
How to overcome addiction to computer games? Why is everything so complicated? Passion and love.

Computer gaming addiction has become a real disaster for many families, not only non-believers, but also churchgoers: someone’s son drowned in the virtual world, someone’s husband spends his days fighting monsters... And it’s good if a person somehow understands that there’s something wrong with him, but, as a rule, gambling addicts are happy with their gambling life and certainly don’t consider themselves sick people. Meanwhile, it has long been recognized: gambling addiction is not only a disease, but also a severe obsession with passion that damages the human soul.

How can this be? How to cope with this disease for those who suffer from it? What medicines does the Church offer? And how can his relatives help a gambling addict? Pastors share their advice.

It is important to recognize your addiction

If a person is aware of his addiction and is ready to fight it, then the matter is winning. If he often confesses, reproaches himself from the heart and exerts the will to expel this harmful addiction from his life, God’s help will not be delayed and the addiction will be rejected. If the damaged person considers himself happy with the opportunity to achieve the next stage of degradation for successfully completing virtual tasks, then things are bad. All that remains is to pray for him, and if you have power over him, simply prohibit the use of these soul-crushing devices.

The Scripture says: “Everything is lawful for me, but not everything is profitable; “Everything is permissible for me, but nothing should possess me” (1 Cor. 6:12). And any morbid passion or addiction are dangerous for a person. For, as is well known: “Whoever is overcome by someone is his slave” (2 Pet. 2:19). In other words, when a person himself becomes a console for a computer game, then this is already an illness and a problem.

There is no place for a computer in a gamer's house

Addiction to computer games is a problem that has already been recognized by doctors as a disease similar to addiction to alcohol or drugs. Alas, popular games, according to official statistics that take into account those who use licensed versions of these games, have several million “fans”, add to them millions and millions of those who have pirated versions installed...

Online games especially develop addiction, because they create the illusion of communication with “partners” in the game. Plus excitement and adrenaline. And if this is, for example, a game of poker, then there is also a dependence on the passion of love of money, because a person naturally wants to win. So the passion for the game is greatly enhanced by other passions associated with it. For these reasons, addiction to computer games turns out to be more severe than addiction to the Internet, which is still easier to cope with.

If I am not in control of the situation, then only the Lord can help me. Understanding this is the first step to healing.

What should someone who wants to overcome their addiction to games do? Getting rid of any passion begins with the awareness of my weakness, with the understanding that it is no longer I who control my life, but it is controlled by my passion, this demon that makes me sit and play for days, forgetting about loved ones and close people, about work, about important matters, how he forces a drug addict to take his last money to a drug dealer in order to buy a dose from him. And if I no longer have control over myself, then I cannot stop playing at any moment. And if I don’t control the situation, then only the Lord can help me. Understanding this is the first step to healing. The second step is, naturally, turning to God. Because in general, any passion is driven out by prayer and fasting. We must pray: “Lord, give me strength, help me! I can't do anything! It’s not I who control life, but this passion...”

The next step is to abstain from this passion. If you have a computer at home with a paid Internet connection that is always on, it will be a very serious temptation, it’s the same as if you keep a bar or fill the refrigerator with beer in the house of a person prone to alcoholism. The most important factor in alcoholism and drug addiction, by the way, is precisely the availability of alcohol and drugs. And when alcohol or drugs are within walking distance, it is impossible for a person to get rid of them. So it is with gambling addiction. Therefore, I advise you to abandon your home computer altogether. Make a strong-willed decision and cut off the Internet, give someone a computer. This is very difficult, but when a person realizes that his life is going downhill, I think he will make this sacrifice - and immediately it will become much easier for him.

Let me note, by the way, that addiction develops, as a rule, in those who are not professionally involved with computers. Because if you work on the computer all day, then at home you no longer have time for it or computer games. And all my computer geek friends can’t look at a computer at home. At most, they will check your mail.

But what if you can’t give up your home computer because someone close to you works on it at home or uses it for study? Set very clear time frames for your “computer sessions”, and only access the computer for business purposes, and refrain from games. But it’s better to try to get rid of the computer completely.

