
Where and how to store walnuts. Walnuts: storage methods and methods

The nuances of storing walnuts at home:

  • when storing walnut kernels, you must choose containers that can be closed with a lid (containers and jars must be dry);
  • Heat and light can shorten the shelf life of walnuts (this is why it is not recommended to store nuts open or in plastic bags);
  • Walnuts can be placed in the refrigerator or freezer ( low temperatures do not provide negative impact neither on the shelf life, nor on the taste properties of the kernels);
  • if you purchased walnuts bad smell, then you can’t eat them (spoiled nuts can cause not only eating disorder, but also poisoning);
  • when storing walnut kernels, it is imperative to remove any remaining shells and any debris, as well as damaged or too dry nuts (all of these nuances significantly reduce the shelf life of walnuts);
  • despite the long shelf life, nuts should be eaten as early as possible if they are shelled (the longer walnuts are stored, the greater the risk of bitterness in their taste);
  • if mold appears on the surface of the nuts, then you need to get rid of them urgently (in no case should you eat them);
  • You cannot store wet nuts (moisture will quickly cause mold);
  • shell residues in the kernels can speed up the process of fungal growth (nuts must be sorted before storing);
  • walnut kernels are stored well in foil (this packaging method is ideal for the refrigerator or freezer);
  • if you plan to store walnuts in shells, then it is recommended to first bake them for some time in the oven (maximum 10 minutes);
  • walnut kernels with the addition of additional ingredients do not last long (sugar, salt and other components shorten their shelf life and should be consumed as soon as possible);
  • Oil is released from fried kernels faster, so such nuts should not be stored for a long time.

Do not confuse heating walnuts with roasting them. Calcination is a short-term heat treatment. For taste and appearance this process has no effect on the nuclei. Short-term heating is used most often if you plan to store them in a shell.

How long and at what temperature can walnuts be stored?

Can be stored in fabric bags for 2 to 6 months. The place should be cool and dark. Boxes above heat sources are not suitable for this role. Optimal options are pantries or cabinets on the balcony. Under no circumstances should light shine on the nuts.

Walnuts can be stored in containers and glass containers for 6-10 months. Under optimal temperature conditions, they can remain fresh throughout the year, but only if the shell is present. Without the shell, nuts cannot be preserved for longer than 6-9 months.

Walnuts will keep in the refrigerator or freezer for at least one year. If you avoid sudden changes in temperature (for example, re-freezing or frequently moving nuts from the refrigerator to room conditions and back into the cold), then you don’t have to worry about changes in their taste even for two years.

The optimal temperature for storing walnuts is the range from -5 to +10 degrees. At other temperatures, the kernels may begin to release oil, and the process of their rotting will occur at an accelerated pace.

The fruits of walnuts are a unique product with many useful qualities. It is indicated for use by pregnant, nursing mothers, and patients diabetes mellitus, exhausted people. The fruit contains a set of vitamins, microelements, iron, and a protein with unique properties. Despite high content fat, walnuts can be consumed by people with increased level cholesterol.

When buying nuts at the market, each buyer is faced with the choice of which product to give preference to: whole fruits in shell or peeled kernels? In the first case, it is impossible to be sure high quality all products. A rotten fruit may be hidden under the shell. From the point of view of buyers, it is more advisable to purchase a purified product. It can be assessed visually and tasted.

About storage

It is important to choose the right nut kernels that have a pleasant taste and aroma. But to

To preserve a valuable product throughout the winter, you need to know how to store shelled walnuts. The housewife must remember that this product perfectly absorbs moisture. But, plastic bags are not suitable for protection from moisture. Without ventilation, shelled kernels will begin to spoil in two to three days.

You should not purchase factory packaging sealed in plastic film. It is not always possible to be sure of the integrity of the manufacturer and seller. The buyer is not able to open the plastic packaging to ensure the freshness of the product.

A few rules

It is best to store walnuts at home, in paper bags. Some housewives pre-calcine the kernels in the oven. But, this method kills not only the larvae, but also healthy vitamins. Therefore, it is better to avoid heating the product.

