
Love horoscope for Taurus for September. Health and beauty horoscope

The horoscope for September 2017 warns Taurus of the onset of a very hectic and unpredictable stage of life. With the arrival of autumn, many areas of your existence will undergo a number of major reforms, which you will not accept with great loyalty. Of course, you will not be very happy that your family life or career suddenly turned away from the path you led it long years. But, it should be clarified, these unplanned reforms that will constantly occur around you will bring such a positive result that you will have to come to terms with them. It turns out that in September you will have only one really big problem - the need to quickly adapt to a new rhythm of life.

The personal life of Taurus in September 2017 will undergo, perhaps, the largest possible number of changes. If you are a family person and are already accustomed to the fact that your marriage develops in strict accordance with certain rules, at the beginning of this autumn all your “rules” will be reset. The reason for this will be some fundamental event that will happen against your will. It is possible that your partner will be appointed to a new position, as a result of which your family will have to move to another city or even to another state. Or, as an option, right now your family will learn the news that you will soon become parents, and you will have to urgently change your way of life, restructuring it to suit the needs of the child. Lonely Taurus in September will not have fewer reasons abandon your established way of life. You may decide to move away from older members of your family, and you will have to learn what is called independent existence. At the same time, very few romantic acquaintances await you in September (you simply won’t find free time for them), and therefore you will not yet be able to get rid of the spiritual emptiness.

The career and financial affairs of Taurus at the beginning of this fall will also little correspond to ideas about stability. If you are an employee, you will have to decide what to do with your current job (if there is a move in your life, you will either have to ask for a transfer or think about looking for a new position). Everyone who does not intend to leave their “hometown” will have to decide for themselves how to find an approach to the new leadership. Realizing that your new boss is a very complex person, you will think and wonder how to make the best impression on him. Taurus, busy with work on themselves, they will not look for an approach to someone (except perhaps to their new business partner). This person, on whom the success of your enterprise largely depends, will outline a lot of reforms, some of which you will categorically disagree with. Alas, you will have no other choice but to calmly accept all the wishes of your main investor. Fortunately, it soon turns out that this man is simply a born strategist, and that from his madness brilliant ideas your business has become much more successful.

Hectic September will not be an easy test for the Taurus nervous system, and after severe stress, you may have other problems. How to warn them? Only by constantly setting yourself up for the positive, and by correctly planning your work and rest schedule. It won’t be bad if in September you slightly increase the duration of night sleep and “introduce” a number of useful habits into your daily routine (for example, walking).

Full description on the topic: “financial (money) horoscope for a Taurus man (guy) for the month of September 2018” from the best astrologers.

Astrological forecast for the first month of autumn. What does the horoscope for September 2018 promise for the Taurus sign? The stars predict many changes in this zodiac sign. different areas life. Success awaits him in a variety of fields - in love, in his career, at home, in society. Read the horoscope for September 2018 Taurus, prepared by experienced astrologers especially for the “All Talismans” website!

Although Taurus will achieve success in working with other people, they will behave modestly, which is very good, since modesty only decorates and allows them to gain respect from others. You need to be prepared to be grateful for your help and to be prepared for the fact that, due to the modesty of representatives of this zodiac sign, competitors will take advantage of their experience and achievements.

The beginning of September 2018 is an excellent period to calmly achieve goals, avoiding curiosity from others. However, when the results of Taurus's labors become noticeable, it will be difficult to avoid fame. Representatives of this zodiac sign prefer not to boast or demonstrate their abilities unnecessarily.

However, typical Taurus are likely to have low self-esteem in September 2018. So you should not give yourself the idea that achievements came at the expense of other people. But you can dedicate your victories to loved ones who inspire you to achieve accomplishments.

The horoscope recommends: you should not doubt your potential and abilities. After all, you have enough of these qualities. In September, they will have excellent motivation to overcome obstacles and achieve important achievements, which will allow them to prove their importance.

The following will bring happiness and good luck to Taurus in September 2018:

Plant: Decembrist

Animal patron: Hare

Name: Basil

lucky color: Yellow

Talisman for good luck: Hand of Fatima (Hamsa)

Luck number: 24

Stone amulet: Azuromalahite – a stone of creative people

Lucky days in September 2018: 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 30

Dangerous days in September 2018: 4, 9, 15, 21

Family horoscope for September 2018

Astrologers say that the other half will become a reliable companion for Taurus in all endeavors. Such support will be an excellent contribution to the relationship and will help smooth out existing differences. The beginning of autumn will be a period of “reboot” and will allow you to put everything in its place.

