
The supplement will be 1200 rubles. Compensation for caregivers of disabled people


Many citizens are paid compensation payments– for the purpose of reimbursement of costs incurred due to conditions associated with their work activities. Their size is determined by the employment contract and Russian legislation. Social benefits are paid to citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation and need support. They are allocated from the state budget, appointed by by-laws or decrees of the President of Russia and controlled by the federal compensation service.

What are compensation payments?

According to the definition, compensation payments are a system of monetary accruals that is aimed at supporting citizens. This may be a certain circle of people who need help:

  • young mothers;
  • disabled people;
  • victims in man-made disasters;
  • workers and residents of the Far North and other categories.

Employees of enterprises receive compensation additional payments from the employer if:

  1. their working conditions change - moving, working at irregular hours;
  2. increased demands are placed on them - combining several positions, working in harsh conditions.

Types of compensation

There is a classification of payments according to the nature of frequency: one-time, annual and once a month. Recipients of compensation from the state can be:

  • victims of man-made disasters (“ Chernobyl nuclear power plant", MPO "Mayak");
  • caring for disabled people;
  • mothers/other relatives raising children under 3 years of age;
  • students who went to academic leave;
  • unemployed military wives;
  • family members of fallen soldiers;
  • residents of the Far North.

Compensation under the labor code

Please note: all compensation payments are made from the employer’s budget. Labor legislation describes a system of payments to employees whose employment has changed due to the request or fault of the employer. What applies to compensation payments:

  • assignment to work in another region;
  • business trips;
  • obtaining education in a working profile;
  • termination of the employment contract for reasons beyond the control of the employee;
  • appointment of an employee to public and government work;
  • failure to submit on time work book at the time of dismissal.

Social Security payments

The legislation determines that the social security system is responsible for compensation:

  1. Child care is given to a family member (wife, husband, guardian) who raises children under 3 years of age.
  2. Persons who are forced to care for disabled family members.
  3. Victims of man-made accidents.
  4. To military personnel and family members of those killed in action.
  5. For internally displaced persons (one-time relocation allowance and monthly allowance).
  6. Disabled people (compensation in lieu of treatment costs if they give up a car).
  7. Residents of the Far North (compensation for travel to vacation spots and payment at the time of moving to the European part of the Russian Federation).

Compensation and incentive payments to public sector employees

Employees of government agencies receive additional compensation allowances:

  • when working in hazardous industries or in hazardous conditions production;
  • when an employee is asked to combine several positions;
  • when working overtime, at odd hours, weekends and holidays;
  • for increasing the amount of work specified in the government contract;
  • when working with state secrets.

Incentive payments are made if a government employee provides high quality work, the work is performed overtime, or the employee’s activities lead to significant savings. The amount of incentive payments and the procedure for their calculation are consistent with the trade union organization. Also, bonuses are awarded for continuous successful work experience and constant improvement of qualification categories.

When moving to another area

If an organization sends employees to work in another region or city, they are reimbursed for all costs associated with moving or settling into a new workplace. This is regulated by Art. 169 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When sending an employee to a new place, the employer must understand that he is paying for the relocation not only of the employee, but also of family members. The compensation procedure is established by the employment contract. Agreed:

  • ticketing;
  • type and cost of official housing.

Reimbursement of expenses related to business travel

When sending an employee on a business trip related to work activities, the employer compensates for the cost of transport services and daily allowance. He is obliged to provide a hotel room or a service apartment for the duration of his stay at the place of business trip. In the legislation, payment of compensation for travel expenses is explained in Article 168 of the Labor Code.

Compensation for the performance of state or public duties

Article 170 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that an institution is obliged to maintain a place, salary or pay compensation to an employee if he is in working hours sent to perform public assignments and duties. This:

  • work in self-government bodies and in elected government positions;
  • activity in trade union bodies;
  • participation in the commission on labor disputes;
  • those released from work to work in the public service (jurors or people's assessors);
  • performance of military duties;
  • work as rescuers, consultants and specialists in emergency situations.

Payments to students on academic leave

There are situations when students are forced to go on academic leave due to medical indications or due to existing circumstances (birth of a child, conscription into the army, serious illness or life situation). Although the scholarship is not awarded during academic leave, the state provides monthly compensation in the amount of 50 rubles (Government Decree No. 1206 of November 3, 1994).

