
How do drops help? Why you shouldn't put droppers - doctor's revelations

Why you shouldn't put drips
I recently received a letter. A real paper letter, the kind I haven't received in a while. A letter from a reader of my books from a distant Siberian city. I thought that for a 75-year-old woman who was not too lazy to put her thoughts on paper by hand, I should answer in detail and just as diligently. Here is the correspondence:
"Hello, dear Anton Vladimirovich.
Pensioner S.I. is writing to you. I am 75 years old, but I want, I really want to live. Lust for life grows stronger with age. That's why I bought your 4 books, waiting for the release of the fifth. Having carefully read all your books and Alexander Myasnikov's Rust, I was confused. Everything that my cardiologists and neurologists treat me with is crossed out by you. In the second book, you and Dr. A. L. Myasnikov, whose programs I always watch, deny the treatment of elderly people with droppers. “There is no point, no benefit in such treatment.” You, Anton Vladimirovich, and Alexander Leonidovich consider drugs useless: actovegin, cerebrolysin, mexidol, mildronat, cavinton. And for many years, these drugs have been prescribed to me by our doctors. And what now to accept and drip? What alternative can you suggest? I've given up after reading your books. day hospital and drips!!! I sit and think how to be treated. The cardiologist suggested a course of treatment in spring and autumn with preductal. How do you think? A.L. Myasnikov writes that, it turns out, all over the world, except for Russia, Corvalol and Valocordin are not sold in pharmacies. And what should we take now if the heart suddenly hurts ??? I won't put my mind to it.
I really hope for an answer."

Dear S.I.,
The idea of ​​treating cardiovascular diseases with courses of injections and droppers dates back to the middle of the last century, when there were slightly different ideas about human physiology and pharmacology. Many years have passed since then. Science has advanced a lot, many new groups of drugs have appeared. However, during the Iron Curtain and the division of science into Soviet and bourgeois, the inhabitants of the USSR were actually cut off from the achievements of world science in general and pharmacology in particular. Doctors trained in the middle of the last century continued to treat their patients in the "grandfather's way" and, worse, to train the next generation of students and young doctors. In the 90s of the XX century, the "iron curtain" collapsed, all the achievements of world science became available to Russian specialists, it would seem that it's time to catch up and bring medical practice in accordance with the best world approaches, but, no - the vast majority of doctors continued to stubbornly copy traditions and mistakes " scientific schools» half a century ago.
Let's see what is the fallacy of using droppers and injections in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Let's start with the fact that the notorious dropper is just a way to quickly deliver a drug into the blood. Intravenous drip injection of drugs can be used only in cases where it is necessary to deliver high doses of the drug to the body as quickly as possible (for example, antibiotics for pneumonia, drugs to dissolve a blood clot for myocardial infarction, chemotherapy for oncological diseases). In all other cases, doctors try to follow the path of the most gentle delivery of the drug into the body - in the form of tablets and capsules. Such treatment avoids many complications - you probably know firsthand the "bumps" and bruises at the injection site. I assure you, this is far from the worst thing that happens from droppers and injections.
In addition, taking drugs in tablets allows you to maintain the concentration of the drug in the blood at almost the same level throughout the day, which is very important for the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, etc. Are you worried about possible side effects tablets from the stomach and liver? I assure you, most drugs are quite safe in this regard; smoking and alcohol damage the stomach and liver much more, but for some reason no one thinks about it.
Let's see if there is any point in the drugs that you and our other patients are offered to drip and inject?
Antispasmodics (magnesia). The idea of ​​using antispasmodics for hypertension again goes back to the concept of vasospasm of the early-middle of the last century. Now we understand that the mechanisms of development of hypertension are much more complicated. Moreover, the older a person becomes, the stiffer the arteries become and the less room there is for the “spasm” mechanism in the development of any vascular diseases.
Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin. These are protein extracts from the brain and other tissues of livestock (cows and pigs). Numerous studies have proven that they do not add intelligence to a person, but can cause serious complications (for example, Actovegin is banned in most countries due to the threat of the spread of the so-called "mad cow disease").
Cavinton, tanakan. In most countries, these drugs are either registered as food (biologically active) supplements or banned altogether. We are well aware that Cavinton (periwinkle lesser or coffin herb) can provoke rhythm disturbances. Tanakan (gignko biloba) has also not been shown to improve memory or other brain functions in studies.
Mexidol, mildronat, preductal. These drugs, according to manufacturers, are designed to improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart and brain. However, the studies carried out do not give cause for optimism. Besides, the heart is not a bed of tomatoes. It does not need to be fed and manured. For the treatment of ischemia and heart failure, there are a huge number of really working drugs.
Unfortunately, many patients perceive the cardiovascular system as water pipes that need to be cleaned from time to time by pouring special cleaning products into it. I will disappoint you, the body is much more complicated; atherosclerotic plaque cannot be dissolved or significantly reduced. the main task- prevent the plaque from growing further and prevent a blood clot from forming in this place (statins and aspirin do an excellent job with this task). In cases where the plaque greatly disrupts the blood supply to the organ (heart or brain), they resort to surgical treatment.
Why do droppers still help some? The answer is very simple. Partly this is the placebo effect - a conscientious belief in the healing wall of the hospital walls and an unknown liquid in a transparent bubble, partly - this is the effect of the pills that the hospital still prescribes. However, each patient considers the effect of the pills to be insignificant, and attributes the entire success of the treatment to the droppers. If, after discharge from the hospital, the patient stops taking pills, then, of course, the improvement achieved in the hospital will soon disappear.
Why do doctors continue to prescribe "vascular droppers"? There are three answers to this.
1. They themselves believe in them. This is the saddest option. Unfortunately, such "specialists" are unsuitable. It is impossible to treat in the 21st century, guided by the conscientious delusions of half a century ago.
2. Doctors know that droppers are useless, but follow the lead of patients, fearing complaints and conflicts. Unfortunately, the existing system is such that if a patient complains that “he is not treated as it should be, but only stuffed with pills”, then no one will understand - the doctor will be punished. Therefore, the doctor believes that it is “easier to surrender” than to explain to the patient why nothing should be dripped. This is the most common reason.
3. “If we don’t make droppers, then our hospital will be closed, and we will be kicked out into the street, because. Patients can take pills at home as well.” This is the rationale I heard a couple of weeks ago from doctors in one of the cities of Russia. This is the saddest thing. Not only do doctors themselves perfectly understand the uselessness of droppers, but they still prescribe them in order to somehow justify the very existence of a hospital.
And one more important consideration. One of the common causes of fatal complications in the elderly is nosocomial infections. The world has long considered: the shorter the duration of stay in a hospital bed, the lower the mortality rate. Consequently, unjustified hospitalizations for unnecessary drips are also a factor in the addition of nosocomial complications.
“So what do you suggest INSTEAD OF IVs, doctor?” - asks every first patient to whom I once again retell all these arguments?
1. Get moving. Movement is life. Every person, regardless of the severity of their condition, must move. It has been shown that even in patients with severe heart failure movement prolongs life. Walking, walking, skiing, swimming - it all depends on the initial physical form.
2. Work. As soon as a person stops working and declares himself a "pensioner", the brain begins to die. Don't think I'm not about a raise retirement age. In this case, "work" does not mean "go to work and pay taxes up to 100 years." By work, in this case, I mean any activity associated with mental stress, albeit within the framework of a hobby. Any doctor knows perfectly well that an 85-year-old scientist's brain works much better than a 40-year-old lazybones.
3. Don't watch TV. TV makes you stupid and makes you a vegetable. Read, write, draw, embroider, just don't watch TV. Every hour spent in front of the TV irreversibly kills nerve cells.
4. Do not smoke or allow smoking in your presence.
5. Eat less meat products and more fish.
6. Watch the pressure and if it exceeds 140/90 mm Hg. Art., constantly take medications prescribed by your doctor. Pressure pills should be drunk throughout life, without breaks, days off and days off.
7. Monitor your cholesterol levels, discuss with your doctor the need for taking statins - drugs that slow down the development of atherosclerosis.
8. Monitor your blood glucose levels. An increase in sugar> 5.6 mmol / l - already warning sign. Unfortunately, diabetes is often asymptomatic.
9. Discuss with your doctor the need for anti-thrombotic drugs such as aspirin or anticoagulants. In some cases they are necessary.
P.S. There is nothing "hearty" in Corvalol and Valocordin, except for the root "cor" (cor - in Latin - heart). The basis of these drugs is phenobarbital, an old toxic drug that disrupts memory, sleep, coordination of movements and has a dozen more unpleasant side effects. To say what to take when your “heart hurts”, you must first figure out why it hurts. Over 90% of pain in chest have nothing to do with the heart.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Anton Rodionov

