
How to recognize a witch by her eyes. A method for mathematically calculating a sorcerer by his date of birth and name

On certain days they appear at secret meetings called covens. They fly there on brooms, dressed in white decorations or completely naked. There is also a belief that a powerful witch can saddle a person and carry out her unclean adventures on him.

In ancient times, the word "witch" had a completely different meaning. It comes from the Old Slavonic Russian word “ved”, which means skill, knowledge. At that time, witches were experienced, wise women who knew how to cure various ailments.

But over time, the church instilled in people its vision of such a gift. Women with magical abilities began to be called witches, attributed to them a connection with Satan and burned at the stake. At this time, special signs appeared that indicated how to recognize a witch.

You can recognize a witch by her behavior

IN Everyday life a witch is not much different from other people. But under certain circumstances it can give itself away, especially in holy places. You can easily recognize a witch by the following signs:

  • On the last Thursday before Easter, you need to go to church with your clothes turned inside out. If you don’t touch anything in the church, after a while you can see a naked witch - she will stand with her back to the priest.
  • You need to take the candle that was blessed on Palm Sunday and bring it to Holy place and light it up. This method is very powerful and can cause a witch to expose herself by instantly turning herself upside down.
  • A rowan twig will help distinguish a witch from others. You need to take it with you to church and hide it under your clothes. This strong talisman will protect you from the witch’s energy and will not let you know who is watching her. This is how you can see a witch standing with her back to the altar and pretending to pray.
  • The witch is also given away by the fact that she also leaves the church with her back facing forward. And this can be explained simply - spinal cord witches cannot stand the holy spirit that comes from church icons and the altar.
  • You should be especially wary if a stranger walks around you in a counter-clockwise direction and then pushes you slightly. This is a secret gesture of a witch who wants to steal your energy and vitality. In such a situation, the main thing is not to be afraid, and to respond to the witch in kind by pushing her with your left hand. She won't come near you anymore.
  • You can recognize a witch by looking closely into her eyes. If this is a witch, she will immediately turn away from you, and her eyes will dart angrily.
  • A real witch can be exposed in a barn where cattle are kept. You need to hide there for a while and wait for her to appear in the form of a black cat or a frog. If you injure a witch in a visible place, the next day it will be clear who is engaged in unclean deeds - she will have a bruise or wound there.
  • It is believed that a witch has places on her body that do not have nerve endings. If you prick these areas with a needle, the witch will not feel pain.

Recognizing a witch by appearance

The behavior of a witch may not reveal her secret identity in any way, but if you are more careful, you can notice special features in her appearance that are unique to a witch.

  • True witches have a magical gaze - tenacious, heavy, piercing to the bones, directed deep into a person’s consciousness. It makes you feel uneasy, you want to run away, and your body is frozen by chilling fear.
  • Witches are attractive in appearance, with charming facial features, and very self-confident. But this beauty is permeated with something truly devilish. It is impossible to understand what exactly attracts, attracts and beckons about her.
  • The image of a witch necessarily contains some masculine quality - it could be a rough voice, tall stature or well-developed physical characteristics.
  • Real witches have very beautiful hair- thick and long. It is in them that her magical power is concentrated, and if they are cut off, the sorceress completely loses her power.
  • To find out how to recognize a witch, you need to pay attention to her clothes. Her outfit is dominated by dark colors, she loves to wear long skirts and bright, unusual accessories.
  • Witches have brilliant, light eyes, mostly green or gray-green in color. But the main evidence of a hereditary witch is eyes of different colors.

Witches have strong magnetism, after communicating with her a common person feels depressed and empty. Its power is especially felt by animals and people with a weak aura, who are easily hypnotized.

Identifying a witch by moles

Every witch must have the “Mark of the Devil” - a mole or a kind of spot on the body. During the Inquisition, it was believed that Satan marked his servants by running a hot claw over their bodies. Taking into account his cunning and insidiousness, only those moles that were located in hidden places of the body were considered “marks of the unclean”.

Indeed, most often these marks were located on hidden areas of the body, in the hair, on the inner mucous membranes of the lips, in the mouth on the palate, in the eyebrows, and on the genitals. Any changes to the skin inside the thighs, on the folds or under the arms were attributed to the marks of Satan, and the woman was recognized as a witch.

A witch’s mark can be either regular or huge in size, light brown or brown in color. To the touch, the spot is rough and dense, with an irregular, peculiar shape. When recognizing a witch, the birthmark must be pierced with a sharp needle. If a woman does not feel pain and no blood comes out of the wound, this is the main sign of a real witch.

