
Project in the middle group of the preschool educational institution “Migratory birds in autumn. Project on the theme "Migratory birds"

Currently, issues of human interaction with nature have become environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy our planet. And to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cultivate an ecological culture. By introducing children to nature, we cultivate an ecological and cultural personality.



Project on the topic: “Welcoming the arrival of birds.”

Relevance of the project implementation. According to the plan for lexical topics in the senior group, from April 4 to April 8, there is a thematic week on the topic: “ Arrival of birds in spring».

We decided to implement the project, i.e. To . The problem of our students is an insufficient level of knowledge on this topic.

Currently, issues of human interaction with nature have become an environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy our planet. And in order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cultivate environmental culture and responsibility in children from preschool age, since the knowledge acquired in preschool age is later transformed into strong beliefs. By introducing children to nature, we cultivate an ecological and cultural personality.

Problem and hypothesis.In the process of working with children of senior preschool age, an insufficient level of knowledge about migratory birds and the peculiarities of their life was revealed.

Hypothesis: it can be assumed that in order to increase the level of children’s knowledge and ideas about migratory birds, it is necessary to use not only traditional forms of working with children, but also modern approaches(independent search for information by children together with parents, exchange of information in a group between children.

Project goal : To form children’s ideas about migratory birds and their habitat.

Project objectives:

Project participants: children, teachers, parents.

Project type : creative, short-term.

Project type : family, group.

Expected results:

  • Expanding children's knowledge about migratory birds and the peculiarities of their life.
  • Formation on this basis of a moral and personal attitude towards the surrounding reality, caring attitude towards birds;
  • Development of speech competence of preschool children;
  • Unlocking the creative potential of the family;
  • Expanding the communicative sphere and practical joint experience of the child and parents.

Stage 1: Preparatory.

  • Creating a developmental environment in the group;
  • Selection of didactic games;
  • Selection of children's and scientific literature, presentations, illustrations;
  • Selection of recommendations for parents on completing creative homework;

Stage 2: Project implementation. Working with children.


  1. Learn to lay out silhouettes of birds from various parts, geometric shapes according to model, imagination.
  2. Name migratory birds.
  3. Continue to learn how to sketch birds according to the model.
  4. Develop attention and logical thinking.
  5. Exercise children in writing a story on a given topic.
  • Looking at illustrations.
  • Reading fiction and scientific literature about migratory birds.
  • Learning outdoor games based on words (on this topic).
  • Learning nursery rhymes and calls about birds.
  • Educational activities: Familiarization with the surrounding world: “Birds of passage”; speech development: examination of the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”, “Drafting a descriptive story using the outline diagram “How birds welcome spring.” Drawing “Swallow” (watercolor), “Birds of Migratory” (colored pencils). Application “Singing Nightingale” “Construction (origami technique) “Rook”, “Swan”, “Goose”. Modeling from salt dough"Lark"
  • Organization play activity children with didactic games on this topic.
  • View a presentation about migratory birds.
  • Review of scientific literature, encyclopedias.
  • Exhibition in the book corner “Birds”
  • Musical leisure "Meeting Vesnyanka"
  • Making birdhouses together with parents.

Stage 3 - final

Summing up the project implementation.

Organization of children's play activities.

List of games and exercises:“What’s missing?”, “Find out by the shadow”; “Who is gone”; "Compare the Birds"; “Whose house?”; "4th extra"; "Cut pictures"; “Draw by dots”; “What first, what then”; “Complete what is missing”; “Build according to the model”; “We are inventing migratory birds.”

Conclusions. During the implementation of the project, children became interested in searching new information, desire to share acquired knowledge; knowledge and ideas about the characteristics of the life of migratory birds have expanded; increased vocabulary on this topic; The card index of games and pictures with information about birds has been replenished. During the work, the children developed a desire to create conditions for birds (building birdhouses, feeding birds). Thus, the put forward hypothesis was confirmed in the process of work.


  1. Kutsakova L.V. Construction and artistic work in kindergarten: Program and lesson notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 240 p.
  2. O.I. Krupenchuk Teach me to speak correctly. Speech therapy manual for children and parents. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2005. – 208 p.
  3. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”, ed. M.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva ( senior group)/ Auto-stat. N.V. Lobodina. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013 – 415 p.
  4. Gre O. Modular application. – M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2013. – 64 p.
  5. Cherenkova E.F. Origami for kids: 200 simplest models. – M.: LLC “ID RIPOL classic”, LLC Publishing house “DOM. XXI century", 2007 – 154 p.
  6. V.Bianki Orange neck. Publishing house "Dragonfly - Press", 2001.
  7. V. Bianki Whose nose is better? Publishing house "Malysh", 1984.
  8. Y. Gordeev “Birds of the taiga”. Middle Ural Book Publishing House, 1985.

