
Material on the topic: Quiz for Cosmonautics Day for primary school.

Tatiana Osipova
"Journey into Space." Quiz for children of the preparatory group

Municipal treasury

Preschool educational

Institution "Kindergarten

Combined type


« Journey into space»

(Thematic quiz

For preparatory group children)


Osipova T. P.

Naumova V. A.

Lodeynoye Pole

April 2014

Target: Involve children to explore space.


1. Consolidate knowledge children about the planets and their location in the solar system, about the profession « astronaut» , spaceships.

2. Cultivate friendliness, responsibility, endurance, and the ability to act in a team.

3. Develop creative thinking, imagination, cognitive activity, dexterity, attention.


audio recording from space music , cut-out pictures, emblems "Rocket", "Star", multimedia, tunnel, stars, towels...

Preliminary work:

Conversations about astronauts, solar system, planets, looking at illustrations in a children's encyclopedia about space, lotto, domino o space, watching DVD movies « Journey to Mars» , "The Secret of the Third Planet", "What the Stars Say", drawing and sculpting on the topic "Alien", applique « Astronaut» , manual labor "Flying saucer".

Reading competition "Poems about space» .

Progress of the event:

Children enter the hall to the music (stand by the chairs).

Guys, do you like to look at the sky? (photo) What are you dreaming about?

Educator: Yes, it's day astronautics, this is a celebration of all the people who participate in the creation space rockets, and holiday astronauts. For a very long time people have been exploring space. And I suggest you go to space travel for space exploration. Do you agree?

We have two teams - "Rocket" captain….

"Star" captain….

Educator: Before the flight begins, I invite the teams to greet each other.

First team "Star". Greetings: “We are a team "Star" We always light the way."

Our motto: “Shine always, shine everywhere.”.

Second team "Rocket". Greetings: “We are a team "Rocket" We’ll fly to any planets.”

Our motto: “Only forward - not a step back!”

Educator: Attention players, for each competition you you will receive space chips. Whichever team has the most chips will win.

I announce the first competition: "This is interesting".

I will ask you questions, and you will answer quickly.

Questions for the team "Star"

1. How many planets orbit the Sun? (9)

2. Rocket launch site (cosmodrome) .

3. Which planet is named after the goddess of love, Venus? (Venus)

4. Name the Earth's satellite? (Moon)

5. What is shown on the slide? (spacesuit) Whose clothes are these?

Questions for the team "Rocket"

1. Name the planet of the solar system, which in ancient times was called "planet of war" for its red color? (Mars)

2. What kind of planet is this (Saturn) Why is it interesting? (there are rings) What are they made of? (rocks and ice)

3. Which planet is the coldest? (Pluto)

4. What kind of planet is this? Which one is ours? planet earth from the Sun? (third)

5. What position are they in? astronauts when leaving the spacecraft into orbit? (weightlessness)

The jury's word.

Educator: Well done guys. We fly further, but on what?

Second competition "Building a rocket"

The host invites two couples children. The boys stand up straight and raise their arms up, placing their palms together - this is a rocket. The girls must wrap the boys with a paper towel, which the leader gives them, as quickly as possible. The result will be a real rocket, and the boys cannot cover their faces, as they « astronauts» . The pair that finishes the building the fastest wins.

The jury's word.

The rockets are ready, let's take off.

Third competition "B" space the door is open to everyone. Well, check yourself!”

Questions for the team: "Star"

2. Whose portrait is shown on the slide? (photo) (Gagarin).

(Watching a video about Yu. A. Gagarin) (reading a poem).

3. The source of life on Earth? (Sun)

4. Whose portrait is shown on the slide? (photo) (The first woman is astronaut V. Tereshkova).

5. Which planet has rings? (Saturn) What are they made of? (rocks and ice)

6. What kind of device is this? (photo) (plate)

Questions for the team: "Rocket".

