
How to develop a commanding loud voice for a girl. Developing a command voice

For clarity, we will call a commanding voice the authoritative and confident manner of speaking characteristic of real leaders. Each of us at least once in our lives experienced complete trust and a desire to obey a person at the mere sounds of his voice. This is not at all the same as simply yelling at a subordinate, scaring him and thus achieving what you want. In contrast, a leader's voice typically combines disarming warmth and politeness with a tone that is open to argument. You want to obey such a voice - that’s what it’s about main secret and the most strong point. Work out command voice Anyone can do it, but you have to work hard.

What is command voice and who needs it?

A commanding voice is almost always the result of focused and persistent training. speech apparatus And vocal cords, expanding the range of the voice, as well as intonation flexibility of speech. If such a voice is developed on its own, it is only in those people who, due to their occupational duties, speak a lot in a commanding tone. Examples are widespread among senior military officers, but junior officers often demonstrate a complete inability to command using vocal techniques. Due to their inexperience, they even try to copy the manner of senior officers, but they still scream and often break their ligaments.

Perhaps there is no area of ​​life or occupation where an authoritative and confident timbre would not be beneficial and useful. Developing a team voice will be useful for:

  • parents - you won’t have to yell at your children anymore, because you will learn to achieve obedience with one tone of voice;
  • school teachers, university professors and educators in general - it is the teacher’s voice and his manner of speaking that determines how carefully the students listen to him;
  • managers - everyone who has any people subordinate to them, be it lower-level managers, sales agents, waiters or a team of loaders, must have authority in the eyes of these people and be able to manage them;
  • insecure people - in order to change the attitude of others towards themselves, it is recommended to use a commanding voice, because it is a weak timbre that most often betrays excitement, confusion, confusion and lack of self-confidence.


A person’s vocal capabilities are just one of the physical characteristics that can be developed, like all the others. Timbre can and should be developed in in the right direction, combining exercises to develop a commanding voice with exercises to develop diction and expressiveness of speech. As a result, you will no longer speak as you please, but you will become the full master of your voice and will be able to control it as you wish.


You stand straight, your back is straight, your posture is beautiful - this is the starting position.


Take a few deep breaths in and out. If you want to yawn, yawn as hard as you can - this is an excellent articulation exercise.


Begin to draw out the vowel sound [and], carefully articulating it.


Through increased articulation, smoothly change the sound [i] to the sound [e]. It is followed by the sounds [a], [a] and [u]. The sequence of sounds is not random, do not break it.


Moo a little long on the sound [m] with your mouth closed - first very quietly, then louder and, finally, until there is noticeable tension in the ligaments. When mooing, the sound should vibrate in the abdomen area, find and feel it.


Grow long, loudly and loudly. Monitor the purity of the sound, pay attention to articulation. Play with words containing the sound [r]: rum, hand, growls, stream, etc. The point of the exercise is that articulation of the sound [r] in itself is a good training for vocal strength and accurate diction.

In this article you will find exercises, after which you will begin.

To open your voice

Your voice may not actually be yours. The reason is the clamps or the wrong way speaking (for example, using the same connectives). The exercises below will help you overcome these problems and discover your true natural voice.

Sound engineer

First, understand how others hear you. To do this, you can simulate a recording studio. Yours left palm will be an earphone - press it with a “shell” to your left ear; the right one will be a microphone - hold it near your mouth at a distance of several centimeters. Start trying: count, say different words, play with the sound. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes for nine days. During this time, you will understand how it really sounds and will be able to improve it.


To open your voice, you need to free your throat and transfer the main work to your lips and diaphragm. To do this, pronounce the syllables “qu-ix”. On “Q”, round your lips, on “X”, stretch them into a wide smile. After 30 repetitions, try making a short speech. You will feel that the ligaments are less strained, and your lips follow your commands better.


The easiest way to relax the muscles of the larynx is to yawn well. Do this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day and you will notice how blocks and tension in your voice disappear.


This exercise will help you discover the natural sound of your voice. Its essence comes down to voicing your exhalation.

Position: feet on the floor, jaw slightly open and relaxed. Start inhaling air, and as you exhale, make any sound. Do this without any effort - if everything is correct, you should get a groan.

When the exercise is performed correctly, the sound comes from the solar plexus. It is from there that you need to speak so that your voice is voluminous and expressive.

