
Electroencephalography for a driver's license - is the procedure mandatory and how to go about it? In all cases, an EEG is required for a traffic police certificate. An EEG is required for the driver's commission.

An electroencephalogram of the brain (EEG) is a procedure performed to identify electrical activity brain.

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It is carried out in order to find out whether the patient has a disease such as epilepsy. This disease is very dangerous and manifests itself in seizures and convulsions, during which the patient loses consciousness.

This is quite common chronic illness. It goes without saying that a motorist suffering from such an illness can create a threat to his own life, as well as the lives of other participants traffic.

That is why, if there is of this disease the citizen is not allowed to drive the vehicle.
The procedure for passing the medical examination was changed several times.

Currently, passing an EEG is mandatory for driver candidates and drivers with categories C, D.

The rest can be sent for research at the discretion of a psychiatrist. If the doctor deems it necessary, he writes out a referral.

In such a situation, until the patient undergoes an EEG, he will not be issued a certificate stating that there are no contraindications for driving the vehicle. This means he won’t be able to get a driver’s license.

Important aspects

All candidate drivers, as well as those who already have a license to drive a vehicle, undergo a medical examination. IN the latter case You must obtain a certificate when changing your driver's license.

The purpose of such a medical examination is to identify diseases for which it is prohibited to drive a vehicle. A car is a source of increased danger.

It can cause damage to property, as well as the life or health of citizens. Some diseases exclude the possibility of driving a vehicle.

Such illnesses can cause serious and irreversible consequences. That is why the state obliges motorists to undergo inspections.

Without the appropriate certificate, they cannot obtain a license to drive a vehicle. We have already mentioned that epilepsy is one of the diseases that prevent you from driving.

This is due to the fact that patients experience seizures with loss of consciousness. The presence of epilepsy is detected by conducting an EEG.

This study is safe and painless for the patient. That is why everyone without exception can undergo it, including pregnant women.

In 2014, EEG was made mandatory for all driver candidates, as well as those motorists who change their license.

This caused a flurry of dissatisfaction due to the rise in price of the commission and the increase in the time it takes to complete it. In addition, equipment for performing EEG was not available in all hospitals.

This obligation has now been abolished. Today, only those drivers who apply for certain categories of driver’s license must undergo such a study.

What it is

Let's take a closer look at the procedure itself. During an EEG, the doctor places small sensors on the patient's head that are connected to an encephalograph.

The equipment records the received information and translates it into graphs that reflect EEG rhythms. The specialist evaluates the result obtained and forms his conclusion.

In some cases, the doctor asks the patient to perform certain actions, such as opening and closing his eyes. This is required in order to analyze indicators determined by current activity.

No special preparation is required before an EEG, which distinguishes it from many other studies.

Try to avoid stress and emotional stress on the eve of the study. These processes can affect brain activity.

During the examination, the patient must remove metal objects from the body, as they may affect the results.

An EEG can detect not only the presence of epilepsy, but also other serious illnesses, for example:

  • consequences of injuries and surgical interventions;
  • neoplasms;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • some other diseases of the brain and central nervous system.

All these diseases are very dangerous for the patient himself. That is why, if they are detected, you must immediately contact a doctor.

For what purpose is it being checked?

Walkthrough medical examination before issuing a driver's license - this is a familiar procedure for everyone.

Doctors check whether a particular person has contraindications for driving a vehicle. If none have been identified, then he receives a driver's license.

The condition of a particular person is assessed various doctors. The need to undergo an EEG in 2014 came as unexpected news for drivers.

This study is quite specific and is used to determine a limited range of diseases.

Not all hospitals have special equipment for performing EEG. Passing it is an additional cost for drivers.

It should be noted that this rule did not last long. In 2019, the obligation to undergo an EEG remained only for drivers of categories C and D.

But keep in mind that this examination can be prescribed to any patient if the neurologist decides so.

Why undergo an EEG? Such a study allows us to establish the presence serious pathologies. All of them pose a great danger when driving a vehicle.

Identifying these ailments makes it possible to protect both the driver and other road users.

The legislative framework

The procedure for undergoing medical examinations is constantly changing. So, the last of them happened in 2019.

A new passing order has been introduced. This document extends its force to the territory of the entire Russian Federation.

The new rules came into force in March 2019. The previous procedure for undergoing medical examinations was canceled by this order.

It will apply to both driver candidates and those who are re-obtaining their licenses. The examination itself is carried out to identify medical contraindications for driving the vehicle.

The presence of a contraindication is established according to.

Emerging nuances

So, EEG shows the functioning of the brain, which makes it possible to assess its activity and general condition.

