
Caregiver compensation. On payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens Documents for assigning compensation payments to care

For citizens caring for disabled persons, the legislation provides for compensation payments. It is a monthly benefit paid as compensation for the inability to work while caring for people who need constant care due to health or age. In this article we will look in detail at who can make a payment and how to do it correctly.

A citizen who meets the following conditions is entitled to receive a compensation payment:

  • able-bodied A person who has not reached retirement age and is not disabled, that is, he can carry out labor activities;
  • not employed. The citizen does not work anywhere and is not registered with the employment fund. This is one of the main requirements for a caregiver. He must have no income from labor activity;
  • age from 16 years;
  • living in the same locality as the person being cared for.

The relationship between the person being cared for and the carer does not matter. It is equally possible to care for relatives or unrelated people.

One of the conditions for applying for this care payment is living in the same locality. It should be noted here that this does not mean living together with the ward, but living in the same city, town, etc.

IMPORTANT! Cohabitation of the caregiver with the person being cared for is not required.

In addition, there is no limit to the number of people you can care for. Payment will be assigned for each of them. But no matter how many people care about one disabled person, the payment will be assigned to only one caregiver.

Who is recognized as disabled citizens

The following persons are recognized as disabled citizens requiring constant care:

  • disabled people of group 1, except for disabled children;
  • those who have reached 80 years of age;
  • elderly citizens who, according to a medical opinion, require constant care.
  • Size compensation payment

The compensation payment for caring for disabled citizens is 1,200.00 rubles per month. It is paid together with the pension to the person being cared for. That is, this payment will be transferred to the disabled person, and not to the personal caregiver. And he will independently pay it to the person who helps him.

Amount of compensation depending on the regional coefficient

The amount of compensation payment is subject to increase by the regional coefficient in those regions where this coefficient is provided.

Let's take a closer look:

Region of the Russian Federation Regional coefficient Payment amount, rub.

Moscow region

Saint Petersburg

1 200,00
Kamchatka region Aleutian district 2 2 400,00


1,8 2 160,00
Krasnoyarsk region

Khabarovsk Territory Okhotsk District

1,6 1 920,00
Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Tyumen region

1,5 1 800,00
Altai Republic

Arkhangelsk region

1,4 1 680,00
Buryatia 1,3 1 560,00

You can check with the pension fund whether the regional coefficient applies in your region.

Procedure for processing compensation

  1. Place of application:

- Security department.

To apply for compensation, you need to contact the pension fund that pays the pension to the person under your care. That is, regardless of what area the caring citizen lives in, you need to contact not your own PFR branch, but the branch of the person being cared for. This is required because the care payment will be transferred to the disabled person, along with his basic pension.

If compensation is issued for a military pensioner, then you will need to contact the law enforcement agency that pays him the pension;

IMPORTANT! If a pension is paid to the person being cared for simultaneously through both the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the law enforcement agency, then the caring citizen can apply to either of the two authorities to apply for compensation.

  1. Statement. To receive payment you will need to write two applications. The first is written from the caregiver (applicant), and the second from the disabled person. The application of the caregiver indicates the date of commencement of care, and the application of the disabled citizen indicates consent to the provision of care by a specific person. If the person for whom care is planned is not able to write a statement on his own (that is, he is incapacitated), a proxy can do this for him. Then, the application will need to be accompanied by a power of attorney confirming this right;
  2. Package of documents. The following documents must be attached to both applications:
  • a certificate confirming that the caregiver’s pension has not yet been assigned. You can obtain such a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence;
  • a certificate confirming that the applicant is not receiving unemployment benefits. The certificate is issued by the employment service;
  • a certificate from the tax office confirming the fact of lack of status individual entrepreneur;
  • a certificate from the place of study about the date of completion of training, if the caregiver is studying full-time;
  • an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled person. Such an extract is provided by a medical and social examination;
  • a medical report confirming the need for ongoing care;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • work records of both persons.
  1. Purpose of payment. The Pension Fund takes a decision on awarding compensation or refusing it within 10 days. If the decision is positive, compensation payment for caring for a disabled citizen will be assigned from the month in which the application was submitted. Even if the application was submitted on the 20th, the start of payment accrual will be the start date of care in the application. However, if the application is submitted before the entitlement to care arises, payment will not be awarded before the specified period.
  2. Methods of obtaining. As noted above, the compensation payment is received by the person being cared for along with their pension. Therefore, the method of receipt will be the same as that chosen when applying for the main pension. But at any time you can change the delivery method and choose any of the methods that are defined for receiving a pension:
  • through a bank branch;
  • through the post office;
  • through special organizations that deliver pensions.