So, I repeat: turning to God with a prayer for support in the fight against passion, fasting and abstinence from the object of passion. But this is not enough. A holy place, as we know, is never empty. And therefore, when some passion is expelled, its place must necessarily be filled with something. This is the law. The Gospel says about him: “When the unclean spirit leaves a person, it walks through waterless places, looking for rest, and, not finding it, says: I will return to my house from where I came; and, having arrived, finds it swept and put away; Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and live there, and the last thing for that person is worse than the first” (Luke 11: 24-26). And what empty space fill? Naturally, some normal human dominants, a way of leisure that will be both pleasant and useful: communicating with friends, doing some things together with them, sports, fishing, other hobbies... Reading, this forgotten useful activity. After some time, a person will develop a habit of these activities and will enjoy them.

And a very important point: you need to find out why you are playing. A person often hides in virtuality from some problems of reality. From problems in the family, for example. Or from communication problems - due to one’s lack of communication skills or of a harmful nature. So he looks for virtual friends and plays with them. Yes, he’s just running away from life’s difficulties. A person turns to alcohol as an instant way of obtaining joy, and here too. It takes effort to build relationships with real people and do good things. And in order to go to an Internet cafe or start playing at home, you don’t need any effort, you also need very little money...

Getting rid of addiction - any addiction - is a huge job. This must be clearly understood. The addiction itself is acquired easier and faster; good skills must be developed over a certain period of time.

Where medicine or psychology cannot help, God's grace will help

Computer game addiction is one of the most dangerous and insidious. Outwardly, the person does not seem to be doing anything bad, does not get drunk, does not inject himself with drugs, does not go fornication, but just sits in front of the monitor and presses buttons. In fact, terrible changes are happening to his soul. Actually, computer addiction is a drug, fornication, and intoxication. Because the soul loses integrity, loses contact with loved ones, exchanging them for a virtual intoxication, becomes intoxicated by games and cannot live without them, just as a drug addict cannot live without drugs.

The consciousness of such a player lives more in the colorful world of the game, completing levels and achieving new victories, rather than in real life. Everything around him seems gray and ordinary, but there, inside computer entertainment, “ real life" For her sake, he will sacrifice everything: free time and health, money and career growth, communication with loved ones and basic self-care. This is also a kind of mental illness, a split personality: a person seems to be here, but in fact he is completely lost in pseudo-reality. Computer games themselves are idols to which everything is sacrificed, but which in themselves are soulless, and through them demons deceive us.

What to do?

Don’t be fooled: getting out of addiction to computer games is extremely difficult. The difficulty is precisely that such dependence deforms the personality, for her life has become virtual game, taking away a game is perceived as taking away a life. And this means that parting is possible only when the gambler feels some new, higher and richer in inner colors of life.

Let me give you an earthly example. If a young man falls in love with a girl, then everything changes inside him, even his interests may change, and what previously attracted him loses meaning, because all his thoughts are about something else. It is unlikely that any pitiful toys will be relevant for him, because the wealth of personal living experiences is incomparably higher than anything artificial. The one who has fallen in love is completely overwhelmed by thoughts about his beloved, these thoughts crowd out everything, previous attractions lose their attractiveness. The palette of inner feelings in live communication and in living love is always higher and more attractive than the flat excitement of chases and shooters on the screen.

People break up with addictions not because of someone’s lectures, but when a person’s inner world changes

I gave this example to explain: people break up with addictions not because of someone’s notations, but when the inner world changes, when what was previously valuable now loses its meaning. That is, it is important to switch attention from the artificial to the real world, and the very consciousness of a gambler needs to be reformatted. And if falling in love is still an earthly and short-lived feeling, exciting and inspiring for a while, then true transformation can occur during a personal, intimate meeting with God in the depths of the heart. Obsessions games move away from a genuine super-valuable idea that embraces the soul, and only God can be such a super-value.

This is, in general, known fact: people radically change their lives when they turn to God, when former sinful addictions are cut off and a complete new experience- experience of overcoming sin. Another thing is that turning to God is in a sense a secret, you cannot convert someone by force, we can only pray and ask the Lord to find ways and means to save a person suffering from gambling addiction. He himself has to do the hard work of working on himself, fighting his attachment.

