
The most unusual dogs in the world. The strangest dogs

There are many factors that influence the “danger” of a dog breed, and experts often disagree on the topic. Simply calling a dog dangerous is not fair. However, in the case of some breeds, it can be said for sure that a dog of this breed will cause more harm to its victim - if it decides to attack. It is on this principle that these 25 breeds were selected.

It is important to note, however, that almost all breeds are bred to obey their owners. So most incidents are due to improper training and unreasonable behavior of the owner.

1. Tosa Inu. Tosa Inu is a massive dog. Originally bred as a fighting breed, it is considered dangerous and banned in some countries.

2. American Bandog. This is incredible strong dog- a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neopolitan Mastiff. Despite its formidable appearance, it was not bred for fighting. Some, however, use dogs of this breed as fighting dogs.

3. Cane Corso. A very muscular dog. Believed to be a descendant of ancient Roman fighting dogs that were used as gladiator baiting dogs.

4. Bull Terrier. The dog is famous for its large egg-shaped head and incredible strength. The breed is not particularly aggressive, but it has a highly developed hunting instinct, which is why it is dangerous for animals smaller than it.

5. Rhodesian Ridgeback. South African breed. It is believed that it knows how to drive lions away from prey while the owner is hunting. Dogs of this breed are loyal and intelligent, but are not very kind to strangers. They require sensible positive training and a lack of harsh handling to avoid developing the aggressive side of the breed.

6. Dogo Argentino A large, white, muscular dog bred in Argentina for hunting, particularly wild boar and puma. When breeding, aggression towards people was not the goal. However, for example, in the UK it is prohibited to keep dogs of this breed.

7. Boerboel. A large mastiff bred in South Africa to guard a home or farm. Dogs of this breed are very loyal and are considered good guards.

8. Gul-dong, or Pakistani bulldog. A very strong dog, the breed was bred as a fighting dog. Aggressive and difficult to control.

9. Basenji, or African non-barking dog. A hound breed from Central Africa. It ranks second on the list of breeds that are difficult to train.

10. St. Bernard. The breed is native to the Swiss and Italian Alps. Originally a rescue dog. However, like any other dog large breed, they must be taught from childhood to be sociable with strangers and other dogs in order to prevent possible aggressive behavior.

11. American Bulldog. Heavy muscular dog. Known for their friendly demeanor, they can be incredibly stubborn. It was bred as a farm guard breed.

12. Great Dane. Known for its incredible size. A dog of this breed holds a height record of 1.1 meters. It was bred in Germany to hunt wild boar and deer.

13. Fila Brasil, also known as the Brazilian Mastiff. Aggressive and impulsive dog. Due to its size, temperament and potential aggressiveness, the breed is banned in many countries.

14. Dogo Canario. Large herding dog. Needs good training. In some situations, dogs of this breed can be aggressive towards other dogs and suspicious towards strangers.

15. Akita Inu. A large Spitz bred in the mountainous regions of Japan. A strong and independent dog. Loyal to owners, but suspicious of strangers.

16. Boxer. By nature, dogs of this breed are not very aggressive, but they were included in the list of the most dangerous breeds due to the number of unpleasant incidents involving them from 1982 to 2012. The breed was bred in Germany. They are considered very energetic and willful.

17. Wolfdog, wolf hybrid. The result of crossing a gray wolf and a dog, which explains the unpredictable behavior.

18. Chow-chow. The breed was bred in China. Despite their apparent friendliness, dogs of this breed require very good training. They can be very aggressive, protecting their owner. From 1979 to 1998, 238 were registered deaths. Need daily physical activity.

19. Doberman. This breed is famous for its loyalty and intelligence. Considered the best guard dog- attacks only if it is provoked or the owner and his property are in danger. The breed was developed in Germany by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. May be aggressive towards strangers and other dogs, however, cases of aggression towards owners are extremely rare. Aggression coupled with size and strength make Dobermans potentially dangerous.

20. Husky. A northern breed bred for sledding. Due to their strong hunting instinct, they can be dangerous to smaller animals. Known for their destructive habits - when they are bored.

22. Rottweiler. A strong breed with well-developed herding and guarding instincts. As with dogs of other breeds, the danger of the Rottweiler is often explained by the irresponsibility of the owner, cruel treatment, lack of training and socialization. The power of the Rottweiler should not be underestimated.

