huge amount of new material, which means you will need a trained memory.
- I think on bad memory in our team no one really complains and the next exam will be even easier than the previous one.

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
The super-school, of course, employs not only ladies, but also men. Moreover, everyone is a perfect choice, smart and noble. And now we will create his portrait together.
1st player: - The ideal man carries women in his arms.
2nd player: - The ideal man carries women in his arms and never lies.
3rd player: - The ideal man carries women in his arms, never lies and dresses with taste.

Wonderful! The fifth exam has been passed.
- And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

The graduation ceremony is held.
“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this really has an excellent memory and therefore passed the exam for professional suitability to work at a super-school with excellent marks.” The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”
A bravura musical beat sounds.

And we invite ticket holders No. 6 to the stage.
- A teacher working in a super-school must have an unusually broad outlook, because the children in this school are interested in absolutely everything!
“I think that teachers who go up on stage to take an exam have just such an outlook.

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
TICKET No. 6. Tricky questions.
- Let's start with simpler questions. Tell me, do you believe that...
1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
2. Is disposable school boards used in Australia? (No)
3. Was the fountain pen invented in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
4. Ball pen Was it first used only by military pilots? (Yes)
5. In Africa they produce fortified pencils for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)
6. Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)
7. Can children hear higher-pitched sounds than adults? (Yes)
8. Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
9. High-heeled shoes ranked first among the causes of accidental death in Japan in 1995? (yes, almost 22 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

And now the questions are more difficult. You will have to give a detailed answer to them.
1. What you can cook but cannot eat (lessons)
2. What will happen to the yellow towel if it falls into the Red Sea? (it will become wet)
3. What do all people on Earth do at the same time? (getting older)
4. What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (number 6)
5. Which hand is better to stir tea? (actually it’s better to stir it with a spoon)
6. In what century did the Ancient Greeks walk backwards with their heels? (they still walk like this, with their heels behind them)

And finally, a riddle that only seems simple, but requires attention and a sense of humor and attention:
A, I, B built a house for themselves.
And he went abroad
B fell and went to the hospital.
Who stayed at home? (nobody)

Stunningly! The sixth exam has been passed.
- And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

The graduation ceremony is held.
“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this really has a broad outlook and therefore passed the professional aptitude exam for work at a super-school with “excellent marks.” The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”

A bravura musical beat sounds.

And we invite holders of ticket No. 7 to the stage, who go straight to gymnastics classes.
- After all, a teacher working in a super-school must be unusually dexterous.
- And if you can’t be dexterous, then at least be resourceful!

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
Two participants are given hoops. The presenter invites the first participant to grab one hoop with his left hand, and with his right hand, pushing it through the first hoop, to grab the second hoop. Now separate the hoops without lifting your hands. The second participant suggests what to do, and the first one executes. Then you can ask both of you to jump through a hoop or twirl it around your waist.

Gorgeous! The seventh exam has been passed.
- And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

The graduation ceremony is held.
“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional suitability exam to work at a super-school with excellent marks, demonstrating dexterity and ingenuity. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”
A bravura musical beat sounds.

And we invite the holders of ticket No. 8 to the stage.
-Have you seen how many positive qualities a must have super school teacher. To acquire all these qualities, you need a strong will to win!
“This will to win will be demonstrated to us by the lucky ones who drew ticket No. 8.”

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
Participants take turns singing one verse from different songs about school - who can remember the most. You can't repeat yourself. Who will sing who?

Amazing! The eighth exam has been passed.
- And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

The graduation ceremony is held.
“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this actually passed the professional aptitude exam to work at a super-school with an “excellent” mark, while demonstrating an extraordinary will to win. The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”
A bravura musical beat sounds.

And we invite the holders of ticket No. 9 to the stage.
- For a super-school to flourish, the teachers working in it must also have economic literacy...
- ... or, more simply put, they must be able to count money.
- What will our examinees do now?

Presenters conduct an exam on the ticket.
Players receive a tightly sealed transparent jar filled with paper bills and coins of various denominations. Their task is to count the money without opening the jars. The one who accurately named the amount wins.

This is simply unthinkable! The last exam passed brilliantly!
- And based on the results of the exam, you are awarded a new academic title and awarded a diploma!

