
Classic meringue recipe at home. Meringue step-by-step recipe with video and photos – French cuisine: pastries and desserts

Meringue is a dessert originally from France, whose unique taste has become a real discovery for world gourmets.

It would seem that such a culinary miracle cannot be prepared at home.

However, we will debunk this myth. A little skill, a minimum of ingredients, a few secrets and you will get excellent meringue without leaving your own kitchen.

A simple meringue recipe at home

Remember: the result will depend on how well you beat the egg whites and sugar.

Let's move on to preparing the recipe with visual photos.

First, separate the yolks from the whites.

Try to do this conscientiously; not a single yellow drop should fall into the future dessert.

Place the egg whites in a prepared, completely dry container and begin beating them.

Gradually add sugar to the whites and continue beating.

First, the mixer should be running at high speed. As soon as the mass begins to acquire a characteristic thickness, slow down the speed.

Thus, beat everything until it becomes a thick cream. It is important that the mass has a sufficiently strong structure and does not fall down from the mixer.

Using a special attachment, place the mixture on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in a still cold oven. Only after this turn on the oven to 100 degrees and wait an hour.

Afterwards, reduce the temperature to 60. This way the dessert will dry out and have a delicate, airy structure.

French dessert is ready!

We invite you to watch how to bake meringue at home in the video:

Preparing a delicious steamed dessert

Did you know that housewives turn out doubly better and tastier meringues cooked in a water bath? No? There is a chance to be sure.

To do this you need to collect all the ingredients:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 180 gr. sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 50 gr. nuts

So, how to cook steamed meringue at home? Start by separating the yolks from the whites, as in the classic recipe.

Then place the glass bowl on water bath, add the egg whites and sugar and start beating until the mixture reaches the desired consistency. Typically this process takes about 10 minutes.

Remove the bowl from the water bath and add a couple drops of vanilla and chopped nuts. Mix well.

Line a baking tray with paper and carefully spoon the resulting mixture onto it. Turn on the oven to 130 degrees and place the meringue for 1.5 hours. If you have a gas oven, the temperature should not exceed 110 degrees.

Has time passed? Meringue is ready to delight the eyes and taste buds!

Homemade meringue options with fruit

It’s hard to deny yourself such a pleasure as light meringues with fruit. Enterprising chefs add a lot of things as fillings to satisfy the gastronomic needs of those around them.

We picked two for sure delicious recipes delicate dessert with fruit.

With cranberries

The recipe for this dessert is not much different from classic meringue. But there is a twist in it (more precisely, a berry), which gives it an amazing taste and aroma.

You understood correctly, this is a cranberry. Minimum ingredients required:

  • 4 eggs;
  • A glass of sugar or powdered sugar;
  • A couple of drops of vanilla essence;
  • Cranberry.

Make meringue according to the standard recipe: carefully separate the yolks, beat the whites with sugar, then add vanilla essence to eliminate the smell of eggs.

Wash the cranberries thoroughly and dry. Place the future meringue on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Top it with cranberries, melting them a little in the cream. The more cranberries, the richer the result will be.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet in it. The meringues are baked for about 20-30 minutes, after which the oven is turned off and its door is opened slightly. This way you will give the dessert the opportunity to dry out and regain its famous airiness.

Delicious meringue with cranberries is ready!

With strawberry

You can hardly pass by the attractive baskets filled with strawberries. We bring to your attention a simple meringue recipe that will quickly become part of your standard recipe book for delicious desserts.

You will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 gr. fine sugar and powder;
  • Strawberry.

First of all, beat the whites with fine sugar, as in the standard recipe.

It is important that the mass is of the correct consistency. It’s easy to check: place a teaspoon in a bowl, it shouldn’t fall.

Place the finished mixture into a pastry syringe with a star attachment and form into kind of baskets on baking paper. Place in the oven for an hour and bake at 150 degrees.

After the time has passed, do not remove the meringue. Just turn off the oven and wait another 40 minutes so that the meringue does not lose its shape and structure.

At this time, wash the strawberries, dry them, and cut them into small slices. Place the strawberry filling into the resulting baskets and sprinkle a small amount of powdered sugar on top.