23. German Shepherd. An intelligent, confident, alert and fearless dog. The breed is used by the police. They can be overly zealous in protecting their owners and their territory. If not properly trained, a German Shepherd can start attacking people.

25. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Bred to guard the herd. The typical Caucasian Shepherd is assertive, stubborn and fearless. In the case of bad upbringing and poor training, dogs of this breed may show uncontrollability and will not accept people who are not familiar to them.

Dogs are loved for their devotion, loyalty and special ability to lighten the mood with non-standard behavior. There are large number a wide variety of dog breeds, beautiful, dark, big, small, kind and evil.

Which dogs are the most unusual in the world?

1. Mexican hairless dog

This breed is rarely found in families, as the animal itself is not very attractive. This dog has no fur on its body, but has a funny bang on its head - this makes the representatives of this funny breed very cute and friendly.

2. Bedlington Terrier

Perhaps one of the most amazing breeds. Externally, the animal looks like a hybrid of a sheep and a dog, otherwise how to explain such a similarity? Even the ears of this breed hang like a lamb’s, and the wool can be cut and knitted into carpets.

There is no doubt that the breed was bred artificially, and keeping such an animal at home would be a little strange.

This dog breed is from Africa. One of the most fragile, but at the same time athletic dogs. Thanks to its light weight, elastic muscles, long paws and incredible speed - these animals are able to outrun even the fastest runner over a long distance.

And representatives of the breed, thanks to their grace, can win various beauty contests.

4. Laekenois

Unlike the first representative of the rating, dogs of this breed can boast of luxurious golden curls that curl funny. This dog's hair looks like it has a wet hair effect.

5. Chinese Crested

This breed is quite common in European countries. The dog perfectly conveys the punk rock style, thanks to the unique hair on its head and neck.

6. Dandie Dinmont Terrier

In addition to the funny name, these animals are small in stature, thanks to which they resemble an elderly grandmother with funny gray hair.

Very popular breed dogs in Germany, artificially bred more than 3 centuries ago. In appearance, the dog resembles a small monkey with a protruding chin.

In addition, the Affenpinscher is known for its miniature size; height at the withers is 23 cm, and weight barely reaches 5 kg. The only drawback of the breed is its demeanor towards children. Affenpinschers do not like children.

Turkish hunting dog with a distinctive feature - a forked nose. Thanks to such a strange structure, she is able to smell at great distances.

Catalburuns are very popular among hunters.

Among people, it is very difficult to be different from everyone else, a “black sheep” - there is always a risk of remaining misunderstood and even becoming an outcast. But unusual pets do not face such a fate. We have already written about unusual cats, which, despite their original appearance, remain popular and beloved. Today is our turn to talk about unusual dog breeds. Why they surprise and delight - read this article on Lady Mail.Ru.


The Komondor is the oldest Hungarian shepherd breed, another name is the Hungarian Shepherd Dog. It seems that a dozen dog groomers worked on her extravagant “shaggy” appearance: no one else has such a hairstyle with long braids that look like strong twisted cords! Once upon a time, the Komondor was an indispensable assistant for shepherds, and its long hair saved the dog from the scorching sun and cold, and also protected it from injury in fights with wolves and bears. Among all long-haired dogs, Komondors have the heaviest coat in the world: the "coat" adult dog weighs on average 7 kg and consists of 2 thousand laces! Braids that curl quite naturally as a result of felting wool should not be combed with a comb; they can only be straightened/untangled with your hands.

The Komondor is famous not only for its unique coat, but also for its intelligence, determination, speed of reaction, and incredible performance. These qualities have been “cultivated” in the breed for centuries, since the Komondor had to guard animals in the pasture alone for several months, independently coping with various situations. The fearless and reliable Komondor treats his owner and family members very warmly.


This one is Turkish hunting dog- a real one-of-a-kind! The "anomaly" of the Catalburun, also known as the Turkish Pointer, is a forked nose. A nose “cut” into two halves is by no means a deformity, and the organ of smell is not injured in dog fights or in fights with wild animals. According to experts, the unusual nose of the catalburun (in translation the word means “forked nose”) appeared as a result of inbreeding (mating of animals that have common ancestors and are closely related). Of course, such pets do not look like everyone else, but this “deviation” from the norm also gives them a head start: the unique nose of the catalburun has an incredible sense of smell, much higher than the “average canine”, so the catalburun is very much in demand among hunters.

