
How to put a baby to bed. How to put a newborn to sleep: all the secrets

With the advent of a new member in the family, parents have the same question: how to put a newborn to sleep? Most dads and moms go to the Internet to get an answer to it. This article will tell you how best to put your newborn to sleep. You will learn about the features of this procedure and get acquainted with the nuances of the process. You can also get the opinion of experts on this matter.

Ask your doctor about how to properly put your newborn to bed

Each baby in the children's clinic is assigned to a specific area, which is supervised by a pediatrician. If you have a question about how to put a newborn to sleep at night or during the daytime, visit medical institution and ask your doctor.

The pediatrician will tell you in detail that the baby in the first year of his life should sleep on a hard surface. Also, you do not need to cover the child and put a pillow under his head. It is worth folding the diaper several times and placing it at the head of the bed. Doctors believe that in such conditions the spine of the newborn will take the correct position. Is it really? Some modern pediatricians have a completely opposite opinion about how to put a newborn to bed. Consider the main nuances and conditions.

Co-sleeping or staying in a crib?

Before you put your newborn to bed, you need to decide on the place of his rest. Doctors differ greatly on what is best for the baby. Some doctors believe that the baby should be with his mother for a long nine months. A sharp separation can adversely affect the neurological condition of the baby. That is why experts recommend that mothers arrange co-sleeping. Put the newborn with you. In this case, you do not have to get up for the next feeding. In the first months of life, the child should not be separated from the mother for more than two hours.

Other doctors say that the place of a newborn baby should be determined separately. The child needs to buy a separate comfortable bed or cradle. There is no place for a baby in a mother's bed. Only the baby's father should sleep there.

Proper bedding

How to put a newborn to sleep? If you are in the mood for joint sleep, then the issue with bedding usually does not arise. The baby sleeps on his mother's sheet and takes cover with her blanket. However, you still need to maintain personal hygiene. At co-sleeping the child needs to put his own diaper on. Place it directly on your sheet. Also get a small blanket that will cover the baby.

If you are placing a child in a crib, then you must definitely buy a mattress and a pillow with a blanket. Most pediatricians recommend firm mattresses made from natural materials. Pillows should only be used on the advice of a physician. Often these are orthopedic devices. Doctors also advise not to cover the baby, but to place it in a sleeping bag.

Hard or soft?

How to properly put a newborn baby to sleep? Is it really necessary to use only hard surfaces and refuse soft duvets, blankets and pillows?

Nowadays, parents often face the fact that their children refuse to sleep in their beds. Babies fall asleep perfectly in their mother's arms, but after being put into the cradle, they begin to cry. What is the reason for such concern? It's all about sleep conditions. In ancient times, babies were placed on lush soft featherbeds, and a small pillow was placed under the head. In such conditions, newborns slept sweetly and for a long time. It is worth noting that many generations grew up in such cradles. At the same time, people do not suffer from curvature of the spine, from which new hard mattresses and orthopedic pillows “rescue”.

Ambient conditions

How should a newborn be put to sleep? What should be the conditions surrounding it? After all, only in a comfortable environment will the baby sleep soundly and calmly.

First of all, before putting the newborn to bed, you need to ventilate the room. However, make sure that the temperature in the room does not fall below 20 degrees. Also, do not heat the air to more than 25 degrees. Remember that newborn children, due to the underdevelopment of thermoregulation, quickly freeze and overheat. Make sure that the baby is dressed in comfortable, breathable clothes that do not have large buttons and sharp objects.

Download or not?

How to put a newborn to sleep? Many new parents resort to the motion sickness procedure. Whereas grandmothers and experienced mothers say that this is fraught with accustoming to hands. In fact, if your baby gets used to falling asleep in his arms with rhythmic rocking, then later it will cause a lot of inconvenience. Is it right to rock a newborn baby?

Many doctors, pediatricians and neurologists say that in the process of rhythmic rocking, the child develops normal work vestibular apparatus. Often, patients with a violation of this function are recommended to ride on a swing. In the first months of a child's life, he is disturbed by pain in the tummy. That is why the baby cries and twists its legs. In the process of motion sickness, the child is distracted and calms down. That is why rocking the baby to sleep is not only possible, but also necessary. This will help to avoid the cries of the crumbs and excessive nervous tension of the mother.

