
Slavic holidays for the year calendar. The Sun fills its years with high activity, energy of action, inspiration and an unstoppable desire for a specific and clear goal

Soon we will be celebrating the New Year eastern calendar, whose patron will be the Yellow Earth Dog. But according to the Slavic calendar, the coming 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog.

Let's figure it out, at least general outline, what should we expect from this beast.

This year has long been considered special. The Slavs languished in anxious anticipation and had many hopes for this year.

It was believed that the energy of the Hedgehog could heal many mental wounds and help every person find inner harmony.

Also, this year is always fertile, although it is not particularly generous with global changes. 2018, the Year of the Curled Hedgehog, will also have a tangible impact on the energy of each of us this time.

So, the Hedgehog is a symbol of economy. So try to spend your money wisely. But at the same time, you shouldn’t be greedy either. Always reward those who deserve it.

Good luck in 2018 will accompany the hardworking and active people. Therefore, if you want wealth and prosperity, then you will have to roll up your sleeves. The hedgehog will not help lazy people.

As for the sphere of love in 2018, everything will go very well here. The hedgehog will bring changes for the better.

2018 will get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary contacts and in return will give you bright and pure love. Those who are in a couple can look forward to the growth of the relationship and the transition to new level. In this regard, it is very important to let go of all your fears. Single people have an excellent chance of finding their soulmate.

The Year of the Hedgehog will also be favorable for marriage, new additions to the family, or conception. Family values will come to the fore in 2018.

In 2018, the mood promises to be very positive high level. The main thing is to avoid pessimists, otherwise you can easily get infected depressive state. Luck will also smile on those who learn to enjoy life and be grateful for the little things.

But your health should be carefully monitored. Even minor symptoms of malaise should not be ignored. Maybe, higher powers want to draw your attention to something specific. Try to be attentive to these signs. In addition, this way you can avoid health problems.

The Slavic calendar does not lose its relevance over the years. On the contrary, in modern world people are increasingly turning to him.

2018 will be a very unusual year, because it will pass under the influence of the Curled Hedgehog. This patron is very unusual and ambiguous in character. From January 1, 2018, the Crouching Fox will be replaced by the Hedgehog, so you should start thinking about how to change something in your life, but not locally, but globally. Try to rewrite your destiny in advance, look into the future.

Love and relationships in 2018

In love, the Curled Hedgehog will help you survive difficult breakups or get used to a new person, a new soul mate. Adaptation to new conditions will be more successful than before. The Curled Hedgehog perfectly helps anyone who is vulnerable to cope with troubles. This applies to newlyweds and parents with a small first child. Any doubts about happiness should dissipate very quickly. This will be a great time to add to the family.

Marriage in such a year will also unite a young family. Try to escape the clutches of everyday life if you are looking for your soulmate. The more and harder you try to fight negativity and apathy, the greater your chances of successfully finding love or friendship.

It is better to build any relationship on trust. Diplomacy will often come to your aid, but you should not rely on kindness to open all doors. If someone tries to take away your love and happiness, don't stop at anything. This is especially true for men who are overly compliant. A little sass won't hurt you, especially at the beginning of this year. Proponents of quick success will have to be patient, because people will not make contact too easily. The Curled Hedgehog will make everyone work hard. Secrets must be kept, and your secrets must not be shared with just anyone.

Finance and career in 2018

From January 1, you will need to stop spending money thoughtlessly. Austerity must be supported common sense. Otherwise, you will be disappointed again and again. The hedgehog puts a taboo on useless purchases that many people like to make from time to time. The exception will be those acquisitions that can be called forced.

It's not worth borrowing. You need to take out mortgages and loans with extreme caution if you are determined to buy an apartment, house or car. This will be a good year for accumulating finances. In any case, it is better to think several times before buying something. It is best to invest money in your own comfort. You can buy something for your home and start making repairs.

At work, each person will be influenced by his own doubts, but not by the influence of others. This means that you need to put your thoughts in order, removing doubts and negative programs. Thoughts are material - remember this throughout the coming 12 months. In 2018, you need to do more planning to avoid the sudden appearance of troubles. Try to think about what will happen next. The present tense must be developed in advance so that unforeseen difficulties do not arise. This is the year of punctual people and those who do not like to waste words. Energy of the main symbol of 2018 Slavic calendar will be orderly and creative.