The graduation ceremony is held.
“This diploma confirms that the bearer of this really has economic literacy and therefore passed the professional aptitude exam for working at a super-school with “excellent marks.” The bearer of this is awarded the title of SUPER TEACHER”
A bravura musical beat sounds.

I congratulate you, gentlemen! You passed the most difficult exams with honor and tomorrow the entire teaching staff will go to work at the super-school.
- Let's do the last training session - let's all think together about how we will start our lesson tomorrow.
- Now I’m going to fantasize out loud, and if I do everything right, you clap your hands, and if I do it wrong, stomp your feet.

The game “True or False” is played

So we go into class, right?
We say: “Hello, children, please sit down.” Right?
Let's put our feet up on the chair, right?
On the table?
On the nightstand?
Are we going anywhere at all?
Let's go to the board, right?
We write: “The third of October. Cool job" So?
Seditious work?
Underground work?
A!! Test!
We hand out leaflets with tasks to the children. Right?
We ask them to think first, right?
And then scream.
Make faces?
Calculate example!
And while the children are writing, we sit under the table, right?
On the table?
To the table!
And we solve the crossword puzzle!
Reading a detective story?
Telling jokes?
Let's fill out the magazine!
And then we collect the notebooks, right?
And we say: “Thank you everyone. The lesson is over,” right?
And we stomp our feet!
Right! Exactly!!

Or you can clap again and shout “Hurray!” to our wonderful colleagues.
- After all, you all probably already understood that today we were talking about our beloved school.
- Because if we are as friendly and enthusiastic as we did today, we will work all the time academic year, our school will truly become a real super-school.
- Happy holiday, dear teachers. I wish you happiness, health and fun work for the whole academic year!!!

School tunes are playing.
The teachers leave the hall.
At the exit, maple “badges” are exchanged for cards with congratulations and parting words.

School holiday with the participation of high school students and teachers

The lights in the assembly hall and on the stage are dimmed. The song “Hope” plays, lyrics. N. Dobronravova, music. A. Pakhmutova. The song is interrupted by the bell for class. The light in the hall gradually intensifies. Two presenters (high school students) take the stage.

1st presenter. Hello! Today is an unusual day!

2nd presenter. More precisely, today is an amazing day!

1st presenter. Moreover, today is a holiday! Joyful and long-awaited!

2nd presenter. Today is Teacher's Day!

1st presenter. Thank you, dear teachers, for being you, we love you very much!

Together. Happy holiday!

The song “What is Autumn” sounds? and music Yu. Shevchuk. The main robber runs onto the stage, whistles loudly, and his accomplices run towards him from all sides.

1st robber. Everyone stay put! An attempt to get up and leave will be regarded as running away from class! And the journal with ratings will be opened without delay...

2nd robber. Attention! Attention! Press release! The auditorium is captured by a group of excellent students “Students are our future.”

Scream from the hall. What are your requirements?

3rd robber. Our main demand is to declare Teacher's Day at school! I ask for applause. Please, please... Please, please... (Sneezes).

2nd robber.
We know there are a lot of disappointments
We brought it to you, it was time,
But we ask, dear ones,
Don't be angry with us!

3rd robber.
The years will fly by, rush by,
“Ay love yu” - we will tell you.
Do not forget how together with you
We passed the exams...

1st robber.
And say thank you for everything
We want you, dear ones.
For patience, for science
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

3rd robber. The second requirement: teachers need to follow our advice!

The 11th grade students enter the stage and the robbers leave.

1st student. Advice No. 1. Teachers, respect your students, each of us is an original personality!

2nd student. Tip No. 2. Dear teachers, be tactful! Do not insist on an answer if the student does not understand your question. Try to subtly shift the conversation to another topic.

3rd student. Tip #3: If a student answers incorrectly, it means they wanted to test you!

4th student. Tip #4: Try to ask students as many leading questions as possible. After all, we cannot know all topics perfectly.

The composition “Images” by C. Debussy is playing.

1st student. At our school, every day is a discovery. The discovery of new knowledge, which makes it possible to acquire a good profession in the future.

2nd student. Wait! Here we are talking about teachers, giving them advice, but we don’t know what the teachers themselves think about this... Let’s ask them!

Three young teachers take the stage. F. Chopin's “Nocturne” in E-flat major sounds.

1st presenter. So, let's start the survey... Who's ready?