The disabled citizen pays the compensation to the caregiver independently.

  1. Refusal to pay

Compensation payments may be denied for one of the following reasons:

  • The person who plans to provide care has an income. The Pension Fund verifies all data provided along with the application for compensation payment. In the event that the applicant is found to have any paid work activity, compensation will be denied;
  • The person planning to provide care is disabled. In other words, he himself is disabled or unable to carry out labor activities according to the decision of doctors;
  • The person for whom care is planned has lost his disability status.

If all the conditions for providing the payment are met, the Pension Fund does not have the right to refuse to issue it.

  1. Termination of compensation payment

Under a number of circumstances, payment of compensation for caring for a disabled person will be terminated. These include:

  • death of a citizen who was being cared for or a caregiver;
  • the end of the period for which the disabled citizen was diagnosed with disability;
  • resumption of work by the person providing care, or when he is assigned a pension or unemployment benefit;
  • personal refusal to care for a disabled person;
  • registration of the status of an entrepreneur by the caregiver;
  • relocation of a citizen who was being cared for or cared for.

If any of the above circumstances occur, the caregiver is obliged to notify the Pension Fund within 5 days.

  1. Work experience

Legislative framework

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007 N 343 (as amended on October 30, 2018) “On making monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I), as well as for the elderly in need of conclusion medical institution in permanent care or who have reached the age of 80 years"







Judicial practice and legislation - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/04/2007 N 343 (as amended on 10/30/2018) “On making monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I), as well as for the elderly who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, require constant outside care or have reached the age of 80 years"

Government resolution Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007 N 343 “On the implementation of monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I), as well as for the elderly who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, need constant outside care or have reached age 80 years" (clause 2)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007 No. 343 approved the Rules for the implementation of monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens.

A monthly compensation payment is assigned to persons living on the territory of the Russian Federation who care for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child under the age of 18, as well as elderly people who need constant outside care or have reached the age of 80 years.

From July 1, 2008, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2008 No. 774, the amount of monthly compensation payment was determined at 1,200 rubles; taking into account the regional coefficient 1.2 - 1440 rubles, 1.4 - 1680 rubles.

A monthly compensation payment is established for the pension assigned to a disabled citizen during the period of caring for him.

Compensation payment is set to one unemployed person for every disabled citizen. Thus, if unemployed citizen cares for several disabled persons, then the corresponding number of payments will be established for this citizen.

A monthly compensation payment is assigned to the caregiver, regardless of family relations and cohabitation with a disabled citizen.

To assign compensation for care, the following documents are required:

1. application from the pensioner regarding consent to provide care by a specific person (full name) indicating the start date of care;

2. an application from the caregiver indicating the date of commencement of care and his place of residence;

3. pensioner’s passport, or its certified copy;

4. passport of the caregiver, or its certified copy;

5. work book pensioner, or its certified copy;

6. the work book of the caregiver, or its certified copy (in the absence of a work record, the caregiver indicates in the application that “I do not have a work record”);

7. certificate (information) from the territorial Office Pension Fund RF that the caregiver does not receive any type of pension;

8. certificate (information) from the territorial Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation stating that the pensioner is not a recipient of compensation payments for care;

9. a certificate from the territorial body of the employment service about the non-receipt of unemployment benefits by the caregiver (except for persons 14-15 years of age and persons studying full-time);

10. A certificate from the territorial tax authority confirming that the caregiver is not registered as an individual entrepreneur (for persons 16 years of age and older);

11. certificate of study of the caregiver indicating the expected date of completion of studies (for persons studying full-time at an educational institution);

12. permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authority to provide care (for persons 14-15 years of age);

13. a statement from the parents that they do not object to the fact that their child will be caring for a disabled person and the care will not interfere educational process(for persons 14 years of age);

14. birth certificate (for persons 14 years of age).