1. Whose portrait is shown on the slide? (photo)(The second woman is astronaut

S. Savitskaya)

2. What is the name of a stone that fell to Earth from space? (meteorite)

3. What is the closest star to us? (Sun)

4. Earth satellite? (Moon)

5. What kind of device is this? (photo) (flying carpet) Where do they fly it? (in fairy tales)

6. What kind of planet is this? (photo) (Uranus) What are the rings made of? (from gas)

The jury's word

Fourth competition "Going out into the open space» .

(participants fly into the tunnel, take a star, return and pass the baton). At the end of the competition, the children give stars to the guests.

The jury's word

Fifth competition: "Riddles".

Riddles for the team "Star"

1.- Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,

It shines for us in the sky. (Moon)

2. It’s far from the ground, can’t you touch it? (Sky)

3. Through a special pipe, looking into the Universe. (astronomer)

4. - The grain scattered at night,

And in the morning - there is nothing. (Stars)

Riddles for the team "Rocket"

1.-Higher than a standing forest, higher than a walking cloud,

A gray stallion grazes in a blue clearing.

He sleeps during the day and watches at night. (Month)

2.- There will be no knocking on the door or window,

And he will come up and wake everyone up. (Sun)

3. At night, look out the window, we light up high in the sky, like the sun, very far away. (stars)

4. - Astronauts, are you sitting tight? Coming soon I'm going out into space!

I'll spin around the Earth on a carousel in orbit. (Rocket)

The jury's word.

Musical break.

Sixth competition « Space debris» (children are invited, a broom and dustpan are given, children collect « space debris» and put them in baskets)

The jury's word.

Seventh competition « Space food» (children are invited, given

2 tubes of toothpaste; see who can squeeze the toothpaste onto the plate faster).

Eighth competition for captains:

Educator: Well done guys! Our the journey is coming to an end, and in conclusion I want to ask a few questions to the team captains.

Questions for the team captain "Star"

1. Which dog flew first? space? (Laika)(November 3, 1957, in the cabin of the second artificial satellite, the dog Laika lived, breathed, and flew over the world).

2. What kind of window is this? (porthole).

3. Who was the first to go into the open space? (Leonov)

Questions for the team captain "Rocket"

1. What is the name of a person who makes a flight in space? (astronaut)

2. Who is shown in the photo? (Laika was followed by others dogs: Belka and Strelka). (photo)

3. Who's up astronauts flew into space? (guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits) (photo)

Captains need to complete a pre-flight task (work with drawing)

The rockets are ready to return to earth, you need to collect the team emblems.

Ninth competition "Collect the emblem" (who can assemble the split team emblem the fastest)

The jury's word

Educator: Guys, you passed all the tests, proved that you know and can do a lot. And now ours space The adventure ends, but a lot of unknowns await you ahead. We want you to always have a desire for new discoveries, new knowledge. Now we can return to Earth. In the meantime, the jury is counting whose team received more space chips we have...

Musical break.

Now we find out whose team received more space chips. (The jury announces the result).

For your efforts, all participants will be awarded certificates « Ready to become an astronaut» . (Sounds space music)

Quiz for junior schoolchildren with answers “Flight into space.”