Compensation for unused vacation

Labor legislation states that every employee must be provided with annual paid leave. For various reasons, an employee may refuse to use vacation and receive compensation for unused vacation, which is regulated by Art. 140 TK Russian Federation. The same applies entirely to budgetary organizations.

Payments upon dismissal due to liquidation

During the liquidation procedure of an enterprise, all employees are dismissed, not excluding those who are currently on sick leave or on parental leave. At the same time, the employer provides employees the following types compensation payments

  • payment for the period when the employee performed his duties (for the month of dismissal);
  • compensation for unused, main and additional vacation periods;
  • payments for early termination of the contract;
  • severance pay.

Who is eligible for Social Security benefits?

There are a number of persons who are paid compensation by the state - the so-called social form payments. These include:

  • people working and living in the Far North;
  • university students on forced academic leave;
  • persons who must care for a disabled family member and therefore do not go to work;
  • citizens who lost their health due to man-made disasters (liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant living on the territory of the NPO Mayak).

Social Security Compensation

In some cases, the state assumes the responsibility to financially support certain segments of the population by paying them monthly, annual or one-time compensation payments. They are essentially similar to social benefits, but not identical to them. Benefit payments are much higher, and their regulatory basis is federal legislation. Social compensation is approved by acts and Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation. The essence of compensation is compensation for harm caused in connection with:

  • natural phenomena;
  • disasters;
  • difficult life situations.

Payments for children

The most common payment for children is allocated to women or men who are at home to care for a child until he or she reaches 3 years of age, as stated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1110 of May 30, 1994. The payment is 50 rubles. It is noteworthy that since that moment the amount of compensation has never been indexed. Compensation is paid either by the employer of the parent (or other person), or by the state, if the citizen receiving the benefit does not officially work anywhere.

Caring for the disabled

When a family has a disabled person of the first group, or a person over 80 years of age who needs outside care, compensation is due to a family member who takes on the responsibilities of daily care, and therefore is physically unable to go to work. The payment amount is 1200 rubles, parents of a disabled child receive 5500 rubles. every month. This compensation payment is provided for each disabled family member (disabled person or elderly person).

Payments to pensioners in 2019

At the end of last year, a bill was adopted in which the annual inflation indexation would be replaced with a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. This is due to the problematic state of the Russian economy against the backdrop of a general economic crisis. The total budget for compensation funds will be 221.7 billion rubles. This will affect old-age pensioners, and those who are entitled to a survivor’s pension, disability, insurance claims, and state security. An exception will be pensioners who do not permanently reside in the Russian Federation.

Compensation for non-working able-bodied persons

Able-bodied persons who cannot go to work because they serve and care for disabled family members (elderly, disabled people) have the full right to a payment every month in the amount of 1,200 rubles. (Resolution of the Government of Russia No. 343 06/04/2007). Those who are recipients of unemployment benefits are not entitled to this benefit. No compensation will be paid upon returning to work.

Compensation for internally displaced persons

Law of the Russian Federation No. 4530-I of February 19, 1993 defines financial assistance to persons who were forced to leave home due to certain reasons (war, disasters, hostile environment). Persons who have received official forced migrant status are entitled to the following compensation:

  • one-time cash benefit;
  • compensation for the purchase of tickets and transportation of property;
  • provision of temporary housing

Compensation payments from Rosgosstrakh

Now it is possible to receive compensation for children’s or life insurance contracts concluded before perestroika. After the collapse of the USSR, these insurances began to be considered invalid, but now you can provide the necessary paper evidence and receive compensation in a multiple amount - it depends on the balance of the contract before January 1, 1992.

Persons born before 1945 receive a payment in the amount of three times the amount of the deposit balance, after 1945 - two times. The heirs of the insured person may receive compensation. The following documents are required for the application:

  • a copy of significant pages of the passport (2, 3, 5, 18-19);
  • insurance certificate or certificate from work from which contributions were calculated.

Video about the amount of compensation payments to certain categories of citizens

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One of the first decrees of President Dmitry Medvedev, who are forced not to work because they are constantly caring for a disabled child, a group I disabled person, the elderly who need constant assistance as determined by doctors, or those who are over 80 years old.

From July 1, 2008, the amount of monetary compensation will be 1,200 rubles per month for each person in need of care. To questions from RG readers about who and how can get this state aid, answered according to our " hotline"Head of the relevant department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Olga Samarina.

