
Why do you dream about giving birth? Why does a pregnant woman dream of giving birth prematurely?

For many centuries, they have been studied especially carefully by specialists. Such “visions” are even associated large number folk signs. However, when interpreting a dream, you need to take your age into account. The fact is that a pregnancy dreamed of at an advanced age may be a sign of the problems you have. serious problems with health.

Why do you dream about childbirth?

If you dream of childbirth, then the degree of its complexity is of main importance. An easy birth portends good luck and happiness, a difficult one portends difficulties and trials, as well as financial losses.

IN in a general sense childbirth in a dream has a positive interpretation. For entrepreneurs, they are a sign of success in business - a symbol of the beginning of a new life, for creative people - the discovery of new talents in themselves.

If in a dream you witnessed the birth of a child or gave birth yourself, then a very successful acquaintance will happen in your life in the near future. Maybe you will meet your soulmate or find a good business partner.

Premature birth in a dream should not be taken as a bad sign. Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. On the one hand, this foreshadows the beginning of a new period, on the other hand, it indicates the completion of some business in the real world.

If in a dream you give birth on your own, expect a surprise or unexpected guests. These events will definitely bring you joy.

In general, childbirth in a dream is explained various dream books differently. However, the most common interpretations are the following: to an unhappy life with a husband, to infidelity on the part of a woman, to the emergence of new ideas in one or another area of ​​life. Other interpretations should be considered.

Why do you dream about childbirth according to Loff’s dream book?

David Loff, in his interpretations, states that such dreams are seen by young unmarried women who do not want to burden themselves with family life. In other words, for them such dreams are a reflection of the real fear of pregnancy. Men often dream of childbirth. Moreover, in some dreams the men themselves give birth! This suggests that in reality some representatives strong half of humanity have some doubts about their sexual capabilities and abilities.

If a man dreams of his woman giving birth, then pleasant changes are coming in reality. It is quite possible to receive material profit and prosperity in professional activities.

If childbirth in a dream is easy, then in reality some heavy “cross” of responsibility will be lifted from the dreamer. In any case, this will have a positive impact on his quality of life. If the birth is difficult but successful, difficulties will come in the planned activities. You should not be afraid of them, because everything should be resolved safely.

Why do you dream about childbirth according to Miller’s dream book?

Gustav Miller, as a psychologist and scientist, states that pregnant women often see such dreams. Miller explains this by the most ordinary projection of reality onto a dream. Expectant mothers think a lot about their unborn baby, how they will be, etc. All this forms a corresponding picture in their subconscious, which is projected into a dream.

Miller reassures the owners of such dreams: childbirth should be easy after what he saw, and postpartum recovery- fast. If you dream about how, then in real life, most likely, a girl will be born. The scientist is sure that women in labor dream about gender exactly the opposite.

If it remains a mystery to the dreamer, this is a good sign indicating that everything is fine with the unborn child. There is simply no reason for unnecessary concern.

Women's dream book

Childbirth in a dream is a chance to start your personal life anew. Although we should not forget that life must always be written in a “clean copy”, since there will be no time to rewrite it. The dream recommends reconsidering your life values and draw the appropriate conclusion.

According to the erotic dream book, giving birth to a girl in a dream means new sexual acquaintances!

If you dream about her, but also about your child, then in reality this foreshadows quick monetary profit and prosperity in the house. If a young girl dreams of giving birth, then she needs to reconsider her behavior in society, since now it leaves much to be desired.

This dream can have several different meanings.

Usually a woman, if she has a child for the first time, worries about how the birth will go and this is quite normal. Very often such dreams turn out to be prophetic, especially if something surprised you, alarmed you, or you heard a diagnosis.

This may indicate what may actually happen, whether the baby will be born ahead of schedule or not and even what time he will be born.

If a pregnant woman dreams of giving birth, then pay attention to various details of the dream and think about whether this could actually happen or not.

Very often, a pregnant woman may simply worry about how this actually happens and what awaits her. Therefore, a dream in which you dreamed of giving birth may well turn out to be prophetic.

Pay attention to the details of such a dream and how much it can be the same as in reality. This is why a pregnant woman most often dreams that she has given birth to a child.

