
A course of preparatory classes for future first-graders. The first lesson "School of the future first grader"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 62"

"School of the future first grader"

"Fundamentals of Literacy"

Krepkikh Natalya Vitalievna

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 62"


Kemerovo region.

1 lesson
Topic of the lesson: Visiting Smeshariki! Hatching (vegetables).

Lesson objectives:

1) Acquaintance with the rules of hatching, introduce the concept of "word", vocabulary replenishment.

2) development of horizons, auditory and visual memory, preparation fine motor skills hands to the letter.

3) Cultivate love for nature.

^ Progress of the lesson: notes


Smeshariki lived in some round state. They lived, did not grieve, played, had fun, but now it's time for Krosh to go to school. Losyash, Kopatych and Karych gathered for advice: “We should prepare the hare for the first grade.” And they began to ask him riddles about school supplies:
Mystery writer - Natalia Ivanova

(Guesses are written from right to left)

you colored pencil

Color all drawings.

To correct them later

Very useful...


I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

I am the ruler today -

I have...


I'm big, I'm a student!

In my backpack...


I'm ready for training starts

I'll be sitting down soon...


I draw corners and squares

I'm in class...


And every student understands

What I really need...


Straight line, come on

You can draw yourself!

It's hard science!

Useful here...


I look like a box

You put your hands on me.

Student, do you recognize me?

Well, of course, I - ... (lanep)

Glue the ship, soldier,

Locomotive, car, sword.

Help you guys



Images of Krosh, Losyash, Karych, Kopatych.
At your discretion, you can selectively

^ Breathing exercises and articulatory gymnastics.

1) Deep breath - full exhalation.

2) Inflating the cheeks - pressing on the cheeks with your fingers - releasing air.

3) "Horses" - clicking with the tip of the tongue behind the upper lips.

4) "Hide and seek" - without closing the mouth, the tongue must be pushed back, the tip of the tongue is at the bottom.


Krosh puzzled for a long time, everything was interesting and mysterious to him, well, a real adventure. And friends decided to go swimming. “Where do you think they will go?

Game "find the extra": boat, oar, helm, sailor, flower

Conversation with children about the sea reproduction of the painting "9th wave" by Aivozovsky

You can offer pictures of objects (for visual perception) Answers can have 2 options: sailor (live), flower (not related to the sea)


Smeshariki sailed to the island, where they decided to rest and sent Krosh for firewood (brushwood)

But then a bad weather broke out and it started to rain. Let's shade the umbrella for our heroes: put the tip of the pencil upper part umbrella and lower it down, repeat our steps again until the entire umbrella is shaded. The lines should be straight and at the same distance from each other

Find out the meaning of the word "fat"

Picture "rain"



Smeshariki were so happy that they offered us to play with them.


Under cheerful tunes

Let's turn to the right, to the left.

Hands up, hands down!

Up! And bend over again!

Right, left head!

Hands up! Before you!

Stomp with your right foot!

Right step. Stay where you are!

Stomp with your left foot!

Turn right to your friend.

Give your right hand to a friend.

^ Exercises for the prevention of visual impairment.

The head is fixed. The eyes look straight ahead. It is necessary to practice eye movements in four main directions (up, down, right, left).


You need to fold the twigs so that you get a hut (house) We will help him with you! Take a pencil in hand and draw short lines on our lines

work in lines according to the model.


Night fell on the island, Smeshariki went to bed. Let's NOT interfere with them. We will return to them in the next lesson.

What did we do today? But most of all we talked. We have collected words. So, when we name something, we pronounce the words.

^ See you at the next lesson.

2 lesson

Lesson topic: Smeshariki in space. The letter is straight short lines with a rounding at the bottom.

^ Lesson objectives:

1) Determine the nature of the attitude to learning. Introduce children to school rules.

2) To form the motivational readiness of the child for school.

3) Development correct breathing in colloquial speech, familiarity with the ruler
^ Lesson progress: notes


Today we will go with our Smeshariki into space. What is space? Before flying, you need to know the magic words, because in order for Krosh to go to school, you need to learn how to behave correctly not only at home or in space, but also with friends and with strangers you have to be polite. What magic polite words of a word do you know? What should you be like to be a good student?

Please continue with suggestions:

1. He is not used to being lazy,
He is diligent: (student)

2. He will always help a friend
And lend a hand in trouble
Explains the problem in an instant,
He is a good student)

Do you guys want to go to school? And for what?

Introduction to the concept of "politeness"

Images of Smeshariki and rockets.

Children's responses are heard.


It can be gentle
Can be rough
It can be loud
Or maybe quiet.
It can offend
Can make you laugh
It can be said.
And you can take and write
But for this you need to know the letters.
What is it? (children's answers - word). Now let's check how many words you know? Let everything that surrounds you help you

Form the concept of "word"

Say the word game


We fly among the stars and planets, but the planets also have their own rules, each of them rotates in its own way. The school has its own rules:

When children come to school, what do they do when they meet adults and each other? (children's answers - hello).

Rule N 1.
At school they say "hello"
And with a smile they give a look!

What should a student do before the call to class?
-And when the bell rings, where should each student wait for the teacher to come?

^ Rule N2.
Before the call you come
And put things in order!
On call, all together in a row
The teachers are waiting.

What do students need to do to learn new things and learn a lot in the classroom? How to contact the teacher if you want to ask something?

Rule number 3.
Don't bother your friend
Keep him calm.
Silence in class
Raise your hand then
If you want to answer
Or something important.

If the student answers the teacher's question, can he be prompted? (children's answers).

Rule number 4.
At the lesson waiting for the answer -
Some people know, some don't
Only he answers.
Who will the teacher call?

Images of stars and planets

physical minute

stand up, tilt your head forward

steps in place, turning the body to the right and left, standing at attention

turns to the right and left of the body, putting a finger to the lips, raising a hand, imitating the situation in the lesson.

Raising and lowering the shoulders up and down, pointing with the index finger to the sides, turning around its axis.

P.S.: movements are arbitrary


Our rocket landed on a palm planet. What is a palm? What grows on palm trees? Shade only the coconuts in the picture, but what colors are found on the palm tree? Shade only green objects, shade or shade only brown objects.

Finger gymnastics:

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

Alternately bending the fingers, starting with the thumb. Turn your fist when finished


The palm tree grows by the sea, who lives in the sea? Smeshariki need to refresh themselves, we need to catch fish, we need a hook for a fishing rod. We write short straight lines on the lines with a rounding at the bottom according to the sample.

Prescribing according to the show and the sample.


So the journey of Smeshariki has come to an end, but they are so lost that they cannot find their way home,

let's help them!

In the next lesson, Smeshariki and I will learn how to behave on the drogs.

Mobile game " ^ CATCH, FISH! Each participant ties a thin rope (about one and a half meters long) to the belt with a stick at the end -. fish.

It is required to "catch" the most fish, that is, to be able to break the ropes of rivals by stepping on their sticks and save your fish. Players who lose their wand are out of the game.

3 lesson
Subject: Smeshariki on the road. The letter is short lines with a rounded bottom. Sound Games

^ Goals: Development phonemic hearing and vigilance. Update knowledge on traffic rules

progress notes


Today, together with Smeshariki, we will go on a journey along the road. What types of transport do you know? Guess riddles about transport: What a miracle - a long house!
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.
^ Bus

Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight,
The man controls it.

Raises the giant
Piles of cargo to the clouds.
Wherever he stands, then
A new house is growing.
^ Crane
This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive.
A bike

He starts digging, replacing a hundred shovels.

Listening to children's answers


Today, a traffic light came to visit us. Why is he on the road?

Green color -
Come on!
Yellow -
Wait a little.
Well, what if it's red?
The passage is dangerous! Why rules are needed traffic? What sounds do you hear on the road, on the street?

Well, what is it:

Here is the road puzzle:
What is the name of that horse
What lay on the transitions,
Where do pedestrians walk? (zebra) Why do we need a zebra on the road? Let's shade, like a zebra, our figure.

Listening to children's answers

Let's play a game: I show a red card - get up, green - go, yellow - jump in place.

Hatching on an oblique right-to-left.


But now our car drove up to the river bank, what kind of transport do we need? Let's remember what items are needed on the ship? Take a pencil of your favorite color and color the boat
We prescribe smooth lines according to the model.

Updating the knowledge of the first lesson. Reflection of mood in the graphic editor

Display with commentary on the board.