Most witches have very large moles, their size exceeds the size of a 5-kopeck coin. These spots may be blue or reddish in color and concentrated on the left side of the body. This arrangement of the “Mark of the Devil” creates a powerful negative energy field and brings the witch remarkable strength and magical abilities.

Calculating a Modern Witch

The modern witch bears little resemblance to the hunched old woman who takes milk from cows and makes it rain. Now this image is firmly attached to a woman who has magical abilities by nature. She can look into the future, tell about the past and influence the course of events in reality.

How to recognize a witch in the fickle modern world? Just take a closer look and many revealing features will be revealed.

  • The witch changes little with age, causing perplexed envy among her friends. The reason is the skillful management of one’s own energy, knowledge of the secrets of nature and the carrying out of mysterious conspiracies.
  • Such a woman has powerful sexuality and attracts men like a magnet. A witch can get any man and have complete power over him.
  • A witch often leads a lonely life, since she does not develop strong connections. Many men are wary of such a femme fatale and are afraid to connect their fate with her.
  • Psychologically, the witch is a very unbalanced person. She especially doesn’t like it if a person comes up from behind and touches her on the shoulder - she will immediately recoil and get angry.
  • Modern witches have many fickle acquaintances who appear out of nowhere and then simply disappear from her life.
  • The witch can talk to herself. From the outside it may seem that she is not herself, but in fact the witch is conducting a dialogue with her invisible interlocutor.
  • If a person has been in the company of a witch for some time, he may experience short-term memory loss.

The witch's house is always in disarray and chaos, although she often buys new things and furniture. Old books covered in dust, strange bottles with liquids and dry grass - all this is adjacent to candles and strange rare things.

To recognize a witch in reality, you need to trust your inner voice. They often go out into crowded places in order to feed on the energy of others and drain their vitality. You should be wary of talking to unknown woman, who peers intently into your eyes and asks strange questions on abstract topics.

Exposing a Witch

If you suspect a person of unclean deeds, there are many ways to check whether this is actually the case.

  • If a witch comes to your house, you need to quietly stick a knife or needle into the corner of the door. She will not be able to leave you until all sharp objects are removed.
  • You can put the knife under the tablecloth on the table. The witch will circle, rush around, come up with something, but until you remove the knife, she will not leave your house.
  • At the entrance, you can stick two needles crosswise. While they are there, the witch will not cross the threshold of your house.

It is very difficult to recognize an experienced witch. She can appear as a modern lonely lady of Balzac's age, a dazzling beauty or a beggarly old woman. Vicious people thirsting for wealth, gigolos and womanizers, spendthrifts and libertines fall into her network. But very often good, decent people also fall into the traps of evil spirits.

A person who is in the power of a witch always pays the maximum price. Both for dubious wealth and for vicious desires - for everything in this world you have to pay, and the price can be very high. Receiving his whims, he sells his soul to the Devil, although often, until his death, he does not even know about it.

The times when witches hid their gift have long since sunk into oblivion. Now witches are called psychics and clairvoyants, and their services are used without fear of the Inquisition.

Sometimes it feels like the woman with whom you have friendship or even love has supernatural powers. Usually this is not accidental, since such people have their own energy that can be easily felt. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether she is good or bad, because you feel awkward being around her in close proximity. For ordinary people It doesn't really matter how one becomes a witch. It's more important to know how to identify them.

Features of witches

These girls are distinguished by excellent health and endurance. At their core, they are ordinary people, but they have some of their own characteristics that you need to know about. There are light and dark witches. You should beware of the latter, because they know how to cause damage that does not return to them on its own. This dangerous people, which it is better not to cross the road. You need to know them and be in a neutral relationship with them, without using their services.

If you know a witch, her child will not necessarily be the same. This is transmitted through 7, 9 and 12 generations. It happens that women or girls learn black or light magic, but this does not mean that they are less dangerous. It is much more difficult to recognize them than a real witch who was born that way and did not become one.

How to recognize a witch

Many signs will help you recognize a witch, and you shouldn’t draw hasty conclusions based on just one sign. You need to see at least a couple of them here. Otherwise, you will find yourself in an awkward position if you make a mistake. Very important advice given by masters of esotericism - do not tell the witch that you recognized her, revealed her. A bad witch can take revenge on you, but a good witch will not help you. The light witch herself will tell you who she is, if there is a reason for it. They love to help good people who suffer due to some kind of illness, curse or evil eye.

The signs by which one can recognize a witch in a woman are external and psychological, hidden.

