
Explanation of balance sheet lines (1230, etc.). Changes in accounting methodology and its impact on the balance sheet

Line 1230 of the balance sheet reflects the amount of the company's accounts receivable as of the reporting date. Its decoding is of particular interest to reporting users and has its own characteristics. Decoding other lines of the balance sheet also has its own nuances. Let's look at them.

Let's get acquainted with the balance sheet items of 2019: their codes and explanations

Everyone who has ever held a balance sheet in their hands, much less drawn it up, paid attention to the “Code” column. Thanks to this column, statistical authorities are able to systematize the information contained in the balance sheets of all companies. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate codes in the balance sheet only when this report is submitted to state statistics bodies and other executive authorities (Article 18 of the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, clause 5 of the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n). If the balance is not annual and is needed only by owners or other users, it is not necessary to indicate the codes.

ATTENTION! As of June 1, 2019, changes have been made to the form of the balance sheet and other accounting records!

In the balance sheet, line codes from 2014 must correspond to the codes specified in Appendix 4 to Order No. 66n. At the same time, outdated codes from the expired order No. 67n with the same name, dated July 22, 2003, are no longer applied.

It is not difficult to distinguish previously used codes from modern ones - by the number of digits: modern codes are 4-digit (for example, lines 1230, 1170 of the balance sheet), while outdated ones contained only 3 digits (for example, 700, 140).

For information on what the form of a current balance sheet with line codes looks like, read the article “Filling out Form 1 of the balance sheet (sample)” .

New balance sheet assets (line 1100, 1150, 1160, 1170, 1180, 1190, 1200, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1240, 1250, 1260, 1600)

The asset lines of the new form of the balance sheet (Order No. 66n) reflect the company’s property - both tangible and intangible. The items in this part of the balance sheet are arranged according to the principle of increasing liquidity, while at the very top of the balance sheet asset there is property that remains in its original form almost until the end of its existence.

New balance liabilities (lines 1300, 1360, 1370, 1410, 1420, 1500, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1540, 1550, 1700)

The lines of the passive part of the balance sheet reflect the sources of funds that the company manages, in other words, the sources of its financing. The information contained in the liability lines helps to understand how the structure of equity and borrowed capital has changed, how much the company has attracted borrowed funds, how many of them are short-term and how many are long-term, etc. Thus, the liability lines provide information about where the funds came from and to whom the company should return them.

Assets of the old balance sheet (lines 120, 140, 190, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 290, 300) and its liabilities (lines 470, 490, 590, 610, 620, 700)

The purpose of the asset and liability lines of the old balance sheet form (Order No. 67n) does not differ significantly from the purpose of the lines of the updated balance sheet - the only difference is in the list of these lines, their coding and the level of detail of the information.

How to decipher balance sheet asset lines

Before deciphering an asset item, let’s consider its code - it carries certain information. So, the first digit shows that this line refers to the balance sheet (and not to another accounting report); 2nd - indicates the section of the asset (for example, 1 - non-current assets, etc.); The 3rd digit reflects assets in increasing order of their liquidity. The last digit of the code (initially it is 0) is intended to help in line-by-line detailing of indicators considered significant - this allows you to fulfill the requirement of PBU 4/99 (clause 11).

NOTE!The requirement for detail may not be fulfilled by small businesses (clause 6 of Order No. 66n).

Read about what distinguishes accounting carried out by small businesses in the material “Features of accounting in small enterprises” .

The asset lines of the balance sheet with codes and explanations are shown in the table:

Line name

Decoding the string

By order No. 66n

By order No. 67n

Fixed assets

The total amount of non-current assets is reflected

Intangible assets

The information reflected in lines 1110-1170 is deciphered in the notes to the statements (information on the availability of assets at the reporting dates and changes for the period is disclosed)

Fixed assets

Profitable investments in material assets

Financial investments

Deferred tax assets

The debit balance of account 09 is indicated

Other noncurrent assets

Filled in if there is information about non-current assets that are not reflected in the previous lines

Current assets

The final result of current assets is determined

The total balance of inventories is given (debit balance of accounts 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 28, 29, 41, 43, 44, 45, 97 without taking into account the credit balance of accounts 14, 42)

Value added tax on purchased assets

Indicate account balance 19

Accounts receivable

The result of adding the debit balances of accounts 60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76 minus account 63 is reflected

Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)

The debit balance of accounts 55, 58, 73 (minus account 59) is given - information on financial investments with a circulation period of no more than a year

Cash and cash equivalents

The line contains the balance of accounts 50, 51, 52, 55, 57, 58 and 76 (in terms of cash equivalents)

Other current assets

Filled in if data is available (for the amount of current assets not indicated in other lines of the section)

Total assets

Total of all assets

Interpretation of individual balance sheet liability indicators

Liability codes are also 4-digit: the 1st digit is the line’s belonging to the balance sheet, the 2nd is the number of the liability section (for example, 3 is capital and reserves). The next digit of the code reflects obligations in order of increasing urgency of their repayment. The last digit of the code is for detail purposes. Total liabilities in the balance sheet are line 1700 of the balance sheet. In other words, total liabilities in the balance sheet are the sum of lines 1300, 1400, 1500.