In what position?

How to put a newborn to sleep? Should the baby lie on his back or stomach during rest? What can you say to new parents about this?

In most maternity hospitals, babies are laid on a barrel. In this case, a special roller or rolled towel is placed under the back. This position will help prevent the baby from choking while spitting up. However, in many countries, doctors practice sleeping on the stomach for newborns. In fact, in this position, the baby will be somewhat more comfortable. The arms and legs will not frighten the baby, and the gases from the tummy will be able to exit sooner. In Russia, pediatricians do not allow putting the baby on the stomach until the umbilical cord falls off. On average, this time is two weeks. Many babies love to sleep on their backs. However, you should not practice this position at night. Quite often, babies spit up and can choke on these masses.

What conclusion can be drawn about the position of the baby in a dream? Put your baby to sleep exactly the way he/she is comfortable. However, with a pose on the stomach, it is worth removing the pillow from under the head of the newborn. This will help to avoid sudden death.

How to put a newborn to bed: some ways

Already after the first month of the baby's life, mom and dad develop a certain technique with which they lull the baby to sleep. In fact, there are many ways to put a newborn to sleep during the day or at night. Some of them are presented to your attention.


Many babies fall asleep perfectly during feeding. It doesn't matter if your baby is breastfed or formula fed. Newborn babies have a strong sucking reflex. While suckling, they calm down and fall asleep safely. Do not forget to hold the crumbs with a "column" so that the air leaves the stomach.

How to put a newborn to sleep in a crib

If you want to teach your baby to fall asleep in your bed, then it’s worth saying that at this age it will not be easy to do. A nipple, a bed pendulum and a mobile will come to your aid. Lay your baby on the bed and rock gently. If the baby is worried, give him a pacifier. Such laying can last quite a long time. Remember that the baby must be fed and have a clean diaper or diaper.


Sometimes simple stroking helps to put a newborn to sleep. Find a point on the forehead between the eyebrows and make circular motions clockwise. All your touches should be gentle. Such stroking calms the newborn, and he quickly falls asleep.


You have learned how to put a newborn to bed. Remember that during the day there should be monotonous noise around the child. At night, turn off the lights, radio, and TV. If you have to feed or change clothes, then use a night light, and keep all conversations in a whisper. Sweet sleep for your baby!

AT different ages Children fall asleep differently. This is explained by no means age characteristics their body or psyche, how much each child has their own biological clock. The biological clock of the child is associated with the sleep pattern, and the diet, and the routine of the day as a whole. And this, in turn, seriously affects the health of the child and the condition nervous system. The biological clock is not an acquired habit of a person associated with his lifestyle, with environment or educational outcomes. The biological clock is assigned to a person at the genetic level.

How does a newborn baby sleep?

A newborn baby sleeps almost around the clock, and wakes up only to satisfy his hunger. And therefore this process of sleep is not fixed in baby strictly on time. A baby can sleep between feedings for only a few minutes, or maybe for several hours in a row, even 5-6 hours. Especially such fluctuations in the sleep pattern of the child are manifested during the period breastfeeding. Therefore, do not worry about the short or too long sleep of the baby. Over time, periods of sleep are normalized in a child. The periods will be more definite and limited in time. Therefore, do not wake the child, in case of prolonged sleep. When the baby gets hungry and feels hungry, he will wake up and remind himself with a loud cry.

But in order to separate daytime and nighttime sleep in a child, it is necessary to create an appropriate environment during sleep. During daytime sleep, it is necessary to curtain the windows, but leave some household noises in the apartment (street noise, quiet conversations, etc.). During a night's sleep, you need to observe complete silence, talk in a whisper, turn off all Appliances(TV, phones, radio, music, etc.) and minimize the lighting in the room where the baby sleeps. You can develop a ritual of actions performed before bedtime, for the psychological preparation of the child for sleep (reading fairy tales, bathing in the bathroom).

How to help a child fall asleep?

You are lucky if your baby falls asleep immediately after feeding. But this does not always work out. In order for the child to fall asleep faster, he needs to be calmed down. Just rock the baby in your arms, pet him, or walk around the room with your baby in your arms, and the baby will calm down and fall asleep soundly. After the baby falls asleep, transfer it to the crib. If you do not have enough strength to rock the child in your arms, use a stroller for rocking. At the same time, you should not get carried away and diligently rock the stroller. A child in a stroller should rock, not shake. The design of many children's beds provides wheels or arches for swinging. Therefore, you can use the bed as a means of rocking the baby. If such opportunities are not provided by the bed, you can even use a baby stroller at home.

