
Russian language test for university entrance. Entrance exam in Russian language (written)

For 2002). Today we offer you to get acquainted with a selection of tests from some Moscow universities without commentary. You should pay attention not only to the content of the tests, but also to the fact that different universities practice different ways

registration of answers to test tasks.

Our selection opens with tests developed by the Testing Center under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It is known that the results of testing conducted by the Center are counted by many universities as the results of the entrance exam.
Tests of the Testing Center under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation*

Structure of the Russian language test (11th grade)

Developers: Issers O.S., Kuzmina N.A.


Section "Spelling" Questions 1–3. Spelling of checked, unchecked and alternating vowels in the root of a word. Question 4. Vowels O/Y after the hissing and


in roots and endings.

Question 5. Spelling of consonants in the root of a word.

Question 6. Spelling of prefixes. Spelling suffixes. Question 7. Spelling the endings of nouns, verbs and participle suffixes. Question 8: Spelling N And NN

V Spelling suffixes. full forms Question 8: Spelling adjectives and participles, as well as in derived nouns.

Question 9. Differentiation of writing And in full and short forms of adjectives, participles and adverbs.

Question 10: Spelling And Question 7. Spelling the endings of nouns, verbs and participle suffixes. NOT

with different parts of speech. And Question 7. Spelling the endings of nouns, verbs and participle suffixes. NOT.

Question 11. Spelling particles


Question 12. General task on spelling particles Question 13. Continuous, separate and hyphenated writing of various parts of speech..

Section "Punctuation" Question 14. Dash in simple sentence

Questions 15–16. Punctuation marks for conjunctions

AND . Punctuation marks for homogeneous parts of a sentence. Questions 17–18. Punctuation when isolating minor members of a sentence. Questions 19–20. Distinguishing between introductory words and sentence members. Punctuation marks for isolation

introductory words

and introductory structures.

Punctuation marks for conjunctions HOW.

Question 21. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

Question 25. General task on punctuation in simple and complex sentences.

Checking the awareness of the use of punctuation rules.

Section "Culture of Speech"

Question 26. Stress norms.

Question 27. Norms of lexical and grammatical compatibility.

Questions 28–29. Lexical norms of Russian speech. Meaning of the word. Questions 30–31. Various types

speech errors.

Generalization tasks

Questions 32–33. Various types of errors (spelling, punctuation, speech).


Question 3. Russian literary language and its styles. Types of texts by style.

Question 4. Analysis of lexical units of the text. Direct and figurative meaning of the word. Fine and expressive means of language. Question 5. Basic

phonetics concepts

, word formation, morphology, syntax.

Linguistic terms.

Structure of the Russian language test (11th grade)

Questions 6–7. Lexical and grammatical norms. Question 14. Dash in Instructions for students

The test consists of parts A and B. It takes 90 minutes to complete. It is recommended to complete the tasks in order. If the task cannot be completed immediately, move on to the next one. If you have time, go back to the tasks you missed.
A1. Letter
written in the word
1) wipe
2) delicacy

3) privilege 4) combination 5) tilted (trunk) Instructions for students

1) inaccurately
2) to...eject

3) carve out (detail) 4) combination 4) wash...whip (in the rain) Instructions for students

5) k...shemere (coat)
1) subscription
2) n...tarius

3) drop by (for a minute) 4) combination 4) wash...whip (in the rain) Instructions for students

4) antagonism
5) wipe out
1) cherry plum
2) hedgehog

3) hairless 4) inspired

5) conductor
A consonant is missing from a word
1) blessed
2) bacil...a

3) race 4) combination 4) uninteresting 5)

written in the word
1) superiority
2) straw...nka

3) get well 4) combination 4) uninteresting 4) application

5) there is a reason for everything
written in all words of the series (verbs are used in the form of the 3rd person singular)
1) gender...t, sort...t
2) hate...t, se...t

3), Question 8: Spelling 4) without implementation..., in Venets...

5) oh eparch..., on one knee...
written in all words of the series
1) proud, tireless
2) ruble house, praised by everyone

3) unheard, the map has been studied Question 8: Spelling 4) confusing, erudite

5), toil...ik
written in place of both gaps in sentences
1) Suddenly, a nightingale’s trill was heard in the silence.

2) In the outline of a rainbow semicircle, the silhouette of a windmill was visible. 3) During the period of long autumn rains, the soul is always anxious, uncertain. And written separately with all words in a row

1) (in)accuracy in the answer, (not) gain points
2) similar to nothing, (nothing to be grateful for)
3) (not) got to anyone, (despite) the heat
4) extremely (not) large, (not) far away
5) engine (not) checked by a mechanic, (not) hesitating for a minute

A11. NOT written in a sentence

1) He... faced danger more than once.
2) No... sound, no... breath of breeze in the forest!
3) Alas, many people are interested in classical music today.
4) No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep my promise.
5) His character is incomprehensible - no... this, no... that.

A12. It is written And separately in a sentence

1) Sergei (n...)times came to the conclusion about the beneficial role of tasks that seem unsolvable.
2) Fate loves to appear to us in the most (n...) worthy or ordinary guise.
3) (N...) It’s for nothing that I remembered this very day and hour so often later.

A13. It's written smoothly

1) (half) Sevastopol
2) in a (smart) way
3) (even)
4) (dark)brow
5) the day was not happy

A14. A dash at the place of the gap is placed in the sentence

1) Dying from love means living.
2) People, horses, carts on which the wounded lay - everything was mixed up in gunpowder smoke.
3) A shooting star is a good omen.

A15. A comma in place of a blank is placed in a sentence

1) The music and the story about the theater, and the talk of the festively dressed crowd intoxicated Klim.
2) Individual works made in the technique of watercolor and ink can relate to both painting and graphics.
3) In the blue air, clouds stood above the forest and smoldered with a faint light.


1) Everything: the rustling of leaves, the stars, and the warm smell rising from the ground, reminiscent of childhood.
2) The dark-skinned youth wandered along the alleys, along the sad lake shores, and for a century we cherish the barely audible rustle of steps.
3) A heavy blow rolled from the east, and, reflected by the mountains, returned back.

A17. The secondary member must be isolated in the sentence

1) My perky brother Buyanov brought Tatyana and Olga to our hero.
2) The coquette judges in cold blood, Tatyana loves in earnest.
3) They plant him directly opposite Tanya, and the morning moon does not raise her darkening eyes, paler and more trembling than a driven doe.