The meringue is best served immediately, before the strawberry juice has time to penetrate into the middle of the dessert.

And in the video below you will see how to make colored meringue at home:

Attractive Chocolate Brownies Recipe

This amazingly simple recipe for making chocolate meringue is suitable for housewives who love to delight their households and guests with home-made delicacies.

There are only three ingredients in the recipe:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 200 gr. sugar or powdered sugar;
  • Chocolate bar 150 gr.

First, melt the chocolate using a double boiler.

While it cools, separate the yolks from the whites, then beat the latter into a thick foam.

Add sugar and beat until the mixture reaches the desired consistency (it should not fall out of the mixer).

Carefully pour the cooled chocolate into the cream and mix everything with a few quick movements.

Spoon onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and place in the oven for an hour at 130 degrees.

Has time passed? Without touching the meringue, turn off the oven and open it slightly so as not to disturb the structure.

After 40-50 minutes, the meringue is ready to serve for tea.

We offer you a video on making chocolate cakes:

How to prepare cream for a French dessert?

Preparing an airy dessert couldn't be easier. But how can you make its unique taste even better?

We have the answer - make meringue cream. For a simple buttercream you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. milk and the same amount of sugar;
  • 200 gr. butter.

Heat the milk in a saucepan. Then add 4 tablespoons of sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

During this time, separate the yolks into a separate container and beat them thoroughly. You also need to pour in the resulting milk, stirring so that the yolks do not curdle and unnecessary lumps do not form. Beat well.

Return the egg mass back to the saucepan, heat and stir until it forms thick sour cream or condensed milk. Refrigerate.

While the custard is preparing, beat the softened butter until smooth. Add the mixture from the saucepan and mix well again. Cool by placing in the refrigerator.

Apply the resulting cream to the side of one meringue and attach the second to it. Bright, positive emotions are guaranteed to all guests!

Baking various goodies is so interesting, right? Therefore, we have prepared another “delicious” article for you. We are sure that this pastry will win your love, well, definitely the first time!

We invite you to come in and learn how to prepare real custard, following all the rules. Then it can be used in any baked goods and favorite desserts.

We will tell you all the secrets of making aromatic coffee. If you love this invigorating drink, then you definitely need to know them!

Of course, there are a number of secrets in preparing dessert that will help make the preparation process easier. Especially if you are doing this for the first time. We have prepared 7 tips that will become a real lifesaver in the kitchen.

  1. If you need to perfectly separate the white from the yolk, but don’t have special tools at hand, it doesn’t matter, grandma’s old method has never failed anyone. Pierce the egg on both sides with a thick needle or awl. This way the white will come out and the yolk will remain inside the shell. You can also use a paper funnel;
  2. Egg whites whip much better if they are chilled. Keep the eggs in the cold and you will be amazed at how easy the beating process will be;
  3. Never, under any circumstances, beat egg whites in an aluminum bowl. The dishes themselves must be clean and absolutely dry;
  4. To achieve a good result, it is better to use fresh eggs. This is the only way to get a rich, thick protein mass;
  5. Add sugar in portions. If you pour it all at once, you risk getting a liquid mass;
  6. For a delicate meringue structure would be better suited powdered sugar. It dissolves in proteins many times faster and does not settle to the bottom like sugar;
  7. To make the whites whip faster and their structure thicker, add a couple of drops of lemon juice.

It’s still possible to make meringue at home, and you’ve just seen it! Knowing the theory perfectly, start practicing. The result will not be long in coming: a light, airy dessert to the delight of everyone around you will turn out in no time.

Dear readers who want to lose weight! Do you think these wonderful cakes are off-limits to you?

But no! Watch the video recipe for dietary meringue below. These meringues will definitely not spoil your figure!

The name of this delicacy is literally translated as “kiss”. Its composition is simple, like everything ingenious, but not every housewife can make the perfect airy, melt-in-your-mouth meringues. Below are all the secrets of meringue at home, various variations of the dessert with berries, nuts and chocolate, prepared in the oven and microwave.

In meringue recipes you can find flour, starch, vanillin, citric acid and salt, and the classic version involves using a minimum of ingredients, in the following ratio:

  • 2 squirrels;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.

