
Gynoflor or acylact for inflammation. In what cases are Gynoflor E vaginal tablets used and how do they work? Mechanism of action and indications for use

1 tablet Gynoflora E for vaginal use as active ingredients contains:

  • lyophilisate Lactobacillus acidophilus groups eubiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus) – 50 mg (but not less than 100 million viable microorganisms);
  • estriol – 0.03 mg.

Excipients of the active nucleus are:

  • lactose monohydrate – 625.6 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) – 183.7 mg;
  • carboxymethyl starch – 30 mg;
  • magnesium stearate – 6.67 mg;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate – 4 mg.

Release form

Gynoflor is supplied to pharmacies in the form vaginal biconvex tablets(another name for the release form is Gynoflor E suppositories) oval shape 50 mg each, which are fixed in blisters made of aluminum foil or PVC, 6 pieces each. Tablets are white or light beige with inclusions (intermediate shades of these colors are possible). 1 or 2 contour cell plates are placed in a cardboard package.

Pharmacological action

Components pharmaceutical drug Gynoflor E are part of the physiological mechanism to maintain normal vaginal biocenosis . This is the main purpose of using the drug in conservative therapy.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After the drug is administered into the vagina, the constituent components are released gradually as they disintegrate under the influence of internal environmental factors. Lyophilized bacteria only have local action and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Their effect is noticeable after several hours.

Estriol when used intravaginally, it can be absorbed from the inner surface of the vaginal mucosa and enter the systemic bloodstream. The maximum plasma concentration is observed 3 hours after administration of the pharmaceutical drug. Estriol does not accumulate (after reintroduction plasma concentration corresponds to the amount of unbound) and does not affect the production of endogenous estrogen hormones ( And ), since it is their final link in the metabolic chain. The components of Gynoflor are excreted in the urine within 8 hours.

Indications for use

  • renewal physiologically normal microflora after local or systemic treatment antibiotic drugs;
  • mild to moderate severity of bacterial or (a pharmaceutical preparation can be used both as a conservative treatment, and preventive prevention of diseases);
  • not specific vulvovaginitis ;
  • (usually sexually transmitted);
  • atrophic vaginitis as a result of the following etiological factors– estrogen deficiency during menopause or accompanying hormone replacement therapy ;
  • bacterial secretions of unknown origin ( Fluor vaginalis);
  • in a comprehensive drug treatment, against an infectious nature to maintain the normal microflora of a woman’s body.


  • hypersensitivity, hereditary or acquired intolerance to the constituent components of a pharmaceutical product;
  • estrogen-dependent (in particular when the process is localized in the mammary glands, uterus, ovaries or vagina);
  • diagnosed or suspected ;
  • hemorrhagic discharge from the vagina of unknown origin;
  • hyperplasia ;
  • use in girls before reaching puberty (before the onset of sexual activity).

Side effects

As a rule, vaginal tablets are well tolerated by the female body, but in some cases clinical cases The following undesirable effects of treatment may occur:

  • burning sensation , foreign body, or other kind of discomfort after administration of the drug;
  • – redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the vagina or external genitalia;
  • arterial hyperemia And itching of the vulva .

In case of accidental oral administration of a pharmaceutical drug, no negative consequences will be observed.

Gynoflor E, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for Gynoflor E suppositories prescribes inserting vaginal tablets deeply into the vagina. It is recommended to carry out the manipulation in the evening, before bedtime, since at night the body’s absorption capacity is much higher. For ease of use, the tablets are administered in a supine position, with the legs slightly bent at the knees - thus, the entrance to the female genital organs is as open as possible, and therefore the use of the drug causes virtually no discomfort.

The course of conservative therapy varies depending on the indications for treatment with the drug:

  • For restoration of normal microflora internal environment vagina and proliferating effects on the epithelium, 1-2 tablets are used daily for 6-12 days. More precise recommendations should be obtained from your doctor, as they depend on various indicators of the body and the type of pathology.
  • At treatment of atrophic lesions during the period And postmenopausal the dosage of the drug is reduced to 1 tablet daily for 6-12 days. Further maintenance therapy is carried out with an even smaller amount of the pharmaceutical drug - 1 tablet is used 1-2 times a week. The duration of the first therapeutic phase is determined by the doctor according to the individual hormone level during the period of conservative rehabilitation.

During treatment with the pharmaceutical drug Gynoflor, it is recommended abstain from sexual intercourse or use regularly so that the therapeutic effect of the drug is not reduced by the exogenous intake of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora.