We all know that living things make different sounds. Let's play: I name the animal, and you depict what sound it makes: a snake, a cat, a dog, a goat, a cow, a goose, a chicken, a rooster, a donkey, a wolf, a mouse.

Formation of phonemic hearing.

The game "living-non-living"


So, we returned home with Smeshariki. What did you learn from today's lesson?

In the next lesson, we will learn how to behave at a party.

Children's answers

4 lesson

Subject: Smeshariki welcome guests. In the world of sounds and letters and words

^ Goals: Correlation of sounds and signs. Usage in speech polite words, familiarity with the rules of conduct at a party.

progress notes


The holiday of mothers is approaching and Smeshariki decided to invite friends to visit them. What does it mean to visit?

What are they doing at a party? We will drink tea, but to set the table, let's play: I name the word-object, and you say what this object does (the action of this object)

Kettle (boiling, hissing, bubbling), cup (calling, standing), water (running, pouring), tea leaves (rustling, falling, brewing), goose (hissing, walking, flapping its wings). What word is missing? Why?

Children's responses are heard.

Concept formation different meanings words

Development logical thinking, the ability to justify.


We set the table, we sit down to drink tea, and what needs to be done before that? We took soap in our hands

Opening the water faucet

We rub our hands cheerfully without boredom.

Three hands, three fingers,

And then wash them off

We wipe with a towel, we don’t know more dirt.

We pour tea into cups: droplets lie in front of you, let's shade them according to the pattern.

Wash your hands: a physical minute to warm up your fingers (development of fine motor skills)

Hatching diagonally from right to left.


We drank tea, got bored and decided to let the Smeshariki boats through the streams. On the leaves you have different boats, let's try to draw exactly according to the pattern and line. Note that the mast of the small ship touches the middle of the wide line, while the mast of the large one goes through the narrow one to the middle of the next wide line. To make our boats festive, we will draw flags for them according to the model.

Formation of graphic skill, orientation in a line.


Krosh won in launching boats and decided to play with you ^ Physical education "Visiting the Bunny"

I will draw a Bunny.
This is the head. / Roundabout Circulation hand
Ears on top
it will be two. /puts palms on head
Three - Bunny will have
fluffy gray ponytail / torso twists
And four - eyes
They look very fun. /puts hands with binoculars
To eat carrots deliciously -
Mouth, teeth five and six! /shows chewing carrots
Bunny's coat is seven / strokes the sides, arms, shoulders
Eight - he is very fast! /jumps in place
Nine - ran until sunset / reaches for the sun, and then shows how it sets,
Ten - Bunny needs to sleep / shows how Bunny puts his paws under his cheek.

teacher speaks and imitates movements as if he were painting:

Lesson number 5

Subject: Smeshariki in the forest. The letter is straight lines with rounding at the top and bottom.

^ Goals: to form the ability to listen, retell ; develop associative memory; to form fine motor skills, the ability to work frontally

No. Progress notes


Guess the riddle :

^ It is big, thick, green
Represents the whole house
Birds will find shelter in it
Bunnies, wolves, wild boars

Today Krosh and the Hedgehog went to the forest. Say the word "FOREST" How many sounds does it have? Let's clap each sound. What trees grow in the forest?

Pronounce sounds.

Formation of phonemic hearing


Hatching the Christmas tree according to the pattern.


Guess the riddles whom our Smeshariki met in the forest

In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it.

Green frog. Who is it?
-Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

Not just one thread.
- Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.

Short legs; afraid of cats.

Cunning cheat, red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is...
She walks in the rain
Loves to nibble grass
Quack screams, it's all a joke,
Well, of course it is ... a duck.

Describe the duck, what is it like?

^ Our duck quack-quack-quack,

Cleans the feathers in the sides,

flapping its wings,

He really wants to swim.

^ Pattern writing

Listening to children's answers

Finger gymnastics

Development of fine motor skills


We clap our hands, clap, clap
pops over head
We stomp our feet, top, top
raise your knees high
Shaking our heads
move your head back and forth
We raise our hands, we lower our hands
raise hands, lower
We squat low and we stand up straight
crouch and jump
Hands down on the side.
Unclench - into a fist
Hands up and in a cam
Squeeze on the barrel
Get up on your toes
Squat and straighten up
Legs together. legs apart

physical minute


Take a pencil of your favorite color and color the duck in the picture.

color reflection

Lesson #6

Subject: Smeshariki go to school. The game "Words are different"

Goals: Familiarity with the rules of conduct at school. The development in children of attention to the sound side of audible speech (one's own and someone else's) Continuation of shading

No. Course of the lesson: notes


Guess the riddles:

1-There is a house,
Who will enter it
That mind will gain.

Answer: School

2-Stands on one leg,
Turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.

Answer: Globe

3- I'm in my school bag,
I'll tell you how you learn.

Answer: Diary

4- In the black field, the hare is white
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? ...

Answer: Mel

5- New house I carry in my hand
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

Answer: portfolio

6- If you give her a job,
The pencil worked in vain.

7- If you sharpen it
You draw everything
What you want!
sun, sea,
Mountains, beach...
What is this?..

We will need all these items in the first grade.


But before we learn, we need to remember the rules of behavior at school:

There is a magical country "School", students live in it, but not everyone can become a student. Do you want to be students? To do this, you must follow the generally accepted rules. Let's remember them.

Answers of children with the correction of the teacher.


Guess the riddle:

^ Who does not spin, does not weave,
And he dresses people. (ram)

Barash also wants to be a student. Let's help him? He brought here such cards, where the letters were mixed up.

Hero picture.

The guys compose words according to the indicated digital scheme (tick: k-1, i-2, k-3, each word has its own scheme)


Find brother Barash on your papers
What do you know about this animal? Shade it with oblique lines from top to bottom, from right to left.

Speech development, hatching.


Let's write on the lines how the wool of boran curls. First small curls, and then more and more ...

Barash has prepared farewell surprises for you: Coloring pages for Winx girls, Spiderman for boys.

Line work

coloring pages

Preparatory classes for future students should be carried out, albeit in game form, but stubbornly and methodically, smoothly translating the game into a small lesson.

Education is a mandatory process for everyone and for everyone. It is difficult to do without a school, because, in addition to the necessary general educational knowledge, it provides communication skills, instills a certain system of values ​​and a sense of responsibility, and gives the first experience of adapting to the future. adult life… In a word, he teaches everything that, being at home, is almost impossible to comprehend.

The school gives knowledge, but the child should be sent to the first grade not in the expectation that he will be taught everything there, but prepared. Then the preschool child will have less stress, and educational process will not cause difficulties, and problems with adaptation to the new status of "junior school age' will not occur.

Preparatory classes - the sooner the better

As strange as it may sound, but older child the more difficult it is to prepare him for schooling. Especially if he doesn't go to Kindergarten(in a preschool team, the teacher conducts classes according to a specially established methodology, while the children, competing with each other, grasp the material faster), and sits with their mother or grandmother at home. And even more so when no steps were taken before to this end. At 4-5 years old, the baby is happy to learn the concepts of “greater-smaller”, “vowel-consonant”, “sound-letter”, “number-number”, especially if the parents do not act as a strict teacher, but offer exciting game.

Thematic material:

But at the age of 7 - a turning point from a baby to a schoolboy - the child begins to be embarrassed by his ignorance and at the same time oppose learning. It is no longer appropriate for him to play “like children”, but he still does not know how to play “like adults”. A conflict arises, pouring out first into “I don’t understand - I don’t want”, then into “I don’t want - I won’t - I’m not interested.” Especially if the baby is by nature closed. And here parents need to work hard (the main thing is to be patient and tactful, without screaming and accusatory labels!) To turn the tide.

Perfect time to learn school life- 5-6 years. By this age the child:

  • has a pretty impressive vocabulary(it, as a rule, is about 2 thousand words, among which there are already both temporal concepts and spatial ones);
  • perceives and uses complex sentences;
  • familiar with the elements learning activities(albeit in a playful way);
  • independently plans, and then controls, analyzes their actions;
  • understands the difference between a request and an instruction;
  • he already has quite well-developed fine motor skills of his hands (at least, this should be the case if he draws, sculpts, assembles a designer, a mosaic, puzzles);
  • knows how to use the senses and understand their signals (distinguishes between “large” and “small”, “high” and “low”, “short” and “long”, “black” and “white”, “light” and “heavy”).