This research is necessary in the process of passing driver's medical examination. It allows you to accurately determine whether there are any abnormalities in the brain.

This study is very accurate and gives a clear idea of ​​the presence or absence of pathologies that are dangerous when driving.

Currently, this method is also recognized as the fastest and most accessible. No special preparation is required before passing it.

In addition, it is painless and safe for the patient. It can even be performed on pregnant women.

Having an EEG means protecting both yourself and other road users.

After all, pathologies of the brain and central nervous system can provoke loss of consciousness, which, in turn, will lead to irreversible consequences.

Where to contact

You can undergo a medical examination at any hospital or clinic, including private ones.

But it should be remembered that in accordance with the Order we reviewed, research in psychiatric clinic is carried out at the citizen’s registration address only in a government agency.

Thus, it is impossible to obtain a psychiatrist’s certificate stating that there are no contraindications to driving a vehicle in a private clinic.

Otherwise, a person is not limited in choosing a suitable medical institution. Please note that EEG is performed using special equipment.

Such devices are not available in all clinics. If, in accordance with the current Order, the driver needs to go this study, we recommend that you immediately select an institution that has them.

Otherwise, you will have to go to another hospital to undergo this study. But the patient himself decides where to get an encephalogram for information from the traffic police.

How much does it cost (price)

The cost of this study will vary depending on the medical institutions. It is determined by the price list that is approved in a particular clinic.

On average, the cost of an EEG is 1000-1500 rubles. Please note that paying a medical commission to obtain a driver's license is an expense that is borne by the citizen himself. They will not be compensated.

Who needs to do it

So, we have already mentioned that EEG for information in the traffic police 2019 was canceled for many drivers. Now only those who apply or have certain categories must undergo the study.

Previously, this obligation applied to everyone without exception. This arrangement caused a lot of controversy. Having an EEG had a serious impact on the cost of the medical commission.

We have already said that the driver himself pays for it from his own funds without the right to compensation.
This situation did not last long.

Currently, Category A and B drivers do not have to undergo an EEG. It is not included in the list of mandatory studies in the new Order.

However, the legislator did not completely abandon this method of checking contraindications, but retained it only for drivers who apply for categories C and D, as well as those who already have them.

Video: replacing a driver's license

Some other citizens are also undergoing this study. If an EEG reveals pathologies that may affect the ability to drive, the driver will be denied a certificate.

How long does an encephalogram last for information in the traffic police?

The EEG certificate does not have any specific expiration date. It is largely determined by the doctor’s decision.

Often motorists are outraged by the fact that in order to obtain a driver's license you need to pass quite a lot of tests during the inspection for medical certificate, as well as completing all papers.

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Indeed, the measures taken by legislation are becoming stricter every year. This is explained by the fact that the number of accidents due to the health status of drivers is only increasing, since many car owners simply buy necessary certificates, ignoring the examination of doctors.

What it is

An electroencephalogram is a graphic recording that shows the frequency and strength of impulses in the cerebral cortex. It looks like a long sheet with several curved fields.

Each of them designates a separate area of ​​the surface of the organ. A specialist using such a diagram can determine whether there is a central nervous system disease or the risk of its occurrence.

It is done to obtain the following data:

  • vibration frequency;
  • maximum amplitude;
  • phases of waves emitted by neurons of the cerebral cortex;
  • time dynamics.

To obtain an electroencephalogram, they use a device that everyone has seen at least once in movies. It looks like a hat with a bunch of sensors attached throughout the head in the form of wires.

There are a certain number of them, each is attached to the desired area and receives its impulses. This entire system is connected to a monitor that displays curves that will later be printed on special paper.

A specialist can read such information and explain it. Before undergoing the examination, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules so that the procedure goes smoothly. effective results. Usually the specialist introduces the rules on the eve of the EEG.

Held this procedure in a special room where there are no sound or visual stimuli that could affect the results.

The patient is usually in a sitting or lying position. Before this, it is recommended not to sleep so that you are half asleep during the EEG.

What is it for?

An electroencephalogram shows the level of development and functionality of neurons in the cerebral cortex. Skeptics will say that this is a waste of money (the service is paid), because this examination will not yield anything meaningful. And the data obtained will help specialists make a more accurate diagnosis.

You need to understand that the condition of the brain depends on the performance of the brain. nervous system, and, therefore, other organs. Also, processes in the brain affect the mental state of the individual, which, you see, is important for a motorist.

For any person, such information will be useful, because you always need to know the state of your body.

Mainly, such a brain examination will help check the tendency to epilepsy. Due to this disease, a huge number of collisions occur on the road, resulting in many casualties.

It will show whether the consequences of head contusions affect infectious diseases NS or hereditary ailments on the current state of the body.