Can a drip be harmful?

Dropper - benefit or harm

Habit or necessity?

When prescribing infusion therapy, an experienced doctor must initially determine whether droppers are harmful to the patient's body. Even if the patient persistently requires an intravenous infusion.

Droppers have been used in medicine for a long time

Ever since Soviet times, a sign of high-quality healing has been the mandatory introduction medicinal solution through a vein. A person, getting into a hospital, initially counts not only on traditional pills or injections.

Often the patient asks the doctor to supply him with a system, arguing that he can take pills at home on his own.

Injecting into a muscle at home is also not difficult. Many of our citizens have mastered this method and enthusiastically self-medicate.

And only to make an injection into a venous vessel or to install a system is most often problematic. So doctors have to prescribe infusion therapy in order to calm the patient. The effect of self-hypnosis is triggered, the person feels relieved, the disease allegedly recedes.

It should be understood that it is not the system itself that heals, but the medicine that is transported through it. The drug can enter the body in several ways, these are:

  • taking pills;
  • injection into a muscle or vein;
  • rectal enema;
  • intravenous infusion.

It would seem that it does not matter how the substance is delivered to the diseased organ. Is it possible to do it in less complicated ways? Consider the pros and cons of treatment by instillation.

Tablets or injections?

What is more effective - an injection or tablets?

Having a whole bunch of diseases, being observed by various specialists, the patient is forced to take whole handfuls of pills. Not everyone can withstand such a diet. It is possible to exacerbate the disease from the simultaneous use of several drugs. In tablet form, they are absorbed by only 50%. The expected result occurs no earlier than half an hour, and if you take the capsules after a meal, the result will appear even later. A quick effect occurs if you dissolve the tablet or put it under the tongue, like validol and nitroglycerin. But most pills are too bitter to taste and will have to be swallowed.

An injection into a muscle is 2 times more effective. The medicine starts working within 10 minutes. But the volume of the injected substance is relatively small. When the dosage is limited, the duration of treatment increases. Do not forget that it is better to entrust a specialist with an injection in order to avoid hematomas.

Advantage of infusion therapy

Infusion by drip guarantees 100% digestibility in a short period of time. Usually instillation is used in combination with other types of therapy.

System for intravenous administration It is a flexible tube, one end of which is connected to a container filled with saline, and a needle is attached to the other end. The drug enters the vein at a given rate and gradually reaches the desired concentration. The effect persists for a long time.

Instillation is necessary in the following cases:

  • with a stroke, heart attack, that is, in a critical condition, when you can not wait until the pill or injection works;
  • with severe intoxication or allergic reaction. In these cases, cleansing droppers are placed to quickly remove toxins and allergens;
  • if it is necessary to administer a large volume of the treating substance in order to prevent dehydration, replenish blood loss, restore water-salt or acid-base balance;
  • with diabetes of the 1st degree, when the sugar content rises sharply;
  • after surgery on the intestines or stomach, when the patient is contraindicated in feeding through the mouth.

Treatment of intoxications

A dropper must be prescribed for food poisoning of dubious origin, poisonous mushrooms, chemicals. Nausea, diarrhea, feeling of weakness, strong headache- all these symptoms are a sign of the penetration into the blood of toxins formed during the decay of toxic substances. If a serious condition is accompanied by incessant vomiting, rises heat, the person is urgently hospitalized. In the hospital, an intravenous solution is urgently administered to cleanse the circulatory system.

