
Is it possible to wash dishes on Tuesday? Is it possible to clean and wash the floors in a house or apartment in the evening, at night and at night: folk signs

How to properly clean your apartment? The question is very interesting and requires detailed consideration. Cleaning the house is a task that seems to be known to absolutely everyone, not just women. However, not every home is sparkling clean, especially if the owners are at work all day. Some people only have one day off, but there is a lot to do on that one free day. But there are such “sorceresses” who manage to work somewhere in an organization full-time, and manage to do everything at home: clean up, cook dinner, and also take care of the children. What's the secret? Maybe it's all about planning and discipline?

There are three types of cleaning:

  • daily routine cleaning;
  • weekly basic;
  • general

Thoroughness and timely execution of current cleaning will make it easier for you to carry out the main, weekly cleaning; it, in turn, will not make you suffer for a long time when performing general cleaning, and all of them together will provide the house with radiance and glorify its neat owner. Given your fatigue and lack of time, what needs to be done to make daily routine cleaning a manageable task?

Thorough and timely execution of routine cleaning will make it easier for you to perform basic, weekly

Action plan

You need to make a plan in advance on how to properly clean your apartment. Write a list of things that need to be done when cleaning and think about what from this list does not have to be postponed until cleaning time, but can be done right away.

For example, the kitchen: a place that can be cleaned constantly, all day long. They just cleaned it up, but then they fried the potatoes, cleaned the fish - and that’s it, it’s dirty again. Give yourself a few rules for working in the kitchen. For example, cleaning the stove immediately after cooking does not take much time; besides, fresh grease stains on the still warm surface of the stove can be cleaned off much easier and faster than dried and accumulated dirt.

Second: take inventory in the kitchen, do not keep unnecessary items on the tables, they not only take up what you need workspace, but they also get dirty, gather dust, and as a result delay you when cleaning. These jars, bottles - do you need them all so often that you can constantly keep them on the surface? Keep only what you really need, and put the rest in cabinets.

You need to make a plan in advance on how to properly clean your apartment.

Keeping dishes in an open space, hanging them or putting them in special baskets, is also inappropriate: firstly, they collect dust. You don't use it all every day, which means you don't wash it. In addition, if you often fry and steam in your kitchen, then these dishes also have time to smoke. It is better to put all the dishes in cabinets and drawers, so they will always be clean.

The same should be done in all other rooms of the house. Think over your order, sort things according to their purpose and let each of them have its own place.

Important: You should not have drawers and cabinets without a specific purpose “for different things”; let all these “different things” have their own clear names and purpose: what it is, when you use it and where this thing should be.

You need to arrange your life in such a way that all you have to do to clean is dust and wash the floor.

Free up space from unnecessary things, clear out all your rubble: linen cabinets, bookshelves, desk. There is no need to store papers and old work notes that you no longer need, books that you do not read and will never read - hand them over to waste paper and do not regret: instead of them you will have new ones that you need. Clothes, shoes that you haven’t worn for a long time, have grown out of them, or they’ve simply become old - throw them away and give them away.

It makes sense to do this - you will not only free up space for what you need from what you have, not only will it become easier for you to store things in proper order, but most likely you will acquire something new, much more useful to you today than all this used your age is trash. Sorting out all these old unused things and parting with them is a very useful activity; it helps you rethink a lot, reconfigure yourself, remember something, and forget about something forever.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets

Think about which areas are the most problematic for you, where they get dirty and dirty the most, and what you then spend time on when cleaning. Train yourself and your family to clean up after themselves right away: make your bed as soon as you wake up and wash your face. If people at your home like to chew crackers or drink coffee in front of the TV or computer, insist that they pick up trash and dishes after themselves. Cleaning up crumbs and sweeping the floor around a table or sofa is a five-minute task, but at the same time it’s already orderly.

You need to arrange your life in such a way that all you have to do to clean is dust and wash the floor. Don’t accumulate work: everything that can be removed before cleaning, remove it before it, then cleaning will start and end faster.

Weekly cleaning must be done thoroughly and will largely determine the amount of work you do during spring cleaning. Pay attention to chandeliers, doors, pipes under the sink and in the bathroom; don’t just wipe off the dust from the furniture, but clean it with a special polishing agent; pay attention to those surfaces that are not visible to the eye.