The compensation payment is assigned from the month in which the caregiver applied for its appointment with applications and all documents necessary for submission to the pension department, but not earlier than the day the right to the specified payment arises.

If the documents specified in paragraphs 7 - 10 are not provided simultaneously with the application, the pension department will send requests to the relevant authorities within 2 working days.

To reduce the time required for appointment and payment of monthly compensation for care, we recommend that you provide us with the entire list of documents along with the applications.

Copies of documents can be certified by employees of departments for working with personnel of internal affairs bodies at the place of residence or at a personal reception at the Pension Services Department of the Central Federal District.

The monthly compensation payment for care is terminated in the following cases:

Death of a disabled citizen or caregiver;

Termination of care by the person providing care, confirmed by a statement from a disabled citizen;

Assigning a pension to the caregiver (regardless of its type and size), unemployment benefits;

Performing paid work by a disabled citizen or caregiver;

Acquisition by a caregiver of the status of an individual entrepreneur;

Expiration of the period for which the disabled citizen was assigned 1st disability group;

Change of place of residence by a disabled citizen or caregiver.

The caregiver is obliged to notify the body paying the pension within 5 days of the occurrence of circumstances leading to the termination of the monthly compensation payment.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2007 N 343 “On the implementation of monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I), as well as for the elderly who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, need permanent outside assistance care or who have reached the age of 80 years" (with amendments and additions)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2007 N 343
"On the implementation of monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a group I disabled person (with the exception of group I disabled people since childhood), as well as for the elderly who, according to the conclusion of a medical institution, need constant outside care or have reached the age of 80 years"

With changes and additions from:

December 31, 2008, July 15, 2010, June 26, 2012, March 25, May 2, 2013, June 23, October 15, 2014, August 4, 2015, June 2, 2016, July 12 , October 30, 2018

g) conclusion of a medical institution on the need of an elderly citizen for constant outside care;

h) documents confirming the fact of termination of work and (or) other activities of the person providing care, as well as a disabled citizen (if the body paying the pension has at its disposal the information necessary to assign a compensation payment, the person providing care has submitted the specified no documents required);

i) permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, trustee) and the guardianship authority to provide care for a disabled citizen student who has reached the age of 14 years in his free time from school. As a document confirming that specified person is a parent, a birth certificate is accepted. An adoption certificate or a court decision on adoption is accepted as a document confirming adoption. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as a document confirming the establishment of guardianship;

j) certificate from the organization carrying out educational activities, confirming the fact of full-time education of the caregiver;

k) certificate (information) about the non-assignment of compensation payment for caring for a disabled citizen who is a recipient of two pensions at the same time: a pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On pension provision for persons undergoing military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, turnover control authorities narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" and other state pension provision or insurance pension issued by the body paying the corresponding pension.

6.1. The body paying the pension does not have the right to require the person providing care to submit the documents (information) specified in subparagraphs “c”, “d” and “l” of paragraph 6 of these Rules. These documents (information) are requested by the body paying the pension from the relevant authorities in the manner of interdepartmental information interaction. The interdepartmental request is sent by the specified body within 2 working days from the date of submission of the application by the caregiver in the form of an electronic document using unified system interdepartmental electronic interaction and regional interdepartmental electronic interaction systems connected to it, and in the absence of access to this system - on paper in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.

The documents (information) specified in subparagraphs “c”, “d” and “l” of paragraph 6 of these Rules are provided by the relevant authorities at the request of the body paying the pension within 3 working days from the date of its receipt.

The caregiver has the right to submit the documents (information) specified in subparagraphs “c”, “d” and “k” of paragraph 6 of these Rules, on his own initiative.

6.2. Applications specified in subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 6 of these Rules may be submitted in the form of an electronic document using the federal state information system"Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)."

7. The application of the caregiver, with the documents required for submission attached to it, is considered by the body paying the pension within 10 working days from the date of its receipt.

