
How to run 3 km in 10 minutes. Learning to run long distances

Hello, dear readers! Are you not running yet? – Then I’m coming to you! And if you run, then all the more I walk. What does a 3 km running training program consist of? It turns out that if you do this correctly, you can easily take first place in local competitions and higher. It all depends on your goal. For trained people, this is the optimal jog, for example, in the morning. Many people try to do this, but not everyone succeeds, even with large quantities effort. And the secret is not in quantity - but in applying them correctly. And this will be discussed in the article. Are you at the start? - Then let's begin!

About running standards

To have something to strive for, let's start with the world record in the 3 km run. For men, the record was set by Kenyan Daniel Komen (1996). He ran the distance in 7:20.67 minutes! For women, the record holder was Chinese Wang Junxia (1993). Her result is 8.06.11 minutes! For comparison: it is believed that any physically developed but poorly trained man 16-25 years old should run this distance in 13 minutes. This is a kind of “viability” test.

These running parameters are the average distance in athletics. Now Olympic Games it is not included, but it is very popular in various other competitions. Of course, there are standards for running 3 km sports categories. For men: III – 10.20, II – 9.30, I – 8.55. For women: III – 12.30, II – 11.25, I – 10.30. For high school boys, the standard “excellent” is 12.20.

As for the TRP standards, they are only for men and depend on age. 16-17 years old – 13.10, 18-24 years old – 12.30, 25-34 years old – 12.50, 35-39 years old – 13.10. For those who are 40 and older, the cross-country race will be counted if they reach the finish line - no matter in what time.

Standards in the army depend on the type of troops. State security special forces units should be the fastest - 11 minutes. Behind them are the airborne troops: 12.30.

There is something to strive for, friends! Regardless of what your current result is. And to improve it, you need to train properly.

It turns out to cover 3 thousand meters non-stop - this is already good. To run faster, learn to breathe correctly, master running technique, and approach strength training, interval training, and competitions wisely.

But first things first. Let's start with the important presets:

  1. If you smoke, you need to quit. Otherwise yours respiratory system will not cope with the task.
  2. Down with excess weight, he is also useless. It will only provide additional stress on the heart, blood vessels, and joints. Those whose body mass index is not higher than 30 can run 3 thousand meters without harm to their health. If you exercise, the weight will, of course, decrease. By completing the route in 16 minutes, you will burn 450-500 calories. Start eating rationally and balanced.
  3. Clothes should be comfortable, shoes suitable for cross-country.
  4. Start running calmly for short distances, gradually increasing the pace and distance.
  5. Exercise whenever it is convenient for you, morning or evening. The main thing is “don’t skimp.”
  6. Build endurance. Cardio exercises are suitable for this, for example, on an exercise bike, walking, cycling, swimming. Forget about transport, elevators, sofa wallowing. Be active and walk a lot. Fast downhill movement develops endurance well. You can alternate between level movement (40 minutes) and uphill walking (20 minutes).

Program for newbies

Set yourself a task, get on the treadmill and go. For example, you want to cover 3 km in 15 minutes. To do this, try training for at least 2 months 3 times a week.


  • Lesson 1 – 5000 m run;
  • Lesson II – distance 1000 m. Do three approaches with a rest of 60 seconds;
  • Lesson III - repeat the first.

Running during training should be fast. Do exercises and walking as quickly as possible.

For intermediate level

Have you reached your goal and are wondering how to run 3 km faster? To achieve a result of 13 minutes, you need to work more on endurance and increase your mileage:

  • I – 7000 m, pace – above average;
  • II – 1000 m. Three cycles, break – 60 seconds;
  • III – eight times 500 m each, alternating with a minute walk.

You are a pro!

Do you want to, but don’t know how to improve the score to 12? Start exercising four times a week, increase the intensity of interval training:

  • I – 7000 meters;
  • II – one thousand, four cycles with 40 seconds. rest between them;
  • III – 500 m, repeat 6 times with a break of 40 seconds. fast walking;
  • IV – 3 approaches of a thousand. Between them, do 30 squats.


There is no limit to perfection. Do you feel that 3 km in 11 minutes is within your reach? Get to work! Train 5 times, interval approaches are even more intense:

  • I – track – 5000 meters. At the finish line, immediately do a plank with push-ups 50 times: squat down, place your palms on the floor in front of you. Jump your legs back, take a position as for push-ups from the floor. Do one push-up and return to the starting squat position;
  • II – one thousand, we do three cycles with 40 squats between;
  • III – alternate 8 times: 400 m run – 10 times plank with push-ups;
  • IV – 6 sets of 500, walk quickly for 40 seconds during the break;
  • three times a thousand, between them – 40 seconds of walking.

When does doping make sense?