How does having this schedule affect your driver's license? Directly. Without it, you cannot see a psychiatrist and a narcologist, and without their opinions you will not be able to get a medical examination certificate, without which you cannot obtain, extend or renew a driver’s license.

Strict control over the health of motorists should improve accident statistics on roadways and protect citizens from the danger posed by drivers with mental health problems.

Where to get an electroencephalogram for a driver's license in Moscow

Any licensed medical institution can provide such a service. Information about the service of any clinic can be found on its website. There is also a schedule for the office and prices for the procedure.

There is a fee for undergoing an electroencephalogram, as there are costs for materials, so it must be paid at the reception desk or in a special department of the hospital.

There are a sufficient number of such centers in our capital, so there will be no problems with the choice and opportunity to undergo such an examination.

The EEG must be completed a day or two before the medical examination, which means you need to pre-plan a trip to the doctor in order to spend less time and effort before getting a driver’s license.

Price in the city

You should know that each medical institution has its own prices for this service. There are 332 centers in Moscow where you can get an electroencephalogram. The price of this examination varies, but the difference is very small.

There are three options to choose from:

  • the cheapest clinic;
  • closest location to home;
  • good reviews, comments.

The cost is different, so are the addresses, but in any case you can go to another hospital known to you, which is not in the table:

Clinic name Address and metro station Cost of service (rubles)
SM-Clinic st. Clara Zetkin, No. 33/28, Voikovskaya 3300
Capital Medical Clinic st. Sretenka, No. 9, Turgenevskaya 2500
K+31 st. Lobachevsky, No. 42, bldg. 4, Vernadsky Avenue 4900
SM-Clinic st. Testovskaya, 10, International 3300
SM-Clinic st. Yartsevskaya, 8, Molodezhnaya 3300
SM-Clinic st. Kosmonavta Volkova, 9/2, Voikovskaya 3300
SM-Clinic Volgogradsky Ave., 42, Tekstilshchiki 3300
Crede Experto Tovarishchesky Lane, 10, Marksistskaya 3000
MedicCity st. Poltavskaya, 2, Savelovskaya 2700
Family clinic st. Polezhaevskaya 80, Khoroshevskoe highway 2420
Family clinic Kashirskoe highway, 56, Kashirskaya 2420
KB MEDSI 2nd Botkinsky pr-zd, 5, Begovaya 2000
Family Clinic University Avenue, 4, University 2420
Family doctor Borisovsky pr-zd, 19 A, Shipilovskaya 2800
Family Clinic st. Festivalnaya, No. 4, River Station 2420
Family doctor General Karbyshev Blvd., 13, Oktyabrskoye Pole 2800
Family doctor st. Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 43 A, Pervomaiskaya 2800
Family doctor Sevastopolsky Ave., 10, Academicheskaya 2800
Family doctor st. Flotskaya, 5 A, River Station 2800
Family doctor st. Vorontsovskaya, 19 A, Taganskaya 2800
Family clinic st. Geroev Panfilovtsev, 1, Skhodnenskaya 2420
Family doctor st. Dobrolyubova, 14 A, Timiryazevskaya 2800
Family doctor st. Barrikadnaya, 19, Barrikadnaya 2800
Family clinic st. Sergius of Radonezh, 5/2, Ilyich Square 2420
Family doctor st. Profsoyuznaya, 127B, Teply Stan 2800
SM-Clinic st. Lesnaya, 57, Belorusskaya, 3300
Miracle Doctor st. Shkolnaya, 11/3, Ilyich Square 1820
Capital Leninsky Prospect, 90, Vernadsky Avenue 2300
Capital Bolshoi Vlasyevsky lane, 9, Smolenskaya 2300

As you can see, the price of an electroencephalogram for a driver’s license in Moscow varies, so there is an optimal option for everyone.

Can it be done for free and where?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use such a service without paying, because even government agency requires a receipt stating that you paid at the register or cash desk for the costs of materials and operation of the device.

In such institutions, as a rule, there is already a regulated price, which is controlled by law.

If you decide to save money, then you can only go to the cheapest clinic. But in any case, it is recommended not to save on this, so that later additional costs for treatment are not needed if a poor-quality examination does not notice deviations or provides false information.

What to take with you for an electroencephalogram

Before undergoing such an examination, you need to know all the details of the procedure. And so, you should prepare earlier: wash your hair, do not put metal or other accessories on it, because the device receives vibration signals emitted by the neurons of the cerebral cortex.

The presence of third-party objects (especially metal ones, which form a field near themselves), small particles and sebum on the head will interfere with the study.