Recipe step by step:

  1. In a clean, grease-free bowl, start beating the egg whites at medium speed with the mixer. When they turn into a light foam, gradually add powdered sugar until the mass becomes dense, stable and shiny.
  2. Meringues are not baked, but dried, so it is preferable to cook them not on a baking sheet, but on a wire rack covered with parchment. To ensure that the finished products adhere better to the baking paper, it should be greased with oil.
  3. Snow-white clouds placed on parchment are sent to dry in a preheated oven. If there is a convection mode, then you should use it. During drying, the door should not be opened, and the dessert should cool without sudden temperature changes - with the door slightly open.

Drying time and temperature will depend on what texture you want the finished product to have. For crispy cookies - 110 degrees and about 1.5 hours, for soft and delicate products - 150 degrees and about 50-60 minutes.

How to steam

French dessert prepared in a steam bath turns out much more fluffy and stable.

To prepare one of its variants with the addition of nuts, you must prepare:

  • 4 squirrels;
  • 180 g white crystalline sugar;
  • 2-3 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 50 g crushed roasted nuts.


  1. Place the bowl with the egg whites and sugar in a steam bath and start whisking these ingredients at the minimum speed of the electric mixer. After about 10 minutes, the mass will reach the desired consistency.
  2. Remove the whites and sugar from the stove and place in a large container with cold water, add vanilla essence, beat for a while until the meringue cools.
  3. Next, add the chopped nuts and mix gently with a spatula. Spoon small cakes onto the prepared baking sheet and dry at 130 degrees. When preparing dessert in a gas oven, you should ensure that the temperature in it does not rise above 110°C.

With strawberry

An airy dessert based on proteins and sugar turned into a meringue cake, named after the great ballerina Anna Pavlova.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 4 squirrels;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 15 g starch;
  • 210 g of powdered sugar (including 100 g for cream);
  • 7 ml lemon juice;
  • 400 g weighed sour cream;
  • 150 g strawberries.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix 110 g of powdered sugar and sift with starch. Beat the whites with a mixer, adding sugar one teaspoon at a time. Each subsequent portion is administered after the crystals of the previous one have completely dissolved.
  2. Following the sugar, add a mixture of powder and starch into the whites. The result should be a fluffy and stable mass that will not fall out when turning the bowl over.
  3. Using a pastry bag, pipe “nests” or “baskets” onto the parchment. If there is no bag, simply spoon out the meringue and use it to make a depression in the center.
  4. Bake the airy bases for about one hour at 110-150 degrees. Also leave to cool in the oven with the door ajar.
  5. For the cream, beat the weighed sour cream and add powdered sugar. Pipe or spoon cream into the center of the meringue baskets and garnish with chopped strawberries.

French meringue with cranberries

The sweetness of the French meringue is perfectly balanced by the cranberry sourness.

To make this perfect dessert you will need:

  • 4 chicken egg whites;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 2-3 g vanillin;
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • cranberries to taste.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Using a mixer, beat the whites until soft foam of medium stability, then add sugar and vanilla in small portions, continuing to beat until creamy. At the very end pour in lemon juice. This ingredient will hide the egg flavor in the finished dessert.
  2. Rinse the cranberries thoroughly under running water and dry them using paper towels. Before adding to dessert, there should not be a drop of moisture on the berries.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment and grease it butter. Using a teaspoon, place small round cakes (about 3 cm in diameter) from the beaten egg whites. Place a few cranberries into each flatbread.
  4. Bake the meringue for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees on the middle level of the oven. Then open the door a little and leave the dessert until it cools completely. Without a sharp change in temperature, the cakes will not fall and will remain just as high.

In the microwave

Meringues prepared in a microwave oven according to this recipe are no different from classic meringues, but the cooking process will take half as much time.

The dessert includes:

  • 3 egg whites;
  • 200 g fine granulated sugar or powder;
  • 3 g citric acid;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 5 g soft butter.