2nd presenter. Wait! You didn’t say the main thing - what topic will the survey be on?

1st presenter. “My profession is a teacher” - this is our topic today. It includes the participant’s business card in any form and genre in accordance with imagination, stage, teaching and other talents, as well as the ability to answer so-called “trick questions” brightly, witty and professionally.

Call signs are heard before each performance. After each business card Teachers are asked 2 questions.

Questions for teachers

  • A modern teacher - what is he like?
  • Is being a teacher an intuition or a skill?
  • Name the best teacher dish.
  • Name three, in your opinion, main qualities of a teacher.
  • Is a teacher a person who teaches, or is he himself constantly learning?
  • Which student is your best?

After the answers, the teachers go down to the auditorium.

1st presenter. Now you and I are convinced that for a teacher in our school, every day is a discovery of the treasures of the human soul.

2nd presenter. Meeting with a multicolored, complex, bizarre world of unique characters.

1st presenter. Our teachers try to develop the student’s individuality, make every grade in the journal useful and promising, and make the test a holiday!

2nd presenter. Happy holiday, dear teachers!

1st presenter. With great respect, I invite the school director... (full name of the director) to the stage.

The director congratulates teachers on Teacher's Day.

1st presenter. Today our guests are ordinary modern schoolchildren – Elya and Vovchik. Let's meet!

The composition “Dreams” by R. Schumann is playing.

Vovchik. Can you imagine, Elya, today the math teacher said: “If you study from morning to morning, you will be as smart as an owl.” Have you ever heard owls talk?

Elya. You are a dunce, Vovchik, this must be understood figuratively: an owl is a symbol of wisdom.

Vovchik. No, in our class the symbol of wisdom is Katka, an excellent student: she masters everything without hesitation, a walking encyclopedia.

Elya. But in the book I found one sophism that assumes that 2x2=5. Can you imagine?

Vovchik. So, does this mean that the mathematician was telling us nonsense all the time? Well, he does! She doesn’t know herself, but she teaches others!

Elya. No, this can be proven theoretically, but if you find an error in the proof, then this is not true, 2×2 = 4.

Vovchik. They give it! First they theoretically admit it, and then they look for refutations. Yes, some people are going crazy. It would be better if they shared it with someone!

Elya. Vovchik, all the teachers share their intelligence with you, but you are like an oak, with no truth in sight. On the contrary, all the convolutions straightened out.

Vovchik. That’s why they stood up straight because they don’t know what information they need most. I've learned to count money, I've had enough. Have you heard the saying: “you are smart when you have a lot of money”?

Elya. Do you want to be a certified ignoramus?

Vovchik. No, I want to be a creative manager. Or “senior supervisor” sounds good and immediately inspires respect.

Elya. There's a mess in your head, Vovchik.

Vovchik. Nothing, but I will be a first-class specialist. The most important thing the school gave me is that I know with confidence that 2×2 = 4. And the rest will follow. (Sings.) Twice two is four, everyone in the whole world knows this.

Elya and Vovchik leave.

1st presenter. Dear teachers, musically gifted students also came to congratulate you. Let's greet them with applause.

Students come on stage and sing ditties.

1st student.
We go to school every day
I'm just too lazy to study -
Let's play the game
Telephone nonsense.

2nd student.
He goes to class like he goes to battle
My friend Kolya,
But school doesn't go well
The reason for this is Olya.

3rd student.
Write off the economy
Lenka allowed,
Eh, I'll have to kiss
At recess with her.

4th student.
There are no stupid people
Neither boys nor girls
For grades guys
They even stand in line.

5th student.
If you want to know a lot
And don’t lag behind life,
Use the Internet
Don't be distracted by anything!

The performers of ditties leave.

1st presenter. Congratulations to our teachers on the holiday!

2nd presenter. Thank you, teachers!

1st presenter.
Teacher! How much meaning does this word have?
What a sacred light it radiates!
It is the basis of all glorious, good deeds,
His trace is immortal in the human soul!

2nd presenter. Be healthy and happy! More good students for you, and may good luck always accompany you!

All participants of the program come on stage and perform the song “We wish you happiness,” lyrics. I. Shaferan, music. S. Namina.

Scenario competitive program for Teacher's Day

“Life tells you to teach, and for us to learn. Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.”