External signs of a witch

First external sign: special look. It doesn’t matter at all whether the witch is good or not, but her gaze will force you to look away. For some unknown reason, I can’t look at the witch for a long time. You start to get nervous and fuss. The train of thought is lost. It's not even magic - it's all about a very strong energy that pours out at you through your eyes. It can be scary, chilling or, conversely, hot and scalding. Not only witches can have this look, so don’t rush to conclusions ahead of time, check other signs as well.

Second external sign: heterochromia. Without scientific terms, these are the eyes. different color. Here, again, it’s 50/50. Either it’s a witch or it’s not, but with such eyes, girls often have a dual soul, and therefore a dual essence, one of which can be a dark “sister” - a witch.

Third external sign: red hair and green eyes. Many have heard about this. Indeed, many witches have exactly this appearance, but, again, one should not draw conclusions ahead of time. Try to talk with such a lady or just listen to your feelings when you are next to her.

The fourth external sign: beauty. To recognize a witch, you will need to appreciate her beauty. Usually, such girls or women are liked by almost all members of the opposite sex. Men constantly revolve around them. The most important thing is that you will not be able to say what exactly you like about them.

Fifth external sign: long hair. You'll never find a witch with short hair. Such girls will never cut their hair under any pretext. They contain a special power and a special meaning, understandable only to witches.

Sixth external sign: dark clothes. A witch, no matter what she is, will never wear anything bright or light. Of course, there are such cases in life, but they are rare. Witches also love various talisman stones and non-standard jewelry.

Seventh external sign: the presence of a large mole or birthmark. Since the Middle Ages, people have noticed that it is almost obligatory for a witch to have a mole in a hidden place. Some even call it the mark of the devil.

Eighth external sign: the witch is slowly aging. Even at 40 she can look 25, and at 50 she can look 35.

The appearance of a witch is not always something that you can absolutely cling to. Look deeper, more closely and more attentively. The soul is more important than the body.

Hidden signs of a witch

Special magnetism. Animals are afraid of witches or avoid them, and people do not always feel good after talking with witches. You feel empty. This is energy vampirism. If you know such women, then take a closer look at them: perhaps one of them will turn out to be a witch.

Loneliness, solitude. Men adore witches, but they are almost always alone. They like to lead a reclusive life and hide from the eyes of strangers.

Nervousness, frequent mood swings. This may be typical for many ladies, so you shouldn’t accuse every second woman of black magic. A real witch quickly loses her temper and quickly returns to normal.

Witches have many acquaintances, with whom she periodically sees. It often happens that you see a witch with someone, but then you never see that person with her again.

Witches often talk to themselves or hum something.

Their home is always a mess.

Witches love nature and everything connected with it. They keep flowers, herbs, and also often go out of town or live in rural areas.

The main thing in a witch hunt is not to get caught. Don't give the appearance that you are trying to find out something. This can make a good witch very worried, while a bad witch can cast spells on you.

Don't turn to witches for help. If necessary, the light witch will find you herself to help get rid of this or that problem. As for, for example, predicting the future, you can use the help of numerological fortune telling or learn on your own. On the other hand, let tomorrow be a surprise and a mystery for you. Sometimes there is no need to know the future. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Dear friends, you know very well that witches live among us. And we will try to give some practical advice to understand how to recognize a witch.

They are not embarrassed that now is the age of practicality and advanced technology: any time is submissive to magic. Every random person you meet, employee or childhood friend may turn out to be the one who, according to legend, is supposed to fly to Bald Mountain, spoil livestock and keep a black cat in the house. How to recognize a sorceress?

It is impossible not to pay attention to the witch. Dressed in the most modest attire, she attracts the attention of both men and women. To the main external features witches include:

  1. Eyes of different colors. Traditionally it is believed that people with this feature were conceived during a woman's relationship with an incubus. From such sexual contact, either magicians or witches are invariably born. As a rule, the eyes are “colored” green and brown. Very rarely the eye color matches, then they have a green-brown or green-gray tint.
  2. A piercing gaze. Even if the witch is in a crowd and at a great distance from a person, he will feel her catching gaze, feeling how an invisible energy thread is stretched in space.
  3. Physical imperfections. In extreme cases, witches are hunchbacked, lame, or have pronounced bald spots. But the appearance of the overwhelming majority of sorceresses is still more “forgiving”: usually there are too large lips or nose, an uneven little finger, and earlobes of different sizes.
  4. Large mole or birthmark. All witches are marked with the so-called seal of Satan, located on the lower back, on the genitals or at the hairline. It is a dense birthmark or large mole that can be pierced painlessly and bloodlessly with a needle.
  5. Flashy clothes. Sometimes witches disguise themselves and wear the usual outfits typical of most people around them. But even then, the witch is given away by large jewelry, a desire to use black, red and green colors, and a dislike for natural fur. Whatever the witch wears, her image will be bright and memorable.

