
General horoscope for Libra. Career and money of Libra in the year of the Rooster

In February, Aquarius will have a hard time, because it is at this time that the patron planet will make certain demands on them, which not everyone will be able to fulfill. Will stress affect the love life of representatives of this zodiac sign? You can find out everything related to the romantic feelings of Aquarius in February 2019 in the accurate love horoscope.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for February 2019

In February, people of the Aquarius sign will feel the powerful support of the stars in matters of the heart. On the love front, they will not have any negative events, with the exception of a number of difficulties that can be resolved in an extremely short time. Aquarians will feel that something needs to change in their relationships with their significant other and this should be done as soon as possible. In February, representatives of the sign will be able to improve the situation in their personal lives, surprising their chosen ones with resourcefulness and ingenuity.

February 2019 will seem good for Aquarius for making new acquaintances. It is at this time that all opportunities will open up for people of this sign. In February, Aquarians will be able to realize their long-standing plans, which will help them become an enviable match.

This February, Aquarius will be able to visit many new places thanks to romantic dates. Throughout the month, the most important way to distract from life's problems for Aquarius will be the love sphere. In February, representatives of the sign will be able to gain strength while being with their family or close to their spouses, spending time with their loved ones.

There are also those Aquarians who will be a little less lucky just because of the absence of a loved one nearby. Love horoscope encourages them not to despair. Temporary separation will benefit the couple, and very soon the relationship will move to a fundamentally different level. Minor adversity awaits only those Aquarius who have not yet found happiness in love. For now, the stars only predict the possibility of dating and flirting.

Love horoscope for Aquarius woman for February 2019

Aquarius women will experience the greatest success among other zodiac signs in February. Throughout the month, girls will feel the admiring glances of the opposite sex. The love horoscope predicts many invitations to dates, surprises, flowers and sweet gifts for them.

In February, luck will not bypass those Aquarius girls who have the status of faithful wives. The love astrological forecast promises them that there will be no adversity in family relationships will not arise. The only thing Aquarius women should avoid is showing dissatisfaction. They will need to constantly encourage their husbands and, as far as possible, not notice their occasional mistakes.

The most exciting time will begin for Aquarius brides. Contrary to expectations, February will not bring them fatigue and will not make them feel exhausted. On the contrary, the stars will not be stingy in showering Aquarius girls with energy so that preparations for the wedding go even better.

Love horoscope for an Aquarius man for February 2019

The focus of Aquarius men in February of this year will be feelings and emotions. They have to worry and doubt a lot before becoming truly happy. The horoscope recommends that Aquarius men work on their self-esteem. Otherwise, all the chances that the stars give them in February will remain unused.

In the middle of the month, Aquarius will be able to focus on their goal of winning the heart of their beloved girl. There is no need to put things off for a long time; it is best to invite your beloved to marry you as soon as possible. In February, the chances of getting a positive answer are extremely high.

The last month of winter will be successful for Aquarius in terms of dating. A bright streak will also begin for those who have already tied the knot. As for intimacy, the stars promise to make it frequent and colorful. That is why February will be remembered for a long time by the courageous wards of Uranus.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for other months of 2019

For Libra, it promises that 12 months of new opportunities, cool projects, interesting acquaintances and extremely profitable offers await representatives of this sign. You will get a chance to fully realize your potential, discover previously unknown talents and, finally, start living by your own rules.

Horoscope for 2017 - Libra | France Stickers

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra men

At the beginning of the year, you will feel a desire for introspection. Immersing yourself will help you open your eyes to many things and understand what you want from life. It is possible that in 2017 Libra will realize that they have been doing the wrong thing and will completely change their field of activity. The finest intuition of representatives of this zodiac sign will help them find solutions in the most difficult situations.

Family and relationships


Don’t try to impose your opinion on your other half or bend her to you - nothing good will come of it. The love horoscope for 2017 for Libra advises, first of all, to open up to your spouse: talk about what worries and pleases you, learn to share your emotions and express tenderness. Remember that not all problems can be solved with expensive gifts - a sense of mutual understanding and support is much more important.