Solemn fanfare sounds and the presenters take the stage.
1 Presenter.
Good afternoon dear friends!
2 Presenter.
1 Presenter.

Stand above life young

Keeping the beautiful unity,

Age-old honor, holy duty -
Teaching and motherhood.

2 Presenter.

First awaken your souls

Let the thirst for knowledge awaken in them,

Then take the pets,

To a transparently clean well.

1 Presenter.
Living water from the depths

Teach me to scoop with my hand,

To love your people and land,

To become more mature and prettier in soul.

2 Presenter.

Teaching is noble, without knowledge the world will freeze.

We congratulate all teachers and educators on Teacher's Day! Be happy, don’t get sick, don’t know any sorrows and always remain as active, cheerful and a little dreamy. After all, ahead of you best years and new achievements!

The presentation is shown.

1 Presenter.

Today, our musical competition program includes a worthy, artistic, talented, smart, and the best team of teachers and a team of students. So, we greet the team members with loud applause.

2 Presenter.

Teachers are invited to the stage first. Meet!!!

1 Presenter.

The work of a teacher is not easy,

Games, activities, creative growth!

But he doesn’t regret anything, friends,

She gave her heart to the children!

2 Presenter.

P- decent

S- brave

I- interesting

X - good

O- responsive

L - dear


G- brilliant

1 Presenter.

So her name is...

I want to tell you, friends,

Modest, obedient in moderation,

Non-conflict, positive,

I am creative at work.

(primary school teacher)

2 Presenter.

Always full of imagination and creative ideas,
He uses all the innovations in his methodology.

(teacher in English)

1 Presenter.

Everyone is crazy about him
Adults and children.
Give it, friends,
Applause for him.

(Physical education teacher)
1 Presenter.

It's time to invite the most artistic and active students to the red carpet. Not a single school event is complete without them.

2 Presenter.

Our first girl -
This is Sveta - young lady.
Bowed slowly
How good it is!

1 Presenter.

Here comes Victoria
It’s like sewing a pattern with silk!

2 Presenter.

And here's another girl,
Katerina, their friend!
Scarlet cheeks are burning,
The eyes sparkle merrily.

1 Presenter.

Here's another fellow of ours,
Sergey is a handsome guy, a daredevil!

1 Presenter.

The teams are introduced, we begin.

2 Presenter.

A good teacher must be an artist. Then he will be able to find an approach to each student, interest him, and instill a love for his subject.

1 Presenter.

Does this mean that every teacher is a creative person?

2 Presenter.

Of course! Let's spend trial "Creativity without borders".
For the test, we have balloons with tasks for each participant inside. We ask participants to receive balloons.

1 Presenter.

Balloons with tasks for teachers.

1. Using gestures and facial expressions, depict a student who has forgotten to do his homework.
2. Draw a verbal portrait of the noisiest, talkative, modest student.
3. Blindfolded, write an “A” in the diary and your signature.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness".

2 Presenter.

Balloons with tasks for students.

1. Using gestures and facial expressions, portray a teacher who forgot to give homework.
2. Draw a verbal portrait of the most witty and cheerful teacher.
3.Blindfolded, put a deuce in the magazine.

4. Clap, tread the rhythm of your favorite song.

5. Pantomime the proverb “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.”

1 Presenter.

We had no doubt that the teams would cope with the task. Our teachers are busy with ingenuity, and our students have fun.

2 Presenter.

Learn to work, think boldly,

Step. The roads are good.

There is no happier thing in the world,

What is the education of the soul!

1 Presenter.

Poems and songs for mentors,

The sparkle of inspired lines,

The wisest of all professions,

The greatness of the title: Teacher!

2 Presenter.

There is no more beautiful position in the world,

Labor is braver and sweeter.

Blue shines. It is a holiday today,

Our friends, teachers!

Musical number.

1 Presenter.

A shoemaker can fix shoes,

And the carpenter - a stool and a porch.

But only teachers can fix it

The mind, heart and face brighten.

2 Presenter.

What delicate work -

It's smarter to make at least someone,

Bring a flower of good luck,

Save from loneliness.

1 Presenter.

A little mental exercise will not hurt the team captains, and we invite them to the stage. Begincaptains competition"Red Box".

2 Presenter.

You don't know what's in this box. I am giving brief description this subject. The team captain can ask 3 questions about the item, to which I will answer: yes or no.