Weekly cleaning must be done thoroughly; the extent of your work during spring cleaning will largely depend on its implementation.

When washing floors, do not be too lazy to walk along the baseboards by hand rather than using a mop to get to all hard-to-reach places. Add soap solution to water or special remedy for washing floors. Clean everywhere you don’t usually want to clean or it seems like there’s no need to do it too often. Believe me, the real cleanliness of the house is reflected, at a minimum, in the air you breathe. There is one more plus: all these little things will force you to pay attention to them one day, all this will need to be cleaned, but cleaning a dirty surface is much harder and longer than keeping it clean all the time.

Sequence of actions

The sequence of how to properly clean an apartment:

  1. It's better to start from the kitchen.
  2. Then you should move to the living rooms.
  3. The bathroom and toilet are washed last.

Advice! Save time, clean sequentially: first one room, then another, or first one action in all rooms, then the next - you should have your own cleaning system that is convenient for you.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly clean your apartment:

  1. Furniture is always cleaned before the floor is cleaned.
  2. When cleaning the floor, it is better to move light furniture away.
  3. You should start cleaning and washing the floors from the depths of the room towards its threshold.
  4. But in the corridor, for example, not to the threshold, but from the door threshold.

General cleaning

Important! It is better to carry out general cleaning every three months, with the change of season.

If you clean your home regularly, then general cleaning will mean the following:

  1. Inventory the closet with clothes (it is better to put away the clothes of the outgoing season; take out and refresh everything you need at the current time of year).
  2. Washing curtains, covers, tablecloths, bedspreads.
  3. Washing windows.
  4. Putting things in order on the mezzanine, where you may put some of the things you don’t need.

If you still don’t have enough time for a full-fledged general cleaning (the amount of work is large, taking into account the fact that everything needs to be thoroughly washed, cleaned, wiped down, repaired, decided what to throw away and what not), then distribute the cleaning among the rooms : today you “generalized” in the bedroom, tomorrow you will go to the living room, then next is the nursery or other room. This is also an option. The main thing is not to neglect, do not put off for later what you can remove now. Perfect cleanliness in the house is not such an unattainable ideal. Cleaning an apartment is a labor-intensive task, but if you think through all its subtleties, you will be quite capable of it.

The main thing is not to start, do not put off for later what you can remove now

Starch all kitchen napkins and towels - this ancient tradition will save you from the need to wash and rewash them, as it is known: starched fabric repels dirt and stains do not eat so deeply into the fibers.

Keep a small jar of alcohol near your desk to wipe down all the utensils you touch with your hands every day: pens, pencils, computer mouse and keyboard. See how pleasant it will be to hold these items in your hands. Alcohol completely erases traces of sweat and fat.

For everything else, there are a lot of products on the market containing various acids. As a rule, instructions are always attached to them: what is what. You yourself know which stains are most typical for your life, what surfaces you have, and choose accordingly. But be more practical - you don’t need to buy a separate product for each type of surface; you can always limit yourself to two or three: for example, two for the bath and toilet, one for the kitchen.

Choose high gloves, up to the elbow or even higher, and preferably with elastic bands - these gloves contain water, soap, etc. household chemicals definitely won't get into your hands. Before and after cleaning, use a cream: first protective, and after cleaning - nourishing.

In conclusion, watch a video on how to properly clean your apartment. By following all the rules, you may find that being a sorceress is not difficult, the main thing is to wisely plan your tasks and discipline yourself. Good luck!

Is it possible to clean on Sunday? This question is often asked primarily by believers who try to live according to church canons. Certain interest this topic also provokes citizens who are not related to religion, who simply show their curiosity and do not know why there is a this issue there is going to be so much controversy. People go to various forums with this question, including Orthodox ones, but it is not always and not everywhere that an accurate and correct answer can be found. That's why it's worth figuring out once and for all whether it's okay to do laundry on Sunday, as well as do other household chores. Are you ready to find out about it?

Where did this ban come from?

Why can't you clean on Sunday? The fact is that cleaning, like other physical activities, is labor, which, according to the Bible, is not encouraged on the sixth day of the week - Saturday. This is why in Israel and other countries with similar religions it is forbidden to do any business on the Sabbath. Why then in Russia are we talking about the resurrection? The reason is in the peculiarities of the calendar - in the Biblical view, it was Saturday that ended the week, whereas in modern conditions the last day of the week is Sunday - here lies the answer to the question why you can’t clean on Sunday, as well as do other things.

