
Dream brother hugs. Why do you dream about a cousin according to the dream book?

The appearance of close relatives in dreams is a favorable sign. But even such dreams have their own subtleties of interpretation - a lot depends on who exactly you dreamed about and what state they were in. Interpreting what a brother dreams about, dream books say that most often it means receiving news from relatives.

For a girl to see her brother in a dream is a sign of a marriage proposal. I dreamed that my brother was alive and well, says Velesov’s dream book, this means profit. The French dream book believes that seeing a brother in a dream is a sign of family strife, however, such an interpretation can be explained by the peculiarities of European history and inheritance rights.

If you dreamed that your brother was getting married in a dream, while in reality he does not have a wife and is not going to get married, you can tactfully inform your relative that significant changes will soon occur in his life. For some reason, a brother in a dream ended up behind bars - a warning for the sleeping person: the patience of your loved ones is not unlimited, and you should not abuse it.

Those who like to “guess” their dreams are often interested in: why is the older brother dreaming? As the Psychological Dream Book says, the brother in this case acts as a symbol of protection and patronage that the dreamer would like to find in reality. If in a dream the brother turned out to be the youngest, this may mean a lack of friendly communication in real life sleeping - you need to pay attention to such visions special attention when in reality you don’t have brothers.

Why do you dream about your brother if you had to part with him in the dream? Most interpreters believe that such a dream is an omen of a happy event in the life of the sleeper. If a relative in your dream turned out to be alive, but was sick, in reality you should show extreme caution and caution in business, because the probability of a mistake is very high, which can cost you dearly.

Did you have a dream: is your brother begging you for help? Such a vision most likely means that in reality you will have to solve all your problems on your own; there is nowhere to wait for help. Sometimes this can also mean an upcoming emergency at work.

I dreamed of a drunk brother - according to one interpretation, soon it will be the one who dreamed that will have health problems. If in reality your brother doesn’t drink, but you dreamed about him being drunk, this may indicate that you should be more firm and learn to say “no.”

Seeing in your dreams how a drunken brother is drowning - a business that you will do together may turn out to be an adventure, so it is better not to get involved in it. If a drunk brother slaps you in the face in a dream, this is a very favorable dream: the money invested in the business will pay off and will be returned with substantial interest.

Cousins ​​and other relatives

But these are not all the dream plots in which brothers may appear to us. In a dream they may appear:

  • Cousins.
  • Second cousins.
  • From my husband's side.

Why do you dream about your cousin? different dream books interpreted differently. For example, the Alphabetical Dream Interpretation says that such a vision promises disappointment and grief. The 21st century dream book believes that seeing a cousin in a dream means an uncertain relationship with a person whom you will soon meet.

But there is another interpretation of what a cousin dreams about. It explains that such dreams foreshadow a quick meeting with distant ones, and also encourage the sleeper to pay more attention to his family and not to forget about loved ones. Why do you dream about a brother if he is a second cousin? Such a dream also foreshadows a meeting with relatives, and there is a high probability that it will be the dreamer who will go to visit.

In general, in the interpretation of dreams about cousins ​​and more distant relatives, the relationship you are in in reality is of great importance. For example, if you dreamed of a cousin with whom you have a strained relationship, you should show caution and prudence in the near future. If in reality the relationship with your cousin is excellent, the dream does not carry any negativity; it may mean, for example, that you will receive news from someone dear to you whom you have not seen for a long time.

The strengthening of family ties in the near future is also indicated by a dream in which the sleeper had to be with his brothers. It doesn’t matter whether they are relatives or cousins. Such visions promise stabilization financial situation, support from friends and good attitude from relatives.

Many women and girls wonder: why do you dream about your brother (or boyfriend)? If the person you dreamed of in your dream was cheerful and sociable, this portends good luck for the sleeping woman. Also for a lady, this may mean that she will have fans who will show her signs of attention.

Passed away

Our dreams often do strange things: we may see the dead as alive, the living as dead. Why do you dream about your brother if in fact he is quite alive?