Mood and health according to the Slavic calendar

The curled up Hedgehog is a symbol of solitude and tranquility. Spend more time with family or alone. Do what you love and be creative. You will have a creative spark at the beginning of the year, which will open new doors. The most important thing is to remember to be honest with yourself. The mood will be good if you don't chase the stars and don't be petty. You cannot earn all the money and you cannot become good for all people. You will still have to offend someone.

But sadness and resentment can bypass you. Everything will depend on the environment, on the company. Unfortunately, it will be easy to become infected with laziness or depression. Think with your head so that you don’t regret later that you didn’t listen to your heart at an important moment.

It is best to schedule a vacation during transition periods in 2018 - from February to March, from May to June, from August to September or from November to December. Hard work is the main condition for success, and proper and timely rest will play an equally important role in the development of your luck. Overwork will not do you any good - your health will be shaky this year. You should have the desire to become better at everything, but you shouldn’t have to sacrifice anything. If the Universe has plans for you, it will implement them in any way.

This year will be quite calm in its energy, but far from the most successful for people without initiative. Try to maintain composure and take care of your health. Failures may creep up unnoticed in 2018, but even the most superficial caution will help stop any problems in love, business and finance. Signs of fate will surround you everywhere, because this will be a spiritual time, which is designed for those who are not used to believing in miracles, but also do not deny that sometimes they do happen. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.11.2017 07:57

In ancient times, each newborn person was assigned a palace according to the Slavic astrological calendar. It reflected not only...

This knowledge is still relevant today, because the Slavic calendar, like the eastern one, makes it possible to predict the future.

According to the Slavic calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog, writes

Whether it’s a coincidence or not, in the Slavic calendar the characteristics of this patron animal are in many ways similar to the description of the Yellow Earth Dogs in the eastern calendar.

Main characteristics of 2018

The Year of the Curled Hedgehog was considered a slightly passive time and devoid of dynamics. People did not expect global changes from such periods.

The Slavs always celebrated the Year of the Hedgehog with a special sinking heart, because they believed that the Hedgehog was able to heal internal wounds.

This is a year of fertility and hard work. This is a purely material year, but its spiritual calm can work for the benefit of our general mood. This is a time of reconciliation and living hand in hand with those we care about.

Finance and work in 2018

The Curled Hedgehog is a symbol of austerity. The ancient Slavs believed that in the Year of the Hedgehog you should not spend a lot of money and give away your savings.

At the same time, it is better to be as generous as possible with those who deserve it. Helping colleagues would be very appropriate now. By the end of the year, you can begin to reap the benefits of your generosity.

Callous people will be left behind. If the consequences of selfishness do not occur in 2018, they can be felt later when the time comes.

Saving, however, has nothing in common with greed. Try to look for benefits everywhere and in everything. Sell ​​old items without bidding. In 2018, every penny counts.

Love and relationships in 2018

The Slavs believed that the Curled Hedgehog could change life for the better. In love this will be very noticeable. People who want to know the greatest happiness will have to take their relationships to the next level. It will be very good year for weddings, weddings and marriage proposals.

This is also a great time to conceive and give birth to a child.
A child born in the year of the Hedgehog will be strong in spirit and body, he will be healthy and unbending. This year can make you the same.

The only thing required of you is desire. Any problems that you encounter should be regarded as a way to increase wisdom.

Life experience is the greatest value in 2018. In love and relationships with people you need to be careful, because every new day you may encounter disagreements. A little diplomacy will help you stay afloat and maintain harmony.

According to the Slavic calendar, unlike eastern horoscopes, who prophesy the coming of the Dog, will be patronized by the Curled Hedgehog in the coming 2018. The calendar of our Slavic ancestors is radically different from the eastern one, as it has a different interpretation of chronology. In pagan times, the Slavic people used a totemic yearbook, where the years were united into sixteen-year cycles. Each year a patron was approved - a totem in the image of an animal, to which completely human traits and qualities were attributed.

