
Atoris or tulip which is better? Atoris or Rosuvastatin: which is better for high cholesterol? Vasilip or Atoris which is better

Statins are prescribed in blood plasma. These include Atoris - analogues of the drug are required in case of intolerance to this medication or if, for some reason, it is not possible to purchase it. It is worth noting that many generics are much cheaper.

Analogues of the drug Atoris

The presented drug is developed on the basis of atorvastatin calcium, a substance designed to reduce the concentration of lipids in the blood. Atoris also produces an anti-sclerotic effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the viscosity and density of plasma, improves hemodynamics, and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

The following drugs have a similar effect and composition:

  • Torvalip;
  • Tulip;
  • Torvas;
  • Liptonorm;
  • Torvacard;
  • TG-tor;
  • Torvazin;
  • Atorvastatin;
  • Liprimar;
  • Atorvox;
  • Lipoford;
  • Vasator;
  • Lipona;
  • Amvastan;
  • Astin;
  • Atokor;
  • Atorvakor;
  • Atotex;
  • Atorvasterol;
  • Atormac;
  • Lipodemin;
  • Limistin;
  • Lipimax;
  • Vasocline;
  • Livostor;
  • Torvazin;
  • Litorva;
  • Tolevas;
  • etset;
  • Torzax;
  • Actastatin;
  • Abitor;
  • Aztor;
  • Liperosis;
  • Storvas;
  • Escolan;
  • Emstat;
  • Torvadak;
  • Lipitin;
  • Atroc.

What is more effective and works better - Atoris or Torvacard?

Both medications under consideration are based on the same active component, the composition of additional ingredients is also identical. Cardiologists believe that there are no significant differences between the drugs, the only difference is the price - Torvacard costs a little less, even at the maximum concentration (40 mg).

What is better to buy - Atorvastatin or Atoris?

These medications also have the same composition, release form and content of components. Preference is often given to Atorvastatin, as it is better tolerated and causes less side effects. At the same time, the product is significantly more expensive than Atoris, which is explained more high degree purification of tablet ingredients.

Crestor or Atoris - which is better?

The first drug mentioned is based on a different substance – rosuvastatin. It works similarly to Atoris, but involves a lower dosage, since 5 mg of rosuvastatin corresponds to the potency of 10 mg of atorvastatin.

Thus, Crestor is considered a more convenient medicine that can be taken less frequently. At the same time, it costs much more than Atoris, about 2.5 times.

Is Atoris or Liprimar more effective, and which is better to buy?

Comparable medications are produced on the basis of atorvastatin. Among the advantages of Liprimar it is worth noting:

  • more available dosages(10, 20, 40 and 80 mg);
  • high-quality purification of ingredients, which ensures minimal risk of development side effects;
  • good tolerance;
  • high bioavailability and digestibility.

However, Liprimar is rarely prescribed due to its very high price, it is 4.5 times higher than Atoris.

What is better to drink - Atoris or Simvastatin?

The proposed drugs have different active ingredients, and to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, simvastatin requires 20 mg, while atorvastatin requires 10 mg.

There is no particular difference between the drugs, except for their price category. Atoris costs about 4 times more. When choosing between it and Simvastatin, it is important to consider individual characteristics patient, presence and hypersensitivity to the components of the drugs.

Roxera or Atoris - which is better?

The composition of these drugs is also different; Roxera is based on rosuvastatin. As already indicated, this substance is preferable, since it is more effective and does not require frequent use and large dosages. Many doctors often prescribe Roxera because this medication, in addition to being effective, is very affordable; it is 2 times cheaper than Atoris.

And Atoris is a lipid-lowering drug produced in tablet form. The drugs have a similar active ingredient, but are produced by different pharmacological companies. Tablets are prescribed to regulate the concentration of cholesterol in the blood in case of hypercholesterolemia, cardiac or vascular pathologies, and diabetes.

The medicine is produced in tablet form. One pill contains 10, 20, 40 mg of atorvastatin.

Auxiliary composition may vary depending on the manufacturer. Companies producing Atorvastatin are Kanonpharma/Northern Star/Vertex, Russia or Teva, Israel.

One package of thick paper contains 10-40 or 100 tablets. The cost of Atorvastatin is from 161 to 568 rubles.

