
Svetelka dating for Orthodox Christians in contact. Reviews about the dating club for Orthodox Christians Svetelka

Where can young (or not so young) people meet in Moscow or any other city these days? Perhaps you will say: “Yes, in any nightclub, at a disco, on special platforms on the Internet, finally!” That's right. Only often such acquaintances end in nothing, because both parties or one are determined to have an easy, non-binding relationship.

What about those who are looking for dating to start a family? This is especially difficult for believers, because for many of them going to a dance with the obligatory drinking of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable.

The thought suggests itself: there must be some kind of, perhaps virtual, area where Orthodox Christians could get to know each other - and it doesn’t matter whether they live in Moscow, the Moscow region, or in remote villages of our vast Motherland. "Svetelka" - club Orthodox dating– just such a meeting place!

Muscovites, of course, are a little more fortunate: they can become members of the Svetelka club, organized for Orthodox believers, in order to:

  • exchange opinions about the church literature read;
  • help each other through some difficult moments in life;
  • finally, meet attractive people of the opposite sex.

The Svetelka club is aimed primarily at those who meet for serious relationship. Type “Svetelka Blagovest” in a search engine and you can start communicating with like-minded people. If you live in Moscow and the Moscow region, you can, after chatting a little virtually, quickly meet in the real world.

Fortunately, meeting Orthodox Christians can take place not only in Moscow. “Svetelka Blagovest” opens its doors wide to everyone, even if the homeland of the potential husband is harsh Yekaterinburg, and the wife’s homeland is provincial Kashin in the Russian outback.

Pay attention! Orthodox dating site for those who are waiting for a serious relationship. Svetelka allows people to meet each other, regardless of distance.

If you are looking for a place where you could meet your future life partner, who is ready to share your sorrows and joys, then this Orthodox dating club is what you need! Register, read the questionnaires and answer them. Your happiness is in your hands.

Dating site

To get to the site page, write “Svetelka Blagovest” in the search bar. This is an Orthodox dating site where those who would like to start a family with a person who has similar views on the world, goals and moral principles find each other.

It often happens like this: a young man and a girl saw each other on the street, liked each other, felt attraction at first sight, but during the conversation it turned out that mutual understanding between them is impossible or very difficult.

This happens due to:

  • different ideas about what is good and what is bad;
  • different upbringings;
  • various spiritual values.

The result is disappointment and mental anguish on both sides. And on the site you can immediately choose a person who thinks the same as you, and therefore has a much greater chance of meeting a true like-minded person and future friend for life.

Pay attention! There are very few people on the Orthodox dating site who are simply looking for interesting adventures.

They prefer to “hang out” on other platforms. This dating site was originally created for those who have set themselves high moral goals and are looking for faithful companion. Here it will take much less time to weed out the random public, since such public practically does not appear here.

Orthodox dating

What should be understood by these words? Does this mean that the site contains only profiles from extremely serious individuals discussing exclusively the topics of faith and unbelief?

Of course not! Orthodox dating in Svetelka involves not only joint prayers and fasting. It is very easy to enter into conversations concerning how vitally important topics, as well as leisure activities, holidays, interesting trips, kayaking trips and other entertainment.

A believer is not a schema-monk who has set himself the goal of getting as close to God as possible during his lifetime. Many live the simple joys of life, have fun, joke and enjoy active recreation. The Orthodox dating club makes the task of finding someone close in spirit and goals in life much easier among many people.

The inhabitants of Svetelka find this site to create a strong, happy family, bonded by common interests. Dating for Orthodox Christians is not difficult in any way: people can calmly write about themselves in the “believer” profile, without fear of incurring ridicule from others.

In addition, in the questionnaire you can immediately tell how faith and everyday life are intertwined, what are the requirements for the future husband (wife), what wishes do you have for a potential life partner.