How to make meringue in the microwave:

  1. Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar mixed with table salt to the whites and start beating this mixture with an electric mixer at medium speed.
  2. When the sugar and salt have dispersed, add another portion of sugar mixed with citric acid. After waiting for it to completely dissolve, add the remaining sugar in the same small portions.
  3. Place the finished fluffy mass of sugar and egg whites on a microwave rack lined with parchment. Preheat the oven to 130 degrees, then place a rack with meringue in it and cook in convection mode for 30 minutes at the same temperature to which the microwave was preheated.

Homemade chocolate meringue

This version of chocolate meringue is not only devoid of the inherent sweetness of meringue, but also turns out to be a beautiful marble color.

The list of ingredients that will be needed during the cooking process will be as follows:

  • 2 squirrels;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 50 g dark chocolate.

Prepare as follows:

  1. Finely chop the chocolate with a knife and place in a tightly sealed plastic bag. Next, the chocolate in the bag needs to be brought to a liquid state. To do this, dip the bag into the water for a few seconds (no more than 20). hot water and knead the contents of the package with your hands. If you need to bathe in boiling water, repeat.
  2. Beat the whites with a mixer until foamy, without reducing the speed of the mixer, add sugar. A smooth, glossy mass should come out. Cut off a corner of the bag of chocolate and evenly distribute the chocolate over the whipped whites in chaotic strips.
  3. Using a silicone spatula, mix the egg whites and chocolate with a few movements from top to bottom, maintaining a beautiful marbled pattern. Place the meringue on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake for an hour at 130 degrees.

Preparing a “wet” dessert

Wet meringue (meringue) is used by confectioners in two of its forms - as a cream for decorating cakes, pastries, cupcakes and Easter cakes; in the form of oven-dried crispy cookies.

The recipe for this versatile dessert includes:

  • 2 squirrels;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 5 g vanillin;
  • 3.5 g citric acid.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Beat the whites until they form a medium thick foam, then place them in a water bath and continue beating, adding sugar little by little. At the very end, add vanillin and citric acid.
  2. After 7-10 minutes of whipping the meringue in a bathhouse, it will reach the desired density. After this, it should be removed and beaten for another five minutes so that the mass cools down sufficiently.
  3. The finished “wet” dessert can be used for decoration confectionery or dry in the oven and serve as an independent dessert.

Meringue on a stick

Bamboo stick and a couple of drops food coloring are able to turn an ordinary white meringue into a bright cake that is both tasteful and appearance It will appeal to big and small sweet tooths.

Ingredient proportions for the treat on a stick:

  • 3 squirrels;
  • 165 g sugar;
  • 8 g vanilla sugar;
  • a few drops of food coloring.


  1. Place the whites with sugar, including vanilla, in a saucepan in a steam bath. Stir the contents of the container vigorously with a hand whisk so that the whites do not curdle and the sugar is completely dissolved. The mixture is not whipped at this stage.
  2. As soon as you can no longer feel the grains when rubbing the mixture between your fingers, remove the whites from the bath and beat with a mixer until they cool completely. During this time, the mass will increase in volume, thicken, become snow-white and glossy.
  3. If desired, color part of the meringue or the entire mass, adding dyes at the very end. Using a closed star attachment, pipe the meringue onto a baking sheet lined with parchment and insert skewers or bamboo sticks.
  4. The meringue on the stick should be dried at 90-100 degrees for one to one and a half hours. To prevent the dessert from softening and falling off, it should cool in the oven with the door ajar. Carefully remove the cooled meringues from the paper.

The subtleties of making perfect meringue

Despite the simplicity of the composition of the dessert, there are several secrets on how to cook meringue in the oven:

  1. It is important that when separating the whites from the yolks, not a drop of the latter gets into the meringue, otherwise the meringue simply will not whip up.
  2. The bowl for whipping must be dry and clean; it can also be degreased by wiping it with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice. Do not beat egg whites in an aluminum container as they may darken.
  3. If the cakes contain starch and/or flour, then these ingredients must be sifted; this procedure will add fluffiness to the dessert.
  4. Sugar is added to proteins in small doses, only after the previous portion has dissolved.
  5. It is very convenient to prepare meringues in the evening, leaving them in the slightly open oven overnight, then in the morning you can enjoy the fluffy delicacy with a cup of tea or coffee.