If you do not plan to eat walnut kernels in the near future, it is recommended to place them in a dry container of tea or coffee, and put wax paper on top, closing the container with a tight lid. Thanks to the paper and lid, moisture will not penetrate into the kernels, which will help preserve the product long period time. It is important to store such a container on the top shelf of the refrigerator. If the kernels are packaged correctly, they can be stored for up to six months.

About long-term storage

If you store walnuts correctly, you can enjoy them a year after storing them. Of course, for the housewife who does not buy large number nuts are not useful in everyday life this is knowledge. But for entrepreneurs who sell nut kernels, this knowledge is necessary.

wrap in dry cling film and put in the freezer. Before use, the workpiece should be removed from the chamber and dried a little in a frying pan or in a special industrial oven.

Unshelled nuts

If the batch of goods is large, then a reasonable question arises where to store walnuts in the apartment. It's clear,

that at home, it is impossible to store several tens of kilograms of nut kernels in a regular freezer. In this case, it is recommended to stock up on shelled fruits. Of course, in this form, the products shrink and are affected by humidity, but in general, the harvest can be preserved with a slight loss in weight.

It is better to store unshelled nuts in an apartment in large cardboard boxes with a lid, periodically pouring them out. If in the room normal level humidity and a comfortable temperature not exceeding +10 0 C, then the products can be stored until the next harvest.

Purchased from the market

If you had to buy peeled kernels on the market, the housewife should know how long to store the walnuts in this case. Considering the small amount of the product, which is often used by housewives for preparing dishes, it is recommended to roast nuts purchased at the market in a frying pan. After a short heat treatment, the kernels should be poured into a clean, dry container and cooled. By placing the container in the closet, the products can be used for a long period, delighting your household with nutritious dishes in winter.

About the usefulness of the product

If you store walnuts correctly and eat them regularly, you won’t have to worry about a lack of vitamins in winter. This product is rich in vitamins, healthy fats, microelements. They allow you to cook delicious cakes, desserts, ice cream. Many cooks add walnut kernels to meat dishes and soups. Doctors recommend using this product daily for people suffering from insomnia, skin diseases. Great benefit for health, bring nuts to patients diagnosed with anemia and hypertension.

Summing up

To provide yourself and your loved ones with a nutritious product for the winter, it is recommended to purchase walnuts. It's satisfying useful product, which is great for many dishes. But in order to preserve the value, you need to know how and how much, at home, in an apartment, to store peeled nut kernels. A few recommendations from experienced housewives will help in this matter.

If you eat just one handful of nuts daily, you will not experience problems with a lack of protein, calcium, iron and magnesium. How to store shelled nuts at home? You will learn about this from our article.

How to store shelled nuts at home?

How to store shelled pine nuts

The composition of pine nuts is rich in oils. This figure reaches 65%. That is why they are not suitable for long-term storage at home. You need to go to buy cedar nuts after the collection is complete - September - October. When purchasing, be sure to try the kernel. The new harvest will have a pleasant sweet taste.

The kernels, freed from the shell, are poured into plastic bags and placed on the refrigerator shelf. If this is not possible, then the nuts are poured into any jar with a screw-on lid and stored on a shelf in the closet.

It is important that the container is stored in the dark

Nuts cannot be stored for a long time, as they lose not only their taste, but also their beneficial properties. Pine nuts are used as an ingredient in salads, meat dishes and baked goods.

How to store shelled hazelnuts

Hazelnuts have the longest shelf life. To pack nuts, you need to use containers with lids. Glass jars work well for this purpose. It is not recommended to use plastic bags. You can also use fabric bags to store peeled hazelnuts.

The taste of nuts is best preserved when low temperatures, kernels can be frozen

It is also worth remembering that with a lack of oxygen, nuts spoil and become bitter in taste. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to choose between cans and fabric bags, then it is better to choose the latter.

If the nuts have a bitter taste, they should be consumed as soon as possible for their intended purpose. Otherwise, the process of releasing oils will begin, and the kernels will begin to mold.

How to store shelled walnuts

The shelf life of peeled walnuts at room temperature does not exceed a month. After this time they become bitter and dry out.