The fight against computer addiction is the same experience of struggle as with any sinful passion. Everything inside is aching, passion demands to satisfy itself, the soul is torn, loses activity. Passion says: “Well, try at least one more time, it’s okay.” Therefore, you should take it as a principle: “I’d rather die, but not sit down to play games.” It’s better to break all your computers, go to a monastery somewhere and get a job as a laborer, fill your time with work, affairs and prayer rule to fall exhausted on the bed in the evening, rather than spend your life in such a pitiful, destructive state.

Freedom from passion has never been achieved the easy way. It is easy to lose freedom, but it is very difficult to regain it. But where medicine or psychology cannot help, God’s grace will help. In the end, there is only one way out: go where the grace of the Holy Spirit is - to the temple, communicate directly with confessors, try to acquire grace, and it itself will make changes in you that you are not even aware of.

You need to start “correcting your loved one” with yourself

Any addiction is a very serious and difficult problem, a disease that has its own history of development and a long “tail” of causes, so most often there is no need to talk about “instant” healing. Of course, we know that instant healing is possible, but this requires such faith, such a confluence of circumstances (including those unconscious to us, which we call the Providence of God) that these cases happen probably one in a hundred, if not less often. We know that the Lord, when He was here on earth, constantly healed the sick and those possessed by demons. But what was the “percentage” of those who were instantly healed from the total mass of sick people who turned to the Lord? I think it's also small. And the point here, as we know, is primarily in the faith of those who turned to the Savior, but also in those very “paths” unknown to us, according to which some were healed, while others were not and continued to get sick. Maybe for humility, maybe to atone for some previous sins, maybe to avoid possible sins that a person would undoubtedly commit if he were completely healthy...

The effectiveness of our prayer for a loved one directly depends on how much we ourselves try to improve our lives

But in any case, the first thing that is required of those who are heartbroken for their loved ones, obsessed with the destructive passion of gambling addiction, is to seriously reconsider their lives and work to correct themselves. In the image of the “friends of the paralytic,” seeing whose faith the Lord healed the unfortunate man. This is our main contribution to the cause of healing. loved one- fulfillment of faith by your very way of life, because the Lord Himself says: “Why do you call Me: Lord! God! - and do not do what I say? (Luke 6:46). The strength and effectiveness of our prayer for a loved one directly depends on how much we ourselves try to improve our lives. And if we try, then “the fervent prayer of the righteous can do much” (James 5:16), and we can say that here we are talking not only about some people of exceptionally high spiritual life, about saints, but about every Christian who truly tries to live according to God's truth.

Well, this is what concerns prayer, and if we talk about the rest, it’s up to the Lord to tell you, because both people and circumstances vary and the variety is endless. For some, it may be enough to simply remove the computer from the house and that’s it. Close this topic once and for all. And the child will obey, and then wean himself from his dependence. And someone, even when fulfilling this requirement, still needs to be patient, because a child can become angry and rude in a cloud and go somewhere “out of spite”, look for an opportunity to realize his passion in another place, and here you need to show great patience and firmness with prayer. We must survive this time, surrendering everything into the hands of God. And somewhere you need to resort to the help of specialists - psychologists. But in any case, it is necessary, I think, to treat the child himself with love, with heart disease, and try to help him switch his attention to something else - useful and good. Attention not only in the momentary meaning, but in the meaning of the interests and priorities of life...

In a word, there may be many means of helping your neighbor, but only one thing is clear - you need to start “correcting your loved one” with yourself, and working on yourself, coupled with heartfelt and persistent prayer to God, will certainly bring its good fruits. Maybe not right away, but definitely. There is no doubt about this, because the Lord sees both the pain and sorrow of our heart for a loved one and our humility and labors and never leaves it unanswered. After all, He Himself said: “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7).

We must pray for the gambler with all our might and means.

Of course, one must pray for a gambling addict with all the forces and means available in the Church.

The main prayer takes place at the Divine Liturgy. Submit notes more often for the commemoration of health - the Bloodless Sacrifice - and for custom Liturgies. You can order magpies - where the Liturgy is served every day: for example, in monasteries. Sorokoust is a commemoration for 40 days in a row.

You can also pray purely at home, reading a certain rule that the priest will bless. You need to come to the temple and take a blessing for additional prayers to your rule in order to pray for your neighbor who is sick with gambling addiction. The priest will tell you what prayers to read.