“Sniffers” can be successfully used as rescuers, police officers and searchers at the border, customs posts and train stations. Catalburun puppies are excellent students; you can take them partridge hunting as early as 6-7 months (“hunters” of other breeds can cope with such responsibilities from about two years old). Catalburuns are very hardy (they develop good speed when chasing prey while hunting), energetic, obedient and balanced. They obey the owner unquestioningly, but they can show aggression towards strangers.

Pharaoh Hound

The name of the breed sounds beautiful and mysterious, and in fact the history of the origin of these dogs is connected with the era of the ancient Egyptian pyramids. Even after thousands of years, pharaoh dogs almost completely retained their original appearance: an elegant silhouette, a flexible muscular body, a long wedge-shaped head with large and high-set ears. The external resemblance of these dogs to images of the Egyptian god Anubis is striking! But, paradoxically, the real homeland of the breed is not Egypt, but Malta. The Maltese use dogs to hunt rabbits and call them Kelb tal Fenek - “ rabbit dog" The Pharaoh Hound is a magnificent hunter with excellent sense of smell, hearing, and vision. Jumps well: in high jumps he can reach the bar of 1.5 meters or more. With a kind, affectionate character and exceptional loyalty, this dog is increasingly used as a companion these days.

Pharaoh hounds get along well with children and can be friends with cats, but not with rodents like guinea pigs. Despite their “kinship” with the pharaohs and their high intelligence, the dogs are distinguished by their playful disposition. Their owners even claim that dogs have a sense of humor and, when experiencing moments of joy, they wrinkle their nose funny and smile, stretching their lips. And pharaoh dogs also know what shame is, and when they are embarrassed, their nose, ears and rims of their eyes turn red. These live unusual dogs for a long time - on average 15-17 years, remaining in good athletic shape even in old age.

Shar Pei

“Dog in a fold!” - the first thing you want to exclaim when you see a Shar Pei. The coat, as if worn “for growth,” makes these Chinese dogs very unusual. At first meeting, the Shar Pei seems somewhat uncouth, “square”: a large head with small and deep-set eyes, a wide muzzle, a short strong neck, massive chest, short back and strong paws. The dog looks more like a cute plush toy. But this impression is deceptive: the folds seem soft only from the outside, but as soon as you run your hand over the short fur of a Shar Pei without undercoat, it becomes clear that it is far from plush, but rather rough, rough and even prickly! This interesting “outfit” is designed to protect the dog from bites. Funny and cheerful pet, as we perceive it today, was actually originally used as a guard, hunting and fighting dog. For example, in the ring, the Shar Pei had a great advantage: even if the opponent managed to grab him by the scruff of the neck, the loose hanging skin allowed him to wriggle out and strike back again.

Unlike other ancient Chinese breeds, this dog was not a favorite of emperors and nobility: Shar Peis lived in poor villages, next to peasants who, alas, often used them for food. In the history of these dogs, in whose veins flows the blood of Tibetan mastiffs and short-haired chow chows, there was even a period when the breed was on the verge of extinction. Shar Peis are very temperamental, active creatures, devoted and faithful pets, smart and easy to keep. True, unlike other dogs, they are terribly afraid of water.


A dog, she is a dog in Africa too. But still, the African greyhound, or the blue Berber greyhound - the Azawakh - is an unusual dog. It was bred in the Southern Sahara (in the Azawakh Valley, located on the border between Niger and Mali) to hunt gazelles and antelopes. In Europe, African greyhounds first appeared in the 70s of the twentieth century, and then French dog handlers, fascinated by the beauty of these dogs, began targeted breeding of the breed. These dogs can be classified as unique primarily because of their bright colors. anatomical features. This is an incredibly graceful, elegant and harmoniously built dog with a narrow, elongated, well-defined head. High on slender legs, with its graceful exterior it resembles an Arabian horse - also a native of desert oases. This resemblance is given to the greyhound by its smooth, thin, close-fitting, short, sand-colored coat.

Despite its hunting “specialization,” the Azawakh also has excellent watchdog qualities and is vigilant. These dogs have a cool disposition, an independent character, they do not tolerate the proximity of representatives of other breeds and cats. But at the same time they are very smart, affectionate and gentle towards their owners.