How to store shelled walnuts? How to properly store them in shells or in the form of various preparations? These questions concern those who know that the walnut is rightly called the “tree of life.” Because it is not only capable of saturating the body, but is also a healer for many ailments. Its kernels have a balanced composition of vitamins and minerals, and are suitable even for pregnant women, people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and those with vascular diseases. Protein can be a complete replacement for animal products. Find answers to all questions in this article.

Selection of nuts

First of all, you need to choose for storage those fruits that will lie best. Because you want the kernels to retain all the elements beneficial to the body. A product such as nuts is indispensable in winter and spring. At this time, we suffer from bad weather conditions and a lot of diseases, and experience acute vitamin deficiency. Walnuts will help everyone restore immunity and maintain a normal balance of vitamins and minerals.

To preserve the fruits until next year, you need to purchase or take those grown in your own garden in shells. Before choosing a method for storing walnuts, you need to select the fruits according to the following characteristics. It is best if they are approximately the same size and without traces of sticky peel. But it is also important that there are no cracks on the surface of the shell.

Before purchasing, it is advised to split a couple of pieces and check the insides for freshness. You should not take those specimens whose kernels have darkened and taste bitter.

A simple test will help. You should shake the nut. In this case, the sound of a rolling nucleolus should not be heard, which indicates its drying out. The fruits should have some weight. Because things that are too light most often turn out to be empty inside.

Video “How to choose”

From the video you will learn how to choose the right walnuts.

Storage methods

Scientists say that for every person to have good immunity you need to consume up to 7 nuts per day. That is, it is best to have stocks of such a valuable product at home. Remember to know how to properly store walnuts. Otherwise, pests and mold may appear in the kernels. It is especially recommended to carefully select unpeeled fruits when purchasing. What are the real ways to preserve nuts in different ways? Next, we will dwell in detail on how to store walnuts without shells, in shells, and in the form of a variety of useful preparations.


Regardless of whether the selected kernels are taken from your own site and cleaned by you personally or you plan to store those purchased on the market, their shelf life will be no more than 3 - 4 weeks. After this, the kernels most often gradually become rancid in taste and dry out. Therefore, eating them is no longer recommended, and they will not bring any benefit to the body.

So, how to properly store shelled walnuts so that they do not lose their beneficial qualities? If you want to eat goodies in the winter and spring months, it is advised to place them in an airtight container made of ceramic or glass. Next, such a container needs to be placed in the refrigerator. It is also acceptable to use a container made of special food-grade plastic.

Practice shows that cleaned kernels are normally stored in a cellar or on a loggia. But only by observing one mandatory rule: the humidity indicator in this case should not be more than 70%. Otherwise, your favorite nuts risk becoming covered with mold that is unpleasant and dangerous to your health. You can also place the peeled cores in the freezer. To do this, it is recommended to pack them in a sealed bag or cling foil. You can pre-heat the nuts in the oven so that putrefactive microorganisms cannot develop in them. But you should not wait for the oil to release, so that the fruits do not acquire a nasty bitter taste. When choosing the latter option, the shelf life increases significantly - from 3 - 4 weeks to 1 year.

In a shell

If there is a walnut tree on the site, a dry day with stable weather conditions is selected for harvesting. The nuts need to be shaken off the tree, then the outer skin is removed. Because if they stay in it for a long time, they can become moldy. Pour onto a litter and dry for up to 6 days outside or in the house.

At home, nuts are laid out on paper or cloth to dry. If planned long-term storage fruits, it is advised to heat them in a warm oven for about 1 hour so that the moisture evaporates.

The valuable product is stored in boxes or linen bags. Usually a place is allocated for them where it is sufficiently dry and dark. The temperature in such a room should be + 10 – 15 degrees. You cannot store nuts in shells on the balcony. Because in the presence of high humidity, the kernels can become moldy. Nuts are also afraid of too high temperatures. Because the oil contained in the composition under such conditions gives the fruit a bitter taste.

Nut preparations

It is not customary to store green nuts. They are processed, and the resulting products are used to treat various diseases.

For example, you can make alcohol tincture. To do this, fill the bottle three-quarters full with pre-crushed peel, add alcohol or vodka and leave in a dark place.