Libras who have not yet met their love should give up the idea of ​​“trying” to build a relationship with a person for whom they have no feelings. All you get in the end is a broken heart and a lot of negativity (well-deserved, by the way) addressed to you.

When going on business trips, be prepared that a lot of flirting awaits you while traveling. However, do not get carried away by such novels - they can significantly “tarnish” your reputation in the professional sphere. Libra men can meet their other half while traveling. It is possible that she will be married.


Libras who work in large companies can count on promotion. Of course, the favor of your superiors will have to be earned. For this, representatives of this sign have all the necessary resources and knowledge. Don’t be afraid to propose new ideas, but be sure to have a clear plan for their implementation.

Libras who work in the creative field will want change. You may want to get a new education. At the end of July there is a chance to sign a particularly lucrative contract.

You can dictate your terms to your colleagues and partners. The career horoscope for Libra for 2017 indicates that your opinion will be listened to almost unconditionally. But keep in mind that this places responsibility on you.



Yours financial situation will improve every month. Therefore, do not be surprised that many “friends” will appear nearby who will want to solve their financial problems with your help. The financial horoscope for 2017 does not recommend Libra to lend money - even to friends and good acquaintances. However, you can help someone for free - but do not expect that your debt will be returned to you.

Summer will be especially profitable. At this time, do not be afraid to “have a blast” to the fullest - for example, go on a long-awaited trip to some exotic country.


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In winter, problems with the musculoskeletal system are possible due to a sedentary lifestyle. To bring your spine and joints back to normal, sign up for a massage. In general, throughout 2017, Libra will not complain about their health. However, the stars indicate an increased risk of burns - and therefore, when making repairs, you should take special care of your own safety.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra women

Libra women should also prepare to be the “power player.” With all the consequences. In your environment there will be envious people, critics, and those who simply don’t like you. However, a sharp mind and insight will help you overcome the obstacles that will arise on the way to your goals. Overall, 2017 promises to be successful. The only difficult period is February 2017, when you should not start any important things.

Family and relationships

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Learn to appreciate what your loved ones do for you. Even if you didn't ask for it at all. The love horoscope for 2017 for Libra women warns that constant scandals over trifles can destroy even strong and established relationships. However, if you curb your own negative emotions, real grace will come in relationships.

A real crowd of fans will gather around the lonely girls. Take a close look at everyone: most likely, most just want to have a good time. Do not hesitate to say a confident “no” to such gentlemen. A short-term romance will give you a lot of vivid emotions, but also severe pain after it's all over. It is better to keep only worthy candidates around you who have serious plans for you, and choose from them.



At work, Libra women will listen to a lot of criticism. Don't take it to heart. No one but you knows how to make your work better. And your superiors will certainly appreciate this - most importantly, learn to calmly and consistently defend your point of view. If you succeed, real recognition, a big bonus awaits you - and, perhaps, promotion several steps up the career ladder at once.

Be careful what you say and to whom. An accidental unflattering statement about a colleague or project manager can play a cruel joke on you and negatively affect your reputation.


In My Way

Throughout the year, the Fire Rooster will present you with tasks. The financial horoscope for 2017 promises Libra women both dizzying ups and painful downs. Try to minimize risks and carefully study all the information before entering into a major transaction. You should be especially careful with any transactions related to real estate.


Excessive emotionality and temper can harm your nervous system. Libra women are highly susceptible to stress, which, in turn, negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. Learn to relax! Aromatherapy, meditation, yoga - choose the methods to your liking, but don't let negative experiences control your life.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra-Roosters

The owner of the year will extend the wing of friendship to you from the very first days. Don’t give up on this, because kinship and friendship with the eastern patron of 2017 will help Libra open many doors.

Libra-Roosters will receive so many lucrative offers that they will not physically have time to cope with them at the same time. Don't try to take on too much: it's better to choose 2-3 projects and achieve maximum results.

In 2017, friends will play a special role in your life. But - only old copper pipes that have gone through fire with you. It is with them that you can create your own business and finally realize plans that have long been put on the back burner.

2017 will favor representatives of the Libra sign. The year ahead will be difficult, but successful. You will have to work, you will have to fight for your place in the sun, but success will not keep you waiting. The advantages of Libra women in the form of the ability to resolve sensitive situations will come to their advantage - there will be many ambiguous situations in which they will have to defend their rights and fight opponents through compromises.

