
Glucose and instructions for use. Why is glucose given intravenously?

Glucose is a powerful source of nutrition that is easily absorbed by the body. This solution is very valuable for human body, since the healing liquid has the power to significantly improve energy reserves and restore weakened performance functions. The most important task of glucose is to provide and provide the body with the necessary source of complete nutrition.

Glucose solutions have long been effectively used in medicine for injection therapy. But why do they drip glucose intravenously, in what cases do doctors prescribe such treatment, and is it suitable for everyone? This is worth talking about in more detail.

Glucose is a source of energy for the human body

Glucose (or dextrose) is actively involved in a variety of metabolic processes in the human body. A. Given medicinal substance diverse in its impact on the systems and organs of the body. Dextrose:

  1. Improves cellular metabolism.
  2. Reanimates weakened liver functions.
  3. Replenishes lost energy reserves.
  4. Stimulates essential functions internal organs.
  5. Helps with detoxification therapy.
  6. Strengthens redox processes.
  7. Replenishes significant loss of fluid in the body.

When a glucose solution penetrates the body, its active phosphorylation begins in the tissues. That is, dextrose is converted into glucose-6-phosphate.

Glucose is essential for healthy cellular metabolism

Glucose-6-phosphate or phosphorylated glucose is an important participant in the main metabolic processes occurring in the human body.

Forms of release of the drug

Dextrose is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in two forms. Both forms of solution are useful for people with weakened bodies, but have their own nuances in use.

Isotonic solution

This type of dextrose is intended to restore the functioning of weakened internal organs, as well as to replenish lost fluid reserves. This 5% solution is a powerful source of nutrients essential for human life.

What is isotonic glucose solution

An isotonic solution is administered in different ways:

  1. Subcutaneously. The daily volume of administered medication in this case is 300-500 ml.
  2. Intravenously. Doctors may prescribe the medication intravenously (300-400 ml per day).
  3. Enema. In this case, the total amount of administered solution is about 1.5-2 liters per day.

It is not recommended to administer glucose intramuscularly in its pure form. In this case, there is a high risk of developing purulent inflammation subcutaneous tissue. Intravenous injections are prescribed if a slow and gradual infusion of dextrose is not required.

Hypertonic solution

This type of dextrose is necessary to improve the functioning of a damaged liver and resuscitate metabolic processes. Additionally, a hypertonic solution restores normal diuresis and promotes vasodilation. Also this dropper with glucose (10-40% solution):

  • increases metabolic processes;
  • improves myocardial functioning;
  • increases the volume of urine produced;
  • promotes dilation of blood vessels;
  • increases the antitoxic functions of the liver organ;
  • enhances the passage of fluid and tissue into the bloodstream;
  • increases the osmotic pressure of the blood (this pressure ensures normal water exchange between body tissues).

Hypertonic solution is prescribed by doctors in the form of injections and droppers. When it comes to injections, dextrose is most often administered intravenously. It can also be used in combination with other medicines. Many people, especially athletes, prefer to drink glucose.

What are hypertonic solutions

The hypertonic solution, administered by injection, is diluted with thiamine, ascorbic acid or insulin. A single dose in this case is about 25-50 ml.

The medicinal power of droppers

For infusion (intravenous), a 5% dextrose solution is usually used. The healing liquid is packaged in plastic, hermetically sealed bags or 400 ml bottles. The infusion solution consists of:

  1. Purified water.
  2. Directly glucose.
  3. Active excipient.

When dextrose enters the bloodstream, it breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, actively producing energy. Subsequent pharmacology depends on the nature of the additional agents used. medicines included in the droppers.

Where is glucose used?

Why do they put in a glucose drip?

