
Size is barely suitable for disabled people of group 2. Monthly cash payments (MAP)

Persons with limited physical and social capabilities have the right to receive additional state aid in the form of EDV, which includes a monthly payment and a set of social services (NSS). In this article we will look at how to calculate and issue EDV for group 2 disabled people.

The right to EDV is granted to people with disabilities of all groups, including disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood. The amount of payment depends on the disability group and on the basis for issuing EDV.

Amount and registration of EDV for disability in the general order

Group 2 disabled people can apply for payment in the general manner. The basis for assigning EDV in this case is the fact of assignment of a disability group, confirmed by an extract from the ITU act.

When applying for EDV for a disabled person of group 2, the general size is monthly payment will be RUB 1,478.09/month When EDV is assigned, a group 2 disabled person simultaneously receives the right to NSU in established amount. If you refuse to receive NSU in kind, the amount of EDV for a disabled person of group 2 increases to RUB 2,527.06/month

How to apply for EDV

When applying for EDV solely on the basis of group 2 disability, the citizen should contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • application for appointment of EDV (form can be downloaded here ⇒);
  • an extract from the ITU certificate confirming the assignment of disability group 2.

A disabled person can apply for EDV immediately after receiving the ITU certificate. Method of transferring papers:

  • personal submission of an application and documents to the Pension Fund;
  • sending documents by letter with notification and a list of attachments;
  • transfer of documents through a legal representative;
  • filling out an electronic application on the PFR website (resource “Personal Account”).

After 15 working days from the date of receipt of the documents, the PFR body is obliged to send the applicant a notice of the purpose of payment, or of the refusal of the EDV (in the latter case- indicating the reasoned reasons for the refusal). The payment deadline is the month following the month of application to the Pension Fund.

EDV for disabled military personnel of group 2

If the cause of a citizen’s disability is a combat injury or a disease acquired while serving military service, a citizen has the right to obtain EDV in a special manner.

The amount of payment for this category of citizens is RUB 4,005.14/month (in case of refusal of NSO - RUB 5,054.11/month ). The following have the right to assign EDV in the specified amount:

  • military personnel who have been assigned a disability as a result of a combat injury;
  • military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, bodies of the State Fire Service who became disabled during the performance of official duties;
  • disabled people with the status of WWII participant (regardless of the reasons for assigning disability).

Disabled people of group 2, who were imprisoned in concentration camps, ghettos, and other places of forced detention before the age of 18, can also receive an increased allowance RUB 4,005.14/month (in case of refusal of NSO - RUB 5,054.11/month ).

How to apply for EDV

Disabled persons with combat injuries, citizens who received disabilities while performing official duties, as well as disabled former prisoners of concentration camps can apply for EDV on one of the grounds, at their choice - either in the general manner, in accordance with the assigned disability group, or on the basis of a special status . Since the amount of payment assigned in a special order (4,005.14 rubles) is greater than the standard payment for disabled people of group 2 (1,478.09 rubles), it is advisable for a citizen to submit documents for the assignment of payment in a special order.

A disabled person can apply to the Pension Fund for payment with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • application for appointment of EDV;
  • military ID, ID of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Border Service, etc. (for disabled people with combat injuries and citizens who received disabilities while performing military service or performing official duties);
  • certificate of a participant in the Second World War (for disabled participants of the Second World War);
  • certificate with the right to benefits, certificates from archives (for former prisoners of fascism);
  • an extract from the ITU report confirming the assignment of disability group 2, indicating the cause-and-effect relationship between the combat injury and the acquired dysfunction of the body;

If the applicant is not a recipient of a disability or old-age pension, in addition to the above package of documents, the applicant should attach a statement indicating the selected payment delivery method :

  • via Russian Post (home delivery or collection at the post office);
  • through a bank (transfer to a card or receipt at a bank cash desk);
  • through a special organization (home delivery by courier or collection at the organization’s cash desk).

The mechanism for checking documents at the Pension Fund and assigning payments corresponds to the general procedure. If all the papers are filled out correctly and provided by the disabled person in full, the citizen will receive EDV from the 1st day of the month following the month of application.

