
White pimple on labia majora. Acne in intimate places in a strong half of humanity. Wen or fatty cysts

So you got a pimple on intimate place. What is the reason? As the most common factors, doctors call, firstly, conditions that are accompanied by a violation hormonal background(these include pregnancy, menopause and the so-called "transitional age"). In addition, pimples may indicate an unsuccessful epilation of the bikini area and non-compliance with hygiene rules. Think about whether you are abusing synthetic underwear? The appearance of rashes can also be provoked malnutrition, severe stress, sexually transmitted infections.


Sebaceous glands

A pimple in an intimate place may well be enlarged. This is due to the fact that the skin in intimate area thinner and softer than anywhere else. That is why the sebaceous glands are easily mistaken for pimples. Similar skin formations will not cause you the slightest harm - of course, if you do not squeeze them out. Otherwise, your skin may be damaged. The best thing you can do is train yourself to regularly treat the inflamed areas with special antibacterial agents. In addition, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene (wash yourself daily and change your underwear regularly) and refuse junk food.


However, a pimple in an intimate place may not be as harmless as it seems. If in appearance it resembles this, it indicates that it looks rather unaesthetic, besides, such pimples can hurt a lot and, when ripe, stain panties.

Purulent it is quite possible to remove it yourself. To do this, gently wash the affected area with warm water, wipe it dry and apply a compress of aloe pulp over the inflammation (just take a leaf, cut it in half and secure with a band-aid). The compress should be left overnight. This remedy will relieve inflammation in just a few days - the very next morning you will see that the pimple has significantly decreased in size. Also, an abscess can be treated several times a day with hydrogen peroxide (you can buy it at a pharmacy). In order to speed up the process of maturation of a pimple, you can use iodine or All these tools are quite cheap, but very effective. in an intimate place is not recommended: this will only make you worse.

If your skin is inguinal region cover white subcutaneous tubercles - this is nothing more than cysts. Their appearance is explained quite simply: the sebaceous gland closes skin resulting in accumulation of fat under the skin. It hardens quite quickly, so it is not possible to squeeze it out. Removal of cysts surgically and usually takes only a couple of minutes.

If you find yourself with a pimple in an intimate place, you should pay close attention to it, because it is often a sign of some kind of disease or an unpleasant lesion of the epidermis. Rashes in the inguinal region of the body are a serious reason to consult a doctor.

He will be able to provide help you need, visually examining acne and directing you to pass all the necessary tests to identify and make the correct diagnosis, starting from which he will prescribe effective treatment. If the pimples on the pubis are purulent, they may indicate a viral or sexually transmitted disease.

Subcutaneous pimple on an intimate place: what does it signal?

Many people wonder why acne appears in the groin area? Let's list them and consider each separately.

Pubic pediculosis- an unpleasant phenomenon that is excited pubic lice. Even if a person is completely sure that he does not have lice, it is still worth checking with a specialist, because lice can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through household items and clothing.

Incubation period lice lasts 30 days, after which severe itching begins in the groin area. A person notices acne, irritation, blackheads in an intimate place. The first sign of pubic pediculosis is severe itching, if you have it, you should at least be wary.

Herpes genital- the disease, unfortunately, is not uncommon, sexually transmitted. If a partner has a “bubble cold” on their lips, the likelihood of getting sick increases significantly. A person suffering from it observes small bubbles on the pubis after 3-4 days. They are very itchy and swollen, which causes a burning sensation on the genitals or in the groin. Inside such acne is a clear or purulent liquid.

After some time, acne bursts, forming small sores in their place, which, after healing, do not leave any traces. Relapses are possible if a person has previously had herpes. The appearance of herpes depends on immunity. The disease can be triggered by hypothermia, pregnancy, acute respiratory infections or stress.

molluscum contagiosum- one of the reasons for the appearance of pimples in the intimate area. This disease can be classified as caused by poxvirus. It can be transmitted by any skin contact. The incubation period is 2 months. Pimples can be observed on the pubis or genitals.

Molluscum contagiosum differs from ordinary acne by a denser papule that has pink color and shiny surface. If you just touch it, you will not feel any pain, but if you press it, not a purulent, but a curd mass will stand out from it. Simple acne will hurt when pressed because it is filled with pus with a white head.

How to get rid of acne in the groin?

