
At what age do babies start talking? When does the child start talking? When to Worry

When should a child start talking?

At 1 year old, a child should pronounce about 10 facilitated words and know the names of 200 objects (cup, bed, bear, mother, walk, swim, etc. everyday objects and actions). The child must understand the speech addressed to him and respond to it. To the words "where is the bear?" - turn your head towards the bear, and at the request "give me a hand" - stretch out your hand.

At 2 years old, the child must build phrases and short sentences, use adjectives and pronouns, the vocabulary at this age increases to 50 words (this is at the bottom of the norm), as a rule, experts want to hear at least 100 words from the child.

At 2 and a half years old, a child should build complex sentences using about 200-300 words, pronounce almost all letters correctly, except for “l”, “r” and hissing, ask questions “where?”, “Where?”. The child must know his name, distinguish between relatives, imitate the voices of the main animals and birds. Adjectives appear in speech - big, tall, beautiful, hot, etc.

At 3 years old, the child should speak in sentences that are united in meaning, use all pronouns correctly, actively use adjectives and adverbs in speech (far, early, hot, etc.). From the point of view of a non-specialist, it is easy to identify that a three-year-old has speech problems as follows - let a stranger listen to your baby. If he understands 75% of what your baby says, and a simple conversational speech develops between an adult and a child, then everything is in order. The speech of a child at 3 years old should change by birth, number. That is, if the question “do you want candy?” the child answers “want” instead of “want” - this is already a developmental deviation.

Where is the boundary between individual characteristics of development and lagging behind?

Let's calm down the super-shy parents and grandmothers first. The framework that is taken into account by development standards is quite flexible. If your baby speaks not 10 words a year, but 7, then you should not sound the alarm. Fluctuations to the side a little earlier or a little later are acceptable within 2-3 months. And for boys, it is possible to lag behind girls by 4-5 months.

The inhabitants believe that there is a certain zone, an area of ​​the brain responsible for the development of speech. In reality, speech is formed only with the coordinated work of both hemispheres of the brain. For full and timely speech development, it is necessary that both the right hemisphere, which is responsible for the emotional-figurative sphere, spatial thinking and intuition, and the left hemisphere, responsible for rational-logical thinking, develop harmoniously. In boys, the bundle of nerve fibers connecting both hemispheres is thinner than in girls and develops more slowly. Therefore, it happens that the exchange of information between the hemispheres is difficult, because of which it is more difficult for boys to dress their thoughts in the form of a grammatically correct statement. If there are no brain and mental deviations in development, with an early slight lag in speech development, the boy will overcome it with the help of specialists. Moreover, it is men who have a more developed figurative speech, which is why there are an order of magnitude more male writers and poets than women.

At the same time, it is worth warning the boys' parents that the situation should not be started, and if the deviation from the norm is significant, be sure to sound the alarm. In connection with the gender characteristics of development, it is among boys that the percentage of deviations in speech and psycho-speech development is high. Let's take a few examples. Among children who stutter, there are twice as many boys as girls. Among those suffering from alalia (almost complete lack of speech with intact hearing) there are three times more boys, and the same number of children with dysarthria (when a child has difficulty pronouncing so many sounds and his speech is almost incomprehensible to others).

What counts as speech? Until the age of 2.5 years, it is acceptable if the child speaks in “baby language”. Words are considered not only full-fledged "mom" and "dad", but also "bee-bee" instead of "car", "car-car" instead of "crow", and "kup-kup" instead of "let's go swimming." The child can come up with their own designations for objects. If a child stubbornly calls pasta "kamani" - this is also a word. It is acceptable that the same combination of sounds be used to denote different objects (“ki” - pussy, socks, throw).

But if a child at 2.5 years old does not try to speak in phrases of 3-4 words like “mom de kup-kup” (mother is going to swim), then you need to definitely sound the alarm. In principle, attentive specialists can note a delay in speech development at a fairly early period.

We list the signs of a significant delay in speech development:

If a child at 4 months does not emotionally react to the gestures of adults and does not smile, does not perk up when mommy addresses him.
If the child is already 8-9 months old, and still there is no babbling (repeated ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-ta, etc. combinations), and in a year it is an extremely quiet child, making little sounds.
If the child is already one and a half, but he does not speak simple words, for example, “mom” or “give,” and does not understand simple words - his name or the names of surrounding objects: he is not able to fulfill simple requests like “come here”, “sit down”.
If the child has difficulty sucking or chewing. For example, if a one and a half year old child does not know how to chew and chokes on even a piece of an apple.
If at two years the child uses only a few separate words and does not try to repeat new words.
If at 2.5 years the active vocabulary is less than 20 words and word imitations. Does not know the names of surrounding objects and body parts: cannot, upon request, point to a familiar object or bring something that is out of sight. If at this age he does not know how to make two-word phrases (for example, “give me water”)
If a three-year-old baby speaks so incomprehensibly that even relatives can hardly understand him. He does not speak simple sentences (subject, predicate, object), does not understand simple explanations or stories about events in the past or future.
If a three-year-old child "rumbles", that is, he speaks too quickly, swallowing the endings of words, or, conversely, extremely slowly, stretching them out, although there is no example of such speech at home.
If at three years old a child speaks mainly in phrases from cartoons and books, but does not build his own sentences, this is a sign of a serious developmental deviation ... If at three years old a child mirrors what adults say in front of him, even if out of place, this is the reason an urgent appeal to a specialist, and a psychiatrist!
If a baby of any age has a constantly open mouth or increased salivation for no apparent reason (not associated with tooth growth)

What is the difference between Speech Delay (SPD) and Psycho-Speech Development Delay (PSP)?

