
Ogonyok biography. Katya Ogonyok biography, photo, personal life of Katya Ogonyok, daughter - Directors

Katya Ogonyok is one of the few Russian singers who successfully works in the style of chanson, born in the seaside town of Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory, on May 17, 1977.


At birth, the baby received the name Christina, and Katya - a creative pseudonym, which she chose for herself when she was almost an adult. Her parents are creative and quite famous people. Mom danced for several years in the best dance ensemble in Ukraine under the direction of Virsky. But after the birth of her daughter, she left the touring life.

Father, Evgeny Penkhasov, a professional musician, at one time was part of the popular VIA “Gems”, wrote music for other groups. It was he who dreamed that his daughter would also become an artist and conquer the best stages of the country. Therefore, when she discovered musical abilities, she began to do everything possible to develop them.

Christina herself did not take this seriously for a long time, preferring to spend time in the yard in the company of neighboring boys. However, gradually, under the influence of her parents, who had the patience not to act without pressure, Christina first went to a choreography studio, and then finally entered a music school.

In order to somehow interest his daughter in a career as a singer, the father persuaded his old friend, the famous songwriter Alexander Shaganov, to write a song especially for the girl. After several rehearsals, they all went to a local recording studio, and there Christina made her debut record.

Naturally, she did not bring popularity to the young artist, but she liked the experience of working in a professional studio.


Christina never had much interest in studying. Therefore, after receiving basic education, the question arose of what to do next. The girl categorically did not want to continue her studies at school, and she could not choose a profession. Again, meeting Shaganov helped, who invited the girl to move to Moscow.

Shaganov, together with his longtime friend and successful producer Alexander Kalyanov, just conceived a new project - the youth group “10-A”, in which Christina was offered to become a soloist. It was a great chance for the aspiring singer, which she did not miss. This project was not a great success, but served as a good launching pad for her future career.

While working in Moscow, Kristina met Mikhail Tanich, who at that time was actively collaborating with the Lesopoval group, which had become popular on chanson. Tanich invited her to try working as a backing vocalist. And, although Christina had little idea of ​​herself in this genre at first, “Lesopoval” toured a lot, and the girl wanted to plunge into this world.

Gradually, chanson became a part of her life. Therefore, when in 1995 Christina learned that the country's main recording studio had arranged a casting among performers of this genre, she immediately submitted an application.

Already quite an experienced performer, the girl easily won the casting and, according to the contract, recorded her debut album as the singer “Masha Sha”. But the songs were too low-grade to bring her success.

But now Christina was absolutely confident in her talent and that it was in this song genre that she needed to continue to develop. She takes a new sonorous pseudonym Katya Ogonyok and begins, with the help of her parents and friends, to build a solo career under the guidance of a new producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov.

He managed to discern the touching and very emotional soul of the young singer and selected very soulful songs for her, which she performed with piercing sincerity. In 1998, Katya Ogonyok’s solo album “White Taiga” was released, most of the compositions from which immediately appeared in the first positions on the charts of music radio stations broadcasting chanson.

On the wave of popularity, less than a year later, Katya presented the second part of the album of the same name and began active touring. It is interesting that although the songs smack of a prison theme, they are also liked by those who have nothing to do with the criminal world.

Moreover, Katya stands out very much, being almost the only woman performing prison chanson.

After the release of the next album, “Call from the Zone,” Katya begins to be called “the queen of Russian chanson.” She works a lot and manages not only to tour, but also to record new albums, which are released with enviable regularity for many artists - one a year. The singer's concert geography is rapidly expanding.

Since 2002, she begins giving concerts in Israel, Germany, and has traveled to all CIS countries. Before the girl had time to perform in the USA, she died while completing the paperwork.

Life and death

Few people knew that Christina suffered from epilepsy since childhood. Carrying out a career with her diagnosis was difficult. To prevent attacks, she was forced to constantly take medications, which gradually destroyed her body even more. And the bohemian life with an abundance of alcohol and cigarettes also contributed to this.

