
The best remedy for sunburn in the pharmacy. Description of ointments for sunburn. Classification of sunburn

Without a doubt, everyone has not only heard a lot about sunburn, but also felt it in their own skin. Earn sunburn pretty simple. But how to avoid such situations? How to protect yourself and your body from harmful effects sunbeams? And if it has already happened, then what to do? What is the most effective sunburn ointment? This article will help answer these questions and provide some useful tips those who like to soak up the scorching rays.

Low fat milk - Mix a glass of milk and 4 glasses of water, add a couple of ice cubes. In this mixture, you can soak the tiles if cold water seems too ordinary. Salad - Prepare a strong salad with common lettuce leaves and chill in the refrigerator or freezer. Yogurt - Apply thoroughly thin layer cold white yogurt on the burnt areas. The chlorophyll contained in the broth has healing effects. . A cold tile will make your skin feel good and relieve pain, but it can also help dry it out.

Remember to remove the casing from time to time and add moisture to the burnt areas. Pour first, dry gently, then apply moisturizing milk after sunbathing. For even more relief, you can chill the beauty product in the refrigerator first.

How are sunburns treated?

Many suffer from sunburn in the summer. What helps in this case? How to act in such situations? Despite the fact that burns can be obtained with completely different severity, it is very important when this happens to provide first aid to the victim. It should be as follows:

Bepanthen Plus best burn cream

Perhaps you have it in your bank and you don't even know that you are actually doing a home pharmacy outside the window. If the range of burnt places is not too great, you can simply rub the reddish juice from the broken leaf of this plant. But be careful, you need to be sure that you are not allergic to aloe.

In particular, the pain is unpleasant with burns. If you're looking for quick relief, try opening the freezer. You can put ice cubes or a frozen bag of vegetables on the burnt spots, but keep one important rule: do not place ice or anything frozen on the skin, only wrapped in a thicker cloth such as cloth.

  • It is necessary to reduce the body temperature in the area of ​​​​the skin where the burn occurred.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that tissue dehydration does not occur in burn sites.

If you perform these two simple procedures, then pain sensations instantly decrease and swelling of the affected area of ​​the body decreases. After that, it is imperative to deal with the treatment of the affected area, and it does not matter if it is a slight burn or a burn, as a result of which blisters form on the skin. In both cases, help is needed.

Sunburn: how to smear at home?

If a person has earned a sunburn, then his treatment can be carried out at home. It is very important to follow certain rules and follow mandatory procedures. Then you will get rid of sunburn. What helps with such skin lesions? Experts recommend adhering to the following mandatory treatment procedures:

  • Avoid direct contact with the sun's rays until the burn is completely gone.
  • Be sure to treat the affected area of ​​​​the skin remedy. For these purposes, Panthenol spray is excellent.
  • To slightly reduce pain and avoid raising body temperature, you can take painkillers and antipyretics. Ibuprofen, Aspirin or similar products can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • In order for the affected skin to heal and regenerate faster, you will need to consume large amounts of vitamin E.
  • In order to avoid dehydration in the body, it is very important to drink as much liquid as possible. The average volume of water per day should be at least 2.5 liters.


Most often, sunburn begins to appear after half a day or a day. How long does a sunburn last? Unpleasant sensations begin to gradually decrease after 2 or 3 days. There are situations when recovery can take approximately 6-10 days. Even if the burn is minor, the skin on the affected area will still begin to peel off and peel off.

Cream for sunburn

There are enough on the market today wide range of sunscreen products. But due to the fact that most women strive to get such a desired tan, they get severe skin burns. As a result, integuments can change their appearance beyond recognition. The skin also begins to react very sensitively to any touch. Basically it's pain. To somehow reduce these symptoms, there is a special cream for sunburn. It will not only moisturize and saturate the affected areas, but also contribute to quick recovery skin tissue.

What is the best burn cream?

To be truly effective, it must have the following features:

  1. The cream should soothe the skin. It is very important. After all, after a burn, the skin becomes inflamed and the body temperature begins to rise.
  2. Moisturizing effect. Be sure the cream should moisturize the affected skin. After all, as a result of a burn, the skin becomes very dry.
  3. Restorative effect. After the blisters begin to burst, it is very important to repair the affected areas of the skin. A cream that will have this property will help to quickly solve this problem.

Unfortunately, not all modern facilities able to provide the desired effect. It is best to pay attention to those burn creams, which include the following components:

  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Panthenol.
  • Aloe vera.
  • zinc oxide.

Ointment for sunburn

Today, in almost every pharmacy you can buy special ointment from sunburn. The most effective are the following:

  1. "Bepanthen". This drug helps to quickly relieve inflammation, as well as restore the affected layer of the epidermis. To get the result, the ointment must be used 2 times a day.
  2. Zinc ointment. Has a positive effect on the skin that has undergone negative impact sun rays. It quickly relieves inflammation and moisturizes the skin. It can be used as compresses. This drug can be used up to 6 times in one day. In this case, the skin must be dry.
  3. Ointment for sunburn based on aloe vera. This ointment perfectly disinfects burned skin, as it has a bactericidal property. She contributes quite well rapid healing and recovery skin. It is recommended to smear the affected areas at least 3 times a day.
  4. "Dexpanthenol". Ointment is used only in cases of thermal burns. It acts very gently on the burned areas of the skin and promotes their rapid healing and speedy recovery. Before using it, the affected area must be treated with an antiseptic. The ointment is applied at least 4 times a day.

The use of traditional methods for the treatment of sunburn

Do you have sunburn? What to smear at home? Not only are they effective medicinal medicines. It is very good to heal and relieve inflammation after a sunburn will help folk methods treatment. They don't call adverse reactions and will not become a source of allergies. If you follow all the rules, then you can quickly go on the mend.

  • Homemade yogurt. Homemade sour milk or ordinary yogurt has long been used to quickly heal wounds that could form after burns. To reduce a little pain symptoms, the affected areas are smeared with yogurt, while it is very important that it does not dry out completely. After this procedure, the skin is washed with purified cool water.
  • Aloe vera leaf juice. Aloe vera juice moisturizes the skin very well and relieves inflammation. As a result, decrease discomfort. Juice is most often used in the form of compresses. To do this, take it and boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 and mix. After that, a napkin is dipped into the solution and applied to the sore spot for 10-15 minutes.
  • Potatoes in any form. Excellent folk remedy in the fight against sunburn is the usual potato. You can grate it or use its juice. In both cases, it will have a beneficial effect on the affected skin area. It perfectly relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • Sour cream. This recipe is familiar to all of us since childhood. You just need to lubricate the burned areas of the skin with oily sour cream and leave for a few minutes. It will help reduce body temperature and reduce pain.
  • Sauerkraut. Quite an interesting method of dealing with burns. This will require chilled sauerkraut. It will need to be applied to sore spots. It allows you to relieve pain and reduce irritation.

If the sun burned your feet

Not only hands and face can suffer as a result long stay in the sun. Very often, the legs are in a similar situation. Only sunburn of the legs threatens not only painful sensations and peeling of the skin. As a result, the limbs may begin to swell severely. As soon as you notice this, you need to lay your legs in such a way that they are at the level of your heart. If this is difficult to do, then you can put a few pillows under them. This promotes the outflow of blood to the right places. As a result, puffiness quickly subsides. Never take a cold bath. Only showers with hypoallergenic soaps are recommended.