Everything that's needed caring parents– choose a methodology and material to use this baggage correctly, developing:

  • baby's memory
  • logic
  • ability (skills) to write;
  • elementary mathematical knowledge.

The game as the basis of classes

Any parent should make it a rule: the child is the greatest life value. He demands respect for his interests and will not tolerate if they are not considered. Be prepared for the fact that the offspring you are trying to teach something often take it with hostility. In the mouths of children, it looks something like this:

Initially, preparation for school includes classes for preschoolers in an entertaining form, but stubbornly, consistently and methodically, smoothly transferring the game into a small (15-20 minutes), but already a lesson.

Preschoolers and Mathematics

Conduct the first preparatory classes in arithmetic right on the way home, to the store, even sitting on a chair. Here are sample tasks that develop counting, the ability to solve problems and think logically:

  • we walk down the street, we see that birds are sitting on a tree branch (on a bush, wires), we say with interest: “Look, how many birds are here, and let's count them.” And we expressively say out loud together with the child: one, two, three ... A bird flew away, we immediately say: “One has become less. How many are there now?" She flew in and sat down: “The birds have been added, will we check?” Here at once there is an account, and an understanding of the actions of subtraction and addition, and observation;
  • we climb the stairs to the apartment: “I wonder how many steps we have here?”. The baby will begin to count them - this is a pattern. If he does not know further than the number, we suggest. And the next time you go down or go up again, offer: “Let's check if there are more (less) steps” - we fix the account;
  • sitting on a chair, say, deliberately mistaken: “How does he not fall? Most likely, the stool has six legs. Shall we check?" After the child has counted, we continue: “Are the backs (seats) more or less?” - develop the ability to compare, compare.

The same can be done with any objects that catch your eye or in your hands.

  • draw a dot in each cell, through one, two, three, and so on;
  • we circle the cell, counting how many dashes turned out, pronouncing the words “segment”, “side”;
  • we connect the opposite corners of the cells with a line;
  • introduce the concept geometric figures”: we invite the child to connect two or three cells so that squares, rectangles, triangles are obtained. At the same time, we explain that if all sides are the same, this is a square. Pronouncing the words "length", "width", we call the difference between a square and a rectangle and explain that the width is short sides, the length is long. We also point out the features of the triangle (it has three sides).

By the way, circles, squares, rectangles and even trapeziums tightly surround us at home: large, smaller, sloping, sharp, blunt. These are pieces of furniture, pots, blankets, pillows. The main thing is not to forget to show and say what shape they are. This is also a math class for future first-graders. And in order not to be bored, compete who will find more squares, circles and so on. On the street - who will quickly count the cars in the parking lot, the pigeons near the bench, the trees along the alley ...

The next phase is numbers. It is not necessary to write them, the main thing is to know. We do it like this:

For educational purposes, also use stencils, cut out the numbers, stick them to the sheet.

Preparing future first graders for writing

Classes begin after the child has learned how to hold a pen and pencil correctly. Written preparation for entering school begins with showing a line in a notebook in an oblique (!) Line. Yes, yes, that's right, and by swiping your finger over it. It is for us, adults, that the lines, the beginning and end of the page are visible, it is clear that you need to write from left to right, and not vice versa. For a child, this is not at all obvious, he does not know and should not know anything of the kind - and there is nothing to be surprised about.

And remember an important rule: not only DO NOT teach your child to write letters, it is IMPOSSIBLE to do this! Not only that, it's harmful. Even if you are a teacher or your mother is a well-deserved educator. Correctly write letters in a clearly established order, specially developed methods are taught by the teacher - in the first grade. The child should only be prepared to write them.

So, having decided on the lines, we conduct the following classes:

  • put dots on the line in random order;
  • learning to write points at a uniform distance. First, one of the parents puts specks with a pencil, the child repeats them with a pen, then the baby continues to do it on his own;
  • we connect two adjacent points with a line, leaving a gap between adjacent segments;
  • we write even, then oblique lines from the top to the bottom line of the line. Do not swear if the resulting sticks "dance" and are not parallel to each other. It will come with time. Better draw, say, a flower (car) in the middle of the line and ask him to enclose it with a fence on one side, and then on the other;
  • we bring out the lower loops. It's difficult and boring. Therefore, it is better to draw with a pencil in a notebook some little animal with a curved tail (cat, mouse, snake) and ask to make a loop tip with a pen;
  • we practice the skills of writing a dash with a loop. We depict, for example, hats of umbrellas, and children add handles to them. To make it more interesting, use multi-colored inks;
  • draw in a notebook a small and a big sun, moon, month and shade (do not paint over!) them. Hatching, like no other exercise, develops clarity, lightness and smoothness of lines;
  • we connect adjacent dashes, loops with a continuous line. It can be waves, lamb horns, dragonfly or butterfly antennae, a fence, the roof of a gnome's house, flower petals, smoke from a steam locomotive.

In preparatory classes for writing, the child:

  • draws small objects (for example, mushrooms, cherries, the eyes of a bear or a fairy);
  • depicts funny and sad faces, drawing circles;
  • outlines the contours of the pictures;
  • shade the proposed figures in one direction without going beyond the line;
  • without taking his hands off, he draws zigzags, a spiral (for example, a snail's house, a snake curled up into a ball, an assembled hose that watered grandmother's garden) - from the largest coil to the smallest.

By the way, this is a very difficult and extremely important stage of preparation - the hand is being developed, fine motor skills of the fingers are being developed, perseverance is being trained, which is indispensable at school, the ability to concentrate, to be fluent in pen and pencil.

All these classes are held not in one day, but for several months (at least seven or eight). So if you haven't paid attention to preparing for school before, subtract eight months from September and get down to active work. Already in the first grade, the child will thank you, and the teacher will note a good base, which is so necessary for the baby to start into adulthood.

The first day.

Lesson 1. (Speech development).

Topic: Acquaintance of children with the school, the teacher, among themselves.

Objectives: - to introduce children to the school, to the teacher, to each other;

Introduce the rule "If you want to talk - raise your hand";

Teach children to ask questions on the topic "Acquaintance";

Develop speech, attention, observation.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

U. The bell rings, floods.

The lesson starts at school.

U. - The bell rang. Children, do any of you know what it means?

2. introduction teachers.

U. - Guys. Very soon you will become disciples. You will study together for 11 years, become one friendly team. You will learn a lot of interesting and surprising things. Learn a lot of new items, make extraordinary discoveries. But first we need to get to know each other. I don't know you, and you don't know me, it's inconvenient for us to communicate, so we'll get to know each other. I will tell about myself, and each of you will tell about yourself in turn.

3. The game "Acquaintance". (Children stand in a circle, pass each other a toy or a ball and talk about themselves). The teacher starts the game.

a) The teacher's story about himself.

W. - What else would you like to know about me, ask questions.

B) The introduction of the rule "If you want to talk - raise your hand."

U. - Stop. Attention, children. When everyone is talking at the same time, there is noise, you do not hear each other, you interrupt and it is difficult for me to understand what you are saying. To prevent this from happening, the school has a rule: "If you want to speak, raise your hand." (show sign).

c) Tell the children about themselves.

(After the performance of each, the children ask him questions). For example, "What animals do you have at home"? " What games do you like to play"? "Do you have brothers and sisters"? etc.

D) Acquaintance of children with the school. (Showing photos of the school, classrooms; teacher's story about the school).

4. Physical education.

5. U. - And now we quietly sat down in our seats and continue to work at our desks. How many of you know what subjects you will study at school? (The teacher reads poems about school subjects).

U. - And what will help you to study these subjects? Guess the riddles and you will find out who these helpers are?

Doesn't look like a human

But he has a heart

And work all year round

He gives his heart.

He writes when they dictate

He draws and draws.

And tonight

He will color the album for me. (Pencil).

steel skate

Runs across the white field

Leaves blue marks behind. (Pen).

How boring, brothers,

Riding on someone else's back!

Who would give me a pair of legs,

So that I can run myself

I did such a dance!

Yes, you can’t, I’m school ... (satchel).

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells. (Book).

U. - What did you learn at the lesson? What do you remember?

Lesson 2. (Preparation for the study of mathematics).

Subject: Counting items. Quantitative account, ordinal account.

Objectives: - to reveal children's knowledge of the account within 10;

Develop attention, thinking, speech.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

    Introduction to the science of Mathematics.


A) work on a quantitative account:

Count from 1 to 10.

