
List of demons of hell: names, descriptions, images. The most powerful demons The real names of the demons of hell are very different from the names we are used to

Each mythology has its own list of the most powerful creations, both representing the forces of light and the forces of darkness.

In some religions they are more structured, in others less. In Christianity, which has had a significant influence on occult views on, there are several conflicting views on demons, their essence, image, power and hierarchy.

But, nevertheless, it is possible to isolate the most powerful demons, which undoubtedly occupy key places in the hierarchy of hell.

Demon names and power

According to various sources, to the number the most powerful demons their number varies. Here we will highlight those of them that are considered the strongest according to the majority of religious teachings of Christianity and religions close to it.

And also, according to most mystics and occultists. The most powerful are:

Devil, Satan, Lucifer- the most powerful demon of the fiery hyena, the lord of hell, the concentration of universal evil. He has a huge number of names and appearances. Moreover, in different Abrahamic religions and in different eras there are differences in its description. It is designated as fallen angel who rebelled against the Lord. Moreover, also in the Middle Ages, the devil was correlated with Beelzebub, although this demon is also an independent creature.

It is possible that Satan is a broader concept than just a name or title and includes a collective image of higher demons. But this statement is controversial.

Right Hand of the Lord of Hell

The latter is a giant sea monster, which according to some versions is considered the highest demons, according to others one of the incarnations of Satan. The position of Lilith is very ambiguous.

But she definitely occupies a high position and has enormous power.

According to a number of divisions, the four supreme, and therefore the most powerful, demons are Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial.

Other positions

A separate division is proposed by Satanists with a clearer structure. But it lends itself to criticism, both from the church and from the occultists.

Mystics and occultists themselves also do not have a common opinion on issues of the power of demons.

There are times when representatives of different directions argue about the meaning and power of individual demons.

A completely separate look at the power of demons is a statement that rarely comes out of the circle of some mystics that everything hell demons divided by species.

And representatives of the same species, being inextricably linked, have equal strength. Thus, a completely different hierarchy emerges.

Details, however, are unknown. Since supporters of this classification of demons practically do not share this information.

If you are interested in the names of the demons of Hell for men, then it is worth getting acquainted with the very concept of “demon” in more detail. This ancient word translated from Greek means “deity who distributes fate.” In Christianity, a demon is classified as an evil spirit, and in paganism - as a manifestation of the forces of nature.

Demons and a little history

In the Christian religion, the first demons were those who decided to act in their own way and showed a will that was different from the Divine. For this they were expelled from Heaven. And they began to be called “fallen.”

In the mythological understanding, demons are supernatural creatures that do not have a physical appearance, but are able to tempt people, enter into agreements, plunge human souls into darkness, and are also capable of performing various magical actions. They can also control certain energy spectrums.

There is a general demonic classification in the world that divides demons into the following categories:

In the folklore of different nations there is a lot of evidence of human contact with a demon. Thus, in Christianity, treaties were concluded with them, among the peoples of Africa, various rituals were performed with the help of demons, and among the Scandinavians they were attributed to various elements.

It is believed that a demon can interact with a person if he is a sorcerer and knows his name. Without knowledge of special rituals, summoning a demon is life-threatening. Since by their nature, most demons have a natural tendency towards evil and chaos. They love to destroy, destroy and pervert everything they encounter.

Many demon-like deities have multiple names. Thus, the names of male demons of Hell can be found in various historical and religious documents. Here are some of them:

Lucifer is also a fallen archangel. It is also called “luminiferous”. He has many names. He is called Satan, the Prince of Hell, the Lord of the Abyss and the Son of the Dawn. According to Christian legends, it was he who rebelled against God himself. And according to some sources, he created the hellish plains and all the demons. Olucifer is the main figure in Hell and is considered the only ruler there.

In addition, among different nations, vampires, incubi, genies, dubbuks and many other evil spirits are considered demons. The demonic world has its own hierarchy, and each demon has its own way of interacting with the physical world, as well as its own sphere of influence.

Previously, some demons were not such in the literal sense of the word. These deities were considered demons after the emergence of the religion of Christianity. And before that, these entities were deities of different tribes. They worshiped them, made sacrifices, asked for help. They were credited with not only evil, but also good deeds. Legends were made about them and people prayed to them. And they also lived the life that was pleasing to the deity. But with the development of large civilizations, many divine ones were forgotten or classified as manifestations of evil. Although initially they were not destroyers and did not threaten the souls of people.

Now you know the names of the demons of Hell, namely men. In addition to male spirits and deities, in the world of demons there are also spirits that are classified as female. They are no less merciless and terrifying than male demons. And they also have a certain power over things and events. Most often, male demons are those who engage in war and murder. But among female demons there are also brilliant warriors, commanders and strategists.

How to summon Satan? Man has always been attracted to the unknown, and the enchanting darkness - most of all. There are few rituals for summoning Satan, but with the help of well-known rituals the Lord of Darkness is summoned.

In the article:

Summoning Satan at Home

An example is known from "Fausta" Goethe. It is enough to write a contract in blood, read the necessary spell - an envoy of the Lord of Darkness will appear, who will take the soul in exchange for worldly goods. In reality, this is not how calling works.

If a spellcaster is going to summon Satan to make a contract and sell a soul, they are appraising an item that may not be worth anything.

  1. Low. They are located at the bottom of the hierarchy and cost practically nothing. The group includes the souls of murderers, rapists, people who have committed all mortal sins. There is no point in Satan buying them back at a high price, because in a few decades the souls will go to Hell - Heaven will not shine for such people.
  2. Average. Souls whose owners did not commit murder, violence or abuse. You can count on receiving a tolerable income, the usual worldly goods - something that will make a person’s life quite comfortable.
  3. Higher. The most delicious souls for the Devil. The group includes virgins, children, clergy, and righteous Christians. You can get anything in exchange.

