
How to make well-groomed hair at home. How to get beautiful and well-groomed hair at home - only simple recipes

All women dream of having hair like in a shampoo commercial! How to achieve the effect of such well-groomed hair? This is painstaking work! Of course, these are visits to the hairdresser. Hence - possession of information about the type of your hair. Further - proper diet. B vitamins from food and special vitamins. And of course daily home care and the correct use of basic funds! Today the site will tell you everything you need to know about how to make your hair beautiful, healthy and well-groomed!

Necessary care products

The most important thing is the correct use of basic care products at home: shampoo, conditioner and mask. Shampoo is always chosen not by the type of hair, but by the type of scalp. Next, apply a conditioner or mask to towel-dried hair. The conditioner or mask should be applied only to the length of the hair and the ends, to the most damaged areas of the hair (can not be applied to the scalp, especially if its type is oily, this will only aggravate the work sebaceous glands), observe the recommended exposure time and rinse thoroughly, usually 5-15 minutes.

Further, still on wet hair, before blow-drying for extra shine, leveling the structure, and protecting it, as well as to prevent split ends and brittle hair, apply a spray conditioner, oil or fluid to the ends of the hair. This is a general rule, then it all depends on the structure and quality of the hair!

If the hair is straight and smooth by nature

In the case of this type of hair, it is important to train a sense of proportion in yourself! Care products can overload such hair. Use the minimum amount of conditioner or mask. And a minimum of styling products. In this case, the effect of "luxury" is largely created by the length! Of course, it is necessary to carry out a preventive haircut at least once every three months, because split ends cannot be cured.

But in addition to the basic care that we talked about, there are now popular leave-in oils! They are saturated with intensive ingredients, based on the lightest silicones and oils. They smooth the structure of the hair, thereby enhancing the shine, glue and visually hide the split ends, prevent the hair from splitting further, protect the hair from harmful effects! You can use these oils daily, applying to the tips!

Also, they are often categorized by hair color. For dark hair, oils can be darker in color and contain dark reflective particles!

Curly hair

Curly hair has a porous structure, very poorly retain moisture. They need more intensive care, as they absorb more. In this regard, it is permissible to use both the conditioner and the mask following each other. The use of thermal protection and leave-in oils is the same as with smooth hair. Just in slightly larger quantities due to porosity.

Even the most luxurious styling on curly hair is powerless against the humidity on the street! Is there any way to resist this? Of course you can! It is necessary to use leave-in care products, such as oils, fluids and / or spray conditioners, which cover the surface of the hair with a protective film and protect it from external influences, while keeping the hair in its shape for a long time and not fluffing! In general, having naturally curly hair, do not strive to straighten it all the time! It's bad for their structure!

Mature hair with signs of aging

Mature hair needs special, more intensive care! Since the production of sebum decreases with age, the production of keratin and lipids (fatty acids) on which the elasticity of the hair depends. Mature hair becomes dry, shine and elasticity are lost.

Now there are special lines for the care of mature hair - they are more intense and saturated with keratin, coenzymes and lipids, as well as ingredients for protecting hair from external influences, more intense moisturizing ingredients such as panthenol or aloe vera extract. They also contain concentrated ingredients that smooth the hair structure and enhance shine. Antioxidants that prevent premature hair aging (vitamin C is more commonly used). Plus, their ingredients gently and gently affect mature hair, which prevents hair overload even with daily care! In these cases, it is especially worth paying attention to the diet and hair vitamins.

Good day!

There are a lot of hair care tips on the site, but let me put in my 5 cents and tell you how I take care of my hair.

My hair was subjected to various bullying on my part, since I was already of all colors: blonde, and a burning brunette, and brown-haired, and highlighted, and red, the last experiment was, after which I stopped and actively grow my native color (I do not exclude that soon I will get bored, and I will want to become lighter).

It may seem to you that I killed my hair as best I could, but this is not entirely true. I have always taken good care of my hair and cared for it. The hardest thing for me was taking care of bleached hair, so I abandoned the color blond.

I will tell you a few rules that I have always followed and continue to follow:

  • I don’t dry my hair with a hairdryer (this can happen extremely rarely if I’m late somewhere and there are no other options);
  • gently wring out the hair after washing, do not rub the hair;
  • I don’t comb wet hair, as it is very vulnerable (I have been following this rule since grade 8-9, I don’t even remember where I learned this from, but this is a very important rule);
  • I do not use a straightener, curling iron, iron and the like;
  • I use a comb with rare teeth;
  • I always use balm / conditioner after shampooing;
  • once a week I do homemade masks;
  • I rinse my hair with herbs;
  • I cut the ends at least once every 3 months (you can see what happened to my hair when I did not follow this rule).