These airy crispy cookies captivate from the first try. But it’s difficult to make beautiful meringues at home without experience. How to make them tasty and airy, well baked without drying them out. We recommend repeating the classic recipe in your kitchen, and then, having learned, begin to fantasize, adding new ingredients.

How to make meringue fluffy

Not every cook manages to prepare real meringue at home the first time. For some, the flatbread spreads over the baking sheet immediately after laying it out, or during thermal cooking it falls off, losing its original airiness. Some people, having tried it, do not feel the crispy base and are disappointed in the taste. If the cakes don't turn out well, it means mistakes were made during cooking. This dessert is very capricious. You may have to repeat the recipe several times to understand all the technology and come up with your most successful recipe.
How to make meringue at home has its own subtleties and tricks:
To make cakes, you should be very careful to separate the white from the egg yolk. If a barely noticeable small and insignificant drop of yolk ends up with the whites, it will not be possible to cook the mass in the oven with the desired consistency. Tip: work with each egg separately, and, if successfully separated, then combine with the already separated whites.

Classic meringues

For anyone who is interested in how to make meringue, we recommend preparing it first according to the classic recipe. Having understood the principle and technology, you can begin experimenting. It is important that after whipping at home the mass turns out thick and fluffy.

How to cook meringue in the microwave

You can prepare these cookies in the microwave in just a few minutes. True, it will taste slightly different from what was baked in the oven.


egg white – 2 pcs.;
powdered sugar – 2/3 cup:
coconut shavings - 1 tablespoon;
salt - a pinch.


  1. Combine the whites separated from the yolks with salt and then with sifted powdered sugar. Beat with a fork, hand whisk or mixer until fluffy and thick.
  2. Line a turntable in the microwave with a sheet of parchment. Place the cakes at a short distance from each other (they will expand as they bake) using a syringe or spoon. Do not place the meringue in the center of the dish, only around the circumference. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top.
  3. Set to 750 W. Cook for 1.5 minutes. After 5-10 minutes, leave the cookies in the microwave without opening the door. Done, you can try it.

How to serve meringue in an original way

Having learned how to cook meringue in the oven according to the usual recipe, you can begin culinary experiments. There are a lot of options on how to make and serve meringue in an original way. It will be interesting if you put the protein mass on wafer cakes and fill edible baskets with it. If you grease two meringue cakes on one side with jam or condensed milk, and then mold them, you will get an original cookie at home. You can put it on a pineapple or orange ring. After cooking small flatbreads in the oven, try making a small cake for dessert. You just have to whip up the delicious cream for this. It’s also worth imagining with the taste of cookies. For example, add candied fruits, chocolate, nuts, fresh berries.

You can make meringue correctly and then cook delicious and crispy meringue in the oven with the help of our recommendations and recipes that you will find below. When you hear the word “meringue”, your mouth starts to water; tender and light meringues will please everyone’s taste.

When buying such a dessert on the shelves of a grocery store, it is impossible to be sure of the composition and quality of this product, so why not make real meringue at home with your own hands? It won't be difficult at all if you follow the recipe. You should separate the whites from the yolks very carefully. The container for whipping egg whites must be completely dry and free of residual fat.

Step-by-step recipe with photos. Preparing meringue and baking meringue in the oven:


Classic recipe making meringue at home.

Take 4 egg whites and 2 cups of sugar. When whipping the whites, you need to add sugar in small portions until you get a smooth, stiff consistency. Place everything in small parts on a baking sheet and bake for 45-55 minutes (optimal temperature - 110 degrees). Remove only the cooled product from the oven.

For guests, you can prepare chocolate-colored meringue, with a crispy crust and delicate viscous content. How to make meringue with a similar filling at home?

Preheat the oven. The required temperature is 100 degrees, if the oven has a fan, set it to 110 degrees. Place 2 baking sheets covered with foil or parchment.