In order for the soul to be accepted and the ritual to take place correctly and safely, the following rules must be followed:

  1. If they are unsure or feel unwell, they abandon the idea.
  2. The text of the spell is learned by heart so that it can be told without a single mistake or hesitation (especially in Latin).
  3. When summoning the Devil, a protective circle is used. If something goes wrong, the circle will protect you from the attack of dark forces.
  4. They must make a sacrifice.
  5. The contract is written in advance (preferably in blood).
  6. If it is not possible to draw up an agreement, they list on paper the benefits that they want to receive in exchange for their soul, signing the list in blood.
  7. You can’t go cheap, especially at the moment when it is agreed upon how many years later the soul will go to the Devil.
  8. They must carry out a ritual that will send Satan back (people often call on the Devil, but forget to send him back).
  9. The pentagram is drawn correctly.

Summoning the Devil in Latin - an ancient ritual

Much is written in Latin. It is symbolic to use a spell written in a dead language to summon Satan.

To date, the spells have been translated and adapted from Latin into Russian and other languages. Summoning the Devil in Latin is not just a tribute to tradition. The spell greatly increases the likelihood that the Prince of Darkness will actually hear.

The ritual is carried out either independently or with the help of other sorcerers. The total number of people is 5, one for each ray of the pentacle. Once the pentagram is inscribed on the floor, the star is traced to make a circle. On the line where each ray points, a circle (five in total) is drawn, in the center of which the ritual participants stand. Each person holds a candle in their hands. First the chief sorcerer says:

Etis atis animatis… etis atis amatis…

They take a sacrificial animal: a bird (chicken, duck), if it is possible to get a lamb or another representative of cattle, it will be better. They cut at the place of the pentagram.

It is better if the symbolic seal is drawn in front of the altar - the sacrifice can be made on the altar. Then they say:

Satan, oro te, appare te rosto! Veni, Satano! Ter oro te! Veni, Satano! Oro te pro arte! Veni, Satano! A te spero! Veni, Satano! Opera praestro, ater oro! Veni, Satano! Satan, oro te, appare te rosto! Veni, Satano! Amen.

The words of the spell are repeated three times, after which Satan appears. The presence of the Devil is felt immediately: the Ruler of Darkness will not show his true appearance, but the participants in the ritual will feel a strong attack of dizziness, nausea, the heart will begin to beat quickly and contract.

When Satan comes, they throw one by one into the pentagram a contract with a list of what they want to receive in exchange for the soul. Be sure to indicate the period after which the soul will go to Satan. Whether the Devil is ready to accept the terms of the deal can be immediately felt.

If the Devil does not agree, the rage and discontent of Satan will be overwhelmed by a wave, the spellcasters will experience a strong attack of fear and panic. Whether Satan accepted the terms of the deal or not, you should send him back to the Underworld by reading the text in unison:

Exorcizo te, immundissime spiritus, omnis incursio adversarii, omne phantasma, omnis legio, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi eradicare, et effugare ab hoc plasmate Dei. Ipse tibi imperat, qui te de supernis caelorum in inferiora terrae demergi praecepit. Ipse tibi imperat, qui mari, ventis, et tempestatibus impersvit. Audi ergo, et time, satana, inimice fidei, hostis generis humani, mortis adductor, vitae raptor, justitiae declinator, malorum radix, fomes vitiorum, seductor hominum, proditor gentium, incitator invidiae, origo avaritiae, causa discordiae, excitator dolorum: quid stas , et resistis, cum scias. Christum Dominum vias tuas perdere? Illum metue, qui in Isaac immolatus est, in joseph venumdatus, in signo occisa, in homine crucifixus, deinde inferni triumphator fuit. Sequentes cruces fiant in fronte obsessi. Recede ergo in nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti: da locum Spiritui Sancto, per hoc signum sanctae Cruci Jesu Christi Domini nostri: Qui cum Patre et eodem Spiritu Sancto vivit et regnat Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. Et cum spiritu tuo. Amen.

The caster will feel when the Devil leaves: fear will disappear, breathing will become easier, well-being will improve. During the ritual, you cannot go beyond the protective circle, even if you imagine terrible things. After waiting for the completion of the ritual, the boundaries of the invisible shield are erased.

Summoning the Lord of Darkness - a simple ritual

There is a simple ritual for summoning Satan. The ritual is not particularly effective, unlike the first one (in Latin). However, the ritual is often used by black sorcerers to get what they want. It is carried out independently, at the cemetery.

There should be no witnesses to the transaction. If the caster is afraid, he should practice. If the sorcerer is ready to summon the Devil, standing in a protective circle, they make a sacrifice that will appease Satan, after which they say 13 times:

I appeal to You, O Great Master of Darkness, Master of the Night, Master of Evil. I conjure you in the name of Almighty God, come to me and fulfill my request!

As soon as a person feels the cold, the Devil turned out to be merciful and deigned to come to the call. When Satan comes, the magician cuts his finger (there should be enough blood) and pronounces the text, while simultaneously writing the agreement on paper in blood:

I promise to give my soul to the Devil in 20 years for what he will do for me within (such and such a period...) (request...). I swear by the Great God, I will fulfill my oath to give my soul to the Devil for him to do everything I asked him to do in the contract.

At the end of the ritual, the agreement is signed and burned. The procedure is carried out so that the ashes are outside the boundaries of the protective circle, but it is forbidden to leave the circle until the completion of the ritual. When the treaty is burned, they say:

In the name of the One God Jesus Christ and Saint Helena with her mirrors, the first mirror split into two, in the second it was united in reflection. Satan, go, your kingdom awaits you, the black angels miss you, your wives suffer for you, the subjects of your kingdom greet you. And I, a servant of God, want to stay here. Now, forever and forever. Amen.