How do I wash my hair

Before washing, I always comb my hair so that it is smooth and does not tangle. I used to wash with cool water, as my hair gets greasy pretty quickly. This temperature is comfortable for me, if you don’t, then just wash it in warm, but in no case hot water. I dilute any shampoo in the palm of my hand with water and apply a thick lather.

! Wet hair is very vulnerable, so you need to handle it carefully.

I always use after shampoo balm / hair conditioner, once a week I do home mask(more on that below).

I try not to be lazy and after rinsing my hair with nettle decoction.

I use ordinary nettles in bags, as there is less trouble with it.

When I was a blonde, I always rinsed with a decoction of chamomile.

What to do after washing

I gently wring out my hair, do not rub it, do not comb it when the hair is wet. I start doing this only when the hair is dry, from the ends to the roots. I also learned this rule a long time ago. Long hair is combed from the tips to the roots, and short hair from the roots to the tips.

About home masks

What masks did you make?

  • At one time, when it was dark, I made honey + cognac + egg yolk. Before washing under cling film, on top of a warm towel and for 30-40 minutes.
  • Mask of rye bread (soak rye bread in boiling water, let it brew and cool, rub the gruel into the roots, under the film, on top of a warm towel for 30-40 minutes).
  • I did a kefir mask, but I don’t like it very much, because kefir always flowed very strongly down my neck and face ...
  • Tried masks with oils ( burdock, castor, coconut), but it didn’t fit at all for my oily hair, I couldn’t wash it off later, washed it off 2-3 times with shampoo and still after drying my hair was very oily.

Then I found information and clarified for myself what base oils are suitable for oily hair.

Grape seed oils, apricot, hemp, pumpkin (especially useful for oily seborrhea), sesame, almond, olive, sasanqua have a regulating ability. Also hair fatty type avocado, jojoba, macadamia oils are excellent, walnut. These oils are easy to apply and wash off the first time without weighing down the hair.

But what oils are not suitable for owners of oily hair

What oils will weigh down already greasy hair?

Owners of oily scalp are not suitable:

Castor oil

Cacao butter

Palm oil

I bought grape seed oil in the supermarket in the oil section, the oil is not for cosmetic purposes, but obviously it will not make my hair worse.

Now I am making this mask: egg yolk + half a teaspoon of grape seed oil + a couple of drops of peach oil.

I separate the yolk from the protein (the protein can be beaten and make an excellent face mask), and I add butter to the yolk.

I heat the entire composition in a water bath to become warm. Standard under the film, warm towel on top. I keep 40 minutes.

Everything was washed off perfectly the first time. The hair is silky and not greasy at all.

Immediately photo report.

I really wanted to take a picture from the back, to show you my hair in full, but I couldn’t take a high-quality photo on the timer, focusing all the time is not on me.

In pursuit of a chic head of hair, you spent a lot of money, but did not achieve a tangible result? Stop! Expensive advertised hair care products by themselves are far from always able to give the desired effect. It is possible to achieve the beauty of hair at home! In order for your hair to become your decoration, you need to follow some "rules of the game", without which hair cannot be healthy by definition. Now you will learn how to make your hair well-groomed. So, let's start in order!

1. Minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, hot rollers and hair straighteners

Under the influence of high temperatures, the hair becomes thinner and breaks. Therefore, ideally, curling irons, irons and other tools that involve heating the hair should be excluded from everyday use. If you can't do without them, then use them only on special occasions. Choose steam curling irons and flat irons instead of conventional ones - their effect on the hair is less aggressive. And don't forget to use heat protectants.

2. Wash your hair properly and on time

AT recent times you often hear that washing your hair too often is harmful - they say, you can dry out the scalp, deprive it of its natural lubrication. However, if you live in a metropolis and lead an active lifestyle, it is unlikely that your hair will be able to stay fresh for a long time. Wash your hair as often as you need - every day, every other day or several times a week. After all, dirty hair can not be beautiful! And so that your hair and scalp do not dry out (which is really important), pick up quality shampoo and conditioner with moisturizing ingredients.

