
How to rinse the kettle from scale with citric acid. Cleaning the electric kettle from scale with simple means

Electric kettles can be expensive and cheap, with a wide variety of filters, but nothing saves you from the scale that regularly forms on the walls and bottom of the electric appliance.

The formation of problems begins at the most vulnerable place - the heating element. Citric acid from scale in the kettle will help get rid of the problem quickly and safely.

Water filters do an excellent job of purifying water from heavy metals and chlorine, but this does not apply to lime, and although the amount of sediment will be less, it will not work out completely.

It turns out that the precipitate obtained during boiling is a poor heat sink. When the heating element, which is made of steel, heats up well, it cannot give off heat to the liquid - adhering particles block the path to it. If there is nowhere to give off heat, the element continues to accumulate it, overheats greatly and eventually simply breaks.

But the process of sedimentation is dangerous not only for economic reasons. Each water has a certain amount of salts. If it is hard, there is a lot of salt. When boiling, they create a salt coating, accumulating on the walls and the heating element, and fall into our cups.

All this enters the kidneys, liver and stomach, creating many problems in the future. That is why you need to know how to remove scale in a kettle with citric acid.

Why is descaling a kettle with citric acid convenient and safe?

There are chemical products for removing sediment from an electric kettle, but they are not safe for health. After use, the device is boiled for a long time and persistently, washed, boiled again. But a metal thermal element after the action of salts always remains dotted with cracks, scratches and chips invisible to the eye. In them, the chemical agent can leave its particles.

Cleaning the kettle from scale with citric acid is gentle for him and safe for humans. It is reliably washed out after the first boiling, and does not pose a danger to the body, especially in the negligible amount that may remain after processing an electrical appliance.

In addition, descaling the kettle with citric acid is very cheap, and you can purchase the product at any grocery store, at any time you want to determine for this work.

How to clean the kettle from scale with citric acid

There are several options for cleaning by boiling and without it, with lemon.


Remove scale in the kettle with citric acid by boiling. This method is suitable for a large amount of sludge that is already tightly compressed. The process is divided into the following steps:

  • Before cleaning the kettle from scale with citric acid, it is first necessary to wipe the walls and the heating element from soft deposits. You can do this with a hard rag, but in no case should you use hard, and especially metal, washcloths. After that, rinse well with cold water.
  • Depending on the amount of plaque, use 20-40 gr. funds for one boil. In ordinary store packaging, this is 1-2 things. Cook them.
  • fill the electric kettle clean water 2/3 of the capacity, open the prepared packages and pour into the liquid.
  • Put the appliance to boil. If it is with an automatic switch, a few minutes after switching off, bring to a boil again. If there is no machine, boil water for 2-3 minutes.
  • Leave the kettle on for a few hours. After that, pour out the water, carefully remove the softened sediment (without the help of sharp objects). In case of incomplete cleaning, repeat the procedure.
  • Rinse thoroughly from sediment, pour clean water, boil it and pour it out. Then the device is ready for operation.

No boiling

If the electric kettle is cleaned at least once a month (twice in case of hard water), you can use more soft measures and remove scale in the kettle with citric acid without boiling. For this it is enough:

  • Dissolve a packet of citric acid in warm water.
  • Fill the container with a solution and leave for 4-5 hours, preferably overnight.
  • Rinse the device from sediment.
  • Pour in clean water and boil. The electric kettle is without sediment and ready for use.

regular lemon

There are small children in the house, and there are doubts about how to wash the kettle from scale with citric acid, while being sure of the safety of the baby? There is a way out that is a little more expensive, but ideal in terms of safety for the body, even for babies. To do this, clean the kettle from scale with citric acid own production. Powder, of course, does not have to be made. It is enough to have an ordinary lemon available:

  • It is cut into thin circles along with the skin.
  • The electric kettle is filled with 2/3 water, chopped rings are lowered into it and all this is put to boil.
  • The softened sediment, together with the remaining lemon, is removed from the container, the device is thoroughly rinsed.