A delay in speech development is when only speech suffers, and the mental and emotional development of the child is normal. This is the case when the child understands everything and fulfills requests, but speaks little or very poorly.

A delay in psycho-speech development implies that the child has a developmental lag of a general intellectual nature.

If before the age of 4, the diagnosis of ZPRD is quite rare and happens only in the presence of serious diseases, then over 5 years, only 20% of children with speech problems remain diagnosed with ZPRD. If before the age of 4 the child mastered the world, entering into little communication, then from this age he receives the bulk of the information precisely in communication with adults and peers. If speech is inaccessible to a child, mental development inhibition begins, and by the age of 5, from a delay in speech development (SRR), unfortunately, a delay in PSYCHO-speech development (SPR) is formed. Therefore, if doctors have given your baby a ZRR, you should not, like an ostrich, hide your head in the sand and wait that “everything will pass by itself”. ZRR is reflected in the formation of the entire psyche of the child. If communication with others is difficult, this prevents the correct formation of cognitive processes and affects the emotional-volitional sphere. Waiting without treatment and classes with a 5-year-old defectologist often leads to a pronounced lag behind peers, in which case training will be possible only in a specialized school.

Sometimes a delay in speech development is associated with a delay in psychomotor development. The baby begins later than other children to hold his head, sit, walk. They are awkward, often fall, get injured, fly into objects. A characteristic sign is a long potty training, when at the age of 4, 5-5 the child continues to have “opportunities”.

What is the reason for the occurrence of ZRR and ZPRR in a child?

It should be understood that ZRR and ZPRR are not independent diseases, but the consequences of certain deviations in the health of the child, namely, disorders of the brain, central nervous system, genetic or mental disorders. Studying the anamnesis of children with delayed speech development, experts found that various adverse effects during prenatal development, premature, prolonged or rapid labor, a long anhydrous period, birth injuries, fetal asphyxia during childbirth, hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure, genetic predisposition, mental illness, and even early transfer of the child to artificial feeding.
Severe childhood illnesses, especially in the first three years of life, traumatic brain injuries or simply neglected frequent falls, hearing loss of varying degrees - all this can cause a lag in speech development. Under the influence of unfavorable biological (or social) factors, it is precisely those areas of the brain that are most intensively developing at the moment that are most significantly damaged. Studies have shown that children whose mother or father have any mental disorders, often quarrel or abuse alcohol often suffer from delayed speech development.

Delayed speech development is characteristic of children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, children with early childhood autism, hyperactivity syndrome.

Regardless of the cause that led to brain damage, the outcome is the same - different areas of the brain begin to work incorrectly or not actively enough. In children with delays in psycho-speech development, the zones that are responsible for speech and intellectual abilities are more “affected”, and as a result, speech and mental development is delayed.

Negative social factors do not have a direct pathological effect on the child, but they affect mental development. Therefore, RDD and RDD are often diagnosed in twins and twins, in children growing up in bilingual families or a poor language environment.
Of course, the hereditary factor also plays a significant role. I would like to stop separately at this point. Often mothers come with a five-year-old child who practically does not speak. I ask you, what did you expect a year ago, a year and a half ago? After all, the sooner you start correction and treatment, the higher the result! Moms shrug their shoulders and say that, they say, the mother-in-law says that the father of the child spoke only at the age of 4 and immediately with phrases, and the uncle spoke late. And nothing, both people got out.

Dear mothers! If, according to the stories of relatives, you, your husband or uncle-aunt and another close relative spoke late, then this signals that your child already has a genetic predisposition to RDD. From generation to generation, ZRR wears more and more severe forms. It must be understood that the active mastery of lexical and grammatical patterns begins in a child at 2-3 years old and ends by the age of 7. If a child has NO speech AT ALL, not even wordplay at 6 years old, there is a 0.2% chance that he will speak. If the child is 8 years old, then he will have to master alternative methods of communication - gestural, card, written, but he will no longer have active speech in the general sense.
Therefore, waiting for everything to resolve itself is an extremely irresponsible position!

The help of what specialists and when may a child with a speech delay need help?

Unfortunately, many parents believe that speech therapists "treat" developmental delay, but speech therapists are educators, not doctors. They only teach the child to speak various sounds correctly, and this can only be done effectively from the age of 4-5. But you and I already know that waiting up to 5 years in the case of a child with ADHD is extremely dangerous.

So, first you need a fairly detailed diagnosis to identify the causes of the pathology of speech development.

Hearing assessment for children with speech delay (examination by an audiologist)
To assess development, age-appropriate tests are used: the Denver psychomotor development test, the Early Language Milestone Scale, the Bailey Scales of Infant Development.
From conversations with parents and observations, find out how the child communicates his needs. In contrast to general developmental delay and autism, children with hearing loss, motor apraxia of the facial muscles, and primary neurogenic speech disorders are able to express their needs.
It turns out that there is no motor apraxia of the muscles of the face, which is revealed in the form of difficulties in feeding and the inability to repeat movements of the tongue.
Compare understanding and speech reproduction.
Information about the child's home environment and his communication helps to identify insufficient stimulation of speech development.