Count how many children are in the class?

How many boys are in the class?

How many girls are in the class?

How many students are in the front row?

How many students sit in the second row?

How many students are in the third row?

B) work with segments of the natural series of numbers.

W. - Name the numbers.

U.- What numbers are missing on the yellow stripe?

What numbers are missing on the green stripe?

) work on the ordinal score:

Can you name what items are shown?

Count how many of them?

What is first, second, fifth? Etc.

What is behind the apple? What is behind the umbrella? What stands between the pyramid and the apple? Etc.

4. Work in notebooks.

A) independent work. U.- Open the notebooks in a cage. On the first page, write the numbers you know.

B) team work.

U.- Count how many items are in each frame and show the corresponding number.

B). Independent work (task with a printed basis).

U.- Look at the picture. Describe in one word what is shown.

U. - Count how many objects in the picture separately and write down the corresponding number in the cell.

AT). work on the development of fine motor skills. Sample work.

U.- Continue the given pattern to the end of the line.

W. - What do you remember about the lesson? What did you like? What was the most difficult job?

Lesson 3. (Preparation for writing).

Subject: Working line. Interline space.

Objectives: - to introduce children to the rules of work in the writing lesson;

Learn to distinguish between a working line and interline space;

Develop fine motor skills.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

    Familiarity with the rules of work in the lesson of writing.

U. - Guess the riddle: Black birds

On every page

Silent, waiting

Who will guess them. (Letters).

U. - Children, what can you do with letters?

What letters are written in books, in textbooks, in magazines, in newspapers? (Printed).

How many of you already know the letters? Name and show the letters you know.

3. Work in notebooks.

A) familiarity with the working line and interline space;

B) exercises for the development of fine motor skills;

B) exercises with a pen;

D) typing letters.

U. - Open your notebooks and on the first page write the letters that you already know, write your name.

4. Work with tasks on a printed basis.

U. - Continue the drawing according to the model, complete the missing parts of the drawing, color the drawings.

U. - What did you like about the lesson?

Second day.

Lesson 1. (Preparation for the study of mathematics).

Topic: Location of objects in space. "For", "Before", "Above", "Under", "Between", "Left", "Right".

Objectives: - to learn to determine the location of objects in space;

To consolidate children's knowledge of quantitative counting;

Develop thinking, attention, speech.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

    Consolidation of knowledge on a quantitative account, the location of objects in space.

U. - Attention, children. Who is in the picture?

How many insects do you see?

Who stands between the grasshopper and the ladybug?

Who is standing to the right of the butterfly?

Who is standing to the left of the butterfly?

W. - Look at the picture. Who is depicted on it? Count how many animals are shown?

Who is in the center?

Who is in the top right corner?

Who is in the lower left corner?

Who is the fish under?

Who is the frog over? Etc.

3. Physical education.

4. Task for the development of thinking.

W. - Look at the picture. Count the number of items. Find the "extra" item. Why is he "redundant"?

5. Work in notebooks.

U. - Continue drawing according to the model.

U.- What did you like about the lesson? What do you remember?

Lesson 3. (Preparation for literacy).

Topic: Vowels A, O, U. Sounds /a/, /o/, /u/.

Objectives: - to introduce the vowels A, O, U and the sounds /a/, /o/, /y/;

Learn to locate these sounds in words;

Develop speech, attention, contribute to the enrichment of the dictionary.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Sound warm-up.

U.- Repeat after me.




Who was attentive? What sounds are repeated many times?

3. Work on the topic.

U.- What letters in the letter denote these sounds? Find them at the box office and show them.

A) independent work on the development of attention. (slide number p. 10)

U.- On the card, find the letters A, O, U. The letter A - underline.

Letter O - cross out. Circle the letter Y.


U.- I name the words, if the word has a sound /a/, you clap your hands.

4. Locating sounds in words.

U.- Say the names of the objects, determine if they have the sounds /a/, /o/, /u/ and where are they located? (at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end).

U.- How many of you know what these sounds are? Vowels or consonants? Why?

U.- Let's sing these sounds. (Sounds are sung to the tune of any well-known children's song).

U.- What did you like about the lesson?

Lesson 3. (Preparation for writing).

Subject: Straight sticks.

Objectives: - to teach how to hold a pencil, pen; write straight sticks;

Develop fine motor skills.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

    Exercises for the development of fine motor skills. (Finger gymnastics).

Fingers do exercises

To be less tired.

And then they are in a notebook

Letters will be written.

(Children stretch their arms forward, clench and unclench their fists. Repeat the exercise several times).

The hedgehog stomped along the path

And he carried mushrooms in a basket.

You need to curl your fingers.

(Children bend their fingers in turn, first on the left, then on the right hand. At the end of the exercise, their hands should be clenched into fists. Repeat the exercise several times).

    Coloring drawing.


    Working with counting sticks. (Performing a pattern according to the model).

    Work in notebooks.

U.- Write down inclined sticks according to the model in your notebooks.

U.- What was the most difficult in the lesson? What did you like?

These activities will help children in a playful way to get acquainted with the rules and norms of school life. They will provide an opportunity to get new impressions, gain experience in communicating with each other, and form the skill of educational cooperation.




I. Organizational moment

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Say hello when you meet.
- Good morning!

Today is the first time you sat at your desks at school. May you not be a student yet. But we will have real lessons. You will learn to sit at your desk, write, read.

II. Game "Mood"

- Draw, with what mood did you come to school today? (Children draw a mouth on a smiley face and attach it to a ray. I fix my mood in the middle, and it turns out the sun.)

I want to see you cheerful and happy. Let a kind, cheerful smile settle on your faces. Let's share good mood Let's blow him a kiss to each other.

– Today is the 1st lesson and we will start it with an acquaintance.

III. Getting the kids to know each other.

My name is Irina Nikolaevna. I work as a teacher at school (... story)

The 1st child calls the name, everyone repeats it in chorus. (Perhaps he talks about himself)

IV. School rules.

Tell me why you go to school.(Listen to the answers of preschoolers)

You have come to school, and our school will become a place where you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, get answers to various difficult questions. And of course you will meet many friends here.

A game - I will name what they go to school for, if it’s true, then you clap your hands, and if you stamp your feet incorrectly.

They go to school to play.

They go to school to be friends.

They go to school to run.

They go to school to solve problems.

They go to school to scream.

They go to school to think.

Guys, of course you know. That every game has rules. Do you think there are rules in the school or everyone can do what he wants?

When children come to school, what do they do when they meet adults and each other? (children's answers - hello).

Rule N 1.
At school they say "hello"
And with a smile they give a look!

What should a student do before the call to class?
-And when the bell rings, where should each student wait for the teacher to come?

Rule N2.
Before the call you come
And put things in order!
On call, all together in a row
The teachers are waiting.

What do students need to do to learn new things and learn a lot in the classroom? How to contact the teacher if you want to ask something?

Rule number 3.
Don't bother your friend
Keep him calm.
Silence in class
Raise your hand then
If you want to answer
Or something important.

If the student answers the teacher's question, can he be prompted? (children's answers).

Rule number 4.
At the lesson waiting for the answer -
Some people know, some don't
Only he answers.
Who will the teacher call?

What is the name of the room where children study at school?

What is the name of the table at which children sit at school?

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk harmoniously

And behave with dignity.

Who can show me how to sit at a desk correctly? (view poster)

IV. Working with letters and sounds


Black birds on every page.
They are silent, waiting for someone to solve them. (letters)

Read: A U O I B S

Which letter is missing? Why? What do you know about vowel sounds?

  1. B remove the top stick?(soft sign)
  2. What letter will turn out if the letter B remove the small semicircle?(Letter G)
  3. What letter will turn out if the upper stick of the letter B turn it in the opposite direction?(solid sign)
  4. What letter will you get if you remove the top stick and turn it upside down?(Letter P)

- This is our mischievous letter.

Think of words that start with R (in the middle of R)

Who has an R name?

Phys. minute

Game "Train" Children depict wagons, the leader is a steam locomotive. The locomotive moves rhythmically, with a song, stopping at each station - at the cars, collecting children on the train. The train travels at a different pace with rhythmic movements and pronunciation of the sounds “choo-choo”, “tu-tu-tu”: quieter - slower; louder - faster. Every last child on the train during a stop asks, addressing the child near whom they stopped: “What is the name of the station? » He answers (says his name), and he is invited to board the train. All together give a beep.