The French Löwchen breed has two other names - Bichon Lyon and Little Lion Dog. The levchen received the nickname “lion dog” back in the Renaissance because of the haircut invented for it, reminiscent of the “hairstyle” of the king of beasts. Among the ancestors of the Lewchen were the Small Barbet and Poodles. And indeed, if you refuse regular (once every 4-6 weeks) traditional “lion” or regular short haircut, then the Löwchen will very soon look like a lapdog or a poodle.

The nature of these adorable dogs not at all as cool and formidable as a lion, but brave and cheerful. Affectionate and friendly Levchens are excellent companions, are easy to train, know how to get along with household members, and play with children. This breed can easily be included in the list of the kindest dogs. Lion dogs feel quite comfortable both in a city apartment and in a country house, they rarely get sick and with good care they can easily live up to 14-15 years or more.

Catahoula Leopard Dog

This Native American has many nicknames: Catahoula Mongrel, Catahoula Leopard Mongrel, Catahoula Hound. The Catahoula leopard dog got its name for two reasons: for its spotted coat color and in honor of the surrounding area of ​​Lake Catahoula in Louisiana. They say that back in the 16th century, it was in the villages surrounding this lake, as a result of crossing local red wolves with bloodhounds, mastiffs and greyhounds brought by Spanish explorers, that this unique dog appeared, which over time became indispensable for farmers in Louisiana. At first, the Catahoula dog was used to look after livestock, to corral and catch wild hogs, raccoons and even squirrels.

Nowadays, the dog is actively used not only in pastures, but also serves for search and rescue operations. The Catahoula Dog loves companionship and does not tolerate loneliness well, has good health and is unpretentious in food. Among the representatives of this breed, dogs with turquoise-blue eyes are especially valued - you will not find such eyes in other dogs.

Tibetan Mastiff

Dogs of this legendary breed, bred in Tibetan monasteries (according to some sources, about 5 thousand years ago), are impressive in their size. These are very large and hardy dogs with a powerful build, with a massive head, broad chest and strong neck, covered with a dense mane. The weight of an adult dog reaches from 60 to 80 kg, height 60-67 cm. In addition to its solid “dimensions,” the Tibetan Mastiff (or Tibetan Mastino) impresses with its thick, coarse, straight coat, with which it is not afraid of any frost. He may be under open air even without a kennel, while demonstrating excellent health. The coat color of the Tibetan can be different: chestnut, black, black fiery, golden and gray of various shades, gray with golden tan. Despite its frightening, powerful and ponderous “image”, the Tibetan mastiff is distinguished by its restrained and calm character, intelligence and independence. In relation to other dogs, cats and other pets, he is quite friendly and good-natured, he is able to respond adequately to aggression, being able to distinguish “what is “good” and what is “bad”.

The Tibetan Mastiff is not devoid of pedagogical abilities; you can safely entrust him with children, for whom he will become a interesting friend ensuring their maximum safety. Another feature of this breed is its exceptional cleanliness and neatness. Tibetan Mastiff - reliable defender, as soon as he suspects a stranger of bad intentions or an attempt to harm his master’s possessions, his anger and rage will be indescribable.


Affenpinschers are very smart, curious and passionate, they remember many commands (although they are not always in a hurry to carry them out due to their natural stubbornness), they love outdoor games and clown pranks, they climb well (they can even overcome a one and a half meter fence), they love to be close to their owner , to whom they are endlessly devoted. At the same time, the Affenpinscher is very suspicious and unfriendly towards strangers, including other people’s children, and cannot stand cats, so you only need to take him out into “society” on a leash. In France, the Affenpinscher is even called the “mustachioed little devil,” and white color This breed is considered a defect.

Bedlington Terrier

“A sheep with the heart of a lion” - this is how you can describe the Bedlington Terrier. This dog, bred in the first half of the 19th century by English miners from the town of Bedlington (Northumberland County) to eliminate rats in mines and hunt badgers, rabbits and foxes, is very similar to a shorn sheep. This resemblance is primarily given to her by her thick wavy fur, pear-shaped head with a “cap” and small dark, deep-set eyes. These dogs get along well in an apartment, adapting to the rhythm of life of the owner and his family members, although, of course, they love long, active walks. They cannot tolerate rough treatment.

The vast majority of our pet dogs, even Labradors, Great Danes and Chihuahuas, have more common features, than different... this includes the number of fingers, wool, genetic traits and historical origin.

However, there are several dog breeds in the world that are considered to be strikingly different from most other dogs due to a certain physical characteristic or unique genetic trait. Intrigued? Then read on to learn about the seven most unusual dog breeds with unique and inimitable traits.