To find out the reasons for the delay in speech development, it is necessary to contact a neuropathologist, a speech therapist, and in some cases a psychiatrist and a child psychologist. Specialized brain tests may be required - ECG, ECHO-EG, MRI and similar examinations.

Almost 100% of children with STDs and STDs require medical treatment.

At what age does work to overcome developmental delays begin?

The earlier the better.

Neurologists can prescribe treatment from the age of 1 year if a neurological pathology is detected early, which leads or may lead to a delay in speech development.

Defectologists start working with children from the age of 2, they help develop a child's attention, memory, thinking, and motor skills. Speech development specialists, corrective teachers also start working with children from 2-2.5 years old.

Speech therapists help to “put” sounds, teach how to build sentences correctly and compose a competent story. Most speech therapists work with children from 4-5 years old.

What are the methods of treatment of RRR and RRR?

Drug therapy - among the drugs that are used to treat STDs, there are those that are "active nutrition" and "building material" for brain neurons (cortexin, actovegin, neuromultivit, lecithin, etc.), and drugs that "spur" activity speech zones (cogitum). All appointments are made ONLY by a neurologist or psychiatrist. It is dangerous to self-medicate, because the drug that helped your friend's child may be contraindicated for your child.

Electroreflexotherapy and magnetotherapy allow you to selectively restore the work of various centers of the brain responsible for diction, vocabulary, speech activity and intellectual abilities. The high efficiency of electroreflexotherapy is associated with an additional therapeutic effect on hydrocephalus. However, this effective method is prohibited for use in children with convulsive syndrome, epilepsy and mental disorders. There are no contraindications for magnetotherapy.

Alternative methods of treatment - hippotherapy (treatment with horses), dolphin therapy, etc. methods must also be selected individually.

However, only drug assistance to such children brings little result if it is not backed up by pedagogical influence. The main task of the work of a defectologist teacher is to increase the level of mental development of children: intellectual, emotional and social.

The teacher provides correction (correction and weakening) of negative development trends; prevents the appearance of secondary deviations in development and difficulties in learning at the initial stage. In the work, the teacher-defectologist uses visual, practical, technical means of rehabilitation and conducts remedial classes in a playful way according to an individual plan. There is no general technique that helps absolutely everyone, an individual approach is needed.

It is very important that parents, noticing signs of a delay in speech development in a child, not only rely on the help of specialists, but also actively engage with the child themselves. The defectologist helps to choose the direction of the work that the relatives of the child will have to do daily and hourly.

A little about the methods of corrective work.

In working with such children, art therapy, music therapy, object-sensory therapy methods, special methods for developing large and small (fine) motor skills, methods for expanding the child's conceptual apparatus are used.

For example, finger games are actively used.
In the cerebral cortex, the departments responsible for the development of articulatory and fine manual motor skills are located close to each other and are closely interconnected. However, the hand develops earlier in the process of ontogenesis, and its development, as it were, “pulls” the development of speech with it. Therefore, by developing fine manual motor skills in a child, we stimulate the development of his speech. Therefore, if a child has a leading hand - the right one, his left hemisphere is more developed - among the left-handers there are much more children with RDD, tk. they have the most developed right, and not the left hemisphere, in which the speech and motor centers are located.

It is essential that parents at home provide the child with the opportunity to develop fine motor skills - a designer, puzzles, insert games, mosaics, lacing toys, cubes and balls of various sizes, pyramids and ring throws, simulators for fastening buttons and tying shoelaces. It is necessary with the child to sculpt a lot from plasticine, draw with finger paints, string beads on a cord, perform engravings and primitive embroideries.

Of great importance is the use of various massage techniques and motor stimulation for the development of perception and sensations from an early age.
In cases where a child has deviations in psychophysical development, the use of massage (in the system of correctional and developmental education) should be continued at preschool and primary school age.

It is recommended to use outdoor games (logo-rhythmic technique) that develop the ability to navigate in space, move rhythmically and deftly, change the pace of movements, as well as games in which movements are accompanied by speech.
The musical development of the child is also important. Such games as “Guess what sounded?”, “Recognize by voice”, “What instrument is playing?”, “Catch a whisper”, etc. are effective. After all, almost all children with RDD have insufficiently developed attention (less memorization and reproduction of material ), they do not know how to concentrate, are often distracted, do not hear the rhythm and poorly capture the intonation of the voices of others.
It is also necessary to develop visual attention through work with multi-colored stripes, sticks, cubes, geometric planar and volumetric figures, and special cards.

Any classes should be carried out according to the system, so you need to practice daily and under the supervision of a specialist. As a rule, it is enough for a 3-year-old child to visit a defectologist once a week, if the parents are ready to do the work assigned by the specialist at home in full. A child 4, 5-5 years old and older needs to meet with a specialist at least 2 times a day, and in the case of ZPRR, a combination of several specialists is better. For example, 2 times a week a child works with a defectologist for general development, and 2 times a week with a music therapist or art therapist.
from the age of 5, if the development of passive speech is sufficient and there is no delay in mental development, it is necessary to start classes with a speech therapist.
Children with a significant delay in speech development should not attend a general preschool institution, but a specialized psycho-neurological or neurological nursery, then a speech therapy kindergarten. If the RRR or RRR is not overcome by the age of 7, you should not insist that the child attend a regular school. Agree to a special correctional institution, where the child will be provided with increased attention from specialists and an adapted school curriculum.
In conclusion, I emphasize once again that if you notice that the speech development of your baby does not correspond to the age norm, do not hesitate - contact a specialist immediately! If the correction of speech disorders is started at an early age, then it is likely that at the age of 6 your child will not be any different from his peers.