How should a child lie in bed?

After the child has fallen asleep soundly, it must be laid in a crib. The question arises, how to put the child correctly: on his side, on his stomach or on his back? All of these positions have their pros and cons.

When the child sleeps on his stomach, he has the correct position hip joints, the muscles of the back are strengthened, with bloating, gases are easier to escape. But when sleeping on the stomach, the risk of sudden death of the child in the first year of life is increased. Therefore, it is better to put the baby to sleep on the stomach only during the day and only under the supervision of the parents.

In the position on the back, there are also negative points. When the child is lying on his back, there is a greater chance that the child may burp and choke on the vomit. Also in the position on the back, the child's tongue may sink. Therefore, it is best to put the baby to sleep on its side. Periodically changing from one side to another.

If a child sleeps in the same room as their parents...

In the first months of life, it is best for a baby to sleep in the same room with their parents. Moreover, this is good not only for the child, but also for the parents. To be in close proximity to your baby, move the crib close to yours and lower the side. With this design between the beds, you do not have to constantly get out of your bed and run to the baby's bed. Count how many times a night the baby wakes up, or you yourself come up to him to check everything is in order with him. Thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to sleep a little longer during this turbulent time. It will also be easier for you to feed the baby and, without getting up from your bed, shift to sleep in a crib. It will be easier for you to maintain contact with the child. To do this, you can hum some melody, and the baby will listen to you.

A child at this age can sleep from 16 to 20 hours, regardless of the time of day. The duration of sleep can be from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

When the child is half a year old...

With each new month lived, the time spent by the child on sleep decreases. The child is more awake, playing. And after he eats, he no longer tries to fall asleep right away. Therefore, right now it is necessary to instill in the child a ritual of actions for going to bed. So, for example, before going to bed, you should not captivate the child with moving and active games. 30-40 minutes before bed, move on to quiet games and calming activities.

When the child is one year old...

By the age of one year, the sleep pattern of the child changes. Usually daily sleep is divided into two daytime sleep of 2 hours and one night sleep duration 10 - 12 hours. If before that the baby slept in the same bed with you, now you can start taking measures to gradually retrain the child to sleep in his crib. You can start with daytime sleep.

Since the baby's bed is next to your bed, and you are close to him, the baby has the illusion that you are sleeping together, but at the same time the baby himself sleeps in his own bed. The baby will be calm that you are nearby, and will fall asleep quickly and soundly. To speed up the process of falling asleep, touch your baby with your hand, and gently cradle him, singing a song or melody. At the same time, keep your breathing even, the child will adjust his breathing to your breathing, he will be calm and will sleep better. Adhere to the main rule when putting to bed: always put the child to bed at the same time.

At this age, some children begin to sleep once a day. It is not necessary to torture such children, and forcibly try to put them to sleep at home. It's best to start putting your baby to bed early at night. Some children daytime sleep disappears temporarily, and after a few days or weeks they begin to sleep again during the day.

Strengthen and reinforce your child's sleep transition ritual. Now, together with the child, you can put away toys for the night, spread out the crib and take out pajamas, put your favorite doll or soft toy to bed. The child must understand that the games are over, must calm down and get ready for bed. A child at this age knows and understands a large number of words. Therefore, it is necessary to combine business with pleasure: put the child to sleep and develop vocabulary child. To do this, you need to talk to the child. The child hears your speech and calms down. You can sing a song or recite a poem. The child can already understand you, so the song or rhyme must be meaningful. But, as before, keep a calm tone in your speech, and give your voice a lulling intonation.

Children do not fall asleep immediately. At the beginning, the child's sleep is restless, superficial. The baby can wake up from any of your movements, rustle, noise. Therefore, do not rush after the child has fallen asleep. Be patient and wait a few minutes until the child falls asleep sound sleep. At the beginning of sleep, he can moan and move, but when you see that the child is breathing calmly, his muscles are relaxed, this means that the baby is sleeping soundly. Now you can leave the child and go about your business.