Christina married her high school sweetheart early. She waited for her boyfriend from the army, and they immediately signed. But after living for only two years, they divorced. The young husband wanted her to be at home more, and Christina was actively building her own artistic career.

Then Christina had several fleeting romances. But when she met Levan Koyava, a former professional boxer, she truly fell in love again and even gave birth to a daughter with him. However, this was not a sufficient reason for the official marriage. The baby was almost immediately sent to Christina’s parents, and the relationship with Levon gradually faded away.

With Levan Kojava and daughter

On October 24, 2007, thirty-year-old singer Katya Ogonyok died of heart failure. But the heart problems were caused by progressive cirrhosis of the liver, so in any case the girl was doomed. She was buried in Moscow, and a huge monument was erected on her grave, funds for which were raised at a charity concert in her honor, which was held in Krasnodar.

Katya Ogonyok (according to her passport, Kristina Penkhasova) was born on May 17, 1977 in the Krasnodar Territory (the village of Dzhubga). Her mother worked as a dancer, and her father was a musician. Katya’s nationality according to her passport is a citizen of the USSR, although some claim that she has Jewish hereditary roots. The biography of the future singer Katya Ogonyok was initially quite interesting. The girl graduated from primary high school in her hometown and continued her studies in Kislovodsk.

Her father comes up with the idea to persuade his composer friend to write a song for his daughter. After her performance, the girl is offered to perform several more songs, which eventually formed the first album of the young singer. After the release of this album, fame did not come to Katya, and she decides to go to Moscow. Upon arrival in the capital, the girl completely plunges into her new life and begins to sing songs in the style of pop music.

At the beginning of March 1995, a competition was held in Moscow with great pomp and scale, in which participants performed songs in the style of chanson. Kristina Penkhasova takes part in this competition and takes first place. This performance is also significant because from now on the singer appears on stage under the pseudonym Katya Ogonyok or Masha Sha.

During 1995-1998, Katya Ogonyok traveled a lot with concerts and recorded several albums. Her songs are permeated with tough humor and open defiance. But since 1998, Ogonyok’s repertoire has changed somewhat and become more in line with classical chanson. Many of her songs are dedicated to love and separation, true fidelity and betrayal. Throughout the 90s, her songs were quite popular and Katya Ogonyok’s concerts were always in great demand.

Many explain the secret of the artist’s popularity by the fact that she managed to bring romance and love notes into the harsh reality of Russian chanson. Katya Ogonyok's songs contain real life meaning, and not made-up stories. That is why her songs were so popular especially among men of various ages. Katya performed her songs herself, but in some cases she sang with the famous chanson performer Vyacheslav Klimenkov. Some of Katya's songs are still used by some radio broadcasts as background music.

In 1999, Ogonyok released a licensed disc of his songs. In the same year, the new album “Call from the Zone” will collect an unprecedented number of copies and become a hit for a whole generation of chanson lovers. In 2000, a remix of these hit songs was released and sold throughout the country in large quantities. Since that time, Katya Ogonyok has been working with producer Chernyak, with the help of whom she manages to create and record as many as 8 new albums. In the same year, the singer in one interview talks about the fact that she has a real criminal record and even served a prison sentence under Article 211. She claimed that she served two and a half years in prison and was released under an amnesty. This interview was distributed across all channels, and was perceived by many fans of Katya Ogonyok’s talent as a sensation.

According to producer Chernyakov, at this time Katya earned little and led a rather modest lifestyle. She rented an apartment in Moscow and still managed to support her parents. According to the singer’s close friends, in her behavior and lifestyle, Katya was a simple Russian woman, and not some kind of superstar. She did not hide her addiction to alcohol from those around her.

When asked about her musical idols, she always eagerly said that since childhood she had loved the songs of Lydia Ruslanova and Ella Jerola, whom she considered outstanding and strong pop personalities.
Katya Ogonyok died at the end of October 2007 from acute heart failure and severe edema of both lungs. In addition, Katya had serious problems with her liver and had frequent attacks of epilepsy. The singer’s grave is located in Moscow at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery.

