
The meaning of Slavic runic symbols. The most powerful runes

Runes are symbols created by completely different cultures and peoples. Naturally, this was done separately, different meanings were put into them, but they have something in common. Any runes are the quintessence of the energy of civilization, its moral, ethical and cultural meaning.

That is why there is so much goodness in Slavic runes. Our ancient people considered love to be the main force in life. Each symbol he created is a talisman and amulet for those who profess the values ​​of the Russian world. So, more about the meaning of Slavic runes.

List of runes of the ancient Slavs


Its essence is the divine, that which is hidden deep within a person and is sometimes not realized by him. This is order and a symbol of the genus. She is also called Belobog. In magic, its meaning is the protection of the Higher Powers. Those with whom every person is united, with whom he merges during prayer. If it falls out during fortune telling, then you can take on any business. The Higher Powers are on your side. It also foretells the smooth completion of any project, overcoming all obstacles, and deep mutual love.

This Slavic rune is the opposite of the World. She personifies the essence of evil. Just not what is aimed at everything Divine, but what is Chaos, that is, the road to the new. In a magical sense, Chernobog personifies the destruction of the old order. Everything that has outlived its usefulness will go away, the rest will be tested for strength. The order will collapse, making room for new shoots. May mean death in a physical sense.


This is the center of everything, the essence of the universe. All forces, fighting for primacy, fight precisely for this original inch of land. In magic, the meaning of Alatyr is superiority, the priority of traditions. This is the essence of the earth itself, its beginning. If it appears during fortune telling, he gives advice: act according to the behests of your ancestors, value family, honor traditions. Very good for mothers who are worried about the fate of their children and serves as a good amulet for a child. She reassures and says that everything is going right.


Rainbow is happiness in motion. This Slavic rune speaks of the harmonious flow of Chaos into Order and back. It means life itself. In magic it symbolizes the right direction, action. It may indicate the beginning of a difficult path or its imminent completion. In any case, all difficulties will be overcome, obstacles will be removed. The rune that appears in the layout of a business person symbolizes the acquisition of a new invaluable experience. It is used as a talisman by those who go on a journey.


This is a symbol of Rock. The meaning is a forced stop, which is invariably perceived with suffering, but leads to rebirth (of a person or circumstances). In magic it means constraint, often poverty, the inability to continue work, the road. If it appears during fortune telling, it advises abandoning a plan that will not lead to success. Used as a talisman for people who are lost in life and want to get out “on their own path.”


Fiery Slavic rune, symbolizing purification and embodiment. She says that everything old should burn. Insincerity, lies, etc. will be overcome. A person's inner intentions will be revealed. The meaning in magic is the embodiment of what is hidden inside. The one to whom it fell during fortune telling should both rejoice and be wary at the same time. On the one hand: the goal will be achieved, on the other hand, all intentions are open. It will not be possible to keep the secret from being made public.


This is a complex rune. She means Warrior of the Spirit. Anyone who walks the road must be prepared for sacrifice. Without loss you cannot achieve what you want. You need to not just bring gifts to the Gods, but give something valuable, maybe yourself. In magic it means receiving through loss. Persistence and strength directed not outward, but inward. If it falls out during fortune telling, then you need to prepare for the worst. Ahead lies the reckoning for long-standing mistakes that are of fundamental importance. Used as a talisman by people who find themselves in very difficult situations (possibly related to crime).


This is the Slavic rune of power. He who follows the path of the Warrior will overcome all obstacles. You just need to understand that the struggle is with both external and internal obstacles. In fortune telling, its meaning is “quick victory.” Used as a talisman in situations where a person is fighting against competitors or circumstances. Helps athletes.


Another name is Vedat. The rune means creativity in the most Divine sense. The desire to act according to the will of the Higher Self, to make dreams come true. Having fallen out during fortune telling, it pushes towards self-realization. Means a change of various, in highest degree lucky coincidences. It is used as a talisman by those who are in desperate need of good luck (and by others, too). Helps players.

This is the rune of a Mother protecting her child. It symbolizes the strength and power of the Earth itself, which gave birth to all living things. When fortune telling, it means the correct direction of thoughts and actions. You are protected, everything will be fine. and mothers. It also means fertility; farmers often used it to protect their land and make it fertile.


This is a light and at the same time masculine rune. She personifies passion, the desire to create, to fertilize. Its essence is fiery. But it is faster and more dynamic than other runes. In magic it means the masculine principle, the thirst for life and embodiment. In fortune telling it means everything new. Talisman of Slavic men. Women use it in the treatment of infertility, to attract gentlemen.

This is a rune life-giving water. She represents spring and the beginning of a new life. Light and joyful movement, filled with the awakening and harmony of nature. In magic it means intuition, prosperity not with the mind, but with luck, travel under the influence of the “decree of the heart.” A talisman for young people just starting out in life. Protects lovers from the evil eye.

This is a symbol of the unknown. If it appears during fortune telling, it means that the Warrior has found himself in a situation beyond his control. Something implicit, unknown, frightening appears on the stage. There is no chance to resist him. Everything will happen according to the will of Rock. You need to humble yourself and accept the situation as a lesson.


This Slavic rune means the Tree of Life and God at the same time. She personifies the Supreme essence of everything that happens. When doing fortune telling, it says that God will not leave you in trials. You can count on his comprehensive and timely help. It also indicates that a person has solid support under his feet. He is ripe for active (sometimes aggressive) actions. Used as a talisman by leaders.

This is the Slavic symbol of Good in all its manifestations. When doing fortune telling, it can tell you that you are a real darling of fate. All things will end in your favor, you will make a profit. For women it may portend an ambulance desired pregnancy. The trials are over, prosperity and abundance await you. Talisman of family and home. Sometimes it is used as a talisman for an enterprise.

This is the most powerful rune. Her energy is powerful and heavy. A force that cannot be resisted. When doing fortune telling, you need to look at who it relates to. If k, then he will overcome all obstacles; no one can compete with him. If the rune interferes with the client, then it is better to wait out the storm on the sidelines, otherwise it will inevitably be crushed, twisted and thrown onto an unknown shore. Talisman of the military and security forces.


This is the rune of natural, natural development, light strength, filled with the divine spirit. Its symbols are growing grass, collecting and evaporating moisture, blood running through the veins. If dropped during fortune telling, it will tell about children, their path or condition (possibility of appearance). Advice - be closer to nature, smile, enjoy life. The talisman of everyone who is engaged in creativity.