GBOU primary schoolkindergarten №682


“Welcoming the arrival of birds”

Prepared by teacher: V.N. Khabibullina

Senior group No. 2

Riddles about migratory birds.

  • We didn't count versts

We drove along the roads,

And there were overseas...(migratory birds)

  • Everyone knows this bird

On the site of his palace

Carrying worms to the chicks

Let it chatter all day... (starling)

  • Who is without notes and pipes

The best one to start a trill?...(nightingale)

  • Guests come in the spring

And they leave in the fall... (migratory birds)

  • The neck is thin and the legs

Not afraid of water and drops,

They catch a lot of fish and frogs

Long beak. This is...(herons)

  • Starts songs in May,

Trills flow among the branches,

Everything around him listens!

And that singer... (nightingale)

  • Spring and summer

Follows the plowman

And before winter

He leaves screaming...(rook)

  • There's a voice in the blue sky

Like a tiny bell... (lark)

  • In the spring it rushes towards us from the south

A bird as black as a raven.

For our trees the doctor is

Eats all insects...(rook)

  • This bird is yellow

She is warmed by the bright sun.

The song is beautiful and long -

Whistling with a flute in the forest..(oriole)

  • They interfere with the lives of other people's chicks,

And they abandon their own.

And in the forest near the edge

They keep count of the years...(cuckoos)

  • All noticeable birds are black,

Cleans the earth from worms

Along the arable fields rushes at a gallop

And the bird's name is... (rook)

  • There is a palace in place,

There is a singer in the yard...(starling)

  • Little boy
  • Black, shouts: "Kra"

The enemy of worms... (rook)

Proverbs and sayings.

  • One feather and a bird will not be born.
  • You can see the bird in flight.
  • The nightingale is not fed fables.

Every bird has its own habits.

  • He who knows how to land can fly.
  • You can see the bird by its flight.

Poems about migratory birds.

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining

A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy.

A. Pleshcheev

What are the little sparrows singing about?

On the last day of winter?

We survived! We made it!

We are alive! We are alive!

V. Berestov

The starlings are returning -

Our old residents

Sparrows near a puddle

They circle in a noisy flock,

They carry it, they carry it to the houses

Birds on a straw.

G. Ladonshchikov


It is decorated with a tuft.

His house is in a dry hollow.

All forest people know:

This bird's name is hoopoe.


The starling lived overseas in winter,

Now he has returned home.

And early in the morning in silence

Sang about the sun and spring.

Come on over!

Mixed age group

Project goal: consolidate children’s previously acquired knowledge about migratory birds; promote the development of cognitive activity and curiosity; broaden their horizons and enrich children’s vocabulary, instill a love for nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it; Strengthen the relationship between parents and children.

Tasks: expand and enrich children's knowledge about migratory birds; teach children to write a descriptive story using pictures; develop monologue and dialogical speech; develop fine motor skills of the hands; teach to highlight and name them characteristic features: plumage, size, voice; develop observation and memory; develop a kind attitude towards birds.

Project type: group, family, short-term.

Implementation deadlines: 1 week.

Project participants: children from 4 to 6 years old, parents of pupils and a teacher.

Relevance of the project: V modern conditions The problem of environmental education is becoming particularly acute and relevant. It is during preschool childhood that the formation of human personality, the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.


Insufficient knowledge of children about migratory birds.

Loss of moral forms of modern parents.

Expected results:

1. Creation necessary conditions in preschool educational institutions to develop in preschoolers a holistic understanding of migratory birds;

2. To interest children together with their parents in caring for birds, the desire to help them (making birdhouses), competition-exhibition of birdhouses “The Best Birdhouse”;

3. Joint activities will help strengthen the relationship between parents and children;

4. Development of curiosity in children, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills;

5. Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

Project ideas:

  1. Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers and parents.
  2. Showing children's interest.
  3. Preparing the parent to cooperate with the teacher and the child.

The project is based on scientific principles its construction (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard).

Variability: creating conditions for the child to independently choose methods of work, types of creative tasks, materials, equipment, etc.

Reliance on internal motivation: taking into account the child’s experience, creating his emotional involvement in the creative process, which ensures a natural increase in performance.

Comfort: an atmosphere of goodwill, faith in the child’s strengths, creating success for every situation.