A18. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) He thought about all this, flaring up and not noticing the presence of some mystical force, disguised as the evening city colors, easily dissolving in the lights of advertising and in the rain.
2) But yesterday, the joyful proof of fame and popularity, this time for some reason did not please the poet at all.
3) Gradually the sounds became clearer, and concentrating, I realized that a dog was barking.

A19. A comma in place of blanks is placed in a sentence

1) Bengali was red, but Rimsky was pale.
2) He_ seems_ inattentive, but this is just a first impression.
3) Ivan lay down again and marveled at how his thoughts had changed.

A20. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) According to Kiprensky, the luxury of the Italian landscape could not replace the undemanding, sweet Moscow landscape.
2) So the two of them began to talk about all sorts of things: about their dog service, about bad things, about good things, and, finally, about friendship.
3) I remember how happy I was to see her like this, and not hunched over and old.

21. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) There was a pause, after which Styopa, making a terrible effort on himself, said: “What do you want?”
2) He sang and from every sound of his voice there was a breath of something familiar and immensely wide.
3) He was absent-minded and gloomy because he was constantly immersed in his thoughts.

A22. A colon in place of the blank must be placed in the sentence

1) He quickly found out everything, but there was no need for subtle skill _ in Yasnaya Polyana everything was already in plain sight.
2) There was an admiration that lasted almost the entire fall for the schoolgirl’s playfulness, mockery, and brown dress.
3) I’m fifty-five years old_ it’s too late to change my life.

A23. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) By the time a frightening cloud appeared from afar, Ivan felt that he was exhausted and could not cope with the statement.
2) Many people still don’t know how to dream and, perhaps, that’s why they will never be able to catch up with time.
3) Children must be loved with all your heart, and in order to love them like that, you need to learn to show this love from them.

A24. Someone else's speech is incorrectly formatted in a sentence

1) “Arkady Apollonovich was at a meeting of the acoustic commission last night,” his wife said very arrogantly, “but I don’t understand what this fact has to do with magic.”
2) As noted by V.G. Belinsky, “secular life did not kill Onegin’s feelings.”
3) The unknown person asked Ivan what kind of cigarettes he preferred.

A25. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) When the May thunderstorms passed and water rolled noisily into the gateway past the dim windows, threatening to flood their last shelter, the lovers lit the stove and baked potatoes in it.
2) The one who called himself a master was working, and she ran her hair thin fingers, reread what I had written, and after rereading it, I sewed this very hat.
3) But the fact, as they say, remains a fact and it is impossible to brush it aside without explanation: someone visited the capital.

A26. The accent is incorrectly placed in the word

1) alcohol O l
2) buyout O rip
3) a long time ago And shny
4) disp A nser
5) without at discreet

A27. The norms of word compatibility are violated in the phrase

A28. Lexical meaning the words are indicated incorrectly in the example

1) Aborigine - a person living in the jungle.
2) Subscriber – a person or institution holding a subscription.
3) A trick is an intrigue, a trick started with the aim of confusing something or harming someone.
4) Cyrillic is one of the systems of artistic painting in Orthodox churches.
5) Phantom - ghost, apparition.

A29. The word is used in a meaning unusual for it in a sentence

1) During the renovation, the craftsmen carefully removed all the unevenness of the walls.
2) To play the role of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost, we found the appropriate attributes.
3) The chairman of the house committee made an announcement about the upcoming meeting of residents.
4) Three horses with a covered bag rode up to the entrance.
5) An armada of warships appeared on the horizon.


1) In anticipation of the upcoming battle, the soldiers checked their ammunition and cleaned their weapons.
2) It is impossible not to note the validity of the comments made.
3) His simple words coming from the heart did their job.
4) One cannot but agree with the main pathos of the book.

A31. Speech errors allowed in the proposal

1) The puppy chewed my shoe so much that only the laces remained intact.
2) Over five hundred nationalities live on this continent.
3) The President asked to report on everything that is currently happening in the country.
4) The chief director believes that the theater cannot exist without financial support.


1) spelling;
2) punctuation;
3) speech
4) there are no errors.
Stepan was short, narrow in the shoulders, but handsome and even graceful, and his coarse hair, decorated with too early gray hair, was dashingly combed to one side.

A33. The sentence below contains the following error:

1) spelling;
2) punctuation;
3) speech
4) there are no errors.
No matter how many modern composers create new rhythms and original melodies, they cannot compare with the beauty of folklore, lingering Russian songs, touching the soul of ancient chants.

Questions 32–33. Various types of errors (spelling, punctuation, speech).

Answers for the assignments in Part B, write down the answers on the form next to the assignment number (B1–B7), starting from the first cell. Write each letter of the word in a separate cell according to the examples given. When writing separately, one cell is omitted, when written with a hyphen, a dash is made in a separate cell between parts of the word.

IN 1. There is a spelling error in the sentence. Write down the misspelled word, correcting its spelling (in the form in which it is used in the sentence).

Apparently important information really made an indelible impression on the traveler, because he looked up in fear and spoke.

Barely breathing from fatigue and disappointment, we tumbled into a half-empty carriage, and in this half-asleep carriage, as a reward for recent despair, fortune itself appeared before us in the form of a long-legged young Madonna with a dazzling, inviting smile in her gray eyes.

AT 3. Determine the style of the text below. Use the following abbreviations for polysyllabic terms:
newspaper-journalistic = journalistic,
official-business = official.

It is not difficult to see that the languages ​​Ukrainian and Belarusian have the greatest similarities with the Russian language. This closeness is not accidental: until the 14th century, the ancestors of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians constituted a single people who spoke the so-called Old Russian language. Therefore, Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​are closely related. These three languages ​​are called East Slavic.

AT 4. Write down from the text in task B3 a polysemantic word used in terminological meaning(in initial form).

AT 5. Indicate the name of a trope based on the use of a figurative meaning of a word, in which one object or phenomenon is likened to another by similarity.

AT 6. Form the nominative plural form from the indicated nouns and write down only the one that has an ending in the literary language -A.

AT 7. Write the feminine word from the list.

Piano, corn, KGB.

Structure of the Russian language test-II (advanced difficulty)

Structure of the Russian language test (11th grade)

Spelling and punctuation

Questions 1–4. Spelling of vowels (checked, alternating, unchecked) and consonants at the root of the word. Vowels Questions 1–3. Spelling of checked, unchecked and alternating vowels in the root of a word. after the hissing and O/Y in roots, suffixes and endings.