And, of course, in order for God to be pleased with our prayers, we ourselves must be active members of the Church, please and serve God. Do His holy will. Go to Liturgy every Sunday and the evening before to the evening service from beginning to end, confess and receive the Body and Blood of Christ at least once every three weeks, read the entire morning and evening prayers.

When a person serves God, fulfills His holy will, he begins an interesting life, filled with various good events and a lot of joy, he knows what he lives for.

And gambling addiction arises from the fact that people do not fulfill the will of God, do not take communion, rarely go to church, or even do not go at all. And their life becomes uninteresting, meager, joyless. And then they run away from this life into virtual reality - bright, interesting, dynamic - but non-existent. And having become addicted to this imaginary world, they can no longer leave it for a long time; they are enslaved to the sin of gambling.

Therefore, a person, if he is aware of this spiritual illness of his and wants to recover from it, must take those spiritual medicines that I wrote about: confession, communion, prayer and special prayer for healing from this and other sins.

If a person does not realize his spiritual illness and does not want to get rid of it, then we must work hard and do it for him instead.

And the merciful Lord will help us and hear our prayers. For He sometimes allows sorrow to our loved ones for our admonition. So that we come to God. And they brought our neighbors to Him too. God help you! Work and save yourself from sinful destruction and help our neighbors to be saved.

If a person is addicted to computer games, it is necessary to try to fight it. Limit computer use. It’s reasonable to judge how much time he devotes to computer games and how much, for example, to reading serious literature. Or how much time he devotes to prayer, if he is a believer - this also happens. People who are churchgoers, unfortunately, can also be addicted to computer games. So you need to look: how has my time been spent since I started playing games? And from this, draw the appropriate conclusions and, after praying to God, try to fix something.

The most important thing is prayer. Pray to God and ask the Lord to deliver you from addiction, to grant you freedom, to give you strength in the fight against addiction, and to manage your life so that it develops in the service of God and your neighbor.

Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte and so on. And this is not counting the huge number of instant messengers installed on everyone’s modern smartphone. At some point, we begin to feel that without the phone’s every minute vibrations we experience some discomfort, and the thought of refreshing our page becomes obsessive. the site decided to figure out how you can fight addiction to social networks.

Today, many proudly say that they do not watch TV or smoke, but few can boast of the absence of social addiction. We don’t let go of the phone for a minute so as not to miss something important. Although, as we all know, all the most important things happen in real life, and social networks can only act as a guide and assistant for good relations offline.

Sooner or later the moment comes when we begin to acutely feel this type addictions as a problem. More precisely, we understand that this is what it is called and has negative consequences. So how can you fight the habit of constantly looking at your phone or computer screen?

Dependency in facts and figures

  • More than 1 billion of the world's population are registered on various social networks.
  • Each registered user spends about 11 hours a month on social networks.
  • On average, each owner of a smartphone with the corresponding applications spends 130 minutes a day on social networks.
  • 70% of smartphone users check their social media pages every day.
  • 50% of smartphone owners check their pages even at the movies.
  • 4 out of 5 registered users check their social media accounts within the first 15 minutes of waking up every morning.

Recognize the problem and understand the reasons

Until we believe in a problem, it does not exist. Therefore, the most important thing in resolving any difficult situation– is to admit to yourself that there is a problem. Once you tell yourself “yes, this is true,” you have taken the first step towards success.

Addiction to social networks develops gradually. It most often starts with the fact that we simply register because “everyone is doing it,” and because Facebook is already installed on the new phone and we were left with no choice.

Having a page on social networks is sometimes necessary. When applying for a job, the HR manager will probably inquire about your availability, and people with whom you know or are just about to establish acquaintance automatically add you as a friend. We all fall into this story because it is relevant, fashionable and important. We show our active social position, post our photographs and talk about how “we are also alive and our life is no worse than yours.”

Therefore, the main and most pressing reason is a certain social necessity, which we were convinced of.

Set priorities

Think about what exactly you use social networks for. To exchange information, to communicate, to receive the latest news, watch movies or listen to music? Determine what is most important to you.