Rudova A.S., teacher-defectologist, psychologist, director of the Center for Developing Innovative Methods in the Field of Education and Culture and the Children's Studio of Innovative Development "Harlequin".

Each new achievement of the baby is a real holiday for parents, the first smile, the first step, the first word. Young parents closely follow the generally accepted age norms for the development of a particular skill, and are very worried if even slight delays occur. When a child starts talking later than his peers, this is not always a reason for excitement, because each baby is individual and has its own development schedule.

The first word of the baby gives parents great joy

When a healthy child starts talking

According to the generally accepted standards for the speech development of children, the child gives the first voice messages immediately after birth. Crying is a kind of message to adults, which refers to a particular need of the baby, discomfort or pain.

Growing up and developing, by the age of 4-6 months, the baby acquires the skills of babble, tries to make new sounds, combine them with each other, repeat the most frequently heard syllables, change the intonation of the voice.

Boys develop at a slightly different pace, a little slower than their peers. They may start talking a little later than girls of the same age. This should not cause concern.

By 12 months, the child can already correlate objects with certain sounds, actively tries to enter into a dialogue with an adult in his own language, which is not yet understood by others. This is how speech motor functions, pronunciation are trained.

The subsequent speech development looks like this:

  • 1-1.5 years - the child tries to pronounce simple words, often repeating them after an adult.
  • 1.5-2 years - up to 50 words accumulate in the baby's arsenal, which have a clear relation to a particular object, person, animal. The first attempts to compose phrases appear.
  • 2-3 years - vocabulary is constantly replenished, the child builds complex sentences, understands instructions from several actions.

These limits are relative. The child has the right to start talking both earlier and later. In the latter case, the main thing is not to panic, not to get angry at the child, not to force him to speak, but to show patience and direct all your strength to speech motivation classes.

What to do to get your child to talk

When a baby grows from birth in a favorable environment, where all surrounding adults communicate normally with him and among themselves in a positive way, delays in speech development are less common.

A child from birth should receive the experience of verbal and tactile communication. You need to talk with him constantly: during games, bathing, feeding, massage, fees for a walk. Mom and other family members must accompany all their actions with words. Only in this way are formed and developed phonemic hearing and perception - the basis of correct sound pronunciation and speech.

A deviation in speech development for 6 months is an acceptable norm that does not require corrective work if there are no pathological disorders.

When communicating with a child, it is important:

  • speak in simple, understandable sentences;
  • comment on everything that happens around;
  • correctly build phrases, speak about yourself in the first person, address the child with “you”;
  • depending on the situation, color speech emotionally;
  • try to lisp less, especially if the child is already a year old or more. Lisping provokes the child to distort certain sounds in the future.

Thus, the child develops a passive vocabulary, which later turns into an active one.

At what age to start classes on the development of the articulatory apparatus

By about a year, as soon as the child is ready to listen, understand and follow the instructions, speech therapy games can be started with him. With their help, little girls and boys will not only strengthen their emotional connection with adults, but also prepare the speech apparatus for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Articulation games for the little ones:

  • grimacing in front of a mirror. Helps to study oneself, one's face, one's movements and makes all the mimic muscles of the face work;
  • tongue movements imitating lip licking. They hone their language skills to pronounce more complex sounds;
  • cheek puffing;
  • stretching the tongue;
  • training speech exhalation by inflating soap bubbles, blowing light objects off the table, etc.

The main rule when working with children is a good mood, approval from an adult.

Classes for the development of speech

For the most part, boys and girls love to listen to their mother read.

They can be carried out not only when the child should already begin to speak, but also much earlier. These include:

  • reading books, poems, nursery rhymes to a child. With their help, the horizons expand, the passive vocabulary is replenished, and the correct pronunciation is demonstrated. The rhythm of poetic texts, sound consonances have a positive effect on the formation of speech;
  • games for the development of fine motor skills. Grooving, finger pools, lacing, buttons, sensory tracks;
  • development of gross motor skills;
  • finger games;
  • game exercises aimed at developing non-speech hearing. These include recognizing the contents of different boxes by their characteristic sound, guessing musical instruments by their sound, and differentiating noises made by different objects.

The complexity of classes is selected in accordance with age, based on the zone of the actual and taking into account the zone of proximal development of the child.

At what age will the child speak if there is already a slight delay

Deviation from the established norms for six months is considered acceptable. This may be evidence of the individual characteristics of the development of the child and does not require the intervention of specialists. In addition, boys may start talking even later.

This feature may be due to:

  • a genetic factor - if one of the baby's parents started talking late;
  • features of the perinatal period - severe pregnancy, complicated mother's history, premature birth. In this case, some parts of the nervous system may be formed with a delay. But it is important to exclude the presence of serious congenital pathologies;
  • a decrease in the child's hearing acuity - consult a doctor to check this parameter;
  • lack of communication and lack of motivation.

If at 12 months the child is active, sociable, healthy, hears, perceives, understands the addressed speech and fulfills the requests of the parents, then you should not worry.

