
Children's walkers from what age reviews Komarovsky. Is a walker necessary for a child: at what age can children be put on a simulator, the benefits and harms of the purchase

Baby walkers are the subject of many questions and debates. Some argue that walkers are undoubtedly necessary, others consider them to be useless and even harmful. We will look into this issue together.

Walkers are a special device for children who cannot walk yet. With the help of a walker, the child can move independently. The device is a frame with a seat for the baby, mounted on wheels.

Many people believe that walkers are a relatively new invention that greatly simplifies the lives of modern parents. It is worth saying that walkers were invented a long time ago, but at some period of time parents had to abandon this invention.

Back in Soviet times in the 70s, walkers were discontinued. The reason for this was the opinion of doctors that walkers interfere with the normal development of a child’s foot and reduce muscle tone. In Canada, they not only discontinued the production of walkers, but even banned imports, considering this device dangerous to the health of children.

Now walkers are again on sale, and only parents can decide whether their child needs them or not. It is difficult to say definitively whether walkers are harmful. Opinions were divided into two camps.

Baby walkers

Pros of walkers:

  1. Walkers transfer the child from horizontal position to vertical. New opportunities for learning about the world open up for the baby.
  2. They are not only a device for movement, but also a toy. On the frame of the walker there are rattles, beepers, and music. This allows the child to develop finger motor skills.
  3. Accustom the child to independent movement, learn to walk.
  4. They release my mother for a while. This is important, since it is difficult for a woman to carry a child in her arms all day and devote all her time to him. Walkers can keep the baby occupied for a while, while the mother gets on with her business.

Some people refute the benefits of walkers, their facts seem very convincing.

Harm from walkers:

  1. They squeeze the baby's perineum.
    2. The child cannot learn to coordinate his actions, since the walker protects him from freedom of movement.
    3. The child has only his hands free; he cannot sit, lie down, or crawl. This has a bad effect on his psyche.
    4. The process of independent walking slows down. The baby gets used to being supported by a frame, and therefore it is difficult for him to learn to walk independently.
    5. One of the main reasons is improper formation of the arch of the foot.

Important: If a child has neurological problems or problems with the formation of the foot, consultation with supervising doctors is necessary. There are children for whom it is undesirable and even contraindicated to walk in walkers.

Walkers: harm or benefit

If you decide to purchase a walker for your baby, take care of the following:

  • Walkers must be good quality, safe for the baby.
  • You cannot leave the child for a long time, 30-40 minutes a day in several approaches.
  • You should not put your child in a walker if there is diaper rash or irritation on the skin in the areas in contact with the seat.

How to choose a walker for a child on Aliexpress | Aliexpress?

Push walkers

This model is compact. The walkers can be folded and take up very little space.

Walkers folded

The next walker model will protect mom's back from pain. Constantly walking hand-in-hand with a child puts strain on an adult's back. It is much more convenient to hold the child in a walker while maintaining a straight back position. Convenient to take similar ones walkers for a walk, the child will explore the world, and the mother will help him.

Jumping Walkers

For those who want a no-frills walker, there is classic model without rattles on the frame.

Simple walker model

How to find and order good baby walkers in the Aliexpress online store | Aliexpress?

You can type the word “walker” in the search bar. Another way: go to the “Everything for Children” tab, then “Children’s Products”.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 1
How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 2

Here you can sort products according to the criteria you need. Filtered search makes selection easier.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 3

Once you have decided on the model, start purchasing. Select the color of the product, click "Buy Now".

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 4

The next step is to clarify the address.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 5

Check the details of your order - color, quantity, cost. If everything is correct, click “Place an order”.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 6

Choose any convenient payment method and pay for your order.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 7

Video: How to choose a walker?

At what age can walkers be used?

  • Every month the baby masters more and more skills and strives to study the objects around him. The child’s desire to explore the world gives an impetus to parents to quickly put him in a walker, thereby opening up new opportunities.
  • There are cases when babies are placed in walkers at 4-5 months of age. This is, of course, wrong. Parents should not forget that development must be timely, only then will it be beneficial.