Lemon decalcifier in the kettle is a great idea, although a little more expensive. The method is not only harmless and fast (no final boiling is needed), but also has another interesting property - the boiling container gets a pleasant lemon smell for a while. As for the amount of the product, it must be varied depending on the contamination.

For regular cleaning, half a lemon is enough, but to descale the electric kettle with natural citric acid in advanced cases, you will have to chop 2-3 pieces and clog the floor of the container with mugs.

Descaling the kettle with citric acid is best done frequently. This will significantly extend the life of the electrical appliance, preserving not only its performance, but also your health. No sediment - no sand and kidney stones, no infection and no load on the liver.

Knowing how to clean scale with citric acid in a kettle quickly and carefully, you can always stay healthy for both the appliance and its owner.

Read more about how to clean the electric kettle with citric acid (video)


Perhaps one of the most used items in every kitchen is the kettle. It is he who is a kind of symbol of home warmth and comfort, as well as an integral attribute of the home tea ceremony. In the process of use, pollution and scale gradually form inside and outside. You can clean it using several proven methods that allow you to return to its original appearance without unnecessary hassle and financial costs.

Exist a large number of variety of models made from different materials. But unfortunately, none of them is immune from the appearance of scale. main reason The formation of such complex pollution is the high concentration of salts in the water. However, even the use of special filters is not always able to solve the problem. Scale usually covers the bottom and walls of metal and enameled vessels, as well as electric kettles. Because of its appearance, many electrical appliances simply fail.

It is dangerous to ignore the formed plaque, because such a precipitate can not only cause damage to an electrical appliance, but also lead to overheating, having a small heat sink. In addition, water boiled in such a device can contribute to the development of kidney disease.

If you want to remove scale from the kettle, you can use several proven methods, however, it is advisable to take into account the material of manufacture of this product. Regardless of which model you have to clean, you should remember that after the treatment, the vessel must be boiled 1-2 times, and then drained. This will destroy the remaining funds used.

Homemade ways to clean the kettle from scale and rust inside

If you need to qualitatively clean the device from scale and rust, using home remedies, you can use the following methods.


  • Take 100 ml of table vinegar 9%, and dilute it in 1 liter of water.
  • Pour the resulting solution into the kettle and boil.
  • When the water begins to boil, check how effectively the scale layers are removed.
  • If the process is progressing sluggishly, do not remove it from the fire for another quarter of an hour.
  • After completing the cleaning procedure, rinse the vessel with clean water.
  • Attention! This method cleaning should not be used for electrical appliances. Vinegar can deprive the heating element of certain properties.


  • Fill the kettle with water by adding 1 tablespoon of baking soda to it.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil, and then do not remove from heat for half an hour.
  • Then proceed to the process of laundering with a household sponge or rag.
  • Then fill it with water again, boil it and drain it.
  • Lemon acid

  • Measure out 1 liter of water, and add 2 teaspoons of citric acid powder.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into the kettle and boil it.
  • Rinse the container with clean water, and boil water in it again, which must then be drained.
  • Cleansing with citric acid can be carried out without the boiling process.

  • Dissolve lemon powder in water, in the proportions indicated above.
  • Pour the liquid into the teapot.
  • Leave the container for several hours.
  • Then wash it in the usual way.
  • How to clean the kettle with citric acid - video


    You can get rid of traces of scale with the help of brine left after preservation. In this case, the effect is achieved due to the presence of the same lemon in it, which can easily cope with scale.

  • Pour the brine into the kettle and boil it.
  • Then wait for the brine to cool completely, then wash it.

  • Fruit and potato peels

    In the presence of a thin layer of scale formed on inner walls vessel, you can use cleaning from fruits and potatoes.

  • Wash thoroughly.
  • Put them in a kettle, fill with water and boil.
  • After boiling, remove the device from the heat, and leave it together with the contents for 2 hours.
  • Then wash the vessel.
  • Using the peeling of pears and apples, you can easily get rid of white salt deposits.

    Carbonated drinks

    You can wash the kettle with high quality using Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite.

  • Allow the gas to completely evaporate from the drink being used.
  • Then pour the drink into the kettle (about 1⁄2 of its capacity), and bring to a boil.
  • Then wash the vessel in clean water.
  • Attention! This method is not suitable for an electric kettle. In addition, colored drinks can leave a characteristic shade on the walls of the vessel. If it is necessary to clean the white, it is advisable to use colorless liquids such as Sprite or 7UP.

    In the case of the formation of very complex contaminants that accumulate on the walls of the kettle for a long time, you can use more powerful way its cleaning, involving the alternate use of several means at once.

  • Fill the kettle with water and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to it.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil and drain it.
  • Then draw clean water into the vessel again, pouring 1 tablespoon of citric acid into it.
  • Boil for half an hour, and after the specified time, drain the water.
  • Refill the vessel with clean water, and pour 1⁄2 cup of 9% vinegar into it.
  • Boil for half an hour and drain the water from it again.
  • After letting the kettle cool, remove the scale with a kitchen sponge. This method is not recommended for cleaning electrical appliances.
  • Attention! When cleaning, do not use metal scrapers and hard brushes.

    When choosing one or another cleaning method, one should take into account what materials the vessel is made of. To do this, you can use the table below.

    Table of home remedies for cleaning kettles made of various materials

    How to clean outside

    During operation, pollution appears not only inside, but also outside. If scale can be dealt with using the above methods, how can you easily and effectively clean the outside of the kettle? In this case, simple improvised means will also come to the rescue.


    Grease that has stained the surface can be wiped off using baking soda and a damp kitchen sponge. However, with this cleaning option, you should not be too zealous, as scratches may remain on nickel teapots.

    Old dirt can be removed by boiling in a soda solution.

  • In a container of a suitable size, draw clean water, and put soda in it, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.
  • Then lower the kettle into the container, making sure that the water covers it completely.
  • Put the container with the vessel on the fire, and boil for half an hour.
  • Then let the composition cool, and remove dirt from the surface with a kitchen sponge.
  • Rinse the vessel cleaned of dirt in clean water and wipe dry.
  • Advice. Before cleaning the outside, warm up the appliance. This will make it easier to remove dirt.

    Soda with 9% vinegar, mixed in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each), will help get rid of dried dirt.

    How to clean the outside of the kettle with baking soda and vinegar - video

    Activated carbon

    Aluminum kettles are perfectly cleaned with activated carbon.

  • Take 10 charcoal tablets and turn them into powder.
  • Then moisten the sides of the dishes, then evenly apply the powder on them.
  • After an hour, wipe the outside and rinse with clean water.
  • Toothpaste

    Instead of soda, you can also use toothpaste for more gentle care.

  • Apply the paste to the outer surface by squeezing it out of the tube.
  • Scrub the soiled areas with a sponge or soft brush, then rinse off the paste warm water then rinse surfaces with cold water.
  • Using a flannel cloth, you can then polish the coating to a shine.
  • How to keep your kettle clean

  • To prevent rapid scale formation, it is advisable to use bottled water. And when using tap water, defend it for several hours or pass it through special filters.
  • The water poured into the vessel should not be boiled more than once, and it is advisable to rinse the vessel daily.
  • To avoid the formation of heavy scale, you can sometimes boil the kettle by adding a tablespoon of citric acid to it.
  • With the help of these simple folk methods, you can clean the surface and inside of the dishes from scale, while making a lot of effort. Many of them cannot cope with too complex pollution, and it is for this reason that in some cases it is more expedient to use means of industrial production. However, for people who prefer to avoid the use of complex chemicals in the kitchen, these methods will become the best option. Timely removal of scale will provide easier and faster cleaning of surfaces, and regular prevention of its appearance will be the key to cleanliness of the vessel throughout long period time.

    During operation, the kettle under the influence high temperatures scale is formed in the form of a dense crust. How longer term service, the thicker the crust. Experienced housewives give advice on how to clean the kettle with citric acid from scale.

    Effective methods for descaling at home

    Scale is formed in the process of boiling water due to the precipitated salts, which are subsequently dissolved in water. Often, such salts at elevated concentrations adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Cases have been recorded when long-term use water with scale led to urolithiasis. This disease is difficult to tolerate by the body, and the treatment is long.

    However, if there is a problem, there is always an opportunity to solve it. So, you can clean the kettle using home methods that are less aggressive compared to chemicals. But on the shelves of household stores you can find effective means to descale the kettle.

    Important information! An electric kettle requires careful care, therefore, when buying a product, the package must contain an inscription on the permission to use it in an electric kettle. It is noteworthy that for such household appliances home methods are less aggressive.

    However, it should be remembered that the use of radical approaches can render unusable faster than the problem is eliminated. So, there are two categories for removing stone sediment in a kettle - folk methods and professional ones.

    Home remedies include:

    • citric acid;
    • vinegar;
    • soda;
    • skins of an apple or lemon;
    • potato peel;
    • soda;
    • brine.

    Companies in the field household chemicals professional level descaling products have been developed. Such funds, as a rule, have a disposable package equal to one procedure. Purifiers are produced both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

    Most of the cleaning products on the market are intended for use in electrical appliances.

    In view of this, when removing scale in an electric kettle, specialized tools are in demand, unlike home recipes. However, "grandmother's" methods are no less effective and often turn out to be an indispensable assistant in everyday life and they should be used for their intended purpose.

    The effect of citric acid on the sediment in the kettle and the safety of the method

    Chemical descaling cleaners are not always food grade and can be detrimental to human health. In view of this, after application, parting is recommended long time boil, then wash, then boil again. However, on a thermal element made of metal, under the influence of salt, microcracks are formed that are invisible to the human eye.

    When the chemical is added, the microparticles remain inside the kettle. Accordingly, a person can drink water, tea or coffee and not realize that he is damaging his health every day.

    Cleaning the kettle with citric acid acts on scale gently, without harming a person. At the same time, the agent is 100% washed out after the first procedure. Therefore, it is possible to remove scale using this method in an electric kettle.

    In addition, such cleaning refers to the budget option. Acid is sold in any grocery store for up to 50 rubles. for packing. At the same time, one sachet is enough for several procedures.

    For your information: citric acid effectively cleans the heating element in the washing machine. It is recommended to turn on the device once a month for maximum temperature and squeezed with 1 sachet of citric acid. Alternative chemicals type "Kalgon", etc.

    Several options for cleaning lemon scale in the kettle. The boiling method is relevant for a large sediment. The procedure is carried out in stages:

    • Wipe the wall of the device and the heating tent from plaque with a hard sponge. The use of metal mesh is prohibited. Then, rinse under cold water.
    • How much citric acid do you need? Depends on the raid level. On average, the proportions are from 20 to 40 grams, i.e. 1-2 packs. Further, the contents are poured to the bottom, water is poured to the level ⅔.
    • Boil a kettle with citric acid. The device with an automatic switch will turn itself off after 4-5 minutes, then bring to a boil again. If the kettle is ordinary, then after boiling, hold on fire for another 3-4 minutes.
    • The kettle is left for 2-3 hours. Then the water is drained and the softened sediment is removed without the use of sharp objects. If the cleaning is not 100%, repeat the procedure.
    • Rinse the device, draw water, boil and drain - you can use it.

    By cleaning the electric kettle at least once a month, and with hard water twice, a gentle method of eliminating scale is used. This does not require boiling.

    • Dissolve citric acid in water at 40°C.
    • Pour the solution into a container and leave overnight.
    • Rinse with cool water.
    • Pour clean water and bring to a boil. The device is ready for safe service.

    In the presence of small child in the family there are always doubts about the safety of the means used. If there is no confidence in citric acid from the counter, then you can use the recipe for self-cooking:

    • Take a lemon and cut into thin circles. Do not remove skin.
    • Pour ⅔ of water into an electric kettle, lower the rings and boil for 5 minutes.
    • Remove the soft sediment along with the remnants of citrus. Rinse the container thoroughly.

    Lemon option - effective method, although relatively expensive. At the same time, the safety for the health of family members increases, and the time for purification decreases, because. there is no need to boil the water several times. In addition, a pleasant citrus smell will remain in the teapot for some period.

    With regards to proportions, it all depends on the level of contamination. For regular periodic cleaning use ⅟₂ lemon.

    Even if the water has been filtered, it still has residue harmful metals. From such water, traces of settling impurities remain on the dishes, and plaque forms on the walls, which, when heated, can distort the taste of the liquid. known different ways cleaning dishes. But recommendations to clean the kettle with citric acid, as the most gentle way, are very popular.

    Danger of scale

    Plaque formation is a natural process. This is a compound of calcium and magnesium salts that does not dissolve and is formed when a liquid is boiled. At elevated temperature changes it chemical composition, at this moment, salts are released, which settle on the walls of the dishes.

    • A small dose of plaque particles, even if it enters the human body, there will be practically no harm. If these salt particles are constantly ingested with food or tea into the body, then unpleasant symptoms may occur. Experts call this reabsorption. There is an accumulation of salts in the joints, blockage of blood vessels, kidney stones are formed, the urinary system suffers.
    • An electrical appliance with a coating formed on the heating element heats up for a long time, because of this, breakdown quickly occurs. In addition, power consumption increases significantly.

    If a replacement can be made when an electrical appliance breaks down, then health problems can be avoided by removing scale in the kettle with citric acid.

    How to prepare a kettle

    How to properly perform descaling? It is not recommended to use cleaning products similar in composition to cleaning for washing machines. It is recommended to clean folk remedy- citric acid. This method has worked well.

    Preparatory measures before descaling the kettle with citric acid:

    • it is not recommended to use a metal sponge or brush;
    • the unit must first be cooled before cleaning at home. Electrical must be disconnected from the network;
    • the mains-operated unit must not be immersed in liquid with detergent. Pay attention to the nose. It contains a mesh, it also needs to be cleaned;
    • make sure you have a full set of cleaning ingredients in advance.
    • for the first time, it is better to boil the dishes with a lemon solution before going to bed, leave it overnight, repeat the procedure in the morning. This is done so that 3-4 hours pass, when the agent begins to act on metals.

    Advantages of the method

    Red plaque on the walls can be removed with vinegar, soda and many others. folk ways. But the most gentle remedy is considered to be citric acid from scale in the kettle. Positive sides uses for cleaning this product:

    The effect of citric acid is less aggressive than other agents. It dissolves metals and salt compounds;

    1. Citric acid becomes a barrier to corrosion in iron kettles, which provokes scale. Descaling means does not allow the wall material to collapse.
    2. After applying this solution, there are no marks or scratches on the surface of the unit.
    3. Doesn't leave bad smell inside the dishes after processing.
    4. The use of cleaning products does not harm human health. Even if the lemon is not completely washed off, its particles will not harm the body. not noticed allergic reaction from contact with her.
    5. The price of funds available to everyone.

    Features of cleaning different types

    Citric acid from scale in the kettle is the most safe remedy. The recipe with this tool works very quickly and effectively. The procedure does not cause difficulties.

    teapot Gentle cleaning method Aggressive cleaning method
    metal Mixture: citric acid, soda, vinegar. Vinegar 150 ml. ½ teapot of water. Prepare the solution, leave for 20 minutes. Powder 40-60 gr. Boil. Leave for 25 min.
    plastic Lemons 1-2 packets.

    The volume of water is 1 liter. Prepare a solution. Boil.

    enameled You don't need a lot of acid. Fill the kettle with water. Stir with a wooden spoon. Boiling lasts 5 minutes. If the raid is large, then 15 minutes.

    Powder 20-35 gr.

    liquid 2/3 teapot.

    Lemon-vinegar solution for a metal unit that is used on a stove. Do not use a metal sponge.
    electric Powder 30-40 gr.

    Prepare a solution with warm liquid. Fill up the unit. Leave for 4-5 hours. Rinse the dishes at the end of the time. Can be used. If the plaque is large, increase the temperature of the water to a boil. The procedure is repeated 3 times.

    Various cleaning methods

    1. Boiling is used in almost all recipes. It is especially recommended to boil acid solutions with a strong coating. The solution is boiled for 3-5 minutes on average. After that, be sure to rinse. Before you start using the kettle, you need to fill the clean unit with new liquid and bring it to 100 ° C, drain it. You can use.
    2. Without boiling, the method is good if the cleaning procedure is carried out regularly. It is convenient because it can be performed partially in a passive state: a teapot with citric acid from scale is left overnight. Prepare a solution of 60 gr. powder and 1 liter of water, which is left either overnight or for 5 hours. After the time has elapsed, wash the dishes and pour new liquid, boil.

    With lemon, clean dishes with a slight coating. 1-2 tablespoons of acid is replaced by ¼ of a lemon. A solution is prepared with 0.5 liters of liquid. Bring to 100 ° C. Leave boiling water to cool for 1-2 hours.

    The appliance automatically turns off when it reaches 100 ° C. To continue the boiling process, open the lid. So that the steam does not spoil the ceiling or furniture, the unit must be placed under the hood.

    The acid solution used is useful for cleaning the walls of dishes from the outside. Such a solution copes with greasy traces, will wash off the dirt. Therefore, it is recommended to pour it out after boiling not into the sink. Prepare separate dishes.

    You can work with lemon-vinegar solution with gloves so as not to damage your hands.

    The cleaning procedure can be repeated several times if it was not possible to get rid of the entire plaque immediately.

    To prevent the formation of a strong plaque, make a solution and treat the kettle from the inside 2-3 times within 14 days. Then you can get by with a warm solution, which is left in the bowl for 15-20 minutes, the formed salts will disappear.

    Scale prevention

    Three simple rules help to avoid the formation of scale:

    1. Cleaning the kettle should be - at least 1 time per month; the average amount is 1 time in 2 weeks.
    2. It is recommended to pour only purified water. It is also good for human health.
    3. Before pouring new water, you need to pour out the remnants of the previous liquid. It is recommended to wash the dishes with running water.

    Other methods

    Important: all methods of removing plaque at home rely on the effect of acid on scale. Recipes use products that create an acidic environment.

    • Recipe for metal utensils, for prevention:

    Place peelings from apples or potatoes in a bowl, pour liquid, bring to 100 ° C, cool for 2 hours. Wash off the plaque with a sponge.

    • Brine recipe:

    Pour the liquid into any metal teapot, bring to 100 ° C, cool for 2 hours. Sponge removes the remnants of plaque, rinse.

    • A recipe with soda is suitable for any dishes, including cleaning an electric kettle:

    For 0.5 l water 2 tbsp. l. soda. Bring the solution to 100 ° C, pour soda into the liquid, dissolve, cool for 2 hours. Sponge wipe inside, rinse with running water.

    Using such simple ways, you can keep the kitchen and dishes on it completely clean. Your guests will have the opportunity to look like a good hostess.

    Anna Markovich

    If our grandparents drank water straight from the tap or from a street pump without any fear, then we cannot afford such a luxury. The water flowing in our apartments is unfit for consumption, to cook soup with it or brew tea, the liquid should be driven through a filter.

    Therefore, more and more people are inclined to purchase bottled water, considering it to be cleaner.

    But no matter what liquid you buy and no matter how much you filter, it will gradually settle on the walls of the kettle, leaving an ugly layer of scale. It is for this reason that many housewives are looking for effective way how to rid the kettle of lime deposits.

    proportions of citric acid for cleaning the kettle

    On the shelves of hardware stores you can find a large assortment of products that should help to cope with a layer of scale. Only now, judging by the reviews on the Internet, all this chemistry does not give the desired effect, but is not cheap.

    But do not despair, experienced housewives recommend resorting to the old and proven method: use citric acid for cleaning. Therefore, let's talk about several ways to get rid of plaque with the help of the "lemon" familiar to everyone.

    How to clean the kettle from scale with citric acid, simple tips:

    • for work, purchase a bag (50 g) of citric acid in the store. If you suddenly do not find it on the counter, you can replace it with lemon. Pour out the water from the kettle and put the bag of lemons in it. Pour a clean liquid at room temperature into a bowl and, armed with a spoon, stir the contents of the kettle. This is necessary in order for the "lemon" to dissolve;
    • leave the kettle, where the citric acid solution turned out, stand for at least 2 hours. Next, focus on the layer of scale that was in the bowl. If the limescale is significant, then boil the water first. Otherwise, it will not be possible to clean the plaque;
    • if there is little scale, the liquid can not be heated. When the allotted time has passed, drain the "lemon" solution and rinse the bowl. Then pour water into it and boil. Let the liquid boil for 5-7 minutes, then rinse the vessel again. After all the manipulations, your friend for tea parties will become like new and can be used;
    • if there is too much limescale, the kettle should be cleaned in a slightly different way. To get rid of scale, pour half a bag of "lemon" (25 g) into the vessel, pour in water and 100 ml of nine percent vinegar. Put the vessel on the gas and boil its contents, let the mixture simmer over minimum heat for no more than a quarter of an hour. Then empty the vessel, rinse thoroughly and boil again, but already filled with clean water. Repeat the same manipulation several times;
    • to heighten the effect, a mixture of water, citric acid and vinegar can be left overnight. In this case, you do not need to boil anything, in the morning you should pour the liquid out of the vessel and rub the scale with a cruel washcloth, and then rinse the kettle thoroughly.

    To clean the electric kettle, change the proportions of citric acid: take not 50 g of “lemon”, but 15, you can perform all other actions, as in the methods above.

    How can you clean a kettle besides lemon?

    For those who realize that their favorite utensils cannot be saved in the two ways described above, since the plaque layer is too large, a couple more options can be advised:

    • Fill a bowl with water and add 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. Boil the resulting solution and let it simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. Then pour out the contents of the vessel, pour in a clean cold liquid and add 1 tbsp. l. with a slide of "lemon". Put the kettle on gas, let the water gurgle for 30 minutes. Drain the boiling water, fill the vessel again with clean liquid and add ½ cup of vinegar there. Put the kettle on gas and let it boil for another 30 minutes. After all the manipulations, the vessel should be thoroughly rinsed, using a sponge to remove scale residues. After washing, boil clean water a couple of times, but do not use it, drain it;
    • a very large layer of limescale will perfectly remove vinegar essence. To do this, water and half a glass of essence are poured into the kettle. You don’t need to boil anything, you just need to let the composition stand for at least 2 hours, and then rinse the vessel thoroughly. All unpleasant deposits should disappear;
    • some housewives use a drink that is loved by young people to get rid of scale. This is Coca-Cola carbonated water. It is poured into a bowl and boiled. After that, the drink is poured out, and the dishes are washed and boiled already with water. When using sweet soda, it is recommended to either release “gaziki” from it, or pour no more than half of the container.