The main events in the life of Taurus will take place in their home. September is an excellent period for renovating an apartment or country house, buying furniture or making repairs.

The stars advise representatives of this zodiac sign to devote more time to their parents and other older relatives. Moreover, you can get financial and moral support from them.

The end of September 2018 (especially the third decade) will be an excellent opportunity to enjoy the peace provided by family.

Also, in September 2018, Taurus will have a desire to communicate. They will want to meet friends and relatives whom they have not seen for a long time. The stars recommend that representatives of this zodiac sign communicate more often and visit their parents, because they will need your attention and care. In addition, this is a great opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about your family’s history, which may be useful in the future.

When it comes to raising children, Taurus parents will face a difficult dilemma. It needs to be solved together. Children of representatives of this zodiac sign in September will be capricious a lot, insist on their own and show selfishness.

Love horoscope for September 2018

Many Taurus may unexpectedly fall in love in September. This feeling will arise suddenly, spontaneously and will confuse all plans. Taurus, according to their horoscope, have a practical character and do not allow themselves unnecessary emotions. However, in September you will want to have a blast, and you will embark on a romantic adventure, regardless of your own beliefs.

Falling in love, which arose spontaneously, can pass just as quickly, for which you should be prepared. But nevertheless, Taurus will gain a positive experience of communicating with representatives of the opposite sex. A short-term love that flared up in September will leave the most pleasant memories.

Money horoscope, influx of finances

For Taurus in September 2018, the priority will be work and improving relationships with superiors and partners. There is a possibility that representatives of this zodiac sign will decide to find a way to realize their desires and abilities. In order not to be disappointed with the result, you should stick to the golden mean between rest and work, so that accumulated fatigue does not force you to abandon your usual schedule.

As for the financial situation in September 2018, at the beginning of autumn it will remain difficult. Income will be irregular, and unexpected family-related expenses are also possible.

In the first ten days of September, it is not recommended to borrow money, because there is a possibility that you will not be able to immediately repay the borrowed amount. However, Taurus will have the opportunity to relax if they spend some of the money on entertainment or recreation. Alternatively, you can go to a restaurant with your significant other.

Taurus will also face unexpected obstacles at work. There is a possibility that in September 2018 a long-standing conflict will escalate, which will slow down career advancement.

The stars recommend that Taurus avoid disputes and not share information with colleagues that could be used against them. There is a possibility that the conflict will end happily, and representatives of this zodiac sign will emerge victorious. So it’s better not to rush and wait until time puts everything in its place.

Health and beauty horoscope

Astrologers advise Taurus to control their well-being in September 2018. It is not recommended to ignore alarming symptoms deterioration of health. Many representatives of this sign will have liver diseases at the beginning of autumn.

Depression will also pose a danger, and some Taurus will fall into apathy and everything will begin to irritate them. In this case, you are advised to spend more time on activities that charge you with positivity. This will improve your mood.

It will not be superfluous to undergo a course of preventive procedures at the end of the month. After all, the body’s performance depends on how much effort you can put into maintaining your health. The horoscope recommends refraining from eating fatty foods and alcoholic drinks during this period of time.

Don't neglect the opportunity to visit a cosmetologist's office. However, it’s okay if you don’t have time for this - standard facial care procedures will be quite enough. You can do them yourself. In September, Taurus is shown anti-aging masks with a lifting effect, as well as a course of procedures aimed at eliminating cellulite.

Working affairs, Taurus career horoscope

The middle of the month should be spent fruitfully, communicating with colleagues and like-minded people, and resolving emerging disputes. There is a possibility that it will be possible to conclude a contract to extend cooperation with profitable partners.

The beginning of September will be a successful period for work trips. At the same time, Taurus subordinates may encounter some misunderstanding from their superiors. If it is not possible to find a solution that suits both parties, and Taurus refuses to compromise, then they will be fired.

You may need to compete for a prestigious position at work. However, it is undesirable to stoop to an unfair fight, since intrigues can turn against the one who weaves them.