There are many misconceptions regarding hair color: it is believed that witches are exclusively red-haired (according to some versions, they are scorching brunettes). But in fact, among them there are fair-haired, obvious blondes, and brown-haired women...

Some witches practically do not change with age: at forty they look almost the same as at twenty. Others, on the contrary, turn into a different person over a couple of decades, and this is not about aging, but about a real change in appearance.

How to recognize a witch by behavior

If outwardly a witch can still adapt to ordinary people, then with behavior the situation is much more complicated: not everyone wants to hide her inner nature for the sake of an unclear goal.

Sorceresses tend to:

  1. It is easy to maintain direct gaze. They do not care who is in front of them - the director of the enterprise or a deceived lover: the witch feels her superiority and understands that none of those around her are able to break her.
  2. Be calm and confident. The sorceress doesn’t care if they shout at her or make fun of her: she will only smile discreetly and return to her thoughts. Nothing can unsettle her (unless we are talking about really serious interference in the magical deeds of a witch, but average people are not capable of this).
  3. Act like an introvert. The witch will not be the ringleader in the company, but not a single gathering will be complete without her: the witch is always invited to any celebrations, because they feel an inner need to be next to her. But even in society, the sorceress keeps herself apart, not trying to maintain contact with anyone.
  4. Disappear periodically. Each witch has her own rhythm of life, but it necessarily includes periodic disappearances from the sight of acquaintances. At this time her phone is switched off social media are silent, and all kinds of messengers are forgotten. Nobody knows what happened, but the witch returns. And an attentive person will notice changes that have occurred in her: her eyes take on a different shade or a strange spot appears on her hand.
  5. Speak prophetic words. Of course, this is how they appear only to the average person. The witch does not prophesy - she charges the space with the necessary energy, as a result of which events voiced by the witch occur. After quarrels with the sorceress, the second party to the conflict invariably fulfills the will of the witch: for example, what is said: “Go underground!” will come true very soon when a person inadvertently steps on a poorly closed sewer hatch.

Each witch has its own character and can have exclusively personal behavioral “notes”. But in any case, all the actions of the sorceress are clothed in her powerful charisma, obvious to everyone.

If you would like to supplement the article with your own observations from life, write them in the comments to the article. This way we will collect more information and be more aware of what how to recognize a witch.

And also share information with your friends, maybe among your circle you will recognize such a mysterious person;)


On the eve of All Saints' Day and the Slavic witchcraft night, we offer to teach you how to distinguish a witch in a crowd and protect yourself from evil spirits.

Modern fortune tellers and healers note an alarming trend: the majority of those who turn to them for services are in a state of depression.

"The main problem modern people- this is stress. People are afraid. There are a lot of fears and hysterics. Many are “inflated” by predictions about the upcoming apocalypse in 2012, they are worried about too harsh winters and abnormally hot summers - they see all this as a bad sign. People want to hear kind words that everything will be fine,” says Chelyabinsk healer and psychologist Tatyana Shekhar.

According to her, this year the main problem of Chelyabinsk residents was the family crisis. “There are times when nothing foreshadows trouble, and suddenly a strong couple falls apart. The whole reason is men. You know, our men have Lately, the roof goes completely off the rails, they go crazy. This is caused by instability, lack of opportunity to earn money, support their family, and they have no confidence in the future.

As a result, the husband finds his “third fiddle” - and this, as a rule, is not his mistress, because she also needs to be supported. Men go into spiritual movements, religious sects, etc. But a woman has nowhere to go - she has a house on her shoulders, children who need to be dressed, fed, taught. Men can’t keep up with all this, they are completely lost, especially in the modern information flow,” notes Tatyana Shekhar.

The healer also claims that, given all of the above, the once popular orders for love spells have lost their relevance today: “People have no time for this now, it’s just ridiculous.”

But the healer takes witches and evil spirits seriously: despite the development high technology V modern society there are plenty of them.

They're everywhere

How to spot a witch? The Internet, which knows everything, offers a lot of ways: one of the signs of witchcraft is considered to be an averted gaze - witches do not like to look into a person’s eyes. There shouldn't be any moles on the witch's body or, on the contrary, there should be huge birthmarks. Inappropriate behavior, eccentricities, a black cat living in the house - all these are also signs of a witch. True, in this way more than half of the female population can be classified as witches.