Assignment and payment of EDV to disabled Chernobyl survivors

Persons with disabilities of 2 groups recognized as victims as a result of man-made disasters, have the right to receive EDV in the amount RUB 2,527.06/month This amount is fixed and does not increase if the disabled person refuses the NSO.

The specified amount of EDV can be applied for by citizens who have been assigned a Group 2 disability as a result of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant or the Mayak Production Association, as well as as a result of the consequences of occupational diseases acquired as a result of radioactive exposure.

Group 2 disabled people from among the Chernobyl survivors have the right to obtaining NSO in standard form:

  • compensation for the cost of medications and medical supplies, based on doctor’s prescriptions, in the amount of no more than 807.94 rubles/month;
  • discounted vouchers to a sanatorium no more than once every 2 years (provided free of charge or at a discount). Read also the article ““;
  • payment of the cost of railway transport to the sanatorium and back;
  • the right to free travel on suburban railway transport.

How to apply for EDV

As in other cases, a disabled person of group 2 who was injured as a result of man-made disasters can apply for the appointment of an EDV to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration. When applying to the Pension Fund, a disabled person should have with him such documents:

  • passport;
  • application for appointment of EDV;
  • a document confirming the right to payment, certificates from the archives (certificate of the Chernobyl NPP liquidator, certificates from medical institutions about the received dose of radioactive radiation, etc.);
  • an extract from the ITU report confirming the assignment of disability group 2, indicating the cause-and-effect relationship between the received radiation dose and the acquired dysfunction of the body;
  • a statement about the chosen payment delivery method (for citizens who are not pension recipients);
  • statement on choosing the basis for assigning payment.

The deadline for assigning payments to disabled people of group 2 who suffered as a result of the consequences of man-made disasters corresponds to the general procedure. A disabled person will receive the first EDV payment from the 1st day of the month following the month of application to the Pension Fund.

Today, the majority of disabled people are in the second group; the second group is disabled, but does not require constant care. Citizens who have a second disability group can count on government payments, or rather a pension. Sometimes it happens that the second disability group is given to children, and in this case the child must have guardians. A guardian can also be useful to an elderly person who also has a disability; as a rule, such people are relatives or friends.

Who is considered a group 2 disabled person?

Disabled people of group 2 include people who have been declared incompetent by a medical commission. The main reason lies in the physical or mental disabilities, which does not allow them to lead a normal and fulfilling life. Of course, sometimes such people need the help of a guardian. Which group to assign to a person is decided only by the state examination. People who have complex diseases that do not allow them to lead a full life can count on the second group of disability.

Disability group 2 diseases can be associated with problems of a person’s musculoskeletal system, loss of memory and orientation in time, which does not allow him to control himself. The main diseases, according to the indications of which a person is given the second group of disability, include:

  1. Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Disorientation.
  3. Speech problems.
  4. Loss of control over your movements and behavior.
  5. Difficulties in assimilation of information.

Often a disability pension (group 2) is given due to the development oncological diseases, heart attacks, strokes and partial paralysis.

How does the second disability group differ from other groups?

It should be noted that persons who have received a pension of the second group can enjoy not only monthly payments, but also have a number of benefits that differ from what disabled people of the third or first groups can receive. Let's consider the main advantages that disabled people of the second group have:

1. If a disability pension is assigned, and group 2 is assigned to MSEC due to the fact that a person was injured at work, then the citizen can count on a labor pension.

2. The second group is not the end; a person has the opportunity to work in an enterprise or even serve, and no longer have to pay income tax.

3. A discount on housing and communal services is often provided.

4. There are 2 groups of disability - working and non-working. If a person is completely disabled, then he belongs to the non-working group. A “working” pensioner can work at an enterprise, and he is given a part-time working day, and his salary is retained in full.

5. A disabled pensioner can take advantage of additional benefits, and if he does not have central heating, then the state will pay for the installation of a heating boiler for him by 50%.

6. Benefits also apply to educational institutions, so upon admission to any educational institution a disabled person of the second group will not have to undergo competitive selection.