Calling Satan for a deal

The ritual has a long history: using the ritual guarantees the appearance of the Devil. To perform the ceremony they remain alone. It is undesirable to perform the ritual on the territory of the house: if something does not go according to plan, the Devil will remain at the place of the ritual or come there later.

They choose either an abandoned church or an old crypt. will add strength to carry out the ritual.


  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pen (they use it to write a contract);
  • a container into which one's own blood is poured.

a container into which you need to pour your own blood; a blank sheet of paper feather

Being in the drawn circle, write in blood on a piece of paper:

I promise the Great Devil to reimburse him in 7 years for everything he gives me, in confirmation of which I put my signature.

They sign the document and begin calling Satan. Initially, a sacrifice is made, and over the gift they say:

Emperor LUCIFER, master of all rebellious spirits, I ask you to treat favorably my appeal, which I address to the Great Devil, wishing to conclude an agreement with him. I ask you, Belzebut, to patronize me in my enterprise. Oh, help me and make sure that this night the great Devil appears before me in human form and without any stench, and so that he cedes to me, through the agreement that I am going to present to him, all the riches that I need. Great Demon, I ask you to leave your location, in whatever part of the world it may be, in order to appear to speak with me, otherwise I will force you by the power of the great living God, his beloved Son and Holy Spirit; obey immediately, otherwise you will be forever tormented by the power of the powerful words of the great Key of Solomon, which he used to force the rebellious spirits to accept his agreement; so appear as soon as possible, otherwise I will continually torture you with the power of these powerful words of the Key: AGLON, TETRAGRAMMATON, VAYCHEON, STIMULAMATHON, EROHARES, RETRASAMATHON, CLYORAN, ICION, ESITION, EXISTIEN, ERYONA, ONERA, ERASYN, MOYN, MEFFIAS, SOTER , EMMANUEL, SABAOTH, ADONAI. I'm calling you. Amen.

The appearance of the Devil is felt immediately. A contract is thrown into the place where Satan ends up. When the reaction is received (the decision will be clear), one of the spells that can bring Lucifer back is said.

Pentagram to summon the Devil

Pay attention to what attributes are needed during the ceremony. A pentagram is drawn with charcoal, and candles are needed not from wax, but from rendered lard, painted black.

The study of demons (from the ancient Greek “daimon” - deity, spirit, written in English as daemon) is called demonology. It includes their names, descriptions of appearance, behavior, rituals to summon evil spirits, methods of controlling and combating them.

The teaching is classified as black magic and is considered quite dangerous for humans. It is practiced by a demonologist who has extensive knowledge about the supernatural world.

Different peoples have their own idea of ​​demonology. Directions are highlighted:

  • Christian- the origin of demons is due to the expulsion of angels from Paradise. One of them became proud of his power and rebelled against the Lord. The name of this bright angel was Lucifer (Dennitsa, in Hebrew “heilel” - morning star).

    He gathered a third of the heavenly army and intended to take the place of God. However, Archangel Michael and his army successfully resisted the rebels.

    The rebels were thrown into the Underworld, and the fallen angels turned into demons. According to the Bible, there is a constant struggle between the dark and light sides for human souls and all things.

  • Slavic- mythology explains the structure of the world through the influence of demonic forces. Natural phenomena are influenced by atmospheric Spirits, family relationships, the economy are influenced by sorcerers, witches, brownies, life after death is represented by mermaids, ghouls, merman, werewolves, and so on.

    A feature of the direction is considered to be the classification of human conditions (diseases), processes (fate), events (days of the week) as mythological.

  • Japanese- Chinese and Japanese religion Shintoism denotes the presence of gods - kami - everywhere in the world: in objects, phenomena. Demons O-bake, Yokai, Yurei and others of lower rank than kami.

    Demon Yokai

    Demon Yurei

    At the same time, a person is able to interact with them kindly or deceptively.

  • In occultism- Mages can use demons to fulfill their own desires. For this, the mystical traditions of Goetia (Goetia) are used to summon evil spirits, create talismans and other practices.

Perhaps an occult direction consisting in the worship of demons (demonolatry).

African Voodoo rituals are known for summoning evil spirits and guardian angels.

Characters in demonology are varied, including images of animals, plants, mythical creatures, asexual and gendered, creepy and attractive, capable of changing appearance (Alruns) or possessing mortals. Their connection with people is common: half-man - half-goat, centaur, minotaur, and so on. Almost all have horns. The teaching describes a half-demon, half-man (Ashgar), who is recognized as one of the most powerful creatures.

Bookstores stock many books on the subject of demons and magic. Among the names of their authors one can name Kalashnikov V.I., Kontanistov Alexander and Golban Marina, Crowley and Fuller and so on. Information about demons is presented in the teachings of the Christian Church: the books of the prophet Ezekiel, Job, the Revelations of John the Theologian, and so on.

Demon names: list and photos

There are a great many inhabitants of hell; since ancient times, demonologists and theologians have tried to calculate approximately how much this number is. The numbers in different interpretations differ significantly: in the 2nd century the number of demons was indicated to be about 30 thousand, in the 15th century Alfons de Spina increased it to 133,306,608. In the 16th century, to calculate the number of monsters, they took the biblical “number of the beast” as a basis, the result was 66 hellish princes leading a legion of 6,660,000 followers of darkness.

Of the total number of representatives, according to Jewish beliefs, 12 demons of the Gates of Hell take sinful souls to the Underworld.

The presented list includes descriptions of common names of hellish inhabitants, in accordance with various interpretations.