By the age of one year, the need for sleep in a child will be 12-14 hours. In this case, during the day the child should sleep 2-3 hours, and at night the duration of sleep should be 10-11 hours.

When the mother is with the baby...

In cases where a child falls asleep with you in the same bed, and then you transfer him to a crib, it is worth remembering that the child warmed up to you and fell asleep at a certain temperature. When you transfer your baby to his crib, he will become uncomfortable in the cold bed and may wake up. Therefore, it is necessary to warm up the baby's bed before transferring him to the crib. The child in his bed should be as comfortable as with you, only in this case he will not wake up.

The crib is still next to your bed. But now you can gradually remove it. To do this, under any pretext, gradually move the crib away. You can think of any reason for such actions. But so that she would inspire confidence in the child, and he did not feel deceit. Tell your child that it is more convenient for you to read a book.

At night, when the baby wakes up, he will ask you to bed. Do not drive and scold the child for this. Let the baby fall asleep with you, and then you return him to the crib. Or take him to a crib right away, but stay by his side until he falls asleep. Time will pass, the child will get used to sleeping alone, and will visit you less and less, and over time will begin to sleep all night in his crib.

A child at this age understands a lot and feels a lot. He begins to feel a greater need for you and requires more attention and personal communication. The child requires your presence when he falls asleep (especially during daytime sleep), and carefully monitors that you do not go anywhere. The child immediately feels if you are going to go somewhere, in a hurry or just nervous. In such cases, the baby himself will not calm down, and as a result, he does not fall asleep for a long time. Therefore, distract from the surrounding worries and devote a little time only to the baby. The child will calm down and fall asleep quickly.

Don't let your child disrupt sleep patterns. The kid will ask for more to play or eat, he will look for reasons not to go to bed - to drink more, pee, read a book, etc. Do not go on about the child and stick to the accepted regimen. The child may be naughty and even cry. Remain calm and do not scold the child. Sleep should not be a punishment or a duty for the baby. Your calm state, over time, it will be transmitted to the child and he will fall asleep.

When a child is tormented by nightmares...

Children at the age of two begin to dream. Therefore, if a child has experienced fright or fear before going to bed, he may have nightmares. A child due to nightmares may become afraid to fall asleep, afraid to fall asleep alone or in the dark. We need to help the child overcome these fears. Before going to bed, the baby should experience only positive and good emotions. Tell your child a story before bedtime, sing a lullaby, give your favorite doll or soft toy. Leave some light in the room, such as the light from the next room or the light from a night lamp. Stay with your child until he falls asleep. The child should be in contact with you, then he will be calm and will not be afraid of anything.

When the child is two years old...

The daily sleep pattern of a child at the age of two is preserved, the child sleeps a couple of hours during the day and about 10 hours at night. But for some children, the need for naps may go away. You should not mock yourself and your child, forcing him in this case to sleep during the day. Sleep can be a punishment for a child, and this is simply not acceptable. It is better to enter into the child's afternoon rest - reading books or quiet games. You can just lie down with the child on the bed without falling asleep. But at the same time, it is worth increasing the duration of night sleep, and going to bed at night earlier by 1-2 hours.

When the child is three years old...

At the age of three, the life and daily routine of many children change. These changes are due to the fact that the child at this age begins to go to kindergarten. And in kindergarten one mode for all children is supposed. But if you adhered to the regimen of daytime and nighttime sleep, then in this case you only have to move the time periods for falling asleep and waking up the child. Most likely, before going to bed at night, you will have to go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Similarly, the mode of daytime sleep will also shift accordingly.

At the age of three, he already carries out reasonable and conscious activity. Therefore, the child can be fully entrusted with the ritual of preparing for sleep. The child should already clean up his toys on his own, choose his favorite book to read before going to bed, wash himself and put on pajamas, wish all household members Good night.

First of all, children love to put their favorite toys to bed. They love to say goodbye and wish everyone in the household a good night. Do not forget that these are sincere motives and desires of the child, so do not limit the child in these actions. Just when putting the child to bed, provide additional spare time for this ritual.

Secondly, never set a time frame for the child during which he must fall asleep. And all the more nervous and screaming at the child if he can’t fall asleep in any way. In a child, like in an adult, one day is not like another. Therefore, the emotional mood before going to bed may differ in different days. You just need to be patient and be calm. Your calmness will be transferred to the child, and he will fall asleep faster.