1 Presenter.

For students:

1 item (chalk)

One piece of what is currently in the box is never enough. It is necessary in the classroom, during lessons. It also helps with caries, bruises, sprains and fractures.

2 Presenter.

For teachers:

1 item (class magazine)

If you took it without permission and took it home, you would be punished by the school principal or the head teacher of the Department of Internal Affairs. But you have the opportunity to admire this thing every day, every hour, every minute.

1 Presenter.

For students:

2 items (bun)

Filled with vitality, nature gives us all the best that it has, and what is in the box. And while it doesn't come with branded packaging, there's only one place to get it. By purchasing this, you are tasting a taste familiar from childhood.

2 Presenter.

For teachers:

Subject 2 (school evacuation plan)

This will teach you orderly movement. This will help you find a way out of any hopeless situation. And finally, it is simply a work of art. You can frame it, hang it on any wall in your school, or in your apartment and admire it from morning to evening.

2 Presenter.

We thank the captains, they showed off their wit, and apparently the team chose them not by chance.

1 Presenter.

Behind the outskirts of Indian summer

This day moves us to tears.

Your holiday is in a sea of ​​yellow

Half-asleep aspens and birches.

2 Presenter.

Teacher's Day is a special holiday:

No garlands, no sparklers.

Do you carry knowledge so that

The world did not collapse into the abyss of shadows.

Musical number.

1 Presenter.

You and I have all watched the funny program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” at least once.Competition “Through the Mouth of a Baby”.Today we, students primary classes We have prepared our own interpretation of some words for our teams. Three video questions have been prepared for each team.

2 Presenter.

So, the first puzzles! First video question for teachers.

1st participant.
After this, the salary is raised.
2nd participant.
This is when a group of people evaluate one.
3rd participant.
This is when you tremble with fear.

2 Presenter. Answer: "Certification"

1 Presenter.
And now the first video question for students.

1st participant.
Many people simply cannot live without it.
2nd participant.
This takes a lot of time and money.

3rd participant.
But they get a lot of fun.

1 Presenter: Hint: It is different for each person. Answer: “Hobby” (passion)

2 Presenter.

Attention to the screen, second video question for teachers.

1st participant.
This is when you can bask in bed for a long time.
2nd participant.
They usually save money for this.
3rd participant.
This is when you do what you want.

2 Presenter: Answer: “Vacation”

1 Presenter.
Attention to the screen, second video question for students.

1st participant.
It's designed to grab our attention.
2nd participant.
And it happens very often, and there is no escape from it.
3rd participant.
They always offer something so insistently that it is impossible to refuse.
1 Presenter: Hint: You often look and even more often you don’t understand anything, what’s the matter? And when you watch the film, it really bothers you.Answer: "Advertising"

2 Presenter.

Attention to the screen, the third video question for teachers.

1st participant.
This is when it’s warm, there are a lot of friends around and everyone is having fun.
2nd participant.
This is when they eat and sleep together at the same time.
3rd participant.
This is an expensive pleasure today.

2 Presenter. Answer: "Summer camp"

1 Presenter.

Attention to the screen, the third video question for students.

1st participant.
Interested people come here.
2nd participant.
Some people stay there for a long time.
3rd participant.
And many people often take what is there with them.

1 Presenter: Hint: Our school has this too.The answer is "Library"

2 Presenter.

We thank our first-graders for a wonderful, interesting competition.

Musical number.

1 Presenter.

A diary is the main document of a student while he is studying. Children, of course, are very upset when the teacher writes a comment in their diary.

2 Presenter.

The next competition task is called“Let’s write it in our diary.”

Exercise: On the pieces of paper given out you see typical diary entries. You need to be smart and add words to the notes so that its meaning changes to the opposite! For example, the entry “Does nothing in class!”, after changing: “Well done! He doesn’t do anything bad in class!” We'll see which team has the wittiest entry!

1 presenter.

I ask the team captains to receive assignments.


"Your son disrupted his geography lesson"

“I came to school today without homework”

“I spilled compote on the floor in the dining room.”


“During class, he crawled under the table and barked.”

“During class, I put it on my neighbor’s chair. chewing gum and, of course, she stuck.”

“During class, I hid a magazine from the teacher”

2 presenter.

While our contestants are preparing their task, we will hold a competition for fans.

1 presenter.