Question 5. Spelling the endings of nouns, verbs and participle suffixes.

Question 6. Spelling of vowels before a formative suffix in past tense forms and passive participles.

Question 7. Letters Spelling suffixes. Question 7. Spelling the endings of nouns, verbs and participle suffixes. Question 8: Spelling in full and short forms of adjectives and participles, as well as in derived nouns.

Question 8. Spelling a particle And in full and short forms of adjectives, participles and adverbs.

Question 9. Spelling particles And Question 7. Spelling the endings of nouns, verbs and participle suffixes. NOT based on semantic differentiation.

Question 10. Continuous, separate and hyphenated writing of various parts of speech.

Questions 11–12. Dash in a simple sentence. Punctuation marks for conjunctions Question 14. Dash in.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous parts of a sentence.

Questions 13–14. Punctuation when isolating minor members of a sentence. Questions 19–20. Distinguishing between introductory words and sentence members. Punctuation marks for isolation Questions 15–16. Distinguishing between introductory words and sentence members. Punctuation marks when separating introductory words and introductory constructions.

Punctuation marks for conjunctions

and other comparative unions.

Questions 17–18. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence. Punctuation marks for direct speech and quotations.

Question 19. Punctuation marks in compound and complex sentences (difficult cases).

Questions 20–21. Generalizing tasks on punctuation. Checking the awareness of the use of punctuation marks.

Speech culture and stylistics

Question 22. Stress norms.

Question 23. Norms of lexical and grammatical compatibility.

Questions 24–25. Lexical norms of Russian speech. Meaning of the word.

Question 26. Russian literary language and its styles. Linguistic indicators of style.

Questions 27–28. Various types of speech errors.

Generalizing tasks for different types of errors

Questions 29–30. Spelling, punctuation and speech errors.

Text and its structure Questions 31–33. Thematic and semantic unity of the text. Means of expressing semantic relationships between parts of the text. Questions 34–35. Contextually determined choice of vocabulary (check


and stylistic competence).

Questions 32–33. Various types of errors (spelling, punctuation, speech).

Questions 36–37. Direct and figurative meanings of the word.

Questions 38–40.

Fine and expressive means of language.

General spelling tasks

Questions 1–2. Generalizing spelling tasks that require lexical and grammatical analysis when writing words of different structure and meaning.

General information about the language. Russian language system

Questions 3–4. The role of language in the life of society. Language as a historically developing phenomenon. Sections of the science of language.

Question 5. Phonetics of the Russian language.

Classification of sounds. The relationship between sound and letter.

Question 6. Lexical composition of the language: archaisms, neologisms, native Russian and borrowed words, Old Church Slavonicisms, dialectisms, professionalisms, words-terms.

, word formation, morphology, syntax.

The test consists of parts A and B. It takes 120 minutes to complete. It is recommended to complete the tasks in order. If the task cannot be completed immediately, move on to the next one. If you have time, go back to the tasks you missed.

Structure of the Russian language test (11th grade)

Each task may have 1, 2 or more correct answers. Mark the numbers of the selected answers in the answer form under the number of the task you completed.

Questions 6–7. Lexical and grammatical norms. 4) uninteresting Instructions for students

1) pr...premiere
2) obl...ation
3) t...removed cover
4) sovereign...tet
5) combination

A2. Letter 4) wash...whip (in the rain) Instructions for students

1) an...malia
2) internship
3) the skin
4) range
5) antagonism

A3. A consonant is missing from a word

1) ren...gen
4) lan...shaft
5) installments

A4. A consonant is missing from a word

1) fan
2) linguist...nickname
3) islanic
4) prima don...a
5) operat...a

A5. Letter Question 14. Dash in written in all words of the series (verbs are used in the 3rd person singular form)

1) in the cafeteria..., about the anniversary...
2) on the mezzanine..., oh darling...
3) hate...t,
4) in the grocery..., in the classroom...
5) offended,

A6. Letter 4) uninteresting written in both words of the series

1) a bag, eyes bulging...out of surprise
2) frozen, meaning...l
3) the colors are mixed, it's like a horse
4) arrow sparrow, barrels pumped out of the basement
5) offended, offended...t

A7. In both cases it is written Question 8: Spelling in a row

1) bees swarm, table drawn...a
2) unfettered, non-white,
3) ins...itsa,
4) golden, ulcerous...ik
5) counting, field...itsa

A8. Particle And written separately with all words in a row

1) (in)describably bright, (not) with anyone
2) (not) brave enough, (un)identified object
3) not (not) sure of anything, (didn’t) sleep
4) (not) only, (not) looking around
5) (not) much more, (not) more than a thimble

A9. And written in a sentence

1) There is no way I will agree with you.
2) While Apollo demands the poet to make a sacred sacrifice, he is cowardly immersed in the worries of the vain world.
3) No matter how n... he fantasized, how he... colored his story with new details, Sophia did not believe him.
4) But you no longer have n... faith, n... participation.
5) N... for a hair of love - so much better!

A10. All words in a row are written together

1) the day was not at all pleasing
2) from (under) Narva, in (half) ear
3) despite (despite) being busy, (dark) eyebrows
4) at (the beginning of) the essay, (sports) complex
5) Whatever is offered to you, agree. Hit with a backhand.

A11. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) This company looked strange on the shore, where everyone: birds with dirty feathers, animals with sticky fur were thoroughly wet, angry, dissatisfied.
2) But my father is slim and wiry, and dexterous, and handsome, although in the cold his nose turned red, but in any frost he walked with his chest open and laughed if he was persuaded to cover his throat with a scarf.
3) But in front of me was the slanted, worn board of a wonderful pulpit, and on it lay a silent book, heavy as a stone around the neck.

A12. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) He knew that he had more than enough shortcomings: he was unprepossessing, and a little tall, and too open, and was good at getting into trouble.
2) On the crowded, amphitheatrically reaching benches, groups of students froze, and it was clear that the appearance of a stern and decisive new head interrupted the heated debate.
3) There was soldier’s bread, a mug made from a tin can, two spoons, in a word, everything was poor, but unusually neat.

A13. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) Major Russian industrialist N.P. Ryabushinsky in 1906 decided to publish an art magazine “ The Golden Fleece
", where the text was to be printed in both Russian and French.
2) I walked in silence for some time, but soon, spurred by curiosity, I asked how his love affairs were going.