Thirdly, if your child is afraid of the dark, talk to him and try to determine the cause of his fears, and having determined the cause, it will be easier to deal with it.

Fourth, never allow your child to watch TV before going to bed, and even more so adult programs or news. If a child sees violence or murder on the screen, he will worry for a long time and will not be able to sleep, or he will be tormented by nightmares.

Therefore, you should have a lot of patience, and you and your baby will have only Quiet Nights.

One of the most important moments in everyone's life young parent is their child's sleep ritual. After all, not every parent knows how to put the baby to sleep correctly. And so I want the baby to fall asleep quickly and sweetly, and most importantly, sleep like that all night.

There are dozens of answers to this question. And every family has its own. But do not forget that each child is individual and what is good for one is not so good for another. Even a pediatrician will not tell you how to properly put a baby to sleep, he can simply give advice, and parents should try the method on him and make a decision.

There are several ways to properly put the baby to sleep:

  • Motion sickness. The most common and at first glance simple way. For babies, motion sickness in the arms is best. They feel warmth and heartbeat loved one so it gives him peace and tranquility. But, it is worth remembering in no case should you rock the child while in an irritated state. It will be passed on to the child very quickly. For those who want to wean the child from the hands and accustom to independent sleep rocking in a cradle or crib is suitable. But here the dream will come a little later.
  • Feeding. This is an almost trouble-free way that kids really like. Mom does not even notice how during the meal the baby closes her eyes and falls asleep. True, in order to shift it to the crib, one should not miss the moment, since breaking away from the chest, the baby can quickly wake up.
  • Sleep ritual. How to properly put the baby to sleep is decided by each parent himself, since it is he who chooses the ritual of going to bed. It is simply a combination of activities that precede sleep. So, having come in the evening from a walk, it is worth buying a baby in a bath, getting a massage, feeding and singing a lullaby. Toddlers quickly get used to a pleasant routine and know exactly when to go to bed.
  • monotonous sounds. Some babies are very sensitive to different sounds. Therefore, when they hear the noise of a vacuum cleaner, pleasant melodic music, a hair dryer or other similar sounds, they can simply fall asleep. For some parents, mobile becomes a real salvation. The kid not only watches the monotonous movement of the figures, but also listens to pleasant music. Getting a double dose of relaxation, the baby will fall asleep very quickly.
  • Joint sleep. This is a very efficient way. But, in this case, each mother decides how to properly put the baby to sleep. Some simply put the baby next to them and stroke it on the tummy, others after feeding put the already sleeping baby next to them. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages: mom does not need to get up at night to feed. The disadvantages include the fear of crushing the baby.

How to properly put the baby to sleep should be decided by each mother herself. By trial and error, you can develop your own individual way of going to bed.

How to put your baby to sleep quickly

This is a question that almost every parent wrestles with. How to quickly put the baby to sleep? And this is where rush is needed. After all, even strenuously rocking, trying to do everything as he likes, the result may not be achieved. The child, as luck would have it, on the contrary, diverges even more and begins to wake up. Therefore, in this process, first of all, calmness is necessary. In the arms of a calm person, the baby falls asleep faster. Therefore, if there is a need for a speedy sleep, then it is better to transfer the child to “calm” hands. If not, then you should try other methods.

You should not even think about how to quickly put the baby to sleep if he has his own established schedule and ritual. In this case, the mother knows perfectly well when her baby goes to bed and when she wakes up. If the mode is developed, then no problems will arise.

Favorite lullaby and motion sickness can also have a proper effect on the child's body. The main thing is not to miss the moment when the baby falls asleep and put him in the crib.

If the child has his own favorite procedure or event after which he falls asleep well, then you should resort to this trick.

How to quickly put a baby to sleep at night

At night, the issue is more acute. After all, if the child woke up just like that, then it is worth working on it. Although every mother intuitively knows how to quickly put a baby to sleep at night. This will require attachment to the breast or bottle and dimensional swaying. From maternal warmth and hearty food, the baby will quickly want to embrace Morpheus. If this does not help, then you should lay the child next to you and put your hand on his tummy. This method almost always works.