Indications: complex therapy for hypercholesterolemia, diabetes (type 2), coronary heart disease and other heart and vascular diseases.


  • Lactation
  • Endocrine and metabolic disorders
  • Atorvastatin intolerance
  • Liver diseases
  • Severe infections
  • Extensive injuries
  • Pregnancy
  • Reproductive age
  • Chronic alcoholism
  • Surgical interventions.

Atorvastatin is taken orally against the background of a lipid-lowering diet. The initial dose is 10 mg, the maximum amount per day is 80 mg. The tablets are taken once a day. Treatment lasts at least 30 days.

Adverse reactions develop quite often. After taking Atorvastatin, the activity of the nervous, cardiac, digestive, respiratory, skin, genitourinary, locomotor and immune systems may be disrupted.

The drug is produced in tablet form. The basic component is atorvastatin calcium. One pill contains 10.36 mg, 20.72 mg or 31.08 mg of the base substance.

Regardless of the amount of atorvastatin calcium in tablets (10-40 mg), Atoris has the same auxiliary composition:

  • E 572
  • Povidone – K 25
  • Croscarmellose sodium
  • Milk sugar
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Macrogol 400 and so on.
  • 10 tablets are packed in blisters, placed with annotation in a cardboard box.

Manufacturer of tablets - KRKA, Slovenia and KRKA-RUS, Russia. The cost of the medicine is from 400 rubles.

Atoris is a lipid-lowering drug that inhibits HMG-CoA reductase. The medicine is used to treat elevated levels of harmful cholesterol (LDL) in the body and to prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases.


  • Pregnancy
  • Atorvastatin intolerance
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Lactase intolerance or deficiency
  • Skeletal muscle diseases
  • Minor age
  • Rhabdomnolysis
  • Alcoholism.

Atoris is drunk once a day, regardless of the time of meal. The dosage is 10-80 mg. Medicinal action observed after 14 days from the start of taking the pills.

Possible negative reactions of Atoris are chest discomfort, nasopharyngitis, weakness, thrombocytopenia, allergic manifestations, impaired blood sugar concentration, depression, myalgia, dizziness. Anorexia, asthenia, respiratory and auditory function, atralgia, convulsions, insomnia, headache, pancreatitis, nausea, renal failure.

Which is better, comparison

Deciding which drug is good Atoris or Atorvastatin, and which is better, is difficult. Since both products contain the same base substance. Medicines are produced in the same (tablet) form, have similar indications, adverse reactions, contraindications, method of administration and dosage.

Atorvastatin and Atoris are not considered original means. These are generics of Liprimar. And many doctors are convinced that original drugs are of better quality and more effective than their copies.

There is also an opinion among doctors that medicines produced by foreign pharmacological companies are of higher quality. Based on this, doctors recommend taking Atoris. However, Atorvastatin has a significant advantage - a lower price.

So, answering the question of what is the difference between Atoris and Atorvastatin, doctors and their patients note that these drugs are almost identical. The only difference is that the drugs are manufactured by different companies and have different prices.

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited when breastfeeding

Has restrictions for children

Allowed for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Allowed for kidney problems

Lipid-lowering drugs are designed to lower the lipoprotein index in the body. The properties of these drugs are to suppress the synthesis of cholesterol by liver cells. Lipid-lowering drugs include statins. Representatives of the third generation based on active component atorvastatin are the drug Atorvastatin and its analogue Atoris. In this article we will look at what is better to take in a particular case - Atoris or Atorvastatin.

Review of Atoris and Atorvastatin

Atoris was developed as a substitute for the original 3rd generation statin drug Liprimar (Germany), which is not affordable for most patients. Atoris has an almost identical composition to the original and same efficiency in lowering cholesterol. Under the influence of Atoris, the following actions occur in the body:

Atorvastatin is a modern drug of the 3rd generation statin group, which is produced by Russian and Israeli pharmacological companies. The medication actively affects the enzyme reductase, which helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevents the development of atherosclerotic processes.

A drug based on atorvastatin calcium is available only in tablet form (with a dosage of 10, 20, and 40 mg). Atorvastatin can be taken in pediatrics from the age of 10 with homozygous hereditary hypercholesterolemia.