It is reasonable to use doping for 3 km running only when you have achieved the highest result and are not moving forward. There are special pharmaceutical drugs. But before that, study the list of permitted and prohibited substances so that you are not disqualified. For example, the prohibited list includes drugs, steroids, and anabolic steroids. But Riboxin is approved for heart support. As well as the fermatron vitamin complex.

The role of “doping” can be played by ordinary food and drinks. These are vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, dried fruits, ginger, honey, pollen, green tea, coffee (permissible caffeine content - 12 mcg/ml), freshly squeezed juice.

Two hours before training, you can have a snack with a vegetable salad or fruit, drink juice an hour, and throw a handful of nuts or dried fruits into your mouth 15 minutes. You can do the same before the competition.

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Running is one of the significant species physical training is not only useful for developing endurance, but also necessary for maintaining general physical tone. You don't have to set records, but everyone needs to stay in shape. It’s no wonder that physical education remains an integral part of educational process both at school and in other educational institutions, because physical health, strengthened by athletes according to educational programs, - the basis wellness person and, as a result, successful learning and normal performance.

Running is even more important for a certain category of citizens passing or entering military service, including military and similar educational establishments. Passing standards for running is a matter of principle and prerequisite receipts.

All the more important is the running of current employees of units of various law enforcement agencies, and especially for those who are just applying to serve in special and special purpose, rapid response and, in general, to replenish the troops of both the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. To defend the Motherland, you need not only to be strong and strong in spirit, but also to run fast, including over long distances.

Standards for running 3 km

3 km run refers to medium distances. It is taken mainly by high school students and students of higher and secondary educational institutions The standards for running this distance are passed by men. It is also taken in the army and within the framework of general standards for the GTO. It is quite obvious that for different categories standards will differ quite significantly. Let's consider the following categories of test takers and then analyze the standards for each of them:

  1. Pupils of 10–11 grades.
  2. Students.
  3. Those entering contract service.
  4. Active military personnel.
  5. Intelligence officers.
  6. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  7. Passing standards for the GTO.

Standard for 3 km for schoolchildren

During the race, boys receive marks according to the following time spent covering the distance (minutes, seconds):

  • 5: 10/11 grade - 12.40/12.20;
  • 4: 10/11 - 13,30/13,00;
  • 3: 10/11 - 14,30/14,00

For students, there is a grading scale similar to that for eleventh graders. It should also be noted that for different institutions of secondary, secondary special and higher education the standard may fluctuate slightly within +/- 20 seconds.

Those entering contract service in the Russian Armed Forces

For applicants for contract service in units of the armed forces Russian Federation, not related to special and special purpose units, the same assessment categories are applied as for students of 11 grades of schools and students of secondary specialized and higher education institutions, with the exception of men over 30 years of age, for whom the standard is considered to be successfully completed when covering the distance 3 km in a time not exceeding 15 minutes 15 seconds.

For active military personnel motorized rifle units, other units and units of the regularly active army, not related to special forces, special forces and airborne troops, the standard is 14.30; for the mentioned paratroopers, as well as reconnaissance officers and fighters of other special units, the standard is 12 and a half minutes.

Intelligence officers

For FSB and FSO employees there is a different scale for assessing the performance of a 3 km cross-country race: for officers and employees engaged in non-operational work - 12 and a half minutes, for operatives belonging to special forces - 11 minutes.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Police and special forces units belonging to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs must run a 3 km cross-country race in 12 minutes, riot police and SOBR soldiers - in 11.40. Thus, those entering service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs must know how to run 3 km in 12 minutes.

TRP standards

Passing the GTO standards for boys and men is also classified depending on the age of the participants.

For participants whose fields are marked with a “+” sign, the standard is considered successfully completed upon reaching the finish line, regardless of the time spent.

World record in 3 km running and achievements

Despite the fact that middle-distance running is not considered an Olympic sport, significant attention is paid to it, and aces in their field compete in it - world famous runners. At the same time, it must be noted that highest achievements achieved in the last century, no one is still able to repeat.

Outdoors, the current world record holder is a Kenyan named , who ran this distance with a time of 7.20 minutes more than 10 years ago.

As for the achievements achieved in the 3 km indoor cross-country, D. Komen also reigns here, covering 3 km in 7 minutes and less than 25 seconds.

Female runners were not far behind. Native of China V. Junxia covered this distance in 8.6 minutes back in 1993.

But the achievement in 3 km indoor cross-country has recently been updated G. Dibaba, which covered this distance in 2014 in just 8 minutes and 16 and a half seconds.

It should be added that running short distances not only an independent developed discipline, but also an important element in training in preparation for races long distances , it is important to meet the standards in middle-distance running and when preparing for competitions shuttle run, as well as sports not directly related to running, since short distances not only develop endurance (this is their similarity to long distances), but also train speed.