If the pimples are caused by molluscum contagiosum, genital herpes, or pubic lice, specific treatment is required, one that only a doctor can prescribe. He will prescribe creams, a vaccine for herpes, special ointments. You will not be able to cope with acne on the pubis alone, all that depends on you is the frequent change of underwear and personal hygiene. Try not to injure the affected area of ​​the body.

A pimple in an intimate place, like a pimple on the chin, should in no case be squeezed out, since this will not get rid of the inflammatory process, on the contrary, the infection will only spread and the result will be severe complications up to and including death. There were many cases when phlegmon was formed from squeezing a tiny eel on the pubis, after which blood poisoning occurred. It is best to draw out the pus.

At home, pimples in the intimate area can be cured. Tools such as:

  1. iodine lotions. Iodine has a disinfecting effect on the skin, contributing to the early maturation of acne (after a few days), it is recommended to apply it locally on acne. In this case, you can use felt-tip pens filled with iodine, they are sold at any pharmacy. You can replace the markers cotton swab moistened with iodine. Even acne on the back can be treated with iodine lotions;
  2. aloe leaves. It is necessary to cut an aloe leaf in half and apply its pulp to the pimple, then glue it with a special breathable patch. It is best to apply aloe leaves at night. This procedure must be done for three days. Aloe perfectly dries and heals skin inflammation, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. Vishnevsky ointment can be applied to pubic acne. It is better to do this at night, putting a piece of bandage or gauze on the pimple. Apply it until the acne disappears. Instead of such an ointment, you can use ichthyol ointment, which also perfectly draws out pus;
  4. hydrogen peroxide. She needs to treat pimples in the intimate area 1-2 times a day. If the reason for their appearance is epilation, this indicates that this method of hair removal is absolutely not suitable for you, so it would be advisable to try another type of epilation.

Useful recommendation
: do not epilate during treatment, otherwise there is a possibility of new acne that will aggravate the situation even more. The exception is pubic pediculosis. Stronger pubic acne medications can only be used after consulting a dermatologist.

The appearance of acne is always unpleasant, and if he jumped up in an intimate place, then fears are added to the cosmetic inconvenience. What if this is a symptom of some kind of disease? Isn't it time to go to the doctor? A purulent pimple in an intimate place in women appears after different reasons. By his appearance and his own well-being, you can guess why he arose. In some cases, you can cope on your own, and sometimes you will have to contact a specialist.

The reasons for their appearance:

  • inaccurate hair removal or insufficient hygiene;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • allergy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • fungal infection;
  • viruses;
  • decrease in immunity.

Purulent skin diseases


Inflammation of the hair follicle. Occurs with insufficient hygiene, skin injury, work in dusty rooms. The main manifestation is small vesicles filled with pus. To get rid of them, it is necessary to observe hygiene, treat the skin with antiseptics or antibiotic ointments.


Inflammation of the hair follicle and adjacent tissues. The reason is a skin injury infected with bacteria, obtained, for example, when shaving. With a decrease in immunity, a lack of vitamins, long-term chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus, such foci can form much more often. In this case, the process is called furunculosis.

Interesting fact: boils never form on the soles and palms, since there are no hairs in these places.

The main symptom is the appearance of a painful, bright red, hot nodule up to 5 cm in size with purulent contents. The infiltrate gradually increases in size, and then opens, the pus comes out, and an ulcer forms in this place, which gradually heals. The whole process takes up to two weeks. In the presence of one focus, the general state of health does not change, but with multiple ones, the temperature, weakness, headache, fatigue.

The location in the face, head and neck is considered dangerous, since the infection through the bloodstream can enter the sinuses of the brain and cause meningitis. For prevention, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. If a single boil in the groin does not affect well-being, then an appeal to a specialist is not required. If there are a lot of them or they occur frequently, then it is better to visit a doctor to identify the cause and eliminate it.

In the stage of maturation, that is, before the opening of the nodule, it is treated twice a day with alcohol and ichthyol ointment or "" ("Levosin") is applied. In no case should you heat the place of inflammation! After the discharge of pus, the ulcer is treated with antibiotic ointments, for example, tetracycline, lincomycin, etc. If the condition worsens, several boils, a recurrent course, you should consult a doctor. Surgical opening of the focus of inflammation and general treatment may be necessary.