Empty dreams

If a woman gives birth for the first time and is very afraid that everything will not go as she thought or there was an element of something strange and fantastic in the dream, then the dream book does not interpret it. The fact is that an impressionable psyche can show your fears in a dream Therefore, one should not be surprised if she dreamed that the child was stillborn, she died from childbirth, or bleeding began. These dreams only show fears and things that certainly won’t happen. Especially if the day before there were conversations about complications after childbirth, pregnancies and much more.

Therefore, you should not attach importance to dreams when you had a difficult birth or with various complications, that is, what you were most afraid of, as well as frightening scenes from films and books.

Prophetic dreams

Usually a pregnant woman begins to dream about them at the beginning of the period that she gave birth, or at the end, closer to the end of pregnancy. Unlike other dreams, they do not contain any kind of fantasy or something that cannot possibly happen in real life. For example, if a woman gave birth not to a child, but to a toy, fish, doll or animal. Or the born child turned out to be almost a teenager or even began to grow before our eyes. These dreams can never come true.

A realistic picture of a hospital can be a sign of a prophetic dream about how the pregnancy will end, maternity hospital, the time of year and day, which can even be simply guessed by the lighting, as well as various nuances.

For example, the name of a boy or girl, a diagnosis, various impressive pictures that can be quite real. But prophetic dream will never present strange and absurd pictures, for example, if you dream of a man giving birth.

And, by the way, a direct and prophetic dream about childbirth is almost always remembered and leaves a lasting impression. Although some people may dream about childbirth symbolically.

For example, a woman can see how her tooth came off with blood, a hospital, doctors, vanity, or even an angel who sends a child into the world. It is for this reason that a dream that does not even resemble childbirth in any way can predict the birth of a boy or girl.

What do strange dreams mean?

A woman may dream that everything is happening incomprehensibly, fantastically. There is something in a dream that will definitely never happen in life. Why does a pregnant woman dream of such a birth? Here is an interpretation of several strange scenes that she may see in her dreams.

If it is not you who is giving birth, but your husband or a stranger in general, then such a dream predicts the birth of a son or that the baby’s father will worry much more before the birth than his wife.

The dream book writes that this dream predicts either a very easy birth, which will pass quickly and very easily, or, on the contrary, dangerous consequences, complications. It is especially bad if, instead of the mother, the child is breastfed by his father or your lover, if the baby is his.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she cannot give birth to a child, nothing works out and she dies in her sleep, this is a very bad sign.

It may indicate that doctors may be completely inattentive to you and make a mistake, or that the child will be born late.

A dream can predict weakness or fears associated with childbirth, as well as the fact that in reality a woman is in danger of not giving birth to a baby and even dying from bleeding, although, as she writes modern dream book, this rarely comes true.

Most likely, as the dream book writes, such a dream means trouble for you or that you can experience an easy birth and all fears will remain in the past.

If a pregnant woman dreams that doctors are walking around her, she is giving birth, and they are not paying any attention to her at all, then the dream book writes that such a dream predicts an easy birth. Most likely, she will be able to give birth normally, without complications.

If, on the contrary, she saw vanity in a dream, then such a dream predicts a difficult birth and various troubles. This dream symbolizes various complications and problems.

If a pregnant woman gave birth to some kind of animal instead of a child, there is nothing wrong with such a dream. It shows character and often color, which can indicate how the baby will grow up.

For example, a snake or lizard shows cunning, kittens and puppies show a kind and flexible character.

Such a dream is often a dream of joy and the fact that the child will be healthy and beautiful. But the birth of a fish, octopus or even a crocodile predicts various health problems for a newborn child. This dream often means that very soon you will have to wait for some unpleasant surprises. The birth of a dead baby, doll or octopus is always a bad sign.

This dream predicts various complications for you and the fact that this could actually happen. Dolphins, various sea creatures or animals that are ugly, with incorrect proportions can predict pathologies for you.

Often the baby will have some kind of congenital and hereditary disease. Well, if you gave birth to a living toy that is cute and very cute, then the child will be healthy, playful and beautiful.

But why dream if a black man was born to a white woman, a man with a different hair color, who doesn’t look like either his wife or her husband?

This dream often symbolizes illness or the fact that your child may be born sick or that some kind of quarrel or scandal will happen between relatives.

Often such a dream predicts various complications, troubles and conflicts.

Absolutely anyone can dream about pregnancy and childbirth, regardless of their age and gender. Why do you dream about pregnancy and childbirth? As paradoxical as it sounds, men in their dreams sometimes find themselves pregnant and give birth to children.