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Zolotukhinsk secondary school" Zolotukhin village, Kursk region
Description: the quiz is dedicated to international day astronautics and is intended for children of primary school and middle school. Holiday material can be used for conversations, cool hours and extracurricular activities.
Target: formation in children of knowledge about the development of astronautics, about the first flights into space.
1. Teach children to see and hear, to peer inquisitively into the world, to observe this world.
2.Summarize, consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge about space acquired in lessons about the surrounding world and in the geographical circle “Living to Live.”
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its patterns.
4.Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality.
5. To promote the development of thinking, attention, observation, moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren.
Preliminary work:
1.Reading fiction about space and astronauts, research work in the “Live to Live” club, active participation in various competitions on the surrounding world, visiting the Museum of Cosmonautics and the Planetarium in Kursk.
Literature for reading:
I. Series “Astronomy for smart children”:
1. “Your Sunshine.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies.
2. “The Moon is the granddaughter of the Sun.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
3. “The stars are Sunny’s sisters.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
4. “Everyone in Sunny’s family dances.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
5. "Long-haired stars." Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
6. “Little planets.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
7. “Stones that fell from the sky.” Artist Z.N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
8. "Star pictures". Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
9. “Our star city is Galaxy.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
10. “Oh, aliens!” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
II.Small encyclopedias for children
1. “Astronomy from A to Z.” Artists S. Volkov and G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 1999. 19,980 copies.
2. “Entertaining physics” (co-authored with T.A. Nikiforova). Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2004. 15,000 copies.
3. “Cosmonautics from A to Z.” Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2000. 14,500 copies.
4. “How the Universe was discovered.” Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova, Zh. Zubtsova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2004. 15,000 copies. 65 pp.
5. “Russia’s star sons” (co-authored with S.A. Gerasyutin). Small encyclopedia of astronautics. M.: Gelios, 2007. 1500 copies. 226 pp.
6. “Your Universe.” A book for lovers of unusual travel. Artists E.A. Dyukova, V.V. Efanov, E.V. Lenchevskaya, O.V. Popovich, V.A. Prokudin. M.: Education, 2007. 5000 copies. 160 pp.
7. "Travel through the Universe." My first book on astronomy and cosmonautics. A book to read. Artists N.A. Shevarev, A.B. Yudkin, N.A. Dymova, E.V. Semenov. M.: Education, 2007. 10,000 copies.
The sky split open
And we go to Eternity,
Where the starry tale is
And Milky Infinity,
Where the stars give us Tenderness,
Changing its spectrum.

And promises fidelity
Foggy Unreality! /Pause/

After man invented the airplane and conquered the sky, people wanted to go higher. One of the first to think about space flights was the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.
K.E. Tsiolkovsky is the pride of Russia, one of the fathers of astronautics, a great scientist.

In 1955, a decision was made to build a launch pad for space rockets.
It was in Kazakhstan, far from large populated areas.
The location of the cosmodrome is BAIKONUR.

All the most cherished dreams of the founders of astronautics were brought to life by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

October 4, 1957 became a significant date in the history of the country - the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. The space age has begun.

The first satellite of the Earth was a shiny ball made of aluminum alloys and was small - with a diameter of 58 cm and a weight of -83.6 kg.
On November 3, 1957, the second artificial satellite was launched, and on May 15, 1958, the third. The launch of satellites made it possible to begin the study of outer space.
Scientists were faced with the task of putting a living creature into orbit. Dogs paved the way to space for humans. Animal testing began in 1949. The first “cosmonauts” were recruited in the gateways - a total of 32 dogs were caught.

Doctors believed that mongrels were not capricious, unpretentious, and easy to train.
The weight of the dogs had to be 6 kg, and their height should not be higher than 35 cm.
The first dog race took place on July 22, 1951.

The mongrels Dezik and Gypsy survived the flight successfully! Gypsy and Desik climbed 110 km, then the cabin with them freely fell from a height of 7 km. At this mark the parachute opened, and both “cosmonauts” landed safely. The second launch ended in failure: the parachute did not open and Desik and his partner Lisa died. During the entire period of experiments - until the spring of 1961, 29 rockets with animals were launched, and 10 dogs died. In addition to dogs, guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, and rabbits flew into space - all of them honestly served the great dream.

This is a monument to the dog Laika, who flew into space on the second artificial satellite on November 3, 1957.
Since 1952, they began to practice animal flights in spacesuits.
August 20, 1960 a spaceship was launched with dogs on board Belka and Strelka.
On April 12, 1961, Russian citizen Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin went into outer space on the Vostok spacecraft.
He became a space pioneer for all mankind.

Everyone recognized him by his smile -
There was never a second smile like this!
The whole world applauded! Everyone rejoiced:
Gagarin flew around our globe!
Since then, unknown distances have approached,
Ships are exploring space...
And he started - a Russian, nice guy,
Gagarin is the first cosmonaut on Earth!