At what age a child will speak - largely depends on the atmosphere in the family

When the child should start talking, but no words have yet been heard from him, moms and dads can do independent work to monitor the baby. What you should pay attention to:

  • development of general motor skills. Normally, he should have the ability to walk quickly, run, climb stairs, jump on one or two legs;
  • development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Pay attention to the ability to pour water from glass to glass, unscrew the corks, draw a straight line according to the model;
  • understanding of speech addressed to him. How well and accurately fulfills requests, what is the passive vocabulary;
  • development of phonemic perception and auditory functions. Does he hear whispered speech well, does he recognize the contrast of the simultaneous sound of two musical toys, does he easily determine the localization of sounds with his eyes closed.

Based on these observations, it is possible to draw conclusions about the child's readiness for verbal communication and understand which skills should be emphasized.

Calmness, a positive attitude, a favorable atmosphere of love and understanding are the main things in a family. If the child is silent, and his peers recite the first verses, this does not yet indicate a delay. Each baby develops at its own pace, and there is no need to force things.

But if speech is delayed by more than six months from generally accepted norms, it is better to play it safe and contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and exclude possible problems and developmental disorders.

While the baby is still tiny, it seems to us that it is too early to talk about the development of speech.

But in fact, even before a year old, the child has the first prerequisites for mastering it.

Already from the first weeks of life, the baby masters passive speech, that is, the understanding of words, while most parents do not see the point in developing from an early age.

They believe that they will not be able to teach anything, and this is useless, because the child still does not understand anything.

Stages of development of speech of the baby

In order to understand how to communicate with an infant, let's look at the main stages in the development of speech.

Achievements up to six months

The child masters passive speech from the first weeks of life and it is from this moment that one can begin to develop speech.

Right now, the main and very important task of parents will be to actively communicate with the baby.

It will be something like daily work for both parents and the baby himself.

Newly-made parents need to constantly voice the emotions of the baby, comment on all his movements and always talk to him.

  • About a lifetime, a child will learn to respond to the voice of an adult and stop screaming and crying as soon as the parents speak to him.
  • Already in life, the child will begin to laugh and respond to you with sounds.
  • The baby begins to speak aha and (melodious sounds appear), at this moment actively participate in the dialogue, changing the intonation of the voice.
  • At 5-6 months, it is no longer a simple, familiar, melodious stretching, but a repetition of real syllables. Moreover, using sounds for which you have to close your lips, such as “b”, “p”, “m”, and also pronounces the syllables “ma”, la”, “ba”, etc. At this time, the child already begins to listen to the sounds that he utters, repeat them, imitate you and listen to your speech.

What can a baby up to 12 months?

After, in addition to the fact that speech consists of repetitions of syllables, the baby begins to babble. After he goes through all the vowels of the alphabet, he begins to say together sounds such as "ba-ba-ba" or "da-da-da-da." The baby can also already answer the question, for example, "Where?". He will actively point at the object with his finger.

What does a baby say from one to two years old

The child becomes a real explorer. He is interested in everything and asks questions in his own language. At 1 year old, the child already uses 3-4 more or less understandable words understands simple instructions, individual words and relates them to objects. from a year, an increase in vocabulary in children is characteristic.

The vocabulary increases up to 20 words and the baby can show one part of the body. By 2 years vocabulary increases at least up to 50 words, child shows 3 body parts and already uses phrases of 2 words.

What can he do from 2 years old

In this age the child understands the two-step instruction, for example, "Go to the closet, take a book", "Go to the crib, take a toy" and so on.

Vocabulary, usually in a child at this age, at least 50 words and he can show 5 parts of the body.

He also understands the meaning of actions in a given situation, for example, “What do you have in your hand?” "Is this your plate?" etc.

The child is always trying to answer the question.

At what age are children ready to learn a skill?

All parents are looking forward to when their baby finally speaks and want their speech to develop correctly and at the right time. Therefore, the most pressing question of all parents is "At what age do children begin to talk?".

Babies start talking at any age, and even if you ask a pediatrician, you won't get a definite answer. If you start the development of speech from the first days of a baby's life, then your baby will speak as early as a year.

Note! If your child has not spoken in a year, do not immediately panic. It is necessary to contact a specialist so that the child is examined and you get some advice.

Absolutely healthy children can talk at different times - an average of 1 to 3 years. The very first words are, most often, "mom" and "dad", as well as other simple words like "give", "go", and so on. There is no clear age limit for the development of speech in children. This is what most experts think.

When does a newborn say syllables?

Approximately, from 5-8 months, the baby begins to babble and pronounce the first syllables.

At this age, the child masters the elementary syllabic structure of the word, consisting, as a rule, of one syllable.

During this period, it is necessary to talk with children as much as possible, thereby replenishing his passive vocabulary, which he will soon begin to use.

At what age should one begin to pronounce the first words consciously?

All children develop, of course, individually. At the age of 10 to 12 months, the child begins to consciously pronounce the first words. Usually these are monosyllabic words or words from repeated syllables.

When does a baby begin to learn the words mom and dad?

The child develops and grows very quickly, has already mastered a lot, began to pronounce sounds, syllables. But when will he say the long-awaited "mom", "dad"? This usually happens at the age of 1 year, but note that this is an approximate figure and all children are individual and develop in different ways.

Ready for phrases and sentences?

After babbling has replaced the first words, the next stage in the development of a child's speech is the development of a vocabulary. The carrier of meaning in this period is not a simplified word, but intonation and rhythm. It is possible to understand what the baby wants to say only in a specific situation in which communication takes place and active gestures and facial expressions help him to do this.