Lucifer (Satan, Satanael, Devil)

He was a beautiful, powerful and beloved angel of God. After his failed attempt to seize the throne of God, which is why Lucifer was expelled from Paradise to the Underworld, he acquired the name Satan (translated as “slanderer”) and became the Prince of Darkness, the main leader of Hell and demons.

His beautiful appearance turned ugly and ugly. He is considered the most powerful representative of the dark forces, who revealed knowledge to people and led a centuries-old confrontation with the light side. The name Devil is also his title, and is translated into Latin as Satan (enemy). There are various assumptions about whether Satan has a son or daughter. The magicians and inquisitors of the Middle Ages believed that all demons who were not fallen angels originated from the connection between Lucifer and Lilith. Among the sons they call Moloch.

According to another theory, the children of the Devil are people who have renounced God. Many people are interested in when Satan’s birthday is, and the date of May 1 is often present - the holiday of gathering evil spirits on Walpurgis Night. However, the real date is not known for certain. The direct creator and father of Lucifer is the Lord, the mother of the ancient grimoires indicates Lucida - inanimate stellar energy.

Astaroth (Asteroth, Astoret)

A high-ranking demon, keeper of the treasures of hell, he ranks after Satan in the hierarchy and is his right hand. He was cast into the underworld along with Lucifer. Strong, talented, charming, charming. The Archdevil is able to give a person intelligence, invisibility, and power over snakes. Possesses people, making them possessed. More often than other demons, he appears in human form and holds a viper in his right hand. His wife is Astarte; in some sources, the spouses merge into the image of one fallen angel.

Beelzebub (Verzaul)

A powerful demon of Power known as the Lord of the Flies, commander of the legions of hell. Considered an associate and co-ruler of Satan, he is sometimes represented by the Devil and bears his name.

The appearance of the epic archdemon is varied: from a fly-like one to a monster with 3 heads. Bufovirt is recognized as Wezelvul's wife. The demon received his nickname because from childhood insects obeyed him, and together with flies he sent a plague to Canaan.


Supreme demoness, wife of the Devil. She is sometimes identified with Lilith, but Casicandriera is considered the first wife of Lucifer. The Lady of Hell originates from the supreme astral world - the abode of the Gods. What the Queen of the Underworld looks like is shown in the photo.

She came to Hell of her own free will, where she won favor thanks to her disposition and beautiful appearance. Casicandriera is considered a kind devil, who is characterized by compassion. Her power is so great that the girl is capable of destroying Hell, Heaven and humanity. However, the main demoness maintains neutrality and does not participate in the confrontation between good and evil.


Considered to be the first wife of Adam, created before Eve. She was distinguished by an obstinate disposition and, due to her unwillingness to obey her husband, was expelled from Paradise. In the underworld, the demoness becomes Satan's friend.

Mentions of her were excluded from the Bible so as not to set a bad example for women. There is a version that Lilith was a snake who entered into an alliance with Adam, and then became jealous of the created Eve, treating her to the Forbidden Fruit, and also persuaded him to conceive Cain.


One of the consorts of the Great Unclean One.

Her type of activity was the placement of personnel in Hell. She was distinguished by her cruelty towards humanity and shed a lot of blood. The demon's height was 4 meters, her head was crowned with seven horns.


That was the name of Astaroth’s wife, the Demoness of pleasure and lust, the Queen of dead souls, the warrior.

Born in the union of Satan and Lilith. Loves to make fun of people, emotional, hysterical. The Phoenicians worshiped her as the goddess of love, fertility, hunting, and war. The cult of Astarte was accompanied by orgies, which the Old Testament prophets fought against.


Beelzebub's wife, demoness of Power, her sign is Fly.

Distinguished by sophistication, beauty, decency, loyalty. Before marriage, she was a demon of the Force. Miloris is the first-born of the couple.

Valak (Volak)

A strong governor of Hell, appearing in the form of a boy with angel wings, sitting on a dragon with 2 heads.

Commands 30 legions of spirits, reveals information about hidden treasures to the caster, and voluntarily gives up snakes.

Belial (Velial)

Leader of the dark forces, chief priest, close associate of the Lord.

The demon of lies is not hostile to humans, which is how it differs from the Devil; in medieval Christianity it acts as an advocate for hell against the forces of light for the right to possess people. Belial (otherwise known as Belizar) is recognized as a liar, the patron of gambling; his cheerful character and reluctance to take the form of terrible monsters are noted.


The demon of lust, fornication, jealousy, family troubles, hatred and revenge. Prince of the Witches Hammer.

He is considered a close and friend of the Lord and can act on his behalf. Cruel and merciless, but values ​​the concept of honor. The character is contradictory, considered psychotic and the beauty of Hell.

Baal (Baal, Bel, Bael, Vael)

The Duke of Hell, a powerful and cruel demon of treachery and deceit, is widely depicted in the guise of a bull.

Idolatry to him included human sacrifices and large-scale orgies. A terrible ritual was performed to ensure fertility of the earth. Mostly children were sacrificed; a child under 7 years old was thrown into the fire. However, modern research has established the fact that usually the child was already dead before the ritual.


Advisor, Chancellor of Hell, dealing with the Devil's wardrobe. Represented in the form of a man with the head of a mule and the tail of a peacock.

In the Old Testament he is mentioned as a Separvaim deity, who was characterized by fire sacrifices in which infants were burned at the stake.

Gremory (Gomori, Gemori)

The Grand Duke appears as a beautiful woman wearing a crown and riding a camel.

Tells about mysterious events of the past, present and future, about places of hidden treasures. Provides the love of women, especially girls.