Taurus who occupy a high position will be tempted to use their official position and exceed their existing authority. But such actions can destroy your reputation and lead to problems. Rewards await those who can remain true professionals and be honest with subordinates and colleagues.

The second half of September 2018 is an excellent period for attending courses or participating in seminars aimed at improving skills.

As for the third ten days of the month, the situation in the service will become more difficult. However, Taurus, who are interested in their business life, will not want to go on vacation and take a break from work for a while. In this case, they are recommended to devote the end of September to finalizing abandoned cases.

And also at the end of September, Taurus should avoid overexertion so that the matter does not end in stress or neurosis.

Astrological forecasts for other signs:

♈ Horoscope for September 2018 Aries

♉ Horoscope for September 2018 Taurus

♊ Horoscope for September 2018 Gemini

♋ Horoscope for September 2018 Cancer

♌ Horoscope for September 2018 Leo

♍ Horoscope for September 2018 Virgo

♎ Horoscope for September 2018 Libra

♏ Horoscope for September 2018 Scorpio

♐ Horoscope for September 2018 Sagittarius

♑ Horoscope for September 2018 Capricorn

♒ Horoscope for September 2018 Aquarius

♓ Horoscope for September 2018 Pisces

It depends on everyone, but business Taurus will have to go through a very difficult financially 2018, which may turn out to be quite nervous and tense, with the most unexpected consequences. The thing is that this period foreshadows for these people expenses beyond his means, which will force him to work twice as much, which will also not save him.

All year, a representative of this sign will be forced to work exhaustingly, sometimes even without days off, however, all the money he earns will flow through his hands like water.

Unforeseen and forced expenses will arise in the coming year; money may be needed for treatment, which will significantly hit the pockets of some of them who are affected by this problem.

In addition to supporting his family, he will also have to help his relatives; perhaps, things in his business will deteriorate and he will have to urgently look for funds to keep him afloat, for which he will be forced to turn to bank loans.

In any case, over the course of the year, Taurus will realize with regret that everything that was earned with such hard work has been spent so quickly that he will not understand how to find a way out of this situation.

At such moments he will be depressed, which can have a very negative impact on his emotional state, can even drive into depressive state, which should not be allowed.

The zodiac representative of Taurus should not even dream of winning any gambling, participate in adventurous projects, or lend money to someone, especially cooperate with unfamiliar people.

There is a high probability that this zodiac sign is warned by the stars that by participating in risky operations, he will lose a large amount of money.

Investing money in 2018 in any companies other than your own is not recommended by the stars and astrological forecast, just as it would be worth holding off on investing in your business.

The destructive power of the celestial planets, which will influence the financial component of these people for quite a long time, can present them with a rather unpleasant surprise, and such that in best case scenario he risks remaining, as they say, with his own people.

This person should expect a stable financial situation, and therefore harmony in life, closer to the fall of 2018, when Taurus will receive a large sum of money, possibly for his past merits.

The year will end, one might say, well, although it will not bring Taurus much satisfaction, and nervous system won't be okay after everything that happened.

Finance and business of Taurus in 2018 – will there be growth?

A professional horoscope and astrological forecast for business and finance for a Taurus business representative for 2018 indicate that this person may decide to begin all sorts of actions on his part to advance towards his goal, namely, moving up the career ladder.

Moreover, this issue will worry him like no other; the realization of ambitions will become the main priority, even greater than material interest.

This year, the main danger for Taurus will come at the beginning, when tensions in relations with management increase at work, and business representatives of this sign may quarrel with their business partners.

If you want to realize your career ambitions during this period, through your colleagues, work colleagues, and perhaps influential patrons, be careful, it is not recommended to exploit someone for your own selfish interests.

Taurus must be especially prudent and must ensure that his ambitions for career advancement do not run counter to moral standards, as well as the plans of his company’s management.

For your own goals, you shouldn’t “dig” for someone; achieve everything with your own work and head. Pay attention to good advice work colleagues and comments addressed to you by management and even subordinates, their advice can help you understand a lot and draw the right conclusions.

It is not recommended to change your job next year on your own initiative, especially at the end of it. It’s better to improve your skills during this period, especially if you are engaged in intellectual work or creative work.