3) Returning to the room, Ostap saw that his foster brothers were already sitting opposite each other and wearily pushing away with their palms, quietly muttering.

A14. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.
1) I admired the thunderstorm, sitting in a dark library, constantly deafened by thunder and blinded by green-white flames.
2) Antonina Kovanko, Sosnovskaya’s maid, and Wanda Linevich, her cook, testified that on Saturday Sosnovskaya, while lighting a spirit lamp, absent-mindedly threw a match onto the hem of her light peignoir.

3) It was a large narrow beetle, looking like an intelligent pre-revolutionary aviator in a black vest made of shiny silk, buttoned to the top.

A15. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.
1) He did not write letters to anyone, probably not wanting to report insignificant facts of his life.
2) He changed terribly, and now everything seemed strange and unreal to him.

3) Of course, maybe some other romantic girl remembered him as a romantic hero.

A16. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.
2) The cards from Myshlaevsky’s hands flew silently, like maple leaves.
3) Our arrival in America was considered as a return visit.

A17. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) When the newcomer whispered something to the man sitting, he, completely upset, rose from his chair, and a few minutes later Poplavsky was left alone in the empty board room.
2) Happy is he who visited this world in its fatal moments.
3) Little by little, the silence in the house was broken: in one corner a door creaked somewhere, someone’s footsteps were heard along the corridor, and someone sneezed in the hayloft.

A18. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) Then I heard another glass rattle and an angry voice, and then I obviously fell asleep.
2) Marcus Aurelius has lines that invariably puzzled me until I understood what was going on.
3) “Give the ruble to the hero of labor,” Ostap suggested, “and please don’t put it on my account.”

A19. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) So he hung, almost unable to feel his hands, and when the yellow, indifferent moon rolled out, he managed to take a closer look at what was happening under the tree.
2) The white heifer fell to the ground again, and before she could get up, Santa quickly twisted her lasso around the post, tied it with a simple but strong knot and rushed towards the heifer with rawhide fetters.
3) After some time, the room became noticeably brighter and we were able to see each other.

A20. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

1) Longren, a sailor of the Orion, a strong three-hundred-ton brig on which he served for ten years and to which he was more attached than another son to his mother, had to leave the service.
2) When Longgen learned the details, paradise seemed to him a little brighter than a woodshed, and he thought that the fire of a simple lamp, if the three of them were now together, would seem an irreplaceable joy to the woman who had gone to an unknown country.
3) Until the girl learned to walk firmly, the widow lived with the sailor, but when Assol stopped falling, lifting her leg over the threshold, Longren decisively announced that now he would do everything for the girl himself.

A21. In a sentence The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth; the inherent virtue of socialism is equal distribution of poverty

the dash is placed according to the rule
1) isolation of the application;
2) a dash between the subject and the predicate;
3) a generalizing word for homogeneous members of the sentence; 4) in incomplete sentence

A22. The accent is placed incorrectly in one of the words in the series

1) loan, cakes;
2) expert, call;
3) began (to speak), language (abilities);
4) orphans, documents;
5) Christian, waited.

A23. The norms of word compatibility are violated in the phrase

1) subscription to a series of concerts;
2) warn against danger;
3) hotel for business travelers;
4) unsightly darkness;
5) farm manager.

A24. The lexical meaning of the word is indicated incorrectly in the example

1) Scam – fake banknote.
2) A demagogue is an unprepared speaker.
3) A liner is a large fast ship, as well as a large passenger aircraft.
4) Prophetic – prophetic, foreseeing the future;


A25. The word is used in a meaning unusual for it in a sentence
1) The Count, thoughtfully, turned his protégé over in his hands and put it away in an elegant case.
2) The speaker made a short excursion into the history of Russian-American relations.
3) The girls melted in embarrassment from the inert glances of the immodest lieutenant.

4) The prerogative to pass laws belongs to the State Duma.

A26. The text below belongs to the following speech style

Valka is small, but she worked at the factory - all the teenagers worked. So these days all of Stromynka, Preobrazhenka and further to Vladimirka - everything was filled with people. Some rode horses, rode bicycles, carried wheelbarrows, walked on foot, dragged bundles, with children, old people... many had nowhere to go... They were afraid of the Germans, did not believe that the Germans would not be allowed into Moscow, they simply fled. And we believed.
1) conversational;
2) artistic;
3) newspaper and journalistic;
4) official business;

5) scientific.

A27. Speech errors were made in the sentence
1) As for the president’s mood, it is quite optimistic.
2) Instead of specific proposals, the speaker spoke general phrases and moved from empty to empty.
3) The opponent panicked from such an onslaught.

4) The singer admitted that she could not wear anything from her wardrobe because she had gained weight.

A28. Speech errors were made in the sentence
1) This year the harvest was excellent - more than four hundred and fifty tons of grain.
2) One head of the company was killed, but another came to replace him.
3) The people are gradually losing the habit of loving and admiring the kind king-president, who will help everyone.

4) Of the seventy cases opened, two were accepted for consideration by the Constitutional Court.

1) spelling;
2) punctuation;
3) speech
4) there are no errors.

We walked along rough-hewn walkways along cluttered courtyards, turned towards an unexpectedly clear and shiny river, free of ice, and passed huge tanks, a water pump and the pompous building of the railway station.

A30. The following error was made in the sentence

1) spelling;
2) punctuation;
3) speech
4) there are no errors.

Having landed at the Red Gate, Vorobyaninov found, according to the address written down by Ostap, the desired house: it was an old, dirty Moscow hotel, turned into a housing association, staffed, judging by the shabby facade, with malicious defaulters.


Read the text and complete the tasks below. Please note that some questions may have 1, 2 or more correct answers.

One of the features of the artistic world constructed by Dostoevsky in his works is its dynamism and instability, and in connection with this... the complexity of the interconnection of all phenomena in this world1. In Dostoevsky's world there are no facts that stand on their own two feet. They all support each other, pile on top of each other, depend on each other3. But this dependence is of a special kind4. All phenomena seem to be incomplete: the ideas are not completed, the story is not completed, the information about the events that the narrator has collected is contradictory, the details and the whole are unclear, everything seems to be in the stage of clarification and investigation5. Everything is in the process of becoming, and therefore is not established and is by no means static6. Actions characters are often committed contrary to what was expected, contrary to ordinary psychology, ... Dostoevsky’s people obey their special psychology7. Life phenomena emerge from a certain unknown, Rembrandtian darkness and penumbra8.

