
Vouchers for sanitary resort treatment. How to get a ticket for a spa treatment

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Determine if you are a .

A free ticket to the sanatorium is provided if:

  • There are medical indications
  • There are no contraindications for spa treatment
This must be confirmed, for which you must pass medical examination in a free or paid clinic.

Please note that the spa spa treatment can also be provided without food and accommodation, only as an outpatient spa treatment.

Exist certain list sanatoriums where a voucher can be issued. Only those institutions that meet the requirements are included in it. federal law No. 178 "On the state social assistance".

Important: the date of the trip to the sanatorium cannot be determined in advance. Free vouchers to the sanatorium are provided in accordance with the general queue and for those dates that turned out to be free.

Duration of spa treatment

The average length of stay in the sanatorium is 18 days.

For disabled children, it increases to 21 days.

For disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries, the treatment period can be from 24 to 42 days.

Write a statement

The application must indicate:

  • Information about the identity document (type of document, series and number of the document, date of issue, etc.)
  • FULL NAME. applicant
  • Date and place of birth of the applicant
  • Name and location of the medical institution that issued a certificate for obtaining a ticket in the form No. 070 / y-04
  • Reference number in the form No. 070 / y-04 and the date of its issue
  • Name of the district administration social protection population

Ticket issuance dates

Within 10 days from the date of filing the application, the citizen must be informed about the registration of the application, the date of registration and the registration number.

The ticket itself must be issued no later than 18 days before the date of arrival at sanatorium-resort institution (for disabled children, disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries - for 21 days).

Please note that there is no exact timeframe for considering a registered application, but it cannot exceed 1 year.

The sanatorium-and-spa voucher is issued with a seal and a note "Paid for at the expense of the federal budget and not subject to sale."

After receiving a ticket

Not earlier than 2 months before the start of the validity period of the voucher, you must obtain a health resort card (recording form No. 072 / y-04, for children - No. 076 / y-04). It is issued in the clinic at the place of residence or in a paid clinic.

You can also issue a card on the spot, in a sanatorium, but this will take several days from treatment - you will not be settled until the card is issued, and the process of issuing it may take 4-6 days.

Please note that in order to check into the sanatorium, you must present both a voucher and a sanatorium card.

In case of refusal

If you are denied due to:

  • Lack of funding
  • Lack of vouchers for people on the waiting list
  • Submission of an application not at the address of registration
You can appeal such a refusal through the courts, since these motivations are not provided for by law.

Compensation for the purchased ticket

Please note that the possibility of compensation for a paid tour is not provided for by any of the current federal laws.

If a citizen entitled to receive a free voucher buys a vacation in a sanatorium at his own expense, he cannot apply to the social protection authorities for reimbursement of costs.


The Department of Social Security can provide you with transport tickets to the sanatorium.

If this did not happen and you had to buy a ticket on your own, you can, by providing a check and a ticket stub, receive full compensation for its cost.

How can a pensioner get a free (preferential) ticket to a sanatorium

Many pensioners believe that it is pointless to expect social assistance from the state. To some extent, we can agree with this.

However, quite often pensioners simply do not know their social rights and have no idea how to get this or that social benefit, even if it is due to them under the current social legislation.

This also applies to the possibility of a pensioner receiving a free (preferential) voucher to a sanatorium.

Where can a pensioner apply for a free (preferential) voucher to a sanatorium.

    For these categories of pensioners, it is necessary to apply for a free ticket to a sanatorium to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

    Regional budget finances the full ( free ticket) or partial (preferential voucher) payment for sanatorium-and-spa treatment of any pensioners who need aftercare after their stay in a hospital (may be provided during their stay in a hospital) at the place of registration of the pensioner.

    The list of diseases for which a free or preferential voucher is required, in this case, is determined by local social legislation in force within a particular region.

    The regional budget also pays Spa treatment pensioners - recipients of pensions under the regional state pension provision.

    These categories of pensioners need to apply for a free (preferential) voucher to a sanatorium in regional bodies of social protection of the population.

    Power department finances payment for preferential sanatorium-and-spa treatment of military pensioners (pensioners of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, etc.).

    It is necessary to apply for a free (preferential) voucher to a sanatorium for military pensioners in the relevant structures of these departments involved in sanatorium-resort provision employees of their departments.

    Free or discounted voucher to the sanatorium

    Remember, if a pensioner receives a preferential ticket to a sanatorium through the Fund social insurance RF, then he will be fully paid for the ticket ( free ticket) for a period of 18-24 days.

    The fee includes a round-trip trip to a sanatorium located on the territory of the Russian Federation and accommodation in a sanatorium.