If you dreamed of a relative who is actually not dead, but alive, this means that in the near future you will experience the successful implementation of your plans, a good income and good health.

Why did you dream about a brother who was actually deceased, but who you dreamed was alive? If in your dreams your deceased brother appears alive to you, such a dream suggests that you have ill-wishers who should not be given the slightest reason to denigrate you. Also, a deceased relative who appears alive in front of you in a dream may remind you of some important family celebration that you for some reason forgot about in the bustle.

You dreamed of a deceased relative, and you talk to him as if he were alive - soon one of your relatives will ask you for help. And if your deceased brother turned out to be cheerful and drunk in your dreams, this encourages the dreamer to reconsider his behavior, which can cause irritation for many - including influential people. As the Modern Dream Book says, a deceased brother - smiling or laughing - in your dream may warn that they will soon want to borrow a large sum from you.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your cousin (sister) in a dream means disappointment and grief. This dream foreshadows sad events in your life. To dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your brother (sister) means a final break between families.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your cousin in a dream means disappointment and grief. This dream foreshadows sad events in your life. To dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your cousin means a final break between families.

If you see “Cousin (sister)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your cousin (sister) in a dream means disappointment and grief. Lively correspondence with a brother (sister) means a final break between families.

Dreaming about "Cousin" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The dream foreshadows sad events related to relatives. Perhaps illness or death. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you made a mistake. In fact, the person you saw is not your relative, but someone else.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Cousin, sister

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of a cousin, make friends with an honest and kind person. Cousin - lies, resentment, gossip. Lively correspondence with a brother or sister means a break between your families.

If you dream about your cousin (sister), what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your cousin (sister) in a dream means disappointment and grief. This dream foreshadows sad events in your life; to dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your brother (sister) means a final break between families.

Dream Interpretation online - Cousin (sister)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreams of disappointment and chagrin. Correspondence with a cousin (sister) means a final break between families.

Interpretation of sleep Cousin

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cousin - friendship with a kind person.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Cousin?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Such a dream foretells you disappointment in relatives or friends and associated grief and sad events in life. Corresponding with a cousin in a dream means breaking all ties with distant relatives and quarreling with family. If you are communicating with your...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Cousin (sister)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your cousin (sister) in a dream means disappointment and grief. This dream foreshadows sad events in your life. To dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your brother (sister) means a final break between families.

Dream Interpretation: What does cousin mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Help from afar, good relationships.

Seeing a cousin (sister) in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your cousin (sister) means disappointment and grief. This dream foreshadows sad events in your life. To dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your brother (sister) means a final break between families.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Cousin Brother?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Such a dream foretells you disappointment in relatives or friends and associated grief and sad events in life. Corresponding with a cousin in a dream means breaking all ties with distant relatives and quarreling with family. If you are communicating with your...

Cousin brother in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Visit a close relative.

What does the dream mean - Brother

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw a brother in a dream: this portends you happiness and good luck. Seeing the death of a brother: a sign of grief, big problems for you. Getting into a fight with your brother in a dream: experiencing tender, kindred feelings in reality, usually observing your brother in a dream If...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Brother?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you get into a fight or quarrel with your brother in a dream, then the chance of receiving a gift from fate is equal to zero. Seeing a sick or drunk brother in a dream means unpleasant events. To see a cousin in a dream - to a guest or to...

Cousin, brother - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming of a cousin means that in reality, relatives or close friends will disappoint you, you will begin to see life only in dark colors. A person who in dreams receives letters from a cousin or answers him will in reality quarrel with relatives and...

Such a dream foretells you disappointment in relatives or friends and associated grief and sad events in life.

Corresponding with a cousin in a dream means breaking all ties with distant relatives and quarreling with family.

If you communicate with your cousin, you will be disappointed in the woman you love.

1 Cousin Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Cousins ​​(cousins) - You see a cousin in a dream or cousin- the dream foreshadows disappointments; you would like to connect your destiny with some person, but in reality it turns out that you would be better off running away from this person. It’s as if you are corresponding with one of your cousins ​​- the dream warns of a major quarrel that will lead to a break in relations.