(D.S. Likhachev)

A31. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of ​​the text?

1) In Dostoevsky’s world, all phenomena are not completed.
2) Dostoevsky’s heroes are subject to their own special psychology.
3) Dostoevsky is the greatest master of psychological description.
4) The peculiarity of Dostoevsky’s world is its dynamism and the interconnectedness of all phenomena.
5) There are no strict facts in Dostoevsky’s world.

A32. What word(s) can be placed after the comma in sentence 7?

1) Because;
2) But;
3) And;
4) Despite the fact that;
5) Although.

A33. What is the relationship between sentences 2 and 3?

1) Causes - consequences;
2) explanations;
3) whole – parts;
4) dividing.

A34. There is a missing word in sentence 1

A35. In what meaning is the word used? world in sentences 1–2? Values ​​are given according to Explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova.

1) The totality of all forms of matter in the earthly and outer space, Universe. Origin of the world.
2) A separate part of the Universe, a planet. Star worlds.
3) Globe, Earth, as well as people, the population of the globe. Travel around the world.
4) A separate area of ​​life, objects, phenomena. Animal world. World of sounds. Human inner world.

A36. Which word(s) is a synonym for the word fragility in sentence 1?

1) Movement;
2) fabulousness;
3) uncertainty;
4) vagueness;
5) sustainability.

A37. What word(s) is used in the text in figurative meaning?

1) Artistic;
2) details;
3) darkness;
4) penumbra;
5) complexity.

A38. What means(s) of expressive speech are used in sentences 2 and 3?

1) Comparison;
2) metaphor;
3) hyperbole;
4) antithesis (sharp opposition of concepts);
5) alliteration.

A39. What means(s) of expressive speech are used in sentence 6?

1) Inversion (a stylistically significant change in the usual word order);
2) irony;
3) anaphora (repetition of identical words at the beginning of sentences or parts thereof);
4) antithesis;
5) hyperbole.

A40. Finish the sentence.

The trails are...

1) metaphor;
2) comparison;
3) phraseology;
4) assonance (repetition of identical vowels as a means of expressiveness);
5) irony.

Questions 32–33. Various types of errors (spelling, punctuation, speech).

Answers for the assignments in Part B, write down the answers on the form next to the assignment number (B1–B10) starting from the first cell. Write each letter of the word in a separate cell according to the examples given. When writing separately, one cell is omitted, when written with a hyphen, a dash is made in a separate cell between parts of the word.

IN 1. There is a spelling error in the sentence. Write down the misspelled word, correcting its spelling (in the form in which it is used in the sentence).

In the days of Pushkin’s tragic death, Russia heard the voice of a young poet who was destined to become Pushkin’s successor in orphaned Russian literature; it was a twenty-two-year-old cornet of the hussar regiment, Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov.

AT 2. There is a spelling error in the sentence. Write down the misspelled word, correcting its spelling (in the form in which it is used in the sentence).

Not only the despicable foreigner, whose hand did not hesitate to shoot at Pushkin, was denounced by Lermontov in his poems for the death of the poet - he accused the evil slanderers who persecuted Pushkin during his life and guided the hand of Dantes.

AT 3. Complete the phrase and write the missing word in the sentence in the appropriate answer area (give the most accurate answer).

Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, official language, language... and international communication.

AT 4. Indicate the name of the section of the science of language in which the styles of literary language and language means, creating their features.

AT 5. Write down a word in which the number of letters and the number of sounds match:nimble, buddy, local.

AT 6. Indicate what type of lexical units (by time of use) the words belong todisco, website, shuttle (“small trader”).

AT 7. Indicate what part of speech the words belong tosuch, someone, yourself. For polysyllabic terms, use abbreviations:

adjective = adjective,
noun = noun,
name numeral = numeral.

AT 8. Indicate which part of the sentence the underlined words are. After a minute Korenev laughed at me with the most innocent laughter.

AT 9. Indicate by number the number of grammatical stems in the following sentence.

What’s worse is that there’s no way you’ll be able to get on a tour that will be given in four hundred years and find out what the same girl guide will talk about and what anecdotes and legends, what plot she will build from our events.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Indicate the name of the dictionary that describes the origin of words.

* Russian language. Test preparation guide. M.: Century of Books, 2001.

Samples of examination materials of the Technical Moscow University named after. N.E.


The applicant writes an essay or test of his choice

Essay topics
1. “I am alone - there is no joy” (according to the lyrics of M.Yu. Leromontov).
2. Bazarov the nihilist (based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”).
3. The poet and time (based on the lyrics of the Silver Age poets). (Optionally.)

4. Nature as a symbol of Life and Eternity (according to modern literature).

Test I..

The master's house stood alone on the Jurassic (that is) on high... open to all the winds that could possibly blow. The slope of the mountain on which he stood was covered with trimmed turf. On it there were (in) English (two) three flower beds with bushes of yellow... yellow acacia and (five) six birch trees (not) large clumps (some) here and there. ..wore their small-leaved thin tops. Under two of them a gazebo with a flat green dome and blue wooden bells was visible. Below was a pond covered with greenery. At the foot of this elevation darkened on the right... and left... log huts that our hero (not) known... but for what reasons at that (same) minute he began to count... and counted more than two hundred. (Not) anywhere between them was there a growing tree or any greenery. (In) the distance it darkened with some kind of (boring... but) grayish color

Pine forest

. Even the weather itself was very helpful...the day was either clear...or gloomy. To complete the picture, there was (not) enough in the rooster, the herald...of changeable weather, which (in)despite its long...head, crowed very loudly and even clapped... the shaft of the old horns. Approaching...the yard, our hero noticed the owner himself standing in a (dark) green frock coat with...his hand to his forehead (in) the form of an umbrella over his eyes so that he could better...look under. ..the carriage that was driving... As the britzka approached...the porch, his eyes became more cheerful and his smile spread wider and wider. (According to N.V. Gogol)

II. Title the rewritten text.

Write out the lines belonging to A. Blok from this series of quotes.
1. “Is it possible to choose a nook and cranny for a walk further away?”
2. “The poet is always a debtor to the Universe.”
3. “My Rus', my life, shall we suffer together?”
4. “Blessed is he who was young from his youth, blessed is he who matured in time.”
5. “I left my home, I left blue Rus'.”
6. “The terrible fate of a father and son to live separately and die apart.”
7. “My Rus', wooden Rus'! I am your only singer and herald.”
8. “There are no others, and those are far away, as Sadi once said.”
9. “No more dreaming of tenderness, of glory, everything is over, youth is gone!”
10. “We must first remake life, having remade it, we can chant.”