How to put a baby to sleep during the day

It also depends on the mode. If the baby is used to sleeping on a walk, then it is worth taking him out for a walk. Almost always, such dimensional motion sickness helps a lot. At home, during daytime sleep, he should already have a routine. So babies can sleep in daytime with a difference of 1-2 hours.

How to put the baby to sleep during the day if he does not have a regimen and individual preferences for going to bed? This question is much more difficult. Although every child has something that he loves the most. So even your favorite bottle with a small amount of water can become great helper. Lullabies and mother's hugs also have not been canceled.

How to put a baby to sleep without motion sickness

This question is a little more complicated, since absolutely all babies love motion sickness. If there is a need for this, then it is worth considering different options for how to put the baby to sleep without motion sickness:

  • Carry out his favorite procedures prior to sleep.
  • Give me your favorite toy.
  • Provide a bottle or pacifier if he uses them.
  • Turn on mobile.
  • Tell a story or sing a song.

There are not so few options. The main thing is to find exactly the approach to the baby, which is most appropriate for him.

How to put a baby to sleep without breastfeeding

This option is interesting in cases where the child needs to be left with someone for a while. How to put a baby to sleep without breastfeeding? Prepare formula in advance or express breast milk. This is the easiest option. Of course, if the baby has a favorite toy with which he falls asleep, then you should resort to it. Motion sickness also helps, but the main thing is that they are not on an empty stomach, as the result will be the opposite. Going for a walk with a child is also important. It is in the fresh air that he falls asleep faster.

Every parent and every child has their own tricks on how to put a baby to sleep. The main thing is to use them skillfully, and then the child and his relatives will be absolutely happy and calm.

Babies sleep the lion's share of the day, waking up only when they feel discomfort from hunger or a full diaper. True, after waking up, not all of them can quickly fall asleep, which raises the question for parents about how to put the baby to sleep.

From the second month of life, the duration of the baby’s sleep is significantly reduced, he himself becomes more active, inquisitive, learns with interest the world. During this period, putting the child to sleep becomes even more problematic. Experienced Moms know how to do it and share their secrets.

Why does the baby refuse to sleep?

Normal, healthy rest- a sign and guarantee that your child is developing correctly, and his health is in order.

To understand whether a child is fully resting, it is worth first getting acquainted with how much time per day he should do this.

As a rule, the sleep of a newborn child is disturbed by physical discomfort.

The latter can be called:

  • Colic, gas;
  • headache;
  • Increased pressure;
  • High body temperature.

A baby can also refuse to rest if he is hungry, he has a full diaper, he experiences discomfort from coolness or, conversely, stuffiness.

A child can also feel uncomfortable in a large room or in a room with dry air.

Many mothers are used to laying babies, giving them breasts, rocking them, but over time, the baby needs to be weaned from this, which can be difficult.

daytime sleep

It is necessary for the little one to be healthy and develop normally. Nevertheless, the baby can flatly refuse to rest, be capricious.

In order for the baby to quickly fall asleep during the day, and his rest to be calm and serene, the mother only needs to follow some rules:

  • First of all, you should know that babies up to six months of life need to rest twice, or even three times during the daytime. When the baby is six months old, you can reduce this amount to 1-2 times. At the same time, the little one must be taught to do this at the same time, at the same intervals. Over time, it will be easier to put the baby to sleep during the day, because he will get used to a certain regimen;
  • Toddler needs a calm, quiet environment for relaxation. Even soft sounds, the noise of the TV, the conversations of people present in the house can disturb the rest of your child. All these sounds should not reach the baby;
  • Before putting the baby to bed, you need to properly organize the conditions in the room. First of all, you need to take into account indicators such as temperature and humidity where the baby sleeps. The temperature should be about 23 degrees, and humidity - about 50% -70%;
  • No less important for good rest Fresh air. It can be provided by airing the room for about half an hour.

Night sleep

Some babies may also refuse it, their rest at this time can be restless, anxious.

To put the baby to sleep at night, you should also follow some recommendations that will both calm the little one and provide the child with a restful sleep.

All these simple rules will help the little one sleep peacefully at night.

Weaning the baby from the breast

Sooner or later the moment will come when it will have to be done. Many young mothers do exactly the right thing, starting to teach their child to fall asleep without a breast, except, of course, for those moments when the baby needs to be fed with mother's milk.