In ancient times, the hedgehog, due to its rounded shape, which allowed it to release spines in all directions, was identified as a solar sign and associated with self-defense. These animals, unique in many respects, inhabited the planet already 15 million years ago, and nature itself took care of their safety. When meeting an enemy, small and in appearance harmless hedgehogs curl up into a ball, pointing sharp needles threateningly. In addition, they are resistant to the most toxic poisons; their diet even includes snakes and scorpions. Hedgehogs are not afraid to enter into unequal fights, usually emerging victorious. They have an irrepressible vitality that leads strictly to their goal.

When the symbol of the year comes into its own

Our distant ancestors communicated with the forces of nature, therefore traditional Slavic holidays were closely tied to certain dates in accordance with the movement of the main celestial body - the Sun. In pre-Christian times in Rus', what year it would be was determined according to the ancient Slavic calendar. It began on the pagan holiday Komoeditsa, which marked the onset of the spring equinox and was dedicated to the strengthening Sun-Yaril. In 2018 this day (according to modern Gregorian calendar) comes on March 20th.

How does the hedgehog sign affect a person?

It was believed that totems largely conceal a deep sacred essence, determine the characters and tastes of people, directly influencing fate. Under the sign of the Curled Hedgehog, people are born with extraordinary personal qualities and abilities.

Important! In 2018, representatives of the hedgehog sign born in 1938, 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 will have good luck, especially business people striving for new achievements.

  • Psychological portrait. Outwardly, hedgehog people may seem very active and rather fussy, but patience and prudence are not alien to them. They are real fighters for justice, they have their own opinions, although they do not always draw the right conclusions. Hedgehogs have a stubborn character and, once a decision is made, it is almost impossible to convince them. They are also characterized by unpredictability.
  • Career. An analytical mind, attention to detail, excellent memory, especially visual, pedantry, and conscientiousness contribute to successful career growth.
  • Friendship. In communication, hedgehogs are quite prickly; if they want, they can offend even with a joke, but still in friendly relations they are very reliable people. If you ask for help, they will immediately come to the rescue. Although they do not trust anyone completely, they choose their friends carefully.
  • Family. Caring about the arrangement of housing and a sincere desire for constancy make it possible to create strong marriages with hedgehogs. But you need to be prepared that they demand the same from their loved ones. Hedgehogs are neat and thrifty, although a little meticulous and grumpy.

Those who are planning a new baby now, keep in mind that hedgehog children can be restless and stubborn in childhood. Although, as they grow up, they will become calmer, more honest, homely people who will be able to achieve high heights in life.

What will the year be like?

By Slavic horoscope The year 2018 is fertile for reforms, random events and is marked by prophecies and freedom. The year is perfect for starting a family and having children.

To find the protection of heavenly forces you need to develop more positive traits, inherent in this prickly animal. Good luck in 2018 will definitely be brought by persistent activity, for which there were no opportunities in past years.

Good afternoon, friends. Happy New Year 2018!

We celebrate so carefully and loudly New Year There's only us in the whole world. Have you ever wondered why? Everything is ready for Christmas, and in two months we are preparing for the next year. It’s impossible to say that we don’t have enough holidays; we have an abundance of them, more than anyone else in the world! So, most likely, it’s about the values ​​of this event. Since childhood, we love fairy tales and, becoming adults, we continue to believe in the magic of New Year's magic. And that's great. At least somewhere and in some way we are special and original!

Of course, everything is in the breadth of our Russian soul, although people from the former Soviet Union are no less happy about this event. Another reason is that our Christmas comes after the New Year. If it were in December like the Catholics, maybe we wouldn’t be so happy about the New Year. Although a replacement is hardly possible here, these two events are too different for us. I think that someday all Christians on earth will celebrate one Christmas on the night of December 25th, I would really like this. But whether we will be so religious and active in preparing for this celebration is a big question, and something tells me that it’s unlikely...

But the topic of today's conversation: New Year 2018 and its symbols. By Chinese calendar- This is the Yellow Dog. About why we, descendants of Russians, suddenly became adherents of Eastern China lunar calendar, who had absolutely nothing to do with us, The explanations are simple. They didn’t keep their calendar-yearbook and joyfully and hastily picked up what was easily imposed on us by the media! Well, okay, Yellow Dog, let it be....