This is a Slavic symbol of lack of movement. Rune - ice. Nothing can happen. In fortune telling, its meaning is “complete stagnation.” It is often used for. Sometimes it foreshadows a crisis, an unforeseen stop in business. It’s worth sitting and waiting until the situation degenerates. Stagnation is not movement only outside, all activity is possible only inside. If this rune falls out, then it is better to have a good rest. Progress is unlikely, so why waste energy?

The ancient Slavs were well versed in magical signs and used them in everyday life. Slavic runes and their exact meaning have not reached us. During the persecution of pagan culture after the baptism of Rus', much runic knowledge was lost. However, researchers of Slavic culture managed to find and decipher 18 magical signs.

Old Slavic runes and their meaning

To use runes, you need to know their symbolism and understand Slavic customs and culture. Runes are not just symbols, they are unique keys that open the way to the gods and their power.

The Slavic runes and their meaning are unique, so they need to be interpreted in combination with each other. The number of runes when working depends on the purpose. Runes are read not only as letters, but also as images. When doing fortune telling, runes help predict the outcome of a situation. To do this, you need to use your own minimum set of characters. They can be carved from wood or drawn on paper. The main thing is to know their meaning.

Rune "PEACE". The sign looks like a tree with branches or a person raising his hands up. It means help from above, answers to questions, protection and understanding in an unresolved situation. In magical rituals - the patronage of noble higher powers. If during the fortune-telling process it appears this sign, you can safely take on any task. You cannot use the rune in unseemly actions.

Rune "Chernobog". The sign opposite to “PEACE” looks the same, only the branches (or arms) are directed downward. The meaning of the symbol is absolute evil. In order for something new to come into life, you need to prepare for complete destruction old The established order and structure will collapse, clearing the way for completely different processes. But this evil is not always of a negative nature, because a person consists of evil and good in equal measure. Therefore, Chernobog’s view of the act will turn out completely differently in a given situation. In a physical sense it means death. In magic, the rune helps to break out of an old circle and break long-standing unnecessary ties.

Rune "Alatyr". The essence of everything and the center around which the universe revolves. It's everything and nothing at the same time. Its symbol means the throne on which the main god sits and from which all roads begin. In magic, Alatyr is pure energy, on which everything else depends and begins. If it appears during fortune telling, you must act according to the laws of your ancestors, honoring ancient traditions and your family. The Slavs used it as a talisman for children. “Alatyr” is the rune of calm and confidence in the future.

Rune "Rainbow". The shortest path connecting point A to point B. The rainbow symbolizes happiness, which moves and smoothly flows from Chaos to Prosperity. In magic there is a complex path that goes into in the right direction and will soon end, all difficulties along this path will be resolved and overcome. When fortune telling - gaining invaluable experience. The Slavs used “Rainbow” in making amulets for those who set off on a long, dangerous journey.

Rune "Need". Symbol of pain and evil fate. It is used in two meanings: in good – awareness of one’s own problems of any kind, in bad – difficulties, pain, coercion, melancholy. If it falls out during fortune telling, you need to abandon the planned plan, since it will not lead to success. Used as a talisman for people who are confused and lost in life.

Rune "Steal". A sign of sacrificial fire, purification and embodiment. Fire will remove everything unnecessary and open a clear path without insincerity and lies. In magic it is used to embody what is hidden inside. When fortune telling, it warns that secrets will be revealed and made public. But even in this way the goal will be achieved.

Rune "Treba". Complex symbol. On the one hand, he is a victorious warrior, on the other, he is ready to sacrifice during his journey. It is impossible to achieve what you want without loss. “Requirement” is the need to sacrifice to God, not only something materially valuable, but also oneself. If it falls out during fortune telling, there will be a major reckoning for past mistakes. People associated with crime and, as a result, ended up in difficult situation, used as a talisman.

Rune "Strength". A sign of power and any force acting both on a person and on the surrounding reality. Any difficult path will be crowned with success, despite the fact that there is a struggle both with the outside world and with oneself. When fortune telling - complete victory. Protecting athletes and businessmen from competitors.

Rune "Wind". Variability, fast action, cleared paths. It must be used correctly in combination with other runes so as not to cause harm. When doing fortune telling, it predicts success in self-realization. Used as a talisman for players and those who need good luck.

Rune "Bereginya". A sign of the earth and the mother who gave birth to all living things. When doing fortune telling, she protects, like the mother of her child, all actions and plans. Among the Slavs it was used as a talisman for pregnant women and mothers who had just given birth. The rune of fertility brought good luck to farmers.

Rune "Oud". A symbol of feminine and masculine energy, fiery passion, speed. When fortune telling - renewal in everything. It was used in magic to attract the other half, as well as in the treatment of infertility.

Rune "Lelya". A sign of softness and warmth. Youth, purity, beauty and spring. The beginning of a new life for the young and complete harmony with nature. A talisman against the evil eye of a newly created family.

Rune "Rock". Inevitability, prepared by higher powers, fate. What needs to happen will happen. When doing fortune telling, he advises you to accept the situation and come to terms with it, since there is no and will not be a chance to change it.

Rune "Support". A symbol of protection and support under your feet. It means that in difficult situations God will not abandon a person. A talisman for people holding high leadership positions.

Rune "Dazhdbog". Kindness and care in all forms, the end of all trials. For men - making a profit, for women - a long-awaited pregnancy. Used as a talisman and talisman to preserve family and home, or to prosper an enterprise.

Rune "Perun". The most strong rune with powerful energy that is impossible to resist. If during fortune-telling it happens to a client, it is useless to compete with him. Talisman of military and rescuers.

Rune "Is". A sign of lightness, smiling, nature and creativity. Patronizes writers, artists, actors.

Rune "Source". Sign of ice, lack of movement. When doing fortune telling, there is complete stagnation in life, a stop in business, and there may be a crisis. Calls for rest to simply wait out a difficult period.

Slavic runes and their meaning and use in ancient times:

  • used to influence life and destiny as amulets and protective amulets;
  • requests for help from higher powers;
  • career advancement;
  • removing obstacles;
  • improving communication with others.

  • To protect against evil, runes were embroidered on clothes and applied to dishes and household items.

    – meaning, description and their interpretation – can bring great benefit in different life situations. But when choosing a particular sign, you need to concentrate and feel its warmth inside yourself. If it works, the rune will work.