Financial horoscope 2018

Many roads will open before Taurus in September, following which you will be able to achieve great success. But the horoscope for September 2018 Taurus foretells that you will not have time to visit all the roads. It is known: if you chase two hares, you will not catch either. You will have to think carefully and choose exactly what will lead you to a good life in the future. Astrologers advise the Taurus sign to carefully consider decisions before taking on the next task.

At the beginning of September 2018, you will be inundated with many business offers. You will also have your own interesting ideas about how to get rich. But most importantly, you must first figure out what is more important to you now - family or work. If you choose a career, you will have to forget about your family and household for one month, but then, when things go uphill, you will be able to enjoy plenty of attention from your family. But the choice is yours, and yours heavenly patrons in September they will help you walk any of your chosen paths with dignity.

As the horoscope shows, in September 2018, Taurus will be actively helped by the luminary of the day - the Sun. This star always protects your zodiac sign, but at the beginning of autumn this support will be expressed most effectively. Good health, which is not in danger, a surge of strength and energy - you will receive these gifts free of charge from the Sun. Be grateful and make the most of everything that is offered to you.

Lucky days in September 2018 for the Taurus sign: 3, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 24, 27, 28

Unlucky days in September 2018 for Taurus: 5, 9, 13, 26, 30

Horoscope of love relationships in September 2018 Taurus

Lonely Taurus will finally find the one they were looking for - their soulmate! The horoscope warns that you may not immediately like this person, but this is only at first glance. Take a closer look at your potential partner, study his habits and character, and you will understand that this is exactly the one you have been waiting for. This person will become your soulmate. He will be with you not only in body, but also in soul.

At the end of September, Taurus will not have enough time for romance and dating. All free time resources will be “eaten up” by work. Don’t be afraid to ask your colleagues for help, to replace you at your workplace. Explain the situation and they will definitely help you. Thanks to the time you have carved out, you will be able to go with your lover (or lover) on a romantic trip, which will only strengthen the newly formed union. Along the way, you will be able to study your partner well, and you will see that the stars were not mistaken!

Family relationship horoscope

In September, family Taurus are expected unexpected turns destinies that you will like. The horoscope shows that there will be an opportunity to go on a trip with your spouse - do not miss the chance, make full use of what you are given. During the trip, old feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and a second honeymoon awaits you. It is likely that while on vacation you will be able to conceive the long-awaited child.

Things that you have hesitated to take on in the past are best started at this time. The horoscope for September 2018 promises Taurus success in all activities - be it renovating a kitchen, remodeling a home, or building their own home. Household issues will be resolved easily, without unnecessary investments.

To achieve their goals, Taurus will have to work hard in the first half of September, but this must be done. You will see that the time spent will not pass without a trace for you. Saving a little money won't hurt if you want to take a vacation at the end of September.

IN family relations Problems may arise for Taurus, so the stars recommend paying attention to the following points. Determine your personal space in the house and ask your family to give you time to be there alone with your thoughts. Don't go under hot hand, especially in problems where your participation was not asked. Do not refuse help and help if your household asks you for it. Finally, take the time to go on a picnic with the whole family to improve your relationship.

Taurus woman, horoscope for September 2018

The stars advise you to prepare for important negotiations and for making profitable deals. For you, September is the time fruitful work. At the beginning of autumn, you will have a good opportunity to establish yourself as a responsible and conscientious worker. Expect financial income, an unscheduled bonus or dividends. Astrologers warn Taurus against making large purchases in September 2018 - you will only waste your money.

Changes are coming in the personal life of the Taurus woman. you will meet interesting person with whom you want to spend a few evenings. Depending on how you feel next to your chosen one, you will decide whether to continue the romance or end it on a pleasant note.

Single Taurus girls will temporarily stop caring about being alone. September is a great time to spend it for yourself. The main thing for you now is good rest, and self-improvement. Take care of yourself, tidy up your appearance, tighten your figure. Read fiction and non-fiction, learn new things. Take advanced training courses or learn a new specialty from scratch. The horoscope promises that you will soon become much more attractive to the opposite sex.

Horoscope for Taurus man for September 2018

Astrologers advise men born under the zodiac sign Taurus to be more attentive to family and relatives, especially close ones. Although at times it will seem to you that they are specifically testing your character, show patience and understanding if you do not want to ruin your relationship with your household.

The horoscope promises that single Taurus males will meet a beautiful stranger in September 2018. But Taurus couples are facing global changes - this could be either an engagement or a divorce. Take everything that happens calmly. Solve problems as they arise, without ignoring the opinion of your other half.