Since the question of whether it is possible to clean on Sunday has its origins in religion, it would be logical to ask church ministers for their opinions on this problem. Thus, authorities from the Church claim that you can work on the seventh day of the week, but it is best to do it spiritually. It's about about personal and spiritual self-development, attending services and liturgies, meals with the whole family, prayers and other tasks important for believers.

The clergy recommend that every Sunday you put off all your household chores until the next day, and choose activities that are good for your soul - in addition to visiting church service it could be daytime or evening prayer, visiting relatives, charitable assistance to people in need from the heart and other activities that have a positive impact on state of mind person. Cleaning and washing on Sunday is permitted if failure to do so would result in sin.

What exactly cannot be done?

Why on Sunday (and also perform another homework) you've already figured it out. However, it would not be amiss to mention actions that definitely cannot be done on this last day of the week. Thus, any actions that in one way or another lead to the corruption of the soul, the commission of a sin, or the satisfaction of passions are prohibited. It's about computer games, watching TV series and films, enjoying music and other carnal entertainment. You should also not enter into conflicts, especially with your loved ones, or commit other sins.

Such prohibitions have not only a religious, but also a rational foundation - almost all human passions in one way or another lead to the destruction of the individual. If you dedicate at least one day a week to your own spiritual development, you can balance the good and the bad. If you are interested in the answer to the question of whether it is possible to do laundry on Sunday evenings, then everything is not so bad - you can properly build your weekly routine so that cleaning, laundry and other important household tasks fall on weekdays.

Let's make a final conclusion

This religious topic is difficult to understand even among believers - there are too many conventions. However, it is still possible to answer the question of whether it is possible to wash and clean on Sunday. Doing this, of course, is not strictly prohibited - in the end, the choice will depend on whether a person can postpone household chores to another day, or whether this is not possible. After all, if a family starves and lives all day in an untidy house, will everyone benefit from this? Therefore, do as you see fit. Better yet, move your traditional cleaning day to another time, such as Saturday, to allow yourself to spend Sunday immersing yourself in spiritual development, which is very important.

Every housewife strives to make her home attractive, keep it clean and tidy, but... Not all of us know that cleaning done on the wrong day can deprive us of wealth and, on the contrary, sweeping the floor at the “right” time will contribute to increased well-being. The Altar of Initaksa invites you to figure out together which day is the most optimal for cleaning.

1) So, in order to sweep away negativity, illness and negative energy from the house, it is recommended to sweep the entire house with a broom on the waning moon.

At the same time, sweep all the garbage to the very threshold. The threshold is traditionally considered the boundary between two worlds. Collect all the garbage in a dustpan, throw it out of the dustpan into a bag and immediately cross the threshold of your home with it, saying: “Trash to trash, good to good. I don’t need someone else’s evil, I’m sending it back to where it came from.” . Take the trash outside with a broom and throw it away. Go home without looking back.

2) If you want to not only clean up your home, but also attract prosperity, follow the advice of our ancestors regarding what days to clean.

3) It is also worth remembering a number of beliefs that were passed on to us by our ancestors who believed in awakening dark forces and evil spirits in the dark. It was also believed that at night witches perform their rituals, collecting material for them (hair, threads, etc. from the victims’ clothes)

So, what not to do in the evening if you don’t want to invite trouble:

Don't clean the house. There is a sign that cleaning in the dark could bring poverty to the inhabitants of the house. Washing the floors or sweeping in the evening means washing away wealth from the house, especially on Monday, Friday and Sunday.

Don't take out the trash. There are two explanations for this sign. Firstly, after sunset he goes for a walk evil spirits, who can pick up your discarded items and use them in her dark rituals. And secondly, some of the things you threw away may be needed by your housekeeper, who will carefully sort the garbage left in the house overnight.

Since the week was finally formed, in the form in which it now exists, man, thanks to his powers of observation, has made many conclusions, which over time have become signs. Now there are signs that tell people what to do on each day of the week and what not to do. Now we’ll talk about signs for each day of the week.


It’s not for nothing that in the famous song about the island of bad luck, which Mironov sang, it was sung that apparently their mother gave birth to all of them on Monday. Monday has always been considered a very difficult day. Hence the signs.