There have been no cases of pharmaceutical overdose in clinical practice.


Lacto Acidophilus bacteria , which are one of the main components of the drug, are extremely sensitive to wide range Therefore, local or systemic antibacterial therapy significantly reduces the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical drug.

Terms of sale

Gynoflor E is dispensed only on a signed receptor form.

Storage conditions

The pharmaceutical drug Gynoflor should be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children and out of direct sunlight, at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius (in no case should the drug be frozen, because in this way all pharmacological properties constituent components).

Short-term storage of Gynoflor (no more than two weeks) at a temperature range of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius will not lead to a decrease in its therapeutic effectiveness.

Best before date

Special instructions

The components of the drug Gynoflor E may don't dissolve completely under the influence of internal factors of the vagina. In this case, remnants of the vaginal tablet can be found on underwear or bed linen, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug (residues are excipients, who completed their pharmacological task).

In cases where it is noted vaginal dryness , you should wet the tablet before administering it with a small amount of plain water in order to facilitate its faster dissolution. During the period of conservative treatment, women are recommended to use pads if the suppositories are additionally moistened.

The drug Gynoflor E does not affect the ability to concentrate for a long time, fine motor skills, coordination of movements and ability to control vehicles or other potentially life-threatening mechanisms.

Analogues of Ginoflor E

Level 4 ATX code matches:

The normal microflora of the internal environment of the vagina is extremely important parameter physiological functioning of the female genital organs, therefore Gynoflor analogues constitute a large group of pharmaceutical parameters, which includes both suppositories and tablets for intravaginal use.

As a rule, in case of individual contraindications, the therapeutic effect of the drug is replaced with the following drugs: Laktogin or Lactovag .


With alcohol

Alcoholic drinks do not in any way affect therapeutic effects pharmaceutical drug, and therefore alcohol consumption is not prohibited during the course of conservative treatment.

During pregnancy and lactation

The constituent components of the drug Gynoflor do not have any embryotoxic ,terato- or mutagenic action on the development of the fetus, therefore the drug is allowed to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding(lactation). However, conservative therapy is first trimester recommended only under the constant supervision of a qualified medical personnel and regular diagnostic tests.

This page provides a list of all Gynoflor E analogues by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

  • Most cheap analogue Gynoflor E:
  • The most popular analogue of Gynoflor E:
  • ATX classification: Other products used in gynecology
  • Active ingredients/composition: Lactobacillus acidophilus, estriol

Cheap analogs of Gynoflor E

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 20 rub 27 UAH
Analogue in composition and indication
300 rub 109 UAH
3 beta alanine
Analogue in composition and indication
300 rub 269 ​​UAH
Analogue in composition and indication
401 RUR 350 UAH
5 sigetin
Analogue in composition and indication
416 RUR 65 UAH

When calculating the cost cheap analogues of Gynoflor E the minimum price was taken into account, which was found in the price lists provided by pharmacies

Popular analogues of Gynoflor E

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 Analogue in composition and indication 14718 RUR --
2 Analogue in composition and indication 630 rub. 700 UAH
3 Soybeans
Analogue in composition and indication
1790 RUR 90 UAH
4 homeopathic potencies of various substances
Analogue in composition and indication
20 rub 27 UAH
Analogue in composition and indication
-- --

Given list of drug analogues based on statistics of the most requested drugs

All analogues of Gynoflor E

Analogues in composition and indications for use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
Calamus, Lesser periwinkle, Oregano, St. John's wort, Calendula officinalis, Shepherd's purse, Chamomile, Common yarrow, Common celandine -- 28 UAH
Soybeans 1790 RUR 90 UAH
-- --
14718 RUR --
630 rub. 700 UAH
conium, thuja, hydrastis, calcium fluoratum 401 RUR 350 UAH
beta-alanine 300 rub 269 ​​UAH
human placenta hydrolyzate 13900 rub. --
indole-3-carbinol 853 RUR 1180 UAH
beta-alanine 1440 rub. 79 UAH
indole 3 carbinol, epigallactic catechins -- --
atosiban 1886 RUR 1048 UAH
Amino acid -- 58 UAH
Lactobacillus rhamnosus -- 101 UAH
2053 RUR 39 UAH
Lactobacillus plantarum -- 52 UAH
homeopathic potencies of various substances 20 rub 27 UAH
sigetin 416 RUR 65 UAH
nitric acid, acetic acid, zinc nitrate, oxalic acid dihydrate 712 RUR 222 UAH
Calendula officinalis, Meadowsweet, Flaxseed, Parsley, Bedstraw, Celery 2970 rub. 123 UAH
homeopathic potencies of various substances 2290 RUR 196 UAH
homeopathic potencies of various substances -- 97 UAH
calendula officinalis 1290 RUR 92 UAH
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophilus 300 rub 109 UAH
common twig 1449 RUR 187 UAH