A woman who is preparing to become a mother experiences such dreams quite often, and there is a good reason for this - her constant thoughts about imminent changes in life are reflected in her dreams.

But why dream of pregnancy and the birth that follows it, if the dream is not a reflection of the internal state, and appeared spontaneously?

Pregnancy and childbirth in our dreams are symbolic. Pregnancy represents the birth of a new life, and childbirth represents the release of a burden.

From this position you can interpret night visions, but in order to understand the details, you should still look into the dream book.

The meaning of sleep with pregnancy and childbirth in Miller's dream book


  • If married woman she has a dream in which she feels pregnant - thus the subconscious signals to her that she is unhappy in her marriage.
  • For a pregnant woman, such a dream should be interpreted as positive. He informs her about the upcoming easy birth.
  • For a virgin, a dream with pregnancy portends publicity and subsequent shame.


If in a dream you give birth yourself or watch the birth from the side, this is an equally positive sign in both cases. A dream with childbirth predicts happy changes in the future, resolution of long-standing problems and good prospects for new endeavors.

  • For women childbearing age a dream with childbirth has direct meaning: there is a high probability that it will come true.
  • For a young girl, a dream about giving birth promises a damaged reputation and dishonor.
  • For a man, a dream in which he gives birth to a child predicts the implementation of long-standing plans, the implementation of the most daring ideas.

How Freud's dream book interprets dreams about pregnancy and childbirth


  • Seeing or feeling pregnant - For a woman, such a dream has a direct meaning - this is how it will actually happen.

Also, a dream with pregnancy can predict a new relationship for a woman.

  • If a man sees and feels pregnant in a dream, this may mean that in reality he passionately dreams of becoming a father.

Another interpretation of such a dream is that misunderstandings and various kinds of complications may arise in relationships with women.


  • You happened to give birth - such a dream indicates that you will soon meet a person with whom you will create a harmonious union. At first, you will not perceive your soulmate as a potential partner; then your relationship will reach new level, and you will find happiness in each other's company.
  • If you gave birth - for a woman, such a dream indicates an imminent pregnancy; pointing to a man possible consequences extramarital affair.

Pregnancy and childbirth in Tsvetkov’s dream book


  • For a girl, pregnancy in a dream means that in reality she will become a victim of betrayal on the part of a loved one, whom she does not expect from him.
  • For a married woman, dreams about pregnancy bring joy and harmonious family life, love and attention from your spouse.
  • If in interesting position A man sees himself - such a dream usually indicates the imminent emergence of new plans.


  • Giving birth in a dream - for a woman such a dream is only positive value. It reports great happiness that will soon fill her life.
  • For a girl, a dream about childbirth means participation in an argument. Also, this dream promises a girl fun.
  • A man dreams of childbirth to receive news with a positive context. If a boy was born in a dream, the news will concern a financial issue; if a girl is born, the news will affect the spiritual sphere.

Interpretation of dreams about pregnancy and childbirth in Longo's dream book


  • For a woman, a dream with pregnancy has a direct meaning, that is, there is a high probability that it will come true in reality.
  • For a young girl, dreams of pregnancy remind her that the time has come to get married and realize her maternal instinct.
  • For a man, a dream in which he sees his wife in an interesting position carries a positive meaning. An idea that at first seemed hopeless will turn out to be quite promising. You just need to competently organize its implementation, and then it will be able to generate good income. If a man’s wife is pregnant in reality, then such a dream cannot be interpreted in this way.


  • Seeing or giving birth in a dream means that in reality you will have a difficult task ahead of you. To achieve your goal, you will need to work hard, but with patience and endurance, you will be able to cope with all obstacles.

In order to interpret dreams about pregnancy and childbirth as reliably as possible, it is recommended to remember your dream in all details and make sure that thoughts about the upcoming birth of a child do not occupy a significant part of your time.

A man should approach solving dreams about his own pregnancy and childbirth with a fair amount of humor, and certainly not try to solve them from a position of common sense.

Did you see yourself pregnant in a dream? Why would this be?

Pregnancy is a physiological condition that almost every woman experiences sooner or later. Pregnancy changes not only a woman’s body, but also her thoughts, mood, and perception of the world around her.

It is quite natural that the expectation of a child is reflected in women’s dreams. Feeling pregnant both in reality and in a dream - normal phenomenon for every expectant mother.