Important: The optimal age for using a walker is 7-8 months, when the child learns to sit and stand independently on a support. Premature use of walkers can lead to improper development of the musculoskeletal system.

What time can boys be put in walkers?

Parents of boys are worried whether walkers will affect the development of the reproductive system. Pediatricians recommend avoiding long stay boys in walkers, but this rule also applies to girls.

Boys can be placed in walkers from 7-8 months; the child should be there for no more than 40 minutes a day.

What time can you put boys in walkers?

At what age can girls be put in walkers?

According to statistics, girls are more susceptible to dysplasia than boys. hip joints. Before placing your baby in a walker, you should consult with your pediatrician and surgeon.

As for age, girls, like boys, are not recommended to be placed in walkers before 7-8 months.

What time can girls be put in walkers?

How to teach a child to walk in a walker?

Most children calmly accept the introduction to walkers. But some are still afraid of these new sensations. The task of parents is to help the child get used to the new device and teach how to use it.

  • First, you can bring the child in your arms to the walker, show the toys, let the baby touch them with his hands and carefully examine everything.
  • After this, you can sit the child down, but do not leave him alone.
  • Hold the walker with your hand and pull it slightly. The baby will understand that he needs to move his legs.
  • You can teach your child to walk in a walker by setting a goal for him. For example, take a few steps away and show him his favorite toy. The child will begin to automatically take steps towards his goal.
  • That's right, when the child's foot rests completely on the floor, the baby should not only touch the surface with his fingers. To do this, you should adjust the walker according to the child’s height.
  • Wear shoes on your feet, even if you are indoors. The right shoes will shape the correct position of the child's feet.

Important: The first steps in a walker are usually spontaneous; a little time will pass and the child will understand that he is securely held in the seat. Then his steps will become more confident.


Komarovsky walkers: pros and cons

Popular pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky expresses his opinion unequivocally - walkers at an early age cause harm.

To summarize, walkers free parents, but still, a child’s long stay in them is extremely undesirable. If you decide to use a walker, adjust it according to the child’s height, consult an orthopedist if necessary, and monitor the time the baby spends in the walker.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on walkers

A special device called a walker was invented to help a child aged six months and older move independently and learn the world around us. This product has a seat and wheels with which the baby can easily cover the distance, pushing off the floor with his feet. Some mothers ask the question of when can they put their baby in a walker. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Most parents rejoice at the opportunities that walkers provide; they allow mom to relieve her hands and get a little free time for household chores. In addition, the baby gains greater opportunities for his movement. This mobility allows us to accelerate its development in many areas.

If you ask experts about when you can put a child in a walker, most of them believe that doing this before six months is not recommended. Although for many children the desire to get up and sit down often arises at an earlier age.

However, the nervous system and musculoskeletal system are not yet prepared for this. And parents should not force things so that the child does not develop a curvature of the spine, which will lead to major health problems in the future.


Despite the enormous advantage of this device, in some cases experts do not recommend their use. Contraindications to placing a child in a walker are:

  • increased or decreased muscle tone in the legs;
  • integrity violation skin and the appearance of diaper rash, rashes in the area of ​​contact with the seat of the walker;
  • signs of rickets in a baby;
  • deviations in the structure and functions of the musculoskeletal system.

For parents who want to use a walker, here are some recommendations:

  • This device should not be used on a child under 6 months of age;
  • The baby’s legs in the walker should be straight;
  • Be sure to wear comfortable shoes;
  • Before using the device, you should adjust it depending on the baby’s height;
  • While in the walker, the baby should not be left unattended.

At what age should I use it?