-Here we arrived at the station "Class". Please take your seats.

V. Mathematics

Steam locomotive (drawing)

what geometric shapes does this locomotive consist of?
how many are there? (ten)
What groups can the figures be divided into? (by color: red and blue; by size: large and small; by shape: triangles, circles, rectangles)
how many red figures? (5)
how many blue figures? (eight)
how many rectangles? (4)
How many parts can rectangles be divided into? (red and blue; large and small).

- Let's draw three wagons. Shading them differently.

Finger gymnastics


Draw 3 circles.

Color the first one red.

And color 2 and 3 so that yellow is between red and green.

What number is 1 more than 3,5,8?

What number follows the number 2,4,7,9?

Which number is less than 3 or 4? 7 or 2? Which is greater than 5 or 9?

Tasks in verse

Grandson Shura good grandfather
Gave seven pieces of candy yesterday.
Grandson ate one candy.
How many pieces are left? (6)

Four ripe pears
Swinging on a branch
Pavlusha took off two pears,
How many pears are left? (2)

Our cat has five kittens,
They sit side by side in a basket.
And the neighbor's cat has three!
So cute, look!
Help me count
What is three plus five?(8)


Exercise "CLAPS"". (Children stand in a circle).

And now we will clap: I am the first to clap my hands, then ... (the name of the child to the left of the teacher) standing next to him repeats the clap, etc. clockwise. We clap in turn, we can't clap at the same time.

(Then I go up to any child and, from this place, clapping begins, etc.)

Let's all clap together! We've had a lot of fun today, thank you very much! Goodbye!


Lesson 2.

I. Organizing moment.

The bell rang for us
Everyone entered the classroom quietly.
Everyone got up at their desks beautifully
Greeted politely

I am very glad to meet you.

II. Let's remember the rulesthat were discussed in the last lesson.

I will begin, and you will finish the last word.
At the lesson, be diligent, Be calm and ... (attentive).
All write, keeping up, Listen ... (without interrupting).
You speak clearly, clearly, so that everything is ... (understandable).
If you want to answer, You need to hand ... (raise).
They count in mathematics, At recess ... (rest).
Be diligent in class. Do not talk: you are not ... (magpie).
If a friend began to answer, Do not rush ... (interrupt).
And if you want to help a friend - Raise calmly ... (hand).
So that the doctors do not worry, At recess, do not ... (shout).

Landing! (Pay attention to the poster)

III. Riddles

Smeshariki lived in some round state. They lived, did not grieve, played, had fun, but now it's time for Krosh to go to school. Kopatych and Karych gathered for advice: “We should prepare the hare for the first grade.” And they began to ask him riddles about school supplies:

I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

I am the ruler today -

I have...

I'm big, I'm a student!

In my backpack...

I'm ready for training starts

I'll be sitting down soon...

I draw corners and squares

I'm in class...

Glue the ship, soldier,

Locomotive, car, sword.

Help you guys


Straight line, come on

You can draw yourself!

It's hard science!

Useful here...

I look like a box

You put your hands on me.

Student, do you recognize me?

Well, of course, I -..

I have a magic wand, friends.
With this stick I can build
Tower, house and plane,
And a huge boat!
( Pencil )

"How can it be used?"(showing a pencil) Let them come up with at least 10 options (draw like a stick, a fishing rod, a thermometer, etc.).

IV. Funny account.

Listen to fairy tales-tasks from Karych and answer the questions.

Task 1. The Pencils Bet

Argued pencils in the box. Blue said:

I am the most important, the children love me more. The sea and the sky are painted with my color.

No, I'm the most important, - objected the red pencil. - Berries and holiday flags are painted with my color.

Well, no, I'm the main one, - said the green pencil. - Children use my color to paint the grass and leaves on the trees.

“Argue, argue,” the yellow pencil thought to himself. “I already know who is the most important. And why the children love me the most.

Question. How many pencils were in the box? (4)

Task 2 . We count guests and chairs

For her birthday, Mukha-Tsokotuha invited guests. She laid the festive table, arranged the chairs.

2 caterpillars crawled first and sat on chairs. Then 3 butterflies flew in and also sat down on the chairs. Soon the grasshoppers came up and sat on two chairs.

And when everyone was already sitting at the table and drinking tea, there was a knock on the door - a beetle crawled in and took another place.

Questions. How many chairs were occupied? (nine)

How many guests were there? (eight)


We raise our hands up,

And then we drop them

And then we'll take it to ourselves

And then we separate them

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more cheerfully. (or "Rainbow")

V. Work in a notebook

I'll open the notebook and put it where it needs to be.

I will not hide from you: I am holding the pen like this.(They showed how we hold the pen.)

I'll sit up straight, I won't bend, I'll get to work.

And now take a simple pencil. Showed how to hold.

Draw as many circles as there are on the typesetting canvas. And now under them there are 2 more squares than circles.

"Ten Triangles"Invite the child to draw ten triangles in a row with colored pencils. When the work is completed, ask him to shade the third, seventh and ninth triangles. The task is repeated only once. The child performs it, as he understood on the first try.

Finger gymnastics.

Here are my helpers

Turn as you wish.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

They don't fit again.

Knocked, turned

and wanted to work

. V I. Graphic dictation "Bunny"

What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit? A hare is an animal that does not live in one place, does not build holes; rabbit opposite very long time uses the same hole, year after year improving it, completing the construction of additional passages and rooms. In view of the burrowing life, the ears and hind limbs of the rabbit are shorter. The rabbit runs slower than the hare, but also nimble. Outwardly, the rabbit looks like a hare (pictures) Hares are born sightedThe rabbit is different; rabbits are born naked, helpless with their eyes closed. The rabbit feeds and cares only for her babies,The rabbit also differs from the hare in that it is well tamed. All attempts to domesticate the hare have failed. The rabbit, on the contrary, breeds well in captivity, quickly gets used to people.

Physical education minute. (Children stand in a circle. The teacher is in the center. He throws the ball to the children and calls the adult animal, the children, returning the ball - the cub).

Horse - ... (foal).

Sheep - ... (lamb).

Chicken - ... (chicken).








Hedgehog -

A fox-




VII. The development of speech.

Barash also wants to be a student. Let's help him? He brought these cards, where the letters were mixed up.

(tic-kit, mdo-house, yrs-cheese, lua-yula, tko-cat).

The game "Syllable and syllable- and there will be a word - we will play the game again "

Option 1. The teacher says to the children: I will say the first part of the word, and you will say the second: sa-har, sa-ni. Ra-, na-, pi-, ku- (possible with a ball)


- The teacher pronounces the words, and the guys count how many syllables they have, and clap their hands for each syllable (ma-shi-na, va-za, horse, mu-ka, po-le, picture, lesson, li-ney-ka , mind, letter)

Words are written on the board (those who can read, count syllables):

Pencil doll album pencil case plum drawing. (sound analysis) in notebooks in a line.

Write in circles how many sounds are in the following words.

Ball, hand, game, ball, pen. (paint over the vowel)

The game "Fist - rib - palm"

Fist (the hand is clenched into a fist) - rib (the hand is placed on the edge of the palm on the table) - palm (the child puts his palm on the table).

Stretch your hands forwardclench and unclench fists),
And then your palmsrotation of the hands clockwise).
Let's do it the other way aroundrotation of the hands counterclockwise)
And clap a little claps)

The game "Who is attentive"

1. Find the same sound in words: rose, dragonfly, mouth, lynx (p)

2. What sound do words begin with? Chair, sleigh, dog, magpie, cheese, currant (c)

3. Clap your hands if you hear Yu in the words: Apple, tree, Edik, Elena, Yura, humor, street, pit.

"Draw according to the description" (in the album)

You are reading the following text: "Stood White House. Its roof is triangular. The big window is red and the small one is yellow. The door is brown. Read the text again at a slow pace, one sentence at a time. Children in this with their eyes closed must imagine this house, and then draw it.


“Guys, and now we will find out new game. It's called Nose, Ceiling, Mouth. In order to play it, you need to be very careful. Look up. What is above our head? Let's point the finger and say: the ceiling. Fine. What's under your feet? Let's point a finger at it. And now he points his finger at his nose and says: nose.

And now I will confuse you. I will name one and show another. You don't say anything, only point to what I call. Believe what you hear, not what you see. Be careful.