Perhaps you observe all the fasts prescribed for believers, attend church on all holidays, and would like to see your future spouse the same. Or, on the contrary, are you an ardent supporter of the idea that God must be in the soul, and external rituals have no special significance, and dream of finding a life partner who agrees with such postulates? Write about it!


Dating for Orthodox Christians has some peculiarities. In particular, many are raised from childhood in such a way that spending the night with a person before the wedding is impermissible. Yes, they are modern views, however, they are often impracticable for Orthodox people, since they run counter to their ideas about the world and the place of man in this world, about righteousness and sin. In Svetelka, you can immediately cut off those who do not see anything reprehensible in cohabitation before marriage, and meet only those who think the same as you.

It is quite possible for people with different views to live together, even without getting into serious disputes, but before children appear. With the birth of heirs everything changes, everything rises main question: how to educate them?

A couple who met on the site for Orthodox Christians “Svetelka” will never experience such difficulties: contradictions in the family are excluded.

After all, the future spouses discussed these topics even before joining the family.

The upbringing of children will take place in a single key, and integrity in this matter is very important, only a single line of parental behavior gives the future personality the opportunity to fully develop.

How to register

Your task is simple:

  • type the phrase: “What is “Svetelka”;
  • read the information, take note;
  • go to the site;
  • register;
  • create your profile and post it.

Pay attention! In order to become a full member of Svetelka, no fees are required.

A person posting his profile in Svetelka does not risk anything: he can provide only the information that he considers necessary. But he gains a lot. Even if you don’t manage to find a life partner right away, you can meet many friends here, with whom you will later:

  • travel;
  • share innermost thoughts;
  • consult;
  • organize joint leisure time.

Useful video


Moscow is so huge that people who are looking for someone similar to them can easily get lost in it. You can walk the streets all your life, drink coffee in a cafe, go down the subway, peering into faces, but still not find your soulmate. But it’s easy to do this on the Svetelka website. The chances increase many times over.

Our world is changing, so we need to change with it if we want to find happiness. Today it is difficult to meet a like-minded person on the street or in a cafe, since we are all too different, but dating sites come to the rescue. Don't get lost, take your chance!

If you take the issue of starting a family seriously, if you are lonely and those around you do not understand you, contact the Svetelka website. Here you will meet true friends, and perhaps a life partner for many years.

Orthodox Club Svetelka is one of the most popular dating sites for believers. If relations between the sexes have always been a rather pressing topic, then the problems of relationships and women in our time are doubly relevant. The reason for this lies on the surface: our society is still torn between the craving for a modern way of life and the desire to return to the origins, to the spirituality in which we imagine our ancestors lived. It is very difficult to find a middle ground in the absence of experience; Orthodox young people rush from one extreme to another, and in the end they are left with nothing.

The Orthodox dating site Svetelka helps solve the problem of loneliness for Orthodox Christians who have realized that finding a soul mate is not an easy task. It is usually more difficult for a believer to find a soul mate with whom he wants to build relationships, create a family, and think about procreation than for a non-believer. This is usually due to the fact that everyone Orthodox Christian I want to meet a like-minded person - a person who will profess the Orthodox faith in the same way, go to church on Sundays, pray, observe fasts and other instructions of the Orthodox Church. Orthodox dating on Svetelka is one way to solve this problem.

Popular Orthodox site Svetelka: help in creating a family

The age segment of men and women registering on the Svetelka Orthodox dating club website is quite wide. Here you can see very young people up to thirty years old, who have already despaired of finding a friend among their acquaintances, and older people - from fifty and above. Many of them are striving to start a family for the first time, and already firmly know what requirements to make of a potential chosen one, while others, on the contrary, have already been burned by previous marital experience, and approach the issue of relationships with wisdom and patience. What distinguishes Christians who come to seek their happiness on the Orthodox site Svetelka? They all have one thing in common - they strive to create an Orthodox family. There are no “easy relationships” sections, as well as “dating for sex” on Svetelka. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the Orthodox religion does not accept this type of relationship; in Christianity, the basis of the connection between a man and a woman is always marriage. After all, the vaunted open relationships that are the norm among young people today often cover up lack of confidence in themselves and in their partner, in the feelings that unite the couple. For Christians, such an approach to a person is unacceptable, so we can say with confidence that users of the Svetelka dating club for Orthodox Christians are serious.