Parents at this stage need to constantly talk with the child, read fairy tales, rhymes, play active speech games in order to fill the child's dictionary from and to.

Note! It is important not to "lisp" with the child, but to pronounce all the words correctly and without errors.

Also focus on stressed syllables and so that the child can see the movement of the lips clearly and open the mouth wide. Correct articulation is very important in the development of a child's speech. The child learns to compose sentences of three or four words up to 3 years. And at the age of three he already forms interrogative sentences and adjectives and adverbs appear in his speech.

Are there differences between boys and girls

It is generally accepted that girls start talking earlier.

This is due to the fact that they are often more calm and unemotional, there is no particular need for outside help.

Such children will quietly babble to themselves during an interesting activity, therefore, speech will develop earlier.

On the contrary, boys are more quick-tempered and noisy, they are characterized by loud screams, squeals and jerky movements at an early stage of growing up.

So, adhering to a more non-verbal way of expressing thoughts, their speech may be delayed.

Also, according to some studies, girls have a fairly plastic nervous system, thanks to which it is much easier for them to develop.

Causes of delayed speech development

In no case should parents worry if the child is silent for a long time Don't compare him to other kids.

Important! You can only worry when you reach three years old, but only if the child is sick.

Experts have identified the following reasons for possible violations:

  • Problems with the psyche, hearing, prolonged oxygen starvation in the womb. You should carefully monitor the health of the baby, because timely medical care will help resolve everything quickly, without any complications.
  • Stress. If there are a lot of quarrels and conflicts in the family, the child may simply close in on himself. No one can instill in him the desire to talk in such a society. Therefore, parents also need to monitor the emotional state of the child.
  • Lack of communication. Some parents, not wanting to send their child to kindergarten, make a big mistake. After all, for the full development of the child must constantly be in society. There he can observe and repeat the words of his peers.
  • Overprotective parenting. Many of us are ready to guess and fulfill the desire of the child at the first call, which is fundamentally wrong if you expect a consistent speech from the child. He simply does not need to learn to speak, so in such families, children pronounce the first words very late.
  • Weak development of fine motor skills. Accustom your child to everyday evening massage and light finger training, because it is known that the part of the brain responsible for the speech apparatus is inextricably linked with motor skills itself. Drawing, modeling from clay will be especially useful. At the same time, you can instill a love of art from early childhood.
  • Mixed families speaking different languages. In such an environment, it is very difficult for a child to tune in and catch the words and their meaning. After all, for this, he must first choose the language in which he will learn to speak and distinguish between the meaning of sentences.

How to help your baby speak faster

With proper support, each person is capable of much in his life. A good, well-delivered speech will need to be learned, but unshakable positivity and faith will help your baby cope with all difficulties faster!


So you can:

  • Make time for reading. Get a book with a short story and bright illustrations from the shelf and spend the evening in the company of your child! Do not be afraid to repeat the same text several times, because it is this approach that will allow words and expressions to be firmly fixed in memory.
  • Turn on songs and fun music. To improve the hearing and perception of words, the child needs to hear music more often in the house. Try to include more active and melodic compositions, while developing auditory-motor coordination.
  • Actively comment on your actions. Find a happy medium to have time to listen to the baby, as well as tell him about everyday affairs. Talk to him about everything from important events to cooking dinner.
  • Use simple and short phrases. Children learn from adults, diligently copying their actions. When you actively gesticulate, you teach your child to better understand the meaning of words. But do not forget also that it will still be difficult for the baby to delve into long phrases, so at first it is better to limit yourself to something simple, for example, “bring a toy”, “sit down at the table” and so on.

Why are children learning the skill late now?

There are several reasons why many parents are forced to turn to a speech therapist. The main ones are:

  • Indifferent attitude of adults to the problem. Letting things go is very risky. Parents should remember that hopes for self-treatment of speech defects can be worth the long and costly work of a specialist.
  • Ecological situation. Polluted air and exhaust gases can significantly slow down the development of the baby. As a result, you need to carefully monitor nutrition, actively engage in sports, and take vitamins and minerals after consulting a doctor.
  • C-section. Of course, many children are born in this way. And although experts do not observe dangerous pathologies, it is important to be prepared for the fact that the development of children may be difficult.

Conspiracy for faster skill development


Komarovsky's opinion

Each of us has our own unique path of development. That is why most children first of all need your sincere care and help. Praise your child more often, encourage his abilities, hobbies. And then you will be surprised at how quickly your baby will become your best friend and will be able to easily deliver the right speech.

Every month the baby grows and matures. In half a year there is an active formation of auditory, speech and other psycho-emotional skills. However, for a complete understanding of meaningful speech, at the stage when the child begins to speak, more than one month will pass.

As a rule, after the first “agu”, “babble” they will begin to lay the foundations for the development of speech and the pronunciation of the first syllables. In how many months this process will begin, even the pediatrician will not say. But we can say with confidence that the first of the sentences that the baby speaks is “mother”. And there is nothing surprising here, because the relationship of the crumbs was laid back in the period of intrauterine development.

The development of speech in a child

A couple of weeks after birth, the newborn emits only scream and cry. Closer to 6 months, the baby develops brain activity, he knows how to express his feelings and emotions through communication. So, let's look at the main stages in the development of a child's speech as he grows up.