The very first sign is don't start anything on Monday. And, indeed, it has been noticed that if you start implementing your most important plans on Monday, nothing will work out. Everything will go wrong.

If you like a quiet life, you can forget about it for at least a week if you disturb next rule. Guests arrived on Monday - expect guests every day all week. This fact has also been verified by many generations of our ancestors. There was such a case in my life, my father’s birthday fell on Monday, the next day he had a day off. Indeed, why not mention it? Mom was against it, but dad insisted. And the result? Until Sunday, uninvited guests came every day to meet everyone, feed them, see them off... And how much did all this cost...

It is believed that On Monday you should never lend money to anyone. This sign is especially relevant if you have just received a salary. The fact is that if you don’t follow this sign, then it doesn’t matter at all what you planned to spend your money on this month. They will end up in a completely different way than planned. If you borrow money on Monday, something in the house will definitely break down, and even in such a way that you will have to urgently buy spare parts or a new unit. And you didn't plan this at all.

Another sign - if you sneezed on this day, then this is a gift. It is unknown how to explain such a sign, but our ancestors know better. But, if you are planning to visit the dentist on Monday, then you have chosen the absolutely right time. It was noticed that everyone who went to the doctors with dental problems on Mondays, then everything will go well, you will not feel pain, and everything will heal as if it were.


Unlike Monday, Tuesday is considered a very favorable day in all respects. It is especially useful to hit the road on Tuesday. Knowledgeable people they say that any trip on this day of the week will be safe and successful. Although, knowledgeable witches say that on Tuesday evening you should under no circumstances borrow money. Tuesday is capable of pumping out everything you have in your pockets.


In many beliefs there is such a sign that you cannot start any new business on Wednesday, but this is not so. It is believed that Wednesday is the most optimal day to start solving all your issues. Why is this so? Well, first of all, because the weekend is already far behind us. The head is clear and can think rationally. Moreover, both for you and for the person with whom you have to resolve these issues.

You shouldn't move on Wednesday new apartment. This sign has been tested by many generations. And indeed, it has been noticed that if you moved to new home or a new apartment on this day, you won’t be able to live there for a long time. The reasons can be very different - it could be a divorce, it could be a fire, or perhaps the worst thing - death.


Whoever washes his silver and eggs on Thursday before sunrise will be healthy and clean. This sign is most likely based on both biblical principles and purely everyday ones. The famous saying that whoever gets up early, God gives to him, is not without meaning. The point is that than formerly man When he wakes up in the morning, the more he manages to do in a day. Silver is a symbol of purity, and an egg is a symbol of life. Well, the fact that a person must wash his face naturally means that he will be clean after washing.

Thursday is an easy day and portends good luck. Thursday is indeed a very easy day for any endeavors. Let's start with the fact that Thursday is supervised by a planet like Mercury. And since ancient times it has been known that Mercury was the patron of revelers, gamblers, and individuals who loved to lead a frivolous lifestyle. Therefore, if you like to play the lottery, then you will definitely be lucky on this day, although this is not a fact. Mercury is so windy and unpredictable that for the sake of its momentary fun, it can deprive a person of everything in one moment. But this will never happen if you just live and solve your problems. He punishes only those who show their greed.


Friday is a special day. And there will be a lot on this day.

Friday, like Monday, is a hard day; no important things can be done. Friday is indeed a very difficult day. Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday, so the day is considered, to put it mildly, unlucky. Although, on the other hand, Friday is “supervised” by a planet such as Venus, and she is the patroness of love.

On Friday you cannot sing, have fun or do homework until noon. Again, it all has to do with faith. From the very morning, Jesus Christ was subjected to torture, interrogation, and later there was crucifixion on Golgotha. If you sing and laugh in the morning on this day, you can be sure that then you will have to cry for a whole week. Well, if you don’t cry, you’ll end up with a lot of problems.

On Friday you cannot do women's work - sewing, knitting, etc. It is believed that if you do not adhere to this rule, then you will face a harmless, but very unpleasant disease, which is popularly called nailworms. It is usually very difficult to recover from this disease. It doesn't go away on its own. We need to stop breaking the Friday rules and pray away from it. At the same time, the nails themselves crumble, break, and very painful hangnails appear. Some will say that this is a superstition, but this sign has been tested on itself. Let's face it - it's very unpleasant.