Immersion of each child in the creative process: the implementation of creative tasks is achieved through the use of active methods and forms of learning in their work.

Stage 1: Preparatory.

Reading stories and poems about birds. Looking at pictures and illustrations of birds. Involving parents in joint activities. Didactic games.

Stage 2: Basic.

Conversation on the topic “Take care of the birds!” Reading fiction about birds. "Evening of mysteries." Recognizing birds by description, by habits (pecking, flying, building a nest).

Cognitive development.

Birds that arrive in spring. (Rook, starling, swallow, lark.)

To consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds and their names: rook, starling, lark, swallow. (Children listen to stories and poems about birds, look at pictures and illustrations in a group on the board.)

Artistic and aesthetic development. Construction

Houses for birds (from the designer available in the group).

Learn to make simple buildings and play with them. Develop skills of analysis and comparison, compare by species, habitat, characteristics of housing, nutrition, breeding chicks.

Speech development.

Learning and reading poems about migratory birds, discussing proverbs and sayings, signs about birds. Guessing riddles about birds. Reading works of art about birds

K.D. Ushinsky “Swallow”; N. Sladkov “The rooks have arrived”; V. Zhukovsky “Lark”; A. Pleshcheev “Rural Song”; O. Vysotskaya “Cranes”; A. Maikov “The Swallow has rushed”; N. Sladkov “Swallow”.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing.

Arrival of birds.

Learn to compare and convey in drawing characteristic features bird structures; show the beauty of migratory birds and their chicks.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling.

Show the beauty of natural objects: migratory birds and their chicks; create decorative compositions from figurines of birds, trees, nests, “Bird Yard”; develop fine motor skills.

Stage 3: Final.

Summing up the project implementation “ Migratory birds».

Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts. Exhibition of birdhouses.


As a result of their work, the children received a lot of new information about migratory birds. We learned about their life, the habits and differences of birds. We had great fun sculpting and painting birds. We took part in making birdhouses, which helped strengthen the relationship between parents and children. The group's educational environment was replenished with literature, poems, illustrations, stories, and messages about birds prepared by parents. Main result project is for children to learn that everyone, both children and adults, should help the birds. Children proudly show their birdhouses, which are located on the site, to all guests. They became more responsive and kind.

Soldatkina Svetlana Veniaminovna

GBDOU kindergarten No. 84 of Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg


Project "Spring. Migratory Birds"

Project type :

Cognitive-research, experimental-experimental, creative-informational, social.

Implementation deadlines:

Average duration: April - May

Participants project:

Children, teachers, parents of students.

Project idea:

Concretize children's ideas about spring as a time of year, about the life of migratory birds in the spring.

Relevance project:

The theme of the project contributes to the creation of the necessary conditions in preschool educational institutions for the formation in preschoolers of a holistic understanding of spring and migratory birds; for the child to communicate with the natural world; development of children's curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills.

Target : To provide knowledge about living and inanimate nature in spring.

  • To cultivate a love for the nature of one’s native land and a caring attitude towards it.

Project objectives:

Expand your understanding of the changes that occur in nature with the arrival of spring;

Teach to track the signs of the changing seasons, record the results of observations and experiments;

Expand children's vocabulary (names of insects, plants, natural and weather phenomena);

Develop observation skills and the ability to make independent discoveries.

Cultivate a sense of empathy for native nature.

Develop communication skills, memory, attention

Development fine motor skills hands, aesthetic taste through productive activity

Expected result:

At the end of the project, children will be able to:

  • Establish the dependence of the life of plants and animals on changes in nature.
  • Expand knowledge about nature in winter, strengthen research interest in nature.
  • Increasing the level of moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.
  • Enrichment of the group’s subject environment,
  • Improving relationships between adults and children, children among themselves.

Project implementation forms:

  • Classes.
  • Conversations.
  • Observations.
  • Leisure activities.
  • Game activity.
  • Research activities.
  • Productive activities of children.
  • Reading fiction.
  • Examination of paintings and reproductions (on the theme: “Spring”)

Phased development of the project “Spring. Migratory birds":

Choosing a project theme

Stage I - preparatory:

  • Creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.
  • Development and accumulation teaching materials.
  • Creation of a developmental environment.
  • Selection of fiction on the topic.
  • Development of events.

