
Christmas fortune telling - Christmas fortune telling. Fortune telling about your future husband

Man is designed in such a way that it is not enough for him to know about what is happening here and now, and almost every one of us dreams of the opportunity to look into the future. This is probably how fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide appeared. For some it is fun game, for others it’s an excursion into the past, while others take it seriously and rely on the result of fortune-telling high hopes.

Fortune telling was always and everywhere, regardless of race, place of residence and religion. Each nation has its own rules and customs for conducting the ritual, but you probably won’t find such a variety of fortune-telling as in Slavic countries.

☞ What they don’t guess at:

  • On the coffee grounds- predicting the future.
  • On the mirror- for the betrothed.
  • On matches- for love.
  • In the snow- on the character of the husband.
  • On the water– on the number and gender of future children.
  • On the hair- for the future with your loved one.
  • On the log- what the betrothed will be like.
  • On cereals- for the husband's security.
  • On a thread– what life awaits in the future.
  • On card kings- the age of the betrothed...

It is not easy to list all the methods and objects that help to look into the future; there are a great many of them. The same as the days of the year, at home. Yuletide and Christmas fortune-telling are especially popular.

The days on which Christmastide falls are called a period of timelessness, when old year has already left, and the new one has not yet taken over. The doors to the other world have not yet closed and the boundaries between worlds are blurred. It is believed that at this time there is an opportunity to look beyond the line that divides the world into “now and then,” and the released spirits actively help in this.

From the seventh to the nineteenth of January, everyone who expects good news from the New Year will never miss the opportunity to look into the “beautiful far away.” Christmas fortune telling is considered the most truthful, which sometimes causes not only excitement, but also fear.

You can guess all the Christmastides, but three days stand out in particular, which are considered the most truthful. This is Christmas night, from the sixth to the seventh of January, Vasilyev's evening - the night of January 13 and Epiphany Eve - January 18.

One can argue endlessly whether fortune-telling comes true or not, but we believe in them, hope for a miracle and wait for it, which means we must be prepared for this meeting.

Preparing for fortune telling

For fortune telling to be successful, you must be prepared and not be upset if the result differs from what was expected.

  1. Objects that have a shape vicious circle, do not allow otherworldly forces (it is with them that we are going to communicate) to come into contact. To do this, you need to take off everything that can be called a vicious circle: watch, belt, rings, bracelets, chains, belts or something else. Untie all the knots.
  2. Special attention give it to your hair. Be sure to remove your hat, and if your hair is long, let it down. It is assumed that hair is a kind of antenna that connects us with space and the other world, and it also protects us from the effects of negative energy.
  3. It is advisable to put icons and crosses in another room. This is church paraphernalia, and fortune telling is a way to communicate with otherworldly forces, which contradicts the canons of the church.
  4. There should be no source of artificial light in the room during fortune telling. Candles are lit.
  5. The place and items for fortune telling must be clean and prepared in advance. Items depend on the type of ritual; you may need: a mirror, a log, a ring, wax, milk and much more.
  6. Clothes should be loose. It is advisable to replace trousers with a dress, or even better, a shirt made of natural fabric with long sleeves. If you are brave enough, you can tell fortunes completely naked. It is believed that in this case the result will be the most accurate.

Be sure to tune in for a serious wave. This is not a case where every joke is good. Spirits do not understand jokes and do not forgive ridicule. Fortune telling is serious and it is not recommended to make them angry. However, there is no need to be afraid either. This may negatively affect the result.

The best folk fortune telling for Christmas

It is impossible to say which fortune telling at home is better and which is worse. Some people believe in coffee grounds, some prefer rituals with poppy seeds, and some are interested in looking at images on wax. What we believe in, what we like, is the best and most effective fortune telling. What do people most often wonder about on Christmas and Christmas Eve?

Betrothed's name

To do this, write one at a time on small pieces of paper. male name and put it in a hat. Stir and then pull out one of the pieces of paper. Whatever name is written on the elongated piece of paper, that’s what the betrothed will be called.

Who will the future husband be?

At night, they put four card kings under the pillow and say: “Betrothed mummer, be shown to me.” If you dreamed about the king of spades, the groom will be jealous and of a respectable age. King of Hearts - the groom will be young and rich, and if the king of the cross is the groom - the groom will be a military man or a businessman. But the King of Diamonds is a card that almost all fortune tellers dream of seeing. She promises the groom to whom her soul is drawn.

What kind of life lies ahead?

When everyone in the house falls asleep, you need to sit by the window and say: “Betrothed mummer, pass by.” If a noisy crowd or a single person appears first, but he whistles, talks loudly or shouts, life is expected to be rich. If someone passes silently, it will tell about the poverty of the groom.

Gender of the unborn child

Fortune telling with a needle is considered the most common and accurate. Take a small piece of natural red fabric and stick a needle into it. At this time they ask: “Who will God send me, a son or a daughter?” Then thread a silk thread or your hair into the eye of the needle and raise the needle above the palm.

  1. The needle swings like a pendulum - wait for the boy.
  2. Spinning - a girl.
  3. If you stop, you will live this year without a child.

Whether Christmas fortune-telling is true is unknown, but this tradition not only does not die over the years, on the contrary, new variants and new places for rituals are being found.

They tell fortunes on the porch, on the street, go to crossroads, to the outskirts, to a bathhouse, to abandoned houses, and the most desperate ones decide to go to the cemetery. The most popular is fortune telling at home.

Fortune telling for Christmas time at home

On a candle

The shell is taken walnut, whole halves, small church candles are inserted into them, one can be cut into several identical pieces, lit and lowered into a container of water.

The number of “boats” must be a multiple of the number of fortune tellers. Everyone remembers their candle. The one whose candle burns out first will be the first to get married. And so on in turn. If a girl’s “boat” sinks, she will not get married soon.