The purpose of such therapeutic treatment is carried out with a set various diseases and further rehabilitation of an organism weakened by pathology. A glucose dropper is especially beneficial for health, for which it is prescribed in the following cases:

  • hepatitis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • dehydration;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver pathologies;
  • state of shock;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure (collapse);
  • profuse, persistent vomiting;
  • infectious diseases;
  • relapse of heart failure;
  • accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary organs;
  • stomach upset (prolonged diarrhea);
  • exacerbation of hypoglycemia, in which there is a drop in blood sugar to a critical level.

Also, intravenous infusion of dextrose is indicated if it is necessary to introduce certain medications into the body. In particular, cardiac glycosides.

Side effects

Isotonic dextrose solution in rare cases can provoke a number of side effects. Namely:

  • increased appetite;
  • weight gain;
  • feverish conditions;
  • necrosis of subcutaneous tissue;
  • blood clots at the IV site;
  • hypervolemia (increased blood volume);
  • overhydration (violation of water-salt metabolism).

If the solution is prepared incorrectly and dextrose is introduced into the body in increased quantities, more tragic consequences can occur. In this case, an attack of hyperglycemia may occur and, in especially severe cases, coma. Shock occurs due to a sharp increase in sugar in the patient's blood.

So for all its usefulness intravenous injections glucose should only be used for specific indications. And directly as prescribed by a doctor, and procedures should only be carried out under medical supervision.

200 ml - bottles for blood and blood substitutes (1) - cardboard packs.

Pharmacological action

Rehydration and detoxification product.

An isotonic dextrose solution (5%) is used to replenish the body with fluid. In addition, it is a source of valuable nutrients that are easily absorbed. When glucose is metabolized in tissues, it is released significant amount energy necessary for the functioning of the body.

With the intravenous administration of hypertonic solutions (10%, 20%, 40%), the osmotic pressure of the blood increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes increase, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, blood vessels dilate, and diuresis.


Dextrose, entering tissues, is phosphorylated, turning into glucose-6-phosphate, which is actively involved in many parts of the body's metabolism. Excreted by the kidneys.

Clinical pharmacology

Rehydration and detoxification drug for parenteral use.

Indications for use Glucose-e

Compensation for the lack of carbohydrates in the body. Correction of dehydration due to vomiting, diarrhea, postoperative period. Detoxification infusion therapy. Collapse, shock (as a component of various blood-substituting and anti-shock fluids). Used for preparing solutions of drugs for intravenous administration.

It is used as a component of various blood replacement and anti-shock fluids. for the preparation of drug solutions for intravenous administration.

Contraindications to the use of Glucose-e

Hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, hyperhydration, postoperative disorders of glucose utilization, hyperosmolar coma, hyperlactic acidemia.

With caution - severe heart failure, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria, hyponatremia.

Glucose-e Use during pregnancy and children

It is possible to use dextrose during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding) according to indications.

Glucose-e Side effects

Fever, hypervolemia, development of infection and thrombophlebitis at the site of glucose administration, extravasation.

Dosage Glucose-e

Dextrose solutions are administered intravenously.

5% solution: maximum up to 150 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 2 l;

10% solution: maximum up to 60 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 500 ml;

20% solution: maximum up to 40 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 300 ml;

40% solution: maximum up to 30 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 250 ml.

  • Dextrose

Find price:

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

  • Hematotropic agents
  • Metabolics

Pharmacological properties:


Rehydration and detoxification product.

An isotonic dextrose solution (5%) is used to replenish the body with fluid. In addition, it is a source of valuable nutrients that are easily absorbed. When glucose is metabolized in tissues, a significant amount of energy is released, which is necessary for the functioning of the body.

With the intravenous administration of hypertonic solutions (10%, 20%, 40%), the osmotic pressure of the blood increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes increase, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, blood vessels dilate, and diuresis.


Dextrose, entering tissues, is phosphorylated, turning into glucose-6-phosphate, which is actively involved in many parts of the body's metabolism. Excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use:

Compensation for the lack of carbohydrates in the body. Correction of dehydration due to vomiting, diarrhea, in the postoperative period. Detoxification infusion therapy. Collapse, shock (as a component of various blood-substituting and anti-shock fluids). Used for preparing solutions of drugs for intravenous administration.