- Hello. Tatiana, Ekaterinburg. I have a disabled child, and I have to be with him constantly, unable to work. Until now, I received an allowance of 500 rubles in connection with this. Will it be increased in size now?

Olga Samarina: You are absolutely right, from July 1 the compensation payment has been increased from 500 to 1200 rubles. Moreover, if earlier this money was paid regardless of the number of people in need of care, now 1,200 rubles per month can be paid to one citizen caring for several disabled people, per each of them.

If you are already receiving this compensation payment and all the documents for its assignment have been submitted to the authorities paying the pension, then its amount will be increased automatically.

List of documents that must be submitted to assign monthly compensation payments to non-workers able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens defined in .

- My name is Igor Mikhailovich, I’m calling from St. Petersburg. Disabled group I, 70 years old, I have no one who could take care of me. We have to hire strangers and pay them from our pensions. Can I get these 1200 rubles?

Samarina: In accordance with the Decree, the compensation payment is intended for people who provide constant care for a group I disabled person who needs constant outside care or who has reached the age of 80 and therefore cannot work. Moreover, the document does not indicate that these must be relatives. Therefore, if you are being cared for even by a stranger who left his job because of this, you can apply for a compensation payment by contacting the social security authorities at your place of residence or the authorities that pay you a pension.

In addition, you, as a group I disabled person, must be under the patronage of your social security agency. You need to go there and they should provide you social worker who will come, help, take care of you.

- I’m from Chelyabinsk, Tatyana Alekseevna Khasanova. My husband is disabled, group I, and cannot walk. And I'm retired. But the pension is small, only three thousand, and I can’t work part-time because of my husband. Will I be able to receive this bonus?

Samarina: Unfortunately, since you are already retired, you will not be able to receive 1,200 rubles. The fact is that these payments are intended to compensate, at least partially, for lost wages when an able-bodied person cannot work because he is caring for a disabled child or a bedridden patient.

- Evdokia Ivanovna from Krasnodar says. My husband is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, I am a home front worker. Both are disabled group II. Our daughter is looking after us. Can she be paid this money?

Samarina: Does your daughter work?

She will soon be 55 years old and is applying for a pension. And we are already completely helpless - I am 83 years old, my husband is 87 years old. What can you expect?

Samarina: Unfortunately, your daughter will not be paid compensation, since she is currently working and receiving a salary, and after registration of her pension she will receive a pension. But - both due to your age and merit - you should be assigned a social worker to help you.

- But then he has to pay?

Samarina: Why pay?

- They come to our neighbor under an agreement, bring food, medicine, and help around the house. But she gives them 15 cents of their pension.

Samarina: In accordance with Russian legislation, the provision social services at home for war veterans and disabled people provided by the authorities social protection subjects of the Russian Federation free of charge. Have you contacted the Social Security Department?

- No. Didn't apply.

Samarina: Evdokia Ivanovna, let's try. If you are refused, you will then contact our Ministry or " Russian newspaper"And we will take control of your call.

- Smirnova Anna Grigorievna from Balagov, disabled group II. Me after a stroke left side paralyzed. My neighbor is looking after me. Can she get this money?

Samarina: You should contact the office medical and social examination so that in individual program rehabilitation there was a corresponding mark indicating that you need constant outside care. Apparently, if you are under 80 years of age, you should reconsider your disability classification. With these documents, you can contact the authorities that pay you your pension or the social security authorities.

- Can’t I get this money myself?

Samarina: If this compensation is established for you, then, in accordance with government decree, the payment will be made towards the pension assigned to you during the period of care for you. But this payment will be assigned to the one who cares, that is, your neighbor.

About compensation payment of 1200 rubles for caring for disabled people

About cars and cash compensation


Who will get the car

The editorial office receives many letters and calls from disabled people of the Second World War, who, having learned that their peers received free Ladas, began to contact social security authorities, but were refused. Who exactly is entitled to the car? "RG" asked Olga Samarina to explain again.

The presidential decree stipulates that during 2008, disabled people from the Great Patriotic War and equivalent categories will be given either cars or, at the request of the person, money in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. This decision applies today only to those who were put on the waiting list to receive a car from the social security authorities before January 1, 2005.

Why such a restriction? Because until January 1, 2005, a car was included in the list of rehabilitation means provided to certain categories of disabled people, including disabled veterans. After January 1, 2005, in accordance with Law 122, instead of a free car (and some other “in-kind” benefits), disabled people began to receive a monthly cash payment.