On wax

Take two candles, light one, and finely chop the second. Place the pieces in a spoon and heat on the flame of the first candle. When the wax is completely melted, it is quickly poured into a glass with cold water. They wait for it to harden, take it out of the glass and examine the resulting figure by candlelight. It is used to guess the future fate. The resulting silhouettes and figures are “talkative”; you just need to be able to “hear” them.

☞ Meaning of figures:

  • Palm– holiday in the south.
  • Great people in profile- opening of a gift.
  • $ sign- to unexpected money.
  • Lots of lines– frequent trips.
  • Fan– problems with work and team.
  • Grape- a successful one awaits happy year.
  • Mushrooms– activity, physical and mental balance.
  • Dragon- everything you dreamed about during the year will come true.
  • Bell– you can’t do without news. If the outline of the bell is smooth, the news will be smooth, good, and if
  • contour of the curve, then the news is bad. If there are several bells, there will be cause for alarm.
  • Star- work will bring success and good luck.
  • Leaf from a tree– surrounded by envy, gossip, intrigue.
  • Monkey- insincerity, meanness, betrayal.
  • Trousers– soon you will have to determine your own future path in life.
  • Flower– a romantic meeting or a successful marriage.
  • little man- the appearance of a new friend.
  • Apple– if it’s straight, it’s a good omen, if it’s crooked, it’s a temptation that you’ll have to fight.
  • Egg– changes in life, and significant ones. Possible birth of a child.
  • House- setting up a new farm.
  • Cross- to illness.

☞ Video story

On the cups

Fortune telling on cups predicts what life awaits in the future. To do this, take the number of cups that are multiples of the fortune-tellers and put, in each one separately, bread, salt, a coin, sugar, an onion, a ring, and pour water. Then everyone takes turns blindfolding and choosing one of the cups. The cups are constantly swapped so that fortune tellers do not remember their location.

  • Coin- to wealth.
  • ring- wedding.
  • Sugar- a fun life.
  • Bread- life without material problems.
  • Onion- tears.
  • Salt- expect big troubles.
  • Water– life does not prepare any changes.

On the egg

Make a small hole in a fresh egg, preferably from a domestic chicken, and pour the contents into a container of water. When the protein has curled, examine the resulting figure.

  • Church- marriage.
  • Ship– for the husband – a business trip, for the wife – the husband’s arrival from a business trip. For unmarried people - quick marriage and moving, for unmarried people - a long journey.
  • The protein “sank” to the bottom– be careful in everything, beware of fire, deception or loss. For unmarried people - loneliness.

By hair

At twelve o'clock at night, add a pinch of sugar, salt and ash to a container of water. Stir everything well, put one hair of yours and one of your loved one into it. The container is left until the morning.

Hair intertwined - there will be a wedding, if they move away from each other - separation awaits, and if someone's hair is drowned - there will be trouble.

With threads

Available only unmarried girls and requires the presence of an assistant. Take three needles and thread only one thread into each - red, white and black. The assistant pins them to the fortuneteller's clothing from the back. Then pull out one of the needles and interpret the result.

  • Red thread- marriage and possibly the birth of a child.
  • White thread– the wedding is postponed for an indefinite period.
  • Black thread- It is better to avoid marriage and devote yourself completely to work.

On the coffee grounds

This type of fortune telling is considered the most popular all over the world. Most often it is perceived as entertainment, because it does not require special preparation. The only point is that coffee is not brewed in a modern automatic coffee maker, but in a Turk or in a small saucepan. The coffee should be freshly ground, and the water should be spring or well. As a last resort - well-settled.

When the coffee is brewed, it is poured into cups and wait until the sediment sinks to the bottom. It is recommended at this time to discuss the question that needs an answer. Give him as much attention as possible. After which the coffee is drunk in small sips, slowly, and in no case do not spill even a gram. When all the coffee has been drunk, turn the cup onto a saucer so that the coffee slurry flows down the internal walls. The cup is left upside down for 10-15 minutes and only then removed.

Using the tip of a knife, they divide the coffee grounds remaining on the saucer into four equal parts (islands), and call them according to the seasons. One “island” is spring, another is summer, the third is autumn, the fourth is winter. After assigning names, they begin to decipher the received characters.

  1. If there are bubbles left in the middle of any “island”, important news will be received during this period of time.
  2. If there are no drips on one of the inner sides of the cup or a single dot is “lost,” news or a visitor will come from distant lands. Where the point is relative to the main thicket is where the news will come from. From the south, west, north or east.
  3. If inner side the cup turned out to be decorated with “stars” - this is considered a good sign, and if there are also dots, this promises a good monetary win.
  4. Small bumps on the surface of the “islands” give hope for success, while depressions, on the contrary, warn of problems and obstacles.
  5. Grooves running through the thicket indicate some kind of surprise and ask you to be careful.
  6. Black lines, monochromatic and without interference, convey that all desires and intentions will soon come true.
  7. If straight lines are covered with crumbs - on life path Obstacles will arise, but they will be very easy to overcome.

It is also popular among those whose relationships with friends or relatives have deteriorated. By deciphering the combinations of lines on the inner surface of the cup, you can predict with almost 100% accuracy how future relationships will develop.

☞ Video story

On matches

A match is inserted into a matchbox from two different sides and then set on fire. As the matches burn, they begin to move. If the heads turn towards each other, then those for whom fortune telling is being carried out will be together, and if the heads of the matches turn away from each other, it means that the couple will soon disperse. At what angle the matches are turned to one another, you can judge the strength of love between a guy and a girl.

For fortune telling, as for any responsible work, you need to be well prepared.