And now we will play "Colorful mittens". You have to play together. Take ONE SET OF PENCILS for two. See how colorless they are, without patterns. In each pair, agree with each other how you will decorate these mittens. Each of you will color your own mitten, but the patterns of the two mittens should be the same and beautiful. Do you understand the task? Then you can start working.


Come out in pairs, show how it turned out.

We stand in a circle. We hold hands and say in chorus "Goodbye"

A cycle of classes with future first graders
promoting awareness of the position of the student.
Lesson progress
I. Game "Introduction"
First, the psychologist introduces himself, tells about himself. Then the children throw a ball to each other,
calling his name before throwing, and then, at the signal of the presenter, the name of the one to whom the ball is thrown.
Who knows what a psychologist is? (children's opinion is heard).
If someone becomes sad, feels bad, the psychologist will console, protect, give the opportunity to relax.
II. Conversation "What is a lesson?"
How can you show that you are ready for the lesson? For example, at school there is a rule "Ready for the lesson":
the call, the student stands near his desk and waits for the teacher's command. Let's practice
follow this rule.
What should be done:
a) when the teacher (or someone senior) enters the class;
b) when you want to say something;
c) when someone is late for a lesson, etc.
III. Bosch dishwasher.
A game of contact, rapprochement.
Stand in two columns opposite each other. Now we will go through one by one
our "corridor", but everyone has to figure out who he sees himself from the dishes.
We name the dishes and pass along the "corridor", and the rest of the participants "wash", i.e. stroking,
IV. Fairytale work. Fairy tale "About Kolya" (N. Selezneva)
Children listen and discuss the story in verse.
(Appendix 1)
The boy Kolya lived in the world.
I didn't want to go to school.
I didn't like doing lessons.

And mother firmly said:
"Why should I get up in the morning,
When I can do everything myself?
I can become a policeman
I will protect everyone around!
Or a doctor to treat people,
Or maybe teach children.
I can do everything, I can do everything
And I won't go to school anymore!
I said so to my mother and left,
And at night Kolya went to sleep.
He fell asleep and sees a dream like this:
As if he is in a different country,
Where I became an adult a long time ago
And everything is allowed to him.
"Since I grew up, Kolya thought,
I don't need to go to school.
Then I'll go to work
I can do anything, I can do anything!
I'll go as a doctor, treat people.
So I will be useful!"
He said and sees: the doctor is coming
And he carries a thermometer in his hand.
Kolya runs to the doctor
Shouting loudly:
"Nothing, I'll help,
I can do anything, I can do anything!"
The doctor looked here strictly,

To Kolya he said sternly:
"Do you know how to treat people?
What should you drink when you have a cold?
What kind of medicine to give children
To bring down the temperature?

I did not teach lessons at school.
You did not know the table of addition,
Couldn't find solutions.
And if you don't go to school
You won't find a job in life."

There are a lot of professions in the world.
I can become a policeman.
And I will protect everyone."
Look, the policeman is coming
And he carries a whistle in his hand.
Kolya shouted loudly:
"I'll catch the criminal!
Nothing, I'll help
I can do anything, I can do anything!"
The policeman looked sternly here,
To Kolya he said sternly:
"Do you know how to save people?
Protect other people's lives?
Catch criminals how quickly?
How to become a minister of military affairs?
You didn't go to school as a child

I did not teach lessons at school.
You did not know the table of addition,
Couldn't find solutions.
And if you don't go to school
You won't find a job in life."
"Well, nothing, Kolya thought,
There are a lot of professions in the world.
Can I become an artist
I will draw pictures.
And right there, right in front of him,
The artist of colors is the master.
Kolya took an easel and a brush
And he began to drive with a brush.
"It's okay, I'll help.
I can do anything, I can do anything!"
The artist looked strictly
To Kolya he said sternly:
"Do you know how to move with a brush?
Portrait, landscapes how to create?
Stop messing up the paper here.
After all, you need to study!
You didn't go to school as a child
I did not teach lessons at school.
You did not know the table of addition,
Couldn't find solutions.
And if you don't go to school
You won't find a job in life."
Kolya thought about it:

"Maybe you really need to go to school?
Then I'll find a job
Then I will help people.
I will learn and be smart
I will not forget the strict lessons.
Kolya immediately woke up.
I shouted to my mother: "To school, to school!
Pick me up soon
I'll run there quickly.
I want to know everything in the world
I'll be smarter than everyone on the planet!"
Kolya did not study in vain:
He became an excellent artist.
Could he have become an engineer?
Doctor, policeman.
learned a lot
And he became useful to everyone.
Issues for discussion:
Why didn't Kolya want to go to school?
What dream did he have?
Why did he then want to study?
What does it mean to be useful? (Khukhlaeva O.V. Path to your Self: psychology lessons in
primary school(14). M.: "Genesis", 2006. 303 p.)
V. The game "Pinocchio goes to school"
Pinocchio goes to school on September 1, but he does not know what to take with him. Children must help
Pinocchio to collect a portfolio to school, that is, tell what needs to be put there. (Appendix
VI. "Beautiful garden"
A game of rallying, support. Materials: pencils, felt-tip pens, drawing paper, scissors, sheets,
glue stick.

"Imagine that you are a beautiful plant in the garden. What kind of plant do you want to be? How
look like its leaves? Are they soft or hard? Does this plant have thorns? And the fruits? Does it bloom
it? What color is its inflorescence?" (Appendix 1). You are all different, but you have to learn in
one class, be a united team and accept others for who they are.
Invite children and parents to draw a flower. Then cut them out and stick them on whatman paper and
you get a beautiful, bright meadow.
VII. Farewell game "Magic snowflakes".
Instruction: "Stand next to your chair and shake your legs and arms:
Have you ever seen magic snow very large snowflakes shimmering blue
sparks? Whoever inhales such a snowflake will feel fresher and more cheerful, as if by a wave
magic wand. Fatigue and worries will leave him. But for this, the snowflake needs to be inhaled
very deep so that it gets inside the abdomen.
Imagine snow swirling in the air. Spinning in the air and tending to the ground ordinary
small snowflakes and among them huge magical ones. If a magical snowflake appears before
you, take a deep breath of it, you will feel that it has become easy and all tension has gone.
Whoever manages to inhale the three magical snowflakes can make a wish."
Lesson summary
"Traits. The development of tactile memory.
1. Formation of moral ideas, regulation of behavior and character
2. Correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche. The development of tactile memory.
Used equipment and materials:
1. Doll "Vasilisa the Wise";
2. "Wonderful bag" with a pebble, a plastic toy, a rubber ball, a wooden
cube, napkin, key, perfume bottle;
3. Computer equipment for viewing electronic material.
Stage 1 - organizational.
Tasks: Creating a positive emotional climate in the group
Developing the ability to explain your mood.
Mood Barometer Game
Development of non-verbal communication skills.
Greeting: "How are you?"

How do you live? - Like this!
Do you swim?
Are you running?
You look into the distance...
Looking forward to lunch...
You follow...
Sleep in the morning...
And you're kidding...
(Children respond only with gestures)
Stage 2 - motivational.
The development of the ability to identify various traits of a person's character.
Focus children's attention on positive features character.
Developing Listening Skills
Development of the ability to analyze character traits.
Exercise etude "Brave hare".
The hare loves to stand on a stump, sing songs loudly and read poetry. He is not afraid that he can
hear the wolf.
Expressive pose: one leg slightly higher than the other, hands behind the back, chin raised.
Facial expression: confident look.
Etude "Sentinel"
Children pretend to be a border guard. The facilitator reads the verses:
He stands on guard
And vigilant and bold
To disturb the world
Nobody dared.
Expressive posture: the head is held straight and slightly thrown back, the gaze is directed forward, the legs
slightly apart, hands holding an imaginary machine gun.
Etude "Good boy"

Winter. A little girl lost her mitten while playing in the snow. Her fingers are cold. This is
saw the boy. He walked up to the girl and put his mitten on her hand.
Reflection. Children discuss what traits of character they are now showing.
Stage 3 is practical.
To develop the ability of children to determine the character traits of the characters visually and verbally, looking through
computer stuff with riddles.
Development of visual and auditory perception
The development of mental operations.
Development of attention span
Developing the ability to work in a group of peers.
Children are invited to watch interesting riddles and, using the competitive moment,
unravel them. Together with a psychologist, discuss what character traits the children saw in each other.
Stage 4 - psycho-gymnastics.
Purpose: removal of psychomuscular tension, rest.
“We wind a small ball of thread, put it wherever you want” children with the help of gestures
show actions.
“We wind a large ball of thread, where can we put it?”
“The cat scratches” the hands of the children are straightened forward, the fingers are bent like the claws of a cat,
hand movements to the chest,
“The elephant flaps its ears” the children’s hands are closed at the back of the head, the children move their elbows forward and backward.
"Rest" hands down, relaxed.
Games for the development of tactile memory.
The game "Seeing fingers"
Purpose: development tactile sensitivity, the active dictionary.
Children are invited to close their eyes, run their fingers over clothes, then describe their feelings,
talk about clothes.
Game "wonderful bag"
Purpose: development of tactile memory.
Children take the object in the bag with their hands and, without taking it out, describe it in as much detail as possible.
Final part.