Catahoula Leopard Dog

The Catahoula Leopard Dog is one of the most unusual dogs you may have never heard of! It is believed that the appearance of Catahoula has not changed for several thousand years. The dog was highly valued among the American Indians for its hunting abilities. The most unique feature of the Catahoula Leopard is its ability to climb trees, something no other dog breed can boast of!

Hairless Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested Dog comes in two varieties: with and without fur. The hairless variant almost certainly has the most unusual appearance in the world, with its hairless body and a small amount of hair over the eyes, on the limbs and on the tail. The hairless version of the Chinese Crested Dog is the result of a genetic abnormality, and most of the puppies in their litter will contain some variation of the hairless and furry type. Hairless varieties, unlike their furry siblings, also often lack a full set of premolars. The Hairless Chinese Crested Dog also enjoys the dubious reputation of being voted "the ugliest dog in the world."

Norwegian Lundehund

Norwegian Lundehunds may seem like quite ordinary dogs at first glance, but they have a number of unusual features! They have unusual joints in the neck and shoulder area, which allow them to reach their back with their nose, and they can practically put all four of their paws in a “split”!

They are also capable of consciously closing their ear canals using ear cartilage to prevent water or dirt from getting into them. These dogs are excellent swimmers and climbers, and were historically used to hunt puffins, which roost on islands and in rock crevices.


Bullets definitely cause a stir wherever they walk or stroll! A distinctive feature of these dogs is their coat, which naturally forms into dreadlocks. These dreadlocks are absolutely impenetrable, and the hair in them never falls out, so regular trimming is required. The Puli is highly prized as a herding dog in Hungary, where dogs of this breed are worth significant sums of money; sometimes their cost reaches the annual salary of an average shepherd!

The unpronounceable Xoloitzcuintle

The Xoloitzcuintle is a hairless dog that has one of the richest pedigrees. These dogs originated during the time of the ancient Aztecs in Mexico, where mummies and clay figurines of them were found dating back to 5000-3000 BC. The Xoloitzcuintle is very rarely seen outside of its own country. Due to its unusual appearance, these dogs are often mistaken for some strange animals that have nothing in common with dogs!

Carolina dog

The Carolina Dog may appear to be a Spitz-type dog in appearance, but the secret of this unusual breed lies in its genetics. This dog is believed to be one of the oldest breeds in the world. The Carolina Dog shares genetic traits with the Australian dingo, and cave paintings of it are believed to date back many thousands of years. The Carolina Dog is considered a primitive breed of dog that was not fully domesticated, so it is rarely seen as a pet and only by the most experienced dog owners.

Peruvian Inca Orchid

At first glance, the Peruvian Inca Orchid may look like a completely hairless version of the Chinese Crested Dog, but the breeds are completely unrelated. Folklore in their native Peru says that hugging a Peruvian orchid can cure stomach problems and many other minor illnesses. These dogs do not drool when they are panting, and their tongue remains inside their mouth, which is their distinguishing feature. They also have an excellent sense of smell, and can be used to find truffles and other rare and expensive mushrooms!

There are quite a few unusual breeds of dogs in the world, representatives of which are not so easy to meet in the yard or park. Some of the species are on the verge of extinction, have the status of exotic or simply extremely rare.
We present to your attention 27 of the most unusual and unique breeds.

In the past and to this day, these charming fur balls serve as guards for monasteries and households in Tibet. Dense coat and weight from 45 to 70 kg allow dogs of this breed to survive the harsh winters of Central Asia.

This cute breed was developed in Scotland during the 18th century and is a cross between the Skye Terrier and the Scotch Terrier. A playful dog with short legs performs his duties well as a badger catcher. At the moment, Dandie Dinmont Terriers are extremely rare: only about a hundred representatives of this breed are registered in clubs every year.

This furry beast is a cross between a Newfoundland, a Saint Bernard and a Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Male Leonbergers can weigh around 80 kg. According to legend, they were bred to resemble the lions from the coat of arms of the city of Lionberg in Germany. After World War II, there were only eight of these gentle giants left in the entire world.

This breed is famous for its curly hair and ability to swim well. Initially, such dogs were bred in Portugal and performed a number of important functions: they looked after fish in nets, the condition of gear, and also served as couriers delivering mail from ship to ship. In the 1930s, the breed was on the verge of extinction until a wealthy Portuguese businessman began a breeding program. However, at the moment the water dog remains an extremely rare species.