Drinking sedatives and other tranquilizing drugs before the EEG is prohibited! It is best to limit the duration of sleep before undergoing the procedure by half.

The diagnosis itself is carried out in this way: the patient lies down on a couch, a silicone helmet and suction cups with wires are put on his head; they require fastening with a special gel.

Therefore, you need to have a towel or a sufficient number of napkins (dry and wet) with you to clean your hair after the procedure.

Responsibility for counterfeiting

In cases where a motorist wants to cheat and bypass this procedure, or rather, buys a fake electroencephalogram. This is a crime for which two parties are responsible: the unscrupulous driver and the bribery specialist.

Such actions are classified as criminal (forgery of official documents), and liability for them is borne in accordance with the relevant code.

Traffic police officers and law enforcement agencies strongly do not recommend resorting to such fraud, because all medical forms have their own numbering, strict control and reporting is carried out.

Doctors are also less likely to take such risks in order to earn extra money. can guarantee a sentence of three years in prison for each participant in such a scam with official documents.

Thus, undergoing an electroencephalogram, according to the new regulations of the Law “On Safe Traffic on Roads,” is mandatory for all motorists.

Driver health is very important for all road users. If someone gets sick while driving, other people driving the vehicle can also suffer. Therefore, the Ministry of Health obliges motorists to visit a number of specialists to obtain a certificate.

Electroencephalography in 2017 is one of mandatory examinations for some categories of future drivers. What kind of procedure is this, why is it needed - details in the article.

What is electroencephalography?

The functioning of the brain is being studied different methods. One of them is electroencephalography or abbreviated EEG. The method is based on electrical impulses that come from individual zones of the main organ in our body.

All this is recorded by special metal electrodes placed on the scalp. The procedure is painless. A cap made of silicone or fabric is put on a person’s head, and electrodes are attached to it.

Electroencephalography is used to detect epilepsy and other pathologies. The result in the form of waves, which is a reflection of the work of the brain on paper, is displayed on a computer monitor, then printed and deciphered on the spot by the specialist conducting the study, and subsequently by the doctor who treats the patient.

It is by the nature of the activity of the impulses that the disorder in the patient can be determined. It is worth noting that it is very important to prepare properly for the examination. Then the result of the study will be correct, and nothing will have to be redone.

Is it necessary to do an electroencephalography for a driver's license?

You cannot get a driver's license without a health certificate.

You need to go through the following doctors:

  • psychiatrist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • expert in narcology.

More recently, drivers increasingly began to wonder whether they need to undergo an electroencephalogram for a certificate in 2017. Based on the order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation from 2015, this examination method must be passed by every driver, without exception, who wants to obtain a driving license of categories C and D, as well as their subcategories.

For other motorists, the procedure is not mandatory, only at the discretion of the neurologist, since the doctor may suspect serious disorders in the functioning of the brain; they are likely to interfere with driving.

It is worth noting that this examination method is not always carried out free of charge; this causes a storm of negativity among future drivers.

What diseases does EEG detect?

What can be determined by encephalography:

  1. Convulsive states.
  2. Disorders associated with the blood supply to brain tissue.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Brain tumor.
  5. Injury to the main organ.
  6. Metabolic disorders in this part of the body.
  7. Lesions in the central nervous system that caused infections.
  8. Age-related changes.
  9. Sleep related disorders (no healthy holiday, the regime is not established).
  10. Deviations in mental development.
  11. Neuroses.

An electroencephalogram for a driver's license is a reliable source regarding mental state person. This research method is accessible to everyone, takes little time, and is completely safe for humans.

An EEG is often required only to determine whether a driver has epilepsy, because it can prevent him from driving a vehicle.

It is for this reason that the neurologist has every right to send the future driver to undergo electroencephalography.

What factors tell a specialist that pathological changes are occurring in the functioning of the brain:

  1. Frequent loss of consciousness.
  2. Attention disorders.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Memory impairment.
  5. Constant dizziness.
  6. Insomnia.
  7. Fast fatiguability.
  8. Neurotic disorders.
  9. Suspicion of mental disorder.

In which institutions can an EEG be done?

This test is accessible because it can be easily completed at a public clinic and completely free of charge. However, you need to sign up in advance; sometimes you have to wait in line for months.

In the event that you want to get a certificate faster, you have the opportunity to contact any private clinic, where it is allowed to issue certificates for driver's licenses.

Before undergoing an EEG at a particular clinic, you should check whether the traffic police accepts certificates from this institution. If not, then you can simply waste extra time and money, because the inspection staff will not accept such a document.