To make your voice pleasant

Three smiles

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but in compliance rules of three smiles. Smile with your mouth, forehead and imagine a smile in the solar plexus area. After this, begin to exhale with sound. Just 5 minutes a day - and your voice will begin to sound more pleasant and trusting.

Yoga exercise

This training is practiced by Indian yogis to achieve a deep and beautiful voice.

Position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. First, take a few calm inhalations and exhalations, then exhale sharply with the sound “ha-a.” The exhalation should be as full and loud as possible. In this case, the body can be slightly moved forward.

Long syllables

Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, say protractedly “bom-m”, “bim-m”, “bon-n”. Draw out the last sounds as long as possible. Ideally, there should be vibration in the area upper lip and nose.

A similar exercise can be done with the syllables “mo-mo”, “mi-mi”, “mu-mu”, “me-me”. But in this case, first pronounce them briefly, and only then protractedly.

Both exercises are best done every morning for 10 minutes. They will not only make your voice more pleasant, but will also help strengthen your vocal cords.

Long tongue

Stick out your tongue. First, point it down as far as possible, trying to reach your chin. Maintaining this position, tilt your head down. Then stretch your tongue upward, trying to reach the tip of your nose. At the same time, raise your head as high as possible.

To make your voice stronger

Sounds “i”, “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”

Exhale, then take a deep breath and on the second exhale say a long “i” sound. Do this freely as long as you have enough air. Do not force the air out of your lungs. Pronounce the remaining sounds in the same way: “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”. Perform three repetitions.

The sequence of these sounds is not random: they are distributed in height. Accordingly, “i” is the highest (activates the upper area of ​​the head), “u” is the lowest (activates the lower abdomen). If you want to make your voice lower and deeper, practice the “u” sound more often.

Tarzan Exercise

Complete the previous task, only now beat yourself in the chest with your fists, like Tarzan. The exercise is designed to fill your voice and clear your bronchi, so if you feel like clearing your throat, don't stop yourself.


This exercise activates the chest and abdomen. Exhale and inhale. On the next exhalation, begin to pronounce the sound “m” with your mouth closed. Perform three approaches: first moo quietly, then at medium volume and finally at very loud volume.


Raise your relaxed tongue to the palate and begin to pronounce the sound “r”. It should turn out “r-r-r”, like a tractor. Repeat the exercise three times, then expressively read about a dozen words that contain the sound “r”. Be sure to accompany the reading with a rolling “r”.

Chaliapin's exercise for tuning your voice

The great Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin also began every morning with a growl. But he did not perform it alone, but together with his bulldog. After training the sound “r”, Fyodor Ivanovich began to bark at his pet: “av-av-av”.

You can repeat Chaliapin’s exercise or, if you can’t relax your larynx, replace it with a villainous theatrical laugh. This is done simply. WITH open mouth As you exhale, you laugh evilly: “a-a-a-a-ha-ha-ha-ha-a-a-a-a.” The sound should come out easily and freely. At the same time, you can jump and beat yourself in the chest with your hands. This exercise will instantly clear your voice and prepare it for work.

Important to remember

When performing all exercises, you need to maintain the correct one. The stomach should be relaxed and the chest should protrude forward. However, if you keep your back straight, these areas of the body will automatically take the correct position.

Not only a person’s professional, but also social well-being largely depends on a well-trained voice, on clear and correct speech. Most people evaluate a well-produced voice as a leader and give preference to it.

Among the St. Petersburg businessmen who worked on their voice,
- General Director of the Bukvoed network Denis Kotov, author of the game DoZoR Ales Zhuk, creator of the School of Business Yuri Moroz, writes the Next application of the Delovoy Petersburg newspaper.

Until recently, experts believed that the characteristics of sound depended mainly on the vibrations of the vocal cords, the state of the larynx and the production of the voice. But physiologists Russian University Friendship of Peoples established that the announcer's capabilities of the voice, its pitch and timbre are influenced by the volume of the lungs and the patency of the trachea.

Participants in the experiment conducted by physiologists
did not master the art of proper breathing. Using special instruments, they determined the vital capacity of the lungs, the patency of the tracheobronchial tree, the frequency characteristics of the voice, the maximum time during which they are able to produce certain vowel sounds, and some other parameters. As experiments by Moscow scientists have shown, the voice spectrum depends on the volume of the lungs, that is, on the volume of air that a person can exhale, and on the total patency of the trachea and bronchi. The higher these indicators, the more fundamental tone is contained in the overall spectrum. And the share of high frequencies, which give the voice pleasantness and expressiveness, is naturally smaller. According to the researchers, it is the assessment of the patency of the trachea and bronchi that will make it possible to determine the possibility of voice training for both vocational training, and, if desired, learn to redistribute the frequency spectrum of the voice, achieving increased expressiveness of speech.