Since 1968, the domestic Cosmonautics Day has received official worldwide recognition after its establishment world day aviation and astronautics.


1.What is space? (Cosmos is a Greek word that denotes the order and interconnectedness of the Universe. There are many planets, satellites, stars, systems and galaxies in space.)
Teacher: What is space? Even in ancient times, the ancient Greeks called the World (or Universe) Cosmos, which literally means “order”. " Modern concept space includes the entire space of the Universe, including the Earth, near-Earth and interplanetary space.”
2. Who is an astronaut? (An astronaut is a person who tests and operates space technology in space flight).
Teacher: Of the many professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. Being an astronaut is a real feat, therefore all cosmonauts who have been in space have the title of Hero of the USSR and Russia.

3.What is the name of the astronaut suit? (Space suit)

4.What device did people use in ancient times to study the starry sky?

5.What is the name of the artificial structure where you can see the celestial sphere with stars, planets and satellites, as well as solar and lunar eclipses? (Planetarium).
6.What is the name of the star closest to us? (Sun).
7. How many planets are there in our solar system? List.
(There are 8 of them: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune)

8. Which planet is closest to the Sun? (Mercury)
9.Name the giant planets.
(Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

10. Until 2006, this planet was considered the 9th planet solar system, but in August 2006 the Assembly of the International Astronomical Union excluded it from the class of planets and transferred it to the class of dwarf planets. What is it called? (Pluto)
11. When did the first successful human flight into space take place? (April 12, 1961)
12. Who became the first cosmonaut on Earth? (Yu.A. Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth)

13.What famous phrase did Yu.A. Gagarin say before the flight? (“Let's go!”)
14. How many minutes did Yu. Gagarin’s flight last? (108 minutes)
15. Name the first female astronauts. (Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya)

16.Name the state that an astronaut experiences when the spacecraft enters orbit. (Weightlessness).

17.What does the phrase “spacewalk” mean?
(The astronaut leaves his spacecraft to work in outer space).

18. Which astronaut was the first to go into outer space? (A. Leonov)


    Why do some stars appear like grains of sand?

(Located far from us)

    How many stars are there in the sky?

    What constellations do you know?

(Pisces, Cancer, Swan, etc.)

    What sizes are stars?

(small and large)

    What color are stars?

(white and red)

    What determines the color of a star?

(depending on its temperature)

    What color is the hot star?

(white, silver, blue)

    What color is the cold star?


    The name of our country's first cosmonaut?

(Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin)

    The first woman astronaut.

(Valentina Tereshkova)

    What were the names of the dogs who were the first to go into space?

(Belka and Strelka)

    What do "falling" stars mean?

(these are small stones flying from outer space-

va. Scientifically they are called meteors)

    What sign is there about “falling” stars?

(make a wish and it will definitely come true)

    What is a meteorite called?

(meteor falling to earth)

    Name all the planets in order.

(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)

    What is a solar eclipse?

(in the middle of a clear day, twilight suddenly sets in; in place of the Sun, a black disk is visible, surrounded by a silvery glow)

    How many minutes does the total eclipse last?

(about 7-odd minutes; in a year from Earth you can

watch 2-3 solar eclipses)

    What is the name of the Earth's satellite?


    What are Comets?

(strange “tailed” stars)

    Name one of the comets that “visited” the Solar System.

(Halley's comet visits us once every 76 years, last time she appeared in 1986)

    For what reason do black holes form in space?

(when a star ages and explodes, a black hole)

    What are Asteroids?

(in our solar system, thousands of small planets move around the sun - these are asteroids)

    What device can be used to observe asteroids?


    Name the largest asteroids.

(QUAAR - diameter 1250 km and CERES - diameter 932 ka)

    What was the name of the spaceship that carried the first

planetary astronaut made a flight?


    Who was the first astronaut to go into outer space and when?

    How long were you in outer space cosmonaut Alexei Leonov in 1965?

(12 min 9s)

    Who was the general designer of manned spacecraft?