11. “Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world!” 12. “As a gloomy crowd, soon forgotten above the world, we will pass without noise or trace.”.


Indicate the stress in the following words Give interpretations of phraseological units and make sentences with them.

1. The hour has struck. 2. Turtle move. 3. Gold fund. 4. With a bang. 5. Seven Fridays a week.

VI. Compose a coherent text from the given sentences below.

1. American scientists discovered in the hot springs of Yellowstone national park bacteria.
2. The difficulty in reusing rubber from old tires is due to the fact that it is vulcanized rubber.
3. These bacteria are capable of digesting sulfur bridges in vulcanized rubber.
4. It was heated in the presence of sulfur.
5. The result is raw rubber, which in amounts up to 20% can be added to the mass for the manufacture of new tires.
6. As a result of heating, sulfur atoms formed cross bridges between adjacent thread-like rubber molecules, stitching the entire plastic initial mass into a rigid elastic formation.

VII. Answer the question.

What a page in the fate of Pierre Bezukhov, the hero of the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's War and Peace, were you particularly shocked and why?


Exercise 1. Place punctuation marks, open parentheses, insert missing letters.

1. His kindness, or rather his touched me. 2. She would rather agree to die... than to... lie in power with another mistress. 3. (In) this case, it is necessary to take into account one important circumstance, namely, the ecological balance must not be violated. 4. It’s difficult, or better yet, boring... but because it was fractional, laborious work. 5. And the children were left...or almost...left (at)alone. 6. According order...m...they weren't supposed to do that. 7. An exact mathematical correspondence, so to speak, was established. 8. The boy was wearing a suit that must have been inherited from his father. 9. You can be angry with people like Bazarov all you want, but it is absolutely necessary to recognize their sincerity. 10. From nine in the morning until six in the evening, all you know is that you’re stuck here. 11. As the eldest, I order you, gentlemen, to rise up immediately. 12. I Sergeev Dmitry Evgenievich undertake to... bring... a copy of the... certificate to the admissions... committee. 13. Who (n...) can fulfill your request. 14. He was bitter and spirited by this winged steppe eastern wind.

15. Everyone, including the funny red-haired guy, flocked to the window. 16. When evening came, I was (so) angry at my (failures) and for the whole world I decided to take a (n...) risky step. 17. A long time ago, back in his youth, Kuzma understood that every day comes (not) just like that... however... for everyone, but passes for someone alone, to whom he belongs. ..brings only good luck. 18. The student returned the book to the library, probably without even (not) reading it. 19. To the steppe in the wilderness... even more reserved than the wilderness... Sukhodol uv...evilly she loves her so that there in silence and solitude she can overcome the first sweet and burning torments of her and then (for) a long time (for) centuries until the gravestone bury her in the depths of her Sukhodolsk soul. 20. In a word (in)soon we found ourselves in front of the gorge (in)the water was noisy below and we could hear the falling of stones.
1. The storm covers the sky with darkness, spinning snow whirlwinds.
2. I did not close my tired eyes and looked to him without hope!
3. Get away! Go to women, lie to them and fool them.
4. No matter how much I want not to love, I still can’t learn.
5. Why are you looming, sleepy haze? You play freely with my spirit.
6. Earth! Let me heal your balding head.
7. Behind the outpost, in a wretched tavern, the men will drink every single ruble.
8. Today I am in a frenzy of tender feelings.
10. I’ve been wondering for a long time how no one will tie him up!
Try talking about the authorities, and God knows what they’ll tell you!
11. So the useless youth rushed, exhausted in empty dreams...
12. I am alone here, like the king of the air, suffering is oppressed in my heart.
13. I write: rhyming sounds disrupt my normal work.

14. The sun will seep into a tiny crack, like a small festering wound. Task 3.

Explain phraseological units and make a sentence with each of them.

To smooth out the rough edges, Solomon’s decision, not to leave one stone unturned, what God sent, a well-worn one, to sink into oblivion.Task 4..

Correct the sentences

He was reading a novel with seven hundred and eighty-four pages. The image of Kuligin in the play is of great importance. Having read the manuscript a second time, I think that it needs serious revision. Task 5.

Do you agree (and why) with the statement of Petya Trofimov, who addresses Lopakhin with the following words: “Just as in the sense of metabolism a predatory beast is needed that eats everything that gets in its way, so you are needed”? Explain your point of view.

* Working materials for university preparation courses at the Moscow Technical University. N.E. Bauman.

Sample Russian language test at the Moscow Energy Institute - Technological University*

Testing in the Russian language is carried out in the form of a written task. The applicant is offered a coherent text of a general scientific nature, in which some letters and punctuation marks are missing. By filling in the gaps and placing the necessary punctuation marks, the applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the basic rules of spelling and punctuation of the Russian language within the framework of the program

high school

and strong writing skills. Below is an example of testing text.

Exercise. Read the text, fill in the missing letters where necessary and add the necessary punctuation marks. Indicate the continuous, separate or hyphenated spelling of words using the following notations: suggests that all free oxygen is a product of photosynthesis. It is assumed that free oxygen is produced and released as a result of the decomposition of water. It is also assumed that the isotopic composition of oxygen released during photosynthesis by land plants should correspond to the isotopic composition of oxygen released by aquatic plants. Actually this is not true. The oxygen in the modern atmosphere is heavier than photosynthetic oxygen. And this circumstance forced scientists to look for other possible sources of atmospheric oxygen. Through photo...synthesis, more than 5x1010 oxygen is produced annually. It should be said that 5x1010 oxygen is a huge amount. To balance the isotopic composition of the oxygen balance in the atmosphere, you need to find some other source that would be just as productive.

The position that photo...synthesis is the only source of free oxygen in the atmosphere creates serious obstacles when considering the question of the beginning of life and its evolution. It is known that vegetation not only produces oxygen, but also consumes it through respiration. To breathe, the plant takes 15% of the oxygen it produces from the atmosphere. It turns out to be a vicious circle: in order for vegetation to appear on the planet, free oxygen was necessary, and for oxygen to appear, vegetation was necessary. Way out of this vicious circle

can be found by assuming that in the geological past there was an active oxygen source that preceded the biological one.

This hypothesis is confirmed by studies of oxygen content at various ocean depths. The top layer of water is saturated with oxygen released by phytoplankton. As you move away from the surface, the content of this gas decreases, reaching a minimum at depths of 1000 m. But after such a “dead” layer, the oxygen content increases, and natural layers become oversaturated with it. At depth there is a different kind of oxygen, heavier, different in isotopic composition from that released by plants.

Therefore, its source must be different.

This oxygen comes from the bowels of the earth. Completely unusual worms (up to a meter long) were found in the bottom layer. Experts say that a unique form of life exists in natural layers. It exists not at the expense of the energy of the Sun, like all life on Earth, but at the expense of the planet’s own energy. Both oxygen produced in the process of photosynthesis by vegetation and deep oxygen differ markedly from atmospheric oxygen in isotopic composition and weight. The first one is lighter, the second one, on the contrary, is heavier than atmospheric oxygen. Through very (un)complicated calculations it can be shown that for education

gas mixture

like...atmospheric oxygen, it is necessary to combine biological and deep oxygen in a ratio of one to two. This means that the atmosphere receives its main supply of oxygen from the bowels of the earth.

The scientist’s conclusion is of great practical importance for the reconstruction of paleographic landscapes, for analyzing the course of geological processes that led to the formation of many minerals, and for reducing the costs of searching for them. * Newspaper "Energetik". No. 1 (3235) Sample Russian language test in Russian

1#. state university oil and gas named after. M.I. Gubkina* In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 0 –

correct option
, 1 – incorrect.
1. The soloists performed more successfully at the concert.
2. The writer denounces the lifestyle and worldview of the bourgeoisie.
3. According to the instructions, he reported to his place of duty at the end of August.

2#. 4. Natasha and her daughter went to the dacha.

5. The day of the premiere has arrived.
comma, 0 – no comma.
1. The sleepy flowers died (...) and (...) as they (...) towards the day I raised my head.
4. I put on my shoes (...) throwing a shawl over my shoulders (...) and (...) carefully going out into the living room (...) with a beating heart, I stopped at the door to the balcony.
5. But it’s sheer nonsense that I live (...) sad (...) and (...) that memories wear away at me.

#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 – comma, 0 – absence of a comma.

1. In a word (...) there was (...) apparently (...) an end to his troubles.
2. The horizon is ominous and sudden (...) and the dawn is bruised (...) like a trace of unhealed scratches (...) and blood on the mower’s legs.
3. And when we entered the city (...) and it got dark again (...) it began to rain heavily (...) and thunder began to rumble (...) she (...) covered herself with skin (... ) was already sleeping sitting up.
4. They both thought greedily about tomorrow, when everyone gets up (...) the smokers will light up the crushed burdocks (...) and everything will be fine again.
5. They were so equipped that my dad secretly unbuttoned the buttons on his stomach (...) and (...) so that no one would notice such liberalism (...) covered himself with a napkin.

4#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 – dash, 0 – colon.

1. A few more minutes of waiting (...) and I saw Nadezhda Lvovna!
2. The garden was empty, only a few girls remained in the linden alley (...) sat close to each other on the grass, whispered, laughed discreetly.
3. ...I ordered the money for the rams to be placed next to him (...) he did not touch them...
4. ...the living springs have dried up (...) and the end has come, the limit to God's forgiveness...
5. But I noticed a change in myself (...) the paintings that I liked so much on our first visit did not seem so good to me.

5#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - soft sign, 0 – no soft sign.

1. July heat
2. Eat porridge
3. Deferment of sentence
4. You feel... joy...
5. Near the groves...

6#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - 4) uninteresting, 2 – Question 14. Dash in, 3 – WITH, 4 – Z, 5 – Y, 6 – Kommersant, 7 – b .

1. Pod...scanny groom
2. Internuclear zone
3. Slight reduction
4. Quiet...quiet naughty
5. Be very generous

7#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - Spelling suffixes., 2 – Question 8: Spelling .

1. Pointed skates
2. Great Martyr
3. Semi-precious stone
4. Educator
5. An invisible phenomenon

8#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - Spelling suffixes., 2 – Question 8: Spelling .

1. The soil is weathered and dry
2. Demilitarized zone
3. Look exhausted...oh
4. State of disaster...about
5. The teacher is nervous and upset


1. Play clean
2. On/next to others
3. Do it without/in/a hurry
4. Do in/revenge
5. Make it in half

10#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - 5) tilted (trunk), 2 – 4) wash...whip (in the rain), 3 – 4) uninteresting, 4 – Question 14. Dash in, 5 – I, 6 – Y, 7 – YU .

1. Ry... usury
2. Squeezing
3. Parach...t
4. Entombment
5. Become enlightened by thought

11#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - TO, 2 – Spelling suffixes., 3 – D, 4 – T, 5 – WITH, 0 – no letter.

1. Eclecticism
2. Late...unripe fruits
3. An elaborate legend
5. Impressionism...ionism

12#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - hyphen, 2 - continuous, 3 - separate spelling of words.

1. Mutual/perpendicular lines
2. Hedgehog/fish
3. Board/mechanic
4. Fruit/canning shop
5. Red/wool carpet

13#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - continuous, 2 - separate spelling of words.

1. Make it un/strong
2. Not / carry the child
3. Not/it would be bad to know
4. It’s not exactly the hour
5. Unquestionable authority for us

14#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - 5) tilted (trunk), 2 – 4) wash...whip (in the rain), 3 – 4) uninteresting, 4 – Question 14. Dash in, 5 – I, 6 – YU, 7 – Y .

1. Conquer living space
2. Areas deforested due to logging
3. Weapons are kept in order
4. Tourists will settle down to rest
5. Banners re...t

15#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - 5) tilted (trunk), 2 – 4) wash...whip (in the rain), 3 – 4) uninteresting, 4 – Question 14. Dash in, 5 – I, 6 – YU .

1. Exchange note
2. Phantom fight
3. Unnoticed mistake
4. Listened to insults
5. Poorly looking kitten

16#. In the text and on the answer sheet, indicate with numbers 1 - hyphen, 2 - continuous, 3 - separate spelling of words.

1. They don’t fight unexpectedly.
2. The teacher came and told the same thing.
3. Conclusion of the lecture.
4. During the day.
5. In/continuation of the day.

* Russian language. Collection of standard examination tasks. M.: Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. M.I. Gubkina, 2001.

To be continued in the next issue


Collection “Tests” (options and answers for centralized (entrant) testing in 2006) - the book presents samples of tests used during centralized testing in 2006 in the Russian language. The tests are compiled in accordance with the Mandatory Minimum Content of Education and current programs and textbooks. The structure of the tests is given. Answers for all presented tests are provided. Dan brief analysis characteristic errors in the test subjects' answers.
The collection is intended for self-preparation of graduates of general education institutions for final certification and entrance exams to universities, as well as to help teachers and methodologists who use the test method of knowledge control in their work.

Students and their parents are interested in receiving, and the state is interested in providing, quality education. To do this you need to use modern methods assessment and control. The most well-known mechanisms are centralized testing and the unified state exam.
Objective assessment of educational achievements is carried out, as a rule, by standardized procedures, during which all students are in the same (standard) conditions and use approximately the same properties. measuring materials(tests). This standardized procedure for assessing educational achievements is called testing.
A correctly composed test is a set of balanced test tasks. The number of tasks in the test in various sections should be such as to proportionally reflect the main content of the subject. The use of test items of various difficulties should ensure the equal difficulty of the various test options and measure the educational achievements of students in a wide range of their knowledge.
The development of modern pedagogical tests is possible only if there is large quantity test tasks, the properties of which are determined before the test is used.
Centralized testing assesses the level of preparedness of students on a 100-point scale, taking into account the difficulty and differentiating power of correctly and incorrectly completed tasks.

1. Introduction
2. Structure of the applicant test in the Russian language
3. Russian language test No. 1
4. Russian language test No. 2
5. Russian language test No. 3
6. Russian language test No. 4
7. Russian language test No. 5
8. Russian language test No. 6
9. Russian language test No. 7
10. Russian language test No. 8
11. Russian language test No. 9
12. Analysis of Russian language test tasks No. 10
13. Correct answers to Russian language tests
14. Statistics of student answers to tests
In Russian
15. Structure of the applicant test in Russian language-II
16. Russian language test-II No. 1
17. Russian language test-II No. 2
18. Correct answers to Russian language tests-II
19. Statistics of student responses to tests
in Russian language-II

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Download the book Russian language - Tests for applicants - Options and answers for centralized testing - 2006. -, fast and free download.

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Stylistics, linguistic analysis of text, etc. Each test question has one correct answer. The content of the test is based on the currently valid Russian Federation a set of spelling and punctuation rules.

Preparation for the exam can be done using any of the educational complexes in the Russian language, in which students are taught in secondary general education and vocational educational institutions, as well as with the help of specialized manuals on the Russian language intended for those entering universities.

The duration of the exam is 3 hours.

Demo version


The result is assessed on a 100-point scale : 2 points for each correct answer

1. Select a group of words arranged strictly alphabetically.

d) gate.

27. Highlight examples in which the COMPOSIBILITY of words is violated:

a) bet on something;

b) carry out according to instructions;

c) give an award;

d) miss your mother.

28. Mark the phrase with MANAGEMENT:

a) I’ll come in the fall;

b) forest under the mountain;

c) in my heart;

d) their letters.

29. Choose a sentence in which a DASH is placed in the blank.

a) We repeat: Tatyana is an exceptional being.

b) It’s great happiness to be able to find beauty in everyday life.

c) Poverty is not a vice.

d) The pond in the ancient park was like a mirror.

30. Find a sentence in which a comma is NOT placed in the gap.

a) Pride in his friend, who was turning into a Bolshevik, softened Pavel’s difficult situation.

b) The street leading into the city was free.

c) The light pouring through the narrow windows woke up the traveler.

d) They entered a corridor, narrow and long.

31. Mark the sentence in which the isolated members of the sentence ON BOTH SIDES are separated by commas.

a) At the sight of Kalinovich, the footman, with a rather stupid face, but in a livery with galloons, stretched out into a duty position.

b) His small _black_ eyes always tried to penetrate your thoughts.

43. Determine in which sentence the LEXICAL COMPOSIBILITY of words is violated.

b) He put on a new tweed suit and dress shoes that day.

c) As you understand, I am interested in another alternative.

d) The candles in the candelabra burned peacefully and comfortably illuminated the piano keys with a soft yellowish light.

44. Highlight the sentence that incorrectly uses the GRAMMATIC FORM of the word.

a) The lost suitcase contained fashionable lotions and creams, which, if you think about it, cost a fortune.

b) Next time I will try to participate in the elections of the head of our city.

c) A very unpleasant incident occurred at school yesterday.

d) Here the nightingales sing especially loudly, loudly and selflessly.

45. Find a sentence in which there is NO error in the use of the adverbial verb.

a) Thinking about his distant homeland, his gaze became misty.

b) By comparing samples of lunar soil, scientists established the features of their chemical composition.

c) Realizing his helplessness, he became scared.

d) It seems to me that after receiving memorable gifts and hearing words of gratitude, the veterans were happy.

46. ​​Arrange the sentences in such an order that they make a TEXT.

a) Languages, like other objectively existing languages complex education can be classified.

b) Russian language is part of the Indo-European family.

c) There are from two to five thousand languages ​​in the world.

d) The most famous is the genealogical classification of languages.

e) The largest groups languages ​​are called families.

f) Genealogical classification divides languages ​​into groups according to their kinship.

47. Determine the STYLE of the text you compiled from the above sentences.

a) conversational;

b) scientific;

c) journalistic;

d) official business.

48. What LANGUAGE DEVICES determine the style of this text?

a) rhetorical questions and exclamations;

b) special terms;

c) stylistically reduced vocabulary;

49. Which word in the text cannot be replaced by a SYNONYM?

a) complex;

b) groups;

c) families;

50. What means of communication of sentences are NOT used in the text you composed?

a) lexical repetition;

b) correlative tense forms of verbs;

c) homogeneous members of the sentence;

d) synonyms, that is, words with a similar lexical meaning.

Self-test answers: 1 b; 2 G; 3 b; 4 G; 5 V; 6 b; 7 b; 8 G; 9 V; 10 b; 11 A; 12 A; 13 b; 14 V; 15 A; 16 b; 17 V; 18 A; 19 b; 20 V; 21 b; 22 b; 23 G; 24 G; 25 b; 26 b; 27 b; 28 b; 29 b; 30 V; 31 A; 32 A; 33 V; 34 V; 35 b; 36 A; 37v; 38 G; 39 b; 40 b; 41 V; 42 A; 43 V; 44 A; 45 G; 46 : vagedb; 47 b; 48 b; 49 V; 50 V.