
Is it possible to go to the shopping center with a dog? Where can you go with a guide dog and what to do if you are not allowed? Documents for transporting animals

It is generally accepted that a dog is man's friend. Is it possible to appear with this friend in a cafe, pharmacy or, for example, a clothing store? The “R” correspondent checked how friendly the city’s public institutions are towards pets.

Everyone paid attention to my dog ​​in the grocery store, but I didn’t hear any comments addressed to me.

Exception to the Rule

Before experimenting, I decided to find out how legal it is to take a dog with you to public places. Legal practitioner Nicole Vasichkina helped me figure this out:

The draft law “On the Treatment of Animals” does not contain information on prohibiting the presence of animals in various public places Oh. Legislation in the field of trade and catering It is not prohibited to be with your pets in shops and cafes. This is also not regulated by the requirements Sanitary standards and rules. And here is the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 4, 2001

No. 834 establishes that owners of dogs and cats are prohibited from bringing them to shops, catering and consumer services, schools and nurseries preschool institutions, in public buildings, parks, squares, stadiums, markets, as well as livestock farms.

Despite this resolution, an organization, store or cafe has the right to make an exception and allow a pet to be on their territory.

Dog owners large breeds They say that for them, getting into any public institution with a four-legged friend is something out of fantasy. So for the experiment I take mine small dog and I try to go into shops, cafes, pharmacies, holding the animal in my arms.

Can I come to you?

I start checking the reaction of visitors and staff in grocery stores. I cannot leave such a dog on a leash - there is a possibility that he will be taken away. I go to a small grocery store on the street. Surganova, with one hand I hold the dog, which behaves absolutely calmly, with the other I slowly choose food and drinks. Everyone paid attention to my pet, but I didn’t hear any comments addressed to me. On the contrary:

Oh, my sister has the same dog! - the saleswoman at the checkout smiles while I pay.

In another store on the street. Nemiga also managed to walk around the trading floor with the dog. The only exception was the food hypermarket on Kalvariyskaya: as soon as I crossed the threshold of the store, a security guard immediately approached and politely asked me to leave, saying, “these are the requirements of the owner.” Rules are rules - we leave without question.

The next point on my way is the pharmacy. I walk in a little warily: there is a sensational story about a woman who was refused to sell medicine in Vitebsk because she came in with a dog. The visitor caused a big scandal. Yesterday the court considered an administrative case: the woman was fined 368 rubles under Art. 17.1 (“Petty hooliganism”). In my case, the pharmacists at the pharmacy on Pobediteley Avenue, when they see the animal, only smile benevolently. The next few pharmacies also allowed me and my pet.

In Western Europe, I was often surprised by the attitude of the locals towards dogs: going shopping in a boutique with a Labrador is a common thing there. So we’ll take a look at non-food stores: branded clothing, cosmetics and shoes.

I slowly study the prices of autumn coats and try on bags, and at this time a security guard passes me several times. I see that he is carefully watching me in the company of the dog, but no comments should be made. When entering an expensive perfume store in one of the shopping centers, I ask the administrator in advance:

Can I come with my dog?

Come in, just hold her in your arms,” she answers.

The same story repeated itself in the shoe store. Only in the department store on the street. Nemige received us reluctantly, and behind our backs we heard a dissatisfied voice from the sellers:

Oh, look, they're already walking around the shops with their dogs!

This summer, 5 cafes were given the status of “dog friendly”; you can come here with your pet and not be afraid that they will not be accepted.

Pets are welcome in the cafe

Minsk restaurants and cafes are next in line. I try to go to both expensive restaurants and budget coffee shops. As a result: out of five public catering outlets in the city center, they did not allow me and my dog ​​into only one, where they refused to place me even on the terrace. In a cafe on Pobediteley Avenue, where I still managed to have a cup of tea in the company of my four-legged friend, I asked the administrator: what about large breed dogs, would they be allowed?

We believe that the terrace is part of the street, so we cannot kick out a visitor with a dog of any breed. As for the interior, the issue would have to be resolved individually,” the girl explains.