Stage II - basic (practical):

  • Classes
  • Didactic games
  • Conversations
  • TV studio "Spring News"
  • Examination of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists on the theme “Spring”
  • Experiences and Experiments
  • Targeted walks
  • Listening to musical compositions (on the theme: “Spring”)
  • Reading fiction
  • Creative workshop
  • Working with parents
  • Labor on site


  • Processing of project implementation results.
  • Decoration of the veranda of the site (carved out by children (pictures of flowers, butterflies, birds)
    • Exhibition of drawings “Spring is Red!”
    • Presentation of the project results in the form of an integrated lesson “Larks”, summarizing the project materials.


  1. "Three Question Model"
  2. Drawing up a “System Web” (types of activities aimed at implementing the project)
  3. Planning the final product. In this case, the integrated lesson “Larks” (joint activity of children and teachers)
  4. Scheduling

Project implementation

  • The teacher’s task: organizing children’s activities in activity centers, equipping the centers with equipment and materials in accordance with the theme of the project: “Spring. Migratory birds"
  • Creation of a developmental environment (equipping activity centers);


Presentation of the final product

Completion of the project

Analysis, summing up

System web of the project “Spring. Migratory birds"

Educational area

Direct educational activities

Social and communicative development


  • “Russian birch” (Types of birches, beneficial properties birch sap, birch bark products)
  • "Animals in Spring"
  • “What happens to flowers, trees and plants in Spring?”
  • "Safe behavior in the forest"
  • "Birds of Passage"
  • Learning the Russian folk game “Owl and the Birds”

Artistic and aesthetic


Creative workshop.

  • Collective application “Spring mood”
  • Modeling “Birds of Migratory”
  • Application “A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy”
  • Drawing “Butterfly” (Monotype technique)
  • Designing a “Flower Bed”
  • Origami "Crane"
  • Modeling birds from salt dough

Listening to music works:

  • A. Mozart “The Seasons” (spring)
  • P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" ("March")
  • Vivaldi "The Seasons" (spring)
  • M. Glinka (romance) “Lark”

Speech development

Reading fiction literature:

  • "Spring" (I. Sokolov-Mikitov);
  • I.A. Krylov “The Cuckoo and the Rooster”; "Siskin and Dove"
  • "Four Wishes" (K. Ushinsky);
  • “Bees on reconnaissance” (V. Berestov);
  • "April" (Marshak);
  • "Spring" (I. Sokolov-Mikitov);
  • "Four wishes" (K. Ushinsky).
  • Bianchi “Whose nose is better?; "Sinichkin calendar"; “Who sings with what?”;
  • H. H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”;
  • M. Sibiryak “Gray Neck”;
  • "Tales of the Artist and the Spring Birds"
  • Compiling a story based on I. Levitan’s painting “Big Water”
  • Compiling a story based on A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”
  • “Say the opposite” (We continue to learn how to select antonyms);
  • Crossword puzzle about spring;

Cognitive development

TV studio "Spring News".


  • Weather forecast"- a television program about the main signs of seasonal changes in inanimate nature, the calendar of folk signs.
  • “Dialogues about animals and migratory birds”- a TV show about seasonal changes in the lives of animals.
  • Tips on the topic “Maintaining health in spring” and a story about how to provide first aid.”

Physical development

Fiction minutes:

  • "Spring is red"
  • "Rooks"

Relay races:

  • "Gardeners"
  • "Fast Streams"

Outdoor games:

  • "It flies - it doesn't fly"
  • "Sparrows and Crows"


  • "Bird exercise"

Working with parents: competition “Do-it-yourself birdhouse!”

Vera Beloglazova

Project« Migratory birds»

Integration of educational areas

"Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", « Artistic creativity» , "Reading fiction". "Music"

Type project


Target project

Form at children generalized idea of migratory birds, their habitats. Develop interest in life birds.

Tasks project:

Expand and consolidate ideas about appearance and body parts migratory birds;

Expand and consolidate ideas about life migratory birds in natural natural conditions and adaptation to your environment habitat: what they eat, how they escape from enemies, how they adapt to life in the spring after flight;

Development of visual and tactile perception, visual memory, attention;

Strengthen the skill visual examination and the ability to analyze, classify objects according to their main characteristics, visually distinguish and name groups objects with homogeneous characteristics;

Visual and finger gymnast training;

Introduce children with concepts: fly "wedge", "chain", "flock";

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions;

Cultivate interest in living nature, develop curiosity;

Intensify joint activities of parents and children.

Age of preschoolers: 5 – 6 years (senior group)

Participants project: children, typhlopedagogue, educators groups, parents.

Approximate duration project

Short: 10 days.

Expected result

U children knowledge about life will be formed migratory birds in natural conditions.

U children a sustainable interest in living nature will be formed.