For example, if your first priority is the opportunity to continuously communicate with your friends and acquaintances, then to get rid of addiction you should introduce certain restrictions for yourself. Let's say, instead of using four types of communication, keep only one.

If what attracts you most in social networks is the ability to exchange photos and discuss them, choose for yourself only one virtual platform that allows you to do this. It would be better if you create something like an online magazine, where you can post your photographic work and have a dialogue with your blog subscribers, but without looking at Instagram updates every three minutes.

Use live information

If you use a tablet to read books, which also has games and other applications installed, replace it with a regular paper book. Let nothing distract you while reading, then you can immerse yourself in literary worlds entirely, without reacting to external stimuli.

If you also use exclusively a gadget for photographs, then try to make city forays at least once a week with a regular camera, maybe even a film one. Feel this difference and remember the magic of developing photographs when you wait for a while, and not after a second show the whole world a digital photo.

Love is a wonderful feeling, but there are situations when it transforms and no longer brings pleasure. In this case, they say that there is a love addiction, which can lead to disastrous consequences, so it needs to be fought.

What is love addiction?

When a person cannot imagine his life without the object of his adoration, this condition is called love addiction. Experiencing great feelings, he is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his soul mate. The paradox is that in most cases people do not recognize the existence of a problem and take any advice with hostility. Dependence on love causes suffering in a person, and he can become upset even over little things that are normal people are considered normal.

Love addiction in psychology

This problem is studied in detail by experts, and they describe several forms of love addiction.

  1. Loss of one’s own individuality and the desire to maintain affection by replacing one’s psychological territory with a partner. Love addiction is a person’s desire to devote his entire life to another, so he abandons friends, goals, interests, and so on. This form is characterized by masochistic tendencies.
  2. Encroachment on personal boundaries, psychological territories and the individuality of the partner. There is over-control and an example is excessive jealousy.
  3. Destruction of a person’s psychological territory using aggression. Such love dependence can manifest itself in sadistic tendencies. There is destruction and complete suppression of the partner’s individuality.

Causes of love addiction

According to statistics, women are more susceptible to addiction because they are more emotional and can completely dissolve in their partner. Dependence on love relationship may be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Low self-esteem. A person who considers himself unworthy tries on the role of a victim, and he is ready to please his idol in everything.
  2. Psychological inferiority. This happens in couples where people become dependent on each other because they find advantages for themselves in their partner. As a result, they are connected like Siamese twins.
  3. Inexperience. Young people who fall in love for the first time succumb strong feeling, and in most cases it is false. Submitting to love addiction, they simply do not know that there is another type of relationship.
  4. Difficult childhood. People who did not receive enough attention from their parents, or suffered mental trauma, are at risk of becoming dependent.
  5. Fear of loneliness. There are people who are ready to obey and sacrifice their lives for the sake of another, just not to be left without a loved one.

Love addiction - signs

In most cases, people in such relationships cannot determine the presence of a problem, but those around them will be able to identify the main symptoms without much effort.

  1. love makes you change, and a person begins to copy the interests and habits of his beloved. In addition, he stops communicating with his friends and seems to be protected from the events happening around him.
  2. The addict does not experience love as it should be, but begins to complain about life, reproaching the partner for lack of attention. Dissatisfaction manifests itself almost constantly.
  3. A clear symptom is considered to be gradually developing depression, even when everything in life is going well and melancholy sets in.
  4. The addict, through his actions and deeds, destroys relationships with family and friends, moving away from them.
  5. All conversations come down to one thing - the object of admiration, and all conversations have a positive tone, that is, the beloved is presented in the best light.

What is the difference between love and addiction?

Many people often confuse these two concepts, so it is worth considering the main differences.

  1. When normal love is present, lovers feel normal in separation, but when they are dependent, they suffer.
  2. When figuring out how to distinguish love from addiction, it is worth noting that in the first case, partners have inner freedom, and in the second it is absent.
  3. True love inspires, gives positive emotions and helps you become happier and stronger, but addiction is destructive.
  4. When there are sincere feelings between people, there is equality in the couple, since lovers give each other the opportunity to develop. When love addiction is present, one of the partners suppresses his desires.

How does love addiction end?