    Upon receipt by a pensioner preferential vouchers to a sanatorium through the regional bodies of social protection or through its department, which pays him a pension, the amount of payment and the procedure for financing a preferential voucher to the sanatorium is established separately for each region and department.

    Therefore, you must first contact your department or social protection authorities to clarify the details of paying for a ticket to a sanatorium.

    In which sanatorium can I get a free or reduced ticket

    You can only go to certain sanatoriums with free vouchers:

    • if the preferential voucher is financed at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, then a pensioner can only go to a sanatorium with which the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation has entered into an agreement. These sanatoriums are located in different resort regions of the country;

      if a pensioner needs aftercare after inpatient treatment, then he will be given a ticket to a local specialized sanatorium;

      employees and pensioners of departments and departments receive vouchers to sanatoriums assigned to these structures.

    In order for a pensioner to begin to arrange a ticket to a sanatorium, contact the structure through which the financing will be provided. Try to apply in advance, especially if you plan to go for treatment during the high season.

    Free vouchers to the sanatorium for preferential categories of pensioners

    Apply for a free ticket to the sanatorium can not any pensioner. Our legislators have established a very specific list preferential categories pensioners to whom a ticket to the sanatorium is provided free of charge at the expense of the state.

    According to Art. 6.1 and 6.7 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance" FREE spa treatment can be provided only 10 categories of pensioners - federal beneficiaries who are entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services.

    Which categories of pensioners are provided with free vouchers to the sanatorium

      invalids of war;

      participants of the Great Patriotic War;

      combat veterans (specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of article 3 of the Federal Law of 12.01.1995 N 5-FZ "On Veterans");

      soldiers who passed military service in military units, institutions, military educational institutions who were not part of the army in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least 6 months;

      residents of besieged Leningrad;

      persons who worked in the Second World War at air defense facilities, local air defense, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of the active fronts, operating zones of the operating fleets, on the front-line sections of railways and roads, and also members of the crews of the ships of the transport fleet, interned at the beginning of the Second World War in the ports of other states;

      family members of war veterans who died (deceased), veterans of the Great Patriotic War and war veterans, family members of persons who died in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of the self-defense groups of the facility and emergency teams of the local air defense, as well as family members of the deceased workers of hospitals and hospitals in the city of Leningrad;

      disabled people;

      disabled children;

      persons exposed to radiation as a result of a catastrophe at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, and categories of citizens equated to them.

    you must refuse material compensation for this benefit, that is, if you also receive money for refusing this benefit, then it will be impossible to get a free ticket to a sanatorium.

With the approaching vacation time, many are wondering how to relax in a good health resort and save money, how to get a ticket to a sanatorium for a pensioner for free, what benefits do working citizens and children have?

Rest for beneficiaries under the FSS line

The list of beneficiaries who are entitled to social vouchers free of charge (they are paid for by the federal budget) was determined back in 1999 by FZ-178. In particular, it says that those who think about how to get a ticket to a sanatorium for free should determine their belonging to one of the social groups:

  • disabled people, including children;
  • invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • combat veterans;
  • blockade and home front workers.

The federal budget will fully cover the cost of accommodation and meals for 18-24 days, as well as travel railway in both directions.

Important! People who receive monthly medications federal program, you will have to take care of yourself in advance to pick up the drugs from the pharmacy.

Vouchers are provided on a first-come, first-served basis on the basis of the generated register. You cannot choose a resort at your own discretion, since there is a certain list of medical and rehabilitation institutions that have concluded an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund.

Aftercare at the expense of the regional budget

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium for a free worker? Preferential rest is provided only in cases of need to treat the patient or rehabilitate him after a major operation.

The list of diseases that allow you to rest for free after the main course of treatment is determined individually in each region. For example, working Muscovites can improve their health for free after:

  • heart attack or stroke;
  • operations on the heart and blood vessels;
  • ulcer treatment;
  • removal of the gallbladder;
  • pancreatitis;
  • orthopedic and traumatological operations:
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • unstable angina;
  • treatment of diabetes.

If federal beneficiaries manage to get a referral to Crimea or Mineral water, then treatment at the expense of the regional budget, most likely, will have to be in a local health resort. Although, you see, the option is also excellent - to sit back for three whole weeks, breathe in pine air, for example, be like a massage or wellness procedures. Grace! Provided, of course, that the state of health allows you to enjoy life.

That is, those who are thinking about how to get a free ticket to a sanatorium for an adult need to understand that they provide it only in case of aftercare serious illness or for rehabilitation. In all other cases, if you are not a beneficiary, you will have to rest at your own expense.

Where to apply and what documents are needed?

The action plan depends on the type of tour (free or discounted), as well as the category of the applicant.

Free ticket from the FSS

To relax for free:

    beneficiaries must apply to the social protection authority at the place of residence;

    citizens in need of aftercare-rehabilitation - to the attending physician to obtain a positive conclusion medical commission with recommendations for spa treatment (certificate is valid for six months).

Required documents (submitted to the FSS or social security):

    application for a ticket;

  • certificate from a doctor.

Documents can be sent by mail, submitted in person or through the public services portal (Main - Catalog of services - Pension, benefits and benefits - Provision of spa treatment). Within 10 days, the authorized bodies must decide on the issuance of a free voucher. If you are lucky, then in the coming days the applicant will pick up both a ticket and a referral for free travel (if required) to the FSS or social security.

Rest for employees

In Soviet times, the provision of vouchers to workers and employees was more widespread, but even today there are enterprises whose leaders have preserved the tradition.

Types of recreation (the difference in the discount is compensated by the FSS):

    for children of 4-15 years old employees (discount for a ticket up to 50%, in budget organizations– up to 100%);

    for employees of hazardous or hazardous industries, as well as those injured at work - 20% cheaper;

    for members of the trade union of the enterprise.

To get a discounted voucher, you must apply to the head of the enterprise, as well as provide a medical certificate with recommendations for spa treatment (if required).

Buy preferential places for the rest of employees, the enterprise can both through the FSS and directly at the sanatorium or health resort.

Important! The heads of enterprises can also pay for the rest of employees from their own pocket, and usually such “bonuses” are stipulated in the employment contract.

How to improve health in retirement?

For pensioners who do not belong to the above categories of beneficiaries, there is actually only one chance to relax at the expense of the state - poor health, which requires resort treatment.

How to get a ticket to the sanatorium, being retired? For starters, get a referral from your therapist. He will appoint necessary tests and examinations, and after the diagnosis, they will issue a certificate in the form 070-U04, which will describe the detected sores and give recommendations for their treatment in a specialized health resort.

Then you have to go to the social security and write an application for benefits. By the way, a trustee of a pensioner can also do this. At the same time, a waiver of monetary compensation is written if the trip to the health resort is approved.

Within 10 days from the date of submission of documents, employees of the social security authorities must give an answer by phone - whether the pensioner should pack his bags or all his "going through the torment" was in vain.

departmental leave

Employees and pensioners of many departments have the right to preferential rest. Military and police officers, officials and tax authorities - this list goes on, and each department sets its own rules for issuing how to get a discounted ticket to a sanatorium (a health resort almost always belongs to a specific department).

Let's look at an example, how to get a ticket to the sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

  • Since 2012, the police have lost the opportunity to purchase tickets for themselves and their families at half price. Now they will have to pay 12 thousand/21 days and 9 thousand/18 days.
  • The right to buy a ticket at half price or with a 25% discount is left only to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Family members and parents of a deceased, injured or missing police officer are compensated for the cost of traveling there and back by any mode of transport, except for a taxi. You can save on the road only once a year.
  • Since 2013, the sale of vouchers at a price of 500 rubles per day and 572 rubles per day to a small list of departmental sanatoriums has been allowed.

In the general queue for obtaining vouchers through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first are:

  • Heroes of Russia and members of their families;
  • parents of dead or deceased police officers;
  • widows and widowers of Heroes who have not remarried;
  • contract soldiers who served in Chechnya and nearby territories North Caucasus;
  • honorary donors.

Among other waiting lists, the following also enjoy the advantage:

  • pensioners;
  • family members of deceased or dead disabled policemen who took part in the Great Patriotic war and modern military conflicts;
  • family members of those who died in captivity or are considered missing;
  • family members of those killed in the line of duty.

Children's rest

Many parents are looking for different ways how to get a ticket to a sanatorium for free for a child. The easiest option is to contact your pediatrician. If the child has developmental disabilities or needs preventive actions aimed at improving health, then it is likely that the doctor will write a referral. Will it be possible to get a ticket quickly - this is the second question, because the queue of those who wish can be quite large.

In some polyclinics, the list of vouchers is posted on special stands, in others it is kept by the head physician, so you should definitely make an appointment with him.

Often parents do not know how to get a ticket to a sanatorium for CHI. You should apply there if you belong to the privileged category:

  • the child has a disability;
  • family with many children or poor.

The advantage of applying to the MHI is the quick consideration of the application. After a maximum of 20 days, you will know if your children will be able to relax for free or at least at a discount.

You can also visit the district administration and apply to the department social support population, where free referrals are also distributed to children with disabilities, orphans who have lost their breadwinner, victims natural Disasters- each region forms the list independently. There are few chances to get access to "administrative rest" from the side, but the attempt is not torture. In addition, there will certainly be an opportunity to buy a ticket there cheaper.

In some cases, the state, and sometimes the state, helps to purchase a ticket for veterans of labor and other segments of the population. support is provided in part. What can a retiree expect?

Legal framework for the provision of free tours

The provision of a social voucher for retired labor veterans to a sanatorium or other institution can take place free of charge on the basis of a number of documents:

  • ch.2 art. sixteen.

Is a labor veteran entitled to a free ticket to a sanatorium? In addition to state title documents, regional documents available in each subject of the Russian Federation, based on the capabilities of the region's budget, will also help in resolving the issue.

It is also important to remember that subsidies are not granted on the basis of regional title deeds, and some segments of the population are only entitled to them once a year.

Who can get a subsidy to visit a health facility

Based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation, not every citizen has the right to a free referral to spa treatment. Among such persons it can be received:

  1. Disabled pensioners who were injured during the Second World War.
  2. Elderly people who have worked all their lives in the military, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other services, as well as citizens participating in hostilities from the times of the USSR.
  3. The military of the automobile troops, taking part in the hostilities in Afghanistan.
  4. Persons with the status of "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".
  5. Elderly people with various groups disability.

One of the most important conditions for obtaining benefits at a discount is the absence of work for a pensioner.

List of health institutions

You can get a referral only to specialized sanatoriums that:

  • concluded an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund on cooperation;
  • located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

They can also be sent to a sanatorium, in which a citizen is required to continue the treatment started in a hospital. If the person applying for the subsidy is a former employee of the department, then the benefit is issued only to a specialized health institution.

Requirements for those wishing to receive a ticket

In order to understand how to get a ticket to a labor veteran in a sanatorium, it is initially necessary to meet such requirements as:

  • age (must be at least 55 years old for women and 60 years old for men);
  • recommendations from the treating specialist and honey. examination;
  • lack of official work;
  • belonging to one of the categories of beneficiaries;
  • monetization was not used for this subsidy - no .

Speaking about diseases for which pensioners and labor veterans can get a ticket, their list is quite extensive, while the recommendation of a specialist, documented, plays a dominant role.

Stages of registration, required documents

In order to find out how to get a free ticket to a sanatorium for a retired labor veteran, you need to take a number of actions:

  1. First, visit your treating specialist, who will give a referral for a physical examination. After passing it, the pensioner must receive a specialist opinion that sanatorium treatment is recommended.
  2. After receiving a certificate in the form No. 070 / y-04, an elderly citizen must visit the USZN or military commissariat, where he writes an application in the prescribed form and submits documents: a copy and original of the passport; a paper confirming that a citizen is entitled to this benefit; SNILS; medical conclusion. a specialist, as well as sometimes a paper on the conduct of a medical and social examination.
  3. After that, a person wishing to receive a benefit is placed in a queue, as it progresses, the pensioner receives a document for a trip to a boarding house.


After the citizen submits the papers, within 3 weeks he receives an answer whether he will be given a subsidy or not. In case of a positive answer sanatorium voucher for a veteran of labor will be transferred as the priority or will be produced.

Due to the fact that Crimea now belongs to the Russian Federation, the queue for benefits began to move faster. This became possible thanks to the Crimean boarding houses that accept citizens on preferential vouchers.

It is also important to consider that after a free ticket to a sanatorium is received, a labor veteran can re-submit new papers for a similar subsidy next year.

The nuances of a preferential voucher for various categories of citizens

The issuance of subsidies of this type for different segments of the population is legally regulated. This distinction is one of the main ones when applying for a subsidy.


Retired military personnel are entitled to a subsidiary voucher to a sanatorium in accordance with, where Article 7 states that a military pensioner can become the owner of a voucher once a year, of the total cost of which 25% must be paid. If the adult family members of a military pensioner have received the benefit, they can pay 50% of the cost. In the case of a subsidy for a widow, she pays from personal funds as much as her husband would pay as a military pensioner.

labor veterans

Preferential vouchers to a sanatorium for labor veterans are obtained and paid for on similar terms with military pensioners.


To obtain a document for a trip to a health facility for disabled people, the main document is a medical report. Disabled persons receive vouchers under the following conditions:

  • 1 and 2 groups - full state. security;
  • Group 3 - make an additional payment from personal funds in the amount of 25% of the final price of the tour.

Other citizens

If a pensioner of another group decided to get a ticket, then the procedure for issuing it is similar.