Demon of the Brotherhood, has no wife, children, or parents. There is a sister Voloeyan. He is considered a great and cruel warrior; he cannot put up with insolence and rudeness. He has a bright appearance: red hair, fiery wings and red horns.


Duke of the Infernal Empire, demon of robbery.

Induces people to steal until they are brought to the “gallows.” Appears with the body of a lion and a human head with a frowning expression on his face.


The Duke of Hell, appearing as a man with the head of a unicorn.

Creates or inspires mortals to create harsh, terrible music. Allows you to hear the sound of instruments; at the request of the necromancer, makes the trees bend.


Belongs to the Asmodeus group and is considered the son of Satan and Lilith. Has many children, is married to Lamia, but does not maintain a relationship since she is serving her sentence. He loves alcohol and making fun of mortals, and is interested in the history of Hell. He appears as an attractive man with blond hair with long bangs, dark horns, and impressive wings.


A marquis endowed with great power. Appears in the mythical image of a wolf with a snake's tail, then transforms into a man with the head of a raven or with teeth like a dog.

Resolves disputes, tells the past and future, provides protection and love.

Arabas (Orobas)

The Prince of Hell is presented in the form of a centaur, because when he fell from heaven into the abyss, he merged with his own horse. Orabas commands 20 legions of spirits. Tells about past and future events, provides titles, protection of friends and enemies. Devoted to the magician.

Dantalian (Dantalion)

The Duke has many faces: men, women, girls, boys. He is holding a book in his hands.

Reads the thoughts of mortals and changes them, inducing them to evil deeds. Gives knowledge, teaches art, can evoke love.


Demon of greed and wealth. Mamon taught man how to dig in the ground to steal treasures. Sent to Hell among the last, walks with his head low.


The Great Avenger and the Executioner of the Underworld. Also manages Public Works. The demon of retribution, evil, which possesses the avenger. Recognized as one of the most cruel representatives of Hell.

Abbadon (Abbadona, Appolion)

A powerful demon of death, military adviser to Hell, destroyer, pseudonym - Apollyon, in the Middle Ages his name was mentioned as a designation of Satan, close to the King of Darkness, his faithful assistant. Cruel and merciless, does not retreat from anything.


Who Moloch is is mentioned in the Old Testament. The Babylonians worshiped a demon-deity, the inhabitants performed a purification ceremony for children: girls and boys were forced to jump over a fire.

However, the historical interpretation claims that the offspring were burned alive. The Hebrew Bible forbade giving children to worship Moloch, the punishment was deprivation of life.

Vaalberite (Valberite, Baalberite)

Chief Secretary, archivist who seals agreements between mortals and the inhabitants of the Underworld.

In some interpretations he appears as the God of Death. The devil's representative inclines people to slander, murder, and suicide. Mentioned in La Vey's Satanic Bible.


The female demon belongs to Judeo-Christian mythology. Who it was and about the deeds of Abiz were told by King Solomon, to whom she appeared. The demoness harmed women during childbirth, trying to strangle the newborn. According to the description of the body, the creature was not visible, only hair fluttered like snakes and green eyes glowed.

Naberius (Nebiros)

Marquis, Field Marshal of the Underworld, who rules the 19 legions of Spirits. Gives mortals knowledge and skills, especially in rhetoric. Appears in the form of a circling black crane.


Demon of the Brotherhood, Close to the Devil, disciple of Asmodeus, worthy of his rank. Wife and children are absent. Demon warrior, unafraid, demanding and efficient.


A general in the Underworld who obeys only Lucifer. A true villain, he leads 3 powerful demons and the Water Spirit.

Has the ability to control the past and future, to reveal the secrets of the power of any state.


The sinister prince and governor, gives mortals philosophical knowledge, causes love and hatred, is able to deprive a person of sensitivity, make him invisible, reveals events of the past and future.


A dissolute demon who inflamed the female sex with love for men, driving her to madness. Made girls infertile. During intercourse he could change the appearance of a woman. Men were inclined towards homosexuality.


A lower demon, a servant of Satan, responsible for entertainment and fun in Hell. Those who live in the Underworld enjoy all human vices.


Gloomy demon killer, Marquis. Given the opportunity, he will easily kill the magician and his comrades; communication with him requires increased caution. Its purpose is to create discord and disagreement. Appears in the form of a man with the head of a raven or owl, riding a wolf.


The Marquis and Count of Darkness appears in the guise of a terrible teacher with a stick, with which he educates careless students. Gives knowledge of languages, bestows favor on friends and enemies. The demon teaches rhetoric well and prepares excellent servants.

Merezin (Merazin, Meris, Metiris, Merikhim, Mererim)

A demon with many names. Prince of the air powers, head of the 6th rank. Causes infectious diseases, epidemics and disasters. Loves to fly in the air among lightning.


The demon is responsible for starting and maintaining the fire in Hell. During the rebellion, he proposed to set fire to the heavens, for which he was also expelled. Represented in the form of a dwarf making fires in the Underworld.


Closer of the Lord, demon of the Brotherhood. Strong, brave, ruthless, eager to fight. Values ​​the concept of honor. Has no wife and children. He is fond of playing the flute and loses his sanity when drinking alcohol. Outwardly handsome and powerful.


Governor in the form of a Leo. Tells about hidden secrets, gives knowledge and skills in mechanics. Capable of turning people into other creatures, sending and curing diseases.


Demon of Power, close to Satan. On his instructions, he spent some time in the human world. Dangerous, powerful, ruthless, wears things made from the skin of demons and demons. He also makes whips. Hero of Hell, lower demons and demons fear him.

Shaks (Shah)

Marquis, appearing in the form of a dove. At the request of the magician, he blinds and deafens people, deprives them of understanding, and brings things to the caster. Steals money, returns it after 1200 years.