The same steps apply for anaphylactic shock when you need to quickly and effectively clean the vessels of allergens and reduce negative consequences to zero.

Droppers are effective in getting out of a state of binge

A dropper for alcohol poisoning is considered the most effective method of removing a person from hard drinking. Under the influence of drugs, alcohol toxins are neutralized and then removed, the liver and kidneys normalize. The heart rhythm is restored. After the dropper, the patient feels a significant improvement. Having received the desired result in two or even one procedure, the patient plans to continue to solve the problem of getting out of binge in this way. And here another question arises. How many drips can be placed?

If an addicted person is in a clinic under the supervision of a narcologist, the issue is removed by itself. The number of sessions is determined by the narcologist. There is also a call service the right specialist on house. The doctor will select the components individually, taking into account all contraindications.

Purpose of infusion therapy

Solutions for intravenous administration are different in composition and have different purposes:

  • cleansing (for any poisoning, allergies, obesity, diabetes, smoking);
  • restoration of the liver, kidneys, preparation for surgery;
  • rapid saturation of blood with hemoglobin;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • general strengthening of the body after infections, nervous stress, chronic fatigue, long flights;
  • cosmetic effect (smoothing wrinkles, skin rejuvenation, narrowing of pores, hair strengthening).

The benefits of such events are obvious. With what frequency and how often they can be produced, the doctor decides. It all depends on the condition of the patient. It can be assigned from 2 to 10 sessions for several days in a row or with a break.

Contraindications for infusion therapy

What are the risks of intravenous administration? There are a number of contraindications:

  • heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • impaired renal function;
  • intolerance to one of the components.

During the procedure, perfect sterility of the system is required. Violation of the rules of antiseptics leads to infection.

Dropper on hand

Inserting a needle into a venous vessel is not an easy procedure.. Even an experienced specialist can make a mistake and pierce it through and through. Then a blood clot or hematoma forms in this place. If the needle is in the vein for several hours, irreversible changes may occur. Why put yourself at risk when you can use more gentle methods?

Unforeseen situations may arise in life when you need emergency help and your veins are hopelessly damaged and inaccessible.

Take care of yourself!


How can I put a dropper at home?

Problems with blood circulation in the brain are not only dizziness and memory impairment, but also impending atherosclerosis, VVD, vasospasms and strokes. That is why the vessels of the brain need timely treatment. Today, there are drugs to reduce plaques, and to relieve spasms in the vessels, and to improve the characteristics and movement of blood. At the same time, injections and droppers are one of the most effective methods administration of such drugs.

Why droppers?

To improve the functioning of the cerebral vessels, it is quite possible to use both tablets and injections, which are good because the result after them is durable. That's just the body assimilates them by about fifty percent or a little more. Even if the pill is taken under the tongue, all the necessary substances will not reach the vessels of the brain soon, therefore, the first improvements should not be expected in the near future. Injections have a minus that if the treatment is long, there will be too many injuries on the skin. Droppers are another matter: they act on the entire body, and on the brain (and the state of its vessels) almost instantly, they are absorbed completely, and besides, they are effective even in the most dangerous cases. Therefore, they are ideal for improvement cerebral circulation. Droppers are also used in other cases:

  • For prevention;
  • with long-term treatment;
  • for fast delivery useful substances in the area of ​​the brain;
  • for the introduction of drugs in large quantities;

Droppers are good for correcting cerebral circulation and the fact that they do not have side effects, as well as negative impact on the stomach.

But it is worth noting that not all drugs to improve blood circulation are used in the form of droppers. In addition, any droppers are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Heart failure;
  • tendency to edema;
  • inflammation of the veins;
  • skin diseases.

The best droppers to improve cerebral circulation


Refers to herbal preparations for improving cerebral circulation and cleaning the vessels of the brain. The drug is derived from an alkaloid called vincamine, which is obtained from the periwinkle plant. This drug is needed not only to speed up blood circulation, but also to expand the arteries and relieve vasospasm, to remove excess glucose, to lower pressure, to speed up metabolism and to get rid of toxins in the blood. Cavinton is also needed to remove cholesterol plaques from the vessels. Cavinton is a semi-synthetic drug. Therefore, it contains flavonoids with trace elements and vitamins. Cavinton is not prescribed only at low pressure and during pregnancy, as well as when the vascular tone is too low. It is administered with a solution of sodium chloride, and the dosage and duration of the course is determined only by doctors. Cavinton's analogues are Inex, Bravinton, Vinpocetine; Vinpoton, Telektol, Vincetin and Vinpotropil.

Tip: The herbal preparation Cavinton can be combined with other herbal medicines in the form of tablets, among which are products based on ginkgo biloba, for example, tanakan.

Xanthinol Nicotinate

Xanthinol nicotinate is a combination of theophylline and nicotinic acid properties.

The drug dilates the vessels of the brain, has antiaggregatory and antisclerotic effects. The drug is needed to improve microcirculation in tissues and inhibition of platelet aggregation. Xanthinol nicotinate enhances blood circulation and is needed to reduce cerebral hypoxia, accelerate metabolic processes throughout circulatory system. Due to its vasodilating properties, it cleanses the arteries.

It is also indicated for atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and legs, Buerger's and Raynaud's diseases, thrombophlebitis, Meniere's syndrome, migraines, retinopathy, etc.

Among the side effects are dizziness, a feeling of heat, redness of the skin.

Contraindicated in severe heart failure, gastrointestinal ulcers, acute bleeding and heart attack.

Analogues are such means as megemin, sdamin and teonikol.

Tip: nicotinic acid and its analogues also improve blood circulation in the brain. But Nikoshpan and Enduratin, as well as herself nicotinic acid take as carefully as possible, because it can damage the liver.


It is intended to relieve spasms in the bronchi and treat asthma, as well as COPD, that is, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

This remedy contains theophylline. The remedy relieves spasms and dilates the heart vessels, as well as the resistance of the blood vessels.

Also, eufillin is needed to lower the pressure in pulmonary arteries, increased renal blood flow. Due to the ability to reduce tubular reabsorption (that is, the reverse absorption of fluid in the renal tubules), it can also be prescribed as a diuretic. For cerebral vessels, euffilin is prescribed because of its ability to inhibit platelet aggregation well, that is, their aggregation and lower intracranial pressure and normalize circulation in the tissues of this organ.