However, for those who were supposed to receive a car before 2005 and did not receive it, the state maintained its obligations. These obligations are now being fulfilled.

Ministry of Health and Social Development

Welcome to website. Many citizens receive compensation payments; they are paid as compensation for costs that arose under the conditions associated with their work. The amount of these payments is determined by the Labor Code and Russian legislation.

Payments social nature paid to citizens who find themselves in difficult situation and need support. Funds are allocated from state budget, but are regulated by various by-laws. Controls payment data federal service for compensation payments.

In accordance with labor legislation, compensation payments and compensation payments are different payments. The first payments are compensation to the employee for expenses incurred in the process of performing his work activity. These payments do not relate to the salary component.

Compensatory payments are a salary supplement that an employee can claim if his working conditions are not normal. In accordance with the law, these payments are assigned to the following categories of citizens:

  1. If a person is engaged in hard, dangerous or harmful work.
  2. Labor activity takes place in regions with a special climate.
  3. The work is related to state codes and secrets.
  4. They combine jobs, work overtime and night shifts.

Payments to employees who work in the Far North and equivalent areas are regulated by separate regulations. Since these areas are difficult to live in due to the extreme climate and natural conditions, employees are reimbursed for certain costs, both material and physiological.

Also, compensation payments are charges that are aimed at supporting certain categories of citizens. On this assistance may apply:

  • Young mothers.
  • Disabled people.
  • Citizens who suffered in man-made disasters.
  • Living and working in the Far North.

Employees of enterprises receive additional payments in the form of compensation from employers under the following conditions:

  • Under changing working conditions, that is, moving, working with an irregular schedule.
  • If increased demands are placed on the employee, that is, combining several positions or working in difficult conditions.

Types of compensation payments

At the legislative level, various types of compensation payments are established - monthly, annual and one-time. The following citizens can receive these payments from the state:

  • Citizens who suffered in man-made disasters are the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, MPO Mayak.
  • Citizens who care for disabled people.
  • Mothers and other family members who care for children under 3 years of age.
  • Students who went on academic leave.
  • Wives of military personnel who do not work.
  • Family members of military personnel who died.
  • Residents of the Far North.

Compensation under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Unlike other allowances, there are compensation payments that are provided labor code, they do not represent a component of wages and are of an exclusively one-time nature.

All these compensation payments of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are listed in the relevant legislation and, in accordance with it, the following employees are entitled to them:

  • Who are sent on a business trip.
  • Who go on annual leave subject to pay.
  • Who perform state or public duties.
  • Who move to another area for work.
  • Who combine study and work.
  • Which stop labor activity through no fault of my own.

This list is not complete; all cases in which compensation payments are due are listed in the Labor Code. All compensation payments and compensation payments are assigned and paid by the employer.

Compensation payments for social security There can be either one-time or monthly compensation payments that are provided to citizens who have the right to them.

These payments relate to social security and are aimed at categories of citizens who are socially vulnerable, in order to provide them with protection from the consequences in some life situations, as well as compensate them for the harm they have suffered and additional efforts.

Today there are many various types of these payments and they are periodically supplemented with new ones if there is a need to provide support to citizens in certain situations.

It is established at the legislative level that this system is responsible for the following types of compensation:

  • Monthly compensation for child care until he reaches three years of age.
  • Payment to citizens who care for a disabled family member.
  • Victims of man-made disasters.
  • To the families of those killed in the line of duty.
  • For forced migrants, they receive a one-time and monthly payment.
  • Disabled persons are compensated for treatment if it is refused.
  • Residents of the Far North.

There are a number of cases in which the state assumes responsibility for material support of certain segments of the population. It makes monthly, annual or one-time compensation payments. In many ways, they may resemble social benefits, but, nevertheless, they differ from benefits.

The amount of social benefit payments is much higher, and they are regulated by federal law. And regulation of compensation payments is carried out using regulations and government orders. The essence of these compensation payments is compensation for damage incurred that was caused due to natural phenomena, disasters or difficult life situations.

About “ridiculous” social security support for certain categories of citizens

In accordance with the presidential decree, compensation in the amount of 50 rubles is paid monthly separate categories citizens who are socially vulnerable include:

  • Women who are officially employed and care for a child under 3 years of age. If another family member is caring for the baby, he also has the right to receive this payment.
  • Students who go on academic leave and graduate students, but taking this leave should be solely for health reasons.
  • Wives of police officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whose spouses work in remote areas where women cannot work due to a lack of jobs.