The above list of drug analogues, which indicates substitutes Gynoflor E, is the most suitable because they have the same composition of active ingredients and coincide in indications for use

Different composition, may have the same indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
hexoprenaline 25 rub. 30 UAH
159 RUR 91 UAH
-- 81 UAH
bromocriptine -- 73 UAH
cabergoline -- 145 UAH
cabergoline 560 rub. 220 UAH
-- --
295 RUR --
quinagolide 995 RUR 290 UAH
yarrow herb thick extract, polyphyte oil Kyzyl May -- --
benzydamine 256 RUR 28 UAH

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that are provided to us by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up to date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find everything possible options analogues of the sought-after medicine, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies where it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find inexpensive analogue medicine, generic or synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of a drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, pharmaceutically equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, we should not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs, which may affect safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so before consuming any medical product Always consult your doctor.

Gynoflor E price

On the websites below you can find prices for Gynoflor E and find out about availability in a pharmacy near you

Gynoflor E instructions

to use the product
Gynoflor E

Release form
Vaginal tablets.

6 pcs.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Estrogen + eubiotic

ATX code:G02CX

Pharmacological properties
The active substances that make up the drug GinoflorE, estriol and lactobacilli acidophilus, are involved in physiological mechanism maintaining normal vaginal biocenosis.
Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the dominant vaginal microorganisms healthy woman, having antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.
Estriol is a female sex hormone, a short-acting estrogen. It has a protective trophic effect on the vaginal epithelium and has no systemic effect on the woman’s body. The proliferating mature vaginal epithelium accumulates glycogen, which is necessary for the functioning of lactobacilli, which, in turn, produce lactic acid, maintaining the acidic environment of the vagina (pH 3.8-4.5), which creates unfavorable conditions for the colonization and development of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to lactic acid, lactobacilli acidophilus produce hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins, which also inhibit the development of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.
Changes in the physiological flora of the vagina occur due to various factors: local or systemic use antibacterial drugs, incl. due to vaginal infections, systemic diseases, non-compliance with hygiene rules. In these cases, the number of lactobacilli can be significantly reduced. Intravaginal use of the drug Gynoflor E improves the condition of the vaginal epithelium and restores its normal flora. Lactose, which is found in vaginal tablets as a filler, can also be fermented by lactobacilli into lactic acid.
The vaginal epithelium becomes thinner and can be damaged due to hormonal disorders, and therefore the drug Gynoflor E can be used in postmenopause to alleviate its local symptoms (itching, burning, vaginal dryness, pain during sexual intercourse), helping to normalize the condition of the vaginal epithelium and urethra, reducing the frequency of dystrophic inflammatory conditions.
In vitro it has been shown that lactobacilli acidophilus lead to the necessary decrease in pH within a few hours. Estriol, with a treatment duration of 6-12 days, provides a proliferative trophic effect on the vaginal epithelium.

When the drug is introduced into the vagina, lyophilized bacteria and estriol are released.
The absorption of estriol from the drug Gynoflor E has been studied in postmenopausal women. After reuse of the drug, the concentration of estriol in plasma corresponds to the concentration of endogenous unbound estriol. After the 12th day of using vaginal tablets during treatment with Gynoflor E (1 time per day), the maximum concentration of unbound estriol in the blood plasma does not differ from the initial one, which indicates the absence of systemic absorption.
The use of the drug does not affect the concentration in the blood plasma of sex hormones present in a woman’s body - estrone and estradiol, since estriol is the end product of their metabolism.

Restoration of normal vaginal microflora after local and/or systemic use of antibiotics or antimicrobials(including vaginal infections: bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vulvovaginitis; urogenital infections and sexually transmitted diseases).
Estrogen-dependent atrophic vaginitis in postmenopause, including in combination with replacement hormonal therapy(HRT).

hypersensitivity to the drug or its components;
malignant estrogen-dependent neoplasms, incl. mammary glands, uterus, ovaries or vagina (diagnosed, in history, and if they are suspected);
endometriosis (suspected or diagnosed);
bleeding from the vagina of unknown etiology;
use in girls before sexual activity;
untreated endometrial hyperplasia.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Use in the first trimester of pregnancy is undesirable. It is possible to use the drug Gynoflor E in the II-III trimesters of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. No undesirable effects of lactobacilli and estriol on pregnancy and the condition of the fetus/newborn were detected. However, long-term clinical trials No studies have been conducted on the effect of estriol on the fetus.