Yes, the prickly one will be able to defend itself, the peace-loving creature will not attack in vain, but it will not allow itself to be offended, in any dangerous situation it will curl up into a ball and “the grass will not grow.” Although, if necessary, “the bear will survive from the den” and will emerge victorious from the unequal battle.

The hedgehog patronizes everything new and fresh, but he will not thoughtlessly throw away what has been gained before him, the animal is thrifty to the point of stinginess.

Let's add to his qualities: noisy, restless - a night hunter, restless and fussy, clings to little things, to details.

People born in the year of the Curled Hedgehog are unpredictable, have a prickly character, a sharp disposition, and are a little fussy and noisy. But there are also many advantages: they have excellent memory, in a good way pedantic, economical, sometimes scrupulous and concentrated, as a rule, intelligent.

“Hedgehogs” are reliable friends, faithful spouses, good housewives and caring fathers. If one of their loved ones is in danger, they will readily sacrifice themselves for their safety.

And in friendship, hedgehogs are loyal, they will not betray, they will not let you down, in love they are reckless, like “into the deep end,” without calculating or thinking about rationality, if their heart is on fire. Love for them is the goal of life, they are devoted until their last breath...

What will the Year of the Curled Hedgehog be like for us? Like anyone and everyone, it will be different, different for everyone. People, do not indulge in dreams and daydreams, do not listen to the prophetic statements of astrologers: how good and glorious the year of the Yellow Dog will be.

Fairy tales! It will be like in a dog’s life: some, like Tuzik, have a booth in the yard and a night in the rain, others have a fluffy carpet under their sides and sweet dream. C'est la vie! Well, you understand where, what, to whom :) But the Slavic totem promises everyone a peaceful life).

Health and well-being in the Year of the Curled Hedgehog

This year will be energetically calmer than the outgoing one. It is important to maintain composure in case of any problems that arise and not allow them to affect your health. Caution will help you maintain balance and easily solve all problems in love, business and finance.

The time for creativity and increasing spiritual potential is coming. You should spend more time with your family, find joy in communication and give each other not material gifts, but feelings and emotions.

Miracle met miracle 🙂 - a unique photo from the family collection of Konstantin Vervekin.

It is equally important to remember to be honest with others and yourself. The time is coming for the spiritual rebirth of man. It's time to transform the “man-nature” relationship into a format of peaceful coexistence and prosperity. Not only to take care of abandoned domestic animals, but also to give up hunting, limit fishing, revive meadows and forests, and clean them of dirt and waste. Each of us must become better this year!

Love and relationships

This year is a wonderful time for the family, all doubts will be dispelled, and in anticipation of the symbol of the year, we will open our doors to let the owner of the year into the house. This especially applies to newlyweds and parents with small children. If there were any problems in the past year, let them go away forever.

In love, the Hedgehog will help you survive difficult breakups, if they are inevitable, or merge with a new person, your “soul mate.”

For those who are still searching, wait for your finest hour and act more decisively when you notice “your” person on the horizon. If luck smiles on you, you can rest assured that the choice will be made correctly.

Trust is the ally of any relationship. And diplomacy will often help you in solving difficulties that arise. But remember, kindness does not open all doors. If you suddenly feel a threat to your love and happiness from the outside, do not stop at anything. Defend boldly and decisively, like hedgehogs 🙂! A little insolence will not go amiss, especially at the beginning of the year.

Finance and career in 2018

The Curled Hedgehog will not only force everyone to work hard, but will also not allow them to waste their earned money thoughtlessly. You can buy something necessary for your home, start making repairs, everything that is aimed at transformation and improvement. Hedgehog does not welcome spenders and useless purchases. But what is vitally necessary - green road. But austerity must be healthy so that it does not bring negativity into your emotional life.

Do not take on debt; treat loans with great caution, unless for serious acquisitions. This year will be good for savings and investments; by the middle of the year you will feel the impact on this front of activity.

The energy of 2018 will be orderly and creative. Remember that thoughts are material, which means it is important to do more planning, not allowing surprises and turmoil into your life.

How and where to celebrate this year