Did you know that when several boils merge, a carbuncle is formed? This condition requires surgery!

With hydradenitis, the sweat glands become inflamed. Most of them are in the inguinal and axillary regions.

The reason - work in conditions of high humidity, reduced immunity. Bacteria living on the skin enter the gland and multiply there, causing symptoms to develop. The manifestations are the same as with a boil: a painful knot up to 5 cm in size is formed, which opens with the release of thick white pus. The treatment is similar. With the formation of several foci, their merger, the occurrence of frequent inflammation is shown.

Acne vulgaris is an inflammation sebaceous glands.

Interesting fact. A person can produce up to 20 g of sebum per day.

Women are affected more often than men. In 70% of patients, an exacerbation occurs a week before the onset of menstruation. They occur during puberty, with stress and emotional overload, work in rooms with polluted air, and can be provoked by taking certain drugs.

Acne accompanies diseases of the genital organs, for example, polycystic ovaries. It is more common in women with hirsutism (increased body hair).

Do you know that in clinical research failed to prove the connection between acne and eating chocolate and fatty foods?

Under the influence of the listed trigger factors in the sebaceous gland, the process of secretion synthesis is disrupted, it clogs the passage, develops bacterial inflammation. The disease is manifested by the appearance on the skin, including in the inguinal region, of various elements of the rash (comedones, purulent papules).

Did you know that oxidized melanin gives the black color to the comedone?

Usually it proceeds quite favorably, only a cosmetic defect worries, but there are such forms in which medical intervention is indispensable. The fulminant course is characterized by profuse rashes that tend to ulcerate. In addition, the body temperature rises, headaches, and feeling unwell. With acne conglobata, the elements merge with each other, forming ulcers, abscesses, cysts.

Did you know that oxidized melanin gives the black color to the comedone?

To reduce manifestations, you must:

  1. Wash your face daily with special gels. Do not use soap for this, as it dries the skin and increases the formation of acne.
  2. Limit sunbathing, as sebum production increases under the influence of the sun.
  3. Benzoyl peroxide, retin-asalicylic acid, resorcinol will help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Local antibacterial drugs reduce the number of bacteria on the skin.

At severe course oral contraceptives may be prescribed.

Attention! Prescribe medications containing female hormones, should only a doctor!

Fungal infections in the groin

Rubrophytia- defeat by a fungus called red trichophyton (Trichophiton rubrum).

Did you know that this fungus got its name for the formation of a red pigment when sown on Sabouraud's medium.

The source of infection is a sick person, transmission occurs in a humid warm environment, for example, in pools, baths. Predisposing factors: diabetes, obesity, decreased immunity, skin abrasions in the area of ​​​​folds.

In the inguinal region, red areas with a clear border appear, covered with dry white scales of exfoliated epidermis. From healthy skin the foci are delimited by a roller of protruding seals (papules) and vesicles with liquid (vesicles). The hairs involved in the process become weak, brittle, brittle. Disturbs a slight itch. With progression, the affected area expands, individual parts merge into large conglomerates.

Treatment is carried out by applying antifungal creams to the affected areas: Lamisil, Clotrimazole or others. With inefficiency, fungicides are taken orally: griseofulvin, orungal and others. Since this disease is difficult to treat and often goes into chronic form, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to find the most effective combination. Candidiasis is caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. They are very common in nature and are found on the human body without causing symptoms. They become pathogenic with a pronounced decrease in the body's defenses.

In the folds of the skin, including the intimate area, redness appears, covered with bubbles with liquid. They burst, leaving behind areas of erosion. The epidermis exfoliates, gathering in white scales. The genital organs are also affected - vulvitis develops. Accompanied by severe itching. Small pustules and erosions appear on the mucosa, curdled plaque accumulates. If you find these symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist. Treatment is carried out externally with ointment with nystatin or imidazole. In case of ineffectiveness, fluconazole, itraconazole are connected to therapy.

Viral diseases

Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2 (Herpes simplex), sexually transmitted.

Symptoms: itching, pain in fever, body aches, impaired urination, blisters with clear or purulent contents in the groin, on the genital mucosa. Lymph nodes near the site of inflammation increase and become painful. The disease quickly becomes chronic. The frequency of relapses is different: from annual to monthly.