Reflection Discussion of the past lesson Children share their impressions.
After the lesson at the “recession”, the psychologist conducts a game of low mobility with the children
"Inflate, Bubble"
Psychological readiness
Psychological readiness for schooling is a multicomponent education. Everyone
of the components is necessary and requires consideration in the process of preparing the child for
systematic schooling.
School immaturity is determined not by a general developmental delay, but by partial immaturity
one or more components psychological readiness at school. These children from
lagging behind and impaired in development need increased attention and creation
individual educational environment.
What are the components of psychological readiness
Content characteristic
Intellectual readiness
Having a broad outlook and stock of knowledge.
Formation of the initial skills of educational activity "
Differentiation of perception as the basis of thinking.
Planned perception (observation).
Developed Visual Thinking:
the ability to highlight the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality;
the ability to compare them, to see similar and different,
developed imagination.
Good orientation in space and time
Good memory.

Intellectual activity (the ability to turn a learning task into an independent goal
Development of phonemic hearing
Development of fine motor skills (handling a pencil, pen, scissors, drawing skills).
Prerequisites for abstract logical thinking;
ability to understand symbols;
ability to formulate questions;
the ability to reason independently, find the causes of phenomena and make simple conclusions
Personal readiness
Acceptance of a new social position.
Positive attitude towards school, teachers, learning activities, and oneself.
Development of cognitive criteria, curiosity.
Developing a desire to go to school.
Arbitrary control of their behavior.
The objectivity of self-assessment.
Loss of "childhood", immediacy
Socio-psychological readiness
Flexible possession of ways to establish relationships (the ability to establish contact with
teacher, with peers, the ability to enter the children's team and find their place in it).
Development of the need for communication.
Ability to obey rules and regulations.
Ability to work collaboratively and coordinate
Emotional-volitional readiness
The development of "emotional anticipation" (foreboding and experiencing distant
consequences of their activities).
Emotional stability (regulation of emotions).
Maintaining efficiency in, during one lesson and during school day.
Voluntary regulation of attention.
The ability to prolong actions by putting effort into it.
The ability to limit emotional outbursts (for example, not interrupting others in a conversation).

Formation of fear of difficulties
Education of the will
Teachers often complain about the infantilism of children, about the predominance of play, rather than educational
motives. Such children usually perceive only game situations, they are not accustomed to
limit their desires, overcome difficulties, their behavior is impulsive.
Teaching, on the other hand, requires constant effort, the need to restrain, control one’s
behavior, engage in activities that are not always pleasant. All this may come
cause of negative attitudes towards school.
In this regard, one of important conditions a successful start to school, one of the
indicators of a child's readiness for learning is his conscious desire for school,
the presence of his interest in school educational activities, that is, the formation of school
It includes:
the presence of cognitive interests (the child likes reading books, solving problems, doing
other intellectual tasks);
understanding the need for learning as a mandatory, responsible activity;
minimal desire for games and other entertaining (preschool)
elements of activity;
emotionally positive attitude towards school.
When faced with a child’s reluctance to do something, the first thing to think about is not how
force, but about how to interest.

By the end of classes, future first graders should
1. your name, the names and patronymics of your parents, your address,
2. name of the country, city in which he lives,
3. your teacher, school psychologist,
4. rules of conduct at school during the lesson and break,
5. location in the school of the toilet, first-aid post, wardrobe,
6. how to properly organize your workplace,
7. rules for seating at a desk and organizing a workplace,
8. the names of the seasons and their signs, natural phenomena,
9. names of the days of the week, the name of the current month,
10. names of animals and plants found in our region,
11. number series from 1 to 10, forward and backward counting,
12. numbers,
13. signs +, , =,
Be able to:
behave correctly in the classroom and change,
prepare everything you need for classes,
to sit properly at the desk,
hold pen and pencil correctly

listen carefully to the teacher, perceive what he says,
fulfill the requirements of the teacher,
switch from one activity to another
correctly respond to their failures and victories, to the successes and failures of classmates,
slow down your motor activity,
make sentences of 34 words, divide them into words,
make up stories from pictures
12. talk about what they saw and heard,
13. express your thoughts clearly,
14. distinguish sound, word, sentence
15. correctly pronounce sounds and be able to distinguish them by ear,
16. determine by ear with the help of claps the number of syllables in a word,
17. print your name, familiar letters and words,
18. count to 10 and back,
19. recognize numbers and use them when pointing to a number,
20. compare and equalize sets by adding and subtracting,
21. recognize objects by description,
22. recognize simple geometric shapes,
23. navigate in space and in a notebook,
24. perform simple graphic dictations,
25. neatly color pictures,
26. hatch in different directions,
27. draw pictures in half of them,
28. redraw and copy graphic drawings, shapes, elements,
29. solve mazes,
30. be able to distinguish between seasons, natural phenomena, animals

Lesson "Introduction"
Goal: Creating conditions for acquaintance of future first-graders by a teacher, psychologist, and friend
with friend.
The psychologist and the teacher greet the children, greet them.
Lesson progress:
Teacher “I am very glad to meet you. You came to school and our school will be the place where you
You will learn a lot of new and interesting things, get answers to various difficult questions. And of course,
here you will meet many friends. And so that we all get to know each other better, get to know better
our future classmates and our school, we will meet at dating lessons. On the
In these lessons, you can work and play together.
Guys, the signal for the beginning of the dating lesson will be these words, listen:
One, two, three - listen and see!
Three, two, one - we'll start now!
Guys, in order for this lesson to begin, let's say these words together. stand up
please, near your tables. Look at me and repeat the movements that I will
show. Try to repeat the words after me in order to remember them better.
The psychologist, together with the teacher, pronounces words that serve as a signal to start the lesson,
accompanying them with the following movements:
One, two, three (claps hands 3 times) - listen (points to ears) and look
(points to eyes)

Three, two, one (claps hands 3 times) - we will start now (holds out towards the class
hands palms up)
Psychologist: Thank you! Please sit down in your seats and look at me!”
"I am a psychologist. My name is (says the name and attaches to the board a flower cut out of a colored
paper on which the name of the psychologist is written in block letters)
Teacher: "I'm your future teacher...
Look around how many kids are in the class. You don't know each other yet, not with everyone
familiar. Of course, everyone has their own name, and it can be difficult to remember who's name right away. And we
we will study together, and therefore we need to know all the guys in the class.
Let's get acquainted. When I say “Three-four,” everyone on command will shout their name.
Well let's try! Oyoyoy!... They seemed to be shouting loudly, but I didn’t hear a single name! BUT
did you hear all the names?
Let's try a friend. If it doesn't work out loud, let's say our names in a whisper.
Again, something is not right ... No one shouted, but still nothing was clear. And you are many names
heard? Also no?
Probably, the thing is, guys, that everyone is talking at the same time. Work well together, play well
it’s fun, it’s great to sing, but it’s bad to answer: when everyone says different words at once, then nothing
understandably. Let's try to talk in turn, one at a time and listen to the name
boys and girls of our future class. I will approach each of you in turn, and
the one I touch on the shoulder will say his name loudly and clearly. I have flowers in my hand with yours
names, to each I will give one of the flowers. Thank you! Now all the names were heard.
There are flowers with your names in front of you. Listen carefully to the task. Flowers can give you them
The psychologist asks those whom he names to raise flowers. Examples of tasks: “Boys, pick up
up the flowers", "Girls, raise the flowers" "Raise the flowers, those whose names begin with the letter
... "" (Names several letters in turn).
“Let's grow a large flower meadow on our board. Let's do it this way. I will call to
board of some guys, they'll come out here and put their flowers on the board. You need to listen
be careful not to call you. I ask you to come to the board, all those who are called ...
The teacher takes out a sign that says "OUR CLASS". “Guys, look how many flowers there are.
there were just as many of us as there were of us. And we are all one class (places a sign above the names).
Here it is, what our class is.