So where can you go:

  1. District clinic. At the reception or by phone you should ask if there is necessary equipment, what number is being recorded. Sometimes it turns out that the local institution does not have the equipment, but there is an opportunity to visit another free clinic located in the same area. Please note that the procedure is not always free and very rarely quick.
  2. In private medical centers. Here the examination is carried out quickly, but it is not cheap at all. The recording is convenient because it is tailored to the client’s needs. The quality of service will be much higher than in district clinic, and the result is the most accurate. It is possible to pay both by bank card and in cash.

The Ministry of Health of our country refers to a resolution from the beginning of the last century! In him we're talking about that an EEG is mandatory for any professional activity that includes driving a vehicle.

Considering the fact that both professional drivers and ordinary car enthusiasts undergo the same medical examination, the innovation applies to everyone.

It helps to identify this serious illness like epilepsy, which can really interfere with driving and create a complex emergency situation on the road.

How to prepare on the eve of the procedure?

You need to prepare in advance for any medical procedure. Electroencephalography is no exception. True, preparation will not take much time and effort. However, you should still know some rules.

Before going to the clinic:

  1. No medications should be taken orally.
  2. Do not drink alcohol-containing drinks during the day.
  3. Eliminate coffee and strong tea from your diet.
  4. You should wash your hair.
  5. Get some sleep. There must be a healthy eight hours of sleep per day.
  6. Try not to be nervous, stress always affects the result.

In order to undergo the examination, you only need to have your passport with you. The certificate is issued within half an hour after completing the procedure.

Cost of examination

The price depends on where the certificate for the traffic police will be made. Electroencephalography can be free, but in private clinics the cost varies up to several thousand rubles. It all depends on the institution itself.

In the state clinic, EEG testing is free of charge. However, most often it is not possible to undergo such an examination, because the clinic simply does not have expensive equipment.

It is possible that even if it is present in the medical center, it is used only in paid mode. But in fairness, it should be said that this price will be much lower than in any other private clinics.

In paid medical centers, the price can vary from one to five thousand rubles. It is impossible to say exactly in which region and which specific clinic the cost of electroencephalography is higher or lower.

The most acceptable option is to call the registry or check online on the institution’s website how much the procedure costs.

Are there exceptions when an EEG may not be done?

This method of examining the brain is considered the safest and therefore has virtually no contraindications.

Despite the fact that the results of the examination cannot be called absolutely accurate, because any factor, for example, stress or lack of sleep affects the results, no one will cancel such a procedure in 2017.

The only contraindication for EEG is a recent head injury. Moreover, the damage must be serious and leave behind stitches or cuts.

However, the inspection staff will not always cooperate; most likely, such violations will simply be a delay in obtaining a driver’s license. For this reason, it is highly likely that it will not be possible to avoid electroencephalography.

An EEG is required for category C and D drivers, as well as those prescribed by a neurologist. You can undergo the examination both in a public institution and in a private one.

The result is usually ready within a quarter of an hour. Before you undergo an electroencephalogram at a medical center, you need to clarify whether the certificate from this organization is suitable for obtaining a driver’s license.

The procedure for passing a medical examination to obtain a driver's license or open a new category undergoes regular changes. The latest modifications date back to 2015 and 2014. Initially, there was an order about the need for an MRI. Later, the requirement was abolished, but it was replaced by electroencephalography (EEG) of the brain. The procedure involves examining electrical activity central authority nervous system.

The result of bureaucratic manipulation was confusion among drivers. Most owners Vehicle, they don’t understand whether an EEG is necessary for a certificate from the traffic police. Another question concerns the method of obtaining the document: undergo an official medical examination or buy ready-made examination results.

Categories of transport where an electroencephalogram is required

Determining legislative act Regarding the requirements for EEG, the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation comes into effect, number 334-n. The document states that all road users applying for the following categories must undergo electroencephalography:

  • C, C1;
  • D, D1;
  • CE, C1E;
  • DE, D1E;
  • Tm, Tb.

For other drivers, obtaining an EEG certificate is reserved for personal consideration. Naturally, there are few people willing to spend time on additional formalities.

The only exception is a medical examination by a psychiatrist. If the doctor suspects abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system, he has the right to send the driver to undergo a forced electroencephalography. In this case, without examination it will not be possible to obtain a license of any category.

The essence of the examination

If an EEG is mandatory, it is advisable to understand what the procedure entails. Knowledge will help you decide between officially issuing a certificate and purchasing it. primary goal medical procedure identify the patient's tendency to epilepsy. Additionally, the analysis allows you to determine:

  • cerebrovascular dysfunction;
  • neuroses;
  • injuries, tumors;
  • neoplasms and age-related changes in the brain;
  • infectious lesions of the central nervous system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • deviations in mental development.