Refers to diseases:

  • Diarrhea


Hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, hyperlactic acidemia, hyperhydration, postoperative disorders of glucose utilization; circulatory disorders that threaten cerebral and pulmonary edema; cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute left ventricular failure, hyperosmolar coma.

Directions for use and dosage:

Dextrose solutions are administered intravenously.

5% solution: maximum up to 150 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 2 l;

10% solution: maximum up to 60 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 500 ml;

20% solution: maximum up to 40 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 300 ml;

40% solution: maximum up to 30 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 250 ml.

Side effect:

From the side of metabolism: Ion balance disturbances and hyperglycemia are possible.

From the outside cardiovascular system: hypervolemia, acute left ventricular failure.

Others: fever.

Local reactions: rarely - local irritation, development of infection, thrombophlebitis.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding:

It is possible to use dextrose during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications.

Special instructions and precautions:

Dextrose is prescribed with caution for decompensated heart failure, chronic renal failure(oligoanuria), hyponatremia.

To increase osmolarity, a 5% dextrose solution can be combined with an isotonic sodium chloride solution.

For impaired renal function

Dextrose is prescribed with caution for chronic renal failure (oligoanuria).

solution d/inf. 10%: bottle. 100 ml, 200 ml, 250 ml 1 or 28 pcs., 400 ml, 500 ml 1 or 15 pcs., containers 100 ml 72 pcs., 250 ml 34 pcs., 500 ml 22 pcs. Reg. No.: P N003088/01

Clinical and pharmacological group:

Rehydration and detoxification drug for parenteral use

Release form, composition and packaging

100 ml - glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
200 ml - glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
400 ml - glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
500 ml - glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
100 ml - glass bottles (28) - cardboard boxes.
200 ml - glass bottles (28) - cardboard boxes.
400 ml - glass bottles (15) - cardboard boxes.
500 ml - glass bottles (15) - cardboard boxes.
100 ml - polymer bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
200 ml - polymer bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
250 ml - polymer bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
400 ml - polymer bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
500 ml - polymer bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
100 ml - polymer bottles (28) - cardboard boxes.
200 ml - polymer bottles (28) - cardboard boxes.
250 ml - polymer bottles (28) - cardboard boxes.
400 ml - polymer bottles (15) - cardboard boxes.
500 ml - polymer bottles (15) - cardboard boxes.
100 ml - polymer containers (72) - cardboard boxes.
250 ml - polymer containers (34) - cardboard boxes.
500 ml - polymer containers (22) - cardboard boxes.
100 ml - bottles for blood and blood substitutes (1) - cardboard packs.
200 ml - bottles for blood and blood substitutes (1) - cardboard packs.
400 ml - bottles for blood and blood substitutes (1) - cardboard packs.
500 ml - bottles for blood and blood substitutes (1) - cardboard packs.

Description of the active components of the drug " Dextroseยป

Pharmacological action

Rehydration and detoxification product.

An isotonic dextrose solution (5%) is used to replenish the body with fluid. In addition, it is a source of valuable nutrients that are easily absorbed. When glucose is metabolized in tissues, a significant amount of energy is released, which is necessary for the functioning of the body.

With the intravenous administration of hypertonic solutions (10%, 20%, 40%), the osmotic pressure of the blood increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes increase, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, blood vessels dilate, and diuresis.


Compensation for the lack of carbohydrates in the body. Correction of dehydration due to vomiting, diarrhea, in the postoperative period. Detoxification infusion therapy. Collapse, shock (as a component of various blood-substituting and anti-shock fluids). Used for preparing solutions of drugs for intravenous administration.

Dosage regimen

Dextrose solutions are administered intravenously.