We invite the 2 fastest and most resourceful fans from each team to the stage.

2 presenter.

Autumn leaves are hung around our hall different color– on these pieces of paper are attached excerpts of statements about the great Russian language. Each fan team has its own color. Your task is to collect pieces of paper around the room and compose a statement into a single whole. Whoever completes our task quickly and correctly will become the winner of this competition.

“The Russian language is the language of a Great people, and therefore it is great”
“Alive like a spring, multi-colored like a rainbow, sounding like music, the Russian Language”

1 Presenter.

Let's look and read the statements made by the team's fans.

1 Presenter:

Beautiful at heart and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!

2 Presenter:

You managed to find your way to the children,

May success await you on this path!

Musical number.

1 presenter.

The sedate lady autumn has arrived outside, she gives us all the scent of flowers,the tempting beauty of the collected fruits and, of course, a thoughtful and at the same time joyful mood in autumn.

2 presenter.

And our mysterious, romantic, unpredictable participants give musical congratulations to all teachers and educators.Homework competition “Musical gift”.

1 Presenter:

Thanks to our teams for this holiday of creativity and imagination. All trials are already behind you.

2 Presenter: We thank our participants and their support groups for participating in the competition program!

1 Presenter:

Dear teachers, we once again hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday – Teacher’s Day!

A teacher's heart... Well, what can you compare it to?

With a cosmic galaxy that has no boundaries?

Or maybe with the bright Sun, which gives people light?

With the depths of the sea, which sleeps for hundreds of years?

No, we won't compare! And we will say: “Knock!”

Teacher’s Heart – HOPE, BELIEVE, LOVE!”

Competition “Phraseology in reverse”

Compare school phenomena with expressions from literary works. On the desk:

Pupils in class - ordinary story

Students' lives - and black

The answer is on the board -...dead souls

Class teacher -... going through torment

A big change -...a lonely sail in the fog turns white

Loser -...a book of complaints and suggestions

Excellent student -...battle on the ice

Two for a hint -... notes from a madman

A student without a cheat sheet -...a report with a noose around his neck

The bell rings from class -...golden symphony

Lesson unlearned -...the headless horseman

Student's notes -...woe from mind

Notebook -...war and peace

Academic year -... tiger conqueror

Student's Diary -...a hero of our time


The students in the lesson are dead souls.

The life of students is war and peace.

The answer at the board is a report with a noose around the neck.

The class teacher is a tiger conqueror.

The big change is the ice battle.

The loser is a hero of our time.

Excellent student - a lonely sail turns white in the fog.

A deuce for a hint means woe from the mind.

A student without a cheat sheet is a horseman without a head.

The bell from class is a golden symphony.

An unlearned lesson is a common story.

A student's notes are notes from a madman.

Notebook - red and black.

The school year is a torment.

The student's diary is a book of complaints and suggestions.

Competition "White - Black"

1. In Japan, students write on the blackboard with a brush with colored ink (White.)

2. In Australia, the use of disposable boards is practiced (Black.)

4. For lengthy writing you needed 2-3 quill pens. (White.)

5. At first, the ballpoint pen was used only by military pilots. (White.)

6. Fortified pencils for children are produced in Africa. (White.)

7. Carrot extract is added to some types of colored pencils to make the lead stronger. (Black.)

8. Under Peter I, cardstock paper was in use. Is it true that it was used in the manufacture of caps? (Black: artillery shells were packed into it.)

Competition "Measuring Riddles"

I serve as a controller

I will report what I find out.

Although I won’t say it in words,

But I’ll show you with an arrow. (Measuring device)

Two brothers decided

Boast about the mass.

At first everyone praised his own.

And they agreed to a draw. (Scales.)

I'm always dark in color

I'm needed in class.

You may believe it, you may not,

But without me there is no school. (Blackboard.)

I'm friends with the blackboard,

Although not the same color. (Chalk.)

I don't wander on the roads

And I don’t look at the sky

But I can give you an answer -

Whether it will rain or not. (Barometer.)

You need to take it in your hands,

Stretch, or maybe compress,

And then he will answer,

Which of us is how strong? (Dynamometer.)

I'm warming up - I'm climbing up,

When I start to freeze, I crawl down.

Thermal is the law,

Not my whim. (Mercury on the thermometer.)