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Orthodox dating on Svetelka and help in creating a strong family

What problem does an Orthodox person often face when trying to establish a relationship with a person outside his circle? Of course, first of all, these are intimate relationships before marriage. Users of the Orthodox club Svetelka often specifically stipulate this delicate point: no intimacy before the wedding, because Orthodox Church clearly views this modern norm as sin and fornication. Many people find it unrealistic, almost unnatural, a situation in which a man and a woman date for several months and only hold hands. I will not claim that everyone succeeds in this, however, it should be taken into account that such

The twenty-first century is a period of new communication technologies. Imagine life without mobile phone Now it’s simply impossible, when some ten or twelve years ago not everyone could boast of having an ultra-fashionable new gadget.

We are silent for the World Wide Web. It seems as if there is an unspoken postulate among the people that “every self-respecting person is simply obliged to have a computer with an Internet connection at home.” The other side of the matter is that it no longer concerns you. It should, period. Don't know how to use it? Let's teach! Don't you want to? There is no such word - “I don’t want” - they said, it’s necessary, so it’s necessary!


I'm looking for someone to give my soul and heart to - Online Club

No wonder that people of the old school consider the World Wide Web “an unprecedented, strange, dangerous beast”. In an age when all sorts of stories leak out on TV every now and then, this is natural. Quite natural and not surprising. But there is also reverse side medals...

Everyone knows that nowadays love as such no longer exists. There are rare exceptions, but they are also lost in the mass of disappointments and sad experience relationships. “He left me with my stomach!”; “I found out that he is married, he has a family!”, “Another acquaintance ended in failure!” - how often have you heard these phrases, and perhaps even uttered them yourself, scolding your failed lover in your hearts with all the words that came to mind! Unfortunately, this fact- a common phenomenon, but let's compare Orthodoxy and the Internet.

If you are interested in Orthodox life, you probably know that at this stage basically all monasteries, not only Moscow and Moscow region have their own websites, and most priests have their own pages in social networks and actively promote them. By entering “Father Online” into the search engine, we will receive more than a dozen active pages created by confessors, where we can learn a lot of interesting things about the life of a particular parish, and most importantly, get answers to many questions that interest us. The Internet, without even noticing it, has become firmly entrenched in our lives, and now it is not just a waste of effort, time and money, but active territory carrying information to the masses.

In other words, it is a way of socializing people, giving them knowledge, which is often enough to adequately answer one or another question.

Creating a family and finding a loved one in an online club

Initially, the Orthodox dating site “Svetelka” was created for people living in Moscow and the Moscow region. Now it has become so popular that people leave their personal information not only those living in Russia, but also abroad. Looking through recent profiles, you can see residents of Ukraine and even Serbia. Isn't this an indicator that things are really producing results? Hearts merge together, soaring in a dance of love, music and understanding. At the moment, the online club contains about 35 thousand advertisements.

Men and women, of different age categories, different nationalities, statuses and positions in society, are similar in one thing - they are looking for their destiny to create a strong family. Long and painstakingly, sometimes stumbling and stumbling, risking their feelings, they are unshakable in their faith. Faith in a happy accident and faith that the All-Merciful Lord, Father, Teacher of our lost souls, will not leave us. What will illuminate the path of life with a bright, unquenchable light will definitely help, calm and console, giving the most important thing in life - love, peace, prosperity, and most importantly - reciprocity and confidence that we are loved.

Why is it necessary to create a profile in an online club?

  • The Svetelka website is for those who want to be confident in the future...
  • He considers creating his own family to be an important meaning of his life...
  • Who wants to gain faith in God and the Orthodox path...