  • At 1 month, the baby emits only a loud cry. Thus, he tries to attract attention to himself. Such an expression of emotions can be seen when he is hungry, “did it in a diaper”, or something is bothering him. As soon as he becomes comfortable or feels the closeness of his mother, who speaks tenderly to him, he immediately stops crying.
  • At 2 months, instead of the usual cry, intonations and cooing appear. According to them, it is easy for parents to determine what happened to the “little one” - if she cries loudly, it means that the diaper is full or the tummy hurts, and when the room is quiet, she may be looking at toys, concentrating on unfamiliar objects. Cry, scream, laugh, linger in the child's vocabulary for a long time and will even be present when conscious speech appears.
  • By 3 months, babies begin to speak consonant sounds. He recognizes his mother and willingly goes to communicate with her. From the mouth of the crumbs, you can hear the hissing and humming of the letters: “g”, “p”, “m”, “b”, “a”, “y”.
  • At 5 months, the baby makes more meaningful sounds in the form of singing, the intonation of the voice changes, and tries to communicate with parents. During the conversation of adults, he hears their speech and appeals to him well, switches to strangers, and also turns his head in the right direction. At this age, the child's speech activity becomes more pronounced and louder.

At 6 months, children become active, they move a lot on the crib and floor, easily get their favorite toys, books. They know how to roll over on their back and sideways, some even try to get on their knees. In addition to all the positive moments, parents have a question when the child should start talking in order to express his emotional dissatisfaction or joy.

Pronunciation of the first syllables

After 6 months, children begin the active phase of perfection of the articulatory apparatus. The first syllables are replacing the gurgling and babbling. The easiest way for a baby to reproduce the first word is “mom”. At what age a child is able to speak, even experts do not know. In each case, everything happens individually. However, statistics indicate that children reproduce the first babbling syllable after 7-8 months. At first, this word means nothing to the baby, just a combination of vowels and consonants is the easiest to pronounce. Closer to the year, the vocabulary will increase to 10-12 syllables, which indicates the normal development of the speech apparatus.

By the end of the first year, the child begins to try to combine a combination of 2-3 sentences. Responds to the request of the parents by communication. He understands that these are his toys, he knows where they need to be put in their place. When he is in high spirits, he talks a lot in private, and when he meets a stranger, he calls mom or dad.

The baby receives a huge flow of information during active games, crawling around the room, thus learning about the world around. The baby's speech is constantly updated with new phrases and two-word sentences. Closer to 1.5 years, the baby understands the speech addressed to him, which he accumulates in his vocabulary. How to check? Very simple, ask the baby for something:

  • “Give the rattle to mom,” he holds out his pen, smiling in return.
  • “Where is the parrot” - begins to look for a bird in a cage.
  • “Get the doll and the ball” - crawls to the crib and takes out recognizable objects.

The ability to understand the first words spoken and the response to the action is one of the conditions for the successful mastery of speech skills.

Such psychological trainings are very important for the development of speech in children. The main thing that adults should understand is to teach the baby to speak correctly and with intonation.

The development of conscious speech in children

The formation of speech in children and correctly formulated sentences occurs in stages. Sound phonetics can be divided into screaming, crying, the period of "agu" and "cooing". There are no rules for how many months a baby should speak, by medical standards. Each child, through communication with his mother, receives the necessary list of words, which in the future will become phrases consisting of 2-3 word sentences.

Baby says first words

The first meaningful words do not come to the minds of children immediately. Although the child is capable of saying “mom” and “dad” at 6 months, however, he does not understand the meaning of these one-word phrases. Therefore, do not be upset if a 5-6 month old baby, instead of waiting for the long-awaited word, can say: "give", "on-a-a", "boo-o-o". The child begins to consciously pronounce the desired “four letters” upon reaching the age of 11-12 months. From one to two years there is a time of "lexical leap". During this period, the baby learns as many phrases per day as a month earlier he could not learn in 7 days.

The child begins to speak in sentences

From about 1.5-2 years old, the baby’s habitual babble changes into phrase speech - phrases and simple phrases appear. From the age of two, there are about 50-100 words in the vocabulary of the crumbs, from which he learns to build sentences. At this time, it is very important to listen to the child, to teach him to combine consonants and vowels correctly. Thus, you will be stimulated to pronunciation, and very soon you will hear his first words.

By the age of 3, the vocabulary reaches about 250-300 words. In children's speech, the baby uses not only nouns ("what is this", "who is this"), but also verbs denoting a specific action ("this is mine", Anya's ball). Now the child is interested in the whole world around him, so he often asks questions: "why?" "why?" "when?". He already knows how to link monosyllabic sentences well and speak in a language understandable to adults. At 3-4 years old, babies begin to learn grammatical forms and complex speech structures. They become full-fledged interlocutors, using meaningful sentences and correctly coordinated phrases.

Causes of delayed speech development

If the baby is physically and psycho-emotionally developed correctly, then by the age of 2-3 he can speak several new words a day. On average, the active vocabulary of a 1.5-year-old child has about 8-10 words per month. Basically, these are stressed syllables, for example: "give-ko" "give-boo", which do not lend themselves to the grammatical norms of the Russian language. However, there are situations when children are late in the development of speech. Caring parents begin to turn to specialists and traditional healers. The well-known doctor Komarovsky connects this phenomenon with various reasons. It can be stress, underdevelopment of the vocal cords, disturbances in the brain.