Now I will ask those who are sitting to come to me. Please stand next to me, in a line,
facing the class. Well done! I will ask (says name) one of the children to touch everyone's hands and
determine who has the warmest hands"
Another child determines who has the warmest ears, forehead, nose, etc.
“Let's make our class a gift: decorate it with golden suns! Let be
each of you will draw a sun that can warm, cheer and cheer you up!
Then our class will become the brightest and most comfortable. (Soft music is used during
task completion).
“Whoever has finished the drawing, put the pencils in place, and the drawing in front of you. I will come and you
tell me quietly what place in the class your sun liked.
Purpose: To create conditions for the preliminary awareness of children of their future status
Lesson progress:
The teacher and psychologist greet the children and the lesson begins with a familiar action.
“Now we will play the game “One, two, three - whisper.” Squeeze your hands into fists. I will
ask questions, and you answer me, but answer in a special way. I ask a question and you whisper
count to three: one, two, three, raise thumbs and whisper the answer. Let's try.
What is the name of the roommate? Etc.
Guys, what do they call you in the kindergarten? What will you be called when you go to school?
Tell me, what is the difference between a schoolchild and a preschooler? That's right, the student does homework,
goes to school, studies at lessons. What do preschoolers do? Can a student play
run? In fact, the student can also play and run. I'll tell you a little secret:
each of you can behave like a schoolboy, and sometimes like a preschooler. Need to know when you
you can behave like schoolchildren, and when you can behave like a preschooler. Now I will call
different situations, and you will think about how to behave in this situation - like a schoolboy or how
preschooler. - On the lesson. Home. With friends. Etc.
Thank you very much, you did a great job with this difficult task. Do you know when you can
behave like a schoolboy, and sometimes like a preschooler. Now let's see if you can
whether you quickly turn from schoolchildren to preschoolers and vice versa .. Now we are with you
let's play a game that probably many of you know. This game is called "The sea is worried
time…”, but we will play it in a special way. Instead of sea ​​figure we will portray
figures of schoolchildren and preschoolers. The driver will say: “The sea worries once, the sea

two figures of a schoolboy (or preschooler) are worried on the spot, freeze. While the sea is worried, you can
walk around the class, and anna the word “freeze” needs to freeze, depicting the named figure. driving
chooses the most school student or the most preschool preschooler. First driver
I will. Please stand up and come to me."
Task "what's in the portfolio"
“Now tell me what do students go to school with? That's right, with a briefcase. What does he take with him
in a briefcase? What do preschoolers want to take with them? Now we will draw pictures
riddles. Draw three items that schoolchildren would take with them, and one extra item,
which a preschooler would take with him, who is not needed at school.
(Children draw)
"Who wants to give their own riddle to the class?"
“Thank you, now we know a lot about real schoolchildren. real schoolchildren
differ in that they go to school, do their homework. School should behave like
schoolchildren, and at home, on the street, you can behave like preschoolers.
Purpose: to create conditions for children to realize their future new status.
Lesson progress:
The teacher and psychologist greet the children and begin the lesson with a well-known ritual.
“Guys, and now we will learn a new game. It's called Nose, Ceiling, Mouth. For
to play it, you need to be very careful. Look up. What is in our
over your head? Let's point the finger and say: the ceiling. Fine. What's under your feet? Let's show
finger on it. And now he points his finger at his nose and says: nose.
And now I will confuse you. I will name one and show another. You don't say anything
Just point to what I call. Believe what you hear, not what you see.
Be careful.
Teacher: "Well done guys. And I'll tell you a story about first grade animals.
THE BEST FIRST GRADER. On a clear September morning, the animals came to the forest
school. The bright sun shone outside, the breeze played with golden autumn leaves. call
had not yet rung, and the animals sat at their desks and talked. They really liked
go to school, and each of them wanted to become the best first grader.
Let's try to help the animals and each of you, receiving a drawing of the animal, will
to say why his ward is the best first grader.

I will name what they go to school for, if it's right, then you clap your hands, and if it's wrong
stomp your feet.
They go to school to play.
They go to school to read.
They go to school to be friends. Etc.
And now we will draw the drawings of the riddle again. Now I will distribute the sheets to you. On one
draw a schoolboy on the other side, and a preschooler on the other so that you can understand immediately
Guess who is drawn where.
And now you take your drawings and exchange with your desk mate. Try to guess where
a schoolboy is drawn, and where is a preschooler.
So, today we learned that they go to school in order to study in order to learn a lot.
new, etc. Thank you for your work.
Purpose: creation of conditions for acquaintance of future first-graders with the skills of educational
Lesson progress:
The teacher greets the children and offers to start the lesson with poetic lines, which
accompanied by the movements of the children and the teacher.
“In one children’s song it is sung: “Together it’s fun to walk across the expanses and, of course, hum
better in chorus. Of course, sometimes you want to play alone, and there are things that a person must
do it yourself. But it often happens that it’s not interesting to play alone, and there are things that are better
do together. Today in the lesson we will work together when it will be necessary to perform
assignments are not alone. And with some of the guys.
And now we will play "Colorful mittens". You have to play together. I will ask
unite in pairs of neighbors on the desk. Take ONE SET OF PENCILS for two. Before
each of you has a drawing of a mitten. See how colorless they are, without patterns. In each
pair agree with each other how you will decorate these mittens. Each of you will
paint your mitten, but the patterns of two mittens should be the same and beautiful. To you
clear task? Then you can start working.
Our next exercise is for attentive guys, and you guys can all be
attentive. The exercise is called One or Two. Consider yourself, your body,
touch your face. Have you noticed that a person has two hands, and one forehead?

I will name some part of the body, and if I name something that a person has only one,
For example, forehead, then only girls get up. And if I often name bodies that are not alone, but such
two parts, then the boys get up. Does everyone understand?
Well done, I am very pleased that you are so attentive.
Each pair will have only one leaflet. It is necessary to draw together, together holding on to one
pencil. Draw a picture together on any topic, but in this picture you must
be drawn house and tree. What will they be, and what else will you draw on your picture,
decide for yourself. During the assignment, remember that you must work together, without quarrels and
(After finishing work, those who wish can tell the class what they have drawn)
Now we will play "Echo" with you. Start the game (89 children).
I will ask you to go to the blackboard (the child is called by name). Listen carefully. I am now
I will clap the rhythm, and you try to repeat it exactly. You will be my echo. You're good
done, now call yourself an assistant. Who will you invite? You can call by saying
"Help me please, and name."
Now try together, together repeat the rhythm that I will clap. Ready? Listen
Well done, you did the job, and now you can invite another assistant with
the words "Help me, please..."
(and so a few people)

Dear friends I congratulate you on the fact that our classes have come to an end. Are you good
got to know each other. But our adventures did not end there, they only
begin. Today we have to go on a great journey through a fairy-tale country. Here
she (opens card). Wish you luck. Are you ready to hit the road? Then let's start.
So we come to the island of strangers. This test will be easiest for those who
I remember my classmates well. You will have to guess who came out of the island
strangers. But, attention: as soon as you guessed who in question, by no means
shout out his name, do not point at a stranger with your hand, but just ... smile. According to your
smile, I will understand that you recognized him. When I say stranger, appear - the one who recognizes himself,
just get up from his seat (description of children).
Well done, you recognized everyone who appeared in the Grove of Strangers, they were our friends. But maybe
maybe one of you will be able to name all the guys because there are so many of us.
And now attention! What is this island? This is Friendship Island. You can get to this island
only together. So, we got to the island with you, we need to help the grains of sand build
new town. There is a tray with sand. Let's all build a city together. So, if you are friendly and
rallied together like these grains of sand, then any business is up to you.

Now let's give it a name.
Let's draw an emblem.
And write wishes for grains of sand. Here are the good guys! We passed the tests, and we are the city
built and painted a coat of arms. AND NOW ... Everyone who has mastered all the tests will receive a prize under
your applause.
Well, dating lessons have come to an end. But the acquaintance itself is only just beginning in
September when you come to school. You have to learn a lot of new, interesting and important things.
Sometimes we will remember our magical activities, and play games that will make us stronger.
smarter, smarter, smarter! Goodbye, see you again!