  • At least during the last week before the intended fortune-telling, keep your body and thoughts clean.
  • Pray and ask God for forgiveness for the sin that will be committed.
  • Don’t get a haircut even if you really want to or have planned a trip to the hairdresser in advance.
  • Avoid arguing, swearing, foul language, judgment and any angry or aggressive statements.
  • Put in order the items that will be used for fortune telling. Purchase the missing ones.
  • Do not initiate anyone into plans regarding fortune telling, the only exception being those people who will help.
  • The place where fortune telling will take place must be kept in perfect order and, preferably, well ventilated.
  • Make sure that there are no strangers in the room during fortune telling.
  • Do not tell anyone about the results of fortune telling and do not discuss the process itself, no matter how much they push you to do so. This can be done no earlier than three months later.

When fortune telling doesn't come true

When we begin fortune telling, we expect a miracle, but quite often it does not happen. There are many reasons for this that need to be found and taken into account. next year, unless, of course, the desire to guess will not leave you alone.

  1. They were too worried or afraid of the upcoming process, they could not cope with their internal state, which prevented them from making contact with otherworldly forces.
  2. They drank alcohol, remembering that many do this “for courage.” You cannot even smoke before the session or use any stimulants.
  3. Someone was very angry and the energy of anger left no room for the energy of vision. The same thing happens if you judge someone.
  4. Despite the fact that they were determined, they still did not believe in the power of fortune telling, which blocked the possibility of communicating with spirits.
  5. During fortune telling, sources of artificial noise were present: telephone, TV, tape recorder, etc.
  6. They shared it with friends, and during the session they laughed or made fun of it, which offended and dispersed the spirits who were supposed to introduce them to the future.
  7. Perhaps during fortune telling they crossed their arms or legs, which is absolutely forbidden to do. This can “twist” the channels through which communication occurs. As a result, information was not received in full or its flow completely dried up.

The Church not only does not approve, but also condemns all types of fortune telling, but what to do if the desire to find out what awaits in the near future is stronger than the fear of impending troubles?

☞ In this case you need:

  • Turn to the prayer of repentance.
  • Give alms to those in need. Preferably in church. Through giving comes forgiveness.
  • Do not forget to keep your thoughts, deeds and body pure.
  • Forgive ourselves.

The most important thing is to never attach much importance to the fact that fortune telling did not live up to expectations. Otherwise, you can program yourself in advance for troubles that no one needs.

Learn to look for only the good in everything, and life will definitely give you what you expect from it.

Christmas fortune telling by the hour: If you have an antique wall clock, you can tell fortunes using them.
You need to lock yourself in the room where you are going to tell fortunes, turn off the lights and close the curtains. It is important that the room is pitch dark, otherwise the ritual may not work. First, leave your desk lamp or night light on. Take the glass out of the watch and remove the hour hand. Turn off the lamp, feel for the arrow adjustment wheel and start turning it in any direction. Do it quickly. After counting to twelve, stop and turn on the lamp. Take a look at the clock, or rather, at the hand. Pay attention to which number the arrow stops at. If it freezes between two numbers, choose the one to which it is closest. If the arrow is exactly in the center, give preference to the larger number.

Decoding fortune telling on the clock:
- If the arrow is on the number “1”, forget about changes. Life will proceed without shocks and surprises. This is a time of rest and relaxation, which, however, will not be as long as we would like.

- the arrow on the number “2” means that you should be examined by doctors as soon as possible. Yours good health perhaps deceptive, and soon you will be faced with a disease that needs to be prevented.

- The arrow at “3” foreshadows the successful completion of the work begun. But you shouldn’t rely on simple luck - success doesn’t come on its own. Only hard work and perseverance will help you achieve your goal.

- An arrow stopping at the number “4” signifies imminent trouble. Be prepared to meet them fully armed, and only attentiveness and caution will help prevent them.

- Five hours will mean quick enrichment. Luck and hard work, perseverance and caution will lead to the fact that you will have a lot of money, which, however, you will also have to save. Many crooks may pay attention to you.

- The arrow on the number "6" is a dangerous sign. Soon troubles and misfortunes will fall on your head. Exercise extreme caution - only in this case will you be able to endure this black streak with dignity.

- Number " 7 " means an unprecedented career rise. Do not lose your head at the peak of success - this mountain is difficult to climb, but easy to fall. Concentrate all your strength, show all your talents to withstand this test.

- The hand at eight o'clock foreshadows conflict. Try not to get involved - be modest and calm, don’t run into a quarrel. If you are challenged, do not accept it. Curb your pride and maintain a measured rhythm of life.

- Nine o'clock - time of Darkness. You don’t control the situation, you don’t know what to do to change everything for the better. You're unlucky, but it's temporary. A few weeks, or maybe even days, will pass, and something will happen that will radically change your current situation.

- If the arrow stops at the number “10”, be sure of your safety - no machinations of enemies will affect you, even indirectly. Calmness is the main thing in your situation. If you worry, you will harm yourself.

- 11 o'clock - the beginning of happy time. Wherever you go, new friends and pleasant acquaintances await you. Any struggle in the name of high goals, Honor and Good will be successful. Completely unexpected people, whose help you could not count on, will help you with this.

- Number " 12 "is a wonderful sign. You are the star followed by others. You will become the main participant in future events, so choose your friends carefully. Only people who are truly devoted to you will be able to help you achieve noble goals.

Illustrative photo from the site

Fortune telling at Christmas is an ancient tradition. They allowed girls to determine the name of their betrothed, find out when they would get married, and how many children would be born in the union. The best date for fortune telling is considered to be Christmas - the night from January 6 to 7. But you can guess at other times.

You can start guessing from January 5 until Epiphany. But fortune telling was considered the most reliable on the night of Christmas, so you can tell fortunes in the evening, preferably from 22:00-23:00 on January 6,” said Svetlana Likhanova, a fortune teller.