By the way, if you always apply shampoo along the entire length of your hair, you are doing it wrong! Apply most of the shampoo to the roots of the hair - after all, this is where sebum accumulates. The ends of the hair do not need to be directly exposed to shampoo every time - the soap suds that form during the washing process will be enough for them. But you need to apply a balm or conditioner just on the area from the middle of the head to the ends of the hair.

In order not to stimulate excessive production of sebum, the water for washing hair should not be hot. Rinse your hair with warm water and rinse off the conditioner with cool water. Cool water when rinsing will help the hair scales to close. Smooth hair will delight you with a dazzling shine!

3. Find "your" hair care products and don't change them.

There is an opinion that hair care products need to be changed periodically. Allegedly, the hair can "get used" to the products of the same series and stop giving the desired effect. However, this is nothing more than a myth. It makes sense to change shampoo, conditioner, balm and other hair products only as long as you are in search of the “ideal”. Once you've found what's perfect for your hair, stick with "your" products!

4. Sleep on silk underwear

Do you want to wake up in the morning with smooth, not tangled and sticking out hair in all directions? Sleep on silk underwear! Unlike cotton, silk bedding treats the hair carefully and does not injure their scales.

5. Watch your diet

What we eat has a significant impact on the condition of the hair. To stimulate the growth of hair follicles, you need to eat food, rich in iron, zinc, omega fatty acids and protein. For hair to grow better, thick and shiny, alternately include lean red meat, chicken and fish in your diet. In addition, it is important for hair health that your body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals. How do you know if your hair is getting everything it needs? If you treat your hair carefully, but they still split, break and fall out, then they are missing something! In addition to hair, your nails and skin will “tell” about the lack of important substances. If the nails exfoliate, and the skin is flaky - it's time to start taking a vitamin-mineral complex. The result will be visible after a few months.

6. Keep your hair out of the sun

We all know the damage that sun exposure can do to our skin. It is enough to spend a couple of hours under the hot rays without a protective agent and you can get sunburn. So, hair suffers from exposure to the sun no less, it's just not so noticeable. How can you help your hair resist the drying effects of the sun? The most obvious answer is to wear a hat, which will also protect you from heat stroke. If for some reason you have to be in the sun with your head uncovered, apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair before leaving the house. And finally, if you are going to the beach, where, in addition to the sun, your hair will also be exposed to the harmful effects of salt water, use a sunscreen for your hair. Apply to damp hair shortly before leaving the house, then reapply after each bath - just like a sunscreen for skin.

7. Comb your hair gently

This sounds like an obvious thing, but in the hustle and bustle, we sometimes lose patience and, trying to comb our hair faster, literally “tear” tangled hair, which we groom and cherish at other times. If your hair tangles easily, use a wide-toothed comb and gently comb through all of your hair from root to tip. For long hair comb should be selected with great care. Read more about which comb to choose.

8. Trim your hair regularly

In an effort to grow hair, we often neglect regular trimming of the ends. However, it must be done! If you do not cut the split ends of the hair in time, then the splitting process will go further and, as a result, the hair will begin to break. To prevent this from happening, trim your hair every 6-8 weeks.

Follow these simple commandments and soon many will envy your chic well-groomed hair!

Once on our website I already published my hair story, all my experiments with color, talked about haircuts. It turned out to be short, but quite clearly illustrated the fact that I, like most girls, did not escape the search for myself and the selection of a comfortable image for me.

This time I decided not to focus on each individual experiment, no longer focus on color solutions, selection of cosmetics, a detailed analysis of the whole variety of products that I had a chance to use over the long period of caring for my hair. I would like to focus the attention of readers on a specific goal for all of us - ACHIEVING LENGTH!

This post is about what results I have achieved and what knowledge and principles I have acquired.

I will not show you photos of huge deposits of cosmetics (I do not have them). In my story, there will be no emphasis on all the manipulations with hair over the past life (the format of the competition is somewhat different). But there will be visual photos, a list of the main points and difficulties that I encountered when I decided to move in the chosen direction and the result.

What is the result?

For me, the result is, first of all, knowledge. This is information acquired in a specific way, based on experience, which allows you to expand your capabilities - the principles of hair care. And yet, in this context, the result is the result of the work done to achieve the initial goal - beautiful, long hair.

Therefore, I will reduce the whole point of this post to demonstrating the result of my actions and a detailed analysis of the methods that guided me.