It is also ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. It inhibits free radical processes and is a membrane protector and antioxidant. Restores tissues after a heart attack and stroke, improves their microcirculation, is effective in VVD, and any acute disorders blood circulation, effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis in the vessels of the brain. It contains pyridoxine. That is why mexidop has contraindications for people who cannot tolerate vitamin B6. Side effects include mild nausea and dry mouth. Mexidol can be called differently:

Medomexi, Cerecard, Mexibel, Nikomex, Mexidant, Mexifin, Mexicor and Mexiprim.


Although they have a weak evidence base and controversy around effectiveness, nootropil and piracetam are also used to improve the activity of cerebral vessels, including in the form of a dropper. Most likely, their effectiveness or ineffectiveness does not depend on self-hypnosis, but on the fact that not everyone is suitable for nootropics.

Other funds

Droppers can and should be combined with tablets. So, in the form of tablets, it is best to use calcium antagonists, which relax the arteries. They have been created for three generations, but cinnarizine and nimodipine are most suitable for the brain.

You may also need funds to strengthen blood vessels. These, for example, include vegetable dihydroquercetin, an antioxidant that is obtained from Siberian or Dahurian larch.

Excellent strengthen blood vessels and some vitamins, for example, vitamin P. It is contained in the preparation Bilberry Forte and ascorutin. Also needed to strengthen blood vessels vitamin complexes, in which there are many trace elements such as selenium, potassium and silicon.

Homeopathic remedies. The low concentration of drugs in such drugs, as well as the duration of administration and difficulties in selection, do not prevent doctors from including them in treatment regimens for various diseases. Cerebralic and Edas -138 are recommended to improve memory and brain function.

Homeopathic remedies are bought without a prescription and you can take them yourself - just follow the instructions. And yet, even the use of homeopathic medicines and nootropics is better to coordinate with doctors.

Intravenous drip infusion - an algorithm for the implementation of the procedure

"Don't take the pills! You will plant a liver and you will earn an ulcer! “From injections - bumps! Better drip!" “Injecting something into a vein? Get to the hospital? brrrr! Better a pill drink". In general, how many people, so many advisers.

What does it do the least harm? more benefit for a diseased organism? I asked the head of the therapeutic department of the second city hospital, Honored Doctor of Ukraine Igor Vapnyar.
Every nation has its own attitude to this issue. The Japanese, for example, only recognize pills. We, on the contrary, stubbornly believe that injections are more effective.
If the patient is in a relatively satisfactory condition: the intensity of the disease, intoxication is not pronounced, the temperature is not very high, it is better to manage with tablet preparations. There are quite effective medicines in tablets.

- The more expensive they are, the better?
- In general, the connection is natural. good medicine can't be cheap. Expensive drugs, technologically complex manufacturing. Imported funds are even more expensive, but our producers are trying to keep up.

- But taking antibiotics in pills often causes stomach upset ...
- Antibiotics, when administered intramuscularly and intravenously, also cause a violation of the ratio of microflora in the intestine. As a result - seething in the stomach, diarrhea. Therefore, along with an antibiotic, a person must be prescribed drugs to relieve imbalances in the intestines.

There are drugs that are especially irritating to the stomach. This is the so-called group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, plus aspirin and its analogues. They should be taken only after meals, not on an empty stomach. "Cover" with other drugs that soften the aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Prolonged, massive and incorrect use of these drugs leads to irritation, which can lead to stomach ulcers and bleeding. Patients with gastritis, ulcers should not take these medicines.

Injection therapy (shots) is used for more serious condition. The drug, administered intramuscularly, acts faster. The medicine injected into a vein will work even faster.
The tablet acts much more slowly: until it is absorbed in the stomach, until it passes the hepatic barrier ...

- Injections and droppers have less effect on the liver?
All drugs pass through the liver. With intravenous infusion, a high concentration of the drug is immediately achieved throughout the body. And then it neutralizes and removes the liver. Almost the same thing happens with intramuscular injections.

- Maybe it's better not to clog the stomach with pills, but immediately put a dropper?

- Do you think that if we pour everything into a vein, as in sewer pipe, is good for human body? Climbing into a vein with syringes, pouring in hefty droppers, six to eight types of drugs each, is also not a very good influence. There are situations that force such an intensive method of therapy to be applied to the patient.

But you can also inject for the time being - this is outside interference in internal environment. As soon as we, doctors, feel that a person's condition has already stabilized, that there is no longer a need to inject medicine into a vein, droppers are immediately canceled. And the patient is prescribed intramuscular injections or tablets.

- Does the medicine administered through a drip last longer?

- No, each drug has its own duration of action, circulation time in the body: some have 12 hours, others have 4, etc. Regardless of how it enters the body: the medicine is taken orally, injected into a muscle or into a vein using a dropper.

Elena Gobanova, weekly Vest, No. 51 (424)

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You will need

  • - system for intravenous infusion;
  • - medicinal product;
  • - alcohol;
  • - plaster, cotton.
  • - rack for the system.


The dropper includes soft plastic tubes with a needle at each end. In the middle there is a reservoir for the medicinal solution, equipped with a special clamp for adjusting the infusion rate and an additional filter. To




The nurse injects the drug into the injection bottle and inserts the needle and tube into the rubber stopper. Another long needle should be inserted nearby - so that pressure is created in the bottle.

In a special rack

for droppers

insert an inverted container with medicine, achieve uniform filling of the tube with a solution and temporarily pinch it with a special clamp. Important condition: the height of the rack should be 1-1.5 m above the level of the bed on which the patient lies.

above the elbow

a tourniquet is applied, the patient's vein is treated with alcohol, and a needle is inserted into it. After making sure that the needle is in the vein, the nurse unties the tourniquet, connects the drip. Then


needle with a patch and sets the desired rate of infusion of the drug.

Droppers are used in emergency cases when it is necessary to provide urgent help when you need to quickly enter into the body a large number of fluids: in case of violations of the liver, kidneys, with cardiac activity, chronic diseases vessels.