Children will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in productive activities.

Implementation project.

Sections project

Types of children's activities

Play activity

Role-playing game: "Forest School".

Didactic games: "What is this bird» (classification migratory birds, wintering); “Is there a fourth wheel?”; “Who eats what?” (pick up food)

“Guess whose footprints?”; "Guess bird in silhouette» ; “Find whose house?”; "Find a part of the whole".

Board-printed games: "Feed me birds» , "LOTTO", "Logical chains".

Speech development

"Evening of mysteries", “Lesson on the topic « Migratory birds» , "Education retelling"Nest Builders"(improving skills retelling using diagrams, “Composing a story based on a painting by A. K. Savrasov "The rooks have arrived"", reading poetry about birds and learning poems for the holiday, reading stories and fairy tales.

Game exercises: “Whose tail?” (rook's tail, etc.); “Who will become who?”, “Who has who?”, “Who cares about whom?”, learning finger gymnastics "Martin", "Woodpecker", counters “A cuckoo flew past the garden...”, "Burn, burn clearly..."

Reading fiction

Decorating a book corner; collection of postcards, reading by V. Bianchi "Bird calendar", "What the Magpie Saw", "Who Sings What", "Bird Talk"; A. Tumbasov "Nest", G. Skrebitsky "Winged neighbors", I. Tokmakova "Ten birds flock", G. Snegirev « Birds of our forests» , N. Sladkov “The starlings are great”, W. Flint « Birds in our forest» , M. Prishvin "Guests", O. Driz "Bird Festival".

Artistic and aesthetic development

Application « Birds» .

Modeling from puff pastry "Larks".

Paper construction "The rooks have arrived", from natural material "Small Birds".

Decorative drawing

"Decorate the bird".

Drawing using strokes and stencils, coloring outline images, drawing by dots, through tracing paper.

Game exercises for development visual perception “What didn’t the artist draw?”, “Complete the image”, "Drawing from semolina", “Laying out pebbles and buttons along the contour”, folding cut pictures, "Labyrinths", looking at “noisy pictures”

Labor activity

Collection of natural materials for crafts. Collection of houses for birds.

Direct educational activities

Getting to know birds, their habits, listening to the singing of different birds, identifying them by voice. Observations of the appearance of insects. Expanding ideas about the Earth, about its inhabitants, who need our support and care. Nurturing love for birds, desire to help them. Communion children To folk art, learn to make riddles.

Social development

Examination of nests, hanging on the site birdhouse groups.

Physical development

Russians folk games : "Geese", "The Owl and the Birds", "Kite".

Outdoor game « Bird migration» , "Frogs and Herons", "The sparrow flew, flew", "Find Your Nest", "Owl".

Theatrical game

“Oh, gotcha, birdie, stop!”, "Martin".

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Learning songs, dances, games; listening to a romance by Russian composer A. Alyabyev "Lark".

Interaction with parents

Co-creation children and parents in the design groups for the bird festival, making costumes, birdhouses, selecting materials for a book, making crafts for an exhibition from recycled material.

Creating a book-album « Migratory birds» .

Teachers, children, parents worked on creating a book-album « Migratory birds» , in which information about life and habitat migratory birds, games, sketches, logical tasks.

The result design activity became a holiday at which the pupils groups shared their knowledge with guests.

List of used literature:

1. Bondarenko T. M. "Comprehensive classes for secondary kindergarten group» . Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions Voronezh:PE Lakotsenin S.S., 2007

2. Granovich M. Educational games. "Thematic classes « Migratory and wintering birds» .

3. Davydova G. N. “Plasticineography. Animal painting".- M.: LLC "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2009

4. Computer atlas guide birds, bird's nests and voices birds of the middle zone.

5. Lobodina N.V. “Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Average group. Publishing house: Teacher. Series: FGT in preschool educational institution: from theory to practice. 2012

6. "Silhouettes birds in vector» .

7. "Animal tracks, tracks birds» .

8. Shvaiko G. S. Classes in visual arts in children’s garden: Medium group: Program, notes. M.: VLADOS, 2000

Pedagogical short-term project in middle group

"Birds of Passage"

Developed and conducted by: T.I. Karpenko

Age of participants project : children 4-5 years old.

Compound project team : teachers and pupilsmiddle group,

music director, parents of students.

View project : information and research,group, short-term, creative, integrated.

Implementation deadlines project : from 04/17/2017 - 04/28/2017

Problem project -children’s awareness of the meaningbirds in nature.