By the way, this summer five cafes were given the status of “dog friendly”, where you can go with your pet and not be afraid that you will not be accepted, shares latest news Anna Tishkevich, participant of the Okidog project:

Increasingly, establishments began to contact us with a desire to join. There are no restrictions regarding different breeds of dogs, how can there be a “dog friendly” cafe with any discrimination? But the owner himself is responsible for the pet: if the dog is poorly behaved and interferes with other visitors, they will be asked to leave the cafe. Just like inadequate clients, essentially. If everything is good with upbringing, then there will be no problems.

Also in lately More and more Minsk hotels allow visitors with pets: out of 460 accommodation options in the city on, 165 are ready to accommodate a traveler with a pet.

In general, the situation with owners with dogs in public places is ambiguous: the resolution of the Council of Ministers seems to exclude such a possibility, but at the same time, each institution determines its policy regarding dogs independently. If there is no well-known “no dog allowed” sticker at the entrance to the establishment, then the staff decides whether to let your pet in or not, depending on the behavior and breed of your four-legged friend. This often causes dissatisfaction:

If it is already prohibited, then visitors should not be allowed to enter with all their dogs! Why is mine worse? - the owner of the shepherd dog, who had to be left on a leash, is indignant while I and my small dog go into the next store without any problems.

But still, the experiment pleasantly surprised me. I’m unlikely to go shopping with my dog ​​- I don’t see the need for it, but I’ll know that if I suddenly need to run into a store or cafe, they won’t mind serving me somewhere. And if not, this is definitely not the case when you should be indignant and “download your rights.” Any public establishment in the city can legally prohibit entry with a dog, but if they are allowed in, then this is an indulgence for which you should be grateful.

Document confirming visual disability

Guide dog passport

Harness with the inscription "guide dog" / "guide dog"

Collar and leash


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    Where are the rights of guide dog owners stated?

    General rules:


    Government Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms, create conditions for people with disabilities (including people with disabilities using wheelchairs and guide dogs) for unhindered access to facilities social infrastructure(residential, public and industrial buildings, structures and structures, sports facilities, recreational facilities, cultural, entertainment and other institutions), as well as for the unhindered use of railway, air, water, intercity road transport and all types of urban and suburban passenger transport, means communications and information (including means ensuring duplication sound signals light signals of traffic lights and devices regulating the movement of pedestrians through transport communications).

    Rules for air transportation:

    Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 N 82 “On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules “General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees” P. 113.

    A passenger deprived of vision may be transported accompanied by a guide dog. A passenger deprived of vision may be transported accompanied by a guide dog upon presentation to the carrier of a document confirming the disability of this passenger and a document confirming the special training of the guide dog. Guide dog accompanying a visually impaired passenger is transported free of charge in excess of the established free baggage allowance. The guide dog must have a collar and muzzle and be tied to a chair at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying. The number of guide dogs carried on the aircraft is determined depending on the number of disabled people and other persons with disabilities on board the aircraft in accordance with the rules carrier.

    Rules for railway transportation:

    Order of the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated July 26, 2002 N 30 “On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage on federal railway transport” P. 69.

    Large dogs are transported on trains with muzzles and a leash. Blind passengers carry guide dogs with them free of charge in carriages of all categories.

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    What should you do if you are not allowed with a guide dog?

    If you are not allowed to enter a store, pharmacy or any other public place with your dog, do not worry and do not start an argument in a raised voice, even if you were refused in an impolite manner. Remember that the law is on your side. Other than that, in most cases people have nothing against your dog or you personally. Most often, they simply do not know about your rights and after a conversation they will provide unhindered access.

    The first step is to present a passport for your guide dog, calmly explaining that entry with it is allowed. If this is not enough, ask to invite an administrator. Don't forget that your guide dog passport lists all the laws that allow you access to public places - please point them out if necessary.

    Be polite and remember to monitor your dog's behavior during the conversation. Keep it short, near you, do not allow it to sniff your interlocutor and twirl around. The dignified and calm behavior of your companion will win over those around you better than any document.