Relationships in which a person suppresses himself cannot lead to any good events, since they cause pain and suffering for both partners. A strong love addiction leads to the fact that an individual does not feel complete without a second half, and therefore loses his individuality and interest in life. Breaking up a relationship can ultimately lead to tragic consequences, as there are many reports of people deciding to commit suicide for the sake of love.

How to get rid of love addiction?

When a person realizes that his relationship is not normal, it is necessary to put an end to it in time and free himself from the shackles. There are several ways to overcome love addiction, so you can try several of them at once. The problem is considered to be serious, so no psychological assistance it is almost impossible to get out of it.

There are numerous psychological methods, which provide assistance in such situations, for example, psychoanalysis, hypnotic withdrawal and others. Experts give advice on how to overcome love addiction to a man:

  1. A good medicine that is suitable for many is a hobby. An activity that will distract you and give you positive emotions will make your life more varied and brighter.
  2. Work helps to cope with mental problems. Success at work, career advancement, communication with different people, all this good medicine when parting.
  3. Getting rid of love addiction can be done through sports. Physical activity lift vitality and self-esteem, and also help improve your appearance. An excellent option is yoga, which has a positive effect on emotional state person. To expend accumulated energy, it is recommended to dance.
  4. Psychologists advise not to close yourself off and lead an active life, communicating with other people. Support in such a situation is very important.

Prayer for love addiction

Clergy give advice to people with different types dependency in order to quickly cope with the problem. It is important to confess and receive communion, go to services and regularly communicate with God, asking him for help. If you are interested in how to get out of love addiction with the help of faith, then it is recommended to read the presented prayer every morning and evening.

Conspiracies for love addiction

There is a powerful ritual that helps to cool down feelings, and it must be carried out during the waning moon, so that along with the Earth’s satellite, dependence also decreases. Women should use magic in women's days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The practice of getting rid of love addiction involves the use natural properties water.

  1. Seclude yourself in the room to isolate yourself from external noise, that is, be sure to close the doors and windows.
  2. Prepare cold water and it’s better if it’s from a spring or well, but tap liquid will do in a pinch.
  3. The next stage of the technique for getting rid of love addiction involves a spell over a glass of water, which should be repeated three times. After this, drink half the liquid, and wash your face with the other half and sprinkle it around yourself.

Affirmations for love addiction

It is believed that a person can attract events into his life, so it is important to watch your words. If you are interested in how to free yourself from love addiction, then you should use affirmations, that is, positive statements. Numerous repetitions act like self-hypnosis or self-hypnosis. It is believed that the more often you repeat affirmations, the easier it will be to get rid of love addiction. It is important to say them in a positive tone. An example of an affirmation: “I have stopped depending on (name). I control and manage my life by protecting my heart.”

Mantra for getting rid of love addiction

There are special verses that can influence a person’s consciousness, and they also help spiritual perfection, and they are called mantras. They are repeated, listened to and reflected on. For those who are interested in how to overcome love addiction, it is recommended not only to recite mantras, but also to use spiritual practices. It is better to repeat the presented text 108 times every day on the waning moon. It is important to say the mantra as you exhale.

Movies about love addiction

There are many movies that use the theme of love obsession. We can highlight the most popular films about love addiction:

  1. "Lolita". The movie is based on a famous novel and tells the story of a man's mad love for a young girl.
  2. "Fear". The story tells of a young girl who falls in love for the first time, unaware that her chosen one is a jealous and cruel owner.
  3. "Fan". This film tells about the life of a guy in whose class a new girl appears, who falls in love with him and after a while she becomes obsessed with him.

Books about love addiction

  1. "Gone with the Wind" by M. Mitchell. A well-known classic that describes Scarlet's love for Ashley. She realizes too late that the habit of love has long supplanted the feeling itself.
  2. The Great Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald. Love dependence on a person can be read in this work. Main character became a rich and influential man, but fell in love with a girl who turned out to be a dummy. As a result, an inexplicable love addiction led to his death.
  3. “Letter from a Stranger” by Ts. Stefan. This book describes the story of a woman in love who decided to write a letter to her object of adoration, and the text took up as much as 30 pages. She doesn't know if the feelings are mutual.