Fact: the disease is very dangerous during pregnancy, as it affects the fetus, causes developmental abnormalities.

Therapy: acyclovir, valciclovir. Tiloron, panavir, imunofan are used to stimulate the immune system. Herpes is difficult to treat, and serious measures, including plasmapheresis, may be needed to prevent it.

Advice. During an exacerbation, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse.

Molluscum contagiosum is caused by the Molitor hominis virus. It is transmitted through contact and sexual contact.

Interesting fact. Bazin's disease got its name smallpox-like acne for the umbilical retraction at the top. The same is true of smallpox vesicles.

On the skin of the perineum appear smooth pale pink small nodules with an indentation from above, which contain a white mass. With an unfavorable course, they merge, forming giant forms. With a decrease in immunity, the rash spreads throughout the body. Treatment is usually the removal of elements of the rash. For severe injury, use antiviral drugs or antibiotics: isoprinosine, interferon.

Venereal diseases

This is the general name for sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum.

At the first stage, a hard chancre is formed at the site of introduction of the bacterium. It is a painless round ulcer with a flat bottom. It does not cause concern, passes on its own in about a month, sometimes goes unnoticed.

In the second stage, various rashes appear in the perineum or throughout the body. It can be vesicles, abscesses, spots, warts and more. Characteristic is the absence of itching and discomfort. They also pass on their own. There may be several "waves" of exacerbations.

Fact. The first two stages are contagious to the sexual partner.

Despite the relief of exacerbations that occurs without treatment, syphilis is not harmless. The heaviest changes begin in the third and fourth stages. Tertiary is manifested by the formation of large nodes (gum) in various places. They can destroy the back of the nose, ulcerate internal organs and membranes of the brain. The fourth stage is characterized by neurological lesions: dorsal tabes and tabes dorsalis. At the same time, it is affected spinal cord, legs fail, function is impaired pelvic organs. Some researchers highlight mental manifestations syphilis (progressive paralysis) in the fifth stage, some refer to it as the fourth. With this disease, there may be hallucinations, delirium, dementia.

Did you know that M.A. Did Vrubel suffer from progressive paralysis?

The first two stages of syphilis are easily treated with penicillin antibiotics intramuscularly and intravenously. In the rest, complex therapy is used to eliminate the main symptoms.

Interesting fact. All stages of syphilis are shown in the movie "The Libertine" with Johnny Depp.

The causative agent of soft chancre is the bacterium Ducrey-Peters ( Haemophilus ducreyi).

At the site of introduction of the microorganism, a vesicle with purulent contents appears, which then turns into a painful ulcer with jagged edges. A bloody-purulent secret is abundantly secreted from the ulcer, which can lead to repeated self-infection. Lymph nodes and adjacent lymphatic vessels become inflamed and thickened, and may ulcerate.

This disease is dangerous with numerous complications, up to the development of gangrene of the genital organs. Therapy with tetracycline preparations and sulfanilamide antibiotics.

Pimples in the genital area can be both a manifestation of elementary acne and a symptom of formidable diseases. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, if a rash appears, it is better to consult a doctor.

If a pimple appears in an intimate place - this is not a reason to sound the alarm. The skin in this area is very thin and delicate, and pimples may appear in a woman after depilation. This process is fleeting, and they quickly disappear. But if acne in the intimate area jumps up regularly, then perhaps a cold and internal diseases manifest themselves in this way. female body. Although a rash in intimate places is not only women's problem men also suffer from it.

Acne on intimate places occurs in both sexes.

Main reasons

In order for acne to appear in an intimate place, there are a large number of reasons, some of which still cannot be diagnosed.

With a rash of acne in an intimate place, the causes are as follows:

  • Hypothermia of the body and as a result, red, sore, purulent pimple in an intimate place.
  • A rash found in the perineum may be a consequence allergic reaction. In women, allergies can be caused by synthetic underwear, daily scented panty liners, products for application to the skin after depilation.
  • Pimples that popped up in the bikini area are often due to simple non-observance of hygiene rules.
  • A pimple in an intimate place in women can appear after a hair removal procedure, regardless of the method.. After depilation with a machine, skin irritation, redness often occurs, and the places where the hair is cut begin to itch. After epilation, when the hair follicle is destroyed or the hair is removed from the root, pimples and irritation appear due to sensitivity to the components of the epilation agent, violations of the technique, primarily skin disinfection, mechanical damage epidermis. The hair follicle, sebaceous ducts and nerve endings are interconnected. After epilation, when the bulb is removed, the nerve fibers receive an impulse, and the sebaceous glands produce more secretions that can clog the ducts. As a result, one black pimple or several may form, which, under the influence of various irritants, as well as skin microflora, often become inflamed and turn into purulent acne.
  • The causes of painful acne on the genitals can be associated with diseases of the reproductive system, especially sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and molluscum contagiosum. White acne with secondary syphilis quickly turns into pustules. As a result, they cover both the external and inner side labia in women.
  • Purulent inflammation of the hair follicle or folliculitis may be the reason why a pimple jumped up in an intimate place. The disease has varying degrees expressiveness. In deep folliculitis, subcutaneous pimple, which, unlike a boil, does not have a white purulent core.
  • A pimple in an intimate place in men is one of the signs of vulgar sycosis. The pustular process mainly occurs after depilation and is localized on the chin and in the inguinal region. At first, a tubercle appears, in which gradually begins inflammatory process with the formation of a purulent crust.
  • A single sick pimple in an intimate place in women is often a manifestation of furunculosis. An inflammatory focus is formed that affects the hair follicle and skin. Such elements are red and very painful. As it matures, a rod with necrotic contents is formed, the head of which protrudes above the surface of the skin. The maturation period averages two weeks, then pus is poured out in large quantities, and a scar is formed.

Shaving is one of the causes of acne

With a weakened immune system or the presence concomitant diseases they may appear fairly regularly. With a single manifestation, the general well-being of a person remains unchanged. If there are many boils, malaise is possible.

  • Pimples on the genitals in women can be caused by staphylococci that have penetrated the sweat glands through wounds on the skin after epilation. Then we are talking about such a disease as hydradenitis. Pimples on the genitals begin their development from the deep layers of the skin. Gradually, their size increases and can reach 2 cm in diameter, the red color changes to cyanotic. The cavity element takes the form of a cone. Its tip soon turns into a fistulous passage, from which thick pus is released. Very often hydradenitis recurs. People from weak immunity, suffering from avitaminosis are prone to the formation a large number such inflamed nodes.
  • If a pimple popped up in an intimate place, then this may be another consequence of the penetration of staphylococcus and streptococcus through microtraumas into the dermis. Conflicts are formed - symptoms of a disease such as impetigo. They are vesicles with pus. In the genital area, the formations are very similar to the abscesses that form with syphilis.

Therapeutic activities

Levomekol helps get rid of abscesses

Any type of rash requires attention and should serve as a reason for contacting medical institution. This is especially necessary in the following cases:

  • rashes appeared after sexual contact;
  • acne hurts and does not go away for a long time;
  • nodular formations cause discomfort in the form of itching and burning;
  • the presence of multiple pustular rash.

A dermatologist will help determine the cause and prescribe a treatment, which must be comprehensive. Therapy is aimed not only at getting rid of acne, but also at eliminating the factors that provoked their appearance.

For furunculosis, topical agents are used. For the speedy maturation of the boil is used ichthyol ointment. After the release of pus, ointments and solutions are applied:

  • "Levomekol";
  • "Bactroban";
  • "Tomicid", etc.

It is also necessary to carry out vitamin and diet therapy with a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates.

Special medicines can help with hydradenitis

Therapeutic tactics for hydradenitis is not complete without the use of the following medications:

  • oral antibiotics;
  • vitamin therapy, especially B and A;
  • local applications with ichthyol;
  • rubbing with salicylic alcohol and tincture of calendula.

In a complex course of the disease, when a solid node does not open for a long time, it delivers severe pain possibly surgical excision.

Manifestations of impetigo should be treated according to the above principle with the addition of aniline dyes (magenta, brilliant green) and antibacterial ointments that inhibit the reproduction and growth of bacteria. An example of such a drug is Lincomycin ointment.

Sycosis is treated using the following therapeutic measures:

  • rubbing with aniline dyes;
  • use of ointments containing antibiotics.

In the advanced stage of the disease, oral antibiotics are prescribed.

General rule in the treatment of all types of rashes in the genital area - a ban on shaving.