There are also a number of other reasons that will help explain why a child starts talking late. These include Komarovsky:

Internal factors

  • Hereditary predisposition to various diseases, pathologies that are transmitted to children genetically.
  • Pathologies of the oral cavity - infectious, viral, fungal, short frenulum of the tongue.
  • Concomitant diseases that indirectly affect speech development are autism, epilepsy, deafness, dumbness, endocrine diseases.
  • Complications during pregnancy or after childbirth.
  • From the gender of the baby - a boy or a girl. As a rule, girls do not have delayed speech development (LRR), which cannot be said about boys.
  • From the state of the nervous system and the predisposition of the sense organs.

External factors

  • Speech development may be delayed or completely stopped as a result of stressful situations. Frequent moving from one place to another (if the father is a military man), divorce proceedings (one of the parents left the family), loss of a cat, dog, and other psychological trauma.
  • When there are two children in a family and one of them begins to copy the speech of the other, the one who is younger.
  • If at home they communicate in several languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian).
  • Lack of motivation. When speech is not the child's goal in self-expression, this leads to a delay in the conversational pace and communication in general. Why learn to speak, if you can show with your finger and they will do everything for you.

How to help your child start talking

So that there are no problems with a delay in speech development, parents should help the child begin to speak. Pediatricians and speech therapists recommend working with your baby from the first days of birth. Even when he is silent and does not want to talk to you, stimulate speech with the help of games, singing a lullaby, massage, by developing fine motor skills. Constant conversations stimulate the development of new sounds, improve memory. Remember that speech cannot be inherited genetically, its formation goes through all stages of development of a small person.

With the advent of a child in the family, newly-made moms and dads have not only a huge number of reasons for joy, but also a lot of questions. Particularly difficult are issues related to certain norms.

There are a huge number of tables that give the terms when the child should be able to perform certain actions. But if, with the ability to hold your head, sit or walk, as a rule, all the anxieties caused by lagging behind the average norms pass in a month or two, then the wait for the baby to speak can stretch for months, and sometimes even years.

So, when should a child start talking? It is difficult to give a definite answer in this case, because all children are different. However, there average scores.

7-10 months

At this age, the baby should already, at least, try to babble , that is, to publish something like “yes-yes-yes”, “ba”, “ma”, “la”, “dya” and so on.

Besides, baby should respond to speech adults and try to perform certain actions when hearing certain words, such as clapping when they hear about almonds or waving in response to “bye-bye”.

12 months

By this age, the child is quite capable of speaking. Average, one-year-olds pronounce three to fifteen words . Moreover, not only full-fledged words are taken into account, but also “me”, which means a cat, “ava”, which is called a dog, “buy”, pronounced before bathing and other children's words.

However, there are also silent people who do not want to say anything. It is worth paying attention at this age to passive vocabulary . Even if the baby is silent, he should understand at least fifty, and better than a hundred words. At the same time, someone knows what a cube is, and someone knows what a tractor is, someone understands the phrase "let's go to eat", and someone stubbornly ignores it, but undresses when he hears the words "let's go swimming."

24 months

To this moment at least fifty words is considered the norm and be able to build the simplest sentences from them, such as “mom, give”, “woman, na”, “throw a ball”, “let me drink”. However, this is the lower limit of the norm. As a rule, children speak better by the age of two. In addition, they already have a huge passive vocabulary.

30 months

In this age the child uses at least two hundred words in speech , moreover, if earlier these were mainly nouns, verbs and pronouns, now adjectives are added to them. The kid should know all relatives, pronounce names, know his own name, imitate animals, try to ask the simplest questions.

36 months

Fine three-year-olds should already speak in such a way that a stranger can understand most of what was said in small words. The sentences should already be connected and complex. At this age, every day the baby says a lot of new words.

Why does the child not speak for a long time?

It is worth remembering that all children are individual . And if one at eleven months reads poetry, and the other knows only two words, this is not a reason to write down a taciturn baby in the lagging behind.

But you should not go to the other extreme, believing that if at two years old a child does not say anything, but only babbles, then this is just a feature of development. Yes, this may be the norm, but it is better to consult with experts just in case .

Children can lag behind average norms by three to five months, depending on health, temperament, social and other factors, so if at two years old a child does not know the five dozen words put to him, you should wait a bit. But if by the age of two and a half he still cannot pronounce more than twenty, at least the simplest words, this is a reason to visit a doctor. Remember that the sooner problems are identified, the easier they are to fix.

The child may lag behind in speech development due to diseases, impaired blood supply to the brain, delays in overall development, problems with hearing or speech apparatus, autism and other abnormalities.

However, such diagnoses are rare. Most often, children do not speak not because of developmental disabilities, but because of the lifestyle that they and their parents lead.

Babies to whom they read a lot begin to speak earlier. Moreover, a child needs to start reading books long before the year. But the frequent sitting in front of the TV can slow down the development of speech .

The more you communicate with the baby, the sooner he will speak. Alas, many parents make the mistake of believing that a very small child does not understand anything, so talking to him is pointless. But it's not. First, when adults talk to a child, he develops a passive vocabulary. And secondly, looking at the faces of adults when they talk to him, the baby imitates facial expressions and articulation, which is extremely important for the development of the speech apparatus.

Slightly behind peers in talkativeness children with a short frenulum under the tongue . If this lag becomes strong, it is worth trimming the bridle.

Too active children may start talking later . Their emotions are overflowing, and children simply do not have time to express everything in words. Also, overly quiet and calm babies can start talking later than their peers. Everything suits them, and there is no need to call someone or ask for something.