Oil is also made from the green peel. To do this, take 5 pieces per 0.5 liter olive oil and infused in the sun for 40 days. It is recommended to boil the juice of the green shell with honey. You should gargle with this mixture if you have a sore throat.

It is beneficial to drink green nut juice extract all year round. To make it, unripe fruits are washed and dried, cut into slices, placed in jars and covered with sugar. Product consumption is 500 pieces per 1 kg of granulated sugar. Next, the container should be sealed with paper and placed in the refrigerator.

You can also grind the nuts using a juicer and combine with sugar in a 1:2 ratio. A decoction of unripe fruits is made by cutting it and pouring boiling water - 20 grams per 1 glass of water. This is followed by boiling for 30 minutes. Infusion of nuts with kerosene also helps against many diseases. To increase immunity, a tincture of nuts and honey is made. You need to mix the products in a 1:1 ratio and place them in a dark and cool place for a period of 1 month. If you pour the peeled kernels with honey or syrup, you will get not only a delicious dessert, but also a cure for indigestion.

Nut jam is also popular. For this, the fruits are washed, boiled and pierced with a regular toothpick. Next, pour in sugar syrup. For 1 kg of fruit it is recommended to take 1.2 kg of granulated sugar. To enhance the taste, you can add a little cinnamon and cloves. After the workpiece has stood for 2 days in a dark place, it needs to be boiled, left for another couple of days, then boiled for about half an hour and rolled into already sterilized jars. Shelf life delicious jam Normally it is 1 year, but you can keep it for 2 – 3 years.

Video “How to store”

From the video you will learn how to store nuts.

- a favorite delicacy since childhood. Everyone is familiar with their rich taste, as well as the sweetishly tart aftertaste. Children, and some adults, strive to eat large quantities of tasty fruits. But large overeating threatens trouble, although the product has more useful properties. The main thing is to organize the correct storage of valuable nuts, then they will be for a long time dessert for the whole family.

Walnuts: composition and properties

For the first time its growth was discovered in Central Asia. It is a tall spreading tree 4-25 meters in height. The leaves are dense, fleshy, and have a lot of useful qualities. It blooms inconspicuously, unnoticed by others. The nuts ripen towards the end of summer. Externally they are covered with a green peel, and inside there is a hard core. Ripening, green shell bursts, revealing the inner contents.

The composition of the fruit contains almost 80 elements, which are divided into:

  • Oil.
  • Free amino acids (20 types).
  • Squirrels.
  • Vitamins (C, K, E, PP, P, A, group B).
  • Microelements (zinc, iodine, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, cobalt).

Due to such a rich composition, the nut has an impressive range of beneficial properties:

  1. With the help of vitamin C it stimulates immune system, having a general strengthening effect on the body.
  2. Microelements have a positive effect on people prone to anemia.
  3. There is an effect on the walls of capillaries, their elasticity increases, circulating blood is purified, and the possibility of cardiovascular diseases is reduced.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, eliminating constipation, and improves metabolism.
  5. The leaves have a healing, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. The nuclei activate brain activity and stimulate memory.
  7. There is a saturation of antioxidants that inhibit the development of cancer cells in the body.
  8. Affects male sexual strength.
  9. Normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, leads to stable blood pressure.

The fruits are beneficial to all people without exception, especially for those who have diabetes and suffer from the accumulation of excess fat. Eating a small amount of nuts per day can fill a person. Thus, green berries are endowed not only with a large number of useful elements, but also have a positive effect on many systems and organs of the body.

and has a lot of positive qualities, before use it is better to know who should not consume this tasty product:
  • People who have been diagnosed with intolerance to the components of the kernel.
  • For allergy sufferers - due to the fact that the composition contains protein of plant origin, which tends to cause allergies (urticaria, dermatitis) or is not absorbed at all.
  • For people with skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis), it is possible to provoke an increase in the disease.
  • For intestinal diseases, as well as for improper functioning of the pancreas.
  • Not recommended for people with rapid blood clotting.
  • Should not be used if you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis.
  • Use for pancreatitis is strictly prohibited.

Daily intake should not exceed more than 50-100 grams. for one person. Overeating provokes vascular spasm in the brain, possible painful sensations in the front of the head. And in oral cavity Overeating can lead to stomatitis and inflammation of the tonsils.