    Runes are common throughout Europe. For ancient people, they were symbols of support, protection and prosperity. The word “rune” means “secret”. Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to them. The ancient pagans also had their own runic writing - Slavs It is believed that Slavic runes have not lost their magical properties even today.


    The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

    Historians still cannot determine the time of the appearance of the runic writing of our ancestors; they agree on only one thing: the existence of ancient Slavic runes is as ancient as the Celtic ones. They rely on descriptions of the Arab writer Ibn El Nedim, who found signs of pre-Cyrillic writing on the gravestones of our ancestors. Later, archaeologists discovered household utensils with similar symbols.

    A clay pot with an inscription of 12 words was found near the village of Voyskovoe (Dnieper). 6 of the symbols were similar to Scandinavian runes, which is evidence of the intersection of representatives of these cultures. Similar symbols were found on cult objects of the destroyed temple of Radegast.

    Description and Application

    The rune was a small tablet with inscriptions of symbols that have sacred meaning. To write down and preserve runes, the ancient Slavs used the so-called “slokas” - 9 rows with 16 symbols. 16 such shlokas formed the Santhias. Pictures with shlokas were applied to precious metals (gold and silver) with 4 shlokas on each side. It was believed that precious metals enhanced writing, information and energy load of runes.

    Also used for their manufacture:

    • tree;
    • leather;
    • bone;
    • paper;
    • stone;
    • textile;
    • clay.

    Slavic runes made in metal Slavic runes carved on wood

    Only 18 images representing the signs of the gods have survived to our time from the Slavic runic alphabet. However, scientists assure that there were much more of them.

    Historians agree that runes served people not only as signs of writing, but they were also credited with magical properties. The Slavs believed in witchcraft as a way of communicating with the gods. Pagan runic signs were called upon to help decipher their messages.

    They were applied to:

    • statues;
    • bodies;
    • household utensils;
    • livestock

    Even having lost the need for runic writing, Slavic symbols were not completely supplanted. They began to have an exclusively magical meaning.

    They were used:

    • in fortune telling;
    • as talismans;
    • as amulets;
    • as amulets.

    The designation of symbols in Slavic runes is conditional, so the same rune could indicate a complex of interconnected concepts. The runes of the ancient Slavs could be read by everyone, regardless of status, which indicates their importance for our ancestors who professed paganism.

    They believed that with the help of runes it was possible to:

    • adjust fate;
    • get help;
    • improve relationships between people;
    • develop and gain new knowledge;
    • ensure protection of family, health, prosperity and oneself.

    The rune signs of the Slavs and their interpretations had magical meaning. The image of runes was passed down from generation to generation. This made it possible to preserve the most powerful of them to this day. Over several centuries, their interpretation has not changed, and they still represent the basic needs of people for protection and prosperity.


    The Slavic rune “Peace” is one of the strongest positive runes. In the alphabet it symbolizes the letter "M".

    Its interpretation is the concepts:

    • Belobog;
    • Tree of the World;
    • inner self

    The rune symbolizes:

    • a man with his hands raised up;
    • the basis of the universe;
    • calls to act according to the laws of society.

    Using the rune they ask:

    • help;
    • answer;
    • protection;
    • understanding the situation;
    • peace;
    • benefits.

    Under its influence, a person will act from the position of Good and Benefit for all humanity, the race. It will force you to rethink the existing picture of the world. With the help of a rune, you cannot turn a situation to your advantage if it infringes on someone. The rune means the world Family Tree, its basis.


    The rune "Chernobog" symbolizes the letters "C" and "C".

    She personifies the symbols:

    • Chernobog;
    • inverted World Tree;
    • shadow.

    This rune was created in contrast to the “Peace” rune and is associated with evil and death.

    The rune of death helps:

    • destroy the old;
    • part with old relationships, memories;
    • complete something.

    You should not symbolize the “Chernobog” rune with absolute evil and be afraid of it. It is necessary in a number of cases and can be useful. For example, the death of something outdated and unnecessary will make room for something new. Sometimes even causing harm is necessary for good purposes (operation).


    In the Slavic alphabet, the rune “Alatyr” represents the letter “A”.

    Its main characteristics:

    • holy grail;
    • greatness;
    • start.

    Alatyr is everywhere and nowhere - it is the “beginning-beginning” point, energy in its purest form.

    This rune helps to find:

    • strength;
    • knowledge;
    • possibilities;
    • stability;
    • open roads, prospects;
    • recover, heal.

    Alatyr has no negative or positive connotation. Belobog and Chernobog, order and chaos, are fighting for him. The ancient Slavs believed that Alatyr is the beginning of all roads and all rivers. Its symbolic image is a stone.

    You can learn more about the Alatyr rune from the video by Muslim Allamov.


    In the ancient alphabet, the rune was responsible for the letter “P”.

    Its main meaning:

    • victory;
    • success;
    • road;
    • joy;
    • result.

    The rainbow does not recognize barriers, it is the shortest path, a heavenly bridge.

    Drawing with the Rainbow rune helps:

    • while traveling;
    • fulfill what you want (including with the help of magic);
    • in establishing contact;
    • conducting negotiations.

    The road is a movement, but there is a first step and a result. A rainbow helps you achieve your goal faster. It leads to Alatyr, and what this path will be is determined by the confrontation between Belobog and Chernobog.


    The rune “Need” is a symbol of the letter “N”.

    It can describe concepts such as:

    • fate;
    • Nav;
    • inevitability.

    In a positive sense, the rune represents “hellfire” for those who are guilty, and in a negative sense, pressure and coercion to do something, captivity.


    The Slavic rune “Krada” symbolizes the letters “G” and “K”.

    She is associated with:

    • fire;
    • true;
    • incarnation;
    • action.

    Fire in Slavic culture was lit for the gods, just like the “Krada” rune helped:

    • get advice from higher powers;
    • get help in complex matters;
    • get rid of everything unnecessary;
    • clear the path;
    • reach the goal.

    Fire does not tolerate lies, so if you resort to the help of this rune, you cannot lie to yourself or to people.


    The letter "T" in the Slavic alphabet was designated by the rune "Treba".

    This rune patronized:

    • warriors;
    • wanderers;
    • strong-willed people.

    It also meant sacrifice to the gods.