Two types of disability pension with the second group

Since pensioners with the second disability group can work, naturally, the pension will be calculated taking into account such moments. The fact is that EDV is paid to disabled people in two types:

The main difference between these two types of pensions is that they are calculated differently, and cash payments can also be very different. For example, the size of a social disability pension may be less than a labor pension.

How are labor pension calculations made?

Let's look at the options for how pensions are paid for each of these types. To calculate the pension amount, a special formula is used:

TPPI = PC (T*K) + B.

The explanation of the formula is as follows: by PC we mean the presence of pension capital, which was accumulated as a result of insurance for a disabled person. All calculations are taken into account precisely on the day when a person becomes a pensioner. T is an accounting of all months of old-age labor pension. Today it is approximately 228 months. K is the insurance period, which is also calculated in months. The normal duration of nineteen years is 12 months, but each year it will increase by four months. B is the initial pension amount.

How are social pension calculations made?

Social disability pension (group 2) is assigned for a certain period, sometimes such a pension can become indefinite. Even if a person does not have work experience, he is still entitled to social benefits. It should be noted that a person who is considered disabled can count on one type of pension. Which one to choose is the decision of the citizen himself.

What is the size of the pension for disability group 2?

It is established by the state, taking into account all the nuances. Special attention assigned to the type of payment. In 2017, pensions for people with the second disability group increased significantly. Today it depends on what medical and social category the citizen has. For example, a person may be disabled from birth, or may acquire a disease during his lifetime. When the disability of the second group is acquired, the pension amount will be 4959 rubles. If a person is disabled from childhood, then the size of his pension will be 9919 rubles.

Your length of service may also affect your pension amount. If a citizen has work experience, then the pension may imply additional payments, but for this you should remember such points.

  1. If a citizen does not have dependents in his care, then the pension amount is 4805 rubles.
  2. If there is one minor child- 6404 rubles.
  3. Two children - 8008 rubles.
  4. More than two children - 9610 rubles.

What documents must be submitted to receive a pension?

A disabled pensioner must first obtain the official status of a citizen who is disabled, and for this he will need to submit the following documents:

  1. A certificate issued by MSEC stating that the citizen has indeed been assigned the appropriate disability category.
  2. Passport showing your registration.
  3. The policy as proof of compulsory health insurance.
  4. Pensioner's certificate.
  5. Social security authorities may require a number of additional papers, so it is best to further consult with the Pension Fund, which is located in the area where you live.

As soon as all the documents are completely collected, the future pensioner will be required to contact the district Pension Fund, where they will check all the documents and review them within ten days. For a pensioner, several types of receiving a pension are offered, for example, you can receive a pension by mail, on a bank card, or constantly contact an organization that deals with payments of this kind. If it is difficult for the pensioner himself to receive a pension, then he will be able to issue a power of attorney, which is certified by a notary, and relatives or friends who are indicated in this power of attorney will be able to receive the pension.

What additional payments are provided for pensioners?

Mandatory for pensioners is a monthly cash payment, which consists of state pension accruals and cash assistance for certain categories of citizens. Every year government bodies recalculate the total pension amount taking into account inflation. For example, this year the pension for disabled people of the second group increased by 5.5%. This year, in connection with this, some changes were introduced, for example, some benefits were replaced with additional payments.

What is the social package for pensioners?

In addition to monthly payments, some pensioners may enjoy additional privileges provided by the state. But still, the social package plays a role for many pensioners important role. For example, some pensioners retained the right to the following benefits:

If one of the pensioners is not satisfied with the social package, then it can be exchanged for cash payments. But to do this, the beneficiary himself must personally write an application, which is sent to the social protection authorities.

What kind of pension can working disabled people expect?

Today, working disabled people can receive no more than 4,400 rubles per month. In the near future, this amount will not be increased, but there is such a thing as a one-time payment to all pensioners, which is made once a year, and its amount is 5,000 rubles. Also, in connection with the reform, pensions for individual categories, and this may be the reason for the next increase, since inflation for 2016 will be taken into account.

What is the pension for disabled children?