Special instructions
The drug Gynoflor E contains components that may not completely dissolve; residues of the vaginal tablet can sometimes be found on underwear. This does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.
In isolated cases, with vaginal dryness, the vaginal tablet may not dissolve. To prevent such cases, the tablet can be moistened with a small amount of plain water before administration - this will help it dissolve more quickly. Patients are advised to use pads.

Composition for 1 vaginal tablet:
Active ingredients: Lactobacillus acidophilus (lyophilisate) 50.00 mg (not less than 100 million viable bacteria), estriol 0.03 mg;
Excipients: lactose monohydrate 625.6 mg, microcrystalline cellulose 183.7 mg, magnesium stearate 6.67 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch 30 mg, sodium dihydrogen phosphate 4 mg.

The tablets are oval, biconvex from white to light beige in color with inclusions.

Directions for use and doses
Vaginal tablets must be inserted deep into the vagina in the evening before bed, preferably while lying on your back, with your knees slightly bent.
To restore normal vaginal microflora after local and/or systemic use of antibiotics or other antimicrobial drugs (including for vaginal infections: bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vulvovaginitis, urogenital infections and sexually transmitted diseases): 1-2 vaginal tablets daily for 6-12 days.
When treating estrogen-dependent atrophic vaginitis in postmenopause: 1 vaginal tablet daily for 6-12 days, then the maintenance dose is 1 vaginal tablet 1-2 times a week.

Side effects
There may be a burning sensation (heat) in the vagina, rarely redness and itching of the vulva and vagina.

Drug interactions
Lactobacillus acidophilus is sensitive to numerous antibacterial medicines(local or systemic use). Concomitant treatment such means may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug GynoflorE. Therefore, its simultaneous use with antibacterial drugs is not recommended. It is not recommended to use the drug Gynoflor E together with spermicidal agents.

An overdose of the drug was not observed.

Storage conditions
Store at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C. Do not freeze!
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for independent prescription or replacement of medication.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Description, composition, pharmacological action

Medicine Gynoflor is antiseptic And antimicrobial agent. It is used in gynecology mainly for the purpose of restoring normal vaginal microflora. Included this drug includes lactobacilli, which are normally present in the microflora. Vaginal bacterial balance – natural protection female body from the penetration of all kinds of infections. The main component of the microflora is Lactobacilli bacteria. These microorganisms produce lactic acid, as well as other substances, which act as a protective barrier against foreign microorganisms that cause diseases. The acidic environment of the vagina, formed due to the vital activity of Lactobacilli, inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

An imbalance of the flora or its destruction can be caused by taking antibacterial drugs, serious illnesses, hormonal disorders, the development of local infections, or even failure to comply with the rules of basic hygiene. Also, wearing synthetic underwear, frequent stress, pregnancy, using contraception, etc. can lead to imbalance. Gynoflor helps to effectively and quickly normalize the bacterial balance of the vagina, thanks to the colonization of active Lactobacilli.

Lactobacilli, so necessary for the normalization of microflora, are contained in many preparations, but if there is a serious imbalance, then traditional colonization may not help. In such cases, additional influence cannot be avoided. Otherwise, the use of drugs containing live microorganisms will only give a temporary effect. It is important not only to restore the microflora, but also to provide it good conditions for attachment and vital activity, i.e. restore the epithelium.

Gynoflor is an absolutely safe drug for health. It can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Despite the fact that this medicine is hormonal, estriol included in its composition does not have any effect negative impact on the fruit and does not penetrate it. Estyrol is characterized by a purely local effect, since all receptors for it are located only in the tissues of the vagina. The use of Gynoflor does not affect the hormonal balance of the body as a whole, and the hormone it contains affects only the epithelium.

Gynoflor is very different from other similar drugs. high content lactobacilli. Thanks to this concentration, it is possible to achieve the desired effect of treatment in the shortest possible time - in just 6 days. However, such a short course is indicated for women of reproductive age. During menopause, you should undergo a course of treatment using 12 tablets.

How does Gynoflor work - video

Indications for use

Gynoflor is shown as effective remedy to restore the normal bacterial balance of the vagina after local or systemic antibacterial therapy using chemotherapy or antimicrobial drugs.