But if you are not expecting a baby and are not even thinking about having one yet possible emergence, and in your dreams you see yourself in an interesting position - here it’s time to seek advice from dream books. Being pregnant in a dream - why do you dream about this unique, amazing state of the female body?

Interpretation of dreams with pregnancy in the dream books of famous psychologists

Pregnancy in the dream book of psychologist G. Miller

The American psychologist, compiler of the most impressive interpreter of dreams, G. Miller, divided the interpretation of dreams about pregnancy according to the woman’s belonging to a certain category:

  • If a woman is pregnant in reality, a dream about pregnancy should be considered favorable. The birth will be easy, the baby will be born healthy and strong, and the woman herself will quickly return to her previous form.
  • If a woman is married, but at the moment her thoughts are far from childbearing, in this case, dreams of pregnancy predict an unhappy married life and the birth of unattractive children.
  • Young unmarried girl, a virgin dreaming of pregnancy does not bode well. She faces shame and all sorts of troubles.

Pregnancy in the dream book of psychoanalyst S. Freud

In the dream book of the famous Austrian psychoanalyst and neurologist Z. Freud, dreams of pregnancy for a woman have a direct meaning: if a lady suddenly dreams of pregnancy, it means she will soon become a mother.

  • Also, dreams of pregnancy predict for a woman the appearance of a new partner, with whom her relationship will develop more smoothly than with her previous life partner.
  • For a man, such a dream promises complications in relationships with women. His present union may have undesirable consequences.
  • For a man, dreams of pregnancy can be interpreted in the same way as dreams of desire: the passionate desire to have a child from his life partner is reflected in his night visions.

Pregnancy in the dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

The Italian psychologist and philosopher A. Meneghetti interpreted a dream of pregnancy as a symbol of bearing something.

It is implied that this image has a negative connotation, an unfavorable result of external influence. It may also indicate diseases of the internal organs.

When a person really wants to have a child, in his dreams this desire is usually reflected through the image of a baby with individual characteristics appearance.

How do you see pregnancy in your dreams?

Find out about pregnancy

When you find out about your pregnancy in a dream, this is a sign that big changes in your life await you in reality. These changes may be of different nature: both positive and unfavorable.

  • If in your dream you found out about your pregnancy and are very worried about it, this may be a reflection of the fear and depression that you experience in real life.
  • According to another version, finding out about your interesting position in a dream means a new whirlwind romance.
  • A dream in which a man finds out about his partner’s pregnancy promises him complications in relationships with the female sex.
  • If a woman dreams that she is informing her husband about her pregnancy, in reality she may have a rival.

Seeing a big belly

Long-term pregnancy and a big belly dream of life's difficulties. Most likely, these will be problems with management.

  • Stroking a big belly in a dream means learning important news.
  • Touching your stomach means some extraordinary events will happen in reality. You may unexpectedly become rich, or receive an inheritance, or a new high-paying position at a job you never even dared to dream of.

Feel the fetus move

Feeling pregnant in a dream and feeling the movement of the unborn child means empty expectations.

  • Perhaps you place too much hope on relatives and friends. The dream warns that it is time to take care of yourself.
  • Such a dream informs a pregnant woman that the pregnancy is proceeding normally and the birth will take place safely and on time.

Guessing the gender of the unborn child

  • If you dream that you are pregnant with a girl, this is a good, kind dream. You will be unexpectedly presented pleasant surprise or a gift. It is possible that this will be the thing you have long dreamed of.
  • Being pregnant in a dream boy why do you dream such a dream? – here the opinions of interpreters differ. According to one version, being pregnant with a boy means making financial profits; on the other - to an accident.
  • If in a dream you are expecting the birth of twins, this may be a warning that your other half is leading a double life.
  • Twins: a boy and a girl dream of amazing, beautiful, unexpected changes in life.

If you dreamed false pregnancy- this is a bad dream. Dreams about an imaginary pregnancy are a kind of reflection of those mistakes, false promises and worthless relationships that your life is full of. Such a dream is a warning that it is time to change your behavior towards the people closest to you.

Dreams about pregnancy do not contain a uniquely negative or positive message for a person.

However, we can say with confidence that for pregnant women they have a positive context: through dreams expectant mother communicates, has contact with her child - and this carries a positive charge for her in real life.