    The rune will help:

    • establish rules and requirements;
    • follow the rules;
    • win in struggle, rivalry;
    • overcome your weaknesses;
    • overcome difficulties.

    Regarding sacrifice, the rune implies sacrificing something to achieve a goal. However, the sacrifice is not something abstractly distant, but oneself on the path to knowledge and power.


    The letter “C” in the alphabet of the ancient Slavs was designated by the rune “Strength”.

    It symbolizes:

    • strength;
    • gaining knowledge;
    • gaining integrity.

    They resorted to “Strength” for:

    • strengthening any action;
    • concentration;
    • calling and ability to accept the flow of divine forces;
    • following the intended goal without the shackles of consciousness;
    • directions along the shortest path to victory.


    Our ancestors used the rune “Wind” to denote the letter “B”.

    She was associated with:

    • Veles;
    • by the wind;
    • by force;
    • knowledge.

    The Slavs believed that “Wind” would help:

    • destroy the old;
    • finish something;
    • dispel energy;
    • clear your mind.

    His strength is speed. You need to learn to control the wind, and by riding it you need to gain strength. It must be used carefully, setting the motion vector.

    The rune helps to reveal:

    • inner self;
    • improve oneself;
    • develop.

    In magic, it symbolizes the power of air, body and spirit.


    “Bereginya” is one of the strongest protective runes of the Slavs. It symbolizes the letter "B".

    The rune patronizes:

    • mother Makosh;
    • earth;
    • fate;
    • new beginnings.

    Protective runes were especially valued by our ancestors. Bereginya is the feminine principle, the birth of the new.

    The rune helps:

    • attract wealth and good luck;
    • strengthen the family;
    • protect yourself and your family from troubles;
    • call for justice.

    For women, the rune has additional meaning, because it enhances:

    • female beauty;
    • force;,
    • attraction;
    • wisdom;
    • endows with cunning.

    Personifying the maternal principle, she patronizes the earth and family.

    However, Mokosha also has a second hypostasis; over time, she takes life, as easily as she gave it at the beginning of the journey. Therefore, the “Bereginya” rune is dual. Inverted, it speaks of death.

    “Bereginya” is the rune of fate and earth.


    The rune of fire, love, passion and youth “Ud” in the Slavic alphabet denoted the letter “U”. Associated with the god Yar and the luminary (Yarilo).

    Oud was used for:

    • giving femininity to women, masculinity to men;
    • the appearance of the fire of passion;
    • strengthening love;
    • joy.

    "Oud" was associated with spring and awakening, beauty and youth.


    “Lelya” is the Slavic rune of water, attraction, love. It was used to represent the letter “L”.

    They preferred to put the rune on amulets to awaken:

    • Love;
    • intuition;
    • joy;
    • family protection.

    The daughter of her mother, Lelya was revered for:

    • beauty;
    • youth;
    • truth;
    • intuition;
    • the strength and power of water, capable of breaking through walls with a drop.


    The Slavs were not alien to the concept of fate and predestination. They designated it with the “Rock” rune. In the alphabet, the rune had the meaning of the letter “X”. Unknown and hidden, but inevitable - this is how the Slavs interpreted this symbol.

    If it fell out in fortune telling, it was interpreted as a transition from one state to another. Also, this rune is a symbol of the fact that higher powers come into play, and the outcome of the situation is unpredictable. “What will happen will not be avoided,” this is how our ancestors perceived it.


    The letter “O” in Slavic writing is represented by the “Support” rune.

    It denoted such concepts as:

    • Kolovrat;
    • homeland;
    • pillar;
    • support.

    The gods were considered the support of the world, its axis, so this rune was indispensable when the world needed support.

    In the magic of “Support” it is:

    • help and protection of the gods;
    • key goal;
    • strength of spirit and intentions.


    The Slavic rune “Dazhdbog” was associated with:

    • fertility;
    • good;
    • wealth;
    • wealth.

    It stood for the letter "D".

    Dazhdbog is a wise grandfather. Who protects his family and can reward and punish him for the benefit of the cause. He loves goodness and strives to increase it.

    The rune helps:

    • achieve consistency and confidence in the future;
    • attract good luck and prosperity;
    • increase your earnings;
    • achieve a positive result;
    • make new connections, friends, acquaintances.

    However, you shouldn’t expect good things to come out of nowhere. Dazhdbog patronizes everyday work.


    The rune "Perun" was responsible for justice. In the alphabet it was designated as the letter “P”.

    “Perun” is the god of justice, and absolute justice. If someone is wrong, he must be defeated, even to death. He personified judgment in its purest form. Firm and tough, people turned to him only when they were absolutely sure that they were right.

    This rune is the talisman of a warrior who defended his homeland. He only needed justice and victory. There were no half measures for this deity.


    The rune “Is” is a symbol of life and movement, it stands for the natural course of events and things. In the alphabet it represented the letter “E”.

    The rune was used in cases when:

    • energy was needed for life;
    • asked for recovery;
    • asked for abundance and prosperity.

    In plans for the future, she talked about:

    • recording what has been achieved;
    • improving the situation;
    • prosperity;
    • improving health.


    The letter “I” in the Slavic runic alphabet was represented by the “Istok” rune.

    She talked about:

    • beginning;
    • ice;
    • immobility;
    • root;
    • starting point.

    Istok helped the Slavs:

    • achieve balance;
    • neutralize something;
    • start some business.

    The rune has neither positive nor negative meaning; in fortune telling, it speaks of the need to neutralize positions, to freeze. This is necessary so that the mind becomes clearer and the goal is more clearly defined.

    Runic combinations

    Deciphering Slavic runes will allow you to create unique combinations suitable for specific cases and purposes. This occurs due to the fact that the energy of not one deity, but several, is attracted. The magic of symbols will help you unlock your potential. However, you should not resort to runes without knowing their meaning. Ancient power can punish its misuse.

    To use such combinations, you must follow the rules:

    1. Keep the secret. The fewer people who know about your problems, the better.
    2. Maintain trusting relationships. Contact higher powers need to trust them.
    3. Be ready to act. Runes are able to direct energy, you will have to act independently.
    4. Know how to wait. Everything has its time.

    Using one combination to get what you want, it is better not to change it until the result is achieved. By changing symbols, it changes general meaning and message. All previously done work will be cancelled.

    Combinations for different occasions
    For love(There is-Ud-Sila)This combination will help you find and unite your life with a devoted and reliable companion. In this combination, the symbol “Is”, read as female beauty, will help reveal femininity and strength, and will inform men that a woman is ready for a partner to appear in her life. "Oud" is described as a symbol masculinity. This is a very strong rune that can attract a man into your life. “Strength” will help make the “grinding in” process softer and smooth out the corners. This is a powerful sign that can connect two people.
    For family happiness(Need–Lelya–Alatyr)This combination of runes will help avoid minor quarrels and disagreements in the family. "Need" speaks of necessity family relations. She will tell you whether this relationship is worth saving or is it time to separate. “Lelya” will help you have a child and heal a woman from infertility. “Alatyr” will reveal reality to its bearer.
    For wealth(Dazhdbog-Strength-Support-Lelya)“Dazhdbog” is a symbol of wealth and money. “Strength” is victory, the rune helps to overcome all difficulties and gives strength. “Support” is a sign of constancy, and “Lelya” is a sign of joy and satisfaction.

    Photo gallery

    Below is a photo of Slavic runes.

    Alatyr Bereginya Chernobog

    Below is the meaning, description, and interpretation of Slavic runes.


    Key words: Belbog; inner self; Tree of the World

    The Mir rune is a symbol of Belobog, one of the most complex images in Slavic mythology. In the German Futhark, this rune is called Madr or Mannaz - Man. Also in the Germanic Futhark, this rune means life. In the older Futhark, this rune has a different meaning (Algiz), although in some ways these runes are similar in spirit.

    The very form of the Belbog rune is the image of the Tree of the World and the image of a man standing with his hands raised to the Sky.

    The Belbog rune symbolizes the inner, divine in nature, human Self; that part of it that stores enduring Knowledge and enduring Life; that which belongs to Heaven.

    Also, what is the second meaning of the word "peace" in Slavic languages- community, society, Rod.

    In a magical sense, the World rune represents protection and patronage of the light gods.

    In the German runic series, the content of the Belbog rune is partly conveyed by the Mannaz and Algiz runes; and the very image of the Slavic White God is a direct parallel to the image of the Scandinavian god Heimdall, whom ancient texts call the White Ace. Like Belbog, Heimdall is a Guardian of Order, whose duty is to guard the boundaries of the gods from the invasions of the Forces of Chaos.


    Key words: Shadow; Hassle; Inverted World Tree

    Rune of Chernobog - a deity who forms a dual pair with Belbog. If the World rune represents the forces striving for the World to be whole, then the Chernobog rune connects us with the forces leading the World to destruction. It would be absurd to consider Belbog as “good” and Chernobog as “evil”.

    The image of Chernobog represents the Jester God and the Clown God, eternally fighting with the Guardian of Order and eternally violating the boundaries determined by the gods of Order. In relation to a person, the Chernobog rune represents the Shadow. Jung very well described the essence of this god: the archetype of the unconscious, which always stands behind our left shoulder and, laughing, leads us to liberation from masks and illusions: “I am the one who always wants evil and always does good” (Goethe)...

    The magical content of the rune: destruction of old connections, breakthrough of the magic circle, exit from any closed system.

    In the German runic series, the Chernobog rune finds a partial counterpart in the Perth and Hagalaz runes. The Germanic name of Chernobog is Loki. In the Germanic rune, this rune means death.


    Key words: Basics, beginnings; Greatness; World Mountain;

    Rune Alatyr - rune of the beginning of the Universe; the rune of the beginning and end of everything. This is what the struggle of Belbog and Chernobog revolves around, the cycle of struggle between the forces of Order and Chaos; this is the law of Balance and returning to normal; this is the stone that lies at the foundation of the World. The eternal circulation of events and their motionless center...

    Alatyr, “the father of all stones”, “the navel of the earth” in the Slavic Tradition, stands on Buyan Island. The sources of all rivers and the beginnings of all roads are hidden under Alatyr. Alatyr serves as an altar and throne to the supreme gods, and therefore any throne and any altar in the Middle World is only a reflection of the Alatyr-stone.

    The magical altar - the stone on which the sacrifice is made - is a reflection of the World Mountain, or the Alatyr stone. This is the sacred image that is contained in this rune.


    Key words: Road; Joy

    As in the Scandinavian Futhark, this is the rune of the Road. This is an endless Path leading to Alatyr; a path determined by the unity and struggle of the forces of Belbog and Chernobog, Fire and Water.

    The road in Tradition is more than just movement in space and time. The road is special condition, equally different from vanity and peace; this is a state of movement between Order and Chaos, a state of transition. This Road has neither beginning nor end, but there is a source and there is a result... The ancient formula “do what you must, and come what may” could serve as the “motto” of this rune.

    The magical meaning of the rune: stabilization of movement, assistance in travel, favorable outcome difficult situations.

    In the German runic ranks, this rune fully corresponds to the Ride rune, the name of which also means “Road”, “Journey”.


    Key words: Inevitability; Fate.

    Rune of Veles in the image of Viy (Niya) - the god of Navi, the Lower World. This is the rune of fate, which cannot be avoided; rune of darkness, death, all-burning underground fire. Rune of constraint, constraint and coercion.

    As with everything related to runes, what was said above about the rune of Need can be correlated with any levels of reality. This is a magical prohibition on performing (completion) of this or that action, and constraint in the material plane, and those bonds that fetter a person’s consciousness, closing the true, divine reality of the World from him.

    Veles as Viy, the Terrible God, whose gaze burns all living things, is Chernobog, standing across the Road with the darkness of ignorance and emptiness. The fire of Viy, which does not give light, the fire that binds in chains - this is the sacred content of this rune. But let’s not forget that the power of Chernobog is necessary for the Kolovrat of the Road to unfold; then the chains of the dark flame of Viy will appear before us not as an obstacle on the Road, but as a test that promises Initiation...

    In the Germanic runic series, this rune corresponds to the Naud rune, whose name also means “Need.”


    Key words: Fire; Verb; Embodiment; Is it true

    The Slavic word "krada" means sacrificial fire. The Krada rune is a rune of fire, akin to the Germanic runes Gebo and Kano, for fire is a gift of the gods and a force that embodies the divine in the Middle World. This is the rune of aspiration and the embodiment of aspirations, and therefore the rune of speech, since in the Nordic Tradition, speech and the verb have always been associated with the embodiment of intention. But the embodiment of any plan is always the revelation of this plan to the World, and therefore the rune of Krad is also the rune of disclosure, the rune of the loss of the external, superficial - that which burns in the fire of sacrifice.