Katya Ogonyok's husband

For the first and last time in her life, Katya married her childhood friend at the age of 19. Almost nothing is known about Katya Ogonyok’s husband. This marriage did not last long and ended in divorce.
After this bitter experience, the singer never officially married again and lived the rest of her life with boxer Levan Koyavai. In 2001, she gave birth to a daughter, Lera, from Levan. Her personal life was inaccessible to reporters. But Katya’s closest friends, Ogonyok, claim that their relationship was tender and sincere and ended only after Katya’s sudden death in 2007.

Daughter of Katya Ogonyok

Daughter Lera Ogonyok suffered the death of her mother hard and still cannot fully cope with this loss. Due to Katya Ogonyok’s constant tours, Lera’s upbringing was handled by her grandparents. As a child, Lera was seriously involved in ballroom dancing and even won various competitions several times. Many are surprised by the very similar appearance of Katya’s mother and her already grown-up daughter Lera. The daughter’s character is also similar to her mother. Lera decided to continue her mother’s work and, with the support of a producer, recorded a song and dedicated it to her mother.

Name: Katia Ogonek
Real name: Kristina Penkhasova
Birthday: May 17, 1977
Place of Birth: Dzhubga village, Tuapse, Krasnodar region
Date of death: 2007-10-24 (30 years)
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Eastern horoscope: Snake
Activity: singer and performer of Russian chanson

Biography of Katya Ogonyok

The celebrity family is creative. Mom was a dancer and worked in Virsky’s studio, and dad was a musician who at one time worked at the VIA “Gems”.

Kristina graduated from the 9th grade of secondary school, music and choreography schools in Kislovodsk.

Katya's father knew the songwriter Alexander Shaganov. He came to visit them and once the father of the future singer persuaded his friend to write a composition for his daughter. This was followed by an album where Katya Ogonyok sang in a smoke-free child’s voice. However, no one needed the record, but the future artist’s experience came in handy.
Conquest of Moscow
At the age of 16, Katya Ogonyok moved to Moscow. There she began to sing songs in the pop music genre. For some time she even worked for Mikhail Tanich at Lesopoval. But the young singer’s relationship with the team did not work out and, despite Tanich’s support, the girl left.

In 1995, Soyuz Production began preparing a new project in the genre of Russian chanson. The company announced a competition among musicians. Christina won it and got into the project. Since that time, she began performing in this genre, first under the pseudonym Masha Sha, and then as Katya Ogonyok. The girl toured a lot and released several records.

First, Masha Sha released discs with rather “hard” humor called “Masha-sha - Rubber Vanyusha” and “Misha+Masha=Sha!!!”. The records were released in collaboration with Mikhail Sheleg, who performed as “Misha Sha”.
Hard erotic humor
The albums are radically different from Christina’s subsequent work. Here the artist focuses on sexual themes, as well as the rough side of the relationship between a man and a woman. For example, a song called “Doctor Dracula” is dedicated to a woman’s strange love for a vampire, but the composition “My Husband” has a lesbian theme.

Katya was born into a creative family

In 1998, Christina changed her pseudonym and is already beginning to immerse herself in the main theme of her work; after that she did not return to the genre of “hard erotic humor.”
Main creativity
But Katya Ogonyok’s next albums, “White Taiga I” and “White Taiga II,” were created together with Vyacheslav Klimenkov. They are already in the genre of Russian chanson, which has become the main one in the singer’s work. Many of the compositions are prison and convict compositions, but there are also songs about love and separation, sadness and fidelity, loneliness. In the 90s of the last century, these were very popular and in demand. However, most of these compositions were sung by men, but Katya Ogonyok was able to perform them with soul, in a feminine, soulful way. The heroes of the songs are often mature people with extensive life experience. In the songs you won’t hear platitudes, women’s trifling hysterics, or empty phrases.

“I will light a light for you, in this God-forsaken wilderness, I will light a light for you, on the ruins of a tired soul,” is sung in a song on behalf of a prisoner woman who has retained her love for everything and hopes for the best. Thus begins a significant theme in Christina’s work.

Klimenkov sang two compositions from two albums. These are “Kosterok” and “The Soul Is Sick”, two more songs - “Black, Black Sea”, “Thief” - the musicians sing together, but the rest are sung by Katya Ogonyok herself.