Don't make unnecessary purchases in September 2018. The horoscope shows that in the future you will need money to solve family problems. At the end of the month, you will be able to successfully invest money in an enterprise that promises solid profits. Consult with an experienced financial lawyer before investing any available funds into a project.

Taurus career in September 2018, business horoscope

In September, you will clearly know what you really want to achieve at work. Money issues will continue to be your main priorities. But you won’t want to give up a higher position in the team either. In September 2018, Taurus will be able to combine his ambitions, which he will do brilliantly!

The horoscope advises building relationships among colleagues. Follow the rule in everything: each person is unique in his own way, and therefore everyone needs a certain approach. A good relationship with workmates is the key to successful teamwork. In addition, in September 2018 you will be able to form your future team of like-minded people.

Always be punctual, no matter whether it is the beginning of the working day or an important meeting. In the eyes of your superiors, you can become taller this month. September is also great for concluding foreign contracts and establishing connections with foreign business partners.

At the beginning of the first autumn month, do not plan any important meetings, much less sign any documents. But in the second half of September, the stars willingly allow you to do this. Success awaits you. The second half of the month will be devoted to small things, nothing meaningful deeds, but should not be treated carelessly. Be vigilant always and in everything. At the end of the month, inspection authorities will come to you, so always be on guard.

Financial horoscope for September 2018 Taurus

Your financial situation will remain stable; there should be no special worries about this. Your expenses, of course, may decrease due to family problems, but this will not affect your income in any way.

During this period, you can try your luck on additional sources of profit - luck will accompany you in everything. Astrologers consider real estate transactions to be especially profitable. You will be able to inexpensively purchase quality renovated housing.

Taurus health in September 2018

Autumn - good period, to go through preventive treatment. Special attention pay attention to nervous and respiratory systems. It’s also useful to go to a sanatorium for the next month - it won’t hurt you personally, but it will help your body. Peace and tranquility in a family environment will help your well-being in the best possible way.

Beauty horoscope for Taurus for September 2018

In September, Taurus women do not need to change anything: you are always irresistible as is. If you still decide to change your image, then do it in the middle of the month. But just don't plan long-term changes! It is better to postpone procedures such as tattooing, hair extensions, complex manicures “for later”. Your mood in September will be changeable. Now you want one thing, but in a couple of days you will want something completely different. You will regret the tattoo you got, even though it took you so long to choose it.

For almost the entire month of September 2018, you will be under pressure from close people who will insist on changing your image. But in matters of appearance, you must first of all listen to your own inner voice. Others will reconsider their attitude towards your image later, but you will not change yourself. Your strong point is natural, natural makeup in pastel colors; stick to the same gentle tones when choosing clothes.

The stars recommend not to be frank with people you have only recently met. Be carefull. New acquaintances do not always become friends, but you can reveal all your secrets to them, which will be in vain on your part.

In general, the stars protect Taurus from failures and promise this zodiac sign a wonderful September in all respects! Be happy!

Calf: Financial horoscope for September 2018

(September 2018)

Work and changes in relationships with partners and superiors will come to the fore. Most likely, Taurus will decide to find a way to realize their own abilities and desires. To ensure that the result does not disappoint you, try to maintain a golden mean between work, activity and rest. Otherwise, the disease may force Taurus to leave their usual schedule for a long time.

The financial situation for Taurus may remain quite difficult in September. Money will come irregularly, constant expenses are possible, which may be unexpected. Try not to borrow, especially at the beginning of September: most likely, you will not be able to pay off the entire amount right away. But at the same time, you can have a wonderful rest if you spend part of the amount on recreation, entertainment, or allow yourself to spend the evening in a good restaurant.

Taurus may encounter unexpected obstacles at work. There may be an exacerbation of a long-standing conflict, which can significantly slow down your career. Try to avoid sharp corners and do not give anyone information that could seriously harm you. Perhaps the conflict will end soon, and you will be able to emerge victorious. The main thing is not to rush and put everything in its place at the right time.