I repeat, I have made a lot of experiments with hair in my life! There were haircuts and quite short, not covering the ears. My hair remembers a flood of dyes, including the long-suffering blonde loved by young girls.
Hair remembers everything: and Good times, and the difficulty of recovering almost "from the ashes".
But, perhaps, their most deplorable state was not even being in a blond. I consider the year of trying to get out of the dark shade acquired by herbal coloring as a true failure in the history of my hair. Later I repeated them, but more deliberately and with more knowledge. However, the first pancake turned out to be lumpy!

In this photo, dark hair, after many years of henna and basma, was repeatedly lightened, and then clumsily tinted. Thus, initially I tried to make them lighter, and then mask the unsightly green tint. Ultimately, I was faced with the fact that the hair began to break and fall off in whole strands.

It is quite expected that the hair lost its shine, elasticity, softness and mobility, and to the touch resembled a hard artificial fiber. And the most offensive - I did not become lighter, did not acquire a beautiful and even shade. The hair remained rather dark, irrevocably damaged, broken from simple combing and acquired a persistent, almost untinted green tint. By the way, it was very distinct and treacherously emphasized at the slightest change in ambient lighting.

I count my hair care, of course, not from some iconic numbers and hair conditions. Because my hair before this deplorable experiment looked pretty decent. I started dyeing them with herbs around 2002, having already decently grown in length and playing enough 25 times after that with haircuts and color.
But it was in 2012 that I again said goodbye to long hair below the shoulder blades. They just started falling off.

Whenever I passed a mirror, I would get upset and mentally scold myself. First - for inconstancy and spontaneous desire to look "somehow different", apparently better than it is. Then - for the lack of logic and consistency in actions. What “I wanted and needed right now!” - This is clear. But I'm not going to build a house or make complex operation! I do not have the slightest knowledge or skills!

This is how the understanding came that at least brief analysis own data, capabilities and means. Slowly, I began to figure it out. First of all, what is my hair and scalp like? What type are they and what condition are they in?

My hair:
Thin, straight, medium density (OD about 9-10 cm), low porosity, Light blond (UGT about 8).
Head skin:
Bold type.
Hair condition: clarified, colored, prone to brittleness, dry, with acquired porosity.
It was from these data that I began to build on, shaping my care. Of course, he did not line up immediately. There was no clear plan of action that I would be guided by for several years. I, like many, have tried a lot of approaches and means on my hair. I spent a considerable amount, and even more time and work, before I finally built a detailed scheme and principles, thanks to which my main goal - to have long, well-groomed hair - was realized.

In this post, I will deliberately not consider the topic of state general health body and the problem of hair loss, causes, accompanying necessary measures, trips to a specialist, consultations and drug therapy. I experienced this important period, but it is so large-scale in terms of the details of the discussion and at the same time it is absolutely individual for each woman, requiring the participation of a competent doctor, or even several! So I would have to create a separate article. But I, when you think about it, am not a doctor. And I don't think it's right to write it.

So, based on my own natural data, the experience gained in using various kinds of cosmetics and based on the state in which my hair was, what conclusions did I draw?

Thin hair is fragile and vulnerable hair!

They are very soft, almost like a child's, they are easily damaged by frequent aggressive staining and unscrupulous care. If I want to have long hair, I will have to take special care of it now. After all, my hair requires careful handling.
Usually due to the structure fine hair and, if it is associated with a lack of noticeable density, fragility along the length leads to a rapid and severe thinning, thinning of the cut. Simply - the ends split and break, not allowing loose hair to have a neat, well-groomed appearance. At the same time, there is a monthly increase, but it is not fixed, as the ends continue to break.

Aggressive dyeing, frequent styling (not only thermal, but also with elements of tight weaving, fleece), changing the image over and over again only exacerbate the situation. As a result, I did not see long hair. They remained in dreams.

To grow long thin hair, it took me several years and an understanding of the need to follow special care rules:

1. Hair needs to be cut!

Trite. To do without haircuts while growing long hair will not work. But how to cut? Thin hair may well look thicker and more voluminous if thinning or thinning is not applied to it along the length. Graduated, stepped haircuts are not suitable for such hair. I used to love "Ladder" very much and cut my hair once every six months. During this time, the ends of the hair managed to become worthless. But an even or semicircular cut looks neater, more well-groomed and thicker.
And most importantly - it is more durable, thins more slowly and avoids increased cross-section and brittleness. So if your goal is to cut your hair less often (now I cut my hair once a year), find a good shape for your hair that will allow you to maintain its quality, and not endlessly adjust your hairstyle. How to cut: scissors, clipper, pyrophoresis method? It is not so important if the tool is of high quality and well sharpened.
However, it should be remembered that the longer the hair, the less voluminous, in principle, they look.

2. Competent hair coloring!

Paradoxically, but for thin hair, coloring can not only harm, but also significantly help. Naturally, subject to the observance of technology and competent protection from possible damage.
Coloring makes overly soft thin hair moderately hard, oily hair dries out and makes it more manageable. They fit better in the hair, look more magnificent. The only wish is a confident choice of dye. Now there is a huge variety! It didn't exist when I was young.
When deciding to dye your hair, study the issue and the range of products. Give preference to consumables of professional brands. Believe me, this is a smart investment.
Professional segment paints have balanced formulas, smaller pigment molecule size and guarantee a more predictable result. If your choice turned out to be in favor of herbal dyes, show no less attention to the topic. High-quality raw materials and the availability of basic knowledge is half the success!

3. Use of natural herbs in complex care!

The longer the hair, the higher the risk of damage. Herbs are a good help in strengthening and stimulating the blood circulation of the scalp.

I use a whole range of titles. These are mainly traditional lavsonia (henna) and indigo (basma or indigo), which not only color, but also protect the hair shaft from brittleness, tightening the cuticular layer. This happens due to the tanning process. Tanning is a complex chemical process. Its whole meaning boils down to the fact that tannins bind to the active groups of the protein of the hair and dermis and form new strong bonds in their structure. In the course of a stepwise chemical process, this new structure is fixed and, as a result, the strength of the hair, resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, the action of aggressive enzyme complexes, high temperatures, and various chemical reagents increase. In other words, the hair becomes much more wear-resistant and strong.

Herbs such as: cassia, jujube, amla, brahmi, bringaraj, ashwagandha, tulsi, manjishta, neem, shikakai, kapoor kachli, etc. Ayurvedic formulations are good at strengthening hair, giving volume and stimulating blood flow as a warm mask. Nevertheless, they do not carry a noticeable coloring and tanning property and are not capable of giving a bright visual component, which traditional henna and basma are capable of. But in a complex of measures, their action is very justified. As a fact - the hair becomes more magnificent, the number of newly growing, new hair throughout the head increases.

4. Use natural oils to nourish your hair!

This paragraph is the effective part integrated program. Oils helped me more than once bring damaged hair into a divine form, when it was simply not possible to comb it out from brittleness. I do not diminish the importance of cortical cosmetics in this case, not at all! But oils with penetrating power (for example, olive, coconut, avocado) can significantly improve the situation, affecting the condition of the hair for the better.

My favorite oils to this day are: shea (shea), coconut, olive, babassu, sal tree, avocado and sweet almond oil. Don't be so quick to discard oils from your overall hair care routine as a relic of an unnecessary past! If the oil is drying, it simply does not suit your hair and you should take the trouble to find "your own".

5. Individual selection of cosmetics for hair!

The more porous the hair, the fuller and thicker it looks. They don't have to be really thick.

For thin, light and soft hair, the issue of volume always remains relevant. We want beautiful, thick hair, often smooth or slightly wavy, shiny and at the same time not devoid of spectacular volume.
However, as the length increases, the volume decreases. And if you also choose cosmetics with nourishing, restoring properties, then this will invariably lead to weighting of the hair.
The conclusion is simple - focus on the needs of the hair and scalp in real time, do not forget to alternate nutrition with moisturizing and protection.

The more nourishing the product, the more pronounced the smoothing, firming, so-called “WOW!” effect.

The moisturizing product does not give the hair a visual gloss and heaviness, on the contrary, it is able to tactilely lighten the fabric, but gives the hair mobility, softness and elasticity.
It is important to remember that dyed and damaged hair needs all the “3 whales of care”. These are nutrition (autumn-winter), moisturizing (especially in summer) and protection (almost all year round).

In this aspect, I consider it very important to use indelible sprays, thermal styling creams and silicone serums, ampoules, which immediately after a haircut can take excellent care of the quality of the cut, protect it from dryness, splitting and brittleness. They also often contain UV filters.
Wishing to have long hair, we forget that it is more fragile, vulnerable and tender. Closer to the tips, they lack nutrition and moisture, they rather lose pigment, become thinner, brighter, split more easily.

For example, in my purely cosmetic care, there are 4 steps: Shampoo, conditioner mask, leave-in.

Of them Special attention I give the mask and indelible step-protection.
I can use a completely ordinary shampoo, although I prefer low-alkaline, with moisturizing ingredients.

Regarding the segment of the used cosmetics, I do not set myself a clear framework. In my use there was a mass market and professional products. In my opinion, you need to use what gives good results and you are able to appreciate them, and not just amuse your pride with a beautiful jar for a certain amount. If you see and feel the difference in the condition and appearance of your hair and skin, then this remedy works, no matter how much it costs - 100 rubles or 1000.

6. An important criterion for success in hair care is a competent choice of comb accessories!

It may not be a branded brush or comb from a nearby supermarket. But if it does not cling, does not pull and does not tear your hair, then, definitely, it will allow you to preserve and increase their quality, and hence the length.

I single out the topic of combing wet hair - a personal matter for everyone. I don't want to give up this manipulation. But I prefer to secure the process as much as possible by choosing a high-quality tool, the presence of a spray conditioner and unhurried movements: slowly, gradually, carefully and in the direction from the tips to the root zone.

I rarely buy accessories. There used to be a lot more of them. But over time, I gradually gave away everything that seemed attractive, but in fact it was completely inconvenient and devoid of functionality. We can say that I practically stopped paying attention to them in relation to my hair and left them only to decorate the head of my eldest daughter.

Of the accessories, I left elastic bands (not marco, comfortable, easy to care for, easy to wash) and soft seamless rubber bands made of fabric. For fine hair, this is a great option.

Metal hairpins-decoratives with pebbles at one time lived with me in huge quantities, until I noticed that my hair breaks, splits from the middle and looks dull. Now these hairpins have become safer and contain protective heat shrinkage on their fasteners, but I have almost irrevocably lost interest in them.

The crab is my favorite and most powerful thing. A home resident and a lifesaver. I make masks with it, take a shower, wear it with relief when I want to save my hair, because they wear out daily on clothes.

Fabric soft Sofista is also from the category of "how to take a break from hair and make them less vulnerable to wind, static and other external factors." As a bonus - it forms chic curls (albeit short-lived).

7. Hair washing procedure!

Over the years, I came to a simple conclusion - the hair should be combed well before washing! Any: short, medium, long, straight, curly, natural or dyed. This will make them less confused. Gently, don't rush.
Water for washing hair and scalp should not be hot!
Hair is a protein that easily changes its structure under the influence of aggressive factors.
The recommended water temperature for washing your hair is not higher than 50 degrees. I myself usually set the mixer so that the water is pleasantly cool or slightly warm. You can't wash cold. So it won't take long to catch a cold.

To wash your hair and scalp, it is important to use the right cosmetics for this purpose!
We take into account several factors at once: the type of scalp, the natural type and condition of the hair at a given time (these are different concepts), even the season.

In a pure, concentrated form, shampoo is not applied to the skin and hair.
It is alkaline in nature, while our skin is slightly acidic. Shampoo should either be applied to the palm of your hand and rubbed a little before use, or diluted in a separate container.
Too much shampoo for a complete washing procedure is not required.

It is better to repeat if necessary than to wash off a plentiful head of foam.
Gently massage the scalp, foaming the shampoo on the root zone of the hair. Further, if necessary, we go through the foam along the main length. I try not to actively rub the composition, otherwise it will not be able to wash off completely. And this can lead to unnecessary irritation of the scalp: dandruff, itching, redness and a rapid loss of freshness and shine to the hair.

Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. Let's not rush! Squeeze lightly excess water from the hair and apply a balm / conditioner / mask. Maintain the required exposure time. Rinse with pleasantly cool water.

At the end water treatment we wrap hair easy with a cotton or terry towel and leave it for a few minutes, allowing the hair to get rid of excess moisture. We release wet hair from the towel. Separate them carefully with your hands. We apply a protective agent, distribute and gradually comb. Hurry, again, to nothing!
Let your hair dry naturally or do styling with a hair dryer.

8. Hairstyles!

I draw your attention to the fact that a good alternative to traumatic bouffants and frequent thermal perms for fine hair are hairstyles with elements of volumetric weaving and light curls.
Tight braids, shells, slight negligence visually add density, especially if dry shampoo, foam or other fixative is used to perform them.

thick bangs, dark shades, even, finished cuts also add weight to the hairstyle of fine hair. However, they are also able to easily overload the image, adding not only density, but also age! Focus on the image as a whole, taking into account the color of your eyes, skin tone, favorite colors of clothes and wardrobe items.

And yet, unless absolutely necessary, I don't let my hair down.

“What then is cymus?” - you ask - "long hair is what you need to decorate and wear it loose!"

I partly agree. But only in part, because in her youth she did so. And my hair was shoulder length.

I almost did not do hair, even a banal ponytail. But external factors irremovable: wind, friction on clothes, dry indoor air, sun, sea ​​water, hard water of urban water pipes, even an ordinary comb - smoothly wear out our hair and spoil their appearance.
Over time, I came to the conclusion that the beauty of hair is, first of all, its quality, not its length. Let it be so desired by us.

If you know how to maintain quality, there will be no problems with length! Learn to weave beautiful braids, collect hair in a neat hairstyle. After all, it is no less beautiful, and often better protects the hair from numerous and daily damage!

I also love loose hair. But now I wear them on occasion. For example, today. But there is no shame in letting them go!

It's time to show the before/before comparison collages!

That's all my keys to the doors to beautiful long hair. The difference in the photo is almost 6 years! No not 6 difficult years growing! Throughout this journey, I cut my bob a couple of times, changed the shades of my hair and radically revised my cosmetic care. I rushed from organics to silicones, succumbed to fashion trends, broke down and again corrected the shape of my hairstyle.

I hope that my mistakes and advice will be useful to you! After all, having this experience in your hands, it is possible to achieve success 2 times faster!
Good luck! Do not deviate from the chosen path!

Dull, split, lifeless hair indicates both the presence of problems in the body and improper care behind the hair. Therefore, in order to deal with the data negative consequences, it is necessary to detect the cause in time and prevent its reappearance. After all, well-groomed hair is an essential attribute of female beauty.

Reasons for lack of healthy hair shine

The main reasons for the deterioration of the hair condition include:

Curls are the first to react to stressful situations, so it is worth remembering that any jar of Hearts will not go unnoticed.

Eight hours of sleep improves appearance hair.

There is no special nutrition system for hair. However, healthy and good nutrition saturates the hair follicle from the inside. Daily consumption of animal protein, fruits, food gelatin helps to improve the condition of the hair. Vitamins of group B will have a positive effect.

If the hair has become dull, this may indicate a lack of such a rare vitamin H, which can improve the stratum corneum. Finding a sufficient amount of this element in food is problematic, so it is advised to use the pharmacy version once or twice a year. In addition, you should eat plenty of avocados, almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and dairy products.

In the summer, a woman can lose her well-groomed appearance of her hair. This is because the curls are constantly affected by active Sun rays. Therefore, stylists do not recommend going out into the open sun without a hat. Another way to preserve the beauty of hair will be special sun protection. Of course, not only in the summer you can harm the curls, but also in the winter. Therefore, in frosty, dank weather, you should wear a hat and hide the strands.

Washing curls

The first thing hair care begins with is washing them. Regular washing destroys natural moisture, thereby helping to reduce the natural shine. Therefore, such constancy is not suitable for everyone. So, women with very oily hair will benefit from washing their hair daily, but it is better for owners of dry hair to limit themselves to once every 5-6 days.

To keep your hair looking well-groomed, experts recommend washing your curls as needed. Shampoo must be properly selected and match the type of hair. The detergent should not be applied in a concentrated form, it is better to dilute it with a small amount of water. The resulting liquid can be safely applied to the hair roots. The ends and the entire length are not treated with soapy water. So these parts of the strands do not get dirty, but rather remain dry and once again they should not be exposed to shampoo. The shampoo is lathered at the roots and then washed off with warm water.

Do not use hot water while washing. Such a liquid contributes to the activation of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, the hair gets dirty faster. In addition, hot water dries out the scalp.

After washing off the shampoo, a balm is applied to slightly wrung out hair. It is important to remember that the agent is not applied to the roots. Since the balm will add oil to the hair and achieve the desired volume will not work. This tool is recommended to be distributed along the entire length, while paying special attention to the tips.