Nicotine addiction, just like any other drug or food addiction, has two components – physical and psychological. And just like any addiction, it also adversely affects physical health, and on psychological state. Probably, now even children in kindergarten They know that nicotine is a dangerous poison. Yes, small doses of nicotine can have a tonic effect, due to which the work of thought improves, increases physical activity, the feeling of hunger is dulled. However, this does not cancel toxic effect nicotine on nerves and blood vessels.

Currently, the fashion for smoking is gradually fading into oblivion. In the twenty-first century, disregard for one's own health has become unfashionable, and the image of a real smoker - a pale, coughing man with halitosis, yellow-brown teeth and shortness of breath - has replaced the false image of a cinematic handsome macho man performing complex tricks with a cigarette dashingly clenched in his teeth . It would seem that the easiest way to quit smoking is through volitional effort, but addiction would not be addiction if it were really simple. Many people, realizing the harmfulness of their nicotine addiction, are still unable to cope with it.

At the beginning of the 2000s, electronic cigarettes were invented - as more safe substitute natural cigarettes with tobacco. However, if you think about it, the e-cigarette does not help cope with either physical or psychological addiction. Mixture used for electronic cigarettes, contains nicotine, that is, it enters the body in exactly the same way as when smoking regular cigarettes, and causes exactly the same damage. The only advantage is that there are no combustion products from cigarette paper and other foreign impurities. But the detailed composition of the flavoring in smoking mixtures for e-cigarettes is kept secret, and therefore it is not at all a fact that when it enters the lungs it is harmless than the combustion products we are used to tobacco products. From a psychological point of view, it doesn’t matter at all what exactly a person puts into his mouth - whether it’s a cigar, a pipe, a cigarette or its electronic substitute, addiction remains addiction.

What to do to win nicotine addiction? Psychologists say that the most effective way it is to replace one addiction with another. But this other one can already be chosen consciously. Let it be an addiction physical exercise, from healthy image life, from walks on fresh air, from feeling cheerful without doping in the morning, from fresh breath. Try replacing nicotine addiction with health addiction and good mood, once and for all putting the cigarette aside, and immediately picking up dumbbells or a crisp apple instead.

Bad habits often destroy people. Sometimes, without even knowing it, we get involved in some hobbies.

People are mistaken in thinking that this will happen one day. Such hobbies, or more precisely, bad habits, include alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction and gambling addiction. The latter is no less addictive than gambling.

Independent addiction cessation

Some patients recover from the disease on their own.

The main task is to complete the following steps:

  1. Admit to yourself that quitting such an activity is difficult. Everyone thinks that “one more time and that’s it,” but it happens differently, where there are two bets, there are ten. It is important to recognize this fact after the first bet you place.
  2. If the addiction lasts for a long time, then try to block all accounts at bookmakers. Oddly enough, they support this request from the players. This decision will give you some difficulties later in the game in order to rediscover them.
  3. Ask your loved ones for help. Tell us your feelings and be as close to them as possible. Exercise family matters, participate in their lives, do household chores. You can tell everyone around you about your harmful hobby. Knowing your problems, they will not lend you money.
  4. Virtual addiction may tempt you, and you will not resort to financial investments. Some bookmakers allow you to place such bets on sports.
  5. Try to change your attitude towards sports. Do not follow the results of the game on the computer, but find out the news from your friends. It’s better to take up some kind of sport on your own.
  6. Set aside more time for rest, sleep, walks, playing with children, going to the library or theater.
  7. You can visit the club of anonymous players and gamblers. Such communication will allow you to get to know the problem more deeply and try on its outcome for yourself.
  8. Talk to your doctor about taking antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and other medications that will improve your mental balance.

In combination with professional methods of psychotherapists, it is possible to get rid of gambling addiction. But if a breakdown occurs, it will be very difficult to do this.


Of all bad habits bookmaking or gambling addiction are still less problematic.

Such a statement can only be made in terms of the physiological state human body. But despite this, the patient experiences a significant disruption in brain activity.

Timely recognition of the patient’s illness and provision of psychological assistance will help return the person to a full life.

Both adults and teenagers are susceptible to this disease, so monitor the activities of your loved ones and take part in their lives to recognize the disease at an early stage.

Video: Gambling addiction (ludomania, gambling): gambling, computer addiction, sports betting