Competition "Entertaining dictation"

One participant from each team is invited to participate in the competition. The task is to write the following text from dictation:

“At noon, on one plank terrace, the freckled clerk’s wife Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate registrar Thaddeus Apollonovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes, and then gave him tea with lump sugar, adding half a lemon.”

Competition "Fun Schedule"

Leading. One day a new director was appointed to the school. This man was unusual, unique, so he decided to redo everything in his own way, starting with the schedule and names of subjects. Thus, new lessons appeared in the school schedule: instead of spelling, letter composition, and drawing - smearing. Help the cheerful director come up with new names for objects:


foreign language;

physics, etc.

Competition "Ideal Student"

For each letter of the alphabet, come up with a quality, a character trait of an ideal student.

A - accuracy; B - frugality; B - endurance, consistency;

G - humanity; D - friendliness; E - naturalness;

F - cheerfulness; 3 - shyness; I - sincerity;

K - beauty; L - curiosity, courtesy;

M - mercy; N - uniqueness; O - optimism;

P - obedience; R - joy, versatility; C - strength;

T-tolerance; U-um; F - fantasy;

X - courage; C—purposefulness; H - honesty;

Sh - playfulness; Ш - generosity; E - energy;

Yu - humor; I am brightness.

Competition "Intuition"

Leading. It is important for the teacher to determine emotional condition their students, and students can easily determine the mood of their teacher. And in this competition we will once again be convinced of your abilities.

One team draws faces expressing a person’s emotional state, the other tries to guess. And vice versa.

Assignment to the first team:


Bad feeling;

Shy joy;

Incomprehensible anger.

Assignment to the second team:



Outrage at disgraceful behavior;


Leading. We once again sincerely congratulate everyone present on Teacher’s Day. We wish you success in this difficult field. I wish you talented students, personal happiness and all the best in life! And we dedicate the poem to you “ School teacher» V. Smelovsky.


Guardian of scientific knowledge

With those who want to learn -

Our good school teacher.

His kindness is limitless

And love is limitless.

He loves his naughty boys:

Good or bad - it doesn't matter.

Taking with me the light of knowledge,

Those rascals march in a line,

Every naughty man leaves

There is a trace in the heart of the teacher.

He worries himself

The fate of former pets is

Is the struggle for happiness successful?

It's like they're all his children.

Alas, this cup is not for everyone -

To be a school teacher.

We will never forget his kindness.

Our love and gratitude

To the one who led us to knowledge.

Who is like a skilled warrior

And creator of kindness,

Raised into human form.

A song is being performed.

Teacher's Day is a school holiday,

But the country celebrates it,

He is both solemn and modest,

And his glory is visible in everything.

Both a scientist and a collective farmer,

Composer, miner and poet -

This is a former diligent schoolboy,

This is the glory of the teaching years.

Teacher's Day is in bloom

From flowers and children's smiles.

It's the teacher's birthday,

This is his great anniversary.

Teacher's Day is a holiday of glory,

Victory Day and Celebration Day,

Holiday of the school holy power,

Realms of wisdom and magic.

Teacher's Day is the best occasion to congratulate dear teachers on their professional holiday in an original and beautiful way. In addition to traditional wishes in poetry and prose, bouquets and cards, you can also congratulate teachers with a concert performed by children. Most often, such an event on Teacher's Day is based on cool competitions, games and nominations. Moreover, these can be both active options that are ideal for the gym or street, as well as quiet games at the table. And in order to please your favorite teachers with unusual gifts after fun entertainment, you can arrange comic nominations for them with funny names and awards. Below we offer you examples of competitions, games and nominations that are ideal for celebrating Teacher's Day at school.

The funniest competitions for Teacher's Day - very funny ideas for teachers and children

Both teachers and children love cool competitions for Teacher's Day with funny tasks. Such comic competitions always lift the spirits of all participants and spectators and help make the festive event dynamic and interesting. Options cool competitions There are a great many for Teacher's Day. These can be either team competitions between teachers and students, or individual competitions, where everyone is for himself. As for the subject matter, it is very diverse. You can use an exclusively school theme, or you can choose original competitions for creativity, speed, ingenuity, etc. The main condition is that competitions should be fun, short and varied. You can also prepare small cool prizes for teachers for participation.