A good effect of intravenous drip infusion is observed with intoxication caused by poisoning (including alcohol), extensive burns, inflammatory diseases. When the patient cannot eat on their own, droppers are used to inject nutrient solutions (glucose) into the blood. During operations for

intravenous anesthesia

After the start of treatment, the patient almost immediately experiences relief, since with the introduction of a large amount of liquid, the concentration of harmful substances in the blood decreases. The medicine quickly reaches the affected organ, so

how to enter

immediately into the blood. At the same time, the volume of liquid that can be administered using a dropper is much larger than that usually administered with a conventional injection. The drug is administered gradually, slowly, so it is better perceived by the body and acts more effectively.

Droppers are not used for heart failure accompanied by edema, thrombophlebitis, and some skin diseases. In each individual case, the doctor must decide individually the appropriateness of using this method.


It is important to maintain sterility when filling and installing the system so as not to infect the patient.

Helpful advice

There are situations when this method is not recommended to use, so as not to cause a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Why put a patient on a drip

Hypertensive patients and their relatives are often interested in which droppers are put in high pressure. In each individual case, the choice of drug and its dosage determines medical worker. The choice may be influenced by the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, the reasons why the pressure increased, the severity of the condition. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor may choose one drug or several.

When is a drip placed?

As a rule, patients with arterial hypertension need treatment with droppers. For those who have low blood pressure, to normalize the pressure, it is enough to properly organize their lifestyle and take medications in tablets.

Intravenous infusions are usually given with jump pressure, for example, in hypertensive crisis, heart attack, stroke. In conditions of limited time, the tablets will not have time to act, since they begin to be absorbed into the blood only 20-60 minutes after ingestion. The action of the dropper begins immediately after the start of the infusion of the drug. In addition, drugs that are used for intravenous administration reduce the risk of developing severe complications.

Depending on which dropper is placed, physiological saline (sodium chloride), glucose, novocaine (for a dropper with magnesia) are usually used to prepare the therapeutic mixture.

At home, only an emergency doctor or nurse can put a dropper from high pressure. Often, the infusion process must be supervised by a healthcare professional to avoid side effects. Therefore, without special education, it is better not to experiment.

Preparations for intravenous administration

A high-pressure dropper can contain either a single drug or have a complex composition. Choosing one or the other medicine, doctors evaluate the clinical picture, as well as the manifestation of the disease. In uncomplicated cases (for example, a single increase in pressure due to stress), Dibazol is most often used for intravenous administration.

Dropper with Dibazol and Papaverine

Dibazol is an inexpensive, time-tested, widespread drug with a number of advantages:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • removal of vasospasm;
  • improvement of blood circulation in brain tissues;
  • moderate immunostimulating effect;
  • relief of bronchospasm;
  • normalization of cardiac and renal blood flow.

The effect of the drug begins within 15-20 minutes after the start of the injection, the patient feels significant relief: the headache disappears, discomfort in the heart and stomach, the heart rhythm calms down. The effect of the medicine can last about 3 hours. However, it is not prescribed for hypertension in the elderly who require frequent intravenous infusions, and this drug can cause adverse effects if used frequently.

Together with Dibazol, Papaverine is often used, which enhances the effect of the main drug, i.e. promotes filling of blood vessels, relieves headaches, relieves dizziness. It is believed that in the case of an uncomplicated hypertensive crisis, a therapeutic mixture of Dibazol and Papaverine can completely remove clinical manifestations. The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug Papazol, which includes both components. Improvement of well-being occurs within 15-20 minutes after the introduction of the drug mixture. However, drugs cannot be used to treat hypertension in patients under 12 years of age, with a tendency to hypotension and convulsions, as well as in diagnosed diabetes mellitus.

Dropper with Magnesia

A common high blood pressure drip drug is Magnesia (magnesium sulfate). She has good antispasmodic action, Besides:

  • normalizes the heart rate;
  • reduces the risk of thrombosis of blood vessels;
  • relaxes smooth muscles;
  • reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

The effect of a dropper with Magnesia occurs within a few minutes after the start of the drug administration. Therapeutic dose should be determined by the doctor individually for each patient. The process itself should be strictly controlled, since too rapid introduction can provoke a sharp drop in pressure. In addition, the patient may experience fever, sweating, dizziness and headache. The drug has a diuretic effect, the patient must be warned about this in advance. After a rapid decline high blood pressure the patient may feel overwhelmed. Therefore, such droppers for hypertension are rarely prescribed to the elderly and they can be used no more than 2 times a day. The total daily volume of the drug should not exceed 100 ml, which must be divided into 2 times.

Magnesia is not used in its pure form for a dropper, its share in the solution is 25%, it is diluted with a 5% solution of Novocain or glucose.

Magnesia has a number of contraindications: it should not be used in cases of pronounced arrhythmias (tachycardia and bradycardia), intestinal obstruction, dehydration, pregnancy, and patients with bronchopulmonary diseases.

Dropper with Aminazine

At high pressure, droppers may contain the drug Aminazine. It is prescribed for hypertension of 1 and 2 degrees in the case when the patient's pressure surge is accompanied by panic attacks, anxiety and others negative manifestations from the side nervous system. Aminazine belongs to neuroleptics and has a pronounced sedative effect. This should be taken into account by the doctor when choosing which dropper to prescribe to the patient.

Due to the expansion of blood vessels, Aminazine stabilizes the frequency of myocardial contractions, which helps to relieve an attack of hypertension. The drug must be administered under strict control, since too rapid infusion can provoke a sharp drop in pressure. It should be borne in mind that under the action of Aminazine, the pressure decreases in waves. The patient can feel the effect of the drug administration within 7-10 minutes after the start of the procedure.

To enhance the impact, Dibazol is often added to the composition of the therapeutic mixture to Aminazin. In this case, the patient's condition can be stabilized for at least 12 hours. To reduce side effects, the drug is diluted with a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, glucose or novocaine.

Aminazine is contraindicated in patients with severe liver disease, diabetes, gastric ulcer and duodenum. It can provoke an attack of arrhythmia, cause nausea and indigestion, the development of bronchospasm.