(S.P. Korolev)

30.Name the central cosmic body of the solar system?


31. Which planet is natural companion Earth?


32. Is it possible to use a compass on the Moon?

(No, because there is no magnetic field)

33. Which planet is called red?


34. Will an astronaut be able to transfer water in a flying spaceship?

from one vessel to another?

(No, due to weightlessness)

35. Where is the largest planetarium in the world?

(In Moscow)

36. Which American astronaut was the first to set foot on the moon?

(N. Armstrong)

37. Which planet in the solar system is the largest?


38. Where is the Sea of ​​Rain?

(On the Moon)

39. Who invented the first optical telescope?

(G. Galileo)

40. The place where they prepare for a flight into space and from where they launch

space rockets and devices?

( Cosmodrome)

41. The main cosmodrome, from which the first space missions launched


42. When returning to Earth, the spaceship crashes into

dense layers of the atmosphere with high speed. What happens to

the surface of the ship?

(The surface of the ship due to friction with the atmosphere

gets hot)

43. Why in the Star City Museum in Yu.A.’s office? Gagarin

The clock above the door shows the same time: 10:31?(This

In an instant, Yu.A.’s life was cut short. Gagarin)

44. When was the first artificial Earth satellite launched?

The general concept of space and the idea of ​​space exploration can raise many questions. Why is Pluto not a planet? Is it possible to hear anything in space? How many space stations are currently in space? What happens when an astronaut emits gases in space?

Do you want to know the answers to these and many other questions? Here are 25 space facts you always wanted to know!

25. How old is the Sun?

The sun is about 4.6 billion years old. A billion is a thousand million.

24. Do astronauts really wear diapers?

Yes: during the spacecraft's launch, return to Earth, and everything else they do outside the spacecraft or space station. Although they are not called “diapers”, they are called “maximum absorption garments” (MAG).

23. Is it true that in space no one can hear you scream?

Well, yes. What we hear is sound waves, which are actually vibrations in the air. There is no air in space, so there is nothing to vibrate there. Light and radio waves travel through space, but they do not need air to travel like sound waves.

22. When will Halley's comet fly by again?

Halley's Comet will be visible from Earth again in 2061. Interesting fact: Mark Twain was born the year Halley's Comet passed by (1835) and died the next time it passed the Earth (1910). A year before his death, Mark Twain said: “I came with Halley’s Comet, and I must go with it.”

21. Why is space black?

Because in the vast majority of the universe there is nothing, including light. Or maybe there is light in the black space we're looking at - we just can't see it with the human eye, or the light waves are hundreds of light years away.

20. When will we actually go to Mars?

Currently, it looks like a mission to Mars planned for 2030 is our most realistic timetable. One of the main problems associated with sending people to Mars is finances.
That's all for now more people are demanding money for NASA from the government, looking at the success of private programs like Space X, it is possible that the private sector or collaboration could help get us to Mars.

19. Are there really “spy satellites” in space?

You can rest assured! In fact, Japan just launched one such satellite in March - Radar 5 - to monitor North Korea. Thanks for your attention, Japan!

18. The full moon falls on a different day each month, so how long does the lunar cycle last?

27.3 days

17. What are the names of the planets in our solar system, and what do their names mean?

With the exception of Earth, all the planets in our solar system are named after gods and goddesses from ancient Greek or Roman mythology.
Pluto was the god of the underworld; Mercury was the messenger of the gods; Venus was the goddess of love and beauty. Uranus was the god of the sky; Saturn was ancient Roman god agriculture; Mars was the god of war, Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system) was named after the thunder god; Neptune was the god of the seas.

16. Then why was the Earth given this name?

Actually, it is unknown. What we do know is that the word "earth" is derived from English and German words meaning "ground." Our planet is stunningly beautiful, mostly covered in water, and we call it... Earth. Hello humanity!

15. Is there really a mysterious “Planet X” that we cannot see in our solar system?

Likely. NASA has found evidence of a Neptune-sized planet in an even larger orbit around the Sun than Pluto, which astronomers calculate makes one complete orbit around the Sun every 10,000 years.