One of the fortune tellings that Svetlana Likhanova advises to use is fortune telling on a mirror. You need to prepare a transparent glass glass (without pictures), white or gray paper and two candles.

A glass is placed in front of the mirror. Water (half a glass) is poured into it. The glass is placed on paper. Two candles are placed on the sides, but a little away from the mirror so that they do not interfere with looking into it. The girl sits on a chair in front of the mirror and lets down her hair. It's good that she's wearing a nightgown. Lights candles and throws them into a glass wedding ring(can be parents or someone you know). It is important that the ring has no stones and no threads. And then he looks in the reflection in the mirror; the glass and the ring should be reflected in it. The girl should carefully look inside the ring in the reflection of the mirror. And make a wish for what she wants to see. The ring will show her everything that awaits her ahead. It's not scary, but very interesting and exciting fortune telling. For a beginner, it may take some time. Those who are not guessing for the first time will cope faster,” said Svetlana Likhanova.

Then you need to put out the candle with your fingers, remove the ring from the glass and pour out the water. It is advisable to wipe the mirror with holy water.

During Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling, you need to look for only good meaning. Bad omens should not be given much importance, otherwise, as the fortune teller says, you will set yourself up for failure in the new year.

We've collected a few more Christmas fortune tellings that promise to help reveal the secrets of the future.

Fortune telling on things

The girl is blindfolded, things that symbolize a particular profession are laid out on the table. In addition to professional items, they also include a wedding ring. The fortune teller is allowed to choose an item three times. If she chooses the same thing, then the chosen item will symbolize the profession of her future husband. If you keep bumping into a ring, it means the girl will certainly get married, but who the chosen one will be is not yet known.

Christmas fortune telling on wax (candles)

Take wax or paraffin candles white(holiday colored candles are not suitable for fortune telling), place in a metal bowl, melt over a fire and immediately pour into a container with cold water. The figure formed in this case will predict the future that awaits the fortuneteller.

Interpretation of figures

House - you will soon acquire a new household; for a girl this is connected, first of all, with her marriage.

Shapeless ruins are a misfortune in the near future.

A pit, small cave or grotto is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes the burial place and predicts serious illness or near death.

Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: upward-pointing tree branches promise quick joy, drooping branches - sadness, melancholy and boredom.

A ring or candle definitely predicts an imminent wedding.

A pancake that has settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

Fortune telling with wax and milk

Pour milk into a saucer and place it on the threshold. Take some cinders wax candles, put in a metal bowl and melt on the fire, saying: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

Having said the last word of the spell, pour the wax into the milk and carefully examine the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

The cross is a disease; if its outlines are unclear, then soon you should prepare for a series of minor troubles that will affect all aspects of life.

A blossoming flower - a wedding in a year.

Animal - an ill-wisher has appeared in your close circle.

A scattering of small stars means good luck in business.

Stripes with blurred edges - trip, business trip, relocation, journey.

Human figure - coming soon new friend.

Fortune telling by shadow

Take a sheet of newspaper and crumple it well (but do not roll it into a tight ball!). Place the crumpled paper on a plate and set it on fire. When the paper is completely burned, place a candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt newspaper casts on the wall. The meaning of the resulting figures is similar to the interpretation of wax figures.

Fortune telling by egg

Pour water into a glass and pour the protein into it raw egg. Place the glass in a heated oven so that the whites curl. After this, take out the glass and carefully look at the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

A church dome or ring means an imminent wedding.

Rectangle or square - serious illness, death.

Ship - moving after marriage to another city or country.

A pancake that has sunk to the bottom is a series of adversities and troubles, a long girlhood.

Fortune telling "Well and Bridge"

Pull out a few twigs from an ordinary household broom, build a bridge out of them and put it under your pillow until the morning with the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will take me across the bridge.”

After this, at night in a dream the girl will most likely see her future husband.

You can use matches instead of twigs. Build a well out of them and put it under the pillow in the same way with the words: “Betrothed, mummer, come and drink some water.”

Fortune telling by nut shell

Pour water into a basin. Attach strips of paper along the edges of the pelvis on which events are written, for example, a wedding, a trip, receiving money, new job etc. (if there is only one fortuneteller), or the names of all those present who want to know their future. In the second case, one event is planned, in particular, a wedding, engagement, meeting a future spouse, etc.

Take half a walnut shell and secure the stub of a church or birthday candle in it. Light the candle and push the “boat” to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the shell should float to one of the notes on its own. But the dream will come true only if the paper, upon contact with the “ship,” lights up from the candle flame.

Christmas fortune telling from a book

In the old days, the Psalter, a liturgical book containing the biblical book of psalms, was used as a prophetic book. Now, in the absence of a Psalter in the house, you can take a volume of your favorite writer - Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare or any other.

In order to find out the answer to a question of interest, you need to mentally formulate it, guess the line number below or above and open the book at random. The answer includes not only the hidden line, but the entire semantic passage in which this line is included. If the answer found in the book cannot be interpreted logically, then the fortune telling should be repeated.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

This widespread and popular fortune telling is probably known to everyone to this day.

At midnight, leave the house and ask the first man you meet what his name is. This name will be the name of the betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling with a knife

For this type of fortune telling, gypsies use a round wooden board with a diameter of about 30 centimeters to cut bread. If you don’t have a board of this size at hand, you can take a tray or cut a circle out of cardboard. Along the edges of the circle write answers to the most frequently asked questions:
“Yes”, “No”, “Be patient”, “Caution: there is an enemy nearby, hiding in the guise of a friend”, “Good news”, “Love letter”, “Good luck in your undertaking”, “Unexpected guest”, “ Love”, “Today’s tears will turn into joy tomorrow”, “Unexpected news”, “ New love", "An Unexpected Meeting", "Travel", "Important Letter".

Place an ordinary kitchen knife in the center of the circle and mentally formulate a question. Rotate the knife around its axis three times. One of the three messages that the knife point will point to will be the answer to asked question. The other two may be the cause or effect of the predicted event.
If, after rotation, the tip of the knife stops at an equal distance from the two messages, the fortune telling must be repeated.

Fortune telling on a needle

Make a pendulum from a needle. To do this, thread a red silk thread about 75 centimeters long into it, fold it in half and tie a knot at the end.
Take a coin from the fortuneteller (previously they always took a silver one) and put it on the table. Sit at a table, place your elbow on it, take the pendulum needle with your fingers by the tip of the thread and point the tip of the needle at the center of the coin.

The fortuneteller asks a question, the answer to which is the words “yes” or “no,” and carefully looks at the pendulum. If the needle stands still without moving, there is no answer to the question yet; if it begins to move in the longitudinal direction, the answer is affirmative; if in the transverse direction, the answer is negative. If the pendulum makes circular movements- the question is not clear and should be formulated more precisely.

Fortune telling by thread

To do this you will need three needles and three threads: red, white, black. Insert threads into needles. Ask other fortune tellers to carefully pin needles on clothing in the back area. Do not indicate the order. You pull a thread at random and determine your destiny: red - you will get married, white - the road to the registry office is closed for you this year, black - instead of getting married, think about a career.

Fortune telling on Christmastide, the night before Christmas, is the most truthful. Ask questions that interest you, but prepare everything necessary for the divination to go correctly.

Rules and conditions of fortune-telling for Christmastide and Christmas

  1. Before the start of the session, you need to remove from yourself the objects that are tied to the person, encircling his body parts. These are: bracelets, rings, belts. If your hair is tied with an elastic band, it is also recommended to remove it. During some fortune telling, it is necessary to remove shoes and certain items of clothing.
  2. During the sacrament, it is prohibited to cross your legs and arms, as this may conceal information.
  3. During some fortune-telling, a person should not be protected by his religion, so it is necessary to remove icons and remove pectoral crosses.
  4. It is better if the table and chair used are made without nails.
  5. It is necessary to turn off all lighting except candlelight.
  6. There should be silence in the room, no noise should be made, so that nothing distracts the person from the sacrament, he needs to fully concentrate.
The choice of room for fortune telling is of great importance; one that was previously considered “unclean” is used, for example, a bathhouse. Many have heard that according to legend, in such rooms there are spirits and various evil spirits. An attic, basement, or abandoned house is also perfect. It is believed that the cemetery is the junction of two worlds, so the bravest ones wondered here too.

Modern people can perform such a ritual near the inner corners of the house, thresholds, and near the gate. Such places were also considered “unclean”, like the crossroads.

They say that at the intersection of two roads you can feel the presence of otherworldly dark forces.

Of course, it is better to guess in company, taking precautions. In particular, it is necessary to provide for fire safety, since many types of such sacraments involve the use of candles. If you do not believe in the veracity of the predictions, then you can simply have fun in the company of like-minded people.

Fortune telling for Christmas on mirrors

Those who celebrate Catholic and Orthodox Christmas can plunge into the prediction twice a year - on the night of December 26 and January 7. Those who do not have time to find out their fate these days will be able to guess for another two whole weeks during Christmastide, which runs from the night of January 7 to January 19.

A mirror is one of the most mystical attributes. This is exactly what you will need for the following types predictions.

How to tell fortunes on 3 mirrors?

Here's what you'll need for this:
  • 3 mirrors of approximately the same size;
  • 2 candles;
  • chalk or splinter;
  • matches.
  1. Light candles without using a lighter, do it with a match.
  2. Before fortune telling, which is carried out at midnight, outline the place where you will sit with chalk. Our ancestors also used a burning candle for this, a lit torch to draw a symbolic circle. It was believed that in this way people protected themselves from evil spirits, which during fortune telling will answer main question: Who will be the groom?
  3. Place a mirror behind you. Place the rest on the sides, place a candle near these two. The rear mirror should be positioned so that in the side mirrors you can see everything that is reflected in the third one.
  4. Light the candles and begin to contemplate, your goal is to see your betrothed, whose image should appear in the distant mirror. Under no circumstances should you turn around and admire the outlines of the emerging figure for a long time.
  5. If something that appears scares you, you need to say loudly three times: “Forget me!”, and no longer continue to tempt fate.

Fortune telling on the mirror, on the month and on the window

If at Christmas the sky is clouded and you can’t see the month, then postpone this process until Christmas time. You need to take a small mirror, point it so that you stand near the window so that you can see the month in the mirror. This will take a certain time, after which you will see several outlines of the celestial body. The more of them there are, the larger the family awaits the girl after marriage.

Here's another one interesting fortune telling the betrothed in which he must somehow prove himself. Sit near the window and say quietly: “Betrothed! Drive past the window! Wait for the first moving car to pass on the street. If it flashes noisily, at speed, with music, it means that a rich, cheerful life awaits you in marriage. If the car drove quietly, it is inexpensive, then a poor and quiet life awaits.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

The main attributes of this sacrament are also mirrors. Here's what you'll need to perform fortune telling:

  • one small, another large mirror;
  • two candles;
  • suitable premises.
  1. It is best to sit in the attic of a village house and let your hair down.
  2. Place a small mirror next to you, with its shiny surface facing the other direction. It should be reflected in a large mirror that is aimed at you.
  3. Place two candles between them. Tell the betrothed mummer to come to you for dinner.
  4. Now, without looking up, you need to look in a large mirror. The fortuneteller should see a long corridor with a dark background in the depths. It is in him that the sufferer will see his fate - the image of his betrothed.
  5. When this happens, you need to shout: “Forget me!” so that the vision disappears.

Fortune telling for Christmastide

Let's look at the options for asking questions and getting answers to them. To do this you need to prepare in advance.