When ripening, a walnut loses its green shell - the shell. It is not recommended to collect fruits until they lose their protective structure on their own. It helps protect against the early harmful effects of sunlight and oxygen.

When clearing greens early, light and air begin to dry out the wood peel, and at the same time, some of the nutritional properties evaporate from the kernel, and some vitamins contained in the product are also destroyed. At the same time, with timely removal of the peel (using natural forces), the kernel completely retains all the useful elements accumulated during the period of formation and ripening in the green shell. When it is lost, the core gradually begins to lose moisture, at which point the maximum concentration of all 80 elements occurs.

In addition to this method, there is another content option. It is imperative to sort through and select good fruits, peel them from parts of the green peel. Place the kernels in a bowl and keep them away from sun rays.

The wood peel affects the preservation of the kernel - in this form it can be stored for several years in a row (up to 3), without loss of nutrients and vitamins.

The best way to store it is in an airtight container in the freezer, avoiding elevated temperatures. In such conditions, beneficial qualities are replaced by increased toxicity. When properly maintained over a long period of time, antioxidant substances are not lost.

Storing nuts without shells: methods and rules

If the nuts have been peeled, they will be more difficult to preserve. The best option will place the kernels in a tightly sealed container, in a plastic bag or cling foil. Then they need to be placed in the refrigerator in the vegetable department or in the freezer. It is recommended to place the entire supply in the freezer not in one bag, but in different ones. This way it is better to defrost and use for consumption. But at the same time, some of the nutrients evaporate, and the nuts will lose their taste.

Another storage method is exposure to high temperatures.

With this processing method, insect larvae or their eggs laid inside the kernels are neutralized. The procedure is carried out either in a frying pan or using an oven. But with such an impact, a partial loss of beneficial qualities inevitably occurs.

Safety rules:

  • Do not leave it for a long period of time without placing it in the refrigerator.
  • Keeping it in a plastic bag for several days is not recommended - the kernels lose their taste and quality (spoil). This occurs due to lack of air.
  • Do not store peeled fruits in a humid atmosphere. They become saturated with water, become rotten, and mold forms on them.
  • If mold stains appear, you should not save the product - it is completely filled with toxins.

Thus, you need to store it not just by peeling the kernels from the shell on a plate, but in containers specially prepared for this.

If the fruits were collected at the appropriate time, when the green shell opened on its own and the kernels fell out or were knocked down by the wind, then storage is possible for 2 years. But, in this case, the kernels must be thoroughly dried and not separated from the wood peel.

If the product was collected early, in a natural shell, then its preservation will be short-lived - the peel will turn black, affecting the inside. The storage period will not reach 1 year.

The duration of storage of unshelled nuts does not exceed 1 month; in case of good packaging, the period can increase to 9-12 months.

When the peeled kernels are placed in a 3-liter jar, which is tightly closed with a lid, the period of use can reach up to 5-6 months, especially if it is placed in a dark, dry and cool place. If you plan to store it for a short time, you can hang the unpeeled nuts in a bag or put them in wooden boxes. The most optimal temperature at which nuts retain all their flavor and useful qualities+1-+5С.

Note: how to choose the right nuts

If the product is purchased in a store or market, you need to carefully inspect it external condition fetus Otherwise, you can buy poor quality product, which no one can eat:

  1. Pay attention to the outer shell – it is clean, without cracks or unusual stains.
  2. It is better to choose kernels of the same tone: light ones from this year, darker ones from last year.
  3. Be sure to ensure that the product is missing white coating- a sign of mold.
  4. If possible, taste the taste - the bitterness of the fruit indicates wrong methods storage
  5. You need to check the smell - not stinky, not musty, just a normal normal aroma.
  6. It is recommended to weigh the fruit on your hand - a full kernel will be much heavier than a dried or spoiled core.
  7. Try to shake the product - a characteristic knocking sound is detected. That the kernel is already pretty dry.

It is not recommended to purchase large quantities of nuts. They tend to deteriorate. It is better to purchase the product as needed. A correctly selected fruit makes it possible to preserve it for a long time, without losing any taste, beneficial, nutritional properties or microelements.

More information can be found in the video: