
Types of prepositions. Simple and compound prepositions

Prepositions and conjunctions are functional parts of speech, which many people have difficulty writing. They are used to establish connections between words in a sentence and to construct certain grammatical structures: near the fence, past the bus stop, opposite the building. And if the spelling of non-derivative auxiliary parts of speech ( at a neighbor's, on the table, in the refrigerator) most often do not cause difficulties, then when writing derivatives you have to remember various rules.

In addition, it can be difficult to immediately determine whether the selected part of speech is a noun or a preposition. Examples of such structures are the following: for years, meet each other halfway yes(where the highlighted words are derived prepositions), in the flow of the river, be late for a meeting with a friend(here the highlighted words are nouns with non-derivative parts of speech).

Classification by origin and structure

As mentioned earlier, prepositions are usually divided into derivatives and non-derivatives. Non-derivatives include simple prepositions that have long existed in the Russian language: under the ceiling, above the water, to the ingredients.

What prepositions are called derivatives? These include those that were originally other parts of speech. There are 3 types:

In Russian language exercises for grade 7, you often come across tasks in which you need to distinguish the auxiliary part of speech from independent. It should be remembered that a derived preposition can often be replaced with a non-derivative one:

  • due to strong wind - due to strong wind;
  • inquire about the application - inquire about the application;
  • after five minutes - after five minutes.

In addition, you can ask a question about independent parts of speech, as opposed to service parts. In the case of auxiliary parts of speech, the question is asked about nouns or pronouns related to them:

  • looked around (Where?) around - walked around (Where?) around the house;
  • costs (Where?) ahead - ran (Where?) ahead of me.

Many derived prepositions lose their former lexical meaning:

  • within five minutes (time value);
  • due to illness and adversity (meaning because of);
  • came up with a congratulation like last year (meaning like).

Constructions derived from gerunds can be distinguished as follows: to do this, you need to remember that the verb form can be replaced with a verb by slightly rearranging the sentence. In the case of a pretext, this is impossible to do. For example:

  • We left the room, thanking the hosts for their hospitality. You can replace the gerund with a verb: We left the room and thanked the hosts for their hospitality. Here thanks to is a participle.
  • Thanks to the teachers, we were able to go to college. In this case, replacing the highlighted word with a verb will change the meaning of the phrase and will be incorrect. Therefore, here thanks to- pretext.

In addition, it is customary to divide prepositions and conjunctions into simple (consisting of one word: inside, about, before), complex (includes 2 simple ones: due, from under) and compound (consisting of 2 or more words: despite on, to the extent, for purposes).

Rules for writing compound prepositions

All prepositions and conjunctions, regardless of their origin and structure, are written separately from the independent parts of speech. However, the spelling of such constructions as despite difficult circumstances - played despite the strings, most often causes difficulties.

So, compound derivatives of auxiliary parts of speech are most often written together, especially when it comes to adverbial or verbal. Here are examples of phrases with them: sit opposite the boss, walk around the site, walk with friends. However, among the denominates, a number of derived prepositions should be highlighted (the list of which is given below), always having a separate spelling:

Other designs can also be added to this list: in the form of, in fulfillment, to the extent, in continuation and similar ones.

Continuous writing observed in combinations:

  • took a loaf instead of bread;
  • inquired about the new position;
  • the event was canceled due to bad weather conditions;
  • continued to work beyond the fulfilled plan;
  • I bought a car similar to the previous one.

Complex prepositions from under, due to and others are always written with a hyphen.

Denominate prepositions: E or I at the end

Often doubts arise when writing combinations during, in conclusion, in accordance. Something to remember special cases spelling of derivative prepositions. The table shows the most frequently used combinations.

Special cases of use

Prepositions are auxiliary parts of speech that are not used separately, but only with nouns or pronouns replacing them that are in a certain indirect position. (any except nominative) case. In most cases, it is not difficult to determine the case required for agreement:

  • on (on what? on whom?) outskirts - prepositional case;
  • For (who? what?) friends - genitive case;
  • despite (who? what?) strange circumstances - accusative case.

However, you should remember the exceptions when the noun should not be in the genitive, but in the dative case:

  • thanks to (to whom? what?) unexpected return;
  • according to (to whom? what?) prepared schedule.

Another common mistake is the presence or absence soft sign at the end of the words near and through. Their correct spelling should also be remembered.

Examples of usage in Russian

To begin with, let us give examples of texts from fiction:

I took her with me on a trip, despite the fragile age of my child, I took her to my friend who lived in Siberia. (L. Charskaya, “Sibirochka”)

...Open your closed eyes to bliss

Towards northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north! (A. Pushkin, “Winter Morning”)

...The moon is like a pale spot,

Through the gloomy clouds it turned yellow... (A. Pushkin, “Winter Morning”)

Now let's look at several sentences that use prepositions, and some of them use nouns, adverbs or gerunds that are homonymous with them.

He went to (...)to meet the new day, not at all (...) looking at those around him .

It is necessary to determine whether words or phrases will be written together or separately from each other. Let's try to figure it out, for this we will define, with what part of speech we are dealing. It should be remembered that another word can always be inserted before a noun, and a derived preposition can be replaced with another, similar in meaning. In the case of (...)meeting, you can make a replacement: he was walking towards a new day . Therefore, this word is a preposition. Since it was not on the list of exceptions, which are written separately, correct spelling- fused.

Let's deal with the second spelling. Let's try to replace not (...)despite a preposition with a similar meaning contrary to: completely contrary to others . The result was a phrase with a completely different meaning. We conclude that we have a gerund with the particle NOT, which, of course, is written separately from the word.

The man quickly walked down (...)along the long alley, not (...)despite the fact that a piercing wind was blowing .

Let's look at the first word. If this is an adverb, then the question can be asked to it from the verb; but when along is a derivative or non-derivative preposition, it will refer to a noun, and the question will not be asked about it. In our case, along refers to a noun alleys, therefore, it is a preposition (derived from the adverb along). The writing of adverbial and verbal prepositions is always continuous.

We do the same with the second word as in the first sentence: let's try to replace it with another word. In this example, we get a completely similar meaning, although a piercing wind was blowing, from which we conclude that we are dealing with a verbal preposition, which was formed from a gerund and is written together.

During (...) next day the store was not open.

To determine which letter should be written at the end of a word, it is necessary to determine what the combination is for (...). If it is a noun (you can insert an adjective related to the word current: in strong current), then its ending is determined in accordance with the rules of its declension. If we are talking about a preposition (having a temporary meaning), you need to write the letter E at the end.

In the selected sentence, the combination is used to mean time: the store was not open (When?) during the next day, therefore, the letter E was missed.

Lesson topic: "Simple and compound prepositions».

Lesson type: lesson explaining new material.

Class: 7



A) consolidation of acquired knowledge about prepositions,

b ) deepening this knowledge (interchangeability of derivatives and non-derivative prepositions, connection of words in phrases and sentences);

V) familiarization with simple and compound prepositions,

G) developing the ability to perform morphological analysis pretext.


A) development of analytical skills and thinking;

b) development of intellectual and speech skills, attention.

    educational :

A) upbringing attentive attitude to your speech

b) nurturing interest in the Russian language and the need to learn the Russian language.


    Russian language: textbook. for 7th grade general education institutions / M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova and others, - M.: Education, 2008.


    Modern Russian language / D.E. Rosenthal, I.B. Golub, M.A. Telenkova – 11th ed. – M.: 2009.

    Universal reference book for schoolchildren / Ed. A.A. Kuznetsova and M.V. Ryzhakova. – M.: 2007.

    Russian language: 5 – 11 grades. / Ed. G.F. Khlebinskaya. – M.: 2008.

    Russian language: textbook. for 7th grade general education Institutions / M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova and others, - M.: Education, 2008.

Lesson plan:

    Org. moment (2 min).

    Repetition of the studied material (5 min).

    Explanation of new material (3 min).

3.1.Teacher's word (3 min).

3.2.Work from the textbook (1 min).

H.3. Consolidating new material (7 min).

3.4. Crossword “Preposition” (3 min).

3.5. Testing on the topic “Preposition” (5 min).

3.6. The difference between an independent part of speech and a preposition in a sentence (5 min).

4. Summary of the topic (3 min).

5. Homework (1 min).

6. Lesson summary (1 min).

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment

The topic of our lesson is “Simple and compound prepositions.” In the previous lesson, you were introduced to the topic “Preposition as a part of speech.”

    Repetition of learned material

    What is a preposition?

    What relationships do prepositions express?(Prepositions express different relationships, For example: temporary (go during the day) causal (not to go due to bad weather) spatial (stop near the house) targeted (headache medicine), etc.

    What types of prepositions are there?(Prepositions can be simple and compound, derivative and non-derivative).

    What are non-derivative prepositions?(Non-derivative prepositions are prepositions that are not formed from independent parts of speech, for example: without, in, before, for, from, to).

    What are derivative prepositions?(Derivative prepositions are formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones, thereby losing their lexical meaning and morphological characteristics. For example, the preposition thanks to (we managed thanks to the help of a friend) - from the gerund (left, thanking for the help provided).

    With what cases are derivative and non-derivative prepositions used?(Many non-derivative prepositions can be used with different cases, and derivatives are usually used with one case. For example, the preposition thanks to used only with the dative case: thanks to courage (d. p.).

    Explanation of new material

III .1. Teacher's word

to, at, about, near, day , counting next year , due to frosts.

III .2. Work from the textbook - reading paragraph 51 p. 141.

To reinforce new material, read paragraph 51 on page 141.

III .3. Consolidating new material in writing (exercise No. 303).

To consolidate the knowledge gained about prepositions, let's do an exercise№303.

Write down the phrases first with simple prepositions, then with compound ones. Enclose the prepositions in a rectangle. Which prepositions are most often used in business speech?


It will stay behind the house, grow stronger as it grows, rush along the highway, gather on the occasion of a holiday, make it like a basket, make mistakes due to inattention, gather about a regulation, insulate it because of the cold.

Name phrases with simple prepositions.(It will be left behind the house, like a basket, due to carelessness, insulate it due to the cold weather).

Name phrases with compound prepositions.(Grows stronger as it grows, rushes along the highway, gathers on the occasion of the holiday).

III .4. Crossword solution

Let's do a crossword puzzle. Your task: write the prepositions horizontally. Having solved the crossword puzzle completely, in a vertical column you can read the name of the part of speech(the crossword is on the board).

    Synonym of prepositionsnear, nearby, in the presence (who? What?).

    Antonym of prepositionalong.

    WITH synonym of prepositionscontrary to (what?), against (what?), despite (What?).

    Antonym of prepositionahead (who? what?).

    Antonym of prepositionto (with time value).

    Synonym of prepositionthrough (what?), similar in meaning to the verb prefixpro- .

    Synonym of words around, around.


P o p e r e k

Q about p e to and

Pose d And

P o s l e

From to to O h

W o k r G

Answers: at, reproach, in spite of, behind, after, through, around.

III .5. Testing on the topic “Preposition”

We will perform the “Preposition” test with you, which will help us not only consolidate new material, but also recall previously studied(read the tasks one by one) .

1.Prepositions formed by transforming independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones are called...

Answer: derivatives.

2. Non-derivatives include prepositions

Answer: not formed from independent parts of speech.

3. Indicate derivative prepositions:

A) in half an hour

B) due to lack of time

B) came from school

D) flower in front of the window

Answer: through, before

4 . Indicate a preposition that has the meaning of reason:

A) the day before

B) around

B) because

D) under

Answer: because of.

5. Indicate the preposition that has the meaning of the goal:

A) relatively

B) during

B) because

D) for

Answer: For.

6. Indicate the compound preposition:

A) by

B) for

B) according to

D) during

Answer: for.

7. Indicate the preposition formed from the gerund:

A) during

B) like

B) past

D) thanks

Answer: thanks to.

8. Which preposition is used only with the dative case?

1) despite

2) around

3) thanks

4) due to

Answer: thanks to.

9. Which sentence uses a compound preposition?

1) On account of future salary

2) Near our school

3) Didn't come because of illness

4) Go around the lake.

Answer: 1.

10. In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

1) someone (south) western, we live (differently)

2) (in) third, (in) Russian, (from) rarely

3) (dark) blue, (long) than (or)

4) (secondly), someone (as if)

Answer: 1.

11. How are derived prepositions formed on the basis of adverbs written?

1) together

2) separately

3) hyphenated

4) depending on the context

Answer: seamlessly .

12. Indicate a phrase with a preposition.

a) It blossomed under the window; c) there was no one.

b) Sasha and Dasha d) since he came

Answer: A.

13. Indicate phrases with a derived preposition.

a) grew above the water; c) demobilization due to injury.

b) lay under the table d) wrote on the board

Answer: V.

14. Indicate prepositions that are written with a hyphen.

a) From (behind) c) from (under)

b) (c) during d) (at) the meeting

Answer: a, c.

15. Make up phrases from these pairs of words using prepositions.

a) Live, country c) put, shelf

b) walk, park d) gift, mom

Answer: live in the country, walk in the park, put it on a shelf, a gift for mom.

16. Indicate a sentence with an incorrectly used preposition.

a) Everyone asked about the results of the match

b) Yesterday I went to see a friend

c) Vanya came home from school early today

d) I went home

Answer: b.

17. Identify synonymous prepositions : near, after, behind, about, for, for, inside, because of then, for, despite, in.

Answer: near - about; behind - behind; for the sake of - for; inside - in; then - after; despite – because of.

How to distinguish a derived preposition from another part of speech?(a preposition cannot be posed with a question; a preposition has no independent role; a synonym can be selected for a preposition ) .

III .6. “The difference between an independent part of speech and a preposition in a sentence”

To develop the intellectual and speech skill of distinguishing between an independent part of speech and a service part, we will complete the following task. You have proposal forms on your tables. We read and comment in which sentence the highlighted word is a preposition, and in which it is an independent part of speech.

    To go towards (preposition from an adverb) a friend.

    The car was driving towards (adv.).

    Go to a meeting (noun) with a friend.

    Due to (= because of) my friend’s illness, I didn’t go fishing.

    When going fishing, you need to keep in mind (noun) weather conditions.

    Due to (= because of) sad circumstances, the trip was cancelled.

    He intervened in the investigation (noun) in the Ivanov case.

    His coat is like (= like) mine.

    In his family (noun) he was the oldest.

    The rock rose like (= like) a wall.

    He looked at the likeness (n) of a man that suddenly appeared.

    Talk about (= About) exams.

    Deposit money into a (noun) bank account.

    Go instead (sentence) of me.

    One must go to the (noun) destination.

    Despite (sentence) fatigue, the detachment walked quickly.

    He walked without looking (adverb) around.

    Summary on the topic

So, what is a preposition?(A preposition is an auxiliary part of speech that expresses the dependence of some words on others in a phrase and sentence).

What are the composition of prepositions? (There are two types of prepositions - simple and compound.Prepositions consisting of one word are simple, for example: to, at, about, near, and those consisting of two (less often three) words are compound, for example: during day , counting next year , due to frosts.)


Homework explanation.

Write it down homework: paragraph 51, ex. No. 304.

    Lesson summary

Simple- prepositions consisting of one word. For example: at , To, close, near .

Composite- prepositions consisting of several words. For example: for , in connection with .

Find simple and compound prepositions in the expressions (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Simple and compound prepositions.

Morphological analysis of the preposition includes feature extraction :

· productivity/non-productivity

rank by value

· immutability

· is not a member of the proposal.

Sample: I in continuation for just a few minutes he was gripped by horror.

І. In continuation - preposition, used with noun. in R.p.

II. Morphological characteristics:

1) derivative, formed from noun. with a preposition;

2) expresses temporary relationships;

3) an unchangeable word.

III. Syntactic function - not a member of the sentence.


Exercises No. 303-305. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - M.: Education, 2012.

Exercise. Write down, opening the brackets, insert missing letters where necessary. Make a complete morphological analysis of the highlighted words.

1. (B) cont.. in the morning and midday he was completely immersed... in calculations (L. Tolstoy). 2. Blue, transparent streams of smoke flowed from the fire To sea, (to) a meeting splashes of waves (Gorky). 3. She repeated her role, (as) she walked, bowed low and (not) how many times (after) she shook her head, (like) clay cats (Pushkin). 4. Keep in mind - the task is responsible (Ehrenburg). 5. You wrote to me something (to) account Sunday school? (Chekhov). 6. (B) other things, (in) mind lack of time.., let's not deviate from the main subject of the lecture.. (Chekhov). 7. Telegraph poles (after) that again appeared (in) the distance purple (in) the form of small sticks (Chekhov). 8. Or maybe some kind of bird (like) a heron (Chekhov). 9. And the boy was happy (c) consequences.. his journey (Turgenev). 10. Thunderstorms (on) over the steppe..moving..t..frequently (Paustovsky). 11. Mumu deftly turned out (from) under Stepan (Turgenev). 12. (In) the trail of the ek..pages and (to) meet them a crowd of men was moving thickly (Gorky). 13. Dimka decided that (as) an exception, this time Zhigan is not lying (Gaidar). 14. (In) the next (after) that he got out of bed.., took the violin, began to build (L. Tolstoy).

Didactic materials. Section "Preposition"

Features of the use of individual prepositions in the Russian language.

Lectures and electronic textbooks. Pretext.

4. Culture writing ().

Spelling prepositions.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

Russian language


11. Preposition

Preposition as a functional part of speech.

Pretext- this is a service part of speech that expresses the dependence of nouns, numerals, pronouns on other words in phrases and sentences. Prepositions are not members of the sentence, but are included in the members of the sentence, for example: In the forest the woodcutter's ax was heard(N. Nekrasov).

Places by value.

According to their meaning, prepositions are divided into categories:

  1. spatial prepositions. They indicate a place, for example: in, on, under, about, at, to, above;
  2. temporary prepositions. They indicate time, for example: through, to, before, with, before, during;
  3. causal prepositions. They indicate the reason, for example: by, from, as a result of, because of, for, in view of;
  4. targeted prepositions. They indicate a target, for example: for, for, on;
  5. prepositions course of action. They indicate a course of action, for example: with, without, in, by;
  6. additional prepositions. They indicate the object to which the action is directed, for example: about, about, about, with, on, about.

Some prepositions can express different meanings, for example: preposition To can convey spatial and temporal values ​​( come up To home, come over To one o'clock in the afternoon).

Non-derivatives and derivatives.

There are prepositions derivatives And non-derivatives.

TO derivative These include prepositions that were formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones, while losing their lexical meaning and morphological features, for example: preposition by(convince by hard evidence) comes from a noun by in the instrumental case ( serves as a convenient by ). Derivative prepositions are usually used with one case, for example: preposition thanks to used only with the dative case ( thanks to courage).

TO non-derivative These include prepositions that are not formed from independent parts of speech, for example: to, for, from, to, under, with, at, through. Most non-derivative prepositions are used with different cases.

Simple and compound.

There are prepositions simple And composite.

Simple Prepositions consisting of only one word are called, for example: under, with, at, about, because of, near.

Composite Prepositions consisting of two or three words are called, for example: in connection with, on account of, during, in connection with.

Single-valued and multi-valued.

There are prepositions unambiguous And polysemantic.

Single digit prepositions are used with only one case, for example: from the forest(gen. p.), to the house(dat. p.).

Note. It should be remembered that prepositions thanks, according to, despite, in defiance, towards are used only with the dative case.

Multiple-valued prepositions can be used with several cases, for example: preposition under used with accusative ( take under control) and instrumental cases ( sleep under roof).


  1. Complex prepositions are written with a hyphen because of, from under, over, for, under, with, for, for, for.
  2. Derivative prepositions formed on the basis of adverbs are written together, for example: go out to meet the guests, the date was at the top of the letter.
  3. Derivative prepositions are written together: as a result, in view of, about, instead of, like, like, over.
    Note. Collocation keep in mind written in three words.
  4. Derivative prepositions are written separately: during, in continuation, for reason, for the purpose of, on the part of, in the form of, in connection with.