The desire for honesty and justice, characteristic of representatives of this zodiac sign, will also come into play in the New Year. For him, Libra will be rewarded by the Fire Rooster of the coming year with victories in the professional and personal spheres.

The problems that have accumulated in the lives of representatives of this sign will finally be resolved in 2017. Success will be ensured by the excellent intuition of those born under the sign of Libra. The innate ability to analyze incoming information will also help in solving complex issues. The stars recommend Libra to listen to their inner voice, then the coming year will be more than successful.

Work and finance

The success and prosperity of Libra in 2017 will be ensured by the presence of Jupiter in this zodiac sign. He will stay in the first house until September. During these months, Jupiter will help Libra in career growth, so we should expect good news from the authorities. A sudden win in the lottery is also possible during this period.

Representatives of creative professions will have a chance to turn their hobby into a source of full-time income. If you take this business seriously, you can get not only a good income, but also recognition among the public. One fine day, Libra may wake up not only rich, but also famous.

The stars advise representatives of the Libra sign to pay attention to relationships with colleagues in the coming year. Representatives of this sign will be involved in behind-the-scenes games, which can have a negative impact on labor activity generally. Libras should not give in to provocations and concentrate their attention on performing their job duties.

In material terms, representatives of the star sign are promised ups and downs. A negative trend will arise in the spring due to reverse Venus, but by summer the situation will stabilize. And from mid-autumn financial condition Libra will reach a new, more high level. There is a high probability of earning a large sum from one-time part-time jobs.

Love forecast

Libras, under the influence of Venus, are distinguished by powerful love energy. However, in the coming year, the stars do not advise representatives of this sign to rush headlong into the pool. Focus on stable, strong relationships. Refresh emotions and give a new impetus to established love relationships. Libra will be able to by planning a joint trip to the seaside.

In the New Year, single Libras could potentially meet their soulmate. The stars predict new interesting acquaintances for representatives of this sign, which can result in serious relationship. December will be especially successful from this point of view, when Saturn connects with Venus. The opposite sex will be attracted by such qualities of Libra as internal harmony and balance.

Family and home

The influence of Jupiter, which has a positive effect on business sphere representatives of the sign can negatively affect relationships with partners. Libras can become instigators of conflicts and disputes. Disagreements in unstable relationships can only intensify if they are not resolved in a timely manner through compromises.

One more possible reason conflicts in the Libra family is raising children. Representatives of the sign will have different views on the development of the younger generation. The stars claim that Libra can solve all the problems in the family if they control their emotions and adhere to their principles.

Health status

Jupiter, located in the sign of Libra, will help this zodiac sign in terms of health. In 2017, the health of these people will be excellent due to good immunity. Problems may arise with hormonal levels, which may affect the increase excess weight. The stars advise representatives of the sign to do more sports, go to hiking trips or at least take regular walks in parks and squares. You should also not overindulge in sweets and baked goods this year.

Libras are distinguished by their vulnerability. Representatives of the sign can accumulate grievances and indignations for a long time, which can negatively affect their well-being. In the first half of the year, due to strong emotionality, Libra may reward themselves with headaches and high blood pressure. To prevent diseases, the stars recommend focusing on finding inner harmony. Yoga, herbal infusions at night and soothing essential oils will help with this.

For Libra, the year will not start very well: there will be troubles both at work and at home. Try not to panic, but solve emerging problems one by one and in an efficient way. The horoscope for the zodiac sign Libra promises an improvement in the situation only by the end of the year, but throughout the entire period you will find not only unpleasant events, but also a lot of pleasures and surprises.

Horoscope for Libra for 2017

The stars do not advise you to take active actions this year. This time is given to you to rethink and analyze your life. In the previous year, you managed to do and achieve a lot, and now you need to consolidate your success and maintain it so that there is solid ground under your feet. After all, you have big plans for the future. And for Libra, it gives you time to prepare for the upcoming changes.