Gynoflor can also be used by women during menopause and postmenopause with hormonal replacement therapy as a concomitant drug.

The medicine shows good results in treatment various violations condition of the vaginal epithelium, as well as in the treatment of atrophic vaginitis during menopause.

Gynoflor is indicated for the following problems:

  • Candidiasis (thrush) in the lungs or medium degree gravity. More severe forms thrush cannot be removed using Gynoflora alone, as they often require specific treatment using antifungal drugs.
  • Vaginal discharge of unknown etiology.
  • Various types of vaginitis, not complicated by any infectious diseases.
  • As a prevention of recurrent candidiasis.

Vaginal tablets Gynoflor - instructions for use

Gynoflor tablets should be inserted deep into the vagina. For better dissolution, the tablet must first be held under water for a few seconds. To do this, just use a glass of boiled water at room temperature. It is best to start treatment a couple of days after the complete cessation of menstrual bleeding. Otherwise, if menstruation begins in the middle of the course, the drug will need to be interrupted and continued after the “critical” days.

The tablet is administered before bedtime. The most comfortable position for administering the medicine is on your back with your knees slightly bent.

For problems such as vaginal discharge, infections, disorders of the vaginal microflora (caused by antibacterial treatment), you should use 1-2 vaginal tablets per day. The course of treatment should be from 6 to 12 days, depending on the condition.

For the treatment of atrophic vaginitis, as well as vaginal discharge during menopause and postmenopause, you should use 1 Gynoflor vaginal tablet per day. The course of treatment is from 6 to 12 days. After the course of treatment is completed, you should continue taking the drug in a maintenance dose (1 tablet 1-2 times a week).

If the need arises, a second course of treatment can be carried out. This should be done 1-2 weeks after the end of the first. The need for a repeat course rarely arises, since complex action drug (restoration of epithelium and large number lactobacilli) usually give good results the first time. Lactobacillus acidophilus contained in Gynoflora takes root in sufficient quantities to maintain the flora balance at a normal level.

During the treatment process, you should avoid intimacy altogether, or use barrier methods of contraception. Otherwise, the effectiveness of Gynoflor will be reduced.

It is worth remembering that some of the components that make up Gynoflor cannot completely dissolve in the vagina and leave it the next day, remaining on the underwear in the form of characteristic discharge. There is no need to worry about this, as this is normal and does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug. It is advisable to use panty liners while using Gynoflor.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of a drug such as Gynoflor include the following circumstances:
  • Hypersensitivity to individual components.
  • Also, this medicine should not be prescribed to girls who have not reached puberty.
  • Gynoflor is contraindicated in women with vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.
  • The medicine cannot be used in the presence of estrogen-dependent malignant neoplasms, in particular tumors of the vagina, uterus or mammary glands, as well as in the presence of endometriosis (or even suspicion of it).
In most cases, the use of Gynoflor does not cause side effects and is well tolerated, but in some cases unpleasant side effects may occur, such as:
  • burning;
  • redness and swelling of the vaginal mucosa;
  • redness of the external genitalia.
If the unpleasant symptoms are tolerable, then the drug can be continued to be used, and they will go away on their own within 2-3 days.


Gynoflor, as a drug intended to eliminate disorders of the vaginal microflora, has a fairly large number of analogues. Medicines may differ in effectiveness, duration of treatment, method of administration and composition.
Analogues of Gynoflor include:
  • Vagisan;
  • Ecofemin;
  • Laktogin;
  • Lactovag and other medicines containing lactobacilli.
Vaginorm S can also be used to normalize the vaginal microflora.

Gynoflor during pregnancy

Gynoflor, like many other medications, should be taken with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimester, this medicine can be used without any fear. The components that make up Gynoflor do not pose a threat to the health and life of the fetus. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding. There is no need to interrupt feeding while using this medicine.

As a result of the studies, no negative effects on the course of pregnancy, as well as on the condition of the fetus, were identified. At the moment, only one thing is unknown - whether long-term use of Gynoflor will somehow affect the health of the pregnant child. These studies have not yet been conducted. However, this does not mean at all that there is a possibility of negative effects of the components of the drug on the fetus. Gynoflor has been used to treat various problems for 15 years. Throughout of this period No negative side effects were identified over time, which indicates high degree safety of the drug.

One of the components of the drug, estyrol, can have undesirable effects on male fetuses in animals. This was revealed by experimental methods. This effect is explained by the nature of this component. Estyrol is a male sex hormone that is unique to humans. This hormone is not found in other mammals. This is the reason for the negative effect of Gynoflor on pregnancy in animals. However, it makes no sense to extrapolate the results of experiments performed on laboratory rodents to humans.