Besides this, under no circumstances should you cut your nails on Friday, and a married woman should not wash her hair on this day. Everything that concerns human body, in this case, these are nails and hair, but in magic, and just in everyday life, a lot of attention is given to this great attention. After all, this can cause great harm to a person. But Friday is a special day. On this day they may even work on you higher powers. Well, what if married woman washes her hair on Friday, it is believed that she can wash her entire family out of the house.

There are twelve most important Fridays in the year; by fasting on these days, you can avoid many troubles and troubles in life. But we won't talk about that now.


Saturday, like Tuesday, is an easy day. Saturday is, in fact, considered a holy day. On Saturday you cannot do any work, you just need to rest. But that's what the Bible says. And life has shown that all matters that were started on Saturday are solved very easily. But, here’s the problem, they will only be solved on Saturdays. First day off. A person, although tired after a whole working week, but inspired by the fact that there are two days ahead that promise peace, does not need to think about work. These thoughts add strength and desire to live. Therefore, all matters are resolved easily and simply. In addition, Saturday corresponds to the planet Saturn, and it helps those who purposefully go towards their goal. So, if you have chosen a goal for yourself, drawn up an action plan and decided to start acting on Saturday, then Saturn will help you.


Dedicate Sunday to God; no matters will be resolved. And it’s true, according to Orthodox belief, Sunday is a day of rest. The Lord created the earth for six days, and on the seventh day he only admired what he managed to create. We also worked all week, and now it’s time to relax, please ourselves, and restore our strength. It is for this reason that you cannot start, undertake or make any plans on this day - nothing will work out. And according to purely everyday belief, if a person does not rest, then very quickly he will simply spend all his vitality. Every person should rest. Although, there are times when even experienced witches deviate from this rule. But this happens only when a person’s life depends on their actions.

Are all these signs true or false? It's up to you to decide. But our ancestors really believed in this. Live in harmony with nature, and you will be surprised how simple everything in this life is.

In anticipation of church holidays, believers and superstitious people begin to rush to complete as much accumulated work as possible. This allows you to relax and do nothing during the holiday period. Everyone received information that it is undesirable to work on church holidays, and especially to clean the home.

It happens that the day before a person simply did not know that tomorrow was a big holiday and, waking up in the morning, he seemed to understand in horror that the house was a mess and he couldn’t work! Let's find out why people so confidently pass on from generation to generation superstitions that on church holidays you should never clean up, and that it is better to spend the day in a mess, so that later...

Why can't you clean on church holidays?

Regarding church holidays and general cleaning these days, there are many signs and superstitions circulating among the people. Our great-grandfathers sacredly revered Orthodox events and strictly forbade working on these dates. In the morning they got up early and the first thing they did, after washing their faces and feeding the cattle, was going to the local temple to pray.

Upon returning from there, they came home, visited relatives, and visited their elderly parents. Towards evening they gradually began to do small work. However, on very major holidays, for example, the Annunciation or Easter, they did nothing at all except manage the cattle. In any case, houses were cleaned on the eve of the holiday and general cleaning of homes was not done on holidays, since it was believed that this was a great sin and a person could attract everything bad to his home, sweeping out and washing away goodness, grace and mutual understanding! Garbage on church holidays, which was not removed from the house in advance, like everything else on this day, becomes holy and throwing it over the threshold with one’s own hand means throwing away everything good and expensive from the home.

In addition, it was believed that a person who periodically works on church holidays would not immediately, of course, but after a while begin to get very sick. He will be haunted by ailments that appear as if empty space, evil eyes and damage will “stick”. Your health will be pretty bad!

What do they say in church?

For many, it seems strange that the priests say this about general cleaning: go and pray, give God what he deserves, and then do the necessary worldly things! It turns out that there is no prohibition regarding cleaning on Orthodox holidays, and the church does not warn about anything like that. These are all just superstitions of our ancestors!

On the other hand, we can confidently say that all signs and superstitions appeared after centuries of observations by ancestors, which means they did not arise out of nowhere. The events are unlikely, but still somehow people compared and connected with each other, and the ancestors certainly knew their business and in no case wished harm to their descendants! So when modern man is faced with a dilemma - to work on an Orthodox holiday or not, to clean his house or not, even if he is not a believer, he will still remember the warnings of his ancestors and put off this “dirty business” for later!