Russian medicines cost significantly less than their foreign counterparts. Their cost is:

  1. From 110 rub. per pack of 10 tablets with a dosage of 10 mg.
  2. From 260 rub. per package of medicine with a dose of 20 mg.
  3. It costs from 300 to 375 rubles for a package of 10 tablets with a dosage of 40 mg.

The principle of action of the drugs

The active component in both drugs is atorvastatin, which interferes with the activity of the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme and normalizes the production of mevalonic acid, which is the basis of sterols formed at the initial stage of synthesis of cholesterol molecules in hepatocytes.

With the help of medications, the volume of cholesterol produced is reduced, which triggers LDL receptors that capture bad cholesterol molecules and promote their utilization through bile acids. Lipid catabolism is significantly enhanced and “bad” cholesterol is significantly reduced. Blood plasma is cleared of free cholesterol.

Also, the main component in medications inhibits the synthesis of very low density lipids, which reduces their production, and also reduces the synthesis of triglyceride molecules.

In addition to this therapeutic effect, medications have a vasodilating effect on the arterial membranes, and also reduce the viscosity of blood plasma and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic deposits.

Taking statins reduces the development of complicated forms of ischemia and prevents heart attack and stroke.

The pharmacokinetics of 3rd generation statins are the same:

  • maximum concentration – 1-2 hours after taking the tablet;
  • the pharmaceutical effect does not depend on the age and gender category of the patient;
  • if the patient suffers from chronic alcoholism with cirrhosis of the liver, then the concentration of the active component exceeds the norm in the liver by 16 times;
  • if you take statins after meals, then their absorption is reduced;
  • bioavailability –12%;
  • relationship between statin and plasma proteins – 95-98%;
  • metabolism of statins occurs at the cellular level in liver tissue and does not affect the blood-brain barrier;
  • the drug passes through the placental barrier and is detected in breast milk;
  • metabolites that are formed in liver cells can provide good protection up to 30 hours;
  • The release of the medication begins after 14 hours. 45% is excreted in bile, and the rest in feces.

Indications and contraindications

Third generation statins are prescribed for certain disorders in lipid balance, as well as for other pathologies. These are:

As a preventative measure, drugs are prescribed for:

  • the formation of atherosclerotic accumulations in the endothelium of the arteries in patients at risk;
  • cardiac diseases.

Contraindications for the use of statin drugs in therapy include:

  • high sensitivity of the body to atorvastatin;
  • liver pathologies in acute and severe form;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • increased transaminases;
  • myopathy, other muscular and skeletal pathologies in history;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding a child;
  • age under 18 years;
  • unreliable contraception in women of childbearing age.

Children are prescribed drugs from the age of 10 for familial homozygous cholesterolemia, but are not prescribed a strict diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, statins are not prescribed. cause of lung passing through the placental barrier and high risk development of intrauterine pathologies in the fetus. For the same reason, it is not taken when breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

Taking statins is not tied to the time of eating; the only recommendation is to take them at the same time.

Most effective time to take the medicine - before bedtime, because at night the concentration of cholesterol is highest. Before starting therapy and the entire course of taking statins, it should be accompanied by an anti-cholesterol diet, which, together with the drug, shows a good reduction in cholesterol.

The dosage regimen and dosage for both drugs are the same. The initial dosage per day is 10 mg, for primary or mixed hypercholesterolemia - 20 mg. Children with hereditary homozygous hypercholesterolemia are not prescribed a dosage higher than 10 mg. For hypertriglyceridemia, the initial dosage is 10 mg with a gradual increase to 40 mg.

Prevention of cardiac pathologies - 20 mg followed by doubling the dose. For elderly patients or those with kidney disease moderate severity do not prescribe a dosage higher than 20 mg per day. Treatment of a patient with a dosage of 80 mg is possible only in a hospital and under the supervision of doctors.

Treatment systemic atherosclerosis it is necessary to start with a dose of 10 or 20 mg, depending on the stage of disease progression, and then double the dosage (the first increase can be made after 2 weeks of use).

A change in drug can occur only after 30 days of therapy have passed and maximum effectiveness of the statin has been achieved. It is not recommended to change the drug to an analogue or increase the dosage before.

Key differences and effectiveness?

What is the difference between Atoris and Atorvastatin? Both medications are generics of the original drug Liprimar. There is a difference in the country of origin: Atorvastatin is produced in Russia, and Atoris is its foreign analogue. The cost of these two drugs is also different. Atorvastatin costs 2-3 times less than the foreign drug. The effectiveness of both medications in the treatment is almost the same.

The effectiveness of the drug depends not only on the active ingredient, but also on the correctly selected composition auxiliary components. The difference in the therapeutic effect of both medications is insignificant, but it still exists and must be taken into account when choosing a drug for treatment - Atoris or Atorvastatin.

Atorvastatin with a dosage of 10 mg shows the following therapeutic effect:

  • decrease in total cholesterol – by 33%;
  • LDL – decrease by 47%;
  • triglycerides decrease by 9%;
  • apo B decreases by 37%;
  • apo A (3%) and HDL increase by 9-10%.

Therapeutic effect of Atoris with a dosage of 10 mg:

  • total cholesterol index – decrease by 38%;
  • decrease in LDL by 50%;
  • TG are reduced by 13%;
  • apo B is reduced by 42%;
  • HDL levels increase by 10-12%
  • increase in apo A - by 4%.

Side effects

3rd generation statins are the same as drugs of previous generations and modern means, have a large list of side effects on all organs. For this reason, statins are not intended for self-medication, because if taken incorrectly, they can be fatal. A correctly selected dose of the drug by a doctor reduces the risk of developing negative reactions in the body:

Organs and systems Negative effects
Nervous system and brain
  • dizziness and headache of varying intensity;
  • lack of coordination in movement and unsteadiness in gait;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • paresthesia;
  • neuropathy;
  • decreased memory, vision;
  • tinnitus.
Heart and blood flow
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • anemia.
Muscles and skeletal apparatus
  • myalgia, arthralgia and cramps in muscle tissue;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • arthritis;
  • myopathy and rhabdomyolysis.
Digestive tract
  • dyspeptic abnormalities;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholestasis;
  • dry mouth and stomatitis;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea, constipation, flatulence;
  • growth of transaminases.
Epidermis and allergies
  • skin rashes and itching;
  • urticaria, erythema;
  • Quincke's edema.
Respiratory system
  • bronchospasms;
  • dyspnea;
  • bleeding from the sinuses.
General negative effects in the body
  • body fatigue;
  • breast growth in men and impotence;
  • decreased libido in women;
  • increase or decrease in blood glucose.

Interaction with other medications and analogues

For complex therapy It is necessary to carefully select drugs with which statins may interact to avoid side effects from joint therapy:

Below are analogs of Atoris and Russian Atorvastatin, which are used in the treatment of systemic atherosclerosis and high cholesterol concentrations in the blood. The main active component in these analogues is atorvastatin:

  1. Liprimar – original drug 3 generations of statins. Manufactured in Germany (Pfizer), where everything went through clinical studies. The safest and most effective statin in its subgroup. The only drawback is the very high price.
  2. Indian analogue of Atomax– the drug is prescribed for the prevention of cardiac diseases and systemic atherosclerosis.
  3. Torvacard (Zentiva, Slovenia)- the most popular analogue in Russia. An effective medication that has an affordable price.

Elevated levels of cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are key risk factors for the development of atherosclerotic vascular disease and cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, ischemia lower limbs. In this regard, the main approach to therapy is aimed at correcting blood lipid levels.

The most commonly used drugs are from the group of statins, one of which is Atorvastatin or Atoris. However, it has analogs that contain both a similar active ingredient (Tulip, etc.), and containing other active molecules - Mertenil, Roxera, Vasilip, etc. In Russia, few doctors and patients understand that these drugs can be replaced with each other, but this is not always the optimal treatment approach. In this regard, it is necessary to talk in detail about Atoris and its analogues.

Atoris is a lipid-lowering drug and belongs to the group of statins

In accordance with the instructions for use, Atoris contains the active substance atorvastatin, which is a classic representative of the statin group. The tablets are well tolerated by most patients and have a lasting effect on the level of cholesterol and LDL in the blood, which makes the drug highly popular among doctors.

Atoris should always be prescribed after consultation with your doctor. Otherwise, therapy may be ineffective or side effects may develop.

Atorvastatin, like other statins, blocks a certain enzyme in the liver (HMG-CoA reductase), responsible for the formation of new low-density lipoproteins that transfer lipids to the vessels and peripheral tissues from the liver, thereby promoting the development of the atherosclerotic process. Reducing the level of LDL and simultaneously increasing the amount of high-density lipoproteins allows you to stop this process and improve the prognosis for future life for the patient. There is no evidence of the effect of most statins on the amount of triglycerides in the blood.

Indications and contraindications

Despite the wide variety of statins (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin, etc.), they all have similar indications and contraindications for their use in patients. In this regard, the latter very often choose what is cheaper, not always realizing that this is not the same medicine with a different name.

Atorvastatin is used for high blood cholesterol

Atoris and its analogues have the following indications for use.

  • Most forms of hypercholesterolemia, accompanied by an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the patient’s blood, which can lead to the rapid onset of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels and the development of severe diseases.
  • Hereditary disorders of fat metabolism.
  • Prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke in cases of identified atherosclerosis.

Situations where the use of statins to control cholesterol levels is contraindicated:

  • liver diseases of various causes (hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis, etc.);
  • previous diseases musculoskeletal system with damage to individual muscle groups;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the patient's age is less than 18 years.

In all these cases

Different statins cannot be regarded as equivalent drugs. Between individual drugs there are significant differences.

Atoris and its analogues: features of action

Many statins differ in price - some tablets are cheaper, some are more expensive. However, all medications from this group are not the same. Exists large number scientific data indicating that Atorvastatin, produced in Russia and abroad, is more effective in preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases than simvastatin and rosuvastatin. It is the difference between Atoris and its analogues that needs to be discussed in more detail.

Rosuvastatin - hypolipidemic medicine IV generation from the group of statins

There are no differences in the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of statins, however, only one drug stands out among all the others - Atoris. International guidelines and instructions for use show that only this medication is initially an active substance, while other statins, for their activation and onset of effect, must undergo certain modifications in liver tissue. This feature This is due to the fact that Atorvastatin has the earliest onset of therapeutic action.

Inactivation systems medicines in the liver of individuals different nationalities are not the same. It is important to remember this when using statins, since their safety directly depends on hepatic metabolism. In most cases, this situation makes it difficult to prescribe medications and requires more time from the doctor to additionally examine the person and study his individual characteristics. The appointment of Atoris, unlike its analogues, can take place without taking into account the ethnic factor, and this circumstance alone greatly facilitates its use.

Statins: features of action

The main criterion for comparing hypocholesterolemic drugs with each other is assessing the effect of their use on the development of cardiovascular diseases. It has been shown that Atorvastatin, when taken regularly, shows better results for this indicator than Rosuvastatin and Simvastatin, which may be due to the peculiarities of the metabolism of this medication. And although the question of what is best prevented vascular complications in case of atherosclerosis there is no clear answer, since it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, we can say that it is Atoris that effectively copes with this task.

Simvastatin is a lipid-lowering drug

In accordance with the instructions for use of these drugs, only Atorvastatin is able to provide control over the level of total triglycerides in the patient’s blood, which also makes it possible to more effectively prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, Atoris tablets are the best way to reduce LDL and cholesterol levels. The only drug that is superior to Atoris in this quality is Rosuvastatin, however, when taking this medication, myopathies and severe rhabdomyolysis very often develop, which limits the use of Rosuvastatin in clinical practice.

Statins: additional effects

In accordance with the instructions for use, Atoris is capable of providing such therapeutic effects, which other statins do not have. For example, Atorvastatin reduces the level inflammatory processes in the body, including in atherosclerotic plaques, where inflammation plays one of the key roles.

Before starting treatment with Atoris, the patient should be put on a diet

It was also shown that this drug can reduce the number of bone fractures throughout the patient’s life, reduce the number of cases of senile dementia, various forms diabetes mellitus, improve the contractile activity of the heart muscle, etc.

In the same case, the attending physician must carefully select a lipid-lowering drug for a particular patient. There is no universal advice here, since each drug has its own characteristics of action. However, Atoris, prescribed in accordance with its instructions for use, provides a more rapid and stable reduction in cholesterol and LDL levels, and also better protects the patient from the development of cardiovascular consequences of atherosclerosis (stroke, myocardial infarction, etc.).

Using Atoris (or analogs), you can achieve excellent results in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The drug is also actively used to prevent these conditions in people over 55 years of age. Atoris is quite effective, so it is necessary to consider the features of its use, as well as the specifics of using its inexpensive substitutes. These include drugs such as Lipoford and Atorvastatin. The listed analogues of the drug and Atoris itself contain a common active ingredient - atorvastatin calcium.

Brief characteristics of Atoris

Atoris tablets are available in packs of 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 or 80 mg. This is a drug from the statin group that acts in a certain way. Atorvastatin calcium helps reduce the activity of the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonic acid. Suppression of this transformation binds the particles bad cholesterol, removing them from the vessels. This reduces the concentration of LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Atoris tablets have an anti-atherosclerotic effect, which manifests itself through the effect of the main substance on blood vessels and blood components.

The positive effect of atorvastatin on the surface of blood vessels is ensured by suppressing the synthesis of isoprenoids, which reduces the likelihood of their proliferation inner shells, which means reducing their gaps.

Among general recommendations By taking the medicine, the following can be distinguished:

After just 2 weeks of treatment, blood cholesterol will decrease. This will appear in the analyses. The maximum effect can be felt after 25–30 days. The therapeutic result of treatment will be more lasting only if you complete the entire course prescribed by the doctor. In this case, the dosage will be determined baseline LDL cholesterol in the blood and the severity of the disease.

Features of the use of the analogue drug Lipoford

Lipoford is of Indian origin and is a cheaper analogue of the drug Atoris. The product is available in the form of tablets with a concentration of the active component of 10 or 20 mg. Lipoford is part of a subgroup of lipid-lowering drugs that are used in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases caused by increased level cholesterol.

The specificity of action of the drugs Lipoford and Atoris is almost identical, since both contain atorvastatin calcium as the main active ingredient. But in order to replace Atoris with a cheaper generic, you must definitely consult with the doctor who prescribed the treatment.

Indications for the use of Lipoford may be one of the following conditions:

  • increased concentration of total cholesterol;
  • elevated levels of LDL cholesterol;
  • high levels of apolipoprotein B and triglycerides in the blood;
  • primary, heterozygous familial and non-familial hypercholesterolemia (if LDL cholesterol is elevated);
  • mixed hyperlipidemia;
  • high serum triglyceride concentrations;
  • dysbetalipoproteinemia;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • risk of developing heart disease: advanced age, nicotine addiction, diabetes mellitus etc.

While using Lipoford you need to follow a special diet. Nutrition should be based on low-cholesterol dishes and products.

Atomax - another generic of Atoris

This is another Indian substitute for Atoris with more affordable price. The release form is the same. Tablets are available in only two dosages: 10 and 20 mg. The main component of Atomax is atorvastatin calcium trihydrate. The composition includes about 10 additional components, including lactose, crospovidone, starch, etc.

Atomax is taken orally, regardless of food intake. The drug is well absorbed, and after 1–2 hours the maximum concentration of the active substance is observed in the blood.

Contraindications to taking Atomax may be:

The main thing that the patient must remember is that it can be used, but only as prescribed by the doctor. This is due to the fact that with incorrect dosages, the likelihood of developing various kinds of side effects increases several times.

Domestic substitute Atorvastatin

Among domestic drugs, which can replace Atoris, secrete a drug that is consonant with the main active substance name - Atorvastatin. It costs less than all analogues of Atoris, as it is produced in Russian Federation, and not abroad. But in terms of effectiveness, the drug is no worse. Tablets are available in different concentrations active substance: 10–40 mg.

This generic can be prescribed for the same indications as the above drugs, since their composition is almost identical. The main contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding, acute liver disease and individual intolerance.

Among side effects may appear:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • headaches;
  • bowel dysfunction (diarrhea, constipation);
  • nausea;
  • increased gas formation in the intestines;
  • general malaise;
  • back pain;
  • convulsions;
  • skin rash, etc.

If cholesterol is high, the remedy will help cope with the problem, but on condition correct dosages. Therefore, it is so important to adhere to the treatment regimen drawn up by your doctor. In case of overdose, stop taking the drug. Subsequent absorption can be prevented by gastric lavage, taking a laxative or some other absorbent. Additionally, your doctor may prescribe symptomatic therapy, which will be aimed at controlling and maintaining vital functions.