1 Cousin ABC of dream interpretation

Seeing a Brother's dream - Seeing in a dream means receiving news; to fight with him is a feeling of kindred love, longing in absence, gratitude.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Cousin Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

A dream in which you see your cousin and talk with him foretells that everything will be fine with you and with him, and there is no reason to worry about him; the news of the illness will turn out to be false. If in a dream your cousin looks sick, unpleasant events await you in reality, which will happen due to your own oversight and imprudence. A cousin in a dream means disappointment and chagrin. Such a dream foreshadows sad events that are beyond your power to prevent. Receiving a letter from a cousin in a dream means a further rift between your families. Kissing a cousin in a dream in a fit of kindred feelings means happy reconciliation and long friendship. Seeing an older cousin in a dream means prosperity, a younger one means responsibilities.

1 Cousin Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Cousin, what is this for (sister) - The dream foreshadows sad events associated with relatives. Perhaps illness or death. Imagine that you made a mistake. In fact, the person you saw is not your relative, but someone else.

1 Cousin Solomon's dream book

friendship with an honest and kind person;

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast who wakes up when we sleep...


1 Cousin according to Hasse's dream book

What a cousin might dream about:

Cousin - Visit a close relative.

1 Cousin Dream book alphabetically

Cousin in a dream means:

Seeing your cousin in a dream foreshadows sad events that will force you to admit your own wrongness and short-sightedness.

Talking to him in a dream means that in reality you will suffer from anxiety and a premonition of something bad. To visit him and see him in poor condition - your worries will be justified; to see him safe and healthy - make a successful purchase.

1 Cousin Home dream book

If a girl dreams of a cousin, it means:

To be at the funeral of his cousin in a dream - in reality he is destined for a long and lucky fate. If the weather is clear and sunny on the day of your cousin’s funeral, you will forget about any illness for a long time. If the day of a cousin's funeral is gloomy and rainy, bad news about the illness of one of the relatives is inevitable. Seeing a cousin in a coffin means longevity for him and yours, as well as profit and joy. Separating from a cousin - to happy occasion. Missing cousin - a future filled with turbulent events awaits you. Quarrel with your cousin in a dream - you will be upset by the imminent news from him. Seeing a happy, laughing cousin in a dream is good luck. For a woman to see similar dream on the contrary, it foreshadows severe illness or sudden death. If you dreamed that you insulted your cousin, it means that no one will help you in your matter. Fighting with a cousin in a dream means despondency and disappointment.p>

1 Cousin Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream about her cousin:

Seeing your cousin in a dream is a sign of troubles and disappointments. After such a dream, expect unexpected turns in fate.

If you dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your cousin, this is a harbinger of fatal quarrels between families.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Cousin Astrological dream book

Why does a woman dream about her cousin:

Help from afar, good relationships.

1 Cousin Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a cousin in a dream means:

Relationship with him; character traits that are dominant in him.

1 Cousin according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

A cousin in a dream in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dream about your cousin, you see some kind of dream about him, although perhaps you yourself are not involved in it - this positive dream, promising you to soon receive news from your distant relatives. Maybe it was from a cousin, but it may also be from someone else. By the way, why don't you call them today and find out how they are doing? If in a dream you saw that you were fighting with your cousin, the dream turns out to be a symbol of your kindred love, longing for loved ones whom you have not seen for a long time, or a feeling of gratitude for some service rendered to you.

Brother - To see a brother in a dream - to good health or news, to see in water - to joy, to the dead - to longevity. Arguing with your brother in a dream is a warning against loss or loss through your own fault. Why do you dream of a cousin - Fighting with him - great happiness and benefits await you. Seeing the death of a brother or a long journey in a dream means happiness and a long life. To see a cousin - an uncertain relationship with someone awaits you. Saying goodbye to your brother in a dream is a harbinger of the upcoming division of property.