When asked about how many months a child can use a walker, modern scientists and pediatricians find it difficult to give very precise dates for the start of their use. The fact is that each child is an individual and develops at his own pace. Therefore, in order to understand the readiness of the baby’s body to be placed in a walker, a number of factors should be taken into account:

  1. In any case, this cannot be done before 6 months. optimal age called 7-8 months, it is at this time that the muscles are already physically ready to support the baby in the correct vertical position. Point in the walker, the baby can walk only if he confidently rises to his feet with the help of support or holding the hands of adults
  2. The proof that the back muscles are ready for use; the device for moving is the child’s ability to sit down independently and remain in this position for some time without falling to one side; all this can happen between the ages of 6 and 8 months approximately
  3. In addition, the child must be psychologically ready to use a walker. The baby must show physical activity, the desire to crawl quickly, walk with the help and support of adults and in every possible way and signal that he wants to expand his horizons of knowledge with the help of a new method of movement. However, if the baby does not even show the desire to crawl, then when using a walker he can completely skip this stage of development, which is completely undesirable and has a negative effect on muscle development

Features of using walkers for boys

Since it is necessary to take into account gender baby when using a walker, some parents are of the opinion that this is undesirable for boys. Many moms and dads say that walkers can negatively affect development genitourinary system of the future man, since when walking in them, friction occurs in the perineal area, and even in this device the genitals are subjected to pressure.

If you ask experts, they believe that it is not necessary to completely exclude the use of walkers in boys, but the recommendations for their use should be followed. They say that, regardless of gender, a baby should stay in a walker for approximately forty minutes a day, and no more

What about the girls?

If we talk about such a device as walkers, from how many months can they be used in girls, then this question is also quite acute. The point is that it is in infancy They are susceptible to dysplasia of the pelvic bones and joints. This deviation can be greatly aggravated by early sitting, standing and using a walker. It is especially dangerous if a deviation in the musculoskeletal system of the pelvic bones was not noticed and diagnosed in time.

Therefore, before you finally decide at what age girls can use walkers, you need to take your baby to the doctor and undergo a thorough examination, as well as pay attention to her physical fitness. The health of the pelvic bones is especially important for girls, as they are expectant mothers. When can you put your baby in girls' walkers? Only after the attending physician allows it.

How to choose the right products

In order to select a device, you should definitely study the instructions and design of this device. Since there are so many manufacturers now, you should carefully choose and remember the following:

  1. Walkers must be equipped with a rigid and high back. This will ensure that the baby is properly seated, and we should not forget that even at the age of 7-8 months the child musculoskeletal system not yet fully developed.
  2. They must have triangular base, which is sustainable.
  3. The fabric from which the seats are made should be waterproof and not too soft or hard.
  4. The product must have a sufficient number of wheels; it is believed that the more, the better.
  5. The height must be adjustable.
  6. It's best if they have a table top to put toys on.

Walkers: pros and cons

Using a walker has many positive aspects:

  • the child can gain new emotions and sensations, and this is very useful for his psycho-emotional development;
  • the baby feels greater freedom, independently exploring the environment, and has the opportunity to take the right toy;
  • staying in an upright position allows the baby to perceive the world around him differently;
  • increase motor activity is intensively forming new neural connections in the central nervous system and develops muscles;
  • the baby has the opportunity to play in the walker, since various balls, rings and rattles are usually attached there, and their use develops fine motor skills;
  • The design features of the walker provide a certain safety for the child, and give parents the opportunity to get some respite.

However, many experts are against walkers, arguing for the following factors:

    • they inhibit the development of motor skills, since children who use walkers begin to walk later than their peers;
    • they allow the child to hold himself upright with less effort, in addition, the baby walks on tiptoe in them, which leads to improper development of the ankle;
    • The child cannot squat, pull up or squat with a walker.
    • prolonged stay in a walker leads to curvature of the spine, as the spinal muscles are overstrained;
    • the more the baby uses a walker, the less he crawls, and this negatively affects development (crawling strengthens the muscles and prepares the child for independent vertical walking);
    • walkers do not allow the child to fully develop the correct sense of space and the ability to maintain confident balance;
    • the device reduces the baby’s sense of danger, and he does not learn to fall correctly, which can subsequently lead to serious injuries when walking without a walker;
    • sensations of cold, hot and other tactile senses do not develop with the help of walkers, since the baby cannot touch most objects in this state;
    • Although trauma in walkers is reduced to a minimum, nevertheless, when moving quickly, a child can hit directly against this device, and in some cases, walkers turn over or bump into some obstacles.