Film of memory...Katya Ogonyok

By the way, music from “Khakinsk” still sounds as background music in episodes of the radio program for prisoners “Kalina Krasnaya”. The program is broadcast weekly on Radio Russia.

In 1999, Katya’s next disc (volume 5) was released as part of the “Legends of Russian Chanson” series. There were no new songs, but the old ones were presented in new arrangements. The next album, called “Call from the Zone,” consisted entirely of new songs. A record of remixes was released next, and in 2000, again only new items in the album “Through the Years”. This record contained the song “Zhigan” and, as Katya Ogonyok admitted, the hero of the composition became her favorite.

By the beginning of the new century, Katya Ogonyok had become very popular among both colleagues and listeners. In 2000, a parody record “Katya Fitilek” by bard Leonid Sergeev was even released. At the same time, Christina begins working with producer Vladimir Chernyakov. The singer recorded 8 albums with him.
Prison life
By the way, in some interviews Katya Ogonyok said that she herself served her sentence in places not so remote.

“To be honest, I wouldn’t really like to talk about this in detail. It's hard for me to remember. I was convicted under Article 211, part two (then changed to part three). There is nothing terrible in this article, it’s just that a rather unpleasant thing happened with my car. This is an unexpected situation. I sat there for a little over two years. I was released on parole and was granted an amnesty. Probably not for exemplary behavior, but for good vocals,” says Katya Ogonyok.

Katya Ogonyok at the Musical Ring

This version about serving a sentence in prison spread across the media. Afterwards, the singer stopped mentioning her prison past altogether, and after the death of Katya Ogonyok, the producer denied the legend.
Just Katya
Katya's friends and relatives note her modesty. In particular, Vladimir Okunev said that Katya did not earn that much. The girl lived in a rented apartment in Moscow and supported her parents. “Katya was a simple Russian woman, albeit with Jewish roots. No one ever noticed the star quality in her,” says Vladimir.
Personal life
Katya Ogonyok was married. But at the time of her death she was already officially divorced. Until her death, she lived in a civil marriage with former boxer Levan Kojava. The singer has a daughter - Valeria was born in 2001.
Katya Ogonyok was in demand and popular both in Russia and abroad. But even this status did not prevent her from avoiding life’s incidents. The American embassy twice did not give her a work visa, although at that moment absolutely all the tickets to her American concerts - in New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami - had already been sold. As a result, eight concerts were canceled, and the organizers lost about 25 thousand dollars. The embassy only replied, “You are not a star.” Katya showed the CDs and posters, but they only told her that all this could be easily faked, and inexpensively.

There were a lot of rumors about Katya, like any other performer. Some claimed that she was a drug addict, an alcoholic and a complete loser. Ogonyok herself was offended by this at first, proving the opposite, but then she calmed down:

With my little daughter

“The main thing is that people like the way I sing. I seriously doubt that I could sing like an alcoholic and drug addict. I’ve never been into drugs, I hardly drink vodka, but I can drink red Georgian wine,” said the singer.

The artist herself loved the work of Al Gerol, Ella Fitzgerald and Steve Wonder. She sang their songs in her youth. Katya was fond of martial arts, mainly women's boxing.
Katya Ogonyok passed away on the morning of October 24, 2007. She died of acute heart failure and pulmonary edema, possibly due to cirrhosis of the liver. According to some reports, the singer suffered from epilepsy and was taken to the hospital after an attack. Katya Ogonyok was buried in Moscow at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery.

The monument to Katya Ogonyok’s grave was erected only in the fall of 2010. The funds were raised thanks to a concert in Krasnogorsk, which was organized by the artist’s father.

Katya Ogonyok is one of the most famous women performing chanson. She was loved and still loved by a huge number of listeners, because this woman was not only a talented singer, but also simply a good and kind person with whom you could have a heart-to-heart talk and discuss all your problems and successes.