For everyone else, dreams about pregnancy usually reflect past, present or future actions aimed at communicating with loved ones or with members of the opposite sex.

Dreams about pregnancy, as well as other dreams, are a reason to analyze your real life, and, if necessary, change something in it. You can watch more explanations of why you dream about pregnancy and childbirth in this video.

Throughout the nine months of waiting for a child, the woman is maximally focused on her new position, consciously and subconsciously preparing to become a mother. Dreams become a reflection of these anxieties and expectations, and sometimes warn and anticipate real events.

Often a pregnant woman dreams that she has already given birth. Such a dream of a pregnant woman can be interpreted in different ways. More often, complete concentration on one’s condition and the upcoming event provokes such dreams - this is just a reaction of the subconscious to an overly emotional attitude towards them in reality.

Dream Interpretations

I dreamed about childbirth - what does it mean?
Different dream books decipher the meaning of a dream when a pregnant woman gave birth in a dream, in their own way, based on many factors - the emotional background of the dream, the events preceding this dream and the smallest details of the dream itself, which do not always remain in memory after waking up. Therefore, it is difficult to find a single interpretation of your dream.

If you dream of childbirth with a tragic outcome for the mother or baby, then in reality everything will happen exactly the opposite. The abundance of blood that accompanies this process in a waking dream, on the contrary, promises comprehensive support and assistance from blood relatives.

Childbirth in a dream, resulting in death, in reality means liberation from a heavy burden in the literal and figurative sense. If a pregnant woman had a dream about an easy and painless birth, then this means that some urgent important issues will be resolved in reality without any problems.

Do you dream about childbirth in the first trimester? The prognosis is not entirely favorable - there is a possibility of miscarriage, pregnancy will be complicated, or the child will be painful. But the same dream can promise sudden profit or a hassle-free solution to some complex problem. The interpretation depends on emotional background dreams.

Dreaming that I gave birth to a girl
The appearance of a girl in dreams means that in reality you have to wait for your son. Also, the birth of a girl in a dream promises various surprises in reality, but there is no need to wait for a catch - all surprises will be positive.

A girl in all dream books is interpreted as “wonder, surprise.” In the context of pregnancy, the interpretation may be as follows: the gender of the born child will not coincide with the ultrasound results, or twins or triplets will be born. If you gave birth in a dream, but the sex of the child remains a mystery to you, this means that your child will be born healthy.

I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy
The birth of a boy in a dream, according to the interpretation of some dream books, is evidence that the upcoming birth in reality will be easy. Other dream books for such a dream predict the gender of the child exactly the opposite - but such an interpretation is not always confirmed in reality.

If a woman is told in a dream that she has given birth to a male child, but she herself cannot confirm this fact, then this foreshadows financial well-being and quick profit.

Birth of twins in a dream
Gemini is a symbol of harmony and balance of the internal and external worlds. Seeing their birth in a dream is a good sign. The greater the number of children born, the more significant the sleep. Siamese twins mean that in reality you will experience a shock with a plus sign. Geminis, born weak, are a reason to take redoubled action on your health.

Decoding according to popular dream books

Dreamed childbirth according to Freud- This is confirmation of the status of a pregnant woman.
Interpretation similar dream according to Miller's dream book- profit in the family, while the birth of a child is also considered a kind of “profit”.

In Vanga's dream book easy childbirth means solving a problem in reality with someone’s help. Painful and painful childbirth with successful outcome- fulfillment of desires, but with some obstacles. Sometimes, according to Vanga’s interpretations, childbirth in a dream represents a significant event in your life, which you underestimated on your part.

Should you believe every dream? You have to look at the circumstances. But you don’t need to get hung up on the interpretation of dreams, put them at the forefront, make them a life goal, or fearfully expect the same events in reality. Sometimes the subconscious plays tricks on us, transforming our thoughts, fears and anxieties into bizarre dreams. Often, childbirth in a dream speaks of a pregnant woman’s readiness to become a mother and her confidence in a successful delivery.

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Miller's Dream Book

Giving birth to a child is generally interpreted positively. You are giving birth - good sign, in the near future, expect changes for the better; all the problems and disputes tormenting you will resolve themselves and become a thing of the past. Why do women of childbearing age dream about giving birth to a child - perhaps you will soon become pregnant. The dream warns unmarried young girls that your reputation is in danger, you need to value your honor more. If a man dreams that he is giving birth, it means that he can safely turn his plans into reality.