    The magical content of the Krada rune is purification; releasing intention; embodiment and implementation.


    Key words: Firmness of Spirit; Warrior; Sacrifice

    Like the similar Germanic rune Teyvaz, the Slavic rune Treba is the rune of the Warrior of the Spirit - a wanderer on the Road to Alatyr.

    Scandinavian legends tell about such an act of Tyr, the god to whom this rune is dedicated in the Germanic system. One day the gods managed to catch Fenrir, the World Wolf - the cause of the coming Ragnarok, the End of the World. In order to restrain the destructive power of the Wolf, it was necessary to put specially made strong fetters on him. But this could only be done by cunning, and then the gods promised the Wolf that they would only test the fetters and then remove them, and Tyr, as a pledge of this, put his hand in the Wolf’s mouth. And when the Wolf was chained, he bit off Tyr's hand - but victory over Chaos was achieved.

    Sacrifice, without which it is impossible to embody the intention on the Road, is the sacred content of the Treba rune. But sacrifice in the inner Tradition is not a simple gift to the gods; the idea of ​​sacrifice implies sacrificing oneself. And the Warrior of the Spirit is the one who, on the Road to Alatyr, defeats the dark shackles of consciousness with the bright fire of sacrifice and, freeing himself from them, accepts Dedication and Power.


    Key words: Strength; Knowledge; Integrity

    Strength is the asset of a Warrior. Strength in the Nordic Tradition is not only the ability to change the World and oneself in it, but also the ability to follow the Road, freedom from the shackles of consciousness. And, since only the garbage of consciousness fragments both the World and consciousness itself in human perception, the rune of Power is at the same time the rune of unity, integrity, the achievement of which is one of the results of movement along the Road. And this is also the rune of Victory, for the Warrior of the Spirit gains Power only by defeating himself, only by being able to break the shackles of consciousness, only by sacrificing his outer self for the sake of freeing his inner self, his true divine Self.

    The magical meaning of this rune is directly related to its definitions as the rune of victory, the rune of power and the rune of integrity. The Rune of Strength can direct a person or situation towards Victory and gaining integrity, it can help clarify an unclear situation and push towards the right decision.

    In the German runic ranks, the rune of Strength corresponds to the rune Zig (Soul) of the Elder Futhark.


    Key words: Vertex; To know; Wind-Force; Veles

    The Wind Rune belongs to the Slavic god of magic and wisdom, wealth and Strength - Veles. This is the rune of the Spirit; rune of Knowledge and ascent to the top; the rune of will and inspiration, equally magical and poetic. Graphically, the Wind rune resembles the double rune of the Warrior of the Spirit - this is no coincidence: just as the Treba rune represents the archetype of the Warrior of the Path, a wanderer on the Road to Alatyr, so the Wind rune represents the archetype of the Divine Magician - the direction and result of the Warrior’s work on himself...

    In the sacred Tradition, Wind is a stable image of the spiritualized magical Power associated with the element of air. In our developments, this is the inner circle of magic - that circle of inner knowledge and inner Power in which the inner Alatyr of man, his divine Self, is hidden. However, is there any difference at all between the Alatyr of man and the Alatyr of the World?..

    So, at the level of magic, the Wind rune symbolizes the Wind-Force and the inner magic circle; at the emotional level - inspiration, creative rage (Scand. odr, where the Scandinavian name Veles - One) comes from; at the event level - the divine Game, all those endlessly interconnected, but seemingly random, events reflecting the eternal dance of Shiva-Veles...


    Key words: Birch; Fate; Mother; Earth; Makosh

    Bereginya in the Slavic Tradition is a female mythological image associated with protection and motherhood; in archaic antiquity, Makosh, the Mother Goddess, acted under the name Beregini. Therefore, the Beregini rune is the rune of the Mother Goddess, who is in charge of both earthly fertility and the destinies of all living things. According to traditional beliefs, the Mother Goddess gives life to souls who come to incarnate on Earth, and she takes life away when the time comes. And with equal correctness one can call the Beregini rune the rune of Life and the rune of Death, for both the Heavenly Mother (scand. Frigga), who spins the threads of destinies, and the Underground Mother (scand. Hel), the ruling kingdom of the dead, are the essence of the hypostasis of one and the same Goddess.

    This same rune is the rune of Fate, as it is understood in the Nordic Tradition. And also a rune of wealth and good, since the goddess Makosh is the wife (read: female hypostasis) of the god Veles. And just like the rune of the Wind, the rune of Beregini is a rune of power - but this is a completely different force: the heavy and powerful force of the Earth, with whose element the very image of the Great Goddess is associated... If - turning to the eastern traditions - the Power of the Wind is associated with the upper energy centers of man, then Beregini’s power is with the lower ones...

    Only partly the meaning of the Beregini rune is conveyed by the German Berkana rune.


    Key words: Yar; Love; Youth; Fire; Yarovit

    The Slavic word "ud", which generally means "limb, member", in a sacred context acquires the specific meaning of phallus. In all branches of the Indo-European Tradition, without exception, the symbol of the male member, lingam, is associated with the fertile creative force that transforms Chaos. This the fiery force was called Eros by the Greeks, and Yar by the Slavs (these words have the same root).

    The Oud rune is dedicated to the Nordic god, who was revered as the son of Veles by the Slavs or the son of Odin by the Scandinavians. His Slavic name- Yarovit (Yarilo), and Scandinavian - Balder. The Oud rune embodies his power - Yar, what makes men masculine and women feminine. This is not only the fiery power of love, but also a passion for life in general, a force that unites opposites, fertilizes the emptiness of Chaos...

    In the German runic series, the Ud rune corresponds to the Uruz and, partly, Inguz runes.


    Key words: Love; Water; Attraction; Lelya

    The goddess of this rune, Lelya, was revered by the Slavs as the daughter of the Great Mother. Her name is associated with a very wide range of ancient roots, such as lalya ("child, girl"), cherish, and so on, right up to the Sanskrit lila - "game". Both the young goddess Lelya herself, Yarovit’s sister, and her rune are associated with the element of water, and more specifically, living, flowing water flowing in springs and streams.

    In the Nordic Tradition, this is the goddess of Strength who leads, just as a stream of water leads. Under different names we meet her in European fairy tales about the sea (river) Virgin, in the tales of King Arthur, where she acts as the Guardian Virgin of the Holy Grail and the Road to it, in Slavic and many other ritual myths.

    In magic, the Lely rune is the rune of intuition, knowledge-beyond-mind, the Power that leads in the journey-search, as well as spring awakening and fertility, flowering and joy.

    In the Germanic runic series, this rune corresponds to the Laguz rune and, partly, Vunyo.


    Key words: Spirit; Unmanifest; Unknowable; Rock

    This is the rune of the transcendental unmanifested Spirit, which is the beginning and end of everything. The Slavs called it Rock, the ancient Scandinavians - Tsrlög, the ancient Anglo-Saxons - Wyrd.

    There is no point in talking about it - there is only sense in feeling it. The Nordic Wyrd, or Rock, is similar to the eastern Tao. Even God cannot avoid what is predetermined by fate - these are the words of Herodotus. There is nothing outside of Rock. Rock, Wyrd, Orlyog are not a deity, not a law, not even a predestination, it’s simply All-That-Is...

    During fortune telling, the fallen rune of Doom will indicate that higher, unknowable forces are at work, and the development of the situation is unpredictable. In magic, the Doom rune can be used to dedicate an object or situation to the Unknowable.

    Of the Elder Futhark runes, only part of the meaning of the Doom rune is conveyed by the Perth, Evaz and Hagalaz runes. In a certain sense, the Northumbrian runes Ear, Kveort and Gar are close in meaning. However, we repeat, there is no one-to-one correspondence here.


    Key words: Gods; Homeland; Pillar; Kol and Kolo

    This is the rune of the foundations of the Universe; rune of the gods. It is the supports, the pillars of the World, that the gods are revered in Tradition; in the ancient northern languages, these two words - god and pillar - sounded the same: ass/ans. The host of gods are both the center and the periphery of the World, therefore, in Russian, both the Axis, symbolizing the World Tree, and the Circle, which embraces it, are meant by almost the same word: Kol and Kolo. A support, a pillar, is also a shaman’s pole, or a tree along which the shaman travels to heaven; and this pole is also the gods, since it is from them that the shaman draws strength for his journey. And the circle surrounding it is the circle in which the existence of people who worship their gods takes place; This is the Motherland, the heritage of our ancestors.

    In fortune telling, the Rune of Support can mean the support of gods and gods, finding a solid foundation, strength of spirit and strength of position.

    In the Elder Futhark, certain aspects of the meaning of the Support rune are partially conveyed by the Odal and Ansuz runes.


    Key words: Good; Gift; Fertility

    The rune of the bright Dazhdbog, symbolizing good in every sense of the word: from material wealth to the joy that accompanies true love. The most important attribute of this god, whom the Scandinavians worshiped under the name Freyr, and the Celts under the name Dagda, is a cornucopia or, in a more ancient form, a cauldron of inexhaustible goods. The flow of gifts flowing from this sacred cauldron like an inexhaustible river is represented by the Dazhdbog rune.

    In fortune telling, the rune means gifts of the gods, the acquisition, receipt or addition of something, the emergence of new connections or new good acquaintances; well-being in general. Also, the appearance of this rune can mark the successful completion of any undertaking or process.

    The Dazhdbog rune is closest to the Elder runes Fe and Yer; in addition, some aspects of its meaning correspond to the runes Inguz, Gebo and Dagaz.


    Key words: Coating; Power

    Rune of Perun - the Nordic god of thunder, protecting the worlds of gods and people and preserving Truth and Order from the onset of the forces of Chaos. Symbolizes strength, power, masculine straightforwardness and vitality.

    When doing fortune telling, the rune can mean the appearance of powerful, but heavy, forces that can move the situation from a dead point or give it additional energy for development. It also symbolizes personal power, but in some negative situations - power not burdened by wisdom. But this is also the direct protection given by the gods from the forces of Chaos, from the destructive effects of mental, material or any other destructive forces.

    In the Elder Futhark, the Thurisaz rune comes closest to the meaning of the Perun rune, although there is no complete correspondence between them.


    Key words: Nature; Life; Movement

    The Rune of Life, or Alive, mobility and natural variability of existence, for immobility is dead. This rune represents those divine forces that make grass grow, the juices of the earth flow through tree trunks, and blood run faster in spring in human veins. This is the rune of light and bright vitality and the natural desire for movement for all living things.

    In fortune telling, the appearance of the rune Is symbolizes renewal, movement, growth, Life itself.

    In the Elder Futhark, this rune corresponds to the runes Evaz and Berkana.


    Key words: Ice; Non-movement; First Principle

    For a correct understanding of this rune, it should be remembered that in the Nordic Tradition, ice is one of the creative primordial elements, symbolizing power-at-rest, potentiality, movement in stillness. According to some versions of northern legends, the World arose from a single hailstone - an ice grain.

    When divining, the rune of Source, the rune of ice means stagnation, a crisis in business or in the development of a situation. However, it should be remembered that the state of frozenness, non-movement, contains the potential power of movement and development (signified by the rune Is) - just as movement contains potential stagnation and freezing...

    In the Scandinavian runic series, the Source rune corresponds to the Elder Rune Isa and, in part, to the Younger Rune Hagal.

    Slavic runes and amulets with them - one way or another during your life you have heard these words and, perhaps, at least once thought about protecting yourself with the help of the magic of our ancestors. From a bad look, from the evil eye, from the slander of unkind people, from bad events in life and all those incidents that no sane person wishes for himself. How to do this using runes?

    In the article:

    Amulets with runes from the ancient Slavs

    It should be remembered that magic is science, which has its own cause-and-effect relationships and laws of operation. She does not allow liberties or careless treatment of herself. Every magical ritual is based on hundred and thousand years of history of your land. Every ritual, every practice, spell or rune, is older than any centenarians. Thanks to the sacred experience of our ancestors, we can understand the world better, realize the secret meaning of our actions, and understand why this ritual is performed in such a way. People seeking to master magic should remember: without knowledge of the historical and mythological roots of the practice, it does not gain power.

    As we know, from ancient times to the present day, people have used pictographic symbols, endowing them with special meaning and power. IN different countries, in different eras, magicians, shamans, priests, sorcerers, masters of occult sciences and even priests used symbols in order to protect themselves from evil spells, attract good luck, and protect the mind from the influence of others. Even the Christian cross is nothing more than a symbol that has enormous power thanks to the faith of billions of people around the world.

    Our Slavic ancestors were also not far from such practices. Even before the appearance of Cyril and Methodius, the Slavs had their own written alphabet, which they used everywhere. They embroidered protective symbols and signs of their kind on clothes, wore amulets made of wood, bone, semi-precious stones and metals, minted things with runes and extruded special signs on the clay sides of household utensils. Even the doors of houses were covered with runes to prevent entry evil spirits in the home.

    The sacred idols had runes on them that signified the names and powers of these gods. Each person dedicated himself to some god, placed himself under their high protection. Warriors from the princely squad and the prince himself prayed to the thunderer Perun, traders and merchants, people whose activities were connected with money - Veles, women and girls considered Makosh, the patroness of the hearth and giver of fate, and Lada, the goddess of maiden beauty, their intercessors.

    Runes have much more meanings than written characters, since the history of the runic alphabet goes back to the Bronze Age. With the help of these symbols, our ancestors called upon the natural elements: rain on fields sweltering from the heat, dryness on the ground flooded with water. These are powerful conductors of energy that must be used extremely carefully so as not to harm yourself. So what do you need to know about these signs so as not to get burned and harm yourself?

    The meaning of Slavic runes

    First of all, it should be remembered that each rune has its own opposite pair. Positive and creative rune "Peace (Belobog)" corresponds to the destructive rune "Chernobog", rune "Bereginya" opposite sign "Oud". Their opposite does not mean that they cannot be in the same runic formula, but it speaks of the complexity of their joint use. A beginner in magic who wants to make his own amulet or amulet should not take on complex symbols.

    Slavic runes

    The first rune of the Slavic alphabet is Mir or Belobog. It has enormous power, as it means the World Tree and the progenitor of all Slavic gods. The one who wears it entrusts himself to the protection of Belobog, takes responsibility for his actions and even thoughts. One bad deed can destroy all the protective energy of the rune and turn it against the owner.

    Chernobog is the rune of destruction of the old, the rune of change. It is suitable only for those people who want to finally get rid of the past and are not afraid of losing it. If used incorrectly, it can destroy a person’s life and even lead to physical death.

    Alatyr is the center of the world, the harmony of good and evil, chaos and order. Symbolizes stability. This is a sign of people who do not strive for exploits and conquer new heights, but are ready to do their best to preserve what they have.

    Rainbow is the rune of the path to Alatyr, a sign for people who strive to achieve stability in their lives and know their goal. In the same formula with the rune, Alatyr takes on the meaning “path and goal.” To create and wear it, you need to clearly understand what you want.

    Need is a limitation, constraint, bonds, the imposition of an insurmountable prohibition. It limits your strength and does not allow you to move on. The symbol is even cruel, since it is used to shackle a person and not allow him to open up completely.

    Her anti-symbol is Krada, a sign of energy and accomplishing even what seems impossible. This rune is perfect for a person aimed at accomplishing great things. The one who wears it gains enormous powers.

    Demand - it gives a person what he wants, but takes something of equal value in return. Without giving, you cannot take, because it is a symbol of sacrifice. A rune that is difficult to use and not suitable for everyone.

    Strength is power and authority, inflexibility in achieving one’s goal. A symbol of real warriors, winners. It is very difficult to cast and wear, since it obliges a lot and not every person can wear it.

    Yes - a sign of nature, unity with the world, exchange of forces. Literally intended for those in need of restoration of vital energy. Also suitable for those in need of elemental protection.

    Wind is a symbol of creative people, meaning unbridled impulse, inspiration, light as feathers. It does not allow you to slide into the abyss of stagnation and lose heart. Frees thoughts and awakens flights of fantasy.

    Bereginya is an exclusively female, maternal rune. This is feminine energy, the beginning of life, a talisman for all women, from teenage girls to elderly ladies. In women it awakens sensuality and sexual energy.

    Oud is a male rune dedicated to the fiery Yarilo, the god of fertility. It prevents male energy from weakening and protects against destruction. Also gives health.

    Lelya is a rune associated with flowing water, spring, joy. Strengthens intuitive abilities, attracts good luck. Especially suitable for young girls.

    Support is help, support, protection. This rune allows you to stand stronger on your feet and gain self-confidence. It is the strongest amulet that protects against want, loss of spirit and weakness.

    Slavic god of joy and abundance. Attracts good luck in all areas of life, helps its owner in any endeavor. Its main tasks are to attract money, preserve family well-being, and protect the health of family members.

    Perun is a symbol of beginning. The power of the Perun rune will help move a completely hopeless matter to a dead end. Attracts changes, new, reliable people, changes the person himself.

    Source is the rune of ending or stagnation. Slows down the circulation of energy, leads to calm. With the help of this sign they organize their thoughts, gain sobriety of mind and clarity of vision. They also become more balanced in character.

    Co the meaning of Slavic runes in fortune telling, you can find out in a separate article on our website.

    How to choose Slavic runes

    According to experienced practicing magicians, Slavic amulets runes are more effective on our land than Scandinavian ones. This is probably due to the fact that we have a common energy field, historical roots and spiritual energy. It is much easier for Slavic people to interpret the Slavic runic layout than the Scandinavian one. Undoubtedly, with proper practice, you can learn to understand the meaning of any runes. However, everyone decides for himself where his heart lies more - to his family, our original symbols, or to strangers who came to us from across the sea.

    More advanced people, no longer beginners, but also not experienced magicians, combine meditation and runes. They make up their own runic formula that makes sense prayers and appeals, and use it to enhance the energy call. The combination of meditation, which is used in the east to cleanse the mind, and runic symbols gives a wonderful effect, allowing you to achieve impressive results.

    In order for runes to serve you for a long time, magicians advise choosing strong and durable materials: wood, stone, metal. Wood is the easiest to process, so most runes are made from it. The selected board of a certain type that you like is cut into small pieces, best of all oval shape, processed and applied runes. After which, each rune must be varnished to better preserve it. Metal and stone are much more difficult to process, and besides, these materials are difficult to make at home.

    Amulet rune tattoo

    It is believed that stone runes are more powerful than metal runes, and metal runes are stronger than wooden runes. This can probably be explained by the antiseptic effect of silver and the durability of the stone. You can order a set of runes to be made in a workshop, but it is best to apply the symbols with your own hand - this way they become compatible with your energy even before initial stages of its creation.