Almost all babies refuse to fall asleep without it. This is not surprising, because the little one is used to feeling the warmth and protection of the mother, and the baby associates her breasts with these sensations.

If you still can’t put your baby to sleep without a breast, here’s how experienced mothers advise you to do it.

  • Pay attention to your emotional condition, family relationships. The child feels the mood of the mother, the situation in the family, and reacts to the negative with anxiety. Mom's breast is one of the ways to calm the baby, therefore, in the event of an unfavorable situation and a bad mood for the mother, the little one will ask for breasts even more often. Try to make sure that the child feels only positive emotions;
  • If the baby cannot sleep, many parents prefer to do what the baby requires, if only he still did it. This should not be done if you intend to teach your child to fall asleep without a breast. Put the baby in the crib, be there, and if the little one starts crying, you don’t need to react to crying, give breasts, take them in your arms. After about a week, the baby will already begin to get used to falling asleep without a breast;
  • You can give your baby a formula bottle or a pacifier.

Weaning from motion sickness

When dad and mom bring a recently born baby from the hospital, they are often overcome with fear, because the baby seems quite fragile and defenseless, sometimes it is scary for parents to even take little man on your hands. Especially such concerns arise among young parents, they often have a question - how should a newborn baby sleep? They begin to ask what is the best bed to choose, how to properly lay the baby, in what position is it best for the child to rest. This is very important questions, as favorable conditions for the baby will help him get better sleep and minimize the risk to his health.

Suitable Conditions

In order for the newborn to feel comfortable, his sleep was strong and full, the following conditions must be observed:

  • ventilate the bedroom several times a day so that the air is clean and fresh;
  • the temperature in the room should be no more than 25 degrees, the ideal option is 20 degrees;
  • air humidity should be in the range of 60-70 percent;
  • there should not be loud noises and sounds in the bedroom, the light should not be too bright, daytime sleep should take place with the curtains drawn;
  • in the room where the newborn sleeps, it is necessary to wipe the dust from all objects daily;
  • vacuum and mop floors every day;

If the air temperature in the bedroom exceeds 22 degrees, then the newborn should not be under a warm blanket, otherwise he will overheat. Overheating is bad for the health of the baby, the body temperature may begin to rise.

Poses while sleeping

Many young parents are interested in what position a newborn should sleep in. This is a very important aspect, because babies spend a lot of time sleeping. Therefore, it will be useful to consider which positions are considered most convenient.

  1. On the side. Experts say that it is best to lay small child on the side. This position is the safest, so pediatricians and nurses in maternity hospitals advise putting newly born children. It is better to lay on its side, for a reason anatomical features a small stomach and esophagus, babies have practically no cardiac sphincter, as a result of which, after eating, the newborn often burps. In the position on the side, the baby will not be able to choke.

    Important! A newborn should not be allowed to sleep on one side all the time. Periodically, it is imperative to turn from one side to the other so that torticollis and other problems do not arise.

  2. Sideways. This position is even better than sleeping on your side. Small babies feel more comfortable in this position, especially if they have stomach cramps and often spit up. When located semi-sideways, the gaziki depart much better.
    Many parents are interested in how to put the baby to bed so that he does not roll over and does not change his position in his sleep. To do this, you need to put a blanket or diaper under the small back, which is pre-folded with a roller. In addition, it is advisable to put special gloves or scratches on his hands, thanks to which the child will not have the opportunity to scratch his body.
  3. On the back. Young moms and dads are often interested in how best to put the baby in the crib - on the side or on the back? Sleeping on the back is good for the health of the newborn, but at the same time it is dangerous, since the baby in this position can choke while spitting up. If a newborn or month old baby sleeps on the back, then you need to do the following:
    • turn the head in one direction or the other, and then fix it with a diaper roller or a small pillow so that it is not possible to turn the head on its own;
    • from time to time change the position of the head, turning it in the other direction so that torticollis does not develop;
    • it is advisable to swaddle a newborn child so that he does not wake himself up with his own hands and does not scratch his skin. If the baby does not like to be swaddled, and he starts to get nervous, then it is better to put him in a crib, for example, on his tummy.