In case of refusal to satisfy the application of the person providing care, the body paying the pension, within 5 working days from the date of making the relevant decision, notifies the person providing care and the disabled citizen (legal representative) about this, indicating the reason for the refusal and the procedure for appealing the decision. solutions.

8. The compensation payment is assigned from the month in which the caregiver applied for its appointment with applications and all documents necessary for submission to the body that pays the pension, but not earlier than the day the right to the specified payment arises.

If not all documents necessary for submission are attached to the applications, the body paying the pension gives the caregiver an explanation of what additional documents he must submit. If such documents are submitted no later than 3 months from the date of receipt of the relevant clarification, the month of application for compensation payment is considered to be the month of receipt of the application.

9. Compensation payments are terminated in the following cases:

a) death of a disabled citizen or person providing care, as well as recognition of them as dead or missing in the prescribed manner;

b) termination of care by the person providing care, confirmed by an application from a disabled citizen (legal representative) and (or) an inspection report from the body paying the pension;

c) assigning a pension to the caregiver, regardless of its type and size;

d) assignment of unemployment benefits to the caregiver;

e) performance of paid work by a disabled citizen or a caregiver;

f) expiration of the period for which the disabled citizen was assigned disability group I;

h) placing a disabled citizen in an organization social services, providing social services in stationary form;

10. The caregiver is obliged to notify the body paying the pension within 5 days of the occurrence of circumstances leading to the termination of the compensation payment. Notification of the occurrence of these circumstances can be submitted in the form of an electronic document using the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)".

11. The termination of the compensation payment is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the circumstances specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules occurred.

12. If a disabled citizen changes his place of residence and continues to be cared for by the person to whom the compensation payment was assigned, the body that paid him the pension shall suspend the compensation payment. The body paying the pension at the new place of residence, upon the application of the person caring for him to continue caring for the disabled citizen, resumes making compensation payments from the 1st day of the month following the month in which it was suspended. Such an application can be submitted in the form of an electronic document using the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)".

The body paying the pension, in order to resume the compensation payment, has the right to request from the caregiver the documents specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules.

13. Amounts of the assigned compensation payment that are not received on time are paid for the past time, but no more than 3 years before applying for its receipt.

Amounts of assigned compensation payments that were not paid on time due to the fault of the body paying the pension are paid for the past without any time limit.

14. The accrued amounts of compensation payments due to the person providing care in the current month and remaining not received by him in connection with the death of the person for whom care was provided are paid to the person providing care in the manner prescribed for the payment of a pension, on the basis of a corresponding application from the specified faces.

15. The accrued amounts of compensation payments due to the person providing care in the current month and remaining not received by him due to death are paid in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1455, the amount of these payments was increased from 120 to 500 rubles. The procedure for assigning and making monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens has been adjusted.

A monthly compensation payment is assigned to persons residing in the territory of the Russian Federation who care for a group I disabled person, a disabled child under the age of 18, as well as the elderly who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, require constant outside care or have reached the age of 80 years. The assignment of payment to the caregiver is made regardless of family relationships and cohabitation with the disabled citizen.

To assign a compensation payment, it is necessary to have a statement from the disabled citizen agreeing to be cared for by a specific person. The procedure for submitting such an application has been clarified. In particular, the authenticity of the signature of a disabled citizen on the said application can be confirmed by an inspection report from the body paying the pension. If care is provided for a disabled child or a person declared incompetent, such an application is submitted on behalf of his legal representative. In this case, a disabled child who has reached 14 years of age has the right to submit an application on his own behalf.

It has been established that the compensation payment is assigned from the month in which the caregiver applied for its appointment with all necessary documents, but not earlier than the day the right to the specified payment arises. If not all necessary documents are submitted, the body paying the pension is obliged to explain which documents should be submitted additionally. If such documents are submitted no later than 3 months from the date of receipt of the relevant clarification, the month of application for compensation payment is considered to be the month of receipt of the application.