Gynoflor during menstruation: is it possible or not?

What to do if you need to carry out treatment using Gynoflor, but a woman has started " critical days"? If treatment has not yet been started, then it should be postponed until the bleeding stops. If menstruation begins in the middle of treatment, then the use of the drug should be temporarily suspended, again, until menstruation stops.

Using Gynoflor during menstruation will not harm the body, but it also does not make sense. The medicine is taken to normalize the vaginal microflora, and therefore it is important that the bacteria it contains take root well. During menstruation, the components of the medicine will be washed out of the vagina by blood, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness of Gynoflor.

A break in admission due to " critical days", and subsequent resumption will not worsen the treatment result.


Gynoflor cannot be called the most affordable drug. However, its availability in pharmacies and high efficiency quite justifies relatively high price. The drug has two release forms: 6 and 12 vaginal tablets:
  • The average cost of Gynoflor No. 6 is 650 rubles.
  • The average cost of Gynoflor No. 12 is 950 rubles.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews of Gynoflora, those who took this drug for one purpose or another, are positive. This suggests that the relatively high cost of the drug is justified by the effectiveness of the treatment. In some cases, pronounced side effects are observed, manifested in the form of itching, burning, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane, discharge, etc.

The occurrence of side effects cannot be attributed to the low quality of Gynoflor or its ineffectiveness, since the negative consequences of use in the vast majority of cases are caused by allergic reactions and intolerance to individual components.

Some women are worried that after administering the pill the next day, characteristic discharge (residues of the medicine) is found on their underwear. They believe the pill was inserted incorrectly and the medicine did not dissolve as it should. But discharge on laundry is not evidence of low efficiency. This is normal for this drug, since Gynoflor contains components that may not dissolve. This does not reduce the medicinal qualities

Every person's body is affected by some kind of disease. Some to a lesser extent, and some to a greater extent. So, if you do not treat even the most banal thrush, serious consequences can develop that will negatively affect your health. general condition health. More than one has long been created against various sexually transmitted infections. medicinal product. This group of reliable ones includes Gynoflor E.

How does it influence? Who can use it and when? Which adverse reactions from such therapy can there be? How much does a course of drug treatment cost? - find out today.

Pharmacological action

Gynoflor E is a local reparative medicine. Thanks to it and its antagonistic properties, the release of bacteriocins, hydrogen peroxide, and its own secretions with antibiotic effects is activated.

This effectiveness is due to the composition, which includes acidophilus bacteria and estriol hormone.

By normalizing the acid level (the breakdown of glycogen to lactic acid) and increasing the number of beneficial microorganisms, the local protective function is enhanced.

The drug's lactobacilli, which are also present in the woman's vaginal environment, contribute to active resistance to foreign bacteria, restoring the normal balance of the flora.

This also allows you to use Gynoflor E suppositories for menopausal syndrome.

Video on the topic:

Composition and release form

The drug Gynoflor E is manufactured in the form of intravaginal tablets with a eubiotic concentration of 50 mg.

The amount of estriol is 0.03 mg

Also in production it is impossible to do without the following auxiliary components:

The drug is sold in packs of 6 and 12 pieces.

Indications for use

The drug Gynoflor E is prescribed in the following cases:

Photo gallery of testimony:

Atrophic vaginitis


The drug Gynoflor E should not be used if there are restrictions in the form of:

  • Intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Hormone-dependent malignant tumors in organs reproductive system;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Hemorrhagic discharge;
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.

Photos of the components of the drug:

Also, Gynoflor E vaginal suppositories are not prescribed to girls without sexual activity.

Side effects

When using the drug Gynoflor E, adverse reactions may occur at the injection site:

  1. Burning sensation;
  2. Foreign body sensation;
  3. Other discomfort;
  4. Redness;
  5. Swelling;
  6. Arterial hyperemia;

Drug interactions

Vaginal suppositories Gynoflor E are not combined with antibiotic medications, since the effectiveness beneficial bacteria greatly reduced.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no prohibition on drinking alcohol during therapy with Gynoflor E. This combination does not cause any negative reactions.

Dosage and overdose

There is no information about an overdose with this drug. No such cases have been recorded.

Instructions for use

Gynoflor E is placed intravaginally in a supine position.

Shelf life and storage of the drug

Vaginal suppositories Gynoflor E are valid for up to 3 years, if they are stored at a temperature not higher than + 15 ̊ C.