In terms of finances, the year promises to be successful: bonuses and salary increases await you, provided that you try for this, of course. But in love affairs you need to be more careful: you are unlikely to be able to find someone new, so try to keep the one who is next to you. This person has already gone through enough with you, appreciate his support.

They will turn to you for help and advice - do not refuse, because someday you will need help too. However, if you are attentive to your surroundings, you yourself will notice who really needs your friendly shoulder.

Autumn is a very traumatic period for you: follow the rules traffic, safety precautions and all the warnings you know. Otherwise, you risk being involved in an accident or serious injury. In autumn, you should also be especially careful about what you say and to whom: conflicts that begin during this period will be protracted.

Horoscope Libra: for men

The Year of the Rooster is definitely the year of your career success. You will practically fly up the stairs. But this requires not just sitting in your place, but doing your job diligently and very carefully. And then your work will be rewarded as it deserves. Offer new bold ideas and solutions, “shine” in front of your superiors in every possible way, so that when it comes to a promotion, they already have a candidate ready - yours.

In matters of love, beware of harsh words and expressions. A word dropped in a quarrel can put an end to a long-term relationship. If you are married, try to give your spouse enough time. If you don't have a regular partner, think about the reason. In any case, you shouldn’t throw yourself into work and forget about your personal life. Even if much greater success awaits you in that field.

Enjoy your summer vacation: no beaches or sleepy sanatoriums, only active recreation! Go on a bus tour, on excursions, to museums, study traditions, language, communicate with locals, and get involved in the culture. This way you will be enriched spiritually and will be able to captivate your colleagues with new ideas. interesting stories. In general, the horoscope for men is quite favorable, but a lot depends on how you can control your emotions. It is no secret that Libra is one of the signs that easily and quickly succumbs to the influence of others; do not become a weapon in the wrong hands.

Horoscope Libra: for women

For women, the Fire Rooster promises household chores. You will be completely absorbed in solving issues related to your relatives, children and parents. In first place, of course, will be your spouse. Relations with him may worsen at the beginning of the year. This situation will last until spring, when you can take a breath, stop and think about what to do next.

At work, the horoscope recommends that you be as quiet as possible. Don't get involved in fights between colleagues and don't take sides. But there is no need to notify the authorities about the division into camps. This will ruin your reputation and nerves. Why do you need this? But still, try to be aware of behind-the-scenes intrigues so as not to inadvertently become their center or scapegoat.

Take care of your children’s leisure time: start a joint hobby or get them interested in some new unusual activity. Otherwise, you won’t have any problems with their behavior in the fall. Also, the horoscope for women calls this year favorable for having a child. And if you already have one, then you can safely plan a second pregnancy - your spouse will support you.

Financial horoscope for Libra for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, all signs are prone to thoughtless spending and therefore often lose their savings. You will be able to avoid big expenses. But it doesn't hurt to keep a journal of your expenses and profits. Try to leave small amounts from your salary and other types of income for emergencies.

The stars do not recommend starting a new business in 2017. Instead, you can pay more attention to its planning and design. The more risks you take into account, the greater the chances that your project will be of interest to a major investor. So don't be afraid to dream.

Your career will develop rapidly this year. At least that’s what the 2017 horoscope says. Just remember that not everything can be obtained at once. Your work will only be appreciated in the fall, but then you will be able to get a promotion, an increase in salary and a position as a boss. In any case, do not relax throughout the year, because when the harvest time comes, it will depend not only on the seeds sown, but also on the efforts you put into nurturing them.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

For men, the year promises to be profitable and very successful. You will shine at meetings, surprising your partners with your eloquence and ability to persuade. But when concluding deals, focus only on bare facts and figures - no intuition or recommendations from friends. Otherwise, you risk burning out.

The key to your success will be the ability to analyze the situation and draw the right conclusion. You will have a lot of envious people, so try not to give them unnecessary reasons for gloating. You should also be wary of deception and setup from a long-time partner. Take a closer look at your surroundings.

At work, you will have slightly strained relationships with colleagues due to your desire to prove yourself to management. What to do in this case? Do not deviate from the intended path, but brag less about your successes. Let your plan be written down in your planner rather than hanging as a poster above your desk.