By the way, as for high frequencies, for example, Margaret Thatcher, on the contrary, she specially trained to lower her voice, which gave her speech greater authoritarianism. Research by English sociologist Anna Karpf shows that between 1945 and 1993, the frequency of voice vibrations of 18-25 year old women decreased by an average of 23 hertz. A deep voice is traditionally associated with strength, self-confidence, sexuality and the ability to persuade other people. Interestingly, successful women politicians have lower votes on average than others. The sociologist notes that consultants to businesswomen, as a rule, work to make the timbre lower, “chest.”

To help those who want to become bosses
Several years ago, a special voice processing system was developed at Tokyo's Hosei University with the assistance of a so-called genetic algorithm. The algorithm analyzes speech patterns of a person uttering certain phrases and determines how it needs to be transformed to obtain the desired effect - calm, masculine or cheerful. To do this, a sequence of so-called voice chromosomes is created, representing ways of possible modification of the voice. In this way, the system's developer, Yuji Sato, transforms expressionless bleats into clear, rich, and indisputable speech. The only pity is that the voice processing system cannot yet work in real time, but research is moving in this direction. And the existing version of the system can provide invaluable services when recording TV shows, as well as for “revitalizing” computer games, says the developer.

There is a whole set of exercises to develop if not a commanding voice, then clear and expressive speech. One of the most effective: read some text loudly for 5–10 minutes a day, but without consonant sounds. So, the phrase “Five exercises to love your voice” will sound like “I-u-a-e-i-o-y-o-yu-i-o-o-o.” Consonants act as a springboard, causing vowel sounds to vibrate. Re-read the same passage of text, this time marking the consonants. The voice will gain intensity of vibration and sound, while you will not get tired, and you will be understood better.

In this article you will find exercises, after which you will begin.

To open your voice

Your voice may not actually be yours. The reason is due to tension or an incorrect way of speaking (for example, using only the ligaments). The exercises below will help you overcome these problems and discover your true natural voice.

Sound engineer

First, understand how others hear you. To do this, you can simulate a recording studio. Your left palm will be the earphone - press it with a “shell” to your left ear; the right one will be a microphone - hold it near your mouth at a distance of several centimeters. Start trying: count, say different words, play with the sound. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes for nine days. During this time, you will understand how it really sounds and will be able to improve it.


To open your voice, you need to free your throat and transfer the main work to your lips and diaphragm. To do this, pronounce the syllables “qu-ix”. On “Q”, round your lips, on “X”, stretch them into a wide smile. After 30 repetitions, try making a short speech. You will feel that the ligaments are less strained, and your lips follow your commands better.


The easiest way to relax the muscles of the larynx is to yawn well. Do this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day and you will notice how blocks and tension in your voice disappear.


This exercise will help you discover the natural sound of your voice. Its essence comes down to voicing your exhalation.

Position: feet on the floor, jaw slightly open and relaxed. Start inhaling air, and as you exhale, make any sound. Do this without any effort - if everything is correct, you should get a groan.

When the exercise is performed correctly, the sound comes from the solar plexus. It is from there that you need to speak so that your voice is voluminous and expressive.

To make your voice pleasant

Three smiles

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but observing the rule of three smiles. Smile with your mouth, forehead and imagine a smile in the solar plexus area. After this, begin to exhale with sound. Just 5 minutes a day - and your voice will begin to sound more pleasant and trusting.

Yoga exercise

This training is practiced by Indian yogis to achieve a deep and beautiful voice.

Position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. First, take a few calm inhalations and exhalations, then exhale sharply with the sound “ha-a.” The exhalation should be as full and loud as possible. In this case, the body can be slightly moved forward.

Long syllables

Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, say protractedly “bom-m”, “bim-m”, “bon-n”. Draw out the last sounds as long as possible. Ideally, vibration should occur in the area of ​​the upper lip and nose.

A similar exercise can be done with the syllables “mo-mo”, “mi-mi”, “mu-mu”, “me-me”. But in this case, first pronounce them briefly, and only then protractedly.

Both exercises are best done every morning for 10 minutes. They will not only make your voice more pleasant, but will also help strengthen your vocal cords.