To summarize, it should be noted that although walkers, on the one hand, help improve the psycho-emotional and physical development of the baby, they at the same time have many negative aspects when using them:

  1. In infants, normal physical development is inextricably linked with psycho-emotional development. Child psychologists and doctors say that the period during which a child actively crawls is very important for the formation of his psyche for the rest of his life. The use of the device leads to the fact that the child practically does not crawl or crawls less than would be possible without them. For this reason, many experts are inclined to believe that comprehensive development thus slows down.
  2. The relative freedom of movement that is provided to the child in the walker, as well as the opportunity for active exploration environment, objects and the whole world is a positive thing. But the psycho-emotional development of the child, as has already been proven, suffers. Children often wearing walkers begin to walk much later; their self-preservation instinct and sense of danger are poorly developed. And when they try to walk independently, they experience great uncertainty, and more often than other kids they look for opportunities to lean on the wall or the hands of their parents.

Regarding whether a child needs a walker, Komarovsky claims that such a device is more needed by parents to sometimes relax, and not by the baby. He believes that the baby should be planted no earlier than 7-8 months.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky about walkers and sitting up children

When asked about the age at which baby walkers can be used, many pediatricians believe that it is more appropriate for normal development use of the playpen. It somewhat expands the possibilities of movement, protects the baby from traumatic situations, but does not hinder movement and allows for physical development. The child in the playpen sits down, stands up, and steps on his own, using the sides as support. And most importantly, he can actively crawl in it.

Nowadays, a variety of educational devices are provided for children. Questions arise about the need and beneficial properties ah means designed to make parental work easier. For example, the benefits and harms of walkers cause a lot of controversy among mothers, fathers and children's specialists.

Why does a child need a walker?

A walker is a device that is designed to help you move independently when your baby is just crawling. The design is a chair with clamps made of belts and a small tabletop mounted on wheels. IN younger age It’s boring to just sit in a playpen or crib, but the device has useful properties: it entertains and helps to explore the surrounding space.

The debate about the benefits and harms of such a “helper” does not subside.

Important! When standing on its feet, the baby has to endure loads equal to lifting a bag of cement, which can cause harm.

The useful properties of the device are obvious - it makes it easier for the baby to move. Mothers often forget that the little one needs to do new things on his own, make efforts and learn. Help with spatial exploration can be harmful, especially if it completely overshadows the benefits of learning the required skills.

A toddler in an assistive device does not need to lean on the walls and develop the ability to maintain balance. He will be able to push off the floor with his feet while sitting and quickly move in the right direction. As a result, there is no need to work and walk on your own. Therefore, the useful properties of the device cannot be exaggerated.

What types of walkers are there?

Walkers for children come in various designs, colors, and are also supplemented with various entertaining details and, as a result, have various beneficial properties and cause one or another harm.

There is a whole list of devices on the market, allowing you to choose the most suitable one:

  • The classic model of walker allows the baby to move around the apartment without support, usefully explore the surrounding space and strengthen its legs.
  • A rocking walker, or transformer, combines a rocking chair and a walker, has a height adjuster, a panel with entertaining toys, and a comfortable seat.
  • Jumping walkers. The external design of such an accessory for children is similar to a kangaroo backpack equipped with special straps. As a rule, it is hung in the doorway and is allowed to be used for six months, but you must obtain permission from an orthopedist. Then the application will take place without harm and beneficial properties will be obtained.
  • Walkers are very popular among children. They resemble a toy on wheels that the little one pushes in front of him. Baby walkers are designed for children who can stand and walk independently.
  • Walking walkers (for children with cerebral palsy) are either elbow supports or rollator walkers, where the support is located on the back side.