Most of the listed dysfunctions can cause unpredictable human behavior while driving. Therefore, for categories where the driver is responsible for the safety of passengers, drives large vehicles, and mandatory electroencephalography has been introduced.

Document format and validity period

Help looks like standard protocol medical examination, which, in fact, is what it is. The conclusion is drawn up by the department doctor functional diagnostics. The test is entered by hand or printed. Along with the patient’s personal information, the diagnostic protocol contains the technical parameters of the EEG equipment.

Officially, the certificate has no validity period. This creates discomfort for drivers. It is difficult to determine whether the results of a six-month examination on the device will be accepted. Therefore, the recommended option looks like this: do an electroencephalogram as needed. It is optimal to simply buy the examination protocol from us. This option is cost-effective, time-consuming and as comfortable as possible.

Passing the examination

There are two options for getting an electroencephalogram for your license: a budget clinic or a private one medical Center, having the appropriate license. Both options are paid. The difference between going to a public or private medical institution for an EEG for certificates from the traffic police is the price, which varies from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Preparatory stage

To do an electroencephalography, an applicant for a license or exam at a driving school must comply with a number of requirements:

  • avoid stress;
  • do not drink coffee, strong tea, energy drinks and alcoholic drinks;
  • exclude the use of medicinal drugs.

If medication cannot be postponed, the examination should be rescheduled. The listed factors can negatively affect the results of the EEG, up to and including refusal to issue a driver’s license. Likewise, it is necessary to postpone the procedure if there are recent head injuries, even minor bruises.

The procedure itself

You need to come for an EEG without metal objects, with clean, dry hair and scalp. Usage cosmetics- lotions, gels and others are not allowed. The procedure is often performed during sleep, when brain activity increases sharply in patients with epilepsy.

The cost of a driver's certificate is an alternative criterion for choosing between an official examination and purchasing a doctor's report from us. Once you find out the price list of even a budget clinic, adding the degree of discomfort of the examination, you can make the right decision.

How to quickly make a medical EEG report for the traffic police?

Simply place an order with us and enter the necessary personal data. Alternative option- order a call back and follow the recommendations of the company operator. Personal information about the client is required only to fill out the fields of the EEG medical certificate:

  • Date of Birth;
  • place of registration.

The company does not accumulate customer data; the information received is deleted immediately after the order is completed.

Delivery of the finished package of documentation for Moscow residents is carried out to a pre-agreed metro station located within the Moscow Ring Road. The service is paid separately. The company operator will also help you calculate the exact cost of delivery.

Authenticity of the EEG certificate

The basic credo of our activities is the issuance of exclusively legitimate documentation. Preparation of genuine EEG conclusions for information in the traffic police it is performed as follows:

  • the company manager processes the order, collecting the information necessary to enter into the form;
  • the data is transferred to a medical institution that has a laboratory or office with EEG equipment;
  • a practicing physician from the department of functional diagnostics fills out the company form by hand, certifying it with a signature and personal seal;
  • The document is affixed with a valid stamp of the medical institution, the imprint “For information”.

The completed authentic conclusion is handed over to the courier and delivered to the customer.

Our advantages

The previously described order implementation procedure is the key reason to contact us for help. Other beneficial aspects of purchasing an electroencephalogram are:

  1. High efficiency of service. The order is guaranteed to be delivered to the client on the day of placing. The entire procedure for preparing a genuine certificate takes no more than an hour.
  2. Low cost. The price of a certificate purchased from us does not exceed the level of payment of a number of budget organizations.
  3. Obtaining a certificate does not require visiting clinics, wasting time on the road, waiting in queues, changes in the daily rhythm, nervous strain and stress.
  4. A simple, comfortable ordering procedure. You can make an application in a couple of minutes at home, in a theater, at an ice skating rink, without being tied to a specific location.

An additional bonus is received by customers whose order amount reaches 3,000 rubles. They are guaranteed free delivery of documentation to the metro within the Moscow Ring Road.

Before the changes in 2014 in relation to the Rules for obtaining a driver’s license, it was possible not to take an encephalogram (EEG) for each candidate. But now everything is different.

Today, in 2019 (as well as in subsequent years), drivers who receive their driver’s licenses for the first time or change their driver’s licenses for any reason are required to pass such an analysis.

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Is it needed in all cases, what is an EEG, where is it done and what is the price for such a procedure - the answers to all these questions should be known in advance, before undergoing a medical examination.

What it is

An encephalogram, or the full name “Echoencephalography” (abbreviated as EEG) is a non-invasive ultrasound method for examining brain impulses and waves coming from the brain to the bone, cerebrospinal fluid and tissues, indicating the presence or absence of various pathologies, foreign body, painful formation of tissues of the brain itself (cysts, tumors).

There is another abbreviation that refers to the same name of the analysis, only expanded - this is EGM, which means Encephalogram of the brain.

The method was tested and adopted by diagnosticians for the first time in the 20th century. (1950s). This diagnostic method was invented by the Swede, Lars Leksell.

The principle of EEG is the following - ultrasonic waves detect themselves when a special plate is deformed, which is called diagnostic and is designed to reflect the waves.

The tissues of the subject's head may reflect ultrasound differently. For example, fatty tissue has its own characteristic reflection signals, but a tumor formation or a vascular rupture has different signals.

The device receives echo signals, which are recorded in certain data, and can even be reproduced in a two-dimensional image - lines of pulsation of brain waves and reflected waves.

For a complete view, please note important parameters and EEG analysis characteristics:

  1. The result of the system is displayed in the form of a curve graph on paper.
  2. The procedure is carried out by a neurologist who also draws up a report that is sent to a psychiatrist.
  3. The cap placed on the driver's head is equipped with electrodes.
  4. The impulses are recorded by an encephalograph.
  5. A complete decoding of the survey results is carried out by a computer program.
  6. The duration of the procedure is several minutes (from 15 to 20 minutes).
  7. The examination process does not cause any unpleasant sensations.
  8. The EGM certificate does not have a validity period.

A neurologist must have the appropriate qualifications and experience in order to correctly decipher and make a diagnosis after performing an EGM.

The computer program was specially developed for the diagnostic device. After this, the specialist operator will compare the decryption with the norm.

The norm is determined by healthcare for each group of subjects being examined. First of all, the age of the driver is taken into account. Thus, one or another deviation from the norm can be identified.

Note! Harm from undergoing an encephalogram to an adult, teenager or child is excluded. The tissues of the skull, head and brain itself are not exposed to any radiation during the procedure. Therefore, this diagnostic method can safely be considered the safest.

Is it necessary and in what cases?

By order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2015 (), all traffic police services were instructed not to accept a medical examination without EEG results and a psychiatrist’s signature.

But the order indicated such a need for drivers whose driving category is C and D. Other drivers do not have to undergo such a procedure.

When obtaining a driver's license, you must undergo a medical examination, which includes doctors:

  • psychiatrist;
  • neurologist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • gynecologist (for women);
  • therapist.

In order for a psychiatrist to approve the right to drive a vehicle, he must provide a certificate from a neurologist about an EEG and the successful results of such a test for the driver.

The results of the driver's brain examination must be documented and submitted to a psychiatrist in the form of a certificate.

The psychiatrist is obliged to make a conclusion whether a person has suspicions of such diseases as:

  • epilepsy;
  • convulsions;
  • TBI (traumatic brain injury);
  • pre-fainting states;
  • concussion;
  • tumors or cysts in the tissues of the brain (brain);
  • microstroke, stroke;
  • neurology, neuroses;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation;
  • age change;
  • infections;
  • CNS disorders;
  • metabolic disorders in the GM;
  • ZPR or ZUR (delayed psychological or mental development);
  • systematic tendency to states of affect and more.

The EEG also shows whether a person has had surgeries that could affect their concentration while driving.

Some post-operative brain conditions may cause sudden neurolinguistic or neuromotor dysfunction for a period of time.

The driver will then need to first undergo a rehabilitation course, and only then take the same test again and receive an approving answer to obtain a driver’s license.

TBI can be expressed in such disorders as abscesses, hematomas, or swelling of brain tissue, which can impede blood flow and electrical current in the brain.

Microstrokes, strokes, as well as various neurological diseases can lead to a sharp and sudden state of the driver who will not be able to cope with driving a vehicle.

That is why psychiatrists and other doctors also pay attention to neurology before approving a medical examination.

Thus, disorders and negative health conditions against the background of neurology can lead to the following:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • fainting;
  • confusion;
  • sharp deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • convulsions in the musculoskeletal system (cramps in the arms, legs).

Hypertensive crises can lead to microstrokes or strokes. So these disorders of brain function are systemically related - their appearance is influenced not only by any disorder of the nervous system, but also blood pressure. Also, the general psychological background is checked through EGM.

A doctor will check whether a person is susceptible to stress, indignation, anger, anger, apathy and other conditions when a person is not able to carefully observe what is happening on the road.

An EEG is also required to identify abnormalities in mental development. Even if this is already an adult, but if in childhood he suffered from mental retardation, or something related to delayed psychodevelopment, then he should definitely undergo such an “analysis.”

There are some degrees mental illness. Light form schizophrenia, for example, is treated, the person will then be able to drive a car.