Financial horoscope (work and business) for Taurus Women: September 2018

At the beginning of September you will be unpleasantly surprised by your financial situation. There may be an unexpected loss of a large amount or a waste that one of the family members will make without your consent. The likelihood of muggings and petty thefts also increases, so try not to advertise your income and try to keep as much money as possible in inaccessible places. You may have to spend a lot of money on the needs of friends and acquaintances. Try not to refuse those who need your support: it is possible that in the future it will be very useful.

Representatives of this sign may experience unpleasant surprises at work. Most likely, an unpleasant conversation with your superiors can negatively affect your career and the opportunity to prove yourself. Try to be observant: most likely, someone is setting your boss against you on purpose, pursuing their own career goals. Therefore, try not to trust your colleagues too much: information can be used against you. But your work and perseverance in achieving your goals will help you easily fill all the gaps and reach a new professional level.

Financial horoscope (work and business) for Taurus Men: September 2018

For Taurus men, the concern will be the search new job or additional income. Unemployed representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to show their abilities or find a job. And those who already work in their place will be able to realize their abilities or find additional income. Therefore, try to prove yourself and show your abilities and skills. Most likely, fortune will be on your side, and you will be able to achieve the desired result.

What does September 2017 have in store for the Woman under the sign of Taurus?

For representatives of this sign, September will be busy with work. However, they will find it difficult to concentrate and complete all tasks. The stars recommend carefully considering your diet and preventive measures to improve your well-being. Perhaps single Taurus will resume old relationships, and family ones will understand that they themselves are the culprits of most conflicts.

Love horoscope for Taurus Woman

Representatives without a partner are attracted to a man with whom the relationship is renewed and then terminated. It's already going on like this a large number of months, and possibly years. In September they will again be whirled by a whirlpool of meetings, passion, and then everything will end again. The stars advise you to think about whether this relationship has a future and how necessary it is for you.

Married girls who have had difficulties with their spouse will resolve them. They will look at what is happening from a different angle and rethink all their mistakes. Thanks to this, Taurus will be able to ask for forgiveness from their lover.

Love horoscope for September 2017: Taurus The woman will feel that she can make amends by traveling together.

Finance and work

At the beginning of September, representatives will find it difficult to join their job responsibilities, because they will constantly be in the clouds. At this time, it is important to refrain from business meetings and signing serious documents. From the middle of the month, Taurus will be overwhelmed with small routine work, which will require great care from them. Troubles associated with some legal problems or scheduled inspections are also expected. In any case, it is better to prepare in advance for such events.

Health and leisure

Taurus women need to improve their organ health gastrointestinal tract. Those representatives who already have diseases associated with the pancreas will feel an exacerbation. The stars recommend not to provoke the body with an unbalanced diet. To improve your well-being, enrich your diet with autumn fruits and vegetables, and also take special healing herbs. They will have a therapeutic effect and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

  • Favorable days for Taurus women – 8, 13, 17, 23
  • Unfavorable days for Taurus women – 2, 3, 15, 18, 27
Published: 2017-08-01, Modified: 2018-10-22,

In September 2017, Taurus will once again return to their role as eternally busy workaholics. Considering that this daring summer helped you have a good rest, you will meet autumn in a great mood. You will be impressed by the very thought that the time for hard work begins. You are not afraid of work, and at the beginning of autumn everyone will find out about it again. But not only will you take a very serious approach to work, but also to everything that will happen within the walls of your home. You, as a very strict parent, will set up your younger relatives with the idea that while you are at work, they simply must study, study and study again.

In general, in September you will demand a lot from yourself and from your immediate circle. Of course, your significant other will have to work hard to meet these high requirements, fortunately, she already has sufficient experience in this issue! Your loved one, imbued with the mood with which you return home and go to work, will become extremely strict and serious even about your life together. And a little later, this serious approach will help your couple purchase a fairly expensive and very useful item intended for the kitchen or living room. In general, your family will live in the “we save on everything, and don’t invite us to visit you again!” mode throughout September. What will be the material outcome of your September approach to family life, we already know (they will turn out to be that very expensive purchase). But there will be one more important moment in your September self-restraints! By giving up entertainment as an unnecessary expense, you, your regular partner and other family members will become much closer to each other than before. What will bring you together? Of course, the common goal and those long evenings that you will spend together within the walls of your home.