At what months can a child be placed in a walker?

The benefits and harms of walkers for babies can be equal if you do not pay attention to the recommendations and advice of experts and use the device solely so that parents can go about their business while the baby grows and explores the world.

The baby is allowed to be placed in the device when he has already taken his first steps, only then will it be possible to reduce the possible harm and obtain beneficial properties.

In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the listed contraindications do not exist:

  • weak muscle tone in the legs;
  • irritated skin in the groin;
  • presence of diagnosed rickets;
  • disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

Even if all the baby’s indicators are normal, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • The baby is older than 8 months.
  • The presence of strengthened back muscles in the toddler. It should not fall to one side, the back should be kept straight. As a rule, this happens in six months to nine months.
  • It is important to consider psychological factor. When the baby crawls confidently and has a desire to move independently, you can offer him a similar remedy.

Important! Only then will walkers be able to show their beneficial properties and bring benefit, not harm.


You need to be more concerned about the joints of female children.

Comment! Girls in infancy are susceptible to diseases such as curvature of the joints.

If a similar disease has previously been diagnosed and treated, you should not use a walker. Otherwise, a relapse of the disease will be provoked, which in older age is not subject to complete cure. The useful properties of walkers in such a situation are questionable.

It is necessary to be extremely careful with girls’ joints so as not to cause harm. The back and pelvis of the little beauty must be completely strengthened; no earlier than 9 months they are allowed to be tested.

Important! You need to carefully monitor the baby's behavior. Deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system are easy to notice. It is enough to put your legs together: if one of them is longer, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Only taking into account the given recommendations and contraindications, after consulting a doctor, can you use the beneficial properties of the device. Otherwise, instead of benefiting the parents and the beneficial properties of the walker, serious harm will be caused to the newborn.


Pediatricians recommend focusing on general recommendations. The boy should not be left in the walker for more than 40 minutes. A boy should not be placed in a walker earlier than 8 months, otherwise deviations in the development of the genital organs may occur.

Are walkers good for a child?

Walkers also have useful properties:

  • Walkers for children are beneficial in developing the baby's independence: he will be able to move without assistance and explore the world around him.
  • Mom can watch the little one and do housework at the same time.
  • The baby is safer while learning to walk because the walker has a wide bumper area.

When can walkers cause harm to a child?

  • When purchasing a low-quality accessory, there is a risk of harming the baby, therefore, if you want to receive benefits, you should pay attention to quality.
  • You won’t be able to use a walker in a small apartment; it will simply be impossible to turn around in them.
  • Being in a walker does not mean complete safety. There is a risk of getting caught and overturning, dropping something on you and causing injury.
  • It is unacceptable to leave children in walkers on long period. You can benefit from spending 30 minutes in them 2 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of walkers

  • If the “passenger” is too small, he does not know how to sit and keep his back straight.
  • The presence of inflammation or damage to the skin in areas of contact with the device.
  • Presence of signs of rickets.
  • Hyper- or hypotonicity of the baby’s legs.
  • The presence of disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • When the baby does not want to be in the device: he is afraid, shows discomfort, is not inclined to such entertainment.

Important! You should get acquainted with the walker from six months, for 3 minutes, no more than 2 times a day. The period of use of the device can be slowly extended, but not more than 40 minutes.

Otherwise, there is a risk of getting back pain, which will have serious consequences as you grow older.

How to use a walker correctly

  1. It is not recommended to use a walker until the toddler begins to sit independently. for a long time. And it’s even better when the baby gets up in the crib.
  2. The first step is to change the height of the device according to the height of the toddler. It is important that the baby rests his entire foot on the floor.
  3. When using a walker, your baby should only wear shoes with an orthopedic insole, a high heel, and proper leg support. Then the risk of incorrect foot placement will be reduced, because the right shoes will allow you to correctly distribute the load.
  4. The time spent in a walker depends on the child’s age category, level of physical development, endurance and activity. You should start with 7-10 minutes a day. It is necessary to increase the period slowly. Do not exceed 40 minutes a day.
  5. The toddler should always be in the sight of adults.