To receive these payments, a person needs to apply to his place of work or study for compensation. And about the provision of parental leave or when going on academic leave.

To receive compensation for the wives of emergency services and police officers, additional documents must be attached to the application:

  1. Marriage registration certificate.
  2. A certificate confirming cohabitation with your husband.
  3. Work book, if the woman worked before.

Payment of compensation is made by the employer; if the organization receives funds from the federal budget, then the payment is made directly from the budget.

There is a compensation payment for caring for disabled citizens, that is, when a person is able to work, but cannot work because he is caring for:

  • Citizens who have reached the age of 80 years.
  • Disabled people who have group 1.
  • Elderly people if they are prescribed care by medical organizations.

The amount of this compensation is 1200 rubles, and it is paid monthly. This amount is assigned to each disabled person who needs to be cared for.

The person who is entitled to this compensation may not be a relative of the disabled person. It is also not necessary to live together with this person.

If a parent is caring for a disabled child or someone who has been disabled since childhood, the amount of compensation is 5,500 rubles.

Compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens are issued upon provision of a package of the following documents:

  1. Statement from each disabled person and their caregiver.
  2. Extract from the MSEO report.
  3. A medical certificate that an elderly person requires care.
  4. Passports and work books of both parties.
  5. A document that this compensation has not been assigned previously.
  6. Consent of parents and guardianship authorities, if the disabled person is under 14 years of age.

A disabled person who cares for these citizens has no right to compensation.

Compensation for forced relocation

Compensation payments are also provided to another category of citizens – displaced persons. In turn, migrants are divided into two main groups:

  1. Those moving under the program of resettlement of compatriots.
  2. Forced migrants.
  • Moving to a new place of residence, including expenses for luggage and travel.
  • Payment of duties when completing all necessary customs documents, such as residence permits, citizenship and consular fees.

Compensation payments to forced migrants are assigned in the following cases:

  • When leaving property at the previous place of residence, if it is not subject to return.
  • Travel and baggage allowance if the family is low-income.

Payment of these compensations is made from the federal budget. To receive the payment, you must obtain official migrant status.

Compensation for mothers upon liquidation of an enterprise

Not everyone knows what constitutes compensation payments when it comes to the liquidation of an enterprise. If the mother is divorced employment contract due to the termination of the employer's activities, she is also entitled to compensation. Such women are entitled to compensation in the following cases:

  • There are children who have not reached the age of 3 years.
  • Unemployed, but do not receive unemployment benefits.
  • At the time of dismissal they were on maternity leave.

These compensation payments are financed, in accordance with government decree, from the federal budget. All conditions are specified in Resolution No. 1206.

To receive compensation, a dismissed woman must contact the social security authorities with a package of the following documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. Children's birth certificate.
  3. A document confirming the fact of liquidation of the enterprise.
  4. A certificate from the employment center that the woman is not a recipient of unemployment benefits.

The amount of compensation provided is 50 rubles, payment is made every month.

Payments for environmental disasters

Another type of compensation payment is compensation to citizens who suffered in environmental disasters of a man-made nature. These disasters include:

  • Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • Disaster at the Mayak production association.
  • Tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

All conditions under which these compensations are assigned and paid are specified in Government Resolution No. 136.

All affected citizens have the right to receive monthly payments, which are subject to annual indexation.

IN Federal law“About Veterans” spells out all the compensation payments to which veterans are entitled. Veterans are understood not only as participants in the Second World War, but also in other military operations, veterans civil service and labor.

The state provides various compensations to veterans in the following cases:

  • Compensation of 50% of expenses for public utilities for housing.
  • Compensation for the purchase of prostheses, and the insufficiency of subventions in this case does not become a reason for failure to fulfill these obligations.
  • Payment of expenses to relatives during the funeral of a veteran.

The regulations stipulate all the conditions for processing and assigning these types of payments.

Compensation and payments of this kind for public sector employees

Workers' compensation benefits are paid in the following cases:

  • Work in difficult working conditions and hazardous production.
  • When an employee combines several positions.
  • When working overtime, night shifts, weekends and holidays.
  • When the volume of work specified in the government contract increases.
  • When working with state secrets.

Compensation and incentive payments are assigned when the employee high quality labor, the work is done overtime or his work involves savings.