Special instructions

Is it possible to use Gynoflor E during menstrual bleeding? While your period is on, you should stop or postpone using the medicine

If a woman notices undissolved particles of Gynoflor E vaginal suppositories on her underwear, there is no need to worry.

All substances have penetrated to their destination, so this does not affect the effectiveness.

If the vaginal environment is very dry, then the suppository should be doused with water before use.

The drug Gynoflor E does not affect driving in any way.

Medicine not prohibited pregnant and lactating women.


Vaginal tablets Gynoflor E are priced for 12 pcs. from 800 rubles. Cheaper price for 6 candles.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

You can purchase the drug using a prescription.

Useful video:

Analogues substitutes

The most complete analogues Gynoflor E tablets are as follows:

  • consists of lactobacilli rhamnosus and routeri. Available in the form of vaginal and oral capsules, gel and soap. Manufacturer: Jadran Galenski Laboratorij (Republic of Croatia).
  • manufactured in the form of vaginal suppositories with ascorbic acid. Manufacturer: Artesan Pharma (Germany).

There are also some analogues of candles that are similar in effect:

  • Available in oral and vaginal capsules with lactobacilli rhamnosus and routeri. Manufacturer: Jadran Galenski Laboratorij (Republic of Croatia).
  • It is produced in the form of vaginal capsules with lactobacilli acidophilus. Manufacturer: Pharma-Vinci (Denmark).
  • is prepared in the form of a gel with lactobacilli lysate. Manufacturer: Se.PHARM S.r.l. (Italy).

Photos of analogues:

How would you rate the effect of the drug?

Women, due to the structure of their bodies, often have to use vaginal suppositories. The purpose of using drugs can be different: antibacterial or antiviral effect, treatment of fungal infections, restoration of microflora, hormonal effects, and so on. Today’s article will tell you about how Gynoflor E is used. Price, reviews, analogues will be presented to your attention. Despite the information received, it must be remembered that self-medication often leads to complications. If you have disturbing symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, you cannot reliably determine the cause of your illness, but only assume it.

The drug "Gynoflor E"

Analogs and instructions for using this medication will be presented to you below. You should first familiarize yourself with the components and find out in what cases the medication is used. The composition of the drug "Gynoflor E" includes a complex of beneficial bacteria that normally inhabit a woman's vagina. Lactobacillus acidophilus and estriol are present here. The latter is a female hormone responsible for tissue elasticity.

The medicine is used to treat problems caused by taking antibiotics, infections, poor hygiene and other reasons. The use of the drug "Gynoflor E" is contraindicated for endometriosis and estrogen-dependent tumors, hypersensitivity and before the first menstruation. There is no official clinical data on the use of the drug during pregnancy. Therefore, the question of the possibility of carrying out such therapy is decided by the doctor. The medicine is administered directly into the vagina, 1-2 tablets per day for 6-12 days. You can purchase the drug without a prescription at any pharmacy. A small package (6 suppositories) costs no more than 1,100 rubles. For 12 pieces you will have to pay about 1600 rubles. As you can see, it is more profitable to purchase a large package

Drug substitutes

The drug "Gynoflor E" has different analogues: structural and relative. In the first case we're talking about about absolute substitutes that are similar in composition. These are medications such as “Acipol”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Lactonorm” and many others. All of them are produced in Russia, while the original product is produced by a Swiss pharmaceutical company.

It is known that the drug “Gynoflor E” has not only a microflora-restoring effect. It is also an antiseptic. In this regard, indirect analogues of the drug include Hexicon, Genferon, Kipferon, and so on. Let's take a closer look at the main ones. "Gynoflor E" has a lot of them.

"Bifidumbacterin" - an inexpensive substitute

The drug "Gynoflor E" has cheaper analogues. For example, "Bifidumbacterin". You can purchase this product at a price of about 90 rubles for 10 suppositories. This is 10 times lower than the cost of the original medicine. Issued vaginal suppositories"Bifidumbacterin" in Russia by the company "Vitapharma". The drug contains bifidum bacteria. Distinctive feature This product is that it can be used not only vaginally. Suppositories are administered rectally to restore intestinal microflora. Women are prescribed the drug for colpitis (including hormonal ones), gardnerellosis. The drug is recommended for expectant mothers before childbirth in order to normalize the microflora.

Reviews about this product are mostly good. Women say that the medication is used for 5-10 days, twice a day. A course of treatment requires 1-2 packages of medication. Due to its low cost, purchasing problems usually do not arise. It is important that the drug (unlike its expensive predecessor) has no contraindications (except for hypersensitivity).