How to choose a walker for a child

Choosing a walker is not as easy as you might think at first. The number of models in stores is amazing.


The benefits and harms of walkers are incomparable. Use has many advantages for the baby’s parents, as it allows them to free their hands. If you want to acquire such a device, you should definitely consult with a specialist. It is important to follow all recommendations and contraindications of doctors. After all, no free time is worth those harmful properties that will not benefit the baby at all.

The first step is always to choose a crib and high chairs. These are convenient accessories, the first for a separate sleeping area, the second for a separate feeding area in the kitchen. But walkers are as necessary as slings and backpacks; or fashion, like transformable bicycles and cane strollers?

Walkers - pros and cons of parents

Any mother will consider a walker, like the reins, a convenient means of moving around the apartment. Convenient for you, since you don’t need to strain your back, and during the study home peace the baby will be busy learning in this area. Mom will have time to do some of her chores. After all modern devices They have sides and tables with various ringing, screaming, shiny things. And all this is inexpensive, convenient and easy to put together.

But still, walkers are the pros and cons of parents who are worth your attention. First of all, let's decide what they are for and what is their purpose? Teach your child to literally feel the ground under his feet. This means that this should satisfy the child’s educational needs. The parents simply adjusted and decided not to be distracted from everyday activities. This is what most of those who are “in favor” of such accessories at home think.

Those mothers who are not burdened with such tasks as cooking and cleaning speak negatively. Because having time to do everything and taking a walk with a child is an incomprehensible burden. Preference is given to walking together and learning to move independently on support. So, what exactly are walkers, and who needs one?

Does a child need a walker?

Do children or parents need walkers? Getting to his feet in an attempt to take a step, the child tenses as if loading a bag of cement. Efforts are like the first urge to get mother's milk. Do you remember how difficult it is to express it with adult hands, and how famously a newborn does it thanks to instincts? Mothers often forget that the baby must try new things himself (!). Help is good, but no one wants to overshadow the learning process. In addition, having felt the first joys of movement, the child is put in chains (panties for the legs and pelvis) so that he, like a seasoned runner, moves around the apartment.

Walls are not needed, why rely on them? Losing his balance, the baby pushes off the floor. Weight is shifted forward. He needs to pull his body weight and the weight of the device (the shackles placed on him). This can be compared to a playpen, which allows you not to be afraid for the child by locking him in a limited space. In a walker, the baby is protected, but seems to be free. And so, the legs barely reach the floor, the movement is on the toes. Curvature of the foot, misalignment of the spine. Feeling his weight on two legs, the child easily bends his knees, knowing that he will not fall.

As a result, the woodpecker gets food without difficulty, which means there is no need to spend hours trying to get it. It’s the same here, because it’s not just a matter of impulses to know one’s strengths. A one-year-old baby should not cut off the “oxygen” in an attempt to learn to do natural things. There is a banal atrophy lower limbs.

Which walkers are best for a child?

If there is an emergency, or if guests are preparing this particular gift for a child, please pay attention to a number of aspects:

  1. Walkers are for the mother, not the child. But if the baby will use them, you need to choose according to height.
  2. The accessory must have height adjustment. As the child gets older, the seat needs to be raised.
  3. Stoppers – prerequisite, if the baby gets tired and wants to rest. The stoppers immobilize the walker, and the baby stands on his feet, and does not hang in the position at which he would find himself when the walker stops.
  4. Wheelchairs should be banned completely. They will not only disrupt the stabilization of the vestibular apparatus, but will also turn the baby into a lazy child who is used to leaning on something, leaning against something, etc. In addition, if the gurney leaves, the baby will fall and get injured.
  5. Rocking walkers - transform from transport into an immovable object for rocking a baby. If you want your child to sleep there, give up the crib and forget about sleep.