For 16 desserts, take 4 eggs, take them out of the refrigerator in advance to warm up a little. Remove the yolks, pour the whites into a clean container, beat with a mixer (not too quickly) until a fluffy cloud is obtained. Add speed to the mixer and add sugar with a spoon (115 grams prepared) this way: add a spoon, beat for 4 seconds, add again. Do not overdo it; when you get a thick mass, stop the process.

Sift through the powdered sugar (also 115 grams) and add 30% to the mixture, stir with a spoon, then add the rest in parts. Do not stir for long.

Spread the mixture onto a baking sheet. It is better to take 2 dessert spoons and use the other to correct the shape of the desserts, making them oval. An oven with a fan will bake the meringue for about 100 minutes, without it - 75 minutes.

The finished dessert gives off a hollow sound when you knock on it, and comes off the foil without any problems. Everything cools down in the oven. 1 serving contains 15 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein, no fat. The energy value is 60 kilocalories.

If desired, pour chocolate glaze over the meringues (mix 4 tablespoons of cocoa and sour cream, 6 tablespoons of sugar, 30 grams of butter). Another option is to add ground ginger to the mixture.

If some of the meringues are broken, use them as a filling for pancakes or mix the slices into ice cream. Coffee, mulled wine and fondue go well with meringue.

Now you know how to make crispy and tasty meringues at home with your own hands using simple recipes. Absolutely anyone can make real meringue, and the simple recipe allows you to prepare crispy sweets at home using ingredients that can be purchased at any supermarket.


Ah, meringue!.. Tender, crispy, crumbly or, on the contrary, soft, like cotton candy inside and with a crispy golden brown crust on the outside... Mmmm, pleasure! No wonder the sophisticated French called this delicacy “kiss” (from the French Baiser). In pre-revolutionary Russia, meringue was called the “Spanish wind”. It is also called meringue, and it is believed that it is more correct to call this dessert that way, because meringue is protein cream, and meringues are the same cream, only dried. However, let's leave linguistics aside and try to prepare this amazing dessert.

In general, the composition of meringue is simple, like everything ingenious: proteins and sugar. Sometimes nut flour, starch, but this is not so significant. However, a short list of ingredients does not mean that preparing a fragile dessert is easy and simple. Meringue is a delicate substance, capricious, like a spoiled lady, and can present many surprises and disappointments to an inexperienced cook. Therefore, before you open the refrigerator and take out a tray of eggs, arm yourself with theoretical knowledge of the subject and strictly follow the strict rules for preparing meringue, and then everything will work out for you!

You can prepare meringue in three ways. The French method is the simplest; it can be used to try to master this dish, as well as to make meringues simple shapes, without subtle patterns. The protein mass turns out fluffy, strong, but with clearly visible bubbles, so there is no point in planting masterly roses on a baking sheet, they will float. French meringue is prepared like this: chilled egg whites are whipped to a strong foam with a pinch of salt, then sugar or powdered sugar is added little by little and everything is whipped to the so-called “hard peaks.” This means that if you lift the whisk or mixer over the whites, they will not fall off and the sharp edges will not bend under gravity. The Italian way of preparing meringue is different from French themes that instead of sugar, rather steeply boiled sugar syrup is poured into the whipped whites. The syrup is poured in hot, in a thin stream, and beating the whites in no case stops until the entire mass has cooled. This method is ideal for making creams - boiling syrup brews the whites, and the resulting cream does not fall off. You can layer cakes with this cream, make pastries with it, fill tubes or eclairs, and decorate any dessert. In addition, cream prepared in Italian mixes perfectly with butter, while “regular” meringue flows from contact with fat. The Swiss method of preparing meringue is the most labor-intensive, due to the fact that you will have to build a steam bath. But the meringue prepared this way is the strongest, most stable and dense. From the steamed mixture you can make the most imaginative cookies, and they dry very quickly, faster than all the others, and you can draw beautiful complex patterns with it. The method of preparation is as follows: a bowl with whites and sugar is placed over a pan of boiling water, and the bottom of the bowl should not come into contact with boiling water, and the whites are beaten, first slowly until all the sugar has dissolved, and then quickly to form a thick, dense mass.

So, the cooking method has been chosen, and you are determined to surprise your guests with wonderful meringues. Stop for a few more minutes and remember a few very important rules, without which you will not succeed.