Youth of Katya Ogonyok

Katya Ogonyok (her biography is short, but interesting and bright) was born on May 17, 1977 in the village of Dzhubga. Her real name is Penkhasova Kristina Evgenievna. The singer's mother was a dancer, and her father was a musician. The girl graduated from 9 classes, after which she began to study at music and choreographic schools in the city of Kislovodsk.

Christina's father was friends with a songwriter who was very famous and popular at that time. This is Alexander Shaganov. One day, Evgeny Semyonovich persuaded his friend to write a song for his talented daughter. Over time, little Christina already recorded an album. It should be noted that at that time the voice of the aspiring performer was still childish and not smoky. Unfortunately, this album was not needed by anyone, but Katya Ogonyok’s experience in this matter did not hinder her.

A bright personality, whose life was full of adventures, but ended very early, was Katya Ogonyok. The woman's biography is quite interesting. She tells how the singer’s creative career began, what events she had to endure, and why the life of the famous singer was cut short so early.

Moving to Moscow

At the age of 16, Katya Ogonyok moved to Moscow and began performing songs in the pop music genre. For a short time, the singer worked in a group called “Lesopoval”, but due to unsettled relations with the team, the lead singer was forced to leave the group.

In 1995, Katya Ogonyok took part in a project that announced a recruitment of chanson performers. The future singer won the competition, after which she began performing in the project. It was after participating in it that Katya began performing songs in this genre, touring a lot, and gained popularity and fame. At first, the singer chose the pseudonym Masha Sha, but later changed it to the well-known Katya Ogonyok.

The performer, whose voice is familiar to almost every fan of the genre, is Katya Ogonyok. The biography of a celebrity will help every fan of her work learn about how the singer lived her life, what events happened in her, how she came on stage and any other questions that interest him.

Masha Sha

When the singer sang under the pseudonym Masha Sha, her songs were distinguished by their emphasis on sexual themes. Almost all of her compositions contained erotic humor, but it is worth saying that in 1988 Katya decided to change her pseudonym and stopped performing such songs.

The fiery actress, whose songs touch every listener, is still the same Katya Ogonyok. Biography, photos, significant events, etc. have always been and are still of interest to fans of the young woman’s work. It must be said that she deserved such attention, because Katya Ogonyok was truly talented.

The singer's criminal past

Katya's popularity grew at breakneck speed, every year she became more and more popular and well-known not only among ordinary listeners and fans, but also among her colleagues. It is worth saying that in some of her interviews Katya Ogonyok spoke about “places of deprivation of liberty.” The chanson performer did not like to talk about these topics, but said that she was convicted under Article 211, part 1, but later she was convicted under article 3. Ogonyok says that there is absolutely nothing scary in this article. An unpleasant story happened in her life, which was connected with a car. Katya spent 2 years in prison, after which she was granted an amnesty. As the singer herself says: “This happened, most likely, not because of good behavior, but because of good singing.” However, as it turned out later, it was just a legend, which is so necessary for every performer of this genre.

Throughout her short life, Katya Ogonyok performed music in the chanson genre. The woman’s biography will help every fan of her work understand how the singer became so famous and popular, what events happened in her life.

Famous singer Katya Ogonyok: biography, death

It is worth saying that Katya’s life was quite bright, emotional, but, unfortunately, short-lived. The famous chanson performer died at the age of 30, on October 24, 2007. Her death became a tragedy not only for Katya’s family and friends, but also for fans of the cheerful and beloved singer’s work.

Katya Ogonyok: biography, cause of death of the singer

The public's favorite died due to pulmonary edema, which was caused by heart failure. According to another version, the famous singer suffered from epilepsy since childhood and was hospitalized after another attack. The woman’s producer said that Katya spent 5 days in the hospital and was recovering. However, unfortunately, the disease turned out to be stronger than her.

The singer has a daughter, Valeria, who is already taking her first steps on stage. She, like her mother, also dreams of singing and has already recorded several compositions in the chanson style. Among them there is a song dedicated to my beloved mother...

The biography of Katya Ogonyok and the cause of her death are of interest to fans of the performer. She is known for performing chanson. Many different events happened in her biography and personal life. The singer’s songs are still relevant today, and Katya is spoken of as a kind and bright person. Despite the fact that chanson is a genre performed predominantly by men, Katya was able to win the love of many connoisseurs.