Which walkers are best for a child - those in which the baby will move calmly, play on the table and learn new abilities of his body. For example, he will run. True, in modern walkers he will stumble - the distance from the leg to the side is so small that he will have to raise the seat. Because of the height, he will not be able to push off. Therefore, he will run and jump in a different place. Alternative option– Joovy walker without back wall bumper

Be sure to wear shoes for your child when using a walker. In addition to injuring the heels and the skin above them, it will be more convenient for the baby to feel the support, like on the street. He will quickly get used to sandals and tight fasteners.

Baby walkers

Separate category auxiliary products – feeding walkers with the appropriate layout function of the system. Instead of a panel with development tools, toys and all sorts of accessories, there is a table. Or the parts are removed and food can be served to the baby. Specialists, therapists and pediatric doctors recommend abandoning transformers, because the child must have a place to play and an area for eating. It’s not worth doing everything together, otherwise it will be difficult later in two years to explain why the table is no longer the same or there. Use it differently - remove toys from the walker set that the baby is familiar with, and put other toys on an empty table.

At what age can you use a walker?

Once the baby has taken his first steps, or is just trying, it means he can be put in a walker. TO big deal, – children can go at 8, 12 or 15 months. Should everyone be seated during the period when the instructions for using the wheelchair require it? Or at what age can you use a walker? Parents need an answer, but pediatricians refuse to give a specific age period. However, there are indications when walkers are prohibited:

  1. The presence of weak muscle tone in the legs;
  2. Presence of skin irritation in the groin;
  3. Diagnosed with rickets;
  4. Disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

If all health indicators are normal, another number of factors should be taken into account:

  • The child must be 8 months old, no less.
  • The back muscles must be strong - the child does not fall on his side and keeps his back straight. This occurs between 6-9 months.
  • Psychological readiness. It's about the child, not the parents. If the baby can crawl and wants to go on his own, you can offer him a new unit.

Still, mothers fear for the permitted threshold regarding the gender of the child. Is it worth empathizing if a little boy rides on such a thing, and a little girl is put on like a horse?

At what age can girls be put in walkers?

At what age can girls be put in walkers if the phenomenon of the development of hip dysplasia is known? Should we only worry about boys, or are girls, by their physiology, no less susceptible to harm? The weaker sex, unlike the stronger, really needs more care. Only girls are susceptible to such diseases in infancy - curvature of the joints. The spacers are installed so that the legs are turned to the sides, at an angle of 90 degrees. The system installations last 3-4 months, constantly.

If the disease was previously diagnosed, but you are cured, discard the walker. This will provoke a relapse, which in older age is completely impossible to eliminate. Take care of the girl’s joints, because she is also a future mother. The spine and pelvis must be completely strengthened; it can be tested no earlier than 9 months.

Look carefully at the child’s muscles and behavior - the musculoskeletal system is diagnosed quickly, just put your legs together - if one of them is longer, see a doctor immediately.

What time can you put boys in walkers?

Due to the contact of the walker with the place in the groin where friction of the material against the skin occurs, parents worry that the temperature will rise, which will lead to complications in the development of the urinary system. I would like to give advice to parents - if you are afraid of this, why do you need a walker? Even if the child is 20 years old, such things will also cause irritation and friction. The temperature will rise and something will hurt.

Pediatricians advise sticking to general recommendations, but do not leave boys in the walker for more than 40 minutes. And if you are really worried about the health of your offspring, do not buy a walker, teach them to move independently with your support. Therefore, at what time can boys be put in walkers - the same as girls, no earlier than 8 months.

Never rely on descriptions and beautiful words about new rocking chairs, chairs and all sorts of accessories for moms and dads. The child does not need them; what is more important is the attention of the father, the care of the mother and the presence of close people nearby.

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The birth of a baby is not only joyful emotions, but also great troubles for parents. It is necessary to constantly monitor the child's development. But often parents want their baby to grow and, literally, get on his feet faster. To do this, they resort to traditional devices, like walkers. But are these time-tested designs so good for children? Are they beneficial or are they harmful?