Where to do

This EEG can be done in both state and non-state clinics. Each driver applying for the service undergoes an encephalogram verification procedure.

Must make sure that the clinic has the appropriate license officially permitting such procedures.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the experience of the neurologist who conducts the diagnosis. Positive reviews about the clinic itself, the comfort of customer service is also important.

For example, is there a pre-registration for the procedure, or can you go through it without time delays - immediately upon your first request.

In Moscow

Moscow clinics all have qualified staff, if you contact them with prior knowledge of their practice, reviews of patients, clients, and whether doctors have appropriate licenses.

As a rule, specialists in the capital’s diagnostic institutions have not only the appropriate education, but also experience, which is extremely important for obtaining an approving answer for the driver.

As an example, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the clinics where you can undergo the entire procedure in a high-quality manner, indicated in a special table.

Moscow clinics where drivers are offered an EEG:

In St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, qualified specialists are ready to do competent diagnostics driver's brain in clinical institutions, which are presented in the table below.

St. Petersburg clinics where drivers undergo EEG:

Price for a brain encephalogram for a driver's license

Drivers are not always able to undergo a brain examination with an encephalograph for free. Very often, such a paid procedure is found in private clinics.

Therefore, before applying for a service, you need to prepare a certain amount to pay for the diagnostician’s services.

Cost fluctuates from 400-500 rub. up to several thousand, depending on the type of clinic the driver goes to.

The cost of the encephalogram procedure to obtain a driver's license:

Can it be done for free and where?

Encephalograms are often performed free of charge in public clinical institutions. The availability of the procedure may apply to drivers who go to the clinic at their place of registration of residence.

It is often necessary to wait your turn at clinics. But you can take a ticket to see a neurologist-diagnostician in advance, and then come to the procedure at the appointed time.

IN major cities To undergo an encephalogram, you need to wait 2 to 3 months. In state clinics, it happens that there is simply no special equipment so that drivers can undergo an encephalogram to obtain a license, or. These problems distinguish government institutions from services in private clinics.

What to take with you for examination

To undergo encephalography, the driver must provide a civil passport to the diagnostician.

Before undergoing examination with an EEG machine, no preliminary analyzes There is no need to take a test; there is no need to take water or anything else (like an ultrasound).

You just need to sit still or lie down while the procedure itself is carried out. The sensors will be attached to both sides of the subject's head, but before they are attached, a special conductor gel is applied. To do this, the person being diagnosed wears a special cap with sensors.

The encephalogram has 3 modes:

  1. Transmission. The sensors are installed at the same level on both sides of the head. Some receive signals, others receive.
  2. Emission. Only one sensor is used to check a specific area.
  3. Two-dimensionality. Sensors are placed throughout the head to measure the asymmetry of the skull after injury or deformation.

To check the driver, the medical board uses the first and second modes of the encephalogram to obtain a driver’s license.

The emission mode is practically not used, unless doctors or diagnosticians were aware of a specific craniocerebral problem in the driver.

It is not recommended to do this procedure on an empty stomach to avoid causing dizziness.

In addition, if the driver is taking any psychotropic, sedative or other medications, he is obliged to inform the neurologist conducting the examination.

The diagnostician will take these details into account in order to then draw up the correct conclusion, adjusted for the driver taking medications before undergoing the procedure.

For example, some sedatives can cause drowsiness, respectively, brain waves will show a certain state of a person.

Preparation for undergoing encephalography should be as follows - the driver must:

  1. Avoid drinking alcohol the day before the procedure.
  2. To wash hair.
  3. Try not to take medications the day before your appointment with the diagnostician.
  4. Do not drink coffee or tea for 24 hours before the procedure.
  5. Get a good night's sleep (8 hours of sleep is the norm).
  6. Don't be stressed or nervous.

Note! Open wounds on the driver’s head may be a contraindication for undergoing an EEG examination.

Because during the procedure, special suction cups-sensors are attached to the head, which can cause damage. open wound even more.

With such restrictions, the driver simply undergoes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), if he has no contraindications to it.

Any contraindications to driving a car are listed in the government regulations.

Responsibility for counterfeiting

Before making a decision to go to a specific clinic, you need to clarify whether the state traffic police department accepts certificates issued from this clinic.

It may happen that the medical institution does not have the right to issue such certificates and conduct such studies.

The establishment may be deprived of its license, or there are some other legal problems, which by law do not provide the opportunity to conduct encephalograms for the population.

Besides this, some Insurance companies Those issuing compulsory motor liability insurance policies may also insist on passing a medical examination, which will also take into account the opinion of a psychiatrist based on the results of the EEG.