1 Cousin Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

A cousin in a dream means:

You see your cousin and talk with him, foretells that everything will be fine with you and with him, but there is no reason to worry about him, the news of the illness will turn out to be false. If in a dream your cousin looks sick, unpleasant events await you in reality, which will happen due to your own oversight and imprudence. A cousin in a dream means disappointment and chagrin. Such a dream foreshadows sad events that are beyond your power to prevent. Receiving a letter from a cousin in a dream means a further rift between your families.

Kissing a cousin in a dream in a fit of kindred feelings means happy reconciliation and long friendship. Seeing an older cousin in a dream means prosperity, a younger one means responsibilities. To be at the funeral of your cousin in a dream - in reality he is destined for a long and happy fate. If the weather is clear and sunny on the day of your cousin’s funeral, you will forget about any illness for a long time. If the day of a cousin's funeral is gloomy and rainy, bad news about the illness of one of the relatives is inevitable. Seeing your cousin in a coffin means longevity for him and yours, as well as profit and joy.

Separating from a cousin is a happy occasion. Missing cousin - a future filled with turbulent events awaits you. Quarrel with your cousin in a dream - you will be upset by the imminent news from him. Seeing a happy, laughing cousin in a dream is good luck. For a woman to see such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows a severe illness or sudden death. Why dream that you insulted your cousin, it means that no one will help you in your matter. Fighting with a cousin in a dream means despondency and disappointment.p>

Big modern dream book

Cousin - help from afar, good relationship. Cousin - relationship with him; character traits that are dominant in him. You dreamed of a Cousin, what is this for (sister) - The dream foreshadows sad events associated with relatives. Perhaps illness or death. Imagine that you made a mistake. In fact, the person you saw is not your relative, but someone else.

Cousins ​​(cousins) - You saw a cousin in a dream - the dream foreshadows disappointments; you would like to connect your destiny with some person, but in reality it turns out that you would be better off running away from this person. It’s as if you are corresponding with one of your cousins ​​- the dream warns of a major quarrel that will lead to a break in relations.

1 Cousin according to Miller's dream book

Meaning of sleep cousin:

When a woman sees her cousin (sister) in a dream, this turns out to be a sad warning for her that some disappointments and sorrows await her. Most likely, they will be related to members of your family - distant relatives. Some of their actions will cause you a lot of problems. When you dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your cousin (sister), this predicts a final break with distant relatives and the cessation of all contacts between you.

In a dream you see your cousin or sister; it has a negative meaning and warns of a significant deterioration in relations with your distant relatives. You will be disappointed on their part. Carrying on a lively correspondence with a cousin or sister in a dream means a complete break relations between your families and the cessation of all communication.

Seeing your cousin - the dream probably symbolizes that you miss your relatives and are going to pay them a visit in the near future. When you dream of a cousin, you have a reason to finally visit your relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. Maybe it will be someone’s anniversary or another family celebration.

1 Cousin Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a cousin:

Seeing your cousin, oddly enough, is not a very good omen. In most cases, when you dream of a cousin, this portends that you will not have a very good relationship with your relatives. Most likely, they will be tense, something will cause your disappointment, and this may be followed by some sad events and disappointments. If you saw that you were corresponding with your cousin, it means that you will break all ties with distant representatives of your family, completely quarrel with them, and stop all communication. Talking to your cousin in a dream is a warning that you will be disappointed in the woman you love.

Seeing your cousin is a positive dream that predicts your friendship with someone good person. When you dream of a cousin and you communicate with him, it means that in reality you have a person with whom you maintain close and warm relations, which can be called more fraternal, related, than just friendly. You can completely trust each other and not expect betrayal even if you disagree on something. To see that your cousin has come to visit you - expect the arrival of a close relative in reality. Quarreling with your cousin in a dream, arguing with him - soon you will have some serious conversation.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

A dream where you fell in love with a cousin foreshadows the emergence of quarrels and misunderstandings between your relatives, which can develop into a serious conflict.

Maintain composure and patience. The ability to compromise can help to deal with the problem that has arisen and resolve the matter peacefully.