The amount of such payments, as well as the procedure for their calculation, is agreed upon with the trade union organization. The accrual of bonuses occurs with continuously successful work experience and continuous improvement of qualifications.

If a company sends its employee to work in another area, then he is compensated for all the costs associated with the move and settling into a new workplace. These conditions are specified in the labor code.

When an employer sends an employee to another location, he must understand that he will have to pay not only for his relocation, but also for his family members. The procedure for compensation of costs is established by the labor code and agreed upon:

  • Ticketing.
  • Type and cost of official housing.

If an employee goes on a business trip that is directly related to his work, the employer is obliged to reimburse the payment for transportation services, as well as pay per diem.

The employer also provides the employee with a hotel room or office apartment for the entire time he is on a business trip. The payment of these compensations is clarified at the legislative level.

In accordance with the labor code, the organization is obliged to maintain workplace and wages, as well as make all compensation payments to the employee if he was sent on a business trip to perform work duties during working hours. This includes:

  • Work in self-government bodies and in elected government positions.
  • Activities in trade union bodies.
  • Participation in the commission on labor disputes.
  • When working in public service.
  • Carrying out military duties.
  • Work as a rescuer, consultant and emergency specialist.

There are situations when students need to go on academic leave, there are many reasons for this, for health reasons, the birth of a child, conscription into the army or life situation. The stipend is not awarded during this leave, but in this case the state pays compensation in the amount of 50 rubles every month.

In accordance with labor legislation, each employee is entitled to annual paid leave. But the employee has the right to refuse it for many reasons and receive compensation for unused vacation. This law also applies to budgetary organizations.

When an enterprise is liquidated, all employees are dismissed, including those who are on sick leave or on parental leave. In this case, the employer is obliged to pay the following compensation to employees:

  • Salary for the last month of performance of duties.
  • Compensation for unused, main and additional leave.
  • Payment for early termination of the contract.
  • Severance pay.

Compensation and incentive payments are made by the employer.

Compensation payments from Rosgosstrakh

Today it is possible to receive compensation payments under life and children insurance contracts that were concluded in the days before perestroika. After the collapse of the USSR, these agreements became invalid.

But now citizens have the right to provide necessary documents and evidence and receive compensation in multiples. Rosgosstrakh makes compensation payments, the amount of which depends entirely on the balance as of January 1, 1992.

Citizens who were born before 1945 receive compensation in three times the residual amount, those who were born after this year are entitled to receive a payment in double amount. Heirs of insured citizens also have the right to claim compensation. To process these payments you must bring the following documents:

  • Photocopy of the passport, all significant pages, i.e. 2, 3, 5, and 18 to 19.
  • Insurance certificate or certificate from the workplace from which contributions were calculated.

Financing of compensation payments can be made both from the federal budget and from the employer. These payments are provided to certain categories of citizens, paid in different times and differ from each other.

That's all. Let's summarize. These payments are regulated by the labor code, various regulations, presidential decrees and government orders; they work at the federal level. Compensation payments are varied and are assigned to each category of citizens individually.

Monthly cash expenses for compensation payments for caring for 21,286 disabled residents of the city and region amount to 56 million rubles.

Non-working able-bodied persons caring for a group I disabled person, as well as an elderly person in need due to imprisonment, have the right to a monthly compensation payment for care. medical institution in permanent care or who have reached the age of 80 years. The payment amount is 1200 rubles.

To support families with disabled children, from January 1, 2013, a monthly payment of 5,500 rubles is established for non-working able-bodied parents (adoptive parents) and guardians (trustees) caring for a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood of group 1. If care is provided by other persons (not a parent or guardian), then the payment amount is 1200 rubles.

Compensation payment may be established for the caregiver, regardless of family relations and cohabitation with a disabled citizen.

It should be noted that carers are not limited in their right to a monthly payment in the event that a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood of Group I performs paid work.

To schedule a payment, please contact your territorial office. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which assigns and pays a pension to the citizen being cared for. The compensation payment is established from the month of application for it, but not earlier than the day the right to it arises.

The supplement is added to the pension of the insured person being cared for. Due to the fact that the payment is compensation for the care provided, it is intended to be transferred to the caregiver.

To assign a compensation payment, two applications must be submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - from the person providing care and from the person being cared for, as well as the work books of the applicants.