Timeliness of the drip

In the event of a critical situation associated with high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis, heart attack, stroke, situational jump in blood pressure), in no case should you self-medicate. It is well known that if a stroke patient is not treated within the first 3 hours, he may not survive.

A hypertensive crisis can lead to brain failure and paralysis.

In no case should you make droppers at home on your own. This can not only lead to aggravation of the disease, but also to death. It is imperative to call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital. The medical staff knows better which droppers are given for hypertension in a given case. Important - specialists must be told about comorbidities and contraindications to the use of certain drugs. In this way, side effects from intravenous drugs can be avoided.

Many are firmly convinced that the treatment of any disease cannot do without pills. If the specialist wrote big list drugs, so he treats correctly. And there is also an opinion that a dropper has to be used only in the most severe cases, when tablets alone cannot solve the problem. In fact, the introduction of drugs through a special system can significantly speed up the healing process.

Why is a drip needed?

Each method of taking medicine has its own advantages and disadvantages. Method of drug administration by drip can be applied in many cases. And it doesn't have to be a disease. Why put a drip? For example, in order to saturate the body with vitamins in case of exhaustion. However, this does not mean that this method of administration can be used at any opportunity. The appointment must be made by a doctor.

What is worth remembering?

Before putting a dropper at home, you need to seek help from a specialist, undergo an examination, and pass a series of tests. There are certain indications for the introduction of drugs through the system. In this way, you can quickly remove a hangover, saturate the body with vitamins or antibacterial agents in the presence of infection, restore water balance.

Another significant advantage of this method of administration is that the drug is absorbed by 100% and the effect can be observed almost immediately. Those who know how to put droppers manage to quickly put relatives and friends on their feet.

How to determine if a drip is needed?

If you need to get on your feet in a short time and there is no way to use medical care, it is quite possible to use the drip method of administering the drug. In this case, you need to be sure that the drug is correctly selected. If relatives know how to put droppers, this is a huge plus. The procedure must be performed skillfully, otherwise the skin will be injured, and the drug will not enter the vein.

How many drips can be placed? This question can only be answered by a qualified specialist. Without prior consultation in this way, it is desirable to administer the medicine once. This will quickly improve the patient's condition, eliminate the breakdown, reduce the temperature. Next, be sure to seek help from a doctor.

Types of droppers

Depending on the purpose of the drug, several types of droppers are distinguished. Detoxifying techniques are aimed at removing harmful substances and toxins from the body in case of poisoning, infectious diseases, alcoholism. Restoring droppers are used to normalize the functions of organs. With the help of drugs, it is possible to normalize blood pressure, improve liver function, and saturate the body with glucose. Be sure to know how to properly put a dropper in people suffering from hypertension or diabetes.

With a significant loss of strength, anti-anemic droppers are used. Patients are given medications containing iron. Additionally, restorative drugs may be administered. Most often, this technique is used to restore immune system body after a long illness. Droppers can also be prescribed to pregnant women with various types anemia.

Anti-cholesterol droppers are used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This treatment technique helps to restore the lipid profile. This means that after therapy, the patient's body begins to independently produce cholesterol in the required amount.

There is another variety - cosmetic droppers. Preparations are introduced that restore the health of hair, skin and nails as quickly as possible. Droppers can be used for premature aging, impaired skin secretion, acne, acne.

How to put droppers?

If there is no qualified specialist nearby, you can try to administer the drug yourself. For this, it is necessary to comply special instructions. The method of administering the drug by drip consists of several stages:

  1. Training. Initially, you need to install a rack for the procedure. It is necessary to consider how the medicine bag can be installed. In medical institutions, special devices are used for this purpose. At home, you can use a regular hanger as a rack. It is important that the medicine is securely fixed and does not fall during the procedure.
  2. Selection and installation of the system. A tube and a clamp with which the fluid supply is regulated is sold in almost any pharmacy. It is advisable to consult with a pharmacist, specifying for what purpose the dropper will be used. If the drug must be injected into a vein quickly, a system with a wide tube should be chosen.
  3. Preparation of other tools. It is necessary to purchase a tourniquet and a plaster in advance.
  4. Dropper installation. The patient should be in a comfortable position. It may take several hours for the medication to be administered. Next, you need to find a vein. To do this, the arm above the elbow is tightened with a rubber band. The place where the dropper will be installed must be sterilized.
  5. Insertion of a needle. It is recommended to insert the tool at an angle of 30 degrees. After the needle is installed, you can remove the rubber band.

All actions must be carried out under sterile conditions. Before performing manipulations, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.


Before putting droppers, you should consult a doctor. If a specialist prescribes such a procedure, you should not be afraid of it. You can administer the medicine with minimal skills at home.

There are many ways to deliver healing components to the body of a living being: through the oral cavity - tablets and potions, into the rectum - suppositories and enemas (for better absorption), through the pulmonary system - aerosols, etc.

However, the most efficient way is intravascular solution or drip.

Improving the state of the body with the help of droppers

dropper- a plastic device consisting of a reservoir with useful solution, needle and dose control valve.

With the introduction of the drug by the drip method, the absorption reaches 100% and the effect of the treatment appears immediately, because due to its complex composition, it is possible to administer several drugs at the same time: vitamins, glucose, saline solutions and other useful substances.

Composition of droppers

Depending on the disease, the composition of the solution may include:

  • glucose;
  • glucose-salt mixture;
  • magnesia;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • preparations acesol, disol;
  • narcotic analgesics(naloxone);
  • thiamine, nicotinamide, riboflavin, cocarboxylases;
  • various groups of vitamins, etc.

also in recent times ozone therapy began to be actively used. Using an ozonizer, ozone is produced from oxygen. Before introducing the drug into the body, the gas is preliminarily diluted with the patient's blood or sodium chloride.

The therapeutic effect lies in the high oxidation of ozone, due to which enzyme systems are activated blood cells, thereby improving metabolism and restoring energy. The gas also affects monocytes and lymphocytes - immune cells. Because of this, pathogens and bacteria are eliminated.