Here is another option: “The witch is a young, sexually attractive woman of 20-24 years old, dressed flashily and impressively - in all black. Black color definitely dominates. The clothes are fashionable and obviously expensive. In 7 out of 10 cases, a modern witch is a brunette with short hair. As an option - brown-haired. Eye color is also an indicator.

The right sign is green eyes; further (descending): black, gray, brown. Blue ones are unlikely anymore. Clever look... yes, of course. Involvement in higher education as an element of appearance. You can easily find some bohemian notes and signs of wealthy origin. Usually it quickly becomes clear that in front of you is a capricious, capricious creature with its own mind... who is nevertheless very intriguing.”

Tatyana Shekhar claims that a witch can indeed be distinguished by appearance, but age, hair color and clothing have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Witches can carry both positive and negative charges. It turns out that “positive” witches also exist. For example, among the ancient Slavs, women who raised 16 children were considered such. People believed that such a mother knew a lot and could help with wise worldly advice. The prototype of such a woman can be considered, for example, the heroine of Russian fairy tales - Vasilisa the Wise.

She knows how to see the truth in a person and can predict how events will develop in a person’s life. These are very clean, usually religious women who refuse to help anyone; talking with her has a psychotherapeutic - calming effect. They prefer healthy food.

An “evil” witch can be easily identified by a shifting gaze, an unbalanced psyche, unkempt clothing, and even unpleasant smell. She often avoids direct gaze, may hide her eyes behind glasses, and generally prefers food with an unpleasant, pungent odor. Unlike the “positive” witch, she does not reassure, does not calm, but intimidates the “client”. The fact is that such a witch “feeds” negative emotions: fear, despair, grief.

“They escalate the situation, use intimidation, demand that you ‘give up’ your emotions, and in return promise imaginary wealth and power,” says Shekhar.

The healer notes that there are a lot of “evil” people in government bodies - the State Duma, the government, among local officials, as well as in show business. There are very few “whites” in these areas - officials, deputies, showmen, as a rule, are busy solving personal problems and material enrichment, and they no longer have the energy and time for spiritual development.

By the way, to see a witch or sorcerer, just look in the mirror: every person has unusual, mystical abilities, healers are sure. According to Shekhar, we're talking about about the so-called “mystical perfections”: the ability to read thoughts, change sizes, move in space, materialize objects, etc.

“A person once possessed these skills, but forgot. Modern life offers him “crutches” in the form of comfort, mobility: cars, Cell Phones, etc. As a result, these qualities atrophied. We do not develop them because it is not profitable, it costs nothing - you can use modern means progress. We have lost divine possibilities, but they were described in Russian fairy tales - this is where the storehouse of cosmogenesis lies,” says Shekhar.

However, experts do not advise developing witchcraft abilities on your own: the energy can get out of control and cause trouble. Or maybe they are just afraid of competition?

How to protect yourself from an evil spirit? Wash the floor and take a bath

Evil spirits exist. Don't believe me? Then remember, did sudden fatigue come upon you? Did you experience any strange irritation? Psychics attribute this to the influence of evil spirits. Man with special abilities can recognize people who have been visited by evil spirits by the gray haze and spots on their faces. After some time, the spots may disappear. Everyone else will have to be guided by personal feelings.

“It’s enough to eat meat, and without rinsing your mouth after that, go outside. After some time, you will feel tired, drowsy, irritable. The fact is that there are food residues left in your mouth. And any dirt, impurity attracts evil spirits. They “feed” on such pollution. Therefore, in order not to attract them, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and personal hygiene: take a shower twice a day, wash your hands with soap, wear clean clothes and underwear.”

You can, of course, as grandmothers advise, paint the door in Blue colour, put two needles crosswise under the doormat, hang a bag of salt or a bell on the door handle, put shells, pebbles and pieces of glass or a red tomato on the windowsill, but Tatyana Shekhar believes that it is enough to simply keep the home clean and tidy, so as not to attract evil forces.

By the way, demons also “feed” on negative emotions: when there is abuse in the family, there are constant conflicts. As a rule, evil spirits constantly live in the homes of drug addicts and drunkards. Evil spirits can make a person sick. Everything can start with nervous disorder. Then a person quickly gets used to uncleanliness and disorder. “Notice that all crazy people look bad - dirty, smelly. And you can’t force them to wash, they are afraid of water,” says Tatyana Shekhar.