Katya Ogonyok: biography

The performer's real name is Kristina Penkhasova. Born in an urban village in the Krasnodar region. Her parents had creative professions - her father was a musician, her mother danced professionally. At the age of 6, Kristina and her parents needed to move to another city - Kislovodsk.

There the girl went to study at a music school and also studied choreography. Christina's parents wanted the girl to follow in their footsteps and become an artist. From early childhood, Katya was taught to listen to good compositions - her father chose songs only by artists known throughout the world.

From an early age, Katya knew jazz well, as well as classical compositions. When she was a teenager, she often took part in performances and performed compositions in local musical groups, revealing her talent. However, her academic performance was not good and neither was her behavior.

Katya Ogonyok’s professional biography includes many events; the cause of her death is of interest to fans of the chansonnier. The most likely cause, according to press reports, is liver and heart disease.


When Christina was 16 years old, she went to live in the capital. Her father was able to agree with A. Shaganov to record a song for Christina. Then she was able to perform her debut song with the famous singer E. Belousov. The girl was shown on TV for the first time. After a successful performance, composer Morozov drew attention to Christina. He invited her to collaborate, and as a result, after a while, their debut album was released, which quickly gained popularity.

For some time the girl performed compositions in the style of pop music, but later she chose chanson as her main genre, which was closer to her due to her rebellious nature. Since the mid-nineties, she began collaborating with M. Sheleg. Her pseudonym is Masha Sha. The performers released two albums.

The performer became famous when she began collaborating with V. Klimenkov. He invited her to the White Taiga project. At the end of the 90s, the singer acquired a new pseudonym, under which she is still known - Katya Ogonyok. She had an invented criminal past.

The collection of songs “White Taiga” in two parts became relevant and was liked by the public. Katya became truly famous. Her performances delighted people, and her concerts drew full houses. The public loved Katya for her songs, which were close to almost everyone, for her hoarse voice. After some time, Katya managed to release several albums and go on numerous tours.

Personal life

In her youth, Katya was fond of martial arts, she liked women's boxing. She got married at 19 years old. Her husband was her childhood friend, whom she was expecting from the army. The young couple lived together for two years, after which they separated. After some time, the couple officially filed for divorce. After this event, there were no official marriages in Christina’s personal life.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Katya gave birth to a daughter from a former boxer, with whom she lived together. The girl was named Valeria. Subsequently, she followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a performer.

She was raised by the singer's mother and father. In the last years of her personal life, the singer heavily abused alcohol together with her common-law husband. Perhaps the craving for alcohol caused the singer’s death.

The singer's criminal past

In the performer's biography you can find information about her criminal past. In some interviews she talked about prison. She did not speak very willingly on this topic, but said that she was convicted under Art. 211. According to her, there is nothing wrong with this.

There was one story that happened to her that was connected with a vehicle.

Katya was imprisoned for 2 years, after which she was released. This happened because she did not behave well, but because of her creativity. Subsequently, it turned out that the story of the place of imprisonment turned out to be a fiction that every chansonnier needs.

Cause of death

According to media reports, the cause of death was lung disease. There is another version that explains why the famous singer died - epilepsy. The performer's producer said that Katya was treated as an inpatient for several days, after which she felt better. After some time, she passed away. The news of his death came as a surprise to fans of the chansonnier’s work.

One of the most likely causes of death was cirrhosis of the liver, which caused pulmonary edema and subsequent death. The woman's funeral took place at a cemetery in Moscow. Date of death – October 24, 2007.


The first discs with the singer's recordings were released under the pseudonym Masha Sha. The songs were of an erotic genre. Afterwards the pseudonym was changed, and the songs belonged to the genre of classical chanson. Under the name Katya Ogonyok, the first two albums “White Taiga” were released. Most of the compositions are songs about prison, loneliness, and sadness.

In the 90s, compositions were relevant and in demand. Since 2000, the singer has a new producer. Under his leadership, eight collections were published, which include Christina’s songs.