For those who set the goal not to set a record, but to receive a rank, you need to strive for the following indicators. For boys - 3rd youth category involves covering the distance in 13.20, the second and first - 12 and 11 minutes, respectively.

To obtain adult male ranks The standards are, of course, stricter. So, the 3rd adult category requires running in no more than 10 minutes 20 seconds, the second - 9.40, the first - 9 minutes exactly.

The categories of masters of sports among men are classified as follows:

  • candidate master of sports - 8.30 minutes;
  • master of sports - 8.5;
  • master of sports of international class - 7.52.

It is also worth noting that the figures given relate to running in open areas. To bring them into line with indoor running, you need 3 seconds for each standard.

A person strives for perfection, and this is not only about behavior and culture of life. IN modern society The sport has reached a high level and is slowly climbing higher and higher. Today it is fashionable to play sports, but not to follow fashion is stupid. Therefore, any novice athlete is interested in keeping up and trying to surpass people with similar interests.

The most popular sport, which millions of people on the planet have taken up in recent years, is running. Not surprising, since jogging does not require the purchase of a membership. Gym or expensive equipment. All you have to do is get a pair of sneakers, which are probably hidden in the closet, and go to the nearest park.

As practice shows, the first runs are difficult, and many people give up after a few attempts. If you are not a timid person, then I suggest you study a few points that will definitely improve your running.

Improving movement technique

An experienced coach will tell you that running technique must be learned from a very young age. This proves the importance of technique in achieving results. An adult can master the basic elements of technology alone in one or two months. If an instructor joins the training, then 4-6 lessons are enough.

It is worth remembering that there is no ideal running technique that would exactly suit every person, regardless of his height, weight, other anthropometric data and physiology. Each person is unique in their own way, and therefore technical training is individual for all athletes.

Mastering running technique involves performing exercises in place and in motion. In this case, the learning of each element begins with a smooth repetition with a gradual increase in the frequency of movements.

Hand movements in running, they are performed along the ribs in the direction forward-inward and backward-outward. The elbows are bent and form an angle of 90 degrees, the hands are clenched into a fist, thumb grabs the index finger. While working the arms, the shoulder girdle is relaxed, the neck is not tense.


There is a direct relationship in the work of the arms and legs - frequent movements of the arms encourage the legs to move faster. Therefore, an exercise to improve technique is to imitate the work of the hands in place.

Take the position: legs slightly bent at the knees, left leg one foot in front of the right. Right hand in front, left behind. Perform at a slow pace and gradually increase the speed of movements.

Leg movements are an important condition mastering technology. If the legs work correctly when running, then the athlete moves with high efficiency. Particular attention is paid to the height of the knees. For light jogging running with a minimal elevation angle is used, which allows you to save energy and run longer. If it is necessary to gain speed, then the angle of the knees becomes higher.

To simulate the movement of legs in place, I suggest trying two options:

  1. Start running in place, raising your knees high. Gradually increase the frequency of movements, involve the work of your hands.
  2. Perform a simulated run with minimal knee lift. There is no need to increase the frequency of movements; the arms work at the same pace as the legs. This exercise is called “wrinkling run”.

After trying to do the exercises on the spot, go outside and repeat in motion. At the first stages of learning a technique, it is necessary to control every movement performed and correct mistakes in a timely manner.

Increasing speed capabilities

When the famous sprinter Usain Bolt set a record in the 100 meters, his top speed was recorded at 44.1 km/h. Since then, this figure has been accepted as the best result of humanity in determining speed capabilities.

Sprinters use a wide variety of exercises in their training. We will carry out only the 3 most effective options that will help you get closer to the peak result of human capabilities.

  • Run in place. An exercise known to us that was used to master running technique. Now with its help we will increase our running speed. Get into a comfortable starting position and run in place with maximum frequency of movements, actively working with your arms. Knee height 90 degrees. Try to perform the exercise not only on speed, but also on technique. Continue for 15 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and repeat.
  • Run across the line. We need to mark the line in any convenient way (draw, imagine). Now we step over the line and back at maximum speed. Perform for 20 seconds, rest time is the same as in the previous exercise.
  • Running on one leg. A technically difficult exercise that will not only strengthen the ability to run, but will also increase our speed capabilities.

The exercise consists of running on one leg and moving your arms. That is, we always lift one leg, but our arms work as if we were running on two legs. Execution time is 15 seconds, rest duration is the same.

The correct execution of the exercises can be seen in the following video:

Extending your running time

What person doesn't want to be able to run for a long time? After all, this skill is reflected not only in sports, but also Everyday life. If you have the strength to run 10, 20, 30 kilometers, then running to the bus or going up to the 9th floor without an elevator will not be difficult.

There are 3 excellent ways that will increase your stamina and forget what fatigue is under light loads.

  1. Slow running. Surprisingly, to learn how to run for a long time, you don’t have to rush somewhere. It is enough to spend 30-60 minutes of your time jogging, but do it at a slow pace. The fact is that slow running loads our muscles more, as a result of which the total load is much higher. On top of that, a leisurely pace is the worst enemy of fat.
  2. Interval running. This method was used in his training by Gordon Pirie, who was able to outpace his opponents by half a lap in 800-meter competitions. The key is to change your pace significantly between kilometers. That is, if the first kilometer is covered in 3 minutes 50 seconds, then the second is 20-30 seconds faster, the third is slower again, etc.
  3. Weights. And although little time is devoted to training with additional weights when preparing runners, their effectiveness cannot be denied. By attaching special weights to the athlete's arms and legs, the minimum threshold of strength required for running is increased. In other words, weights help train exactly those muscles that are directly involved during running.

Pay attention to the execution of technical elements and never stop improving them. Get faster and return to the suggested exercises more than once. Learn to run for a long time and at the end of the most difficult day you will have energy for fun!


How to run one kilometer to pass the standards

The 1000-meter running distance is considered quite difficult, as it is fleeting and requires high endurance and good speed from the athlete. How to learn to quickly run 1 km in 3 minutes is of interest to many people. To achieve results, it is important to adhere to certain principles and train regularly.

Many people want to learn how to quickly run 1 km, since running has a beneficial effect on our body, improving blood circulation, stimulating material metabolism and improving overall tone.

As well as promoting lung development and strengthening the heart. Regular exercise helps you lose weight and improve your health.

In this article we will tell you how to learn how to quickly run 1 km in 3 minutes and provide a video for clarity.

1 km running workouts

Beginners always lack the stamina to quickly cover the distance, so training should be aimed at increasing running volumes - run cross-country!

It is recommended to run at a distance of 4 to 10 kilometers at a measured pace. You need to chase not speed indicators, but volumes. It is important to run this entire distance without stopping. If you run out of energy and have to switch to a walk, you chose the wrong tempo or swung too far.

To learn how to quickly run 1 km in a month, improving your results, you must learn the basics such as:

The most important!

Of course, if you don’t think about competing or passing the 1 km running standards, but just want to learn how to run 1 km faster, everything will be much simpler.

Depending on the time during which you want to improve your results, you need to run several times a week or daily.

If passing the standard is just around the corner, and you need to learn how to quickly run 1 km in a week, it is better to train daily to better develop endurance.

Acceleration in segments

You can move on to the second stage of training 2-3 weeks after the start of cross-country training. The time has come to run accelerated segments, and it is better to do this at the stadium, timing the time of completing each of the segments. The training program could be something like this:

  1. You need to run 5 segments of 200 meters at a speed slightly higher than what you need to qualify for the 1000 meter race. When resting between segments, you cannot stop, but need to walk 100-200 meters in steps.
  2. The running ladder is another effective and time-tested exercise. It is necessary to accelerate in segments of 100-200-300-400-300-200-100 meters, resting between segments for 2-3 minutes (we switch to a walk).
  3. Five segments of 300 meters at the speed you want to develop in a kilometer run.

This is a program consisting of sample exercises, but there are many others. You need to understand the principle of training, and then you can create programs yourself.

Fartlek is a cyclic interval run for developing endurance. Start your training with a cross-country run of a few kilometers and after covering the first 500 meters with an easy jog, speed up for the next 100 meters and then switch to a walk.

Having covered 50 meters and slightly reduced your heart rate, switch to an easy run and finish the cross-country.

Depending on your fitness level, the duration and speed of the acceleration may vary, and the recovery walking time may be reduced.

How to prepare for the 1 kilometer run standard

Two weeks before the test, for which you decided to learn how to quickly run 1 km in 3 minutes, you need to try to run the distance at speed. The running tactics are something like this:

  1. Active acceleration from the start to 30-50 meters, allowing you to take a comfortable place in the race and accelerate. During this period you will not lose strength, but you will be able to gain a few extra seconds. Next, slow down slightly and find a comfortable pace. The main thing is to slow down smoothly, and not suddenly stop after the starting acceleration.
  2. Once you find your pace, stick to it until the last segment. The point is to run most of the distance at a speed that doesn't drain you of all your strength. If you run too fast, you will run out of energy, and if you run too slowly, you will waste time. your body should tell you what pace is best.
  3. Approximately 150-200 meters before the finish, you need to accelerate, and 60-100 meters into the finishing spurt, giving your all.

During the last week before the test, you should rest well. You can train using this program:

  1. On the first day you need to run 5-6 segments of 100 meters at the stadium.
  2. In the second, run a distance of 3-5 km at an easy pace.
  3. Do a warm-up, but don't run.
  4. Run 4-5 segments of 60 meters at a speed slightly higher than you plan to run during the competition.
  5. Run 100 meters at speed a couple of times.
  6. The day before the test, do a light warm-up and do not run.

How to improve your 1 km running performance

To improve your athletic performance in the 1 km run, you will need diligence and desire. Exercise regularly, ignoring fatigue and pain. Remember the following rules:

  1. Try to run every other day so that your body gets used to the new loads. In a week, the chosen distance will be easier for you, you will get rid of excess fat and develop endurance.
  2. Buy comfortable sports shoes and change them regularly - at least once every six months.
  3. Warm up thoroughly before exercise to tone your muscles.
  4. Drink water during your workout to avoid dehydration.

Now you know how a girl or a man can learn to run 1 km in 3 minutes, so you can cope with passing one or another standard.


5 Ways to Improve Your Running Performance

1. I can't keep up my running pace.

If you are unable to maintain your running pace after the first 5-10 minutes, it may be due to insufficient “warming up” the muscles.

Your body needs to get used to the sudden physical exertion that running brings, whether you run in the morning after eight hours of sleep or after work after spending most of your time sitting in one place.

So it would be a great idea warm up before a run by performing warm-up exercises. You can also start your workout by jogging, increasing your pace after 5-10 minutes.

2. I don't achieve success in training.

If you're trying your hardest but not getting the benefits from your workout, your running program may be ineffective.

A suitable training program consists of various stages, aimed at optimizing your running pace and gradually improving your performance. In addition, such a program allows you to move towards a difficult but quite achievable goal.

Create your training plan with MYASICS.RU!

3. I feel sluggish while running.

Helpful advice!

When you run, you lose a lot of fluid due to sweating, which can result in dehydration. Even mild degree Dehydration reduces your endurance and performance, and also slows down the body's recovery process after exercise.

You need to figure out how much water you should drink. It's easy to know that you need to drink more water if your urine becomes more concentrated, darker, and comes out in small amounts.

One way to solve this problem is measure your weight before and after a run. The resulting difference is the volume of fluid that you need to replenish.

Keep in mind that your body does not retain all the fluid you consume, so drink about 1.5 times more water than the amount of fluid you lost.

4. I often get injured.

Running injuries occur due to many factors, and solutions are often not easy to find. However, you can rule out the most common causes of injury. The first question you should ask yourself is: Do your running shoes fit you?

Wearing shoes that are inappropriate for your pronation pattern, type of exercise, and the surface you run on can lead to injury.

Our experts at the store you choose will help you choose the shoes that best suit you based on the above parameters. They will study your feet and gait and give advice on choosing the right shoes.

5. I get very cold when I run.

Suitable running clothing is the key to a comfortable workout. If you are too cold or too hot, it will affect your results. That's why running clothes should help maintain a comfortable body temperature.


If you feel cold during the first 5-10 minutes of your run, this is completely normal as your body is still warming up. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions: and do not take off your clothes while jogging - this is the last thing you want.

When going for a run on a cold day, you can protect yourself from the wind and bad weather with the Long sleeve Windstopper Top T-shirt and tights from the same series.


Your top ten. training in the preparation scheme

Greg McMillan is a runner, coach and long-distance running physiologist.

For the past 2 years, Greg has been paired with the outstanding coach Gabriele Rosa, who has trained such great stars as Paul Tergat, Moses Tanui and Margaret Okayo. Greg is distinguished by his ability to constantly improve his techniques and teach himself.

Greg McMillan's personal achievements:

5000m – 14:55

10000m – 30:57

Half marathon - 1:10:28

Marathon - 2:31:58

in 2009 - winner of the trail marathon among veterans in the USA

Achievements as a coach

Coach of the US track and field team for the 2008 Olympics

Coach of athletes who participated in the Olympic trials in 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008

USA Track and Field Coach for the 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2009 World Championships

How to set a personal best on 10k

I have already run an incredible number of 10K races and trained countless athletes for this type of race. I discovered one exercise for myself and my athletes, by doing which you can improve your 10km time.

But this is not an easy exercise at all, and you may not be able to do it correctly right away, so you need to prepare and first work according to the preliminary plan given here. This plan, combined with basic training, gives you hope for a personal best.

The most best workout before 10K: 3 times 2 miles (1 mile = 1.6 km)

If you can run 3 x 2 mile intervals at the speed you would like to run a 10k 1-2 weeks before the event, you will be fine. If you have time, prepare yourself to do this workout. Preparatory classes in themselves are a very good preparation scheme for the competition.

Preparatory training No. 1: 6 X 1 miles

8 weeks before the race, include this activity in your plan: Run 1-mile intervals 6 times at the speed at which you plan to run the 10k. Between intervals, run slowly - jog, 3-4 minutes. Don't be surprised if this is very difficult for you.

Many athletes at this point may doubt the achievability of the goal, but trust me: you just need to complete this workout, handle it, and you will be ready.

Here's what I think helps: focus on your goal and don't try to do more than you should or faster than you should.

Some runners try to “overwork” by running the interval faster than the speed they are aiming for in the 10k, but this will not have any effect. Stick to a clear goal and maintain speed. Your task is to endure this training and bring it to the end.

Preparatory workout #2: 2 miles + 4 X 1 mile

Do it 6 weeks before your 10K race. Do this: First, run 2 miles at 10k pace, then rest for 5 minutes at a slow jog, then do 4 mile intervals with 3-4 minute rest breaks. This way, just like in the first workout, you will get 6 miles (about 10K) at the speed at which you planned to run the 10K.

Preparatory Workout No. 3: 2 X 2 miles + 2 X 1 mile

Four weeks before the race, training gets a little more challenging again. This time you start with 2 x 2 mile reps at your race speed. Again, each recovery run break between intervals should be 5 minutes. Then do 2 1-mile intervals with 3-minute breaks in between.

By this point, you should already feel more or less ready to compete. Your body and mind will be ready to cover 10 km at a certain speed, even with rest breaks. If, as before, you suffer too much already in the first interval, then your speed goal is too ambitious.

You need to reconsider it.

The world's best 10k workout:

The most important!

Once you've done all this work, you're ready for the main workout. I recommend doing it 9-12 days before the competition to allow enough time to recover before the competition. Start with your usual warm-up (in general, you should always do a warm-up). Then run 3 x 2 mile intervals at race speed.

Intervals should be separated by 5 minute rest periods. Prepare for this workout the same way you would prepare for race day. Eat well the day before your event, drink plenty of water, and wear the same clothes, shoes and equipment you plan to take to the competition.

Try to also do this training during the time when the competition is planned.

Additional workouts.

Since you will be doing these workouts every other week, in the remaining weeks you need to do other important activities in the training plan. Do short intervals at maximum speed (200-400m).

If in the intermediate weeks you do short intervals at a speed that is faster than your race speed, you will find it easier to run a long interval the following week at a slower speed.

Here is an approximate schedule for 8 weeks to prepare for the 10th. In this schedule I only give the main workout of the week. The rest of the mileage you can build yourself depending on your data and habits. Follow standard scheduling rules, leaving a day off for a long run.


1 6 x 1M 3 minute rest between reps

2 10-12 x 400m, do 400m repeats at your best 5k speed, with 200m jogs in between.

3 2M + 4 x 1M between 2 mile repeats, 5 minutes rest, between mile repeats - 3 minutes rest

Helpful advice!

4 3M High Pace Run (5ka) One of the simplest methods for predicting your 10k time is to take your 5k time, multiply by 2 and add 1 minute. So, are you ready to achieve your goal of 10th?

5 2 x 2M + 2 x 1M between 2 mile repeats, 5 minutes rest, between mile repeats - 3 minutes rest

6 20-24 x 200m Run 200 meters at your 5k speed, resting 200 meters between intervals.

7 3 x 2M Rest 5 minutes between intervals

Aug 30, 2017 by vaulter

It's no secret that in recent years running has become one of the most popular sports. motor activity. In the morning and evening everyone gathers at the stadiums more people, in sports shoe stores there are smart-looking running enthusiasts, and around the world former runners are opening various running clubs and schools.

But there are also a huge number of people who, having barely started running, immediately stop doing it, because it turns out that the beginning of the journey is not as rosy and pleasant as many runners say about it. Shortness of breath, pain in the side, basic fatigue - all of this altogether discourages getting up early in the morning and doing laps at the stadium.

How to start running and not quit immediately after starting? To do this, you need to approach the issue of training wisely and step by step.

Each workout begins with a quality workout and ends with a cool-down, a cool-down is mandatory, because pressure rises in the body after exercise, and abruptly stopping the workout can lead to disastrous consequences for the body. of cardio-vascular system. It can all start with stress on the ventricles of the heart and end with a heart attack.

Before the training itself, it is better to do it first, because without it, when running long distances, you can harm your joints. Before running, you should not overeat; you can eat a little dark chocolate for the proper functioning of the body.

Speaking about running technique, it should be noted that here, too, you should not impose unnecessary stress on your body. Let's start from the top. It’s better not to shake your head too much and look at the horizon, while your running speed will automatically increase. The jaw should be relaxed. Bend your arms at the elbows and hardly move them, unless they themselves move by inertia when running. Breathing should be even, in rhythm with steps. As for how to breathe, there is no exact answer; everyone breathes in the way that is comfortable for them - it is developed automatically.
Some people inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouth, while others breathe only through their mouth. While running, you should not swallow saliva or spit it out - this can make you lose your breath. If there is excessive salivation, then saliva should simply be distributed with the tongue across the palate, but not spat, thereby not straining your body. To avoid a stabbing sensation in your side while running, you should exhale only when your left leg touches the surface, but if you still have a stabbing sensation in your side, you should press your hand on that side and, leaning in the same direction, exhale sharply. If, while running, an athlete simply begins to choke, then he should simply exhale sharply and his breathing will become even again.

Asphalt is not recommended for running; it can cause harm to your feet, knees, back, and more and more. A lawn or rubberized surface is good for running. In inexperienced runners, after one or two workouts, the anterior tibia, calf muscles, and thigh muscles may become sore. A good subsequent warm-up and hot baths will help solve the problem.

“Beginner” program – 3 km in 15 minutes

When starting the “Beginner” program, you need to reach a level of training at which you normally run a distance of 3 km 3 times a week with a time not exceeding 15 minutes. This program brings basic running skills to perfection. Each of the programs listed below is scheduled for a week. This week of the program must be repeated without changes for 6-10 weeks until the result necessary to move on to the next program is obtained.
Day 1: running 5 km at speed (this does not mean covering the distance as intensely as possible, but gradually improving the result).
Day 2: run 1 km in minimum time. A total of 3 repetitions, resting 1 minute between repetitions.
Day 3: 5 km run.

Program “I’m no longer suffocating” – 3 km in 13 minutes

This program adds quality training and increases your mileage. Before the race, be sure to warm up thoroughly and make it a rule to end your workout with a cool-down and stretching.

Day 2: run 1 km in minimum time. We perform 3 repetitions, resting 1 minute between repetitions.
Day 3: run 500 meters in minimum time. We do 8 repetitions, walking between them for 1 minute at a brisk pace.

Program “I’m on target” – 3 km in 12 minutes

This level of the program, as a rule, turns out to be the most difficult. The first two programs were only concerned with preparing the body for this work. The total mileage does not increase, since the proposed exercises are already quite demanding. In this case, excess load will only cause harm.
The “I’m Almost There” program contains so-called “interval training” - alternating high and low intensity intervals physical activity. In our case, this is changing from running to squats and returning back to running without rest. Alternating intervals allows you to work at the maximum limit of your strength and save valuable time.
Day 1: 7 km speed run.
Day 2: run 1 km in minimum time. We do 4 repetitions, resting only 40 seconds between repetitions.

Day 3: run 500 meters in minimum time. We perform 6 repetitions, between which we walk for 40 seconds at a brisk pace.
Day 4: run 1 km in minimum time. We do 3 repetitions, between repetitions squats without weight in the amount of 30 times.

Below is an effective 5000 m running training program: The program is divided into 5 levels to understand how to learn to run 5 km against the clock. Each level is designed for 6-10 weeks of training.

The initial levels develop technique and give experience, a feeling of the capabilities of your body while running, we gradually give exercises for running 5 km. If you think you are ready to switch to new level– it is necessary to conduct a control run, noting the time, if after it your heart rate does not exceed 80-90% of the maximum heart rate level, then this is your current level.
It’s easy to calculate your maximum heart rate using general formula: 220 - age. But it’s best if you do a cardiogram and consult a doctor before serious exercise.

Jedi Nursery Program – 5 km in 35 minutes

IN basic level, we assume that we need to run 5 km 3 times a week. At this level of the program you need to train 3 times a week:
1 day. We gradually increase the distance from 5 to 7 km. You need to run in such a way that you can easily cover the entire distance without stopping, without taking a step. Over time, try to run at an average pace. Strength exercises with an emphasis on the muscles of the legs, back, and core.
Day 2. 3 km warm-up run. 10 sets of 400 meters of running at 90% of the speed for a distance of 5 km, in no more than 2 minutes. Rest between segments no more than 60 seconds. 2 km for a cool down.
Day 3. 3 km warm-up run. 6 sets of 200 meters at maximum speed. Rest at least 3-4 minutes for every minute of running. 3 km for a cool down.

After 5–6 weeks of training, 2 days before training, you need to run 5 kilometers against the clock. Once you have a time of 35 minutes, move on to the next program.

Padawan program – 5 km in 30 minutes

This program focuses on developing basic endurance and strengthening your leg muscles. Without this, accessing other programs will be difficult and dangerous to your health.
1 day. Gradually increase the distance from 8 km to 10 km at an average pace. Strength exercises with an emphasis on the muscles of the legs, back, and core.
Day 2. 2 km warm-up run. 8 sets of 600 meters of running at 90% of the speed for a distance of 5 km, in a time of no more than 2.50 minutes. Rest between segments no more than 45 seconds. 2 km as a cool down.
Day 3. 3 km warm-up run. 6 sets of 300 meters at maximum speed. Rest at least 3-4 minutes for every minute of running. 3 km for a cool down.
After 5-6 weeks of training, 2 days before training, you need to run 5 km for a while. After we get a time of 30 minutes, we move on to the next program.

Jedi program – 5 km in 25 minutes

At this stage, it is necessary to develop the “explosive power” of the legs, and develop it to accelerate at various parts of the distance. To do this, we include several exercises in the program. These are frog jumps, high jumps, and full squat jumps. Technique for performing “frogs”: from a full squat, straightening up, we jump up, landing on our toes, and immediately take the starting position in a full squat. High jumps are jumps with the legs pulled to the chest from a standing position. Jumps in a full squat are performed without straightening the legs, by pushing both legs at the same time, the length of one jump is one to two feet.
1 day. We gradually increase the distance from 11 to 13 km at an average pace. Strength exercises with an emphasis on the muscles of the legs, back, and core. Jumping exercises - at least 30 repetitions of each exercise.

Day 2. 2 km warm-up run. 7 sets of 800 meters of running at 90% of the speed for a distance of 5 km, in a time of no more than 3:40 minutes. Rest between segments no more than 60 seconds. During rest, do 20 squats. Run 2 km to cool down.

Day 3. 2 km warm-up run. 5 sets of 400 meters, with maximum acceleration. Rest at least 4-5 minutes for every minute of running. 3 sets of interval running for 1 km - alternating 100 meters of acceleration and 100 meters of running at a slow pace, resting no more than 2-3 minutes between sets. 2 km for a cool down.
After 5-6 weeks of training, 2 days before training, you need to run 5 km for a while. After we get a time of 25 minutes, we move on to the next program.

“Master – Jedi” program – 5 km in 23 minutes

In this program we add one more training day for full and safe development without. We also include an exercise in the program.
1 day. We gradually increase the distance from 13 to 14 km at an average pace. Strength exercises with an emphasis on the muscles of the legs, back, and core. Jumping exercises, at least 40 repetitions of each.
Day 2. Warm-up distance 2 km. 5 sets of 1000 meters of running at 90% of the speed for a distance of 5 km, in a time of no more than 4:25 minutes. Rest between segments is no more than 60–80 seconds. While resting, do 15 burpees. 2 km for a cool down.
Day 3. Warm-up distance 3 km. 4 sets of interval running for 1200 meters - alternating 100 meters of acceleration and 100 meters at a slow pace. Rest between sets no more than 2-3 minutes. 2 km for a cool down.
Day 4 Warm up 2–3 km. 6 sets of 400 meters, with maximum acceleration. Rest at least 4-5 minutes for every minute of running. Strength and jumping training 1 day. Hit-up at 2 km. After 5–6 weeks of training, 2 days before training, you need to run 5 km against the clock. After we get the time in
23 minutes, move on to the next program.

Master's program – 5 km in 20 minutes

After this program, running 5 kilometers will no longer be a big problem, 20 minutes will crack like nuts. We monitor our technique throughout the entire distance. We try to run 5 km for time after 6-7 weeks of this program.
1 day. We gradually increase the distance from 14 to 15 km at an average pace. Strength exercises with an emphasis on the muscles of the legs, back, and core. Jumping exercises.
Day 2. Warm-up distance 3 km. 5 sets of 1200 meters of running at 90% of the speed for a distance of 5 km, in a time of no more than 5:15 for one segment. Rest between segments is no more than 60–80 seconds. While resting, do 15 burpees. Then 2 km for a cool down.
Day 3. Warm-up distance 3 km. 4 sets of interval running for 1500 meters - alternating 100 meters of acceleration and 100 meters of running at a slow pace. Rest between sets no more than 2-3 minutes. 2 km for a cool down.
Day 4 Warm-up distance: 2 km, 8 sets of 400 meters, with maximum acceleration. Rest at least 4-5 minutes for every minute of running. Strength and jumping training 1 day. Hit-up at 2 km.
In conclusion, I would like to note the most important thing that there is a benefit from every workout, always. Therefore, if we want to learn how to run well, then we just need to run a lot, go for runs in any weather, be it snow or heat, and go for runs. It is then that the result will make itself felt.
Don’t forget that you should always prepare for training by doing a good warm-up. It is necessary to remind about constant adherence to running technique and uniform breathing. If you strictly follow the provided algorithms, you can avoid many possible injuries.

Run with pleasure and be healthy.

The article presents material from the article by Chistova P.V., Sorokina A.A., Sokolova G.P., Litvinova V.A., Zuikova K.S. “TRAINING METHODS FOR LONG-DISTANCE RUNNING”