A strong Governor who appears in the form of a raven. Builds houses, towers, reads and communicates the thoughts and knowledge of enemies, their actions. Gives good friends. Has a hoarse voice.

Abigor (Eligos)

The Grand Duke knows the events of the future, knows and reveals secrets. Appears in real life in the guise of a knight in armor. Provides love and protection of powerful people. Outwardly attractive.

Belphegor (Velphegor)

The demon of wealth, laziness, greed, tempting mortals with material goods. It is revered by women because it has an impressive size of the genital organ.

The center of the rituals of worship of the greedy demon was nudity, and excrement was used as a sacrifice.


A demon of incredible strength, strong physique and enormous height. Appears in the form of a man with a bull-shaped head. His ability is to tear out trees along with their roots.


One of the administrators of the Underworld. Archangel cast down from heaven. He aroused people's hatred and cruelty towards the poor.


Prince with the head of a leopard and the wings of a griffin. Incited passion and sexual attraction between the opposite sex. He encouraged me to get naked. Taking the form of a man, he was distinguished by beauty.


Standard bearer of the infernal army, lord of the desert. Being a Cherub, he entered into relationships with earthly women, as a result, giants (half-man, half-angel) appeared who participated in the rebellion against God.

As punishment, Azazel was chained to a rock in the desert until the Day of Judgment, when he would be thrown into the fire. The magicians who met the demon disappeared without a trace. A black goat was sacrificed to him every year.


Demon of the Brotherhood, Closer of the Great Unclean One. Married to Kali. He was trained by Asmodeus, a strong and loyal warrior, his merits were noted by the Lord. Loves alcohol and dancing.


The Duke, who is able to find hidden treasure, predicts the future, gives understanding of the language of animals, birds and other creatures. Smoothes out conflicts, reconciles friends and government officials.


Demon of the Authority. Belongs to Paimon's retinue. There is an opinion that if a demon possesses a virgin, it will desecrate her purity.


Demon in the form of a deer. Induces love between the opposite sex. Controls thunder, lightning, storm, hurricane.


The King and the Earl, appearing as a lion on horseback. Finds hidden things, exposes witches' tricks and themselves, and is endowed with the gift of prophecy. Can cause a storm, at the request of the magician, build or destroy walls and houses.

Agares (Agvares)

The Duke, represented as an old man sitting on a crocodile.

Instantly teaches languages ​​and dialects, causes earthquakes, deprives of ranks. It puts an army to flight, but can also bring back those who have fled. Dance organizer.

Samael - Angel or Demon

The meaning of the name of the representative of the Underworld is translated from Hebrew as “poison and God.” Samael is not represented in the general list of demons, since he occupies a separate place.

He is considered the chief of the infernal army, as well as the Angel of Death, who are usually beyond the concepts of good and evil. It is believed that Samael is in eternal conflict with the Archangel Michael, whom he tried to drag with him to Hell. Some interpretations suggest that he was the Serpent-tempter of Eve. Samael is the Angel of Death who came for Moses.


A generally accepted classification of demons has not been developed, so they are divided into types, according to certain characteristics.

According to the type of activity of monsters, the following categories are distinguished:

  • poltergeists- commit small pranks at night (move objects, spoil things, and so on);
  • parks- female demons influencing destinies;
  • official- witches' minions;
  • incubi and succubi- female and male seducers;
  • clean- attack saints;
  • nightmare demons- appear in dreams and so on.

Classification by habitat identifies representatives associated with fire, water, air, earth, as well as those living under it and in remote areas of hell (Lucifuges and heliophobes). The demon Mulciber was considered the architect of the Underworld itself.

Division by rank:

  • First- Pseudo-gods and Prince Beelzebub;
  • Second- Spirits of lies led by Python;
  • Third- Vessel of iniquities, headed by Belial;
  • Fourth- Punishers of atrocities with Prince Asmodeus;
  • Fifth- deceivers with the leader Satan;
  • Sixth- Air authorities headed by Merezin;
  • Seventh- Furies and their lord Abaddon;
  • Eighth- Accusers and spies led by Astaroth;
  • Ninth- Tempters and spiteful critics with Prince Mammon.

Demonologists distinguish types of demons in relation to the heavenly bodies: the spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon.

Classification by area of ​​influence is considered the most convenient for practicing magicians:

  • love andlust- the category includes Lilith, Asmodeus, Astaroth;
  • revenge, hatred, anger, war- Abbadon, Agaliarept, Andras;
  • healing and life- Belial, Verrin, Verrier;
  • death-Babael, Baalberith;
  • luck, wealth- Beelzebub, Belphegor, Mammon;
  • knowledge, witchcraft, mystery- Python, Ronwe and so on.

It is known that demons are divided into 7 mortal sins: pride (Lucifer), avarice (Mammon), lust (Asmodeus), anger (Satan), gluttony (Beelzebub), envy (Leviathan), laziness (Belphegor).


There is also no generally accepted hierarchy, since the underworld has always been considered a place of chaos and disorder. Demonologists put forward many variants of the demonic structure in order to systematize knowledge and determine the difference in the powers of individual representatives.

The highest rulers who are in charge in Hell are Lucifer (emperor), Beelzebub (prince), Astaroth (great duke). They are subordinate to 6 spirits of higher rank and many smaller ones.

In other sources, a fourth is added to the indicated leaders: Moloch, Leviathan or Belial.

The magical treatise "Lemegeton" notes 72 main demons, while they have the titles of kings, counts, dukes, marquises. There is no information in the source about the subordination of some to others.

The small and lower representatives of the Underworld include Demons (service personnel), Nolas (working class), Succubi, Incubi.