Hugging your cousin in a dream

According to the Oracle's dream book, hugging a cousin foreshadows the onset of negative events, the advent of adversity, problems and misfortune. If during an embrace you experienced sexual attraction, in reality you will have to face betrayal. For women, the vision promises betrayal of a partner.

Gather your strength, direct your determination and positive attitude to solve the main problems. You shouldn’t waste your energy on trifles, with less meaningful problems you'll have time to figure it out later.

I dreamed about my deceased cousin

Why do you dream about your deceased cousin? The vision reflects the desire of your family to turn to you for help. Someone close to you needs your financial support to solve an important matter.

Provide assistance to your loved ones, do not refuse their request if you are able to fulfill it. Your help will be rewarded.

Why do you dream that your cousin is helping?

A cousin helps in a dream - to the inevitable appearance of difficulties, serious problems. Large-scale unplanned financial expenses are coming.

Be more restrained in your needs, try to reduce unnecessary expenses to a minimum, otherwise excessive expenses will seriously undermine your financial well-being.

Dreaming about the death of a cousin

If you dreamed about the death of your cousin, the vision has the opposite meaning, promising your relative longevity and happy life. You can expect an improvement in your brother’s condition or a quick recovery if he has health problems.

Show your participation in the life of your loved one, provide assistance in solving his problems, your help will be invaluable.

I dreamed that my cousin was smiling

If you dream that your cousin is smiling, then in reality you are in danger. There is a high probability of becoming an object of intrigue and gossip from ill-wishers. The actions you perform will cause idle conversations and misunderstandings.

Currently, such a process as dreams remains a mystery. What is it really? Some scientists believe that sleep is associated with brain activity and we often see exactly what we think about most or what we want. Others say that the dream is a kind of film where a person is the main character.

What if you dream about your cousin?

Many will be curious about what a cousin dreams about.

Today, all over the world there are many so-called dream books (collections), where there are explanations of almost any dream. This includes Miller's dream book, family dream book, from A to Z, modern dream book, Simon the Canaanite, Solomon, modern woman and others. In each of them this concept is deciphered in its own way. The question is what to believe.

The dream book for the whole family has a different interpretation of this meaning. Here the cousin dreams of disappointment with the girl he loves.

The characteristics of a dream according to Miller are the same as those according to the modern dream book.

It is important to note that all the information accumulated over many years in dream collections cannot provide a 100% correct interpretation of dreams, since from a scientific point of view, this is impossible. Thus, we can say that all dream books are based on a mystical basis, predictions from the stars.

A very interesting fact is that according to the latest medical and scientific research It was possible to establish that a person who is even in the deep sleep phase (and we know that there is also a superficial phase) can feel and see everything that is happening to him at the moment in reality. The same applies to the condition when, for example, the patient is in a coma.

It is very difficult to believe in this, but it is possible.

Sleep is physiological state and even at night, when all organs and systems are resting, the brain still works during sleep, many studies have shown this. At the same time, periodic bursts of activity are observed, perhaps this is due to internal experiences, memory, as well as the images that we see in our dreams.

What does it portend?

Seeing a cousin in a dream, according to the dream book from A to Z, means bad events, admitting your mistake. Talking to him means suffering because of something in reality.

According to the dream book of Simon the Canaanite, a cousin dreams of good relationship, friendship with a positive person.

There are also many collections for women. According to one of them, a cousin in a dream foreshadows grief, disappointment, a quarrel or a break with close relatives.

The interpretation of the dream according to Solomon is no different from Simon the Canaanite.

Based on these conclusions, it can be assumed that a cousin in a dream foreshadows something bad. There are other interpretations of this dream, but the meaning in all of them is approximately the same.

It is important to know that sleep is an integral part of human life. The duration of night sleep for an adult should be approximately 8 hours, but not less than 6, otherwise serious problems may develop. nervous disorders. A person can live without sleep for no more than 10 days!

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that if you dream of a cousin, then you need to expect trouble, grief, disappointment, but, of course, not always. In addition, all the information in dream books is based only on mysticism, and not on a scientific basis.