Relevance project : birds surround us , bringing benefit and joy to people. Currently, the issue of environmental education of preschool children is more pressing than ever. As ornithologists testify, the child quickly forms psychological contact withbirds , active, attractive, mobile creatures. And we, teachers, together with parents, must teach students to see this, replenishing their ideas aboutbirds , their habits and lifestyle, create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world. Main goalenvironmental education is the formation of a consciously correct attitude of children towards natural objects with which they are in direct contact. Children are our future, and if they grow up not indifferent to birds, insects, trees, flowers, the bright sun and an elegant rainbow, ready to defend a weak chick or an abandoned kitten, then our efforts and concerns were not in vain. And then, maybe . in our country the air will become a little cleaner, there will be a little less stray animals, bird trills will ring around, the rivers will become deep and transparent, and people will be kinder.

Terms of saleprojects are : systematization of material on the topic« Migratory birds » , study of methodological literature, selection of works of children's literature according to the program, updating of developmentalgroup environment . In creating a developingenvironment Not only teachers, but also children and their parents take part, which makes it possible to arouse everyone’s interest in this topic.

Expected results project :

1. During implementationproject expand children's knowledge aboutbirds of our native land , their characteristics and significance in human life and nature.

2. Increase environmental awareness.

3. Replenish methodological and didactic material environmental content databasegroups (class notes, didactic games, fiction and methodological literature, audio and video recordings aboutbirds of our native land ).

4. Emotionally friendly, humane attitude of preschoolers towardsbirds and other animals of their native land.

Stage 1 - setting goals and objectives(04/04/2016)

Target project :

expansion and deepening of children’s ideas aboutmigratory birds and the formation of a careful and caring attitude towards them.



Expand and consolidate ideas about the life of migratory birds in natural conditions and adaptation to their habitat: what they eat, how they escape from enemies, how they adapt to life in the spring after migration; consolidate ideas about the appearance and body parts of migratory birds.

Learn to create an image of a birdhouse using applique. Develop the ability to hold scissors correctly and use them. Continue to teach how to convey characteristic features in the process of drawing appearance birds.

- teach children to correctly perceive the content of the work and empathize with its characters. Continue to teach listening to fairy tales, stories, poems; memorize short and simple poems.


- develop in children an interest in music and a desire to listen to itand imitate the sounds of birds with the help of musical pieces.


Cultivate an interest in wildlife and respect for birds.

Stage 1 - preparatory

1. Discussion of goals and objectives with children and parents.

2. Creation of necessary conditions for implementationproject .

3. Forward planningproject .

4. Development and accumulation of methodological materials on the problem.

5. Making masks and headbands« Birds » .

Stage 2 - meaningful

Daily observationsbirds .

Forms of implementationproject :- integrated classes;

Situation games;


Exhibitions of drawings and crafts;

Watch a presentation or video with bird sounds.


Social and communicative development

Role-playing games :

"Poultry yard" .

Cognitive development

D/games"One-many" , "How many birds have arrived , "Check birds » ,"Guessbird according to description ", “Whose tail?” , “Who eats what?” , "Recognize by voice" , "What do they eat? birds » .

N/a"Cut pictures" . « Migratory birds » .

Conversations :

"Which the birds have flown to us » .

"How do we we take care of the birds .

"Do they bring benefit or harm? birds .

"Menu birds » .

Speech development

Di“Call it in one word” - learn to generalize based on features

"Call me kindly" - learn to name nouns in diminutive form

« Birds and their young » - learn to name plural and singular nouns

"Write a story about bird » - develop coherent speech

Compiling a story according to an outline

Finger games : "Birds" "Martin"

Poems aboutmigratory birds

Alexandrova A."Starlings" ,

V. Berestov« Birds »

A. Barto"Cranes" .

G. Ladonshchikov"Starlings"

Stories : Kuprin A.I."Starlings"

"Song of the Starling"

Sokolov-Mikitov I. S."Lark"

Reading the story by K. D. Ushinsky"Martin" ,

Reading a fairy tale by V. Dahl"Crow" ,

Learning sayings : "Every bird proud of his pen" ,

“Each bird has its own habits” ,

sayings, proverbs aboutbirds

Artistic and aesthetic development :

Drawing "Arrived"birds ". "Sparrows in Puddles"

Application"Birdhouse" , "We've arrived birds » , Modeling"Chicks in nests" .

Paper construction : "Martin" , "Rooks"

Presentation for children "Guess by the voice" « Migratory birds »

Musical entertainment"Spring Arrival Festival" birds »

Physical development

P/games"Birds in the Nest" "Frogs and Heron" "Owl"

Physical exercises"Stork" , « Bird » , "Swans"

3 stage – final

Systematization of children's knowledge about migratory birds.