Fortune telling by letters and numbers

For this you will need:

  • sheets of paper;
  • pencil;
  • prepared questions.
  1. Write the alphabet on a piece of paper and cross out the vowels. Give each consonant its own serial number.
  2. On another sheet of paper, write the question that interests you. Here also cross out all the vowels.
  3. You already know the numbers of the consonants; all that remains is to put them under the consonant letters of the questionnaire.
  4. Multiply the resulting numbers, divide the result by the number 7. You will get a remainder that relates to a specific day of the week.
  5. Number them in order, starting with Sunday. But assign the number 0 to this day of the week, Monday to one, Tuesday to 2, and Saturday to 6.
  6. Find the resulting number on the table presented, while the letter H is negative character, D is affirmative, and X means that the issue needs to be postponed for now.

There is another fortune telling using letters and numbers. Usually a whole company spends time doing this activity. For this action you will need:
  • Whatman paper;
  • pencil;
  • candle;
  • a light saucer, for example, porcelain.
  1. First, prepare a sheet of whatman paper. To do this, draw in its center big circle such a size that all the letters of the alphabet fit on it. Draw them in an outer circle. Find its center.
  2. In the upper right corner you need to draw a line and put numbers from 0 to 9 on it.
  3. Everyone present sits down at the table, one of them takes on the role of host. He lights a candle and brings an inverted saucer to it, holding it by the edges with his fingers. An arrow is first drawn on it, from the center to the edge.
  4. When the saucer is hot, the leader places it in the center of the circle, all participants place their index and middle finger right and left hands.
  5. Now we need to determine which spirit famous person will be called. Then someone says out loud that such and such appear. Usually, for this, a window is opened, since the invisible shell of the person being called will penetrate into the room through it.
  6. The presenter asks the question: Spirit of so-and-so, are you here? The heated saucer should start to move if this is the case. In this case, the arrow will first point to the letter D, then to A. This means an affirmative answer.
  7. Now everyone takes turns asking a question. You can find out the name of the groom, ask when this or that event will happen. Periodically, the saucer needs to be heated to make it move easier. Then this object will indicate the letters that those present will pronounce out loud. You will get words and whole sentences.
  8. When you need to find out the digital answer, the arrow will indicate certain numbers.
  9. At the end of Christmas fortune-telling, you need to thank the spirit and ask it to leave. After this, ask the question, is the person being called still here? If the arrow continues to rotate, it means it has not left. Then you need to say again for the spirit to leave.

You can draw numbers in the same circle as the letters, and also write the words Yes and No.

Fortune telling on objects

It is also carried out in large company. Place on the table in advance:

  • ring;
  • a needle;
  • a loaf of bread;
  • earring;
  • coin;
  • handkerchief.
Each person takes turns covering their eyes with a scarf and changing the arrangement of objects. The man, without looking, takes one. The presenter tells its meaning. So, the scarf symbolizes tears; the coin will delight you with upcoming wealth; the ring will be a harbinger of the wedding; the key promises a new apartment.

If girls are gathered for Christmas fortune-telling, they can try to find out the profession of their future husband. Then they add more modern items. The driver's license will indicate that he works as a driver; The flash drive will go to the future wife of the programmer; spoon, the one whose fiancé is a cook; banker's coin.

Fortune telling using cards, books, rings

These types of fortune telling are most truthful if they are carried out on the above-mentioned days of Christmas or Christmastide.

Fortune telling by book

For it you will need:

  • key;
  • book;
  • rope;
  • hook or nail.
Take a thick book and place the key in it so that its ring is on the outside. Tie the closed book tightly with a rope, and hang it on a nail or hook by the key ring. Wait until the publication freezes in a stationary position. Then the gathered girls take turns calling their names. This should be done slowly, after each statement you should be silent for a while. When the book starts spinning after a certain name, that girl will be the first to get married in the near future.

Determining the sex of the child

For this fortune telling, prepare in advance:

  • ring;
  • glass or saucer;
  • water;
  • thread.

Dip the ring into the water for about five minutes, then take it out and tie it to a thread. Bring a homemade pendulum to the palm of the person you are telling fortunes to. If the ring begins to move in a straight line, it means that this person will have a boy. If it starts spinning in a circle, then a girl will be born. If the object does not manifest itself in any way, then there will be no children.

But you shouldn’t blindly believe fortune-telling or be upset if they promise something unpleasant. Firstly, you might have done something wrong, so the answer is wrong. Secondly, not everyone believes in predictions; treat them more as entertainment.

If a girl wants to do fortune telling in the company of her friends, then one more thing will do. For it you need to take:
  • a piece of wire or a little straw;
  • ring;
  • handkerchief;
  • a loaf of bread.
Bend the wire or straw into a hook, place bread and a ring next to it on the table, cover it all with a scarf. Now the girls get up, spin around their axis 5 times, then they need to quickly remove the scarf and each take an object. Whoever gets the bread will marry a rich man; the owner of the ring will become the dandy's wife. The one who got the hook will have to live with the poor man. In the old days, this symbol meant that he would have to hunch his back to earn a piece of bread.

Such fortune telling is not only an interesting pastime, but also a tribute to the ancestors who performed these rituals on holidays. It’s great that there is an opportunity to remember ancient traditions, to temporarily move into the past.