Succubi and Incubi

Such names are given to the lesser minions of Satan. These are varieties of tempting demons who persuaded people to have sexual intercourse in their dreams. Succubus is a priestess of love who specializes in men. Appears in the form of a beautiful girl, as seen in a Gothic photo.

Incubi, on the contrary, seek female love by appearing in an attractive male guise.

Demons of gluttony, drunkenness, and carnal pleasures are recognized as hunters of sinners; they prefer not to attack the righteous. They feed on the energy of victims, devastating them.

Vampire names

Vampires are classified as undead. The source of nutrition and energy for them is blood. They are distinguished by strength, speed and agility, and have no reflection in the mirror. They hate sunlight and holy water, which burns their bodies.

The names of vampires in the mythology of various countries are distinguished:

  • Adze is an African bloodsucker.
  • Algul - Arabic.
  • Strigoi - Romanian.
  • Brooksa is a female vampire demon.
  • Alp is a German monster.
  • Danag is a bloodsucker from the Philippines and so on.

The name of the Romanian vampire Count Vlad the Impaler Dracula has been imprinted in literature and cinema for centuries.

Demonic creatures

In the mythology of various countries, in addition to demons in the form of people or humanoid monsters, there are creatures of eerie appearance who bring evil.


A mythical creature of enormous size with flaming eyes. It has 3 throats from which flames burst out. 2 people hold his mouth open. From the belly of the beast comes the screams of countless damned souls.


The legendary monster is a guard guarding the entrance to the cave of sorcerers.

A distorted person with a twisted leg, mutilated hands, fingers, nose, mouth is also used by the warlock as a tool for curses and revenge. The sorcerer creates the creature from an ordinary nine-month-old child, kidnapped or bought from his parents.


Christian demon of carnal pleasures (gluttony), taking the form of animals.

Tends mortals to sinfulness, the manifestation of the worst character traits. An example of a demon is the cat Behemoth from M. Bulgakov’s work “The Master and Margarita”.


A huge multi-headed sea monster. In some interpretations it is considered a fallen angel, in others - a serpent-tempter of the first people, in others - a creature created by God before all living things.

Some sources indicate that God destroyed the beast in prehistoric times, but there is also an opinion that a mortal battle between Leviathan and Behemoth is expected in the future.

Glasialabolas (Glasia Labolas)

Governor of the Underworld. Presented in the form of a dog with griffin wings.

Can make a mortal invisible, teach art instantly, and evoke the love of friends and enemies. The culprit of murders and bloodshed, obeys Nebiros

The demons of hell are the founders of all evil. Demons were expelled from paradise and took many with them. Their main goal is to create evil. For them, evil is food. And the greatest pleasure for them is to create blasphemy. The demons of hell consider God their enemy and do everything to harm him, and man himself is the weapon. Everything in our world is in balance: light and darkness, good and evil. Therefore, the demons of hell own the world just as we own it. Man has always tried to get rid of them, and is still doing so.

The demons of hell also do not sit idly by, they continue to do their dirty work.

Representatives of darkness enjoy all types of sin - pride, vanity, revenge, debauchery, quarrels. Each demon of hell instills into the human soul the sin from which he himself delights. But you shouldn’t blame the demons of hell for all your misfortunes either. A person always has a choice. Either follow the right, but long and difficult path, or choose the quick and sinful path. As a rule, most often a person chooses the path that the demon offers. After a huge number of sins committed, a person simply has no chance of going to heaven after death.

So he remains forever in the power of the demons of hell

During his lifetime they gave him no peace and after his death they forever take him into their service. But a person always has a chance to improve. God sees everything and, of course, will forgive a person. We cannot always cope with our sins on our own or get rid of influence hell demons. For this, today there are people who know everything about demons and even ways to fight them. Although it is not entirely safe, it is effective. But trying to get rid of the demons of hell on your own can end in disaster for you. Your attempts can lead to you becoming a “doll” in the hands of a demon, and that’s all they want.

Watch the video of the demons of Hell part 1

I will tell you about the most insidious and dangerous demons of Hell considered in demonology; their names are familiar to many. Their main goal is to create evil through man. They feed on negative human energy. The most common names for hell demons are

  • Asmodeus,
  • Baal,
  • Yara-ma,
  • Kali ma,
  • Itzpapalotl,
  • Kelpie,
  • Skadi,
  • Sri Lakshmi,
  • Zotz,
  • Hel,
  • Xipe Totec,
  • elementals,
  • Velial et al.

Each of these demons of Hell is responsible for a certain evil, each has its own story and a person invented each of them. It is true to say that demons can completely take over us, but all this happens only through our fault. The Demon of Hell becomes stronger only because a person commits more and more sins. Thanks to this, the demon feels so good that it is able to move into a person and control his body, thoughts and actions as if he were his own.

What are the names of the demons of Hell?

This is the most terrible and dangerous thing that can happen to a person. Therefore, today very often professionals perform rituals to exorcise the demons of hell. This is the most dangerous ritual in black magic. I had to witness this many times ritual of summoning the demons of Hell, I have to say that horror films are taking a break. It's incredibly scary. Only when you see this with your own eyes do you begin to understand how real everything is. The man not only begins to scream in a strange, non-human voice, curse everything and speak in ancient languages, but his body also wriggles as if it has no bones. I described all this only because many of you decide to independently engage in expelling the demons of Hell from a person. You will never do this without special knowledge. But the risk that the demon will take possession of you is very high. Here it is necessary to create a safe environment for everyone present. And this can only be done by those who have repeatedly encountered demons and done everything to resist them.

Watch the video of the demons of Hell part 2

We often talk a lot about demons, devils, demons. But few people know that they differ not only in their habitat and method of influence, but also in their names. Yes, the demons of hell also have names. I will just mention some of the names of the demons. The most
The demons of hell are insidious and bloodthirsty. There are many legends and beliefs associated with them in Slavic and ancient Indian mythology.