The list of grounds for termination of compensation payments has been supplemented by the case of recognition of a disabled citizen or person providing care as deceased or missing. A change of place of residence by a disabled citizen, entailing a change in the body paying him a pension, is not grounds for termination of the compensation payment.

The previous procedure for providing compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 1994 N 549, was declared invalid.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2007 N 343 “On the implementation of monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I), as well as for the elderly who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, need permanent outside assistance care or have reached the age of 80 years"

This document is amended by the following documents:

Resolution after 7 days from July 1, 2012

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2008 N 1101

Reading time: 8 minutes. Views 85 Published Oct 14, 2015

Today we will talk about a payment that is partial compensation for lost earnings to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens. This payment is provided for by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 No. 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens.” Currently, 491 people in the Yuryevets district receive compensation payments. Editorial staff member M. Krainov asked Z.V., a specialist-expert from the department of NSAIDs and OPPZL of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Yuryevetsky municipal district, to tell us about this type of payment. Kuzmin.

– Zinaida Vladimirovna, what is the amount of compensation payment?

– The monthly compensation payment is 1200 rubles.

– Who are the disabled citizens whose care entitles them to the establishment of compensation payments?

– These disabled citizens include: disabled people of the first group, disabled children under the age of 18, the elderly who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, require constant outside care or have reached the age of 80 years.

– Did I understand correctly that persons who have reached the age of 80 are considered disabled regardless of their state of health and any additional certificates from medical institutions not required?

- Yes, that's true. A conclusion from a medical institution regarding the need for constant outside care is required only for those citizens who have not reached the age of 80.

– Is it possible to assign a compensation payment if a conclusion on the need for constant outside care is issued to a disabled person of the second group who has not reached the generally established retirement age?

- Unfortunately no. The circle of persons whose care gives the right to establish compensation payments is limited by current legislation. In this case, not the first, but the second disability group was established. And the conclusion of a medical institution about the need for constant outside care has legal meaning only for senior citizens.

– Under what conditions and to whom is compensation paid?

– It is assigned to persons living in the territory of the Russian Federation if they are able-bodied, do not work and do not receive unemployment benefits, and provide care for the listed categories of disabled citizens.

– Is the payment only due to relatives living together and caring for disabled citizens?

– The specified payment is established for able-bodied persons, regardless of family relationships and the fact of cohabitation with disabled citizens.

– What is meant by the concept of care? Are there any provisions in the law that spell out what the responsibilities of an able-bodied person are when providing care?

– No, the current legislation does not contain any list of functions that must be performed by persons caring for disabled citizens. The scope of these responsibilities is determined by the disabled pensioner.

– Does a wife caring for her disabled husband of the first group have the right to a compensation payment if she herself is a pensioner and receives an old-age pension?

– No, persons who are recipients of pensions are not considered able-bodied citizens. Even if this woman’s pension was granted early, for example, in connection with teaching, medical activities or for any other reason. The type of pension does not matter. Persons receiving any pension, regardless of its type and basis for assignment, are considered disabled.

– Can a compensation payment be awarded to a non-working student caring for a grandmother who has reached the age of 80?

- Yes, it can. When determining the compensation payment, even the fact that he receives a scholarship does not matter.

– What if care is forced to be provided by a family member who has not reached the age of majority? For example, in a family there is an 11-year-old disabled child, the parents work, but there is a 15-year-old sister who, after school, will feed, look after, and necessary help will.

– Compensation payment is issued if the caregiver has reached 16 years of age. But there may be situations when the said payment can be established earlier than this age, if this does not contradict labor legislation. So, in cases of receiving general education either continuing to master the basic general education program of general education in a form of education other than full-time, or leaving in accordance with federal law educational institution employment contract can be concluded by persons over 15 years of age.

With the consent of one of the parents and the guardianship and trusteeship authority, an employment contract can be concluded with a student who has reached the age of 14 to perform light labor in his free time from school that does not harm his health and does not disrupt the learning process. Compensation payments to minors caring for disabled citizens can be established taking into account these provisions of labor legislation.

Persons caring for disabled citizens do not have the right to establish a monthly compensation payment if they are registered with the employment service and receive unemployment benefits.