    If you are still denied, you have the right to go to court. Remember, a person who prevents you from visiting a store, pharmacy or any other public place is breaking the law.

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    Talk in advance with the administration of those places where you go regularly - ask to warn the employees about you and your dog.

    In self-service supermarkets, where products are on open shelves, it is better to ask store employees or other customers for help. They will help you navigate and choose products. You may also be asked to leave the dog near the entrance, which is reasonable, because in this case its help will not be required. Be sure to leave your dog tied to a leash, no matter how obedient he is. Almost all large stores have a security guard at the entrance who you can ask to keep an eye on your dog.

    You know that your dog is kind and does not pose a danger to others. However, this is not so obvious to others: such a large dog may well frighten a child, an elderly person, or anyone who is generally afraid of dogs. Therefore, always muzzle your dog before visiting public places or using transport. Guide dogs are well accustomed to it; a few minutes of wearing a muzzle will not cause any inconvenience to it. But those around you will appreciate your concern for their peace of mind. And in turn they will be more attentive to you.

    Be careful when boarding a vehicle in rainy weather, when the dog may not be very clean. Always keep your dog's leash short while riding. Try to make your dog comfortable near your seat or in a corner so that his paws or tail are not accidentally stepped on.

    If the dog is called, petted, or offered a treat, remember that this is not done with malicious intent. Many, despite the dog's special equipment, your white cane and identification marks, do not understand that the dog is working and do not realize that they are interfering with you and her. In this case, calmly say: “Please don’t do that, the dog can’t be distracted, otherwise I might fall.”

    If you notice that your guide is being interfered with by another dog whose owner is not doing anything, ask loudly: “Whose dog is this? Call her off, please, she’s bothering us.”

  • All dog lovers are familiar with the situation when, upon entering a store or other organization with a pet, a lively security guard declares that it is absolutely forbidden to enter with animals. And if owners of large dogs have long been accustomed to this, then owners of “pocket” dogs cannot come to terms with such injustice. Do store employees have the right to kick a person out if he has a pet in his hands?

    It is worth saying right away that there is no single law that would regulate this situation throughout the entire Russian Federation. There are by-laws and regional legislation. For example, in Moscow and many other cities there are Rules for Keeping Dogs and Cats, which contain provision 4.9, which states: “It is prohibited to leave a dog on the street without a leash, to visit shops, catering organizations, medical, cultural and educational institutions and other organizations, except for specialized facilities for visiting with animals. Organizations, enterprises, institutions are required to place signs prohibiting visits to sites with dogs and equip places for their tethering.”
    In other words, the organization retains the right to hang up or not to hang up such a badge or inscription, and therefore, to allow or not to allow a person with an animal. At the same time, store employees often act very cunningly. They do not hang any warning signs on their doors, but the guards do not allow, for example, large dogs in. This is quite simple to explain in terms of the store's benefits. Large dog may scare visitors, which means they will leave and the organization will lose profit. At the same time, a small “lap” dog is unlikely to scare anyone, and if the owner is forced to tie the animal at the entrance, he will leave, and the organization will again lose profit.
    However, keep in mind: if there is no sign at the entrance of the store prohibiting entry with animals, then you have every right to enter with your pet, no matter what size it is. Otherwise, it is a violation of your consumer rights and right to information.
    At the same time, the Temporary Rules for Keeping Dogs and Cats in the City of Moscow state that in the absence of prohibitory signs, you can enter non-food stores, institutions and post offices with a dog. In this case, the animal must be on a short leash and muzzled. The grocery store is not specified in this case. Therefore, you cannot enter a store that sells food, even if you have a small dog in your arms.
    At the same time, the rules for walking and keeping dogs and other domestic animals state that violation of established legal acts the city of Moscow rules for walking dogs, including the appearance of a pet without a leash and muzzle in shops, institutions, playgrounds, markets, beaches and in transport, as well as walking dogs in the territories of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools, etc. educational institutions and institutions working with minors - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens or officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles.