Suppositories "Acilact"

The next analogue of the Gynoflor E suppositories is the drug Acylact. According to consumer reviews, it is often prescribed together with the drug “Bifidumbacterin”. Considering that the drugs are produced by one Russian company (Vitapharma), this is quite justified. Medicines complement each other. You already know that Bifidumbacterin contains bifidobacteria. Acilact suppositories contain acidophilus lactobacilli, as in the original Swiss medicine Gynoflor E. A medication is prescribed to restore the vaginal microflora and maintain the woman’s immunity. Use 1 suppository twice a day for 5-10 days.

Reviews about the drug are positive. A significant role Cost plays a role in this: you can buy 10 suppositories for 150 rubles. Women say that after using the medication, their discharge returned to normal, the itching and feeling of dryness disappeared. In combination with Bifidumbacterin capsules, the medicine is even more effective.

"Laktonorm" is a popular substitute

The drug "Gynoflor E" has analogues that are less expensive, but not cheap either. These include the drug “Lactonorm”. Suppositories are available in 14 pieces per package. The manufacturer is Lekko (Russia). You can buy a pack of vaginal tablets for about 500 rubles. The composition includes the same acidophilic lactobacilli as in the drug "Gynoflor E". The Russian analogue is distinguished by the absence of estriol.

The medicine forms quite contradictory opinions about itself. Many consumers do not purchase the medicine due to the high cost. Women prefer cheaper analogues. The drug "Laktonorm" is used for the treatment and prevention of vaginosis, as well as vaginitis of different nature(including during menopause). Doctors say that this remedy should not be used when the drug in this case will only worsen the patient’s condition. For a course of treatment, women only need to purchase one package of medication. Capsules are inserted into the vagina for a week, twice a day. Conveniently, the package includes an applicator. Its use protects you from penetration pathogens, which are present on the hands.

"Livarol" is a Russian analogue of "Gynoflor E" suppositories

This product is produced by Nizhpharm. The medicine is available in 5 and 10 suppositories per pack. You can purchase the drug for 600 and 800 rubles, respectively. Contains ketoconazole. This substance has an antifungal effect. According to the instructions, the drug "Gynoflor E" is an antimicrobial antiseptic. Therefore, the drug “Livarol” is in some way its analogue.

Women say that this medicine is effective in the treatment of vaginal discharge of an unspecified nature, it perfectly eliminates thrush. If you read the annotation, you will find out that Livarol is used to restore the vaginal microflora after taking antibiotics. The medication is used with extreme caution during pregnancy and lactation. Conveniently, suppositories are administered only once a day. Treatment lasts from 3 to 10 days as prescribed by the doctor.

"Kipferon" - antiviral immunomodulator

The next substitute for Gynoflor E suppositories is the drug Kipferon. What distinguishes the medicine is that there are no acidophilic microorganisms in this product. But despite this, suppositories are used to maintain immunity and to naturally restore the vaginal microflora. Indications are vaginitis, candidiasis, chlamydia, dysbiosis, inflammatory infectious diseases vagina. It is forbidden to use the drug "Kipferon" in case of hypersensitivity, as well as during pregnancy. You can purchase the product for 800 rubles at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Current opinions

Often, consumers, having learned the price, refuse the drug "Gynoflor E". Women are looking for cheaper analogues. Indeed, treatment with this drug is expensive. If the medication is prescribed for 12 days, 2 suppositories per day, then you will have to purchase 24 vaginal tablets. These are two large packages for 1600 rubles. Agree, not every woman can afford it.

Russian substitutes for Gynoflor E candles (analogues) have a more affordable price. Even the same “Laktonorm” can be purchased for only 500 rubles, but it is also considered expensive. If you are looking for a medicine with lactobacilli acidophilus affordable price, then experienced patients recommend choosing “Acilact”. The drug is inexpensive and effective. This is the opinion that consumers have about it.

If we take into account all the substitutes for the drug “Gynoflor E”, we can say that they are safe and effective. Women get the desired effect from using medications. Many drugs can be used during pregnancy. This is a plus, since it is especially important for expectant mothers to support normal microflora vagina.

In conclusion

If you have been prescribed the drug "Gynoflor E", but for some reason you cannot purchase it, then you can select analogues. To begin with, you should still consult with a gynecologist and find out which products are right for you. Do not self-medicate, it can lead to unpleasant consequences. All the best, don't get sick!