Giving birth in a dream is in most cases a favorable sign. The dream foreshadows imminent changes in life in better side, if you are now worried about some problems, then soon everything will be resolved by itself, all disputes will be resolved. For married women, such dreams foreshadow the possibility of conception if they are planning a pregnancy. Dream Interpretation Giving birth in a dream young girls invites you to think about your reputation; perhaps your too cheeky way of life gives others negative thoughts about you. If a man has a dream, it means it’s time to become more responsible and take on some responsibilities in the family.

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Freud's Dream Book

Giving birth to a child means conception is possible soon. If you give birth, in the future you will meet a person who suits you in all respects. During childbirth, your lover stands in the distance - he has a mistress, stands next to you or holds your hand - he is your support and protection.

Giving birth in a dream means conception in reality. There is a man in your dream, try to remember his actions and emotions. If he watches your birth from afar, without interfering in what is happening, it means that in real life he is cheating on you, he probably has a mistress. Holding your hand or just standing close - you can rely on your partner, behind him like behind a stone wall. Dream Interpretation Give birth in dead person's sleep baby indicates infertility of one of the spouses.

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretation of Vanga: Giving birth to a child means the end of long-standing enmity, protracted intra-family conflicts, and global changes. The dream also indicates the release of internal energy. If you watch childbirth in a dream, then in reality some problems will appear, but if everything is fine with the baby and the woman in labor, then troubles will not affect you too much. Look at your own birth from the outside - you can change a lot in your life, fate gives you a unique chance, it would be a sin not to take advantage of it.

To dream of giving birth in a dream speaks of dramatic changes in your life, the end of all conflicts and troubles, and the release of internal energy. The death of a newborn and a woman in labor predicts a tragedy on a global scale. If you dreamed about your own birth, fate gives you another chance to improve and start life over. The easier and faster the birth, the easier it will be for you to eliminate the mistakes of the past.

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Giving birth to a child - in reality you are making every effort to achieve your goals. If a pregnant woman had a dream, then in real life she will have a son. If you are only present at the birth, be prepared for unexpected losses. The dream book for prisoners to give birth to a child predicts a quick release, for travelers - a return to their native land, and for seriously ill people - a departure to another world.

Giving birth in a dream - apparently the dreamer subconsciously really wants to realize his plans. Dreams predict a quick return home for travelers, release for prisoners, and death for the seriously ill. If you watch someone give birth in a dream, you will suffer unexpected losses in reality.

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

A girl giving birth to a child foreshadows the creation of a family in the near future. If a man is nearby during childbirth, in reality you will be able to overcome your fears.

Giving birth - Dispute (for a girl); joy (for a woman); news (for a man).

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Giving birth - A new activity, a difficult result, a discovery (for a man). For a woman - hope; joy.

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Giving birth to a man means that in reality you are far from reality, you are constantly in the clouds, your ambitions are not in unison with your capabilities, you can forget about your plans and dreams because they are not feasible. If you watch childbirth in a dream, in reality you may never take advantage of the chance to improve your life. The Dream Interpretation of Giving birth to a child says that the period has come when you are internally ready to realize the “fruit” of your life, to do a good deed, to leave behind a significant mark.

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If a married woman of childbearing age had a dream, it means that she will soon become pregnant. For a virgin, the dream predicts the loss of innocence. You see many women in labor in your dream - wars will stop, peace and tranquility will reign. Dream Interpretation Giving birth to a snake in a dream indicates the coming of the Antichrist, who brings with him wars, famine, devastation, disease and other troubles. For a man, a dream predicts acquaintance with something undiscovered and unknown.

Why do you dream about having a baby?

Gypsy dream book

Giving birth to a son - (If such a dream is dreamed by a woman who is not actually pregnant) it means perfect success in all undertakings; if a girl has such a dream, it foreshadows her joy, feasting, dancing and other fun and pleasures; If a man has such a dream, it foretells him profit, winnings and wealth.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. Dreaming with a sweetheart emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream - exhaustion of strength. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

20 lunar day

The dream can be useful for those who want to look into their future. It is believed that on this lunar day people can consciously control their dreams, and with the appropriate skills, they can enter other people’s dreams.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

February 24

Dreams are usually filled with joyful and happy images. For their interpretation, the detail of what is seen is important: small details are endowed with key meaning. Implementation time is up to two weeks.