Antibiotics will help stop the inflammatory process

Very often, doctors in the treatment of acne use complex preparations, the spectrum of action of which is very wide:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • stop the development of microorganisms;
  • have an antibacterial effect;
  • relieve itching.

As part of such drugs, manufacturers combine glucocorticosteroids with other types of medicines: antibiotics, antimycotics, antiseptics.

With itchy and inflammatory rashes, in almost all cases, nutrition correction is required. Spicy, fried, smoked and heavily salted foods are excluded or minimized from the diet. Also, the ban is imposed on foods high in carbohydrates, any alcohol.

With acne caused by infectious skin lesions, it is not recommended to take baths and showers in order to prevent the infection from spreading further throughout the body. Such water procedures should be replaced with alcohol wipes using salicylic, ethyl or boric alcohol. Areas of the body that are not affected by acne can be washed with a skin care disinfectant.

For the period of treatment, you can not wear underwear made of synthetics, silk and wool, as it can increase inflammation and itching.


Since acne in the genital area has a different nature, it is difficult to take preventive measures. The most important thing:

  • observe daily hygiene;
  • give preference to linen made from natural fabrics;
  • refrain from casual sexual contact;
  • treat any wounds and cuts with disinfectants.

Mandatory element of the preventive program - timely treatment comorbidities that contribute to acne.

Unfortunately, with such a problem as acne in an intimate place, many of the fair sex are familiar firsthand. And this is despite depilation creams, super sharp safety razors, high-quality hygiene products, natural underwear. Modern girls know how to properly care for themselves and their bodies in order to avoid the occurrence of many serious diseases.

However, despite all the efforts and precautions, a failure can occur in our body, followed by such unpleasant manifestations. And then almost all women begin to panic. Still would! They learned long ago that no symptom appears just like that and does not disappear without a trace. Therefore, do not wait until everything passes by itself. First of all, it is necessary to diagnose the disease, and only then begin the fight against such an unpleasant consequence.

Why do pimples appear in intimate places?

Such an insignificant, it would seem, problem, like acne in an intimate place, can bring physical and emotional discomfort to the fair sex. Formations can hurt and itch. But even if everything is asymptomatic, aesthetically unhealthy skin looks very unattractive. As a result, the girl begins to complete.

It should be immediately recalled that in no case, under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Only dermatologists and gynecologists can diagnose and prescribe medications. After all, acne on the skin can be a symptom of some serious infectious disease sexually transmitted. And this is fraught with infertility, inflammation, etc. consequences. So, if you are faced with this ailment, it is worthwhile to figure out why it could have arisen in you. The most common reasons are:

  • hormonal disorders in adolescence, during pregnancy;
  • viruses, infection;
  • neglect of elementary means of hygiene, skin injury, etc.

Let's consider some of them in more detail.

Improper hair removal and poor-quality underwear

Acne in the pubic area disturbs almost every woman who removes vegetation with a razor, epilator, wax. Microcracks and cuts that occur when using a blade are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. In this case, it is recommended to replace the above products with creams, laser hair removal or other modern means designed to fight unwanted hair.

Another reason is ingrown hairs. Before starting the procedure, treat the skin with soft exfoliating scrubs. This will help get rid of the keratinized particles, which just interfere with normal hair growth. At the same time, be careful not to injure or cause irritation of the mucosa.

Your underwear plays an important role in this case. Firstly, it should not unnecessarily fit you. Secondly, buy things from natural materials. Synthetics may look more beautiful, expensive and pretentious, but there is a lot of harm from it.

Yes, you may be allergic to it. Plus, tightly pressed against the skin, the linen does not allow it to breathe, does not allow air to pass through and prevents normal heat transfer. As a result of this, the so-called "greenhouse effect" occurs under the clothes, you start to sweat, and irritation and hives appear on the body.

Venereal diseases, viruses, infection

Venus is the goddess of love. It was in her honor that diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse were named. And how much is said that you can not sleep with strangers without using condoms. As the doctors say, at first it is sweet, and therefore it is excruciatingly painful.

Diseases in which you may be disturbed by rashes in intimate places may be the following: bartholinitis, furunculosis, genital herpes. For acne, you can also take pointed papillomas and warts, molluscum contagiosum, Fordyce granules. In no case do not delay the visit to your doctor. There you must go full examination, take tests (blood, smear). And only after that you will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Unfortunately, many of the fair sex are waiting to the last, until the deterioration begins. And only then turn to a specialist.