Liability items of the balance sheet with codes and explanations are shown in the table:

Line name

Decoding the string

By order No. 66n

By order No. 67n

TOTAL capital

The line contains information about the company's capital as of the reporting date

Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners)

Information on lines 1300-1370 is detailed in the statement of changes in equity and the statement of financial results (in terms of net profit for the reporting period).

The company has the right to determine the additional amount of explanations about capital.

Revaluation of non-current assets

Additional capital (without revaluation)

Reserve capital

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Long-term borrowed funds

The information is deciphered in tabular (Form 5) or text form in the explanations to the balance sheet

Deferred tax liabilities

Indicate the credit balance of account 77

Estimated liabilities

The credit balance of account 96 is reflected - estimated liabilities, the expected fulfillment period of which exceeds 12 months

Other long-term liabilities

Provides information about long-term liabilities not indicated in the previous lines of the section

TOTAL long-term liabilities

The final result of long-term liabilities is reflected

Short-term debt obligations

Account credit balance 66

Short-term accounts payable

The total credit balance of accounts 60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76 is reflected.

The information is deciphered in the notes to the balance sheet (for example, in Form 5)

Other current liabilities

Filled in if not all short-term liabilities are reflected in other lines of the section

Total current liabilities

The total total of short-term liabilities is indicated

Liabilities of everything

Summary of all liabilities

Line 12605 - what is it?

In the new form of the balance sheet there were fewer rows than in the old one, and, on the contrary, there were more columns. However, not all companies can make do with only the “standard” lines of this reporting - many require expanded detail. Therefore, sometimes additional items are used, for example, to line 1260 “Other current assets,” a detailing line 12605 “Deferred expenses” is opened.

Where is line 2110 for revenue?

The balance sheet in the language of accounting legislation was previously called Form 1. Another reporting document - “Statement of financial results” - was called Form 2. It is in Form 2 that there is line 2110, which reflects the revenue received during the reporting period.


Decoding the balance sheet allows users to extract as much useful information as possible from its meager figures. For automated processing of data from accounting reports carried out by statistical authorities, accounting lines are encoded.

The line “Cash” indicates the amount of cash available to the organization at the end of the day (for example, December 31 of the reporting year). The line “Cash” shows the cash balance:

  • at the register;
  • on current accounts;
  • on foreign currency accounts;
  • on special accounts in credit institutions (with the exception of the balance in subaccount 3 “Deposit accounts”, which, in accordance with the requirements of PBU 19/02, is reflected as part of financial investments);
  • funds in transit.

The organization may use additional lines to decipher these indicators within the limits permitted by the standard form approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

According to the balance sheet data, the cost of the line indicator as of March 27, 2013 is 4381.0 thousand rubles. The indicator of this article was accepted without adjustments.

Long-term loans and credits (Line 410)

By line “Loans and credits” (410) reflects the balance of borrowed funds that the organization has received for a period of more than a year, or, in other words, the debt on long-term credits (loans), as well as the amount of accrued but outstanding interest on them.

Depending on the accounting policy selected in accordance with the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Loans and Credits and the Costs of Servicing Them” PBU 15/01, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 2, 2001 No. 60n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 15/01) In relation to long-term loans and borrowings, an enterprise can:

  • transfer long-term debt to short-term debt at a time when, according to the terms of the loan and (or) credit agreement, no more than 365 days remain until the repayment of the principal amount of the debt;
  • take into account borrowed funds, the repayment period of which under a loan or credit agreement exceeds 12 months, before the expiration of the specified period as part of long-term debt.

Thus, when analyzing this reporting line, the user must refer to the accounting policies of the organization.

If the organization has chosen the first method, then the amounts of loans and borrowings not repaid at the end of the reporting period, subject to repayment no more than 365 days after the reporting date, will be reflected in the balance sheet in the line “Loans and credits” (610) in the section “Current liabilities” .

If liabilities previously accounted for as long-term are presented in the balance sheet as short-term, then the reasons for this transfer of debt are reflected in the explanations (explanatory note) to the balance sheet. It is worth noting that the standard balance sheet form does not provide separate lines for deciphering long-term borrowed funds. However, if the organization under study takes loans from different sources, then additional terms may be introduced to separate debt to banks and other organizations.

According to the balance sheet data, the value of the line indicator as of March 27, 2013 is 295,363.0 thousand. rub. The indicator of this article was accepted without adjustments.

Short-term loans and credits (Line 510)

By line "Loans and credits" (510) reflects the balance of borrowed funds that the organization received for a period of less than a year, as well as the amount of accrued but unpaid interest on them.

According to the balance sheet data, the cost of the line indicator as of March 27, 2013 is 8773.0 thousand rubles. The indicator of this article was accepted without adjustments.

Accounts payable (Line 520)

By line "Accounts payable" (520) The total amount of the organization's accounts payable is reflected.

The details of these funds are then detailed on separate balance sheet lines.

By line "Suppliers and contractors" (621) shows the amount of debt to suppliers and contractors for material assets received, work performed, and services provided to the organization.

By line “Debt to the organization’s personnel” (622) accrued but not yet paid wages are shown. However, it is necessary to mention that reflecting on this line the amounts of wages not paid to employees does not always mean that the organization has long-term wage arrears with all the ensuing consequences, including those leading to criminal punishment. As a rule, debt to personnel is short-term in nature and is associated with gaps with the date of payroll and the next working day in the organization, when the accounting department can pay in cash or transfer the corresponding amounts to employee accounts.

By line “Debt to state extra-budgetary funds” (623) reflects the amount of the organization's debt for the unified social tax, as well as compulsory pension insurance and insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, which is equal to the credit balance of account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security”.

By line “Debt on taxes and fees” (624) shows the organization's debt for settlements with the budget for taxes and fees, which is equal to the credit balance of account 68 “Settlements for taxes and fees.”

In accordance with Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax is considered paid from the moment an order to pay the relevant tax is presented to the bank if there is a sufficient cash balance in the taxpayer’s account. However, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in its ruling dated July 25, 2001 No. 138-0, indicated that this applies only to bona fide taxpayers.

By line "Other creditors" (625) shows the organization's debt for settlements, data on which is not reflected in other articles of the “Accounts Payable” group. For example, it reflects the amounts of debt to accountable persons, obligations for contributions for compulsory and voluntary property insurance; debt on contributions in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation to extra-budgetary funds and other special funds (except for funds, debt on contributions to which is reflected in the line “Debt to state extra-budgetary funds”); the amount of obligations of the tenant organization for fixed assets transferred to it under a long-term lease, etc.

According to the balance sheet data, the value of the line indicator as of March 27, 2013 is 33,862.0 thousand rubles.

We assume that the company will fulfill its obligations in full. The indicator of this article was accepted without adjustments.

Debt to participants (founders) for payment of income (Line 630)

According to the balance sheet, the debt to the participants (founders) for payment of income as of March 27, 2013 is 0 rubles.

Adjusted net asset value

Adjusted items involved in the calculation of net assets are presented below (Table 20).

Table 20

No. Name Balance line code Net asset value as of March 27, 2013 according to the balance sheet, thousand rubles. Adjusted net asset value as of March 27, 2013, thousand rubles.
I Assets
Intangible assets 0,0 0,0
Fixed assets 114 377,0 122 439,0
Construction in progress 0,0 0,0
Profitable investments in material assets 0,0 0,0
Long-term and short-term financial investments 0,0 0,0
Other noncurrent assets 0,0 0,0
Reserves 63 719,0 63 719,0
Value added tax on purchased assets 17 501,0 17 501,0
Accounts receivable 147 377,0 147 377,0
Cash 4 381,0 4 381,0
Other current assets 92,0 92,0
12 Total assets accepted for calculation 347 447,0 355 509,0
II. Liabilities
Long-term liabilities for loans and borrowings 295 363,0 295 363,0
Short-term liabilities for loans and borrowings 8 773,0 8 773,0
Accounts payable 33 862,0 33 862,0
Debt to participants (founders) for payment of income 0,0 0,0
Reserves for future expenses 0,0 0,0
Other current liabilities 0,0 0,0
Total liabilities accepted for calculation 337 998,0 337 998,0
Net asset value 9 449,0 17 511,0


The value of 100% shares of HORN AND HOOVE LLC, as of the date of valuation, obtained as a result of using the Net Asset Method, is:

v 17,511,000.0 (Seventeen million five hundred eleven thousand) rubles.

Line 1230 of the balance sheet - explanation it helps to understand the size of the receivable at the time of drawing up the document. Other balance lines are filled in using the same principle. Our article will discuss what information should be contained in the balance sheet line by line.

Line 1230 of the balance sheet (230, 240): decoding, principles of structure of line codes

Each balance sheet line corresponds to a code that allows you to identify the data contained in it. The main consumers of these codes are statistical and regulatory authorities, which can carry out analytical work on them.

Currently the codes are 4 digits long. For example, line 1230 of the balance sheet, former line 240, contains accounts receivable in the transcript. This line shows the amount of debt that its partners, counterparties and other persons interacting with it have to the company in a certain period of time.

Line 230 also belonged to this category and reflected debts that could be repaid in no earlier than 12 months.

Balance sheet line codes contain very specific information:

  • The first digit is that it belongs specifically to the balance sheet and not to another document.
  • The second digit indicates belonging to a specific section of the asset.
  • The third number shows the place of this asset in the liquid ranking. The higher the liquidity, the higher the number.
  • The fourth digit is required for line detail. Thus, the requirements contained in PBU 4/99 are met.

Using a similar principle, we will selectively describe which codes correspond to the strings and provide a brief explanation of them. We will separately indicate in the table the new and old codes, since the balance must be drawn up for 3 years, and 2 years ago the previous code values ​​were still in effect.

Lines 1100 (190), 1150 (120), 1160, 1170 (140), 1180, 1190

Line 1100 contains information about the full amount of non-current assets of the enterprise. Before the order was changed, this was line 190. The next 6 lines are elements that add up to the value of this line.

Line 1150 corresponds to the previous line 120. Data on fixed assets of the enterprise available at the time of the report is entered into it.

Line 1160 reflects information about the amount of material assets available at the enterprise, as well as investments that generate income. All data is recorded on account 03.

Line 1170, former 140, contains data on the enterprise’s investments if they are made for more than 12 months. Accounting is maintained by the debit of accounts 58 and 55, the subaccount is called “Deposits”.

Line 1180 contains the allocated tax assets. The balance of account 09 is indicated here. Line 1190 includes all non-current assets that were not mentioned above.

Lines 1210 (210), 1220 (220), 1240 (250), 1250, 1260 and 1200 (290)

The previous line 210 corresponds to the current line 1210 of the balance sheet; the accounting department enters data on the remaining inventories into it.

Line 1220 of the balance sheet as before - line 220. It must contain data on VAT, which was issued by the supplier, but was not accepted for deduction until the report was drawn up. This is essentially the debit balance of account 19.

Line 1240balance sheet with transcript Previously it was line 250. It reflects investments whose maturity does not reach a year.

Line 1250 is the company's monetary assets in national and foreign currencies, as well as other resources. This refers to accounts 50, 51, 52 and 55.

Line 1260 contains all other assets that did not find a place in the above section lines.

Line 1200 in the previous version of the form was line 290balance sheet. The final results for section 2 are reflected here.

Is there line 12605 in the balance sheet?

If an enterprise considers it necessary to additionally disclose information on some general line, for example 1260, it is given the opportunity to supplement the balance sheet with a detailed line, for example 12605 “Deferred expenses”.

Line 1600 (300)

Instead of line 300 of the old form, there is line 1600, which shows the result of adding lines 1100 and 1200. In other words, this is the balance of this section.

Lines 1360, 1370 (470) with lines 1300 (490)

Line 1360 contains the total value of reserve capital.

Line 1370 is formerly line 470. It contains data on profits that have not yet been distributed.

Line 1300 corresponds to the previous one line 490balance sheet. This summarizes all the data in Section 3, devoted to the capital of the enterprise.

Lines 1410, 1420 and 1400 (590)

Line 1410 begins the section on long-term liabilities. It indicates borrowed funds with a term of more than 12 months. Accounting is maintained on account 67.

Line 1420 contains the allocated tax liabilities. The data is taken from account credit 77.

All data on lines starting with 14 is consolidated into line 1400 (previously line 590).

Lines 1510 (610), 1520 (620), 1530, 1540, 1550 and 1500 with decryption

In the previous version of the form line 1510balance sheet with transcript was line 610balance sheet. It contains information about short-term borrowed funds (accounts 66 and 67).

Line 1520balance sheet with transcript until 2015, it was line 620. It reflects short-term debt to partners, staff, etc. Line 1530 contains the balance of account 98.

Line 1540 is liabilities reflected on the credit of account 96, the maturity of which is less than 12 months.

Line 1550 is all other obligations that are not reflected in the previous lines.

Line 1500 contains the final result for section 4.

Line 1700 (700)

In the previous version this line 700 of the balance sheet. This contains the result of adding all the lines for liabilities: 1300 + 1400 + 1500.

Page 2110 and other balance sheet forms 2

Lines starting with number 2, in particular 2110 “Revenue”, refer to Form 2 of the balance sheet. It was previously known as the income statement.

Quite often there is a need to transfer the balance sheet and profit and loss account from the old form (which was valid until 2011 inclusive) to the new form.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to find a convenient way to transfer old statements to new ones and vice versa, so you will have to manually remake the balance sheet and profit and loss account into a modern form.

To do this, you can use the following tables of correspondence between the line codes of the accounting reporting forms, compiled in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 67n, with the line codes designated by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 07/02/2010 No. 66n

How to use it?

If you have a new balance sheet and income statement, and you need to convert them to the old form, then you need:

  • Open this page - ;
  • Copy tables to excel;
  • Open your balance sheet and income statement and, using the pictures in this article, fill out the old balance sheet and income statement.

If you have an old balance sheet and profit and loss account, and you need to convert them to a new form, do this:

  • Open the page ;
  • Copy the tables into excel;
  • Open your old report and, using the pictures from the article, fill out the new report

I found the tables themselves here:

The financial analysis:

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Long-term and short-term financial investments

(line 140 or 250)

Deposits in banks. Despite the fact that in accounting, account 55 “Special accounts in banks” is intended for accounting for deposits, information about such accounting objects should be disclosed on lines 140 and 250. Let us recall that these lines provide information about the organization’s financial investments depending on their type - long-term or short-term, respectively.

This approach is explained by the fact that, in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of PBU 19/02 “Accounting for Financial Investments,” deposits from the point of view of presenting information in financial statements must be qualified as financial investments.

Therefore, if an accountant reflects data on deposit accounts on line 260 “Cash,” then the balance sheet indicators will be distorted.

Inventories (line 210)

It is important not to confuse deferred expenses with advances issued. Line 210 of the balance sheet also reflects deferred expenses, which also need to be shown separately on line 216. These include, for example, the company’s costs for obtaining licenses, as well as costs for certification, which involves obtaining a certificate for a long period. However, you should not confuse deferred expenses with advances issued, which are reflected on line 230 or 240 of the balance sheet. For example, payment for a subscription is not deferred, but is considered an advance. The fact is that at the time the money is transferred there is no reason to believe that the service has already been provided.

It is important to distinguish between these two concepts for another reason. An organization, having transferred an advance to its counterparty, can count on deducting VAT only after the goods are received (work is completed, services are provided). This follows from Art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And for future expenses, VAT can be deducted immediately, for example, as soon as the company receives a certificate or license. Of course, subject to the remaining conditions of the deduction.

Accounts receivable (line 230 or 240)

Interest-free loans. In accordance with clause 3 of PBU 19/02 “Accounting for Financial Investments,” financial investments include loans provided to other organizations. In turn, the Instructions for the Application of the Chart of Accounts prescribe that such assets should be accounted for in account 58 “Financial Investments”.

The application of only these standards leads to the fact that in the balance sheet information about interest-free loans (non-income bills) is often disclosed as information about the organization’s financial investments.

However, when forming balance sheet indicators, the accountant must remember that only those assets in respect of which the following criteria are simultaneously met (clause 2 of PBU 19/02) can be recognized as financial investments:

The organization's right to the asset and to receive funds or other assets arising from this right must be confirmed by documents;

The financial risks associated with obtaining the asset have been transferred to the organization. Such risks may be the risk of price changes, the risk of insolvency of the debtor, liquidity risk, etc.;

The asset must generate income for the organization in the future.

In relation to interest-free loans, the last condition is not met, namely the condition on the profitability of the investment. Therefore, it is more logical to reflect issued interest-free loans on the balance sheet as part of accounts receivable on line 230 or 240, depending on their repayment terms.

Note. When organizations receive interest-free loans, they do not experience any material benefit (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 20, 2006 N 03-03-04/1/128).

Overdue bills. Information about such assets is not subject to inclusion in the balance sheet data on the organization’s financial investments.

After the maturity of the bill of exchange, the debt on it forms the organization's receivables. This is due to the fact that the holder of the bill no longer expects to receive income on it, since it was all recognized before the payment date. And after this date we should talk about the procedure for claiming debt and receiving penalties.

Therefore, the amounts of debts on overdue bills must be included in the short-term accounts receivable indicator (line 240 of the balance sheet).