The real names of the demons of hell are very different from the names we are used to.

It cannot be denied that it was man who gave names to demons. That is why man came up with new names that have nothing in common with human names. There are a huge number of demons. Every nation has its own list of demon names. All nations have different legends associated with them. But what unites us all is only fear of them. But we have long learned to fight them.

List of names of the most famous demons of Christian Hell:

  1. Abbadon = / demon destroyer.
  2. Abduscius = / demon who uproots trees.
  3. Abigor = / demon horseman, skilled warrior.
  4. Adramalech = / demon advisor in charge of Satan's wardrobe.
  5. Agaliarept = / a demon who can solve any riddles.
  6. Agvares = / demon, Duke of Hell, organizer of dances.
  7. Azazel = / demon, standard bearer of the troops of hell.
  8. Alastor = / demon herald.
  9. Amduscias = / demon musician, Duke of Hell.
  10. Andras = / demon, marquis.
  11. Asmodeus = / demon of lust and family troubles.
  12. Astaroth = / great duke, keeper of the treasures of hell.
  13. Acheron = / hellish monster with flaming eyes.
  14. Barbatos = / demon, duke who can find hidden treasures and predict the future.
  15. Behemoth = / a huge demon who ruled the feasts in hell.
  16. Belphegor = / demon who seduces people with wealth.
  17. Baal = / demon of treachery and deceit, great duke of hell.
  18. Vaalberith = / chief secretary of hell.
  19. Valafar = / demon, patron of robbers and robbers.
  20. Belial = / Satan's powerful ally, demon of lies.
  21. Beelzebub = / commander of the legions of hell, lord of the flies.
  22. Verdelet = / master of ceremonies of hell.
  23. Dagon = / demon, baker of hell.
  24. Dantalian = / a demon who incites people to do evil things.
  25. Dubbuk = / in mythology a wandering spirit.
  26. Zepar = / a demon who drove women to madness.
  27. Incubus = / male demon lover.
  28. Xaphan = / demon who makes fires in hell.
  29. Lamia = / female demon, vampire, who hunted mainly children.
  30. Leviathan = / huge snake, ruler of the oceans.
  31. Leonard = / demon, master of the covens.
  32. Lufizer = / angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven, Satan.
  33. Lucifuge Rofocal = / Prime Minister of Hell.
  34. Mammon = / demon of wealth.
  35. Marbas = / a demon who could send and cure illness.
  36. Melchom = / demon, keeper of the treasures of the princes of hell.
  37. Mephistopheles = / demon who served Faust for 24 years.
  38. Moloch = / demon-deity to whom children were sacrificed.
  39. Mulciber = / demon, architect of hell.
  40. Navki = / souls of killed or unbaptized children (among the Slavs).
  41. Nebiros = / demon, field marshal of the army of hell.
  42. Nibras = / demon responsible for entertainment.
  43. Nisrok = / demon, one of the administrators of hell.
  44. Olivier = / fallen archangel who awakens in people cruelty towards the poor.
  45. Put Satanakia = / the supreme commander of the army of Satan.
  46. Sabnak = / demon responsible for the rotting of corpses.
  47. Salamanders = / lords of fire, spirits living in flames.
  48. Sargatanas = / demon, major general of the army of hell.
  49. Satan = / Supreme lord of hell and demons.
  50. Succubus = / devil - lover.
  51. Ufir = / demon, doctor of hell.
  52. Utburd = /ghost of a dead child (Norwegian).
  53. Flevreti = / Beelzebub's lieutenant general, governor of Africa.
  54. Furfur is a demon who controls thunder, lightning and hurricane winds.
  55. Shax = /demon that blinds and stuns its victims.
  56. Kaim = /at first had the appearance of a thrush, and then turned into a man with a sharp sword. If they asked him questions, he answered them not entirely clearly - with burning ashes. When he was an angel, he loved to argue, and if he was in the mood, he could talk about the meaning of bird songs, the mooing of cattle, the barking of dogs and the babbling brook.
  57. Lerayer = / a powerful marquis, a shooter in a green tunic, armed with a bow and sharp arrows. He provoked quarrels and battles between people, but especially sought to ensure that they wounded each other with arrows, the wounds of which never healed.
  58. Sitri = / prince who had the head of a leopard and the wings of a griffin. He stimulated sexual desire, in particular, he encouraged women to walk naked.
  59. Gomori = / knew how to achieve the love of women, especially young ones. As a Grand Duke, he appeared in the form of a beautiful woman riding a camel, with a ducal crown on her head.
  60. Parks = / demon of fate; If anyone has seen the parks, then that person is a demon himself.
  61. Oiedlet = /demon seducer of the vow of poverty.
  62. Philotanus = second-class demon and Belial's assistant. An instigator of debauchery.
  63. Paimon = /rules public ceremonies in hell, breaking people's will. Rides a camel. Portrayed as a man with a woman's face.
  64. Volley = /destroyer, builder of cities, populates them with warriors thirsty for battle. Has the appearance of a stork and a hoarse voice.
  65. Khabaril = /demon of fire and fire. He has three heads = /cat, human and snake, he rides on a viper, waving torches.
  66. Vin = / could destroy the thickest walls and cause a storm at sea.
  67. Seera = / demon of time, could slow down or speed up its progress.
  68. Glasyalabolas = / winged dog. He directed the killings. In his free time from his main duties, this demon taught people the art of becoming invisible.
  69. Demon = /messenger of evil.

If I forgot to mention the name of the demon, please add in the comments.

Watch the video about the demons of Hell