14. Is it really possible to get “cosmic madness”?

No? But mental health problems on Earth would also exist in space, and if the stress of spaceflight was a trigger, astronauts could have a breakdown or case of illness manifesting in space, so... yeah?
NASA conducted two separate studies in the area mental health astronauts (one on the ISS, the other on the defunct Mir space station), and the only interesting thing that appeared in the reports was “some tension”, which in principle is something that can happen to ANY person living at work with your colleagues. This did not negatively affect the overall mood or cohesion of the group.
The test, which simulated a year on Mars, began on Earth and ended in 2016. Study participants could not leave their habitat further than 366 meters unless they were wearing spacesuits. There was some tension and stress, as well as some interpersonal problems.
Like dorm roommates, some become friends for the rest of their lives, while others won't even be friends on Facebook. So there is no concrete evidence that time spent in space causes any space-specific mental health problems. However, if a person has them on Earth, then he will have them after he leaves the Earth (theoretically).

13. What happens if you fart in space?

Well, first of all, the released gas won't move, because there's no gravity for the heavier air to move anywhere, and there's no air currents for it to spread out.
A person is simply left alone in this gas “cloud”. Fortunately, spacesuits are made with modifications that filter such... hmm... gases, and astronauts find own ways Minimize the exposure of other crew members to their gases, such as by doing this in less-used sections of the ISS.

12. Why do stars appear to twinkle or blink?

Because their light must penetrate various layers of gases in our atmosphere. Think of it as light passing through water, which distorts the light and causes it to "sparkle". The same basic principle applies in this case.

11. Can blood really boil in space if a person is without a spacesuit?

Yes. This has to do with how pressure affects the boiling point of liquids. The lower the pressure, the lower the boiling point because it is easier for molecules to move around and begin to change from liquid to gas. This is why water on Elbrus, for example, boils faster than on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Thus, in the vacuum of outer space, the boiling point of blood can drop to normal temperature bodies.

10. What is the temperature in space?

Various. Some parts of outer space, such as near the stars, are quite hot: there you can instantly evaporate into hot ash. While in other parts, in deep darkness and on the surface of some planets facing away from the suns or located away from them, it is quite cold.
Actually, it all depends on where you are. For reference, the ISS (without a thermal control system!), being on the sunny side, would heat up to a temperature of 121°C, and would have a temperature of -157°C, being in the shadow of the Sun.

9. How much trash have we left in space?

Hmm, well, it’s not enough for us humans to litter our own planet, so we started littering beyond its borders. There are currently more than 500,000 pieces of “space debris” in Earth’s orbit that are being monitored because they could cause damage to spacecraft.
While some of this is small pieces of meteors and the like that have entered orbit, most of the "space junk" is what we (humanity) have taken up into space and not returned back to Earth.

8. Did we really send the gold record to aliens?

Yes. Or at least we sent it to a place where they could get it if they existed. The farthest man-made object in space is Voyager 1, and it was launched in 1977 along with Voyager 2.
Both automatic probes were supposed to explore the distant planets of the solar system, and Voyager 1 went into interstellar space during its mission.
Both Voyagers carry on board a golden record with greetings, music (for example, performed by Louis Armstrong, as well as some melodies performed on the Peruvian pipe - a total of 27 different works of different styles and directions), the sound of the sea and the conversation of people, as well as images.

7. Does space really look like the “cosmic pattern” we see everywhere?

Not really. At least not for the unarmed human eye, Sorry. These super-fantastic images are usually either processed in wavelengths of light not normally visible to the human eye, such as infrared or ultraviolet, or their colors are enhanced. But this does not mean at all that space is not fantastic and beautiful - it just means that literally everything is photoshopped.

6. How many space stations are there in space?

Currently there are two. International space station(ISS) and spacecraft"Tiangong-1" (Tiangong-1), which belongs to China. While there is always a crew on board the ISS, there are usually no people on board Tiangong-1. The ISS is shared by astronauts from Russia, the USA, Japan, Canada and the European Space Agency.