– Does a woman caring for a disabled child who is on leave to care for this child until he reaches the age of 3 years have the right to establish a compensation payment?

– In accordance with labor legislation, such a woman retains her place of work (position). And since the employment relationship has not ceased, such a woman is considered to be working. Accordingly, she does not have the right to establish a monthly compensation payment.

– If an able-bodied person cares for two disabled citizens, will he be compensated for each such citizen? For example, an able-bodied daughter does not work and takes care of her mother and father, who have reached the age of 80.

– Yes, compensation payments are established for one non-working able-bodied person for each disabled citizen. Therefore, in the above situation, two compensation payments will be established for an able-bodied daughter caring for her parents.

– Who is the compensation payment paid to: an able-bodied person or a disabled citizen?

– Despite the fact that the specified payment is intended for an able-bodied person providing care, it is made towards the pension assigned to the disabled citizen, and he himself disposes of the amount received.

– What documents are required to process a compensation payment?

– To assign a compensation payment, the following documents are submitted: application from the caregiver. It is drawn up on a standard form. In this application, the able-bodied person must indicate the start date of care and information about his place of residence, as well as a statement from the disabled citizen about his consent to be cared for by a specific person. Such a statement is not required from parents caring for a disabled child; in relation to the caregiver: passport, work book, certificate from the body paying the pension at his place of residence stating that he was not assigned a pension, certificate from the employment service about his non-receipt of unemployment benefits. In relation to a disabled citizen: passport, work book, document confirming the fact of establishing disability group 1, document recognizing a child under 18 years of age as disabled, conclusion of a medical institution on the need of an elderly citizen for constant outside care. If documents confirming that you are a disabled citizen are available in the pension file, their submission is not required.

– What if the applicant at the time of filing an application has only part of the required documents?

– If not all necessary documents are attached to the application, the caregiver is given an explanation of what additional documents need to be submitted. If such documents are submitted no later than 3 months from the date of receipt of the relevant clarification, the month of application for compensation payment is considered to be the month of receipt of the application.

– How long does it take to review documents for compensation payments?

– The decision to assign a compensation payment is made by the body paying the pension within 10 days from the date of submission of applications with all the necessary documents.

– And if for some reason a compensation payment is refused, are the caregivers or the disabled citizen informed about this?

– In case of refusal to assign a compensation payment, the body paying the pension, within 5 days from the date of the relevant decision, notifies the caregiver and the disabled citizen or his legal representative, indicating the reason for the refusal and the procedure for appealing the decision.

– From what period is compensation payment assigned?

– The compensation payment is assigned from the month in which the caregiver applied for its appointment with applications and all necessary documents to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but not earlier than the day the right to the specified payment arises. Such a day may be the day of dismissal from work of an able-bodied person, the day of termination of payment of unemployment benefits to him, the date indicated in the application for the start of care for a disabled citizen; the day of recognition of the citizen being cared for as a disabled person of the first group, a disabled child; the day an elderly citizen is issued a certificate from a medical institution stating that he needs constant outside care, or the day he reaches the age of 80, etc.

– Over what period is the compensation payment made?

– Compensation payment is established for the period of caring for a disabled citizen. The compensation payment is terminated upon the occurrence of the following circumstances: the death of a disabled citizen or a caregiver; termination of care, confirmed by a statement from a disabled citizen or an examination report from the body paying the pension; assigning a pension to the caregiver, regardless of its type and size, or unemployment benefits; performance of paid work by a disabled citizen or caregiver; the expiration of the period for which the disabled citizen was assigned the first disability group or the category “disabled child”; a disabled child reaches the age of 18, if upon reaching this age he has not been assigned the first disability group; placement of a disabled citizen in a state or municipal inpatient social service institution; deprivation of parental rights to a parent caring for a disabled child.

– Who informs the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund about the occurrence of these circumstances?

– The caregiver is obliged to notify the body paying the pension within 5 days of the occurrence of circumstances leading to the termination of the compensation payment. Otherwise, he will have to reimburse the overpaid amounts.

– From when does the compensation payment stop?

– The termination of the compensation payment is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the above circumstances occurred.