    In other words, if the regional legislation of your city has a similar article, then you can only bring your pet into a non-food store, institution or post office where there is no sign prohibiting entry with animals. In this case, your pet must be muzzled and on a short leash. The only exceptions are guide dogs for the blind; these animals can go with their blind owner to any store or organization.

    Test from are dogs prohibited?

    03/13/2013, Ksenia Klimkina.

    The correspondent experienced in her own skin and on her own dog where in Kemerovo you can and cannot go without parting with your pet.

    We've all seen that wonderful picture of a dog on roller skates with ice cream who couldn't get into the store. Every day we see these same stickers on the doors of supermarkets and shopping centers. The team checked whether the security guards and administrators are so harsh that they are ready to drive away anyone who does not comply with the rules. It's a bit of a wrong time of year for roller skates and ice cream, but the dog...

    Meet my dog, the miniature pinscher Olympus Uppercut Desired Gift, or, as we call it, Docker. Today it will be my shopping companion, and at the same time my “illegal carry-on luggage.” By the way, “my dog” weighs almost six kilograms and is significantly superior to Yorkies and Chihuas, whose weight does not always reach up to a kilogram. But I have no choice, and we are moving forward!

    Coffee with wool

    To warm up, we decided to start the entertaining day with a cup of coffee. It seems like the client is always right and has the right to dine with anyone. At least with a small dog.

    It must be said that Docker took the extraordinary walk with delight, but traveling in his arms was clearly not part of the dog’s plans. An active and agile pinscher is not at all an option that can be carried beautifully in a purse. However, when I entered one of the coffee shops in the city center, Docker became quiet under my arm (apparently from the sounds of music and the abundance of culinary smells), and we managed to sneak to the farthest table unnoticed.

    My dog ​​also accepted the cozy sofa favorably, and the girl waiter who took the order didn’t even notice him. I asked for coffee and immediately the bill, they brought me everything and did not deign our table with any more attention. True, from time to time Docker and I would have a fight under the table. The dog became comfortable among the sounds and aromas and was ready to explore the room. But after my angry and impressive whisper and a couple of slaps on the soft spot, the pinscher agreed to sleep on the sofa and not go to other visitors. When we rather leisurely left the catering establishment, I caught the surprised look of the administrator. But it was already too late.

    But in another cafe we ​​were less fortunate. Already at the entrance, the vigilant hostess told me that animals were not allowed in.

    You see, other visitors may be allergic to dogs, and no one likes drinking coffee with fur! - the girl explained to me.
    I had to turn around and stomp out.

    Pills and cosmetics

    The next “tick” on our route was a large pharmacy-supermarket. I must say that by the time I brought Docker to her, I was already dreaming of quickly putting him on some clean surface and giving my hands a rest. At the same time, the dog passionately tore into the snow and mud, completely disregarding my desire to remain in neat clothes. Yes, now I know exactly how blonde girls with dogs pump up their arm muscles - no way! It is enough to walk for a couple of hours with a tailed animal under your arm, so that your arms first hang like whips, and then delight you with the relief.

    In general, we were categorically not allowed into the pharmacy. The security guard and pharmacist-cashier were not disturbed even by the fact that I urgently needed medicine. Apparently, if I am able to hold in my hands a carcass that is tearing to freedom, then I am not in danger of dying on the threshold of a pharmacy...

    By the way, my fiasco was not repeated in the small pharmacy on the corner of a residential building. Security guards did not walk around the hall, and the pharmacist was securely “hidden” behind glass display cases. And there were no buyers in the hall except me. Therefore, when I handed a bill through the window and muttered: “Two ascorbic acid, please,” the woman just smiled when she saw the spinning sirloin of Docker, who squirmed in my hands.

    But the beauties in black turtlenecks, “guarding” the entrance to a large cosmetics store, reacted quite friendly to our appearance. No one objected to our short exercise around the department and even to sniffing samples of expensive perfume together. But when we left the citadel of decorative cosmetics and related products without buying anything at all, the girls’ faces were no longer so radiant with kindness. At least they didn't kick me out...