5. How far is the nearest star other than our Sun (which is a star) from us?

4.24 light years. It's called Proxima Centauri. The best way visualize this distance: if you reduce the size of the Sun and Proxima Centauri to the size of grapefruits, they would still be located at a distance of approximately 4023 km from each other (almost the same as from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk). In reality, the Sun is large enough that more than 1 million Earths could fit inside it.

4. Do any private companies, such as Space X, have plans to go to Mars?

Yes! In fact, Elon Musk (founder of Space X, Tesla and PayPal) in 2050-2100. wants to establish a human colony on Mars consisting of a million people. While this sounds crazy, Space X is doing amazing things, and the timeline shows it's no joke - it's a real goal.

3. Pluto has been "demoted" from a planet to a dwarf planet, so what's the difference between the two?

There is only one difference, and that is that the celestial body in question clears the space around its orbit. A planet cleanses the space around it, a dwarf planet does not.
Two other requirements that apply to planets and dwarf planets are as follows: 1) the planet in question is in orbit around a star and is not itself a satellite; 2) has enough mass to be round.

2. Since Pluto is now a dwarf planet, are there other dwarf planets in our solar system?

Yes, there are only 5 dwarf planets in our solar system: Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea.
Pluto isn't even the largest of them. The largest dwarf planet in our solar system is Eris. It is almost 27% larger than Pluto. Bonus fact: Eris is the goddess of discord in Greek mythology.

1. Is it possible for aliens to invade Earth?

Yes! Could this happen? Not really. And there are several reasons for this: HUGE distances between stars and galaxies in space. (Most of us cannot truly understand this.)
In addition, we have many of humanity's terrible problems. Why would a significantly advanced civilization spend years and resources coming to us?

(grades 2-3)

Space connoisseurs.

Slide 1


Fostering a sense of pride for your Fatherland, for your people.

Acquaintance with the history of space exploration, with the founders of Russian cosmonautics.

Development of curiosity and creative activity, broadening the horizons of schoolchildren.

Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, collectivism and discipline.

Progress of the event:

1. Org. moment.

Hey girls! Hey boys! Minich K.

Let's hit the road now.

But we don't go alone,

The whole class travels!

Don't forget your ingenuity

Take it with you on the road.

And resourcefulness and friendship

They will also help you.


Guys! Today we will play the space quiz “Space Experts”.

Since ancient times, the starry sky has attracted people's attention; it has always attracted with its beauty and inaccessibility. Man wanted to look up and find out how the sky works.

Millennia passed before people were able to prove that the Earth is spherical. Observations of the sky led to the conclusion that it revolves around the Sun, making one revolution per year. Then people built airplanes, took to the sky and, looking from a great height, were able to once again become convinced that the Earth is a huge ball.

On April 12, 1961, a citizen of our country, military pilot Yuri Gagarin, made the first space flight, which lasted only 108 minutes. His ship made one revolution around the Earth and landed safely in a given area.

And Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman in the world to conquer outer space,

50 years ago she flew into space. She always dreamed about the sky, about the stars, about space, and she has not forgotten how to dream today - she would like to visit Mars.

Valentina Tereshkova was 26 years old when fame came to her, the world's first female cosmonaut, which no other woman on the planet had known. Valentina Tereshkova is a star who conquered the sky.

All his free time V.V. Tereshkova devoted herself to parachuting, which was at the peak of popularity among Soviet youth in those years. Classes at the flying club taught the girl to be strong and courageous, to be able to control herself in any situation. extreme situation. In the early 60s. In the 20th century, after Yuri Gagarin’s legendary space flight, hundreds of thousands of young people dreamed of repeating his feat. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was no exception. She writes a letter to Star City with a request to enroll in the women's space squad, to which she was accepted after a severe selection on March 12, 1962.