Proteins must be the freshest! Only fresh proteins are able to retain air and give a dense, thick mass.

. The whites should be separated very carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into them. This is done like this: over a separate bowl, break the egg with the blunt side of a knife so that the shell cracks. Carefully break the egg and release the white into the bowl. The yolk remains in one of the shells. You also carefully pour the yolk into another shell, the remaining white slides into the bowl, and the clean, undamaged yolk remains in the shell.

Try to break each egg over a separate bowl, pouring the whites into a bowl - no one will find a surprise in the form of a rotten egg plopping down among the rest of the whites pleasant.

It is advisable to grind the sugar into powder or buy ready-made powdered sugar in the store. The size of the grains will not affect the quality and taste, you will just have to beat the protein mass much longer, because this must be done until all the sugar has dissolved. Otherwise, the remaining grains will crunch on your teeth.

. When whipping egg whites, it is good to use citric acid - in powder, diluted form, or just lemon juice. Lemon acid diluted at the rate of 1 tsp. powder for 2 tsp. water. Citric acid is added to taste, sometimes a few drops are enough, but if you like a sour taste, you can add more, for example, a teaspoon of acid. Just don't use acetic acid, for heaven's sake!

Dishes and whisks must be not just clean, but perfectly clean, free of grease and any impurities.

It used to be that even a drop of water could ruin all efforts to beat the egg whites. Now this statement is being refuted by experienced cooks, and some even add a few tablespoons of water to the whites so that the dried meringues become especially brittle and dry.

Sometimes in whites before beating Then add a pinch of salt - it gives strength to the proteins.

If the recipe calls for adding a little flour, starch or ground nuts to the whipped whites, then the flour and starch should be sifted to saturate them with air, and the nuts should be fried and ground as finely as possible.

Baking trays for meringues should be covered with oiled or special baking paper.

If you decide to bake airy baskets, then draw identical circles on the back of the baking paper (circle the bottom of the glass), fill a pastry syringe or cornet with a smooth round nozzle and fill the circles by squeezing out the dough, moving in a spiral. Then, along the edge of the circles, pipe the dough in the form of a border in one continuous strip or often plant small stars along the edge. After baking and cooling, fill the resulting baskets with cream or jam.

. To obtain even cakes reverse side paper, draw a circle or rectangle of the desired size with a pencil, then put the dough into a pastry syringe or cornet and pipe the meringue along the drawn contour, moving in a spiral. You can start from the center, or you can start from the edges, it doesn’t matter.

In order to remove the meringue cakes from the paper, place the cake together with the paper on the edge of the table and slowly move it towards you, holding the cake with one hand, while pulling the paper down with the other. By acting carefully enough, you will receive the cake intact and unharmed. Removing small meringues from paper is usually not very difficult.

To prevent the meringue from melting under the influence of cream, jam or preserves, make a layer of melted chocolate. To do this, melt the grated chocolate in a water bath in a small amount of milk or cream, stirring constantly and periodically removing from the steam so that the chocolate does not curdle from excessive high temperature, stir until smooth and spread the inside of the baskets with a brush, trying to apply a good layer of chocolate. The same operation can be done with cake layers - this will only add a crunchy chocolate note to your dessert.

That's all. Difficult? Try it and see for yourself.

4 egg whites (from medium eggs),
1 stack sugar (or half and half sugar with powdered sugar)
1-2 tsp. vanilla sugar.

Start beating the egg whites (you can add a pinch of salt) with a whisk or mixer at low speed until the mixture becomes bubbly. Gradually, without stopping whisking, add sugar, whisking each time until the sugar is completely dissolved. Properly whipped whites do not fall off the whisk and do not hang down from it. Place the meringue on a baking sheet lined with paper using two teaspoons or a cornet and place in an oven preheated to 80-100°C. Bake the meringue for 1-2.5 hours, depending on the size of the products. Do not immediately remove the finished meringues from the oven; let them cool and only then remove them from the sheet.

Italian meringue

2 squirrels,
200 g sugar,
100 g of water.