Lonely Taurus in September 2017 will also devote a lot of time and effort to arranging their bachelor life. While you are putting things in order on your personal square meters, the thought will appear in your head more than once that it would be much easier and more interesting to deal with these tedious worries together with someone. No, you won’t call your friends to help you with cleaning (and you won’t need a friend, but a person with whom you can fall asleep and wake up in a shared bed). In general, you will want love and everything that accompanies it. Alas and ah, September will not leave you free time to search for this very love, but you will certainly return to this issue.

In the meantime, all your thoughts, as already noted, will be focused on putting things in order in current affairs, including official matters. If you work at an enterprise, you will mentally identify September 2017 as a transitional stage necessary for the future growth of your career. Right now, without delaying until later, you will plan your every step on the ladder of career success. And the first step for you will be to eliminate those very things that for some reason you constantly put off. Persistently and painstakingly, you will bring to perfection every project that in the past did not receive the due strength and attention from you. You know how to work tirelessly, and therefore by the end of September there will be no shortcomings in your official affairs.

Taurus engaged in individual entrepreneurship will approach their current affairs no less thoroughly and scrupulously. And first of all, in September 2017 you will conduct an “audit” of your staff. You will decide that a couple of available positions are nothing more than a formality. You will fire these people, and distribute the salaries due to them equally among the remaining staff. By doing this, you will once again show everyone that you are an incredibly reasonable person for whom justice is most valuable.

Attention, the Taurus monthly horoscope for September 2017 has been published in abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Mercury is in Taurus' house of love. He is also the patron saint of September. Does such a coincidence have any significance for love predictions? You can only find out about this from accurate horoscope for Taurus, compiled by astrologers for September 2019.

Love horoscope for Taurus for September 2019

Start autumn time Taurus will remember it as a very positive time. In September 2019, for Taurus, the likelihood of disagreements with their chosen ones is minimal. On the other hand, the calm can be provoked by the fading of feelings, which is so likely during retrograde Mars.

September - best time to check the seriousness of your partners' intentions. The most unexpected discoveries await Taurus on odd days of the month, except for the 9th, 17th and 25th. These September dates are ideal for making plans. Those who have long dreamed of expressing all their thoughts to their loved one should hurry up. There will be no other opportunity when he understands you the way you would like.

Don't be surprised, Taurus, if your chosen one suddenly has a desire to have a child in September. This will be the most significant proof of his love for you. It will not be easy for Taurus, but it is better to make an exact decision before the end of the month.

Starting a family at a time when nature is fading is a great idea for Taurus! The stars will react favorably to such a decision, especially since after the 17th Mars will change its direction, and all the radical changes in life will benefit the signs of the Zodiac.

Love horoscope for Taurus women for September 2019

In September 2019, Taurus women can only hope for the best. At this time, there is a high probability of meeting your one and only. Close relationships at the beginning of autumn are likely to bear fruit, and you will finally receive a marriage proposal from the person dearest to you.

In September, Taurus will be able to feel needed and loved. Even if you have been married for a long time, the beginning of autumn is a time of change and the return of old feelings. A spark will fly again between the spouses, family life will become a real fairy tale. Crises in September are very unlikely, and if there are any problems, they will not cause fatal changes.

The only thing that Taurus girls may be dissatisfied with is the sexual sphere. In the first month of autumn, the stars do not prepare bright adventures for them, so receiving divine pleasure will have to be postponed until later. late date. Astrologers strongly recommend that Taurus not try to change the course of events and not look for adventures on their own. It’s better to wait out September, because feelings are now much more important than bodily pleasures.

Love horoscope for Taurus men for September 2019

September 2019 will mark the beginning of a new relationship for Taurus men. Feelings that have long been tested for strength will also undergo a reboot. Even in the family life of men, a radical restructuring will begin.

Single Taurus men born under this zodiac sign will be able to relax in September. Beautiful girls they will look for you themselves. Fascinated by your intelligence, they will not simply give up their intentions. Don't be surprised if you find yourself at the registry office at the end of the month. Hasty decisions at the beginning of autumn will not negatively affect fate. Rather, on the contrary, the stars welcome the quick reaction of Taurus to serious changes in the life line.

In addition to increased attention from female fans, Taurus men will experience a lot of pleasant things in sex in September. The physical embodiment of the love of beauties will not take long to arrive. Astrologers recommend that Taurus be extremely reasonable and not start affairs with several women at the same time.

Love horoscope for Taurus for other months of 2019