Disability pension (group 2) is given not only to adults, but also to children. Often such children require a guardian who will care for the sick person, so the size of the pension will also depend on these factors. A child who has been considered disabled in this group since childhood can count on 8,500 rubles per month. Not only the disabled person, but also the person who cares for him can count on payments, but only on the condition that he is not officially employed anywhere. In this case, the amount of payments will be only 60% of the minimum wage.

What may be required from a guardian?

Despite the fact that the EDV for disabled people is not too large, the state still tries to control the trustees and checks exactly how the money is spent. The law currently requires all guardians to inform the government about the expenditure of funds in the form of a report. If the trustee does not fulfill this condition, then he may soon be simply deprived of payments. To make it easier to make a report, you just need to have a special form that is filled out once a year. To become a trustee, you just need to collect everything necessary documents and carefully study all the rules. Many disabled people who have the second disability group simply cannot do without a guardian. Therefore, when a person takes on guardianship, he first of all takes on great responsibility.

As you can see, it is difficult to clearly answer the question of what type of disability pension is for group 2, since there are a huge number of nuances and calculations that are worth paying attention to. But every pensioner, before applying for a pension, must carefully study the law and choose exactly the type of pension that will be more suitable for him. As for the increase in payments, a recalculation is made every year, which takes into account inflation and the increase in the cost of living. Therefore, every year the pension increases by a small percentage. Some pensioners do not know about the benefits that they are entitled to, so they do not use them, and they should also be competent in this matter. If you prepare your documents on time and behave correctly, applying for a pension will not take much time.

It should be remembered that the main condition for receiving any disability pension is passing a special commission that will examine all deviations and assign a group corresponding to the person’s health condition.

The disability pension can be calculated using one of the following formulas:

Social pension + EDV = disability pension

Labor pension + EDV = disability pension

As can be seen from these formulas, you can choose only one type of pension according to state provision: social, for which the size of your labor investments is not important, or - a labor pension, calculated depending on the days of insurance coverage.

Social pension for disabled people

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 of December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” as amended on November 12, 2018, the following people have the right to receive a social pension for disabled people:

1) The first point is mandatory for all persons listed in point two - permanent residence in the territory of our country.

2) Disabled people of all three groups, also disabled since childhood; disabled children.

Indexation of social pensions is scheduled for April 1, 2019. On average, benefits will increase by 2.4%. The average annual social pension will be 9215 rubles. Thus, in accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166, taking into account indexation, the size of the social pension disabled citizens approximately will be:

  • disabled people from childhood, group 1, disabled children - 12,730.82 rubles. per month;
  • disabled people of the 1st group, disabled people from childhood of the 2nd group - 10,609.17 rubles. per month;
  • disabled people of group 2 – 5,304.57 rubles. per month;
  • disabled people of group 3 – 4,508.91 rubles. per month.

Social disability pension is assigned for the period during which the person is recognized as disabled, and can also be unlimited (if permanent disability). It is also worth noting that the lack of work experience does not affect the payment of these funds.

To receive this type of state pension you will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • documents establishing disability and the degree of disability.

In addition, when applying for a disability pension, the following documents may be required:

  • identification and powers of the legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee);
  • about the place of stay or actual residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • about the cause-and-effect relationship between the disability or death of the breadwinner and the citizen committing an intentional criminal act or deliberately causing damage to his health;
  • about an intentional criminal act or intentional damage to one’s health.

EDV for disabled people

Some categories of citizens are currently receiving monthly cash payments, and total quantity The number of people receiving these cash payments is 16.5 million citizens of the Russian Federation.

To obtain EDV you will need the following documents:

1. Passport;

2. Certificate of compulsory pension insurance;

3. ITU Help.

From February 1, 2019, the size of the EDV will be indexed and, according to Federal Law No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995 “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation,” will increase depending on disability groups and taking into account an increasing factor of 1.034:

1) disabled people of group 1 – 3,750.30 rubles;

2) disabled people of group II – 2,678.31 rubles;

3) disabled people III groups – 2,144 rubles;

4) disabled children – 2,678.31 rubles;

5) war invalids - 5,356.59 rubles;

6) disabled Chernobyl victims - 2,678.31.

From February 1, 2019, benefits for the provision of social services (a set of social services) will also increase. The payment will be 1111.75 kopecks. (until February 2019 - 1075.19 rubles). Of this amount, 856.30 kopecks are intended for the purchase of medicines, for sanatorium treatment- 132.45 kopecks, for travel to the place of treatment - 122.90 kopecks.

Labor pension for disabled people

A labor disability pension is established for citizens of the Russian Federation who have been recognized as established by law order for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3.

To receive a disability pension, a combination of three conditions is required:

1) The person is recognized as a disabled person of groups 1, 2, 3.

2) The acquisition of disability is not associated with the commission of:

A criminal offense recognized as intentional in court;

Infliction of intentional damage to one's health, established in court.

3) Having at least 1 day of insurance experience.

To receive a disability pension, you will need the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Work record book or employment contract;
  • Documents confirming the establishment of disability and the degree of disability (certificate).

In addition, in necessary cases The following documents are attached:

  • Certificate of average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months before January 1, 2002 during employment;
  • A certificate confirming that disabled family members are dependent;
  • A document confirming the place of residence, stay or actual residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • A document confirming the place of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Documents on changing the last name, first name, patronymic.

The size of the retirement pension for disability is calculated using the following formula

TPPI= PC/(T x K) + B

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person (disabled person), taken into account as of the day from which he is assigned a labor disability pension;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age pension. When assigning a pension from 2013, 228 months are taken for calculations;

K is the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period (in months) as of the specified date to 180 months. The standard duration of the insurance period until a disabled person reaches the age of 19 is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

B - fixed basic size of disability pension.

You can see the basic size of the labor pension in the following table.

The basic size of the labor pension is affected by:

  • disability group
  • number of dependents

Disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, as well as disabled children and disabled children have the right to receive EDV and NSU in the prescribed manner. In the article, we will analyze what amount of the monthly allowance and the National Social Security is established for persons with disabilities in 2019, and we will also find out how to process cash payments to people with disabilities and what documents are required for this.

What are EDV and NSU

EDV, or monthly cash payment, is financial assistance, which is provided by the state to persons with limited physical and social capabilities (disabled people), as well as veterans, military personnel, citizens affected by man-made disasters, victims of the Nazi regime, etc.

EDV is an additional payment and is assigned regardless of the fact that a citizen receives a pension, as well as other compensation, additional payments, and benefits.

NSO, or a set of social services - assistance provided to recipients of EDV in kind - in the form of granting the right to free travel, vouchers to sanatoriums, medical care and medicines.

The NSI is assigned to all EDV recipients automatically at the time of issuing a monthly cash payment. The recipient of the EDV can refuse the NSO in kind by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund (the form can be downloaded here ⇒). In this case, the size of the UDV will be increased by the amount of the monetary equivalent of the NSO.

Who can apply for EDV and NSU

Current legislation grants the right to receive EDV and NSU to the following categories of citizens:

  • disabled people, including disabled people with combat injuries;
  • WWII and combat veterans;
  • relatives of fallen servicemen;
  • persons who suffered radiation sickness, other citizens who suffered from the consequences of man-made disasters;
  • Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, Socialist Labor, holders of the Order of Glory.

A complete list of persons entitled to payment in the form of EDV is contained in the relevant legislative acts, as well as on the official website of the Pension Fund ⇒

Cash payments to disabled people: amounts in 2019

The size of the EDV and NSO is fixed and is established at the legislative level. From 02/01/2019, the size of the EDV was indexed for all categories of recipients by 2.5%.

The amount of monthly payments is determined based on the disability group and from 02/01/2019 is:

  • for disabled people of group 1 – 2,551.79 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 2 – 1,515.05 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 3 – 998.32 rubles/month;
  • for disabled children (persons with disabilities under 18 years of age) – 1,515.05 rubles/month.

The above amounts of EDV are assigned on the condition that the citizen receives NSO in kind.

NSO for disabled people in 2019

From 02/01/2019, the cash equivalent of the NSO is 1,075.19 rubles/month, including:

  • compensation for the cost of medications – 828.14 rubles/month;
  • the right to receive vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions (if available) medical indications no more than once every 2 years) – 128.11 rubles/month;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport – 118.94 rubles.

The specified amount of NSO is valid both for disabled people and for other recipients of EDV.

Amount of EDV if a disabled person refuses NSU

The recipient of the EDV due to disability has the right to refuse to receive NSI in kind - in the form of medicines, free trips to the sanatorium and free travel on suburban railway transport. In this case, the monthly amount of payments to the disabled person will be increased by the cash equivalent of the NSO.

If the disabled person completely refuses the NSU, the size of the UD will be increased by 1,075.19 rubles/month. and will be:

  • for disabled people of group 1 – 3,626.98 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 2 – 2,590.24 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 3 – 2,073.51 rubles/month;
  • for disabled children (persons with disabilities under 18 years of age) – 2,590.24 rubles/month.

The recipient of the EDV may waive the TSA in kind, either completely or partially. For example, a disabled person can refuse free vouchers to a sanatorium and free travel on railway transport, but retain the right to receive medicine. In this case, the amount of EDV will be increased by 247.05 rubles/month.

The table below provides information on the amounts of UD in case of partial refusal of the disabled person from the NSO:

EDV recipients Disabled people of 1st group Disabled people of 2 groups, disabled children Disabled people of 3 groups
Amount of EDV if you refuse free railway travel RUB 2,670.73/monthRUB 1,633.99/monthRUB 1,117.26/month
The amount of EDV if you refuse free railway travel and vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 2,798.84/monthRUB 1,762.10/monthRUB 1,245.37/month
Amount of EDV when refusing free medicines and travel in railway transport RUB 3,498.87/monthRUB 2,462.13/monthRUB 1,945.40/month
Amount of EDV upon refusal of vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 2,679.90/monthRUB 1,643.16/monthRUB 1,126.43/month
Amount of UDV if you refuse free medications RUB 3,379.93/monthRUB 2,343.19/monthRUB 1,826.46/month
The amount of EDV if you refuse free medications and vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 3,508.04/monthRUB 2,471.30/monthRUB 1,954.57/month

If you refuse the NSU, an additional payment to the EDV is assigned from the month following the month of submitting the corresponding application to the Pension Fund.

Cash payments to disabled combat veterans

The right to receive EDV and NSU is granted to citizens who have acquired a disability as a result of a combat injury. For this category of persons, the amount of EDV is set as follows:

The basis for assigning payment to disabled combatants is a document issued by a medical institution and confirming that the reason for assigning disability was an injury (wound, mutilation, concussion) or disease acquired during military service or participation in hostilities.

Disabled people who participated in the Great Patriotic War also have the right to receive EDV in the specified amount, regardless of the reasons for the assignment of disability.

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Citizens receiving monthly social payments are also entitled to receive set of social services(NSU), which is an integral part of EDV in its natural form. NSU is a list of services provided to disabled people free of charge.

In this case, citizens can choose: either to receive a set of services in kind, or by replacing it with money. Such replacement can be carried out in whole or in part. In case of refusal of an in-kind form of social assistance, it is necessary to submit an application for refusal to receive all or some of the services to the territorial body before October 1 Pension Fund Russian Federation (PFR).

NSU consists of several parts:

  • Providing necessary medical drugs and products.
  • Providing free travel on suburban and intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.
  • Providing vouchers to a sanatorium if such treatment is necessary.

Please note that to register a refusal to receive NSO in full or any part of it in 2020, it was necessary to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia until October 1, 2019.

The amount of money allocated to pay for social services from February 1, 2019 is:

  • 863 rubles 75 kopecks for security necessary medications;
  • 133 rubles 62 kopecks for the provision of vouchers to sanatoriums;
  • 124 rubles 05 kopecks for free travel on suburban railway and intercity transport.
  • Full cost of NSO from 02/1/2019 - 1121 ruble 42 kopecks.

It is worth noting that current legislation provides for the complete or partial replacement of the NSO in financial terms.

Last year, citizen Ivanova, being a group II disabled person, received EDV in full, refusing the full set of social benefits. services. In 2018, Ms. Ivanova was issued a certificate by her attending physician regarding the need for sanatorium-resort treatment. Fund social insurance provided her with the opportunity to receive such a voucher in 2019 in accordance with her treatment profile and the date of arrival. In order for gr. Ivanova was able to take advantage of the right to treatment in a sanatorium in 2019; she applied to the Pension Fund before October 1, 2018 with a request to refuse the provision of necessary medications and travel by railway transport, while retaining the right to sanatorium treatment.

Consequently, from January 1, 2019, the amount of EDV accrued to her was reduced by the cost social services for the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment.

We calculate the amount of EDV paid by gr. Ivanova from February 1, 2019, taking into account the indexation:

  • 2701.62 - 133.62 = 2568 rubles.

Indexation of monthly cash payments

Starting from January 1, 2010, the size of the EDV was subject to indexation once a year from April 1 current year. This increase in the monthly cash payment was carried out taking into account the forecast of the inflation rate established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.

This procedure for indexing EDV size was changed on January 1, 2016 - it is now indexed in February. In 2019, one of the most massive social payments is indexed taking into account the inflation rate of the previous year (2018).

According to Rosstat, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%. Therefore, indexation was carried out precisely by this value.

From February 1, 2019, the monthly cash payment was increased by 4.3%. Simultaneously with the increase in this social payment, the amount of funds allocated for the provision of social assistance in kind also increased, namely.

Assignment of monthly payments to pensioners

To assign a monthly cash payment to citizens entitled to it in accordance with Russian legislation, you need to contact the Pension Fund office with a corresponding application at the place of permanent or temporary registration. This application can also be submitted at the place of actual residence due to the lack of a place of residence confirmed by registration.

  • Applicants already receiving a pension should contact the Pension Fund of the area where their pension file is located.
  • Citizens living in the institution social services, you must contact the district office of the Pension Fund at the location of this organization.

Registration of EDV in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The assignment of a monthly cash payment and its subsequent payment are carried out on the basis of an application from a citizen or his representative who has applied necessary documents to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund.

To establish social benefits, depending on the category to which the citizen belongs, a number of documents must be submitted:

  1. Documents confirming the identity and citizenship of the applicant or the identity and powers of his legal representative.
  2. Documents confirming residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Documents that allow you to establish the fact that a citizen belongs to one or another preferential category.

The application for the appointment of EDV must also contain information about the choice of the basis for establishing EDV if there are several such grounds and the citizen’s obligation to promptly inform the Pension Fund about changes in circumstances affecting the amount of social benefits.

Appointment decision monthly payments are accepted within ten working days from the date of application. The applicant must then be notified of the decision within five days.

EDV is established from the day you apply for it, but not before the occurrence rights to it. Such social assistance is appointed for the time during which the person belongs to the category entitled to social benefits.

Procedure for providing monthly cash payments

The citizen receives a monthly cash payment simultaneously with pension if he is a pensioner. In this case, the delivery of the EDV will be carried out in the same way as the payment of the pension:

  • through post offices;
  • through credit organizations.

If the citizen is not a pensioner, then he chooses the payment option that is convenient for him and submits an application for the delivery method.

If a citizen wants to change the payment method, he will need to apply to the district office of the Pension Fund. Citizens living in social institution and having this organization as a legal representative, the amount of EDV can be transferred to the account of the specified institution.


  • A monthly cash payment is assigned to certain people, including disabled people, disabled children, citizens, and former minor prisoners of fascism.
  • EDV is assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether the citizen entitled to such payment has reached, retirement age or not yet.
  • Amount of monthly cash payment for everyone different. The amount of EDV depends on which category the citizen belongs to.
  • Indexation of the size of the UDV is carried out every year based on the level of inflation in the country for the previous one.

When a citizen contacts the client service of the district administration of the Pension Fund with an application for the appointment of an EDV, he automatically has the right to receive. The applicant may refuse the NSO or its individual component in favor of the cash equivalent or vice versa at his own request.