Main healing effects are:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • analgesic,
  • immunostimulating,
  • detoxification,
  • bactericidal.

Actively used in the treatment of:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • nervousness;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis, etc.

However, apart from positive qualities, given treatment does not exclude negative consequences.

Since ozone belongs to the class of increased danger gases, then when interacting with cells, aggressive oxygen particles are produced that destroy cells, which leads to many diseases, including cancer.

Therefore, you should not get carried away with ozone therapy and apply only when necessary.

Therapeutic effect of droppers

This therapy is used in a number of cases:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • dehydration- impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, intoxication, burns, diarrhea, poisoning, etc.
  • body maintenance after operation;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • preventive goals(healing binge, saturating the body with vitamins and microelements).

Indications for use

Consider the example of sodium chloride and glucose.

Sodium chloride is used for:

  • large loss of fluid;
  • deficiency of certain substances (burn, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.).

Glucose is used for:

  • intestinal infectious diseases;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • liver treatment (hepatitis, dystrophy, atrophy);
  • poisoning (drugs, acids, arsenic, carbon monoxide).

Droppers to improve the condition of the body: drugs

Packaged in sealed plastic bags or bottles, 5% glucose solution is used:

  • bleeding and increased bleeding;
  • a sharp decrease in blood sugar;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dehydration and exhaustion.


  1. Because of the risk of hyperglycemia, for stroke patients, the solution is highly discouraged, or administered with great care;
  2. Patients with heart failure water intoxication, swelling of the kidneys and with fluid in the lungs, it is necessary to carry out a large number of infusions under the supervision of a specialist;
  3. After traumatic brain injury infusions are carried out on the first day, carefully monitoring the level of glucose in the plasma;
  4. Infants, children with low weight or premature, in order to avoid hypoglycemia, treatment with a solution under the supervision of a physician should also be carried out.


Based on these circumstances:

  • age;
  • general health;
  • clinical picture.


  1. The most important thing– use of sterile sealed equipment to prevent air from entering.
  2. It is not recommended to use plastic bags that can be filled with air, which leads to air embolism - blockage of blood vessels with air bubbles.
  3. Additional medicines can be injected into the solution at any time during the infusion. In this case, the finished solution is used immediately, since it cannot be stored.

To restore the water-salt balance

Sodium chloride or saline is used, since chlorine with potassium and sodium maintains a water balance, an acid-base environment, which is necessary for a full life.

The lack of these components is fraught with:

  1. With dysfunction blood circulation, as it is fraught with the development of cerebral or pulmonary edema;
  2. Renal, left ventricular and chronic heart failure;
  3. Advanced level sodium.
    It is also forbidden to inject the solution subcutaneously, in order to avoid tissue necrosis (necrosis).
    With frequent use, acidosis, hyperhydration and hypokalemia may develop.

Dosage and application

  1. For severe dehydration the average dosage is 1 liter per day;
  2. Children with dehydration and a concomitant decrease in blood pressure, the solution is administered in a ratio of 20-30 ml per kg of weight;
  3. When gastric lavage use 2-5% solution;
  4. For constipation put an enema 5% solution for 75 ml;
  5. For pulmonary, gastric, intestinal bleeding appoint 10% solution;
  6. During treatment respiratory tract recommend rinsing, rubbing and baths with a 1-2% solution.
  7. Also for colds use inhalations with saline in combination with bronchodilators, for example, Berodual. To do this, mix 4 ml of berodual and 1.5 ml of sodium chloride 0.9%.

Vitamin droppers

Warnings and contraindications

Despite the general hype, many doctors question this species treatment, since it has not been scientifically proven how intravenous vitamins affect the body healthy person not in need of treatment.


For the general strengthening of the body and after the transfer of colds and viral diseases often thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide are added to glucose.

Droppers for blood thinning

Blood clotting can occur due to improper lifestyle, development various diseases, liver disease and endocrine system, as well as patients prone to intoxication.

For liquefaction, glucose-salt solutions are used, alternating a 5%-10% glucose solution and physiological salt solution. There are a number pharmacological agents- dextrose, lactasol, disol, trisol.

These drugs are grouped by:

Pharmacological action - replenishes the level of fluid in the body, normalizes metabolic processes, and also serve to get rid of toxins and fill with energy.

In addition to positive properties, they also have negative ones:

  • violation of the ionic composition of the blood;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • puffiness;
  • heart failure;
  • pressure change;
  • swelling, chills.

To improve cerebral circulation

Dysfunction of the circulatory system in the brain leads to vegetative-vascular dystonia, stroke, atherosclerosis.

To avoid the development of diseases, medicines can be used:

  1. Cavintonherbal preparation to improve blood circulation and cleanse blood vessels. It is used to relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels, as well as to remove excess glucose, reduce pressure and speed up metabolism. Used together with saline.
  2. Xanthinol nicotinate– designed to improve blood circulation and accelerate metabolism throughout the circulatory system. Also, due to its vasodilating properties, the drug perfectly cleans the arteries.
    The main side effects are dizziness, fever, redness of the skin.
    Contraindicated in ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, heart attack, bleeding, severe heart failure.
  3. Eufillin– against bronchial spasms, treatment of asthma and chronic lung disease. Used as a diuretic. Used to lower intracranial pressure and pressure in the lungs.
  4. Mexidol is a very strong antioxidant. In addition to blood thinning, it is intended for tissue repair after a heart attack and stroke, it is used to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia and dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
    Side effects: slight nausea, weakness, dryness in oral cavity. It is not recommended for people who are intolerant to vitamin B6.
  5. Nootropics- is used to improve the functioning of blood vessels, despite the fact that they have poor efficiency, which has not been confirmed. This is due to the fact that nootropics are not suitable for every organism.

Against respiratory arrest

If the victim is in serious condition, then narcotic analgesics are put to support breathing, for example, naloxone and naltrexone, which by their action block the pain shock and cleanse the body of toxins.

For liver protection

Almost all cleansing operations involve the liver. Therefore, when overloaded, it needs to get rid of toxins, alcohol, poisons and other harmful substances.