Ideas for cool and funny competitions for Teacher's Day performed by children

"Tongue Twisters"

A very simple competition - you need to clearly pronounce a tongue twister the fastest. First, the presenter asks the teacher participants quite simple examples, gradually reading more complex versions of pure phrases. The teacher who has better diction wins.

"School program"

The presenter asks the participants tricky questions from school curriculum different items. The task of each participant is to give the maximum number of correct answers in a short time.

"We do what we want"

Each teacher is given a set of markers and sheets of paper. The presenter reads out the definition of an object and the participants must quickly depict something similar. For example, the assignment might ask to draw something black, round and heavy, and teachers should draw a rock or something similar.

"No emotions"

Very simple and funny competition, in which both teachers and children participate. The teacher’s task is to sit with a stony expression on his face and not give in to emotions, just like at an important test work. At this time, the students are trying in every possible way to make the teacher laugh, making funny faces. The winner is the teacher who remains calm longer than his colleagues.

"He did not decide"

The presenter takes turns asking funny questions to which the participants must answer. In this case, you cannot answer “yes” or “no” and anyone who violates this basic rule is immediately eliminated from the competition. The questions can be very different, but the main thing is that they should encourage you to give an unambiguous answer and they need to be read out quickly.

Fun and active games for Teacher's Day for children and teachers - examples and ideas

Both children and teachers can participate in fun and active games on Teacher's Day. Usually they are divided into two teams that compete for victory among themselves. But you can also split by class or by boys/girls principle, if there are a sufficient number of men among the teachers. As a rule, such active games are held outdoors or in the gym. Among the most popular options are sports relay races. Traditional fair games can also be adapted for a school holiday: tug of war, running in sacks, pulling apples out of the water with your teeth, etc.

Examples of fun and active games for Teacher's Day for children and teachers

As examples fun games You can also bring active team quests. The format of the quests is very simple: participants are divided into teams, tasks are given in stages (a new one after completing the previous one), tasks must be based on ingenuity and speed. For example, if the holiday takes place over a large area, then you can give small riddle tasks, the answers to which should be hidden in secluded places. This game is best played outdoors, for example in a park.

If we talk about the more traditional format of celebrating Teacher’s Day - a school concert, then you can introduce Interesting games. For example, you can play a little in everyone’s favorite folk games: handkerchief, bell, stream, etc. Surely many teachers will be pleased to feel carefree again, like in childhood. This also includes hopscotch, tic-tac-toe, rubber bands - games familiar and adored by more than one generation. And to make them more suitable for this event, they can be slightly modified for competitions.

Comic and funny nominations for teachers for Teacher's Day - the best options

As part of the celebration of Teacher's Day, comic and funny nominations for teachers are actively used. Usually at the end of the event, the student presenter announces a ceremony to reward teachers for their professional success. One teacher wins in each category and is awarded a comic medal and a certificate indicating his category. As a rule, absolutely all teachers participate in the ceremony, as well as the director, head teacher, psychologist, speech therapist and other members of the teaching staff.

The main feature of such a ceremony is comic nominations, which are important to choose individually for each teacher. Also, do not forget that names should be funny, but not offensive. It is good to complement the nomination with solemn music, balloons and other attributes of the festive award ceremony.

Cool options for comic nominations for teachers for Teacher's Day

As for the names themselves, here you can use your imagination to the fullest! Here are a few examples that are relevant for class teacher: “Well, very cool lady", "The coolest teacher", "First-class man of the year", etc. Here are a few more options for nomination names for different teachers:

  • director - “Queen Mother”, “Tsar Father”
  • head teacher - “Miss Marple”, “Sherlock Holmes”
  • mathematics teacher - “Queen/king of integrals”
  • history teacher - “Keeper of Knowledge”
  • physics teacher - “Ohm and Newton’s best friend”
  • teacher of Russian language and literature - “Great and Mighty”
  • English teacher - "Representative of the British Empire"
  • chemistry teacher - “Mendeleev’s biggest fan/admirer”
  • biology teacher - “Loyal follower of Darwin”

Competitions, games and nominations for Teacher's Day are funny and cool entertainment for children and teachers that make the holiday truly fun and joyful. Particularly fun is the awarding of teachers in comic categories, the names of which are invented by the students themselves. Active competitions in nature or in the gym always help create a friendly atmosphere, and intellectual games at the table help participants develop and get to know each other better!