5% solution: maximum up to 150 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 2 l;

10% solution: maximum up to 60 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 500 ml;

20% solution: maximum up to 40 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 300 ml;

40% solution: maximum up to 30 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 250 ml.

Side effect

From the side of metabolism: Ion balance disturbances and hyperglycemia are possible.

From the cardiovascular system: hypervolemia, acute left ventricular failure.

Others: fever.

Local reactions: rarely - local irritation, development of infection, thrombophlebitis.


Hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, hyperlactic acidemia, hyperhydration, postoperative disorders of glucose utilization; circulatory disorders that threaten cerebral and pulmonary edema; cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute left ventricular failure, hyperosmolar coma.

Pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use dextrose during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications.

Use for renal impairment

Dextrose is prescribed with caution for chronic renal failure (oligoanuria).

Special instructions

Dextrose is prescribed with caution for decompensated heart failure, chronic renal failure (oligoanuria), and hyponatremia.

To increase osmolarity, a 5% dextrose solution can be combined with an isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Glucose-E- a means for rehydration and detoxification. Plasma-substituting, hydrating, metabolic, detoxifying. The substrate provides energy metabolism. Maintains circulating plasma volume. An isotonic solution replenishes the volume of lost fluid, the increased osmotic activity of hypertonic solutions increases the release of tissue fluid into the vascular bed and retains it in it, increases diuresis and the elimination of toxic substances. Dextrose molecules are utilized in the process of energy supply.
An isotonic dextrose solution (5%) is used to replenish the body with fluid. In addition, it is a source of valuable nutrients that are easily absorbed. When glucose is metabolized in tissues, a significant amount of energy is released, which is necessary for the functioning of the body.
With the intravenous administration of hypertonic solutions (10%, 20%, 40%), the osmotic pressure of the blood increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes increase, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, blood vessels dilate, and diuresis.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug Glucose-E are: hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic coma, hypovolemia, dehydration, shock, collapse, intoxication (in surgical, trauma, resuscitation practice); preparation of drug solutions.

Directions for use

Solutions Glucose-E administered intravenously.
5% solution: maximum up to 150 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 2 l;
10% solution: maximum up to 60 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 500 ml;
20% solution: maximum up to 40 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 300 ml;
40% solution: maximum up to 30 drops/min, maximum daily dose for adults - 250 ml.

Side effects

Metabolism: possible disturbances in ion balance, hyperglycemia.
From the cardiovascular system: hypervolemia, acute left ventricular failure.
Other: fever.
Local reactions: rarely - local irritation, development of infection, thrombophlebitis.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Glucose-E are: hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, hyperlactic acidemia, hyperhydration, postoperative disorders of glucose utilization; circulatory disorders that threaten cerebral and pulmonary edema; cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute left ventricular failure, hyperosmolar coma.


Possible use Glucose-E during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications.

Interaction with other drugs

No information available.


There is no information about drug overdose Glucose-E.

Storage conditions

Glucose-E should be stored in a dry, cool place, protected from light.

Release form

Glucose-E- solution for injection.


Glucose-E- solution for injection:
1 liter of 5% solution contains non-aqueous glucose 50.00 g (corresponds to glucose monohydrate 55.00 g); excipients- hydrochloric acid, water for injection; in a package there are 1 and 15 bottles of 100, 200 and 400 ml.
1 liter of 10% solution contains non-aqueous glucose 100.00 g (corresponds to glucose monohydrate 110.00 g); excipients - hydrochloric acid, water for injection; per package: 1, 15 and 28 bottles of 100, 200 and 400 ml.
1 liter of 20% solution contains non-aqueous glucose 200.00 g (corresponds to glucose monohydrate 110.00 g); excipients - hydrochloric acid, water for injection; The package contains 28 bottles of 100, 200 and 400 ml.


Prescribe with caution Glucose-E with decompensated heart failure, chronic renal failure (oligoanuria), hyponatremia.
To increase osmolarity, a 5% dextrose solution can be combined with an isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Basic parameters

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