Long tongue

Stick out your tongue. First, point it down as far as possible, trying to reach your chin. Maintaining this position, tilt your head down. Then stretch your tongue upward, trying to reach the tip of your nose. At the same time, raise your head as high as possible.

To make your voice stronger

Sounds “i”, “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”

Exhale, then take a deep breath and on the second exhale say a long “i” sound. Do this freely as long as you have enough air. Do not force the air out of your lungs. Pronounce the remaining sounds in the same way: “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”. Perform three repetitions.

The sequence of these sounds is not random: they are distributed in height. Accordingly, “i” is the highest (activates the upper area of ​​the head), “u” is the lowest (activates the lower abdomen). If you want to make your voice lower and deeper, practice the “u” sound more often.

Tarzan Exercise

Complete the previous task, only now beat yourself in the chest with your fists, like Tarzan. The exercise is designed to fill your voice and clear your bronchi, so if you feel like clearing your throat, don't stop yourself.


This exercise activates the chest and abdomen. Exhale and inhale. On the next exhalation, begin to pronounce the sound “m” with your mouth closed. Perform three approaches: first moo quietly, then at medium volume and finally at very loud volume.


Raise your relaxed tongue to the palate and begin to pronounce the sound “r”. It should turn out “r-r-r”, like a tractor. Repeat the exercise three times, then expressively read about a dozen words that contain the sound “r”. Be sure to accompany the reading with a rolling “r”.

Chaliapin's exercise for tuning your voice

The great Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin also began every morning with a growl. But he did not perform it alone, but together with his bulldog. After training the sound “r”, Fyodor Ivanovich began to bark at his pet: “av-av-av”.

You can repeat Chaliapin’s exercise or, if you can’t relax your larynx, replace it with a villainous theatrical laugh. This is done simply. With your mouth open, as you exhale, you laugh evilly: “a-a-a-a-ha-ha-ha-ha-a-a-a-a.” The sound should come out easily and freely. At the same time, you can jump and beat yourself in the chest with your hands. This exercise will instantly clear your voice and prepare it for work.

Important to remember

When performing all exercises, you need to maintain the correct one. The stomach should be relaxed and the chest should protrude forward. However, if you keep your back straight, these areas of the body will automatically take the correct position.

A strong, confident voice is needed not only by the general, but also by all those who want to gain self-respect and achieve their goals. Many of us forget that the voice, like muscles, can be trained and developed. Only if, in the case of the body muscles, physical education is needed, then to develop the strength of the voice you will need breathing exercises and vocal exercises. In some cases, you will also need training to develop self-confidence, which will help your voice sound more decisive.

Voice development exercises give clarity to pronunciation, expand the range, make modulation more expressive, and add melody and purity. To achieve a sustainable effect, exercises should be done regularly in the morning upon awakening.

If we talk about a commanding voice that evokes unquestioning obedience from others, then it is a low voice that settles in the mind and makes a strong, indelible impression, giving rise to a feeling of trust and respect for the speaker.

  1. Stand up straight and, exhaling air, pronounce the drawn-out sounds “eeeeee”, “eeeeee”, “aaaaa”, “oooooo”, “uuuuu”. This sequence is important, because a decrease is observed from the highest frequency - “eeee”, which leads to more intense blood circulation, pronouncing “eeee” activates the throat and neck area, “aaa” - affects chest, “ooo” - improves the functioning of the heart, “uuuu” - affects the good functioning of the lower abdomen. The sounds should be pronounced 3 times.
  2. Next, pronounce the sound “mmm” with your mouth closed, also 3 times. The first time is very quiet, and the second and third time - louder, so that the ligaments tense, feel the vibration by placing your hand on your stomach.
  3. Growl, relaxing your tongue and pressing its tip to the roof of your mouth. When you learn to work with the “r” sound, your voice will gain additional strength and energy, and you will develop a commanding voice. Say from time to time a set of words that begin and include the sound “r”: rudder, rum, rhythm, river, ditch, cheese, frost.
  4. Also, to make your voice really strong, do the “Tarzan” exercise, which serves as a kind of prevention colds: Stand up straight, exhale, take a deep breath, clench your hands into fists and beat your chest with your hands. This way you will free the bronchi from mucus and your voice will sound louder and more confident.

It's hard to imagine beautiful speech and a successful speaker without clear diction. To add intelligible speech, the school of stage speech offers a program for working on sound production, correct breathing, articulation and “activity” of speech.