What kind of walker?

A special design - walkers - is intended for children who are not yet able to stand on their own feet. While inside this device, the child can independently visit various rooms in the apartment or house. This design resembles a chair with wheels. Relying on his legs, the baby can move in this chair in different directions.

There are different types of walkers. But they all have common design elements:

  • Top frame. It is necessary for fixing the seat with a backrest and the entertainment panel (audio buttons, rattles, etc.);
  • Bottom frame. Wheels (at least 4) are usually attached to it.

It is expected that this product will help the child learn to walk faster, contribute to the development of his vestibular system and give him confidence when moving. However, in practical use, such achievements in child development were observed very rarely.

The main positive and negative effects of using walkers

Let's try to consider the effect of walkers on a child. To do this, it is necessary to focus on the positive and negative points in their application.

  1. Using walkers, parents do not have to worry about the safety of their children. Now the kids are exploring the surrounding space in a rigidly fixed structure. Parents can take a breath and start solving household or other matters.
  2. The child can study most objects in his path.
  3. At the same time, the limited space that the structure creates does not allow the child to grab all the things in a row and climb into unwanted places, such as cabinets with dishes, etc.
  4. The rigid fixation, however, does not hinder the baby’s actions - thanks to the wheels, he can turn around and move in different directions.
  5. In addition to moving, the child can also have fun, since his hands are not busy.
  6. The device has a positive effect on the baby’s mood - sound devices on the front panel will not let him get bored.
  1. The desire of some parents for their child to walk faster is so great that they often put him in a walker too early. Moreover, they often don’t even allow him to crawl properly. But crawling strengthens the spine and legs.
  2. This design does not allow the child to walk fully. He moves only with support on his toes, while the rest of the foot remains without load.
  3. There is no state of balance for children in walkers, as well as a state of danger. The baby does not learn to fall in them on his own; as a result, he does not gain experience of falling and does not immediately learn to group himself when falling.
  4. However, the design is not completely safe - the wheels often get caught on the carpet.
  5. Active movement in a walker will make it difficult for a child to actually move without them - he will feel insecure without a comfortable seat, supports for arms and legs.
  6. In this device, the baby is in one fixed position, without the ability to stand up or sit down normally.
  7. Since children who cannot walk are put into walkers, their musculoskeletal system is still very weak. The unstrengthened spine experiences excessive stress.
  8. Due to frequent exposure to this structure, a child’s gait can seriously change - it can become springy or supported on the toes, the feet can be deformed, and the spine can be curved.
  9. For a child with any muscle tone and problems with the motor system, being in a walker is contraindicated.

What do doctors and parents think about walkers?

Moms' points of view:

  1. Walkers – useful inventions for children, which make their life much easier and help them explore the world from new sides. You can leave your child in them and go about your own business.
  2. Other mothers note the unnaturalness of any design, and because of this they believe that it is harmful. They prefer to raise their children the way they themselves grew up - patiently going through all stages of development and without forcing things.
  3. Third mothers are less conservative. They prefer the traditional development of the baby, but do not refuse to sometimes use children's auxiliary devices.

Doctors' opinions

Medical professionals (one of them is media doctor Komarovsky) do not exclude the use aids for children, but celebrate them negative impact for the correct and complete development of a small organism. Of course, being in a walker for up to an hour a day is unlikely to cause harm to a child, but only if the baby sits in it correctly or rests on his full foot. For parents who want to use a walker, the following recommendations will be useful:

  • You can use a walker when the child is already sitting or walking;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the baby’s feet are completely on the floor; you can even use children’s orthopedic shoes;
  • The seat should be comfortable, tight, but not create discomfort for the baby;
  • You can use a walker device only for a limited time per day and only as a last resort;
  • The famous media doctor Komarovsky advises using a playpen as an alternative to walkers - it develops various groups muscles and keeps children much more active than walkers.

Whether to use a walker or not is a personal matter for parents, but if you use them in moderation and carefully, there will be no harm.