Boil sugar syrup. Beat the whites into a strong foam, place in a water bath and beat, gradually pouring the hot syrup into the whites for 30 minutes. Spoon the finished mixture or place it using a cornet on a baking sheet lined with paper. Dry the meringue until done in the oven with the door ajar at the lowest temperature.

1 protein,
30 g sugar,
15 g powdered sugar,
1.5 tbsp. cold water.

An important note: the whites in this recipe must be beaten by hand with a whisk. Preheat the oven to 120°C and prepare a baking tray with baking paper. Pour the egg white into a deep bowl and start whisking it in one direction. As soon as the protein rises, turning into a transparent foam, add it cold water, without ceasing to beat for about 3 minutes. Now add sugar in a thin stream, without ceasing to beat, and then in the same way, in a thin stream, powdered sugar. Continue whisking until the mixture becomes thick and dense. If you lift the whisk, the protein mass should stay on it and not fall off. Place the finished protein dough on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 40 minutes. The door must be closed. When the meringues acquire a uniform creamy color, reduce the temperature to 100°C and open the door slightly. If the oven has a fan, turn it on. Dry the meringue in this manner for about another hour. When removing the baking sheet from the oven, do not try the meringue to the touch - it will be soft, but in the air the meringue will harden in just a minute.

1 protein,
150 g powdered sugar,
chocolate chips or any syrup - to taste (for decoration).


Beat the egg whites with powdered sugar until thick. Take paper muffin tins and place a size-sized portion of egg white meringue into each one. Walnut and put it in the microwave. Turn on the oven to maximum power and cook for 1-2 minutes. The meringue will increase in size. After turning off the microwave, do not remove the meringues immediately; let them cool. Decorate with chocolate or syrup.

Meringues with chocolate and berry sauce (microwave)

2 squirrels,
sugar - the same amount by weight as proteins,
20-30 g dark chocolate,
100 g of any berries.

Beat the egg whites with a few drops of lemon juice until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar while whisking continuously and increase speed. Beat until the white mixture is moist and shiny and falls off the whisk. Gently stir the grated chocolate into the prepared mixture. Place in paper forms and microwave for 30 seconds, no more. Power should be maximum. Cool the meringues without removing them from the oven. Meanwhile, prepare the berry sauce: grind the berries in a blender and rub through a sieve. Place the cooled meringues on a plate and pour over the berry sauce.

8 proteins,
200 g sugar,
150 g powdered sugar,
30 g starch,
150 g ground nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts).

Beat the whites into a fluffy foam, gradually adding sugar. Mix powdered sugar with starch, sift and quickly and carefully fold into the beaten egg whites. Stir with a wooden spoon, pour the resulting mixture into a pastry syringe or envelope with a large star tip and pipe the meringue onto a baking sheet lined with paper. Place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 100°C for 8 hours. Open the door a little. Remove the dried and cooled meringue from the baking sheet and store in a cool, dry place. You can make “Chocolate” meringue in the same way, only replace the nuts in the recipe with the same amount of grated chocolate.

3 squirrels,
200 g powdered sugar,
250 g cream,
400 g strawberries,
1 tbsp. vanilla sugar,
½ tsp. lemon juice.

Beat the egg whites, gradually adding 150 g of sugar, then add lemon juice. Stir well, add the remaining sugar and beat thoroughly again. On the back of the paper with which you will cover the baking sheet, draw circles (circle a glass or cup). Fill a piping bag fitted with a round tip and pipe the egg white mixture onto the circles, moving in a spiral. Then change the nozzle to a star-shaped one and plant small roses along the edges of the circles to form baskets. Place in the oven preheated to 80-100°C and dry the baskets for 2 hours. Whip the cream with vanilla sugar. Wash the strawberries, dry them and cut them into quarters. Fill the cooled baskets with buttercream and decorate with strawberries.

In addition to fluffy cookies and baskets, there are delicious meringue-based desserts. This is a wonderful airy dessert “Pavlova”, and a cake “Count Ruins”, and highest achievement Soviet culinary thought, which appeared as a result of an oversight - the Kyiv cake. But this is a topic for another article.

Happy meringues and bon appetit! (Stay with us!)

Larisa Shuftaykina