Fortune telling by cards based on desire

Think of a wish in your mind, don’t tell anyone about it. Take a deck of cards, shuffle without looking, take out 6 cards from it. Now turn them over with the pictures facing up, guess one card that is not among these. Shuffle the remaining cards and lay them out in groups of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pieces. Now look at what it means if the intended card ends up in a certain pile:

  • in the one that consists of two - the wish will not come true;
  • in the third - most likely it will not come true;
  • in the 4th - serious obstacles await you on the path to making your desire come true;
  • at 5 - maybe it will come true;
  • at 6 - it will come true.
  1. If this card is not in these piles, remove them. Take the remaining 10 pieces, put the first 6 in them, mix.
  2. Now pull out the cards one at a time, starting from the top. In this case, you need to pronounce certain words.
  3. Having taken out the first one, you need to say that you need to “Wait, endure.” If this particular card turns out to be what you intended, it means that the above will await you on the way to making your desire come true.
  4. Taking the second card, say the word “Rejoice”, taking out the third, say “Be strong and angry”, and the fourth “Wave your hand”.
  5. Having taken the fifth card, again say the first phrase about waiting and being patient. Thus, taking them out one at a time, say all the phrases in order, they will be the answers to your question.

Prediction on patches

Many housewives have scraps of fabric left over, which can also be used to perform Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling. For one of them you will need:
  • pouch;
  • scraps of fabric - blue, dark blue, orange, red, pink, green, yellow, light green;
  • designations of color combinations.
Place the canvases in the bag, without looking, take out two scraps. Next, you will read the designation of possible combinations. Interpretation will help you more than once, since you can tell fortunes in a group and tell everyone what the scraps of fabric that a particular person took out mean.
  1. Lime and blue. The actions of the one who took the rags of these particular colors are difficult to predict. This person is energetic and prone to shocking behavior. Likes to try new things, but often goes to extremes. Tell him that drastic changes are not needed yet, you need to learn to be content with what you have, and also show more attention and love to others.
  2. Combination blue and blue will tell you that he is a visionary and a dreamer, but this is not always beneficial. To achieve the goal, he needs to learn to believe in himself, perform only feasible tasks, be bolder and try not to be afraid of disappointment.
  3. Yellow and blue. This combination of fabrics indicates that a person’s actions are often contradictory, but oddly enough, this helps him. He communicates well, finds words to reconcile those who quarrel. But inconsistency in character sometimes leads to disorder in the soul. Such a person needs to learn to highlight the main thing, pushing the secondary into the background. There is no need to make decisions too quickly or too slowly.
  4. Green and blue will tell you that the owner of these pieces of fabric has a deep soul, but he likes to complicate things. He needs to learn to enjoy life, find himself favorite activity to your liking, a hobby, to be an interesting and positive person not only for others, but also for yourself.
  5. Combination red and blue colors indicate that a person experiences harmony in his soul. He feels good alone with himself, but sometimes this quality scares off others. Even if you find it difficult to communicate with them, try to maintain friendly relations. Explain that you have decided to take a break from worries and want privacy and peace. It would be nice to go on vacation, to be away from home.
  6. If on New Year fortune telling on fabric, by the will of fate you received scraps blue and orange colors, this means that although you emotional person, but have a sense of tact. Even if you are very unhappy, in order not to offend someone, you will restrain your anger. Now you don’t need to do this, find the words to explain to the person where he is wrong, otherwise you simply will not be taken seriously.
  7. Yellow and blue the shreds will tell about the love of freedom of their owner. This person has his own opinion, does not take anyone’s advice, and does not like the restrictions of the rules. But the time has come to learn the ability to control oneself and bear responsibility.
  8. Blue with light green indicate common sense the one who obtained such paintings. In addition, he has excellent intuition. Now this fortuneteller is experiencing some problems, but you need to think about yourself, act in accordance with your own instincts.
  9. Green with blue the flaps will tell a person that he needs to trust those around him, otherwise they will think that he is overly arrogant. You can change your life for the better if you do not miss the opportunity that will present itself soon.
  10. If you got it orange and blue shred, know that now is not the time to take initiative, although you want to quickly bring your idea to life.
  11. Pink with blue indicate an adventurous character, but adventures are out of place now, otherwise you can get hooked by scammers. Return to reality, think about the danger that may threaten. When you manage to solve a problem, you will gain wisdom that will be very useful in the future.
  12. Delivery red and blue flaps, a person may become upset. After all, he loves daily holidays so much, but this combination foreshadows the onset of everyday life. However, if you open your soul to new events, they will certainly be happy.
  13. If the night turned out to be clear for this New Year's fortune-telling, then even in the dark, by the light of a candle and the moon, you will see what you got green and orange flap. These items will say that the desire for compromise will now not be the best way out their situations. Learn to stand your ground, because soon you will have to protect your interests.
  14. Green and yellow will give you hope that warm feelings will soon develop in your heart, although before that you didn’t really believe in love.
  15. Trimmings green and light green fabrics will give you hope for free time and absolute peace. Well, if you get tired of such a smooth and slightly boring life, then don’t be afraid of an emotional shake-up, go towards an adventure. This will only help you now.
  16. Holder green and pink the flap can be called a daffodil. Yes, this person really likes himself, but the created image is not always accepted by others. Be simpler and more natural both in appearance and in communication, then you will become more attractive to them.
  17. Green and red the color will tell you that you are trying too hard to impress those around you, which sometimes leads to absurdity. But to gain their respect, you will need to speak your mind. And it may be unpleasant for some.
  18. Lime and orange the canvases will challenge you to think deeper. You must not only flutter on the wings of joy, but learn to act. Advice from loved ones and new knowledge gained will certainly help with this.
  19. Yellow and light green indicate that the former carefree life has come to an end. You will have to change, then you can gradually solve the accumulated problems.
  20. If at Christmas fortune telling predicted to you that you don’t need to get depressed, you need to learn to perceive life more simply, and then you will succeed, then you have pulled out red and light green shreds.
  21. If you got it pink and orange segments, know that you are shown temporary solitude. Too much for a long time life resembled a bright holiday, you were simply fed up with it.
  22. Red and pink the paintings warn of the risk of making enemies. Look, maybe you are surrounded by false friends. Do not trust them with your heartfelt secrets, listen better to your closest relatives.
  23. You should also be wary of random people and the one who got orange and red textile. You have great spiritual generosity and mercy, but false friends can take advantage of this. Therefore, think about yourself first.
  24. To the one who got it yellow and red The flaps don't need to change anything. It's simple happy man, fate continues to promise him a life that others can only dream about.
  25. Pink with yellow- the colors indicate that although the person is very charming, for now you should not attract too much attention to yourself and not make new acquaintances.
  26. The cordiality of the one who pulled out yellow and orange flap, attracts many. They are ready to choose you as a leader, but now you do not need to take on big responsibilities. Transfer some of them to an assistant from among your close people.
  27. If in fortune telling for Christmas time a person got light green and pink flap, he needs to stop, stop being afraid that the situation will get out of control. You just need to relax, occupy your head with something interesting. This will help you throw off an unbearable burden from your shoulders and enjoy life.
Here are some interesting fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide you can do. If you want to see how others do it, then just turn on the video player.