Summing up the project results.

Presentation of project products.


1. In implementationdesign activities childrenlearned :

Ask questions;

Define concepts;



Conduct an experiment;

Draw conclusions and conclusions;

Write fairy tales, stories aboutbirds.

children's knowledge aboutbirds have expanded;

2. Children learned to distinguishmigratory birds from wintering birds.

3. During implementationproject"Birds of Passage" Children developed coherent speech.

4. Children learned to feedbirds. Many children have developed a caring attitude towardsbirds.

5. Children's cognitive interest has increased.

Children's interest in the topicbirds, manifestation of their cognitive activity:

Children bringing their own literature from home to read, drawings on their own aboutbirds.

Children's stories about watchingbirds.

Exhibition of selected photographs, drawings and crafts aboutbirds.

Playing out a plot-role-playing game in kindergarten"How do we met birds » .

Children’s initiative to design birdhouses from building materials, construction sets, and paper according to their own ideas, displaying creativity and detail in their work.

Organization of an exhibition of drawings and workschildren : « Birds in spring »

Application"Birdhouse" , "We've arrived birds » , "Meet birds »

Themed entertainment"Spring Arrival Festival" birds »

Product project :

    Show presentation« Migratory birds»

    Replenishing the costume room of the music hall with hats of migratory birds.

    Design of the mobile “Spring meets the birds”

    A selection of children's literature on the topic« Birds».

    Musical entertainment"Spring Arrival Festival"birds» .

Holiday scenario"Spring Arrival Festival" birds » ( average preschool age )

Tasks : Summarize and systematize knowledge aboutmigratory birds . To develop a sustainable interest in living nature.

Preliminary work : Making masks and decorations together with parents.

Celebration progress:

Children enter the music room to the music and stand in a semicircle. Everyone has a hat-mask on their headbirds (wintering and migratory birds ) .

Leading :

If the snow is melting everywhere

The day is getting longer.

If everything turns green

And a stream rings in the fields,

If the sun shines brighter,

Ifthe birds have no time to sleep ,

If the wind gets warmer,

So she came to us...(spring)

Song about spring.

Which great time year - spring. In nature there are threespring :

Spring of light - March,

Spring of water - April,

Spring of green grass - May,

(there is a knock on the door, a child postman enters)

Child :

Telegram, telegram!

I'm running straight to you from the post office.

The telegram is urgent

The address is very accurate : kindergarten"Pearl"

Leading : Thank you postman. This is really a telegram to us, to our kindergarten. In your mail bag I see there are no more letters, no newspapers, no telegrams. Stay with us(the postman remains) . Let's find out what's in this telegram and who is it from?

I want to invite you

Stay in the clearing

So that later we remember

How they played with me here,

To find a clearing,

We need a bridgego ,

And then through the swamp,

And then, who cares,

Brookstep over ,

And still to go a little,

Here you will find me.

Good luck, brave friends!

I'm looking forward to seeing you!

Spring is red.

As soon as we started talking about spring, spring itself invites us to visit. But to get there, you need to overcome all obstacles. Let's hit the road. And here is the bridge(walk along the bridge) . And here is the stream that needsjump over ( jump over ) . And these are hummocks, you have to walk over them and not fall, otherwise you will get your feet wet in the swamp(fun music plays while overcoming an obstacle) . Here we are. What a beautiful clearing. And where is Spring - Red? Let's call.

Calling for spring :

Spring, red spring!

Come spring with joy,

Come spring with mercy!

appears in the clearing

Spring :

I, Spring - Red

I wake the earth from sleep.

I fill the kidneys with juice.

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice away from the rivers.

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere - in the field and in the forest

I bring joy to people.

Hello guys! I am very glad that you responded to my invitation. They came to the clearing to visit me, listen to my stories, play, have fun. When I was walking towards you, I heard people hibernating in the forestbirds were talking with migratory birds . Very interesting conversation...

Children to the music"fly out" and stand against each other.


Starling :

Hello, little bird,

Hello, good titmouse!

Rook :

Hello, woodpecker, our friend,

Hello, dove and bullfinch!

Woodpecker :

Tell mebirds ,

Where have you been?

Tell mebirds

What have you seen?

Starling :

In hot countries there is a hot summer.

There is no winter or snow there.

Rook :

Giant elephants roam there,

Monkeys scream all day long

Lianas curl under the trees,

Coconuts and bananas grow there.