  • Bartholinitis

Bartholinitis - inflammation of the Bartholin gland, located in the thickness of the labia and at their base. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene leads to penetration pathogens, such as chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, and the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Outwardly, such a formation looks like an intradermal seal, while it causes itching and pain. Some of the fair sex take it for a harmless pimple and begin self-medication. Women, having heard enough of “knowledgeable” people (friends, neighbors), apply dressings with absorbable ointments to the problem area, pick everything up with a needle, etc.

Such actions are hazardous to health, since together with the ointment the contents of the seal can enter the bloodstream, causing it to become infected. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. Most often in the hospital local anesthesia an abscess is opened and pus is removed. Usually everything takes place in a hospital, so you do not have to break away from work, study, children, pets and your husband.

  • Furunculosis

Furunculosis is a pustular disease of the hair follicle caused by staphylococcus aureus. It manifests itself in the form of one or more purulent rashes of a large size, most often appear on the buttocks or labia. Causes of occurrence this disease can serve as minor skin injuries, which are the entrance gate for infection, beriberi, constant hypothermia or overheating.

Furuncle in its development (from occurrence to disappearance) goes through three stages: inflammation, suppuration, opening and healing. If such rashes do not go away on their own, you should consult a doctor. Remember once and for all: you can’t squeeze a pimple on your own. To avoid disastrous results, everything should be done by a professional who will use sterile devices. Under local anesthesia the surgeon will open the abscess and remove its contents, after which he will apply a bandage with a disinfectant. With multiple boils, antibiotics may be an addition to treatment.

  • Genital herpes

Genital herpes is another disease of an infectious nature, the symptoms of which are small itchy rashes on the skin and genital mucosa. From the moment of infection to the development of the disease, it takes from several days to two weeks.

So, at first, small multiple bubbles appear on the body, causing severe itching and tingling. In the future, body temperature may rise, and health may worsen. Treatment for genital herpes is prescribed in the form of antiviral ointments. It should be noted that antibiotics are not prescribed in this case, since they are not valid against viruses.

Genital herpes is characterized by frequent relapses. To avoid them, you should take care of yourself and perform procedures that increase immunity. Sign up for gym, go for walks on weekends, eat only healthy food rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • Papilloma

As mentioned above, pointed papillomas and warts can also be confused with acne in intimate places. The cause of the disease is the human papillomavirus. Most often, these neoplasms occur in places of skin cuts or friction of underwear. In most cases, everything is not limited to one wart. Over time, if you do not start treatment, new growths will begin to appear.

This disease is transmitted sexually, as well as when using the same towel with the patient, through the toilet seat. Therefore, you should be careful when visiting toilets in in public places, swimming pools. By the way, if you have been diagnosed with this disease, all members of your family should be examined.

  • molluscum contagiosum

Through sexual intercourse, infection with molluscum contagiosum can occur. In this case, the cause of acne is also a virus. Usually there is no discomfort, however, with constant injury, acne can spread to other parts of the body, and the infection is transmitted to the partner through contact. Treatment is carried out in a hospital or on an outpatient basis (by cauterization with liquid nitrogen or laser removal).

Individual characteristics of a woman

Fordyce granules or seborrheic cysts arise from the sebaceous glands. Fortunately, this is only a cosmetic defect that is not infectious and is not transmitted to others. The reasons for the appearance of such "pimples" have not been fully identified. According to one version, they may occur due to a congenital malposition of the sebaceous glands, which are closer to the surface of the skin. Appear as papules white color slightly raised above the surface of the skin. If desired, it can be removed in the clinic with liquid nitrogen or a carbon dioxide laser. It is not excluded the reappearance of granules.

Thus, you have learned about the most common causes of rashes in intimate places. The main thing to learn is that it is better not to self-medicate. If you have any symptoms that bother you, contact your women's consultation at the place of registration or in the dermatovenerological dispensary. Only a doctor, after examining and passing the necessary tests, will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, and also remember that the razor is disposable. And it is unacceptable to use it again. During sexual intercourse should be protected. And don't take other people's towels. And then you be beautiful and healthy.