    Clothes for people and dogs

    Well, the final points of our route were two large shopping centers. The first of them greeted us completely indifferently: people were scurrying around with carts and baskets, and the security guards and sales assistants mainly focused their attention on their own smartphones. Therefore, we slipped freely into the huge trading floor and stayed there for almost an hour. But at the checkout they paid unprecedented attention to us and reprimanded us for being “blind.” Yes, we saw the crossed-out silhouette of a dog at the entrance, but, to be honest, it’s not too striking. By the way, while walking through the parking lot, we found a small dog behind the wheel of one of the cars, which was patiently waiting for its owners.

    Second shopping mall turned out to be notable for the vigilant security guards, who also advised us to pay close attention to the “warning signs”. At this point we wanted one thing: for this tiring day to finally end. But instead of excusing myself and going outside, for some reason I triumphantly screamed that there was a dog clothing department on the second floor.

    There are many times more human clothes here,” the security officer muttered, but let us through to the escalator.

    We really hung around the display case with fashionable dog cloths and even tried on a couple of things that turned out to be absolutely too small for us. And as I left the mall, I had already released Docker onto the floor, to our mutual satisfaction. People were touched. The guard looked around, apparently afraid of being scolded by his elders. Maybe this happened, but we no longer saw it.


    As in many others life situations, in our experiment the rule about impudence, which is the second happiness, worked. If you stubbornly go towards the goal (that is, “illegally” dragging an animal to where it should not be) and at the same time make a “brick face,” then the chances of shopping together almost double!

    When we happily went with our dogs, Dinky and Goldie to Auchan to buy something for dinner, they asked us from there. As a result, I was waiting for Elle outside the store with two dogs in my bosom. Moreover, they took me out of Auchan under escort, and this is doubly disgusting.

    Once I was not allowed into the pharmacy with Dina, and the pharmacist rudely said: “We don’t allow dogs!” “Shall I hide it in my bosom?” “I said you can’t! I won’t let you in!” And he slammed the door in his face.

    As a result, I bought the medicine at another pharmacy, hiding Dinky in my coat, since she is small.

    It’s a shame, of course, that you and your dog are considered some kind of subhuman.
    Going for a walk with the dog and, by the way, going to different places doesn’t work.

    Owners of small dogs who love to prove that they are “not a dog” or “not an animal” or “small and will be carried in our bosom” - this does not work.

    Shop owners decided everything long ago, and even decorative individuals are dogs!

    They also refused to serve us at Yakitoria. They didn’t kick us out, they just ignored us because we had two small dogs in our carrier. I also thought that they could at least offer takeaway or some alternative, and not count us empty space.

    I went online and this is what I found:

    If you have a problem with dogs entering, you can appeal to paragraph 1.10 of the “Temporary Rules” and feel free to enter non-food stores, post offices, pharmacies, etc. with your pet, if you have brought a short leash and muzzle, and there are no prohibiting pictures or inscriptions on the doors .

    True, there is one “but”: any person has the right to object to your dog being on the territory of the store.

    If it comes to calling the police, he will be right according to the Civil Code or the Veterinary Law. If you refuse to leave the pharmacy or store, or enter with a dog without a leash and muzzle, then you risk receiving an administrative fine of 500 to 1,000 rubles in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Moscow City Code on Administrative Offences.

    Now on May holidays we are going to travel to Kostroma, and get acquainted with mashula_xs

    Of course, we take the dogs with us, at least Goldie, since my grandmother will gladly take Dinky, she is ready to take Goldie too, but the latter does not tolerate parting with her owner very well.

    Before arriving in Kostroma, according to plan, we go for a walk with friends in Rostov, where we already have a reservation for a hotel on the territory of the Kremlin.

    After calling other hotels in Rostov, it turned out that animals are strictly prohibited everywhere.

    We are thinking what to do!

    Traveling with dogs in our country is only possible as a savage with a tent; you can’t hope for any more or less decent conditions.