To obtain a natural shine, rinse your hair at the end of washing. cold water. When drying with a hair dryer, it is better to use a cold or medium temperature setting.

How to choose the right comb

To maintain well-groomed hair at home, you need to choose the right comb. Metal products should not be used. Since the teeth have roughness, which, when combed, cling to the curls and damage them. Hairdressers do not recommend the use of plastic combs. Prolonged use of such tools leads to dry hair and split ends. Currently, silicone combs are considered the best.

A good choice would be a comb made of wood. It is suitable for any type of hair: oily curls stop greasy, and dry ones stop breaking and splitting. In addition, the tree does not electrify the hair, does not allow them to crack and bristles in different directions.

A bristle comb will help you style any hairstyle. Experts recommend using a combination brush with natural and artificial teeth. However, if a woman's hair gets dirty too quickly, then it is better to use bristles made from natural materials. They are able to absorb excess oil and keep hair clean longer.

Combing rules

Improper use of a good comb does not guarantee smooth and well-groomed hair. Stylists advise taking care of curls in this way:

  1. It is necessary to choose a curl and start combing it from below.
  2. Then move on to the roots of the hair. This will help to untangle them more easily and prevent splitting.
  3. Combing increases blood flow to the scalp and improves the nutrition of the hair follicles, thereby making the hair well-groomed and beautiful.
  4. It is necessary to comb at least 2 times a day.

Be sure to keep the comb clean. Hair is removed from it daily, and washing is carried out 1-2 times a week with soapy water.

Masks for the health of the strands

If women are still concerned about the issue. how to make hair well-groomed, the answer is very simple - use masks without leaving home. There are two main groups of masks:

  • made on an industrial scale;
  • homemade from natural ingredients.

Some women prefer to combine different types of care. So once a week they use a purchased cosmetic product, and after a few days they apply a mask of personal preparation.

The most popular are masks with nourishing and moisturizing properties, and in second place are for colored and oily hair. Usually masks are applied to clean and towel-wrung hair. Then they are wrapped in a towel and left for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

The best masks for restoring hair health

For complete care, masks with caring components are required that promote growth and improve the structure of the hair. Three the best means according to users:

  1. Natura Siberica Sauna&Spa - considered the best mask to restore the beauty of hair. The main advantage of the product is its natural composition. It is completely free of harmful substances commonly added to hair care products. The main components include: wheat germ oil, which is responsible for restoring the hair structure, ginseng extract - nourishes the scalp, cloudberry seed oil gives shine and strength.
  2. To get well-groomed long hair, you can use the American-made mask Macadamia. Distinctive feature is a unique formula that penetrates deep into each hair. The result is visible after just a few applications, the hair becomes smooth, shiny and healthy. The mask has a pleasant apple scent.
  3. The mask of the famous cosmetic company L "Oreal Professionnel is very popular. It easily restores even the most damaged curls. Thanks to the unique Lipidium complex, it quickly affects hair follicles and heals strands.

This is a list of professional masks that provide maximum care and quick recovery.

Recipes for masks at home

Masks are the most affordable natural remedy which is easy to make yourself. A few recipes:

  1. Mask for volume. To do this, mix 3 tbsp. spoons of colorless henna and pour hot water, bring to the consistency of gruel and allow to cool. Then add 2 yolks, 3 large spoons olive oil(almond, peach pits), 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac, a few drops of neroli. Apply to hair and hold for at least an hour. Then rinse with cool water (so that the yolk does not curl) and lather the curls with shampoo. The mask can be done no more than 2 times a month.
  2. Mask to enhance hair growth. Mix 2 large spoons in a bowl mustard powder with hot water until lumps dissolve. Then add one yolk, 2 small spoons of sugar and 3 large spoons of any natural oil. The resulting mass is applied to the scalp, avoiding the ends of the curls. It is necessary to keep from 15-60 minutes, until the burning sensation can be sustained. Wash off with room temperature water.
  3. Mask for hair shine. Well-groomed hair starts with correct use natural components. In a separate container, mix 1 large spoonful of gelatin and 50 ml of hot water, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add 1 big spoon shampoo. The mixture is applied to the hair for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with warm water.

These are just a few recipes on how to easily restore beauty and health to your hair.


Well-groomed hair is the pride of every woman. To maintain their health, it is necessary to constantly use cosmetics as own production and mass production. Also help healthy lifestyle life and normal physical activity.