1.Sons and daughters of the blue planet Bashmakova S.
They soar up, disturbing the peace of the stars.
The path to interstellar space has been established
For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.

2.The era of space is moving forward! Bulatova A.
The rockets continue their flight
Start from Baikonur every year.
People are accustomed to such phenomena.

3. It’s good for the astronaut, V. Fedotov.
Better than the pilot:
I got into the ship like into a sack,
And goodbye worries!
Neither use the steering wheel,
Don't pedal.
Know, fly like hell
Yes, count the medals!

4. Everyone who is watching the remote control from Earth, Kretinin S.
How cosmonauts accomplish feats
And those who send ships,
Starting from Mother Earth, -

Guys, do you want to fly into space?

To visit outer space, you need to be strong, resilient, dexterous and resourceful. Are you ready to take the test? To do this, we will split into 2 teams.

Slide 2

Competitive tests.

Warm up.

Guess the riddle.

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who, tell me, is this?


1. Competition “Space mysteries”

Future cosmonauts are preparing for flights for many years. They must be able and know a lot.

You have to complete 1 task - solve riddles.

Floats boldly in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it.

What's happened?


There are no wings, but it is a bird.

It will fly and land on the moon.


Wonder bird - scarlet tail

Flew into a flock of stars.


He flies around the Earth

And it gives signals.

Saves ships in the seas

And he knows the weather.


A spark burns through the sky

But it doesn’t reach us.


On clear nights
Mom and daughters are walking
She doesn’t tell her daughters:
- Go to bed late!
Because mother is the Moon
And the daughters...

In space through the thickness of years
An icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the object's name is...


Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds. (Sun)

What kind of ceiling is this?

Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,

It's a little bluish. (Sky)

At night there is only one in the sky

Big silver

An orange is hanging. (Moon)

The baby flies above the Earth,

Sends us signals. (Satellite)

All blue path

Strewn with peas. (Stars)

Two weeks have passed

We didn't eat orange

But only remained in the sky

Orange peel. (Month)

2. Competition “Who can spell out the word COSMONAUT the fastest?”

(Cards with letters for each team.

At the signal “3,2,1, start!” team players turn over the cards and add a word.)

3. Competition "Rocket"

Name the machine that will help us go into space. (Rocket)

Each team from geometric shapes must build the rocket on her own. Designers, go ahead!

Well done!


Pliers, hat, watch, apple, shovel, fork, spoon, cup, teapot, colored pencils, notepad, pencil, fountain pen, screwdriver, ruler, scissors.

5. “Blitz survey” competition .

Who was the discoverer of space?(slide3)

What animals have also been to space?(slide4)

Who studies the stars?(slide5)

Who in ancient times predicted fate using the stars?(slide 5)

What is the sun?(slide 6)

What is a group of stars called?(slide 7)

6. Game “Give me a word.” (slide 8)

To equip the eye
And be friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way
We need a powerful... (TELESCOPE)

Telescope for hundreds of years
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle...(ASTRONOMER)

An astronomer is a stargazer,
He knows everything inside out!
Only the stars are visible better
The sky is full... (MOON)

A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon,
But he can do it
Do it quickly... (ROCKET)

The rocket has a driver
Zero gravity lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian...(ASTRONAUT)

An astronaut sits in a rocket

He sees through the thickness of years

An icy flying object,

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is... (KAMETA)

The comet flew around,
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
This is black... (HOLES)

Black holes are dark
She's busy with something dark.
There he ended his flight
Interplanetary... (STARSHEETER)

Summing up.

You are waiting for us, stars, Polina Frolova

When we grow up,

We will fly to you and tell you everything.

About how beautiful planet Earth is,

What cities and fields are there on it?

What flowers and trees grow

What kind of birds sing in its forests?

It's all done, we've landed!

We've returned from the flight!

Even if our flight has not been real yet, but maybe someday one of you will become an astronaut. And perhaps he will remember our meeting today.

Teams line up for a ceremonial summing up.

Each participant is awarded the “Space Expert” medal.