Woodpecker :

Did you live well?

Far from home?

Who were you friends with there?

In unfamiliar countries.

Starling :

We missed the village

Along the ringing stream,

By the birdhouse, by the trees,

A sparrow next door.

Titmouse :

Would you dance for us?

We have been waiting for you very, very much!

Rook :

To make it more interesting,

We dance with you together.

General dance.

Titmouse :

Children, don’t destroy the nests,

Don't touch the bird house

Don’t take care of warm testicles,

Take care of us, friends!

Child :

We won't ruin

Bird nests.

Let the bird songs ring

To the delight of all the guys.

Spring : You guys turn out to be real friends of the forest. With the arrival of spring, everything around is thawing, the first grass is turning green, the sun is shining brighter and warmer, the streams are ringing merrily and pouring loudly.birds . They are returning homemigratory birds who are afraid of the cold and have flown to warmer climes for the winter.Birds are my messengers . I sent themforward . Did you knowbirds ? I'll tell you riddles about them, and you guess them.

Riddles :

Black, agile, friend of forests and fields, loves worms,(rook)

What kind of spring blackbird ,

Does it almost sit on the tractor's nose?

Who runs after the plow at a gallop(rook)

Game"Gather the Worms" . Ribbons different colors laid out on the floor, at a signal 2 players collect"worms" . The one who collects the most ribbons wins.

He builds his nest in the field

Where do the plants stretch?

His song and flight

Entered into poems.(lark)

Thisbird never builds housing for himself.

Leaves eggs for neighbors

But he doesn’t remember the chicks...(cuckoo)

Comes to us with warmth,

Let him do it long way

Sculpts a house under the window from sand and clay...(martin)

I'm performingin front of you

Like a young messenger of spring,

I'm glad to see my friends!

Well, my name is...(starling)

Game“Whoever is beautiful will build a birdhouse” . 2 teams of players use building blocks to build a birdhouse. 1 participant bets back wall birdhouse, 2 - side, 3 - side, 4 -front , 5- roof. The game takes place in the form of a relay race.

Spring :

The birdhouses are ready, you can move in,

The houses are ready - tower! Fly, fly

Merrybirds , hurry up and occupy your home!

Song"Skvorushki" .

Spring : Back homebirds they immediately begin to put their home in order, build a new one... the lark builds a nest right on the ground, in the arable land. Rooks are repairing their old houses of long twigs in tall trees. Starlings take up residence in birdhouses that people have built for them! Let's see what kind of houses your parents made(the presenter demonstrates birdhouses) and you(demonstration of children's work - applique and drawings) .

Leading : Spring is Red. And our children know different poems aboutbirds and spring .

Spring : I’ll be happy to hear about myself and my messengers.

1. A nest on a branch is a bird’s house,

Yesterday a chick was born in it.

Don't ruin the bird's house

And don't let anyone.

2. A snowdrop appeared

In the twilight of the forest,

Little scout

Sent in the spring.

3. You know and I know,

Like feathered friends

Songs are sung in the forest

They bite midges and worms.

That it's always here and there

The woodpecker is a faithful friend of the forest.

Woodpecker looking for lunch

Longhorned beetle and bark beetle.

4. Frost is still walking in the open space,

We haven't said goodbye to winter yet,

And in the distance aboveMediterranean Sea

Rooks fly home from Africa.

5. Fresh wind with a gentle violin

He sang us a song about spring,

Touching the thin, flexible wire,

Like a ringing string.

And I was swinging on the wire,

Sparrow in the warmth of the rays,

Yelled at someone

Maybe even rooks.

6. Everyonemigratory birds ,

Cleans the earth from worms.

It gallops along the arable fields.

And it's calledrook bird .

Spring : Do you know that not everyone carries spring on their wings?birds , but onlymigratory . I want to check if you know whatmigratory birds , and which ones winter.

Game"Wintering and migratory birds » .All children participate. There is a snowflake attached to one chair - this is a house for the winterbirds , on the other - the sun - this is a house formigratory birds . While the music is playing children"fly" . The music ends - everyone flies to their house.

Spring : You made me happy with your knowledge. Guys,birds are our friends . You can't offend them. They bring benefits, decorate our nature, and how beautifully they sing.

Leading : How much did you learn about today?birds . Thank you spring for inviting us to your clearing. Our children will always cherishbirds , take care of them, remember thatbirds are our friends .

Children : Yes, sure. Thank you spring. Goodbye!

Spring : I look forward to visiting you again.

(children return to the music group )