If care is provided for a disabled child or a person recognized as incompetent, the application is submitted on behalf of his legal representative. The Pension Fund independently requests documents confirming that the caregiver has not received a pension or unemployment benefits.

We draw your attention! The recipient of the payment in the event of employment or retirement loses the right to this payment and is obliged to notify the Pension Fund Office about this within five days. If these circumstances are discovered, the payment of long-term care compensation will be stopped from the next month. The Pension Fund monitors the employment of caregivers, and if such facts are identified, it takes measures to reimburse the amounts of compensation payments paid to the Pension Fund budget.

In accordance with Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006 No. 1455 and February 26, 2013 No. 175, non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child under the age of 18 years or a disabled person since childhood of group I, as well as for the elderly, the needy upon conclusion of a medical institution in permanent outside care or who have reached the age of 80 years, a monthly compensation payment in the amount of 1200 rubles is assigned.

If a parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) is caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a group I disabled person since childhood, a monthly compensation payment is assigned in the amount of 5,500 rubles.

A monthly compensation payment is established for the pension assigned to a disabled citizen during the period of caring for him.

Compensation payment is established for one non-working person for each disabled citizen. Thus, if unemployed citizen cares for several disabled persons, then the corresponding number of payments will be established for this citizen.

A monthly compensation payment is assigned to a caregiver, regardless of family relationships and cohabitation with a disabled citizen.

To assign compensation for care, the following documents are required:

1. application from the pensioner regarding consent to provide care by a specific person (full name) (Appendix No. 1);

2. application from the caregiver for compensation payment (Appendix No. 2);

3. statement from the caregiver about consent to the processing of personal data (Appendix No. 3);

4. pensioner’s passport, or its certified copy;

5. passport of the caregiver, or its certified copy;

6. the pensioner’s work book, or its certified copy;

7. the work book of the caregiver, or its certified copy (if there is no work record, the caregiver indicates in the application that “I do not have a work record”);

8. certificate (information) from the territorial Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation stating that the caregiver does not receive any type of pension;

9. certificate (information) from the territorial Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation stating that the pensioner is not a recipient of compensation payments for care;

10. a certificate from the territorial body of the employment service about the non-receipt of unemployment benefits by the caregiver (except for persons 14–15 years of age and persons studying full-time);

11. certificate of study of the caregiver indicating the expected date of completion of studies (for persons studying full-time at an educational institution);

12. permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authority to provide care (for persons 14-15 years of age);

13. a statement from the parents that they do not object to the fact that their child will be caring for a disabled person and the care will not interfere educational process(for persons 14 years of age) (Appendix No. 4);

14. birth certificate (for persons 14 years of age).

The compensation payment is assigned from the month in which the caregiver applied for its appointment with applications and all documents necessary for submission to the pension department, but not earlier than the day the right to the specified payment arises.

If the documents specified in paragraphs 7 – 10 are not provided simultaneously with the application, the pension department will send requests to the relevant authorities within 2 working days.

To reduce the time required for appointment and payment of monthly compensation for care, we recommend that you provide us with the entire list of documents along with the applications.

Copies of documents can be certified by employees of departments for working with personnel of internal affairs bodies at the place of residence or at a personal reception at the Pension Services Department of the Central Federal District.

The monthly compensation payment for care is terminated in the following cases:

Death of a disabled citizen or caregiver;

Termination of care by the person providing care, confirmed by a statement from a disabled citizen;

Assigning a pension to the caregiver (regardless of its type and size), unemployment benefits;

Performing paid work by a disabled citizen or caregiver;

Acquisition by a caregiver of the status of an individual entrepreneur;

Expiration of the period for which the disabled citizen was assigned 1st disability group;

Change of place of residence by a disabled citizen or caregiver.

The caregiver is obliged to notify the body paying the pension within 5 days of the occurrence of circumstances leading to the termination of the monthly compensation payment.

Please note special attention, that for providing knowingly false and (or) unreliable information, or keeping silent about facts entailing the termination of payment of a pension, pension supplements, benefits, compensation, other social payments (for example, a pensioner entering the service; change of place of residence, subject to receiving a pension with a regional coefficient; concealment of the fact of employment, or expulsion of a dependent before the end of training, subject to receipt of a dependent’s supplement to the pension, etc.) provides for criminal liability (Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). If the submission of false information or untimely submission of information has resulted in overspending of funds for the payment of pensions, the perpetrators shall compensate the state for the damage caused in the manner prescribed established by law RF.