It is difficult to find even very modern girls for whom Christmas night would not be associated with fortune telling. It is not clear why, but it seems that magic is simply in the air at this time. You just have to try to catch her to find out your future.

Our ancestors used very different Christmas fortune telling to lift the veil of secrecy over the future. Many fortune telling, of course, can be done on any day, and not just on Christmas Eve. But it is believed that it is on the night before Christmas that fortune telling will tell the truth and tell more than on any other night. These fortune-telling will also be more powerful during the Christmastide period, which will last until January 14th.

Fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide must take place in accordance with the chosen ritual. But, regardless of this, it is necessary to observe certain general conditions carrying out rituals:

The room should be very quiet. Even the slightest sounds heard outside the window can prevent you from concentrating on your cherished question. Magical substances do not like to be disturbed, so ensure complete peace and quiet during fortune telling;

Do not cross your arms and legs during fortune telling for Christmas at home. Because this can lead to barriers that are difficult for magical substances to overcome;

Take what you do seriously. Then you can laugh at the result and simply forget about it, but at the moment of fortune telling it is better to be restrained and focused.

  • By the barking of dogs
  • On candle wax
  • Around the ring
  • By shoe
  • By comb
  • With mirrors

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

The most popular type of fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide. The fact is that in the old days a girl did not have many opportunities to change her life. The most important thing, as was considered then, was to get married. Of course, everyone wanted to get married successfully. It is for this reason that many Christmas fortune-telling, one way or another, revolve around the topic of marriage and grooms.

By the barking of dogs

On the festive midnight, you need to go outside and approach the snowdrift (we hope that the weather will not let you down). You need to cut the snowdrift with a knife and say something so that you can be shown which husband you will get, whether you will have to cry or laugh with him. Cast a spell and immediately listen to the barking of dogs. If you hear an angry bark, your husband will be strict and gloomy. If the dogs bark loudly and cheerfully, then the husband will be kind. It's bad when a girl hears a dog howling. This suggests that the young wife will quickly become a widow.

On candle wax

For this fortune telling, you need to take two white wax cinders, put them in a metal bowl and melt them over a fire. Then immediately pour the melted wax into a container of cold water. The figure you receive will predict the future. All that remains is to connect a little imagination and imagination. For example, a house indicates that you will soon get married. If you receive ruins without a form, it promises misfortune in the near future. The pit predicts a serious illness or even the death of a loved one. A tree with branches up means joy, but downwards means melancholy and sorrow. A ring or candle is a symbol of an imminent wedding. If, during fortune telling, you end up with a pancake that falls to the bottom, this means eternal girlhood.

Around the ring

Christmas fortune-telling with a ring has predicted a future betrothed for more than one generation of girls. Try your luck too. You need to take a glass with smooth walls and pour a third of water into it. Place a wedding ring in the middle of the bottom, which must be cleaned well beforehand. Now you need to concentrate and look at the center of the ring. They say that you can see your betrothed there. But watch carefully, because the betrothed will appear for a moment and then quickly disappear.

By shoe

You need to go to the nearest intersection and throw your shoes from your left foot over your shoulder, toe first. Wherever the toe turns, it is on that side that the matchmakers must wait. If the sock points towards the hostess, then there will be no wedding this year.

By comb

Christmas fortune telling with a comb, this interpretation of it, is very simple to perform. You need to take a comb and, without combing at night, put it under your pillow. At the same time, when falling asleep, you need to say that your betrothed will come and comb you. Many say that it was in such a dream that they saw the outlines of the image of their future husband.

With mirrors

Christmas fortune telling with a mirror is the most mysterious. The ritual of this fortune telling has been known for a long time. If you have enough courage, you can repeat it. You need to take one large mirror and one small one. Place two large candles on either side of the large mirror and turn off the lights. Let your hair down and put on a clean nightgown. Sit with your back to a large mirror. Place a small mirror so that, looking at the reflection, you can see many corridors. In these corridors, as the ritual says, you can see your betrothed if you look carefully. As soon as you see the image, you must immediately say: “Beware of me!” so as not to frighten off the groom.

This is interesting! Christmas fortune telling with mirrors is considered the most accurate, but also the most dangerous. Our ancestors believed that mirrors are the border that separates our world and the world of spirits. Modern mirrors coated with lead rather than silver have a weaker memory. Therefore, they are less aggressive. In addition, if you handle mirrors correctly, they serve as a talisman for a person.

By the way, you can watch a master class on making it on our website.

Christmas fortune telling with cards is also very popular. But it is believed that, not in the hands of a professional fortune teller, cards are more a way of entertainment than of predicting one’s fate.

Whatever Christmas fortune-telling you choose for your night before Christmas, remember that this is just a way to find out your destiny. There is no need to take predictions seriously, especially negative ones, and immediately get upset and depressed. Even if you believed the prediction, you still have time to change something.