    Doctors advise how to sleep properly for a baby when he has hip dysplasia - it is important to be on his back. This position is also recommended for muscle hypertonicity, this pathology manifested by involuntary twitching of the limbs. It is best to rest on the back if the baby has colic or profuse gas formation in the tummy, because of which he cannot sleep soundly.

  4. On the tummy. This position is one of the best, it serves as a prevention of colic, the whole digestive system begins to work well in the baby, so the gases leave better and easier. In addition, the position on the stomach prevents infant mortality, which often occurs due to the fact that the baby chokes while spitting up. This posture prevents many Negative consequences belching.
    Rocking and putting the newborn to sleep on the tummy is very useful, as it will strengthen the muscles and bones of the neck, as well as the back, it will be much easier for him to learn to raise and hold his head. If the baby likes to be in this position, then it is important to follow certain safety rules:
    • no need to put a pillow under the head;
    • a newborn should sleep on a hard, preferably orthopedic surface;
    • there should not be oilcloth sheets in the crib;
    • do not place any toys near the head of the baby, it is better to hang them above the crib.

    By following these simple precautions, parents need to watch the baby while he sleeps in this position.

  5. Embryo position. If a month-old child continues to sleep with legs bent to the stomach, and his arms are pressed to his chest during sleep, this may indicate the presence of hypertonicity or hypertension of the muscles. However, if after a month he straightens up and sleeps in a normal position, then you should not worry.

Attention! Whatever position for sleeping in the crib parents choose for their newborn, periodically in without fail it needs to be turned over or changed its position in order to soft tissues not tracked, unformed bone skeleton not deformed, and also so that the muscles and blood vessels are not pinched.

How to put to sleep

Many young mothers and fathers are asking the right question: how to rock a newborn baby to sleep? Experts conducted studies on the behavior of babies and found that babies remember the sequence of actions well during motion sickness, and if you miss any action, the baby will be naughty and will fall asleep for a long time. To rock correctly means to spend a minimum of time on it so that the baby does not act up and cry. Before rocking a newborn or month old baby, it is important to repeat certain movements in the same sequence. You can do the following:

  • to calm the baby and improve his sleep, you can buy in a bath with decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, succession, mint, valerian and celandine. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician;
  • do a little massage, pat on the back and head, then feed;
  • should not be put to bed immediately after eating. It is important for the baby to stay upright for several minutes so that excess air can come out with a burp;
  • to quickly rock the baby, you can sing softly lullaby, while stroking with light movements and lightly patting the baby.

Sleeping accessories

In addition to the fact that parents are interested in how to put their son or daughter to bed, they are worried about children's sleeping place and sleepwear. Some purchase a crib in advance, and some mothers sleep with the baby. Although co-sleeping is very convenient, however, it can be dangerous, because a tired mother can crush the baby at night, so it is better to accustom him to your bed. It should be moderately rigid, completely safe and hygienic. It is advisable to give preference to an orthopedic mattress, which sags slightly under the weight of the baby.

It is strictly forbidden to put children under one year old to sleep on soft surfaces, such as feather mattresses. Firstly, a curvature of the spine may appear on a soft mattress, and secondly, having buried his nose in a soft surface, the child may even suffocate. It is desirable that the crib was not varnished, because the baby, when his teeth begin to erupt, will gnaw on various objects, including the crib.

It is advisable to choose a pillow carefully so that it is not too soft, but at the same time fixes the head in the required position. An excellent option is a positioner pillow that holds the head in the position in which the baby was placed. Neonatologists recommend buckwheat pillows with buckwheat husk inside. They well repeat all the outlines of a small head and neck, allow the spine to form correctly. Also, this pillow gently massages the head, which improves blood circulation in the neck and head, which is a mild sedative.

Some parents do not want to use diapers, but modern cocoon diapers, produced with Velcro or zippers, are very convenient. They make it possible to very quickly fix the legs and arms of the newborn. This swaddle protects the baby from self-inflicted scratches and also prevents restless sleep. These cocoons remind the baby of the time when he was in the womb.

Clothing should be appropriate for the season, i.e. not too hot and not too cool. Best Option for newly born children - overalls with scratches, which do not restrict movement, well protect the skin from scratches and damage. It is warm enough for the child, such a jumpsuit is easy to put on and take off, it is convenient to use when the child wears diapers, it is suitable for boys and girls.