When it comes to money, remember: spending wisely on entertainment can't hurt. You may not be able to afford a new car this year, but a couple of tickets to your favorite team's big game will do.

Financial horoscope for women

In terms of finances, women should not worry much. You will not experience big expenses or losses this year, as you will not succumb to the influence of the Rooster and will not make impulsive purchases. But a little saving won’t hurt, because in the summer you’ll want to refresh your wardrobe and yourself at the same time.

Feel free to spend money on all kinds of treatments: massage, spa, mud baths and body wraps - all this will help you get rid of nervous tension, which will be at work almost all year. Buy a few fashion accessories, a bag or new shoes, but from the purchase expensive jewelry It's better to abstain. There is a high risk of losing jewelry.

At work, you should maintain neutrality and carry out your duties with special care. job responsibilities. While your colleagues are discussing and condemning your boss, try to stay away and mind your own business. This will be appreciated by management. But you shouldn’t expect results too quickly – not before the fall at least.

Love horoscope for Libra for 2017

This year is not suitable for risky adventures and intrigues; focus on long-proven connections. According to the 2017 horoscope for the zodiac sign Libra, you should be careful not only in choosing people, but also in words. A random word and a careless reproach can cause a serious scandal.

Married stars are strongly advised to devote more time to their spouse, add romance to the relationship, go somewhere together to be just the two of them, otherwise the marriage will crack. In general, 2017 is the year of tense relationships between Libra and their loved ones, so you need to try very hard not to aggravate the situation.

But single people need to think about the reason for their loneliness and try to change their way of life and thinking. Perhaps you are looking in the wrong place or simply do not notice the happiness that is already around you.

  • Love horoscope for men advises focusing on your partner and her desires. Of course, you shouldn't turn into the Genie, but it won't hurt to try to please her. Make her pleasant surprise or a gift, spend the holidays together or go for a long walk. Your efforts will be noticed and appreciated, don’t even doubt it. In the past, your relationship has already cracked, so now you need not to make amends, but to re-win your chosen one. You have already succeeded once, so the path to her heart is familiar to you - just don’t stop.

If you don’t have a permanent partner or you are connected only by sex, think about whether you need such a relationship, perhaps it has long become a burden for you and it’s time to think about something more permanent? The stars predict a return from the past: some of your passions may return to your life. Perhaps this is your second chance at happiness with her.

  • Love horoscope for women predicts a successful and strong marriage if they try hard enough for it. Your man will often be offended by you if, instead of spending time with him, you run off to meet your friends. Remember that although he is a representative strong half humanity, the initiative must come from you. At least for a while. Otherwise he will feel abandoned. Give him the opportunity to express himself: invite him to the cinema and to visit, and he will run to you with gifts and flowers, and gratitude in his eyes.

The stars advise unmarried Libra women to try their luck abroad. Perhaps your betrothed is waiting for you at a resort or in the metro of some other city. Take a little initiative: meet people online, contact an agency, go on vacation abroad. But be careful, excessive gullibility can make you an easy prey for scammers.

Children's horoscope for Libra for 2017

Little Libra will approach everything very thoroughly, trying to understand the essence of things, so expect a flurry of questions and thoughts on a free topic. Your child will write scientific work and nothing less.

Most of the questions will be asked by very preschool children, so be patient and answer all questions, even the stupidest ones. Do not dismiss your child with references to an encyclopedia or the Internet; it will be much more useful to communicate with him in person: this will strengthen your connection and allow the child to take root in the opinion that parents know everything. Your authority will increase!

Middle-aged children will pretend to be very mature and therefore self-willed. For every word you say, they will have two, for every two you say, they will have ten. What to do? Threaten to treat them like children. With a visual demonstration, of course. Mischief? Send him to the corner. the child’s surprise will know no bounds, but provocation will also follow. Do not succumb to the persuasion of the sly one: make a pact that, subject to normal behavior on the part of the child, you promise to respect his opinion and treat him accordingly.

Teenagers will also show special curiosity. Only in their case will this manifest itself in the desire to try something that has long been prohibited: to move away from home, smoke or climb into the basement of an abandoned building. But they will also unexpectedly show a strong desire for justice; be prepared to listen to stories about how your child stood up for a girl or a cat.