To do this, experts prescribe droppers with saline, antiemetics, as well as with the addition of some drugs, including Essentiale, after mixing with the patient's blood.

However, it has a number of contraindications:

  • it is forbidden to use the medicine if there is intolerance to any substance;
  • It is forbidden to take the drug to children under 12 years of age.

Side effects

This drug is highly effective and side effects are practically not observed.

However, the tolerance of each organism is different, and as a result, it can be:

  • bowel disorder;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • urticaria, skin lesions (if there is intolerance to any component).

To restore acid-base balance

With the accumulation of acidic foods in the body, an acid-base imbalance can develop, which leads to various disorders.

To avoid this, droppers are prescribed using 4% sodium bicarbonate in its pure form, which by its action neutralizes acids, after which they decompose into salt and water.

During the procedure, the person's pH is checked regularly.


  • allergy;
  • chronic alkalization;
  • low levels of calcium and chlorine.

Side effects

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fatigue, general malaise;
  • anxiety;
  • headaches.

To cleanse the body of alcohol in the blood

If the permissible norm of alcohol in the body is exceeded, a hangover may occur in the morning, but more advanced cases lead to intoxication or even death.

To improve well-being, doctors prescribe droppers using:

  1. anticonvulsants, improving blood circulation (diltiazem, verapamil, nifedipine);
  2. Saline or glucose solution (up to 1500 ml);
  3. Antidepressants and sleeping pills;
  4. antihistamines, as well as with the use of magnesium, potassium and calcium.

You should never self-medicate. Therapy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. However, following this information, emergency you can save the life of more than one person

To relieve symptoms arterial hypertension drugs are used in the form of tablets, but drugs in the form of injections and droppers for intravenous administration can be used to stop a hypertensive crisis.

Benefits of high blood pressure drips

Attention must be paid to the fact that high rates blood pressure means in tablets, it is pointless to use their action, less pronounced than the effect of droppers and injections. Hypertensive crisis - special condition requiring emergency medical care.

The technique for eliminating the manifestations of a hypertensive crisis is determined strictly individually, depending on the initial pressure indicators and the general well-being of the patient. What droppers are placed at high pressure and what is the effectiveness of the drug in the form of a solution is known to everyone.

The drug mixture, when administered intravenously, begins to act immediately at the moment the solution enters the bloodstream, which is extremely important in a hypertensive crisis, when minutes count in the fight for the patient's life.

In some cases, not one specific drug is administered intravenously, but several components that enhance each other's action. It is important to note that droppers are placed only in a hospital after hospitalization.

Papaverine and Dibazol

In the case of an uncomplicated course of a hypertensive crisis, therapeutic intervention begins with an intravenous injection of a mixture of Dibazol and papaverine. These drugs are time-tested, they are used in combination with and in tablet form. It must be remembered that the funds do not have the ability to sharply reduce pressure, a systematic change in values ​​is monitored.

Among the properties of drugs are the following:

  • mixture active components has an antispasmodic effect;
  • disorders of a local nature in the cerebral blood flow are eliminated;
  • renal blood flow quickly returns to normal.

The positive effect of Dibazol mixed with Papaverine will be noticeable 10-15 minutes after intravenous administration.

After 2-3 hours after use, the patient's condition is completely normal, there is a complete improvement in well-being, headache and discomfort in the chest area disappear.

Attention! Such an element cannot always be used for therapeutic manipulations in relation to elderly patients.

It is strictly forbidden to use the remedy for long-term treatment, because doctors have identified situations when, against the background long-term use compositions, the blood pressure of elderly patients increased.

Why does blood pressure increase in elderly patients after a dropper? An increase in blood pressure is an effect associated with unstable heart function at this age.

The agent is used to stop a hypertensive crisis, often because already after 40-60 minutes there is a steady decrease in systolic and diastolic indicators by 10-20 mm. rt. Art. After 4 hours, the indicators are completely normal and improvement in well-being is monitored. It is impossible to achieve such an immediate effect with intravenous administration. If the pressure from the introduction of the mixture drops rapidly, drugs that increase pressure will not help.


In the case when the patient's blood pressure indicators are significantly increased, it is advisable to use Magnesia solution for intravenous administration. In view of the increased ability of the drug to change pressure indicators, it is recommended in clear dosages, which the doctor determines individually for each patient.

If the regulated doses are exceeded, the patient's condition may deteriorate sharply due to the manifestation of the following side effects:

  • increased diuresis, which can cause dehydration;
  • violation of the heart rate (possibly the development of bradycardia);
  • nausea and strong vomiting;
  • headaches;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

A dropper from pressure for hypertension should be placed in a hospital setting. The patient should be in a supine position, and the mixture should systematically penetrate into his blood at the required speed. This procedure must be followed by an employee medical institution. The doctor knows which dropper to use for high blood pressure in a particular case.

It should be noted that the mixture with magnesia is placed no more than 2 times a day, while the total dose should not exceed a volume of 150 ml. with excessive increased rates it is possible to introduce 150 ml once. in such cases, it is advisable to repeat the manipulation, subject to a repeated increase in performance, after 12 hours.

Attention! Excess dosages of Magnesia have a negative effect on the process of the heart muscle.

The positive properties of this composition appear 30 minutes after injection into a vein. Improving the condition with an intramuscular injection in a short period of time will not work. This tool is more effective when used as part of a course complex therapy. The pressure after the introduction of the composition may increase in case of individual intolerance by the patient to the components medicinal composition. Indicators may rise in case of incorrectly determined dosages.

Like any drug, Magnesia has clear contraindications for use in hypertension:

  • change in heart rate;
  • excessive fluid loss in the body;
  • violations of intestinal patency;
  • internal bleeding;
  • problems in the work of the heart muscle.

At high blood pressure the remedy has a positive effect on the patient's body: it eliminates spasms of blood vessels, provokes relaxation of the heart muscle, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, helps to establish the rhythm of the heartbeat. Despite the fact that such a remedy has an extremely positive effect, the possibility of its use is determined by the doctor.


Hypertension is a common disease that requires constant medical supervision.

You need to contact a cardiologist at the first of its symptoms.

Timely treatment is the key to full-fledged work of the heart.