Lowchen translates from German as “lion cub”. This is one of the most rare breeds on the planet, and its history began back in 1442. Elegant and devoted lion dogs, constant companions of the elite of Germany and France, can often be seen in historical paintings and tapestries.

This Belgian dog is a descendant of small terriers that were used to hunt rodents. Griffons are affectionate, charming, inquisitive, and known for their almost human-like expressiveness. The world wars almost completely destroyed this breed and by the end of World War II there was not a single such dog left in Belgium. Currently, this breed is considered extremely rare.

Known as the "singing dog" or "stone age dog", this breed was completely isolated for about 30 thousand years until it was discovered high in the mountains of Papua New Guinea in 1950. As the name suggests, these dogs love to sing: gathering in small flocks, they stage real concerts, howling in different voices. There are only about 100 individuals of the New Guinea dog outside their natural habitat. Since the domestication of this breed has not yet been completely completed, such dogs are not recommended for living as a pet for ordinary people.

The three-thousand-year history of the Sholoitzcuintle breed can be traced back to the civilizations of ancient Mexico. Being tamed quite quickly and easily, hairless dogs They have become excellent companions for humans in hunting and home life. Their lack of hair gives them an advantage for living in hot conditions, and images of hairless dogs are found in works of art of the Aztecs and Toltecs.

Wolfdog is a breed that is as close as possible to a real wolf. These dogs were created in 1955 by crossing German Shepherds and wolves. Being as obedient and friendly as german shepherds, wolfdogs have retained their wolfish ways wildlife and love to feel like members of a pack.

This breed was bred especially for the shepherd's fields in the Alps, characterized by a thick skin that is not prone to shedding and does not require special care. Bergamasco Shepherds are incredibly obedient, observant and patient. Selflessly loyal to their owner, these impressive giants sometimes prove extremely shy in the company of strangers.

In the past, Vendée Basset Hounds earned the reputation of being excellent hunting assistants for French aristocrats. Currently, representatives of this breed are considered one of the best companions for humans. By the way, the length of these extravagant dogs is 50% greater than their height.

Seeing this charming animal, many may guess that he is a cross between a Corgi and a Manchester Terrier. Hillier has strong herding instincts, like his ancestors, but he is no less good as a kind member of the family.

The rare Hungarian Shepherd Mudi becomes a real treasure for any owner. These dogs are extremely friendly, strong, fast and intelligent. One of the notable features of Mudi is their sheep-like, wavy wool.

Until 1990, the Russian Toy was considered such an elite breed that its representatives were not even taken outside of Russia. Measuring 20-25 cm at the withers and weighing only 2-3 kilograms, these graceful little creatures have a lean build and cute long curls behind the ears.

If you are concerned about problems with bears, you should definitely get yourself a Caucasian Shepherd. Weighing 50-90 kg, these giants also have remarkable intelligence, which allows them to easily protect herds and their owners in Georgia.

A born protector and shepherd, the Slovenian Chuvach is capable of providing security for all living things that he was entrusted with protecting. Despite the rather harmless “fluffy” appearance, these dogs have an extremely muscular, powerful body.

Don't be fooled by the mastiff's rather menacing appearance - in fact, this dog is 70kg of pure love. Representatives of this breed were discovered more than 2000 years ago in only one very small region of Campania, which is located in Southern Italy. In the past - heroes of the Roman arenas, now mastiffs serve in the police, army and intelligence, where they show themselves to be simply irreplaceable employees.

No, this is not a lamb. Surprisingly, such cute dogs are armed with incredibly powerful jaws, which serve them for hunting rodents and even fighting with their relatives. Before dog fighting were outlawed, the handsome Beldington Terriers took an active part in them. Now representatives of this breed are trying to instill a little more friendliness towards other dogs, so each individual needs careful training.

This breed was originally bred as a working dog for Belgian monks. Having become more widespread over time, Bouviers showed excellent service to man during the world wars, successfully searching for the wounded and helping to pull stalled ambulances. Legend has it that one of the dogs of this breed once bit Hitler.

In Britain in the 19th century, otterhounds were actively used to hunt otters. Later, when the otter population began to rapidly decline, the same began to happen to dogs of